Java tutorial
/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ */ package edu.cornell.mannlib.semservices.service.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import net.sf.json.JSONSerializer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import edu.cornell.mannlib.semservices.exceptions.ConceptsNotFoundException; import edu.cornell.mannlib.semservices.service.ExternalConceptService; public class GemetService implements ExternalConceptService { protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private final String GemetWS_address = ""; private final String narrowerUri = ""; private final String broaderUri = ""; private final String relatedUri = ""; private final String definitionUri = ""; private final String prefLabelUri = ""; private final String scopeNoteUri = ""; private final String altLabelUri = ""; private final String exampleUri = ""; private final String acronymLabelUri = ""; private final String endpoint = ""; private final String schemeURI = ""; @Override public List<Concept> getConcepts(String term) throws Exception { List<Concept> conceptList = new ArrayList<Concept>(); try { String results = getConceptsMatchingKeyword(term); //System.out.println(results); conceptList = processOutput(results); } catch (Exception ex) { return new ArrayList<Concept>(); //ex.printStackTrace(); //throw ex; } return conceptList; } public List<Concept> processResults(String term) throws Exception { List<Concept> conceptList = new ArrayList<Concept>(); try { String results = getConceptsMatchingKeyword(term); conceptList = processOutput(results); } catch (Exception ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } return conceptList; } public List<Concept> getConceptsByURIWithSparql(String uri) throws Exception { // deprecating this method...just return an empty list List<Concept> conceptList = new ArrayList<Concept>(); return conceptList; } /** * @param results * @return */ private List<Concept> processOutput(String results) throws Exception { List<Concept> conceptList = new ArrayList<Concept>(); try { JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) JSONSerializer.toJSON(results); if (jsonArray.size() == 0) { throw new ConceptsNotFoundException(); } for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { Concept concept = new Concept(); concept.setDefinedBy(schemeURI); concept.setBestMatch("true"); JSONObject json = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); String uri = getJsonValue(json, "uri"); concept.setUri(uri); concept.setConceptId(stripConceptId(uri)); concept.setSchemeURI(schemeURI); concept.setType(""); if (json.has("preferredLabel")) { JSONObject preferredLabelObj = json.getJSONObject("preferredLabel"); if (preferredLabelObj.has("string")) { concept.setLabel(getJsonValue(preferredLabelObj, "string")); } } if (json.has("definition")) { JSONObject definitionObj = json.getJSONObject("definition"); if (definitionObj.has("string")) { concept.setDefinition(getJsonValue(definitionObj, "string")); } } String narrower = getRelatedConcepts(uri, "narrower"); List<String> narrowerURIList = getRelatedUris(narrower); concept.setNarrowerURIList(narrowerURIList); String broader = getRelatedConcepts(uri, "broader"); List<String> broaderURIList = getRelatedUris(broader); concept.setBroaderURIList(broaderURIList); /*String related = getRelatedConcepts(uri, "related"); List<String> relatedURIList = getRelatedUris(related); for (String s: relatedURIList) { System.out.println("related uri: "+s); }*/ //String altLabels = getAllTranslationsForConcept(uri, "nonPreferredLabels"); conceptList.add(concept); } } catch (Exception ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Could not get concepts", ex); throw ex; } return conceptList; } /** * Get a string from a json object or an empty string if there is no value for the given key * @param obj * @param key * @return */ protected String getJsonValue(JSONObject obj, String key) { if (obj.has(key)) { return obj.getString(key); } else { return new String(""); } } /** * @param concept_uri * @return * @throws Exception */ protected String getAvailableLangs(String concept_uri) throws Exception { String result = new String(); String serviceUrl = GemetWS_address + "getAvailableLanguages" + "?concept_uri=" + concept_uri; try { result = getGemetResults(serviceUrl); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } return result; } /** * @param concept_uri * @return * @throws Exception */ protected String getConcept(String concept_uri) throws Exception { String result = new String(); String serviceUrl = GemetWS_address + "getConcept" + "?concept_uri=" + concept_uri + "&language=en"; try { result = getGemetResults(serviceUrl); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } return result; } /** * @param concept_uri * @param property * @return * @throws Exception */ protected String getAllTranslationsForConcept(String concept_uri, String property) throws Exception { String result = new String(); String property_uri = new String(); if (property.equals("definition")) { property_uri = definitionUri; } else if (property.equals("preferredLabel")) { property_uri = prefLabelUri; } else if (property.equals("scopeNote")) { property_uri = scopeNoteUri; } else if (property.equals("nonPreferredLabels")) { property_uri = altLabelUri; } else if (property.equals("example")) { property_uri = exampleUri; } else if (property.equals("acronymLabel")) { property_uri = acronymLabelUri; } String serviceUrl = GemetWS_address + "getAllTranslationsForConcept" + "?concept_uri=" + concept_uri + "&property_uri=" + property_uri + "&language=en"; try { result = getGemetResults(serviceUrl); List<String> props = getPropertyFromJson(result); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } return result; } /** * @param concept_uri * @param relation * @return * @throws Exception */ protected String getRelatedConcepts(String concept_uri, String relation) throws Exception { String result = new String(); String relation_uri = new String(); if (relation.equals("broader")) { relation_uri = broaderUri; } else if (relation.equals("narrower")) { relation_uri = narrowerUri; } else if (relation.equals("related")) { relation_uri = relatedUri; } String serviceUrl = GemetWS_address + "getRelatedConcepts" + "?concept_uri=" + concept_uri + "&relation_uri=" + relation_uri + "&language=en"; try { result = getGemetResults(serviceUrl); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } return result; } /** * @param keyword * @return * @throws Exception */ protected String getConceptsMatchingKeyword(String keyword) throws Exception { String result = new String(); String encodedKeyword = URLEncoder.encode(keyword, "UTF-8"); String serviceUrl = GemetWS_address + "getConceptsMatchingKeyword" + "?keyword=" + encodedKeyword + "&search_mode=0" + "&thesaurus_uri=" + "&language=en"; try { result = getGemetResults(serviceUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return result; } /** * @param url * @return */ protected String getGemetResults(String url) throws Exception { String results = new String(); //System.out.println("url: "+url); try { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); URL serviceUrl = new URL(url); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(serviceUrl.openStream())); String inputLine; while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { sw.write(inputLine); } in.close(); results = sw.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("error occurred in servlet", ex); ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } return results; } protected List<String> getRelatedUris(String json) { List<String> uriList = new ArrayList<String>(); String uri = new String(); JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) JSONSerializer.toJSON(json); if (jsonArray.size() == 0) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); uri = getJsonValue(jsonObj, "uri"); uriList.add(uri); } return uriList; } protected List<String> getPropertyFromJson(String json) { List<String> props = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) JSONSerializer.toJSON(json); if (jsonArray.size() == 0) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); System.out.println(jsonObj.toString()); } return props; } protected String stripConceptId(String uri) { String conceptId = new String(); int lastslash = uri.lastIndexOf('/'); conceptId = uri.substring(lastslash + 1, uri.length()); return conceptId; } }