Java tutorial
/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ */ package edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.jena; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntResource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.UnionClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.AnonId; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.Lock; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.OWL; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.DataPropertyStatement; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.Individual; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.VClass; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.IndividualDao; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.InsertException; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.VitroVocabulary; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.jena.event.IndividualCreationEvent; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.jena.event.IndividualDeletionEvent; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.jena.event.IndividualUpdateEvent; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.EditLiteral; public class IndividualDaoJena extends JenaBaseDao implements IndividualDao { //For random number generation, creating it everytime the method is called lead to nextInt being about the same //if calls were made close together in time private Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); public IndividualDaoJena(WebappDaoFactoryJena wadf) { super(wadf); } private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IndividualDaoJena.class.getName()); public Collection<DataPropertyStatement> getExternalIds(String individualURI) { return this.getExternalIds(individualURI, null); } public Collection<DataPropertyStatement> getExternalIds(String individualURI, String dataPropertyURI) { Collection<DataPropertyStatement> externalIdStatements = new ArrayList<DataPropertyStatement>(); Individual ind = getIndividualByURI(individualURI); HashSet<String> externalIdPropURISet = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> nonExternalIdPropURISet = new HashSet<String>(); if (ind != null) { Collection<DataPropertyStatement> dpsColl = getWebappDaoFactory().getDataPropertyStatementDao() .getDataPropertyStatementsForIndividualByDataPropertyURI(ind, dataPropertyURI); Iterator<DataPropertyStatement> dpsIt = dpsColl.iterator(); while (dpsIt.hasNext()) { DataPropertyStatement dps =; if (externalIdPropURISet.contains(dps.getDatapropURI())) { externalIdStatements.add(dps); } else if (!nonExternalIdPropURISet.contains(dps.getDatapropURI())) { OntModel tboxOntModel = getOntModelSelector().getTBoxModel(); tboxOntModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { Resource dataprop = tboxOntModel.getResource(dps.getDatapropURI()); if (dataprop != null && (tboxOntModel.contains(dataprop, DATAPROPERTY_ISEXTERNALID, ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(true)) || tboxOntModel.contains(dataprop, DATAPROPERTY_ISEXTERNALID, "TRUE"))) { externalIdPropURISet.add(dps.getDatapropURI()); externalIdStatements.add(dps); } else { nonExternalIdPropURISet.add(dps.getDatapropURI()); } } finally { tboxOntModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } } } } return externalIdStatements; } public void addVClass(String individualURI, String vclassURI) { OntModel ontModel = getOntModelSelector().getABoxModel(); ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.WRITE); ontModel.getBaseModel() .notifyEvent(new IndividualUpdateEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), true, individualURI)); try { Resource indRes = ontModel.getResource(individualURI); ontModel.add(indRes, RDF.type, ontModel.getResource(vclassURI)); updatePropertyDateTimeValue(indRes, MODTIME, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), ontModel); } finally { ontModel.getBaseModel().notifyEvent( new IndividualUpdateEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), false, individualURI)); ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } } public void removeVClass(String individualURI, String vclassURI) { OntModel ontModel = getOntModelSelector().getABoxModel(); ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.WRITE); Object event = new IndividualUpdateEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), true, individualURI); ontModel.getBaseModel().notifyEvent(event); try { Resource indRes = ontModel.getResource(individualURI); getOntModel().remove(indRes, RDF.type, ontModel.getResource(vclassURI)); updatePropertyDateTimeValue(indRes, MODTIME, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), ontModel); } finally { ontModel.getBaseModel().notifyEvent( new IndividualUpdateEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), false, individualURI)); ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } } public List<Individual> getIndividualsByVClass(VClass vclass) { return getIndividualsByVClassURI(vclass.getURI(), -1, -1); } public List<Individual> getIndividualsByVClassURI(String vclassURI) { return getIndividualsByVClassURI(vclassURI, -1, -1); } public List<Individual> getIndividualsByVClassURI(String vclassURI, int offset, int quantity) { if (vclassURI == null) { return null; } List<Individual> ents = new ArrayList<Individual>(); Resource theClass = (vclassURI.indexOf(PSEUDO_BNODE_NS) == 0) ? getOntModel().createResource(new AnonId(vclassURI.split("#")[1])) : ResourceFactory.createResource(vclassURI); if (theClass.isAnon() && theClass.canAs(UnionClass.class)) { UnionClass u =; for (OntClass operand : u.listOperands().toList()) { VClass vc = new VClassJena(operand, getWebappDaoFactory()); ents.addAll(getIndividualsByVClass(vc)); } } else { OntModel ontModel = getOntModelSelector().getABoxModel(); try { ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); StmtIterator stmtIt = ontModel.listStatements((Resource) null, RDF.type, theClass); try { while (stmtIt.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = stmtIt.nextStatement(); OntResource ind = stmt.getSubject().as(OntResource.class); ents.add(new IndividualJena(ind, getWebappDaoFactory())); } } finally { stmtIt.close(); } } finally { ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } } java.util.Collections.sort(ents); return ents; } public int getCountOfIndividualsInVClass(String vclassURI) { int count = 0; getOntModel().enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { OntClass cls = getOntModel().getOntClass(vclassURI); Iterator<? extends OntResource> indIt = cls.listInstances(); while (indIt.hasNext()) { count++; } } finally { getOntModel().leaveCriticalSection(); } return count; } public String insertNewIndividual(Individual ent) throws InsertException { return insertNewIndividualWebapp(ent); } public String insertNewIndividualWebapp(Individual ent) throws InsertException { initInd(ent); return insertNewIndividual(ent, getOntModelSelector().getABoxModel()); } /** * Inserts a new Individual into the knowledge base. * Note that a number of magic things happen in here. */ public String insertNewIndividual(Individual ent, OntModel ontModel) throws InsertException { String preferredURI = getUnusedURI(ent); String entURI = null; Resource cls = (ent.getVClassURI() != null) ? ontModel.getResource(ent.getVClassURI()) : OWL.Thing; // This assumes we want OWL-DL compatibility. // Individuals cannot be untyped. ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.WRITE); try { entURI = new String(preferredURI); com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual test = ontModel.getIndividual(entURI); int count = 0; while (test != null) { ++count; entURI = new String(preferredURI) + count; test = ontModel.getIndividual(entURI); } try { ontModel.getBaseModel() .notifyEvent(new IndividualCreationEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), true, entURI)); com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual ind = ontModel.createIndividual(entURI, cls); if (ent.getName() != null) { ind.setLabel(ent.getName(), getDefaultLanguage()); } List<VClass> vclasses = ent.getVClasses(false); if (vclasses != null) { for (Iterator<VClass> typeIt = vclasses.iterator(); typeIt.hasNext();) { VClass vc =; ind.addRDFType(ResourceFactory.createResource(vc.getURI())); } } addPropertyDateTimeValue(ind, MODTIME, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), ontModel); if (ent.getMainImageUri() != null) { addPropertyResourceURIValue(ind, IND_MAIN_IMAGE, ent.getMainImageUri()); } if (ent.getSearchBoost() != null) { addPropertyFloatValue(ind, SEARCH_BOOST_ANNOT, ent.getSearchBoost(), ontModel); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception inserting individual: ", e); } } finally { ontModel.getBaseModel() .notifyEvent(new IndividualCreationEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), false, entURI)); ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } return entURI; } public int updateIndividual(Individual ent) { return updateIndividualWebapp(ent); } public int updateIndividualWebapp(Individual ent) { initInd(ent); return updateIndividual(ent, getOntModelSelector().getABoxModel()); } private void initInd(Individual ent) { ent.getClass(); ent.getVClasses(false); ent.getDataPropertyList(); ent.getDataPropertyStatements(); ent.getExternalIds(); ent.getMainImageUri(); ent.getModTime(); ent.getName(); ent.getNamespace(); ent.getObjectPropertyList(); ent.getVClassURI(); ent.getVClass(); ent.getVClassURI(); } public int updateIndividual(Individual ent, OntModel ontModel) { ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.WRITE); try { ontModel.getBaseModel() .notifyEvent(new IndividualUpdateEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), true, ent.getURI())); com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual ind = ontModel.getIndividual(ent.getURI()); if (ind != null) { if (ent.getName() != null && ((ind.getLabel(getDefaultLanguage()) == null) || (ind.getLabel(getDefaultLanguage()) != null && ent.getName() != null && !ent.getName().equals(ind.getLabel(getDefaultLanguage()))))) { // removal of existing values done this odd way to trigger // the change listeners Model temp = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); temp.add(ontModel.listStatements(ind, RDFS.label, (RDFNode) null)); ontModel.remove(temp); ind.setLabel(ent.getName(), getDefaultLanguage()); } Set<String> oldTypeURIsSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (Iterator<Resource> typeIt = ind.listRDFTypes(true); typeIt.hasNext();) { Resource t =; if (t.getURI() != null) { oldTypeURIsSet.add(t.getURI()); } } Set<String> newTypeURIsSet = new HashSet<String>(); if (ent.getVClassURI() != null) { newTypeURIsSet.add(ent.getVClassURI()); } boolean conservativeTypeDeletion = false; try { List<VClass> vcl = ent.getVClasses(false); if (vcl == null) { conservativeTypeDeletion = true; // if the bean has null here instead of an empty list, we don't want to trust it and just start deleting any existing types. So we'll just update the Vitro flag-related types and leave the rest alone. } else { for (Iterator<VClass> typeIt = vcl.iterator(); typeIt.hasNext();) { VClass vc =; newTypeURIsSet.add(vc.getURI()); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } for (Iterator<String> oldIt = oldTypeURIsSet.iterator(); oldIt.hasNext();) { String uri =; if (!newTypeURIsSet.contains(uri)) { if ((!conservativeTypeDeletion) || (uri.indexOf(VitroVocabulary.vitroURI) == 0)) { ind.removeRDFType(ResourceFactory.createResource(uri)); } } } for (Iterator<String> newIt = newTypeURIsSet.iterator(); newIt.hasNext();) { String uri =; if (!oldTypeURIsSet.contains(uri)) { ind.addRDFType(ResourceFactory.createResource(uri)); } } updatePropertyDateTimeValue(ind, MODTIME, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), ontModel); updatePropertyResourceURIValue(ind, IND_MAIN_IMAGE, ent.getMainImageUri(), ontModel); if (ent.getSearchBoost() != null) { updatePropertyFloatValue(ind, SEARCH_BOOST_ANNOT, ent.getSearchBoost(), ontModel); } return 0; } else { return 1; } } finally { ontModel.getBaseModel().notifyEvent( new IndividualUpdateEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), false, ent.getURI())); ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } } public void markModified(Individual ind) { markModified(ind, getOntModel()); } public void markModified(Individual ind, OntModel ontModel) { ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.WRITE); try { com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual jind = ontModel.getIndividual(ind.getURI()); if (jind != null) { updatePropertyDateTimeValue(jind, MODTIME, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), ontModel); } } finally { ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } } public int deleteIndividual(String URI) { return deleteIndividual(URI, getOntModelSelector().getABoxModel()); } public int deleteIndividual(String URI, OntModel ontModel) { ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.WRITE); try { if (URI == null) { log.debug("Cannot remove individual with null URI"); return 1; } ontModel.getBaseModel() .notifyEvent(new IndividualDeletionEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), true, URI)); Resource res = ontModel.getResource(URI); if (res == null) { // This should never happen, but just in case log.error("Null resource returned from model"); return 1; } if (res.canAs(OntResource.class)) { OntResource ontRes =; smartRemove(ontRes, ontModel); } else { ontModel.removeAll(res, null, null); ontModel.removeAll(null, null, res); } } finally { ontModel.getBaseModel() .notifyEvent(new IndividualDeletionEvent(getWebappDaoFactory().getUserURI(), false, URI)); ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } return 0; } public int deleteIndividual(Individual ent) { return deleteIndividual(ent.getURI()); } public int deleteIndividualWebapp(Individual ent) { return deleteIndividual(ent.getURI()); } public Individual getIndividualByURI(String entityURI) { if (entityURI == null || entityURI.length() == 0) return null; OntModel ontModel = getOntModelSelector().getABoxModel(); ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { OntResource ontRes = (entityURI.startsWith(VitroVocabulary.PSEUDO_BNODE_NS)) ? (OntResource) ontModel .createResource( new AnonId(entityURI.substring(VitroVocabulary.PSEUDO_BNODE_NS.length()))) .as(OntResource.class) : ontModel.getOntResource(entityURI); Individual ent = new IndividualJena(ontRes, getWebappDaoFactory()); return ent; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } finally { ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } } public void fillVClassForIndividual(Individual entity) { entity.setVClass(getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao().getVClassByURI(entity.getVClassURI())); } /** * In Jena it can be difficult to get an object with a given dataproperty if * you do not care about the datatype or lang of the literal. Use this * method if you would like to ignore the lang and datatype. * * Note: this method doesn't require that a property be declared in the * ontology as a data property -- only that it behaves as one. */ public List<Individual> getIndividualsByDataProperty(String dataPropertyUri, String value) { Property prop = null; if (RDFS.label.getURI().equals(dataPropertyUri)) { prop = RDFS.label; } else { prop = getOntModel().getProperty(dataPropertyUri); } if (prop == null) { log.debug("Could not getIndividualsByDataProperty() " + "because " + dataPropertyUri + "was not found in model."); return Collections.emptyList(); } if (value == null) { log.debug("Could not getIndividualsByDataProperty() " + "because value was null"); return Collections.emptyList(); } Literal litv1 = getOntModel().createLiteral(value); Literal litv2 = getOntModel().createTypedLiteral(value); //warning: this assumes that any language tags will be EN Literal litv3 = getOntModel().createLiteral(value, "EN"); HashMap<String, Individual> individualsMap = new HashMap<String, Individual>(); getOntModel().enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); int count = 0; try { StmtIterator stmts = getOntModel().listStatements((Resource) null, prop, litv1); while (stmts.hasNext()) { count++; Statement stmt = stmts.nextStatement(); RDFNode sub = stmt.getSubject(); if (sub == null || sub.isAnon() || sub.isLiteral()) continue; RDFNode obj = stmt.getObject(); if (obj == null || !obj.isLiteral()) continue; Literal literal = (Literal) obj; Object v = literal.getValue(); if (v == null) continue; String subUri = ((Resource) sub).getURI(); if (!individualsMap.containsKey(subUri)) { com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual ind = getOntModel().getIndividual(subUri); individualsMap.put(subUri, new IndividualJena(ind, getWebappDaoFactory())); } } stmts = getOntModel().listStatements((Resource) null, prop, litv2); while (stmts.hasNext()) { count++; Statement stmt = stmts.nextStatement(); RDFNode sub = stmt.getSubject(); if (sub == null || sub.isAnon() || sub.isLiteral()) continue; RDFNode obj = stmt.getObject(); if (obj == null || !obj.isLiteral()) continue; Literal literal = (Literal) obj; Object v = literal.getValue(); if (v == null) continue; String subUri = ((Resource) sub).getURI(); if (!individualsMap.containsKey(subUri)) { com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual ind = getOntModel().getIndividual(subUri); individualsMap.put(subUri, new IndividualJena(ind, getWebappDaoFactory())); } } stmts = getOntModel().listStatements((Resource) null, prop, litv3); while (stmts.hasNext()) { count++; Statement stmt = stmts.nextStatement(); RDFNode sub = stmt.getSubject(); if (sub == null || sub.isAnon() || sub.isLiteral()) continue; RDFNode obj = stmt.getObject(); if (obj == null || !obj.isLiteral()) continue; Literal literal = (Literal) obj; Object v = literal.getValue(); if (v == null) continue; String subUri = ((Resource) sub).getURI(); if (!individualsMap.containsKey(subUri)) { com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual ind = getOntModel().getIndividual(subUri); individualsMap.put(subUri, new IndividualJena(ind, getWebappDaoFactory())); } } } finally { getOntModel().leaveCriticalSection(); } List<Individual> rv = new ArrayList<Individual>(individualsMap.size()); rv.addAll(individualsMap.values()); return rv; } public List<Individual> getIndividualsByDataProperty(String dataPropertyUri, String value, String datatypeUri, String lang) { if (datatypeUri == null && lang == null) return getIndividualsByDataProperty(dataPropertyUri, value); Property prop = null; if (RDFS.label.getURI().equals(dataPropertyUri)) { prop = RDFS.label; } else { prop = getOntModel().getDatatypeProperty(dataPropertyUri); } if (prop == null || value == null) { log.debug("Could not getIndividualsByDataProperty() " + "because " + dataPropertyUri + "was not found in model."); return Collections.emptyList(); } ResIterator stmts = null; List<Individual> inds = new ArrayList<Individual>(); Literal literal = null; if (datatypeUri != null && datatypeUri.length() > 0) literal = getOntModel().createTypedLiteral(value, datatypeUri); else if (lang != null && lang.length() > 0) literal = getOntModel().createLiteral(value, lang); else literal = getOntModel().createLiteral(value); getOntModel().enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { stmts = getOntModel().listSubjectsWithProperty(prop, literal); while (stmts.hasNext()) { Resource st = stmts.nextResource(); if (st.getURI() == null) { // check to make sure this node isn't null continue; } com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual ind = getOntModel().getIndividual(st.getURI()); inds.add(new IndividualJena(ind, getWebappDaoFactory())); } } finally { if (stmts != null) stmts.close(); getOntModel().leaveCriticalSection(); } return inds; } public Collection<String> getAllIndividualUris() { //this is implemented in IndivdiualSDB throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Iterator<String> getUpdatedSinceIterator(long updatedSince) { //this is implemented in IndivdiualSDB throw new NotImplementedException(); } public boolean isIndividualOfClass(String vclassURI, String indURI) { if (vclassURI == null || indURI == null || "".equals(vclassURI) || "".equals(indURI)) return false; return getOntModel().contains(getOntModel().getResource(indURI), RDF.type, getOntModel().getResource(vclassURI)); } public String getUnusedURI(Individual individual) throws InsertException { String errMsg = null; String namespace = null; String uri = null; boolean uriIsGood = false; if (individual == null || (individual.getURI() != null && individual.getURI().startsWith(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE)) || individual.getNamespace() == null || individual.getNamespace().length() == 0 || DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.equals(individual.getNamespace())) { //we always want local names like n23423 for the default namespace namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; uri = null; log.debug("Setting namespace to default namespace " + DEFAULT_NAMESPACE + " and uri is null"); log.debug("Individual : " + individual + " - URI: " + individual.getURI() + " - namespace -" + individual.getNamespace() + "- "); } else if (individual.getURI() != null) { errMsg = getWebappDaoFactory().checkURI(individual.getURI()); if (errMsg == null) { uriIsGood = true; uri = individual.getURI(); } else { throw new InsertException(errMsg); } log.debug("Individual URI not null " + individual.getURI() + " and uriIsGood is true and uri set to individual uri"); } else { namespace = individual.getNamespace(); if (namespace == null || namespace.length() == 0) namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; String localName = individual.getName(); log.debug("Namespace " + namespace + " -localname=" + localName); /* try to use the specified namespace and local name */ if (localName != null) { log.debug("Local name not equal to null so replacing characters, etc."); localName = localName.replaceAll("\\W", ""); localName = localName.replaceAll(":", ""); if (localName.length() > 2) { if (Character.isDigit(localName.charAt(0))) { localName = "n" + localName; } uri = namespace + localName; errMsg = getWebappDaoFactory().checkURI(uri); if (errMsg == null) uriIsGood = true; else throw new InsertException(errMsg); log.debug("uriIsGood is true and uri is " + uri); } } /* else try namespace + n2343 */ } int attempts = 0; while (uriIsGood == false && attempts < 30) { log.debug("While loop: Uri is good false, attempt=" + attempts); String localName = "n" + random.nextInt(Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, (int) Math.pow(2, attempts + 13))); uri = namespace + localName; log.debug("Trying URI " + uri); errMsg = getWebappDaoFactory().checkURI(uri); if (errMsg != null) uri = null; else uriIsGood = true; attempts++; } if (uri == null) throw new InsertException("Could not create URI for individual: " + errMsg); log.debug("Using URI" + uri); return uri; } @Override // This method returns an EditLiteral rather than a Jena Literal, since IndividualDao // should not reference Jena objects. (However, the problem isn't really solved // because EditLiteral currently references the Jena API.) public EditLiteral getLabelEditLiteral(String individualUri) { Literal literal = getLabelLiteral(individualUri); if (literal == null) { return null; } String value = literal.getLexicalForm(); String datatype = literal.getDatatypeURI(); String lang = literal.getLanguage(); return new EditLiteral(value, datatype, lang); } }