Source code

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// For information as to what this class does, see the Javadoc, below.       //
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,       //
// 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015 by Peter Spirtes, Richard Scheines, Joseph   //
// Ramsey, and Clark Glymour.                                                //
//                                                                           //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         //
// (at your option) any later version.                                       //
//                                                                           //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            //
// GNU General Public License for more details.                              //
//                                                                           //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         //
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               //
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA //

package edu.cmu.tetrad.bayes;

import edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Dag;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.TimeLagGraph;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.util.NumberFormatUtil;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.util.RandomUtil;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ChiSquaredDistribution;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.*;

import static java.lang.Math.abs;
import static java.lang.Math.log;
import static java.lang.Math.pow;

 * Stores a table of probabilities for a Bayes net and, together with BayesPm
 * and Dag, provides methods to manipulate this table.  The division of labor is
 * as follows.  The Dag is responsible for manipulating the basic graphical
 * structure of the Bayes net. Dag also stores and manipulates the names of the
 * nodes in the graph; there are no method in either BayesPm or BayesIm to do
 * this. BayesPm stores and manipulates the *categories* of each node in a DAG,
 * considered as a variable in a Bayes net.  The number of categories for a
 * variable can be changed there as well as the names for those categories. This
 * class, BayesIm, stores the actual probability tables which are implied by the
 * structures in the other two classes. The implied parameters take the form of
 * conditional probabilities--e.g., P(N=v0|P1=v1, P2=v2, ...), for all nodes and
 * all combinations of their parent categories.  The set of all such
 * probabilities is organized in this class as a three-dimensional table of
 * double values.  The first dimension corresponds to the nodes in the Bayes
 * net.  For each such node, the second dimension corresponds to a flat list of
 * combinations of parent categories for that node.  The third dimension
 * corresponds to the list of categories for that node itself.  Two methods
 * allow these values to be set and retrieved: <ul> <li>getWordRatio(int
 * nodeIndex, int rowIndex, int colIndex); and, <li>setProbability(int
 * nodeIndex, int rowIndex, int colIndex, int probability). </ul> To determine
 * the index of the node in question, use the method <ul> <li> getNodeIndex(Node
 * node). </ul> To determine the index of the row in question, use the method
 * <ul> <li>getRowIndex(int[] parentVals). </ul> To determine the order of the
 * parent values for a given node so that you can build the parentVals[] array,
 * use the method <ul> <li> getParents(int nodeIndex) </ul> To determine the
 * index of a category, use the method <ul> <li> getCategoryIndex(Node node)
 * </ul> in BayesPm.  The rest of the methods in this class are easily
 * understood as variants of the methods above. </p> <p>Thanks to Pucktada
 * Treeratpituk, Frank Wimberly, and Willie Wheeler for advice and earlier
 * versions.</p>
 * @author Joseph Ramsey
public final class MlBayesIm implements BayesIm {
    static final long serialVersionUID = 23L;
    private static final double ALLOWABLE_DIFFERENCE = 1.0e-10;

     * Inidicates that new rows in this BayesIm should be initialized as
     * unknowns, forcing them to be specified manually. This is the default.
    public static final int MANUAL = 0;

     * Indicates that new rows in this BayesIm should be initialized randomly.
    public static final int RANDOM = 1;

     * The associated Bayes PM model.
     * @serial
    private BayesPm bayesPm;

     * The array of nodes from the graph.  Order is important.
     * @serial
    private Node[] nodes;

     * The list of parents for each node from the graph.  Order or nodes
     * corresponds to the order of nodes in 'nodes', and order in subarrays is
     * important.
     * @serial
    private int[][] parents;

     * The array of dimensionality (number of categories for each node) for each
     * of the subarrays of 'parents'.
     * @serial
    private int[][] parentDims;

     * The main data structure; stores the values of all of the conditional
     * probabilities for the Bayes net of the form P(N=v0 | P1=v1, P2=v2,...).
     * The first dimension is the node N, in the order of 'nodes'.  The second
     * dimension is the row index for the table of parameters associated with
     * node N; the third dimension is the column index.  The row index is
     * calculated by the function getRowIndex(int[] values) where 'values' is an
     * array of numerical indices for each of the parent values; the order of
     * the values in this array is the same as the order of node in 'parents';
     * the value indices are obtained from the Bayes PM for each node.  The
     * column is the index of the value of N, where this index is obtained from
     * the Bayes PM.
     * @serial
    private double[][][] probs;


     * Constructs a new BayesIm from the given BayesPm, initializing all values
     * as Double.NaN ("?").
     * @param bayesPm the given Bayes PM.  Carries with it the underlying graph
     *                model.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array of nodes provided is not a
     *                                  permutation of the nodes contained in
     *                                  the bayes parametric model provided.
    public MlBayesIm(BayesPm bayesPm) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        this(bayesPm, null, MANUAL);

     * Constructs a new BayesIm from the given BayesPm, initializing values
     * either as MANUAL or RANDOM. If initialized manually, all values will be
     * set to Double.NaN ("?") in each row; if initialized randomly, all values
     * will distributed randomly in each row.
     * @param bayesPm              the given Bayes PM.  Carries with it the
     *                             underlying graph model.
     * @param initializationMethod either MANUAL or RANDOM.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array of nodes provided is not a
     *                                  permutation of the nodes contained in
     *                                  the bayes parametric model provided.
    public MlBayesIm(BayesPm bayesPm, int initializationMethod) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        this(bayesPm, null, initializationMethod);

     * Constructs a new BayesIm from the given BayesPm, initializing values
     * either as MANUAL or RANDOM, but using values from the old BayesIm
     * provided where posssible. If initialized manually, all values that cannot
     * be retrieved from oldBayesIm will be set to Double.NaN ("?") in each such
     * row; if initialized randomly, all values that cannot be retrieved from
     * oldBayesIm will distributed randomly in each such row.
     * @param bayesPm              the given Bayes PM.  Carries with it the
     *                             underlying graph model.
     * @param oldBayesIm           an already-constructed BayesIm whose values
     *                             may be used where possible to initialize this
     *                             BayesIm. May be null.
     * @param initializationMethod either MANUAL or RANDOM.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array of nodes provided is not a
     *                                  permutation of the nodes contained in
     *                                  the bayes parametric model provided.
    public MlBayesIm(BayesPm bayesPm, BayesIm oldBayesIm, int initializationMethod)
            throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (bayesPm == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("BayesPm must not be null.");

        this.bayesPm = new BayesPm(bayesPm);

        // Get the nodes from the BayesPm. This fixes the order of the nodes
        // in the BayesIm, independently of any change to the BayesPm.
        // (This order must be maintained.)
        Graph graph = bayesPm.getDag();
        this.nodes = graph.getNodes().toArray(new Node[0]);

        // Initialize.
        initialize(oldBayesIm, initializationMethod);

     * Copy constructor.
    public MlBayesIm(BayesIm bayesIm) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (bayesIm == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("BayesIm must not be null.");

        this.bayesPm = bayesIm.getBayesPm();

        // Get the nodes from the BayesPm, fixing on an order. (This is
        // important; the nodes must always be in the same order for this
        // BayesIm.)
        this.nodes = new Node[bayesIm.getNumNodes()];

        for (int i = 0; i < bayesIm.getNumNodes(); i++) {
            this.nodes[i] = bayesIm.getNode(i);

        // Copy all the old values over.
        initialize(bayesIm, MlBayesIm.MANUAL);

     * Generates a simple exemplar of this class to test serialization.
     * @see edu.cmu.TestSerialization
     * @see edu.cmu.tetradapp.util.TetradSerializableUtils
    public static MlBayesIm serializableInstance() {
        return new MlBayesIm(BayesPm.serializableInstance());

    //===============================PUBLIC METHODS========================//

     * Returns the underlying Bayes PM.
     * @return this PM.
    public BayesPm getBayesPm() {
        return bayesPm;

     * Returns the DAG as a Graph.
     * @return the DAG.
    public Dag getDag() {
        return bayesPm.getDag();

     * Returns the number of nodes in the model.
    public int getNumNodes() {
        return nodes.length;

     * Returns the node corresponding to the given node index.
     * @param nodeIndex
     * @return this node.
    public Node getNode(int nodeIndex) {
        return nodes[nodeIndex];

     * Returns the node with the given name in the associated graph.
     * @param name the name of the node.
     * @return the node.
    public Node getNode(String name) {
        return getDag().getNode(name);

     * Returns the node index for the given node.
     * @param node the given node.
     * @return the index for that node, or -1 if the node is not in the
     * BayesIm.
    public int getNodeIndex(Node node) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            if (node == nodes[i]) {
                return i;

        return -1;

    public List<Node> getVariables() {
        List<Node> variables = new LinkedList<Node>();

        for (int i = 0; i < getNumNodes(); i++) {
            Node node = getNode(i);

        return variables;

     * Returns the list of measured variableNodes.
    public List<Node> getMeasuredNodes() {
        return bayesPm.getMeasuredNodes();

    public List<String> getVariableNames() {
        List<String> variableNames = new LinkedList<String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < getNumNodes(); i++) {
            Node node = getNode(i);

        return variableNames;

     * Returns the number of columns in the table of the given node N with index
     * 'nodeIndex'--that is, the number of possible values that N can take on.
     * That is, if P(N=v0 | P1=v1, P2=v2, ... Pn=vn) is a conditional
     * probability stored in 'probs', then the maximum number of rows in the
     * table for N is #vals(N).
     * @param nodeIndex
     * @return this number.
     * @see #getNumRows
    public int getNumColumns(int nodeIndex) {
        return probs[nodeIndex][0].length;

     * Returns the number of rows in the table of the given node, which would be
     * the total number of possible combinations of parent values for a given
     * node.  That is, if P(N=v0 | P1=v1, P2=v2, ... Pn=vn) is a conditional
     * probability stored in 'probs', then the maximum number of rows in the
     * table for N is #vals(P1) x #vals(P2) x ... x #vals(Pn).
     * @param nodeIndex
     * @return this number.
     * @see #getRowIndex
     * @see #getNumColumns
    public int getNumRows(int nodeIndex) {
        return probs[nodeIndex].length;

     * Returns the number of parents of the given node.
     * @param nodeIndex the given node.
     * @return the number of parents for this node.
    public int getNumParents(int nodeIndex) {
        return parents[nodeIndex].length;

     * Returns the given parent of the given node.
    public int getParent(int nodeIndex, int parentIndex) {
        return parents[nodeIndex][parentIndex];

     * Returns the dimension of the given parent for the given node.
    public int getParentDim(int nodeIndex, int parentIndex) {
        return parentDims[nodeIndex][parentIndex];

     * Returns (a defensive copy of) the array representing the dimensionality
     * of each parent of a node, that is, the number of values which that node
     * can take on.  The order of entries in this array is the same as the order
     * of entries of nodes returned by getParents() for that node.
     * @return this array of parent dimensions.
     * @see #getParents
    public int[] getParentDims(int nodeIndex) {
        int[] dims = parentDims[nodeIndex];
        int[] copy = new int[dims.length];
        System.arraycopy(dims, 0, copy, 0, dims.length);
        return copy;

     * Returns (a defensive copy of) the array containing all of the parents of
     * a given node in the order in which they are stored internally.
     * @see #getParentDims
    public int[] getParents(int nodeIndex) {
        int[] nodeParents = parents[nodeIndex];
        int[] copy = new int[nodeParents.length];
        System.arraycopy(nodeParents, 0, copy, 0, nodeParents.length);
        return copy;

     * Returns an array containing the combination of parent values for a given
     * node and given row in the probability table for that node.  To get the
     * combination of parent values from the row number, the row number is
     * represented using a variable-base place value system, where the bases for
     * each place value are the dimensions of the parents in the order in which
     * they are given by getParentDims().  For instance, if the row number (base
     * 10) is 103 and the parent dimension array is [3 5 7], we calculate the
     * first value as 103 / 7 = 14 with a remainder of 5.  We then divide 14 / 5
     * = 2 with a remainder of 4.  We then divide 2 / 3 = 0 with a remainder of
     * 2.  The variable place value representation is [2 4 5], which is the
     * combination of parent values.  This is the inverse function of
     * getRowIndex().
     * @param nodeIndex the index of the node.
     * @param rowIndex  the index of the row in question.
     * @return the array representing the combination of parent values for this
     * row.
     * @see #getNodeIndex
     * @see #getRowIndex
    public int[] getParentValues(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex) {
        int[] dims = getParentDims(nodeIndex);
        int[] values = new int[dims.length];

        for (int i = dims.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            values[i] = rowIndex % dims[i];
            rowIndex /= dims[i];

        return values;

     * Returns the value in the probability table for the given node, at the
     * given row and column.
    public int getParentValue(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
        return getParentValues(nodeIndex, rowIndex)[colIndex];

     * Returns the probability for the given node at the given row and column in
     * the table for that node.  To get the node index, use getNodeIndex().  To
     * get the row index, use getRowIndex().  To get the column index, use
     * getCategoryIndex() from the underlying BayesPm().  The value returned
     * will represent a conditional probability of the form P(N=v0 | P1=v1,
     * P2=v2, ... , Pn=vn), where N is the node referenced by nodeIndex, v0 is
     * the value referenced by colIndex, and the combination of parent values
     * indicated is the combination indicated by rowIndex.
     * @param nodeIndex the index of the node in question.
     * @param rowIndex  the row in the table for this for node which represents
     *                  the combination of parent values in question.
     * @param colIndex  the column in the table for this node which represents
     *                  the value of the node in question.
     * @return the probability stored for this parameter.
     * @see #getNodeIndex
     * @see #getRowIndex
    public double getProbability(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
        return probs[nodeIndex][rowIndex][colIndex];

     * Returns the row in the table at which the given combination of parent
     * values is represented for the given node.  The row is calculated as a
     * variable-base place-value number.  For instance, if the array of parent
     * dimensions is [3, 5, 7] and the parent value combination is [2, 4, 5],
     * then the row number is (7 * (5 * (3 * 0 + 2) + 4)) + 5 = 103. This is the
     * inverse function to getVariableValues().  <p> Note: If the node has n
     * values, the length of 'values' must be >= the number of parents. Only the
     * first n values are used.
     * @param nodeIndex
     * @param values
     * @return the row in the table for the given node and combination of parent
     * values.
     * @see #getParentValues
    public int getRowIndex(int nodeIndex, int[] values) {
        int[] dim = getParentDims(nodeIndex);
        int rowIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < dim.length; i++) {
            rowIndex *= dim[i];
            rowIndex += values[i];

        return rowIndex;

     * Normalizes all rows in the tables associated with each of node in turn.
    public void normalizeAll() {
        for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodes.length; nodeIndex++) {

     * Normalizes all rows in the table associated with a given node.
    public void normalizeNode(int nodeIndex) {
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
            normalizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex);

     * Normalizes the given row.
    public void normalizeRow(int nodeIndex, final int rowIndex) {
        final int numColumns = getNumColumns(nodeIndex);
        double total = 0.0;

        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numColumns; colIndex++) {
            total += getProbability(nodeIndex, rowIndex, colIndex);

        if (total != 0.0) {
            for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numColumns; colIndex++) {
                double probability = getProbability(nodeIndex, rowIndex, colIndex);
                double prob = probability / total;
                setProbability(nodeIndex, rowIndex, colIndex, prob);
        } else {
            double prob = 1.0 / numColumns;

            for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numColumns; colIndex++) {
                setProbability(nodeIndex, rowIndex, colIndex, prob);

     * Sets the probability for the given node at a given row and column in the
     * table for that node.  To get the node index, use getNodeIndex().  To get
     * the row index, use getRowIndex().  To get the column index, use
     * getCategoryIndex() from the underlying BayesPm().  The value returned
     * will represent a conditional probability of the form P(N=v0 | P1=v1,
     * P2=v2, ... , Pn=vn), where N is the node referenced by nodeIndex, v0 is
     * the value referenced by colIndex, and the combination of parent values
     * indicated is the combination indicated by rowIndex.
     * @param nodeIndex the index of the node in question.
     * @param rowIndex  the row in the table for this for node which represents
     *                  the combination of parent values in question.
     * @param colIndex  the column in the table for this node which represents
     *                  the value of the node in question.
     * @param value     the desired probability to be set.
     * @see #getProbability
    public void setProbability(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex, int colIndex, double value) {
        if (colIndex >= getNumColumns(nodeIndex)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Column out of range: " + colIndex + " >= " + getNumColumns(nodeIndex));

        if (!(0.0 <= value && value <= 1.0) && !Double.isNaN(value)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Probability value must be " + "between 0.0 and 1.0 or Double.NaN.");

        probs[nodeIndex][rowIndex][colIndex] = value;

     * Returns the index of the node with the given name in the specified
     * BayesIm.
    public int getCorrespondingNodeIndex(int nodeIndex, BayesIm otherBayesIm) {
        String nodeName = getNode(nodeIndex).getName();
        Node oldNode = otherBayesIm.getNode(nodeName);
        return otherBayesIm.getNodeIndex(oldNode);

     * Assigns random probability values to the child values of this row that
     * add to 1.
     * @param nodeIndex the node for the table that this row belongs to.
     * @param rowIndex  the index of the row.
    public void clearRow(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex) {
        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); colIndex++) {
            setProbability(nodeIndex, rowIndex, colIndex, Double.NaN);

     * Assigns random probability values to the child values of this row that
     * add to 1.
     * @param nodeIndex the node for the table that this row belongs to.
     * @param rowIndex  the index of the row.
    public void randomizeRow(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex) {
        final int size = getNumColumns(nodeIndex);
        probs[nodeIndex][rowIndex] = getRandomWeights(size);

    public void randomizeRow2(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex, double[] biases) {
        final int size = getNumColumns(nodeIndex);
        probs[nodeIndex][rowIndex] = getRandomWeights2(size, biases);

    private static double[] getRandomWeights2(int size, double[] biases) {
        assert size >= 0;

        double[] row = new double[size];
        double sum = 0.0;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //            row[i] = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble() + biases[i];
            row[i] = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextUniform(0, biases[i]);
            sum += row[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            row[i] /= sum;

        return row;

     * Randomizes any row in the table for the given node index that has a
     * Double.NaN value in it.
     * @param nodeIndex the node for the table whose incomplete rows are to be
     *                  randomized.
    public void randomizeIncompleteRows(int nodeIndex) {
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
            if (isIncomplete(nodeIndex, rowIndex)) {
                randomizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex);

     * Randomizes every row in the table for the given node index.
     * @param nodeIndex the node for the table to be randomized.
    public void randomizeTable(int nodeIndex) {
        //        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
        //            randomizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex);
        //        }

    private void randomizeTable2(int nodeIndex) {
        boolean existsIncomplete = true;

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
            if (isIncomplete(nodeIndex, rowIndex)) {
                existsIncomplete = true;

        if (!existsIncomplete)

        // Trying for some more power ..jdramsey 5/7/10
        List<Integer> rowIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < getNumRows(nodeIndex); i++) {


        randomizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndices.get(0));
        double[][] values = new double[getNumRows(nodeIndex)][getNumColumns(nodeIndex)];

        for (int row = 0; row < getNumRows(nodeIndex); row++) {
            double bestNorm = 0.0;

            for (int trial = 0; trial < 100; trial++) {
                randomizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndices.get(row));
                double totalNorm = 0.0;

                for (int _row = row - 1; _row < row; _row++) {
                    double norm = norm(nodeIndex, rowIndices.get(row), rowIndices.get(_row));
                    totalNorm += norm;

                if (totalNorm > bestNorm) {
                    bestNorm = totalNorm;

                    for (int _row = 0; _row < getNumRows(nodeIndex); _row++) {
                        for (int col = 0; col < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); col++) {
                            values[_row][col] = getProbability(nodeIndex, _row, col);

            for (int _row = 0; _row < getNumRows(nodeIndex); _row++) {
                for (int col = 0; col < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); col++) {
                    setProbability(nodeIndex, _row, col, values[_row][col]);

    private void randomizeTable3(int nodeIndex) {
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
            randomizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex);

        double[][] saved = new double[getNumRows(nodeIndex)][getNumColumns(nodeIndex)];

        double[][] stored = probs[nodeIndex];

        copy(stored, saved);

        double maxSumSpread = 0.0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
                randomizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex);

            double sumSpread = 0.0;

            for (int c = 0; c < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); c++) {
                double min = 1.0, max = 0.0;

                for (int r = 0; r < getNumRows(nodeIndex); r++) {
                    double p = getProbability(nodeIndex, r, c);

                    if (p <= min)
                        min = p;
                    if (p >= max)
                        max = p;

                sumSpread += abs(max - min);

            if (sumSpread > maxSumSpread) {
                copy(stored, saved);
                maxSumSpread = sumSpread;

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
            copy(saved, stored);

    private void randomizeTable4(int nodeIndex) {
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
            randomizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex);

        double[][] saved = new double[getNumRows(nodeIndex)][getNumColumns(nodeIndex)];

        double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
                //                randomizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex);
                randomizeRow2(nodeIndex, rowIndex, probs[nodeIndex][rowIndex]);

            double score = score(nodeIndex);

            if (score > max) {
                max = score;
                copy(probs[nodeIndex], saved);

            //            if (score == getNumParents(nodeIndex)) {
            //                break;
            //            }

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
            copy(saved, probs[nodeIndex]);

    private double score(int nodeIndex) {
        double[][] p = new double[getNumRows(nodeIndex)][getNumColumns(nodeIndex)];
        copy(probs[nodeIndex], p);
        double score = 0.0;
        int num = 0;

        int numRows = getNumRows(nodeIndex);

        for (int r = 0; r < p.length; r++) {
            for (int c = 0; c < p[0].length; c++) {
                p[r][c] /= numRows;

        int[] parents = getParents(nodeIndex);

        for (int t = 0; t < parents.length; t++) {
            int numParentValues = getParentDim(nodeIndex, t);
            int numColumns = getNumColumns(nodeIndex);

            double[][] table = new double[numParentValues][numColumns];

            for (int childCol = 0; childCol < numColumns; childCol++) {
                for (int parentValue = 0; parentValue < numParentValues; parentValue++) {
                    for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++) {
                        if (getParentValues(nodeIndex, row)[t] == parentValue) {
                            table[parentValue][childCol] += p[row][childCol];

            double N = 1000.0;

            for (int r = 0; r < table.length; r++) {
                for (int c = 0; c < table[0].length; c++) {
                    table[r][c] *= N;

            double chisq = 0.0;

            for (int r = 0; r < table.length; r++) {
                for (int c = 0; c < table[0].length; c++) {
                    double _sumRow = sumRow(table, r);
                    double _sumCol = sumCol(table, c);
                    double exp = (_sumRow / N) * (_sumCol / N) * N;
                    double obs = table[r][c];
                    chisq += pow(obs - exp, 2) / exp;

            int dof = (table.length - 1) * (table[0].length - 1);

            ChiSquaredDistribution distribution = new ChiSquaredDistribution(dof);
            double prob = 1 - distribution.cumulativeProbability(chisq);

            num += prob < 0.0001 ? 1 : 0;
            score += log(prob);

        //        return num == parents.length ? -score : 0;
        return num;

    private double sumCol(double[][] marginals, int j) {
        double sum = 0.0;

        for (int h = 0; h < marginals.length; h++) {
            sum += marginals[h][j];

        return sum;

    private double sumRow(double[][] marginals, int i) {
        double sum = 0.0;

        for (int h = 0; h < marginals[i].length; h++) {
            sum += marginals[i][h];

        return sum;

    private void copy(double[][] a, double[][] b) {
        for (int r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
            System.arraycopy(a[r], 0, b[r], 0, a[r].length);

    private double totalNorm(int nodeIndex, int parent, int cat1, int cat2) {
        double[] sumProbs1 = new double[getNumColumns(nodeIndex)];
        double[] sumProbs2 = new double[getNumColumns(nodeIndex)];

        for (int row = 0; row < getNumRows(nodeIndex); row++) {
            for (int col = 0; col < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); col++) {
                if (getParentValues(nodeIndex, row)[parent] == cat1) {
                    sumProbs1[col] += getProbability(nodeIndex, row, col);

        for (int row = 0; row < getNumRows(nodeIndex); row++) {
            for (int col = 0; col < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); col++) {
                if (getParentValues(nodeIndex, row)[parent] == cat2) {
                    sumProbs2[col] += getProbability(nodeIndex, row, col);

        double norm = 0.0;

        for (int col = 0; col < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); col++) {
            double value1 = sumProbs1[col];
            double value2 = sumProbs2[col];
            double diff = value1 - value2;
            double absNorm = abs(diff);
            norm += absNorm;

        return norm;

    private double norm(int nodeIndex, int row1, int row2) {
        double norm = 0.0;

        for (int col = 0; col < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); col++) {
            double value1 = getProbability(nodeIndex, row1, col);
            double value2 = getProbability(nodeIndex, row2, col);
            double diff = value1 - value2;
            double absNorm = abs(diff);
            //            norm += diff * diff;
            norm += absNorm;
        return norm;

     * Randomizes every row in the table for the given node index.
     * @param nodeIndex the node for the table to be randomized.
    public void clearTable(int nodeIndex) {
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
            clearRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex);

     * Returns true iff one of the values in the given row is Double.NaN.
    public boolean isIncomplete(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex) {
        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); colIndex++) {
            double p = getProbability(nodeIndex, rowIndex, colIndex);

            if (Double.isNaN(p)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Returns true iff any value in the table for the given node is
     * Double.NaN.
    public boolean isIncomplete(int nodeIndex) {
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < getNumRows(nodeIndex); rowIndex++) {
            if (isIncomplete(nodeIndex, rowIndex)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Simulates a sample with the given sample size.
     * @param sampleSize      the sample size.
     * @param latentDataSaved
     * @return the simulated sample as a DataSet.
    public DataSet simulateData(int sampleSize, boolean latentDataSaved) {
        if (getBayesPm().getDag().isTimeLagModel()) {
            return simulateTimeSeries(sampleSize);

        return simulateDataHelper(sampleSize, latentDataSaved);

    public DataSet simulateData(DataSet dataSet, boolean latentDataSaved) {
        return simulateDataHelper(dataSet, latentDataSaved);

    private DataSet simulateTimeSeries(int sampleSize) {
        TimeLagGraph timeSeriesGraph = getBayesPm().getDag().getTimeLagGraph();

        List<Node> variables = new ArrayList<Node>();

        for (Node node : timeSeriesGraph.getLag0Nodes()) {
            final DiscreteVariable e = new DiscreteVariable(timeSeriesGraph.getNodeId(node).getName());

        List<Node> lag0Nodes = timeSeriesGraph.getLag0Nodes();

        //        DataSet fullData = new ColtDataSet(sampleSize, variables);
        DataSet fullData = new BoxDataSet(new VerticalIntDataBox(sampleSize, variables.size()), variables);

        Map<Node, Integer> nodeIndices = new HashMap<Node, Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < lag0Nodes.size(); i++) {
            nodeIndices.put(lag0Nodes.get(i), i);

        Graph contemporaneousDag = timeSeriesGraph.subgraph(lag0Nodes);
        List<Node> tierOrdering = contemporaneousDag.getCausalOrdering();
        int[] tiers = new int[tierOrdering.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < tierOrdering.size(); i++) {
            tiers[i] = getNodeIndex(tierOrdering.get(i));

        // Construct the sample.
        int[] combination = new int[tierOrdering.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) {
            int[] point = new int[nodes.length];

            for (int nodeIndex : tiers) {
                double cutoff = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble();

                for (int k = 0; k < getNumParents(nodeIndex); k++) {
                    combination[k] = point[getParent(nodeIndex, k)];

                int rowIndex = getRowIndex(nodeIndex, combination);
                double sum = 0.0;

                for (int k = 0; k < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); k++) {
                    double probability = getProbability(nodeIndex, rowIndex, k);

                    if (Double.isNaN(probability)) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Some probability "
                                + "values in the BayesIm are not filled in; " + "cannot simulate data.");

                    sum += probability;

                    if (sum >= cutoff) {
                        point[nodeIndex] = k;

        return fullData;

     * Simulates a sample with the given sample size.
     * @param sampleSize      the sample size.
     * @param seed            the random number generator seed allows you
     *                        recreate the simulated data by passing in the same
     *                        seed (so you don't have to store the sample data
     * @param latentDataSaved
     * @return the simulated sample as a DataSet.
    public DataSet simulateData(int sampleSize, long seed, boolean latentDataSaved) {
        return simulateDataHelper(sampleSize, latentDataSaved);

    public DataSet simulateData(DataSet dataSet, long seed, boolean latentDataSaved) {
        return simulateDataHelper(dataSet, latentDataSaved);

     * Simulates a sample with the given sample size.
     * @param sampleSize      the sample size.
     * @param latentDataSaved
     * @return the simulated sample as a DataSet.
    private DataSet simulateDataHelper(int sampleSize, boolean latentDataSaved) {
        int numMeasured = 0;
        int[] map = new int[nodes.length];
        List<Node> variables = new LinkedList<Node>();

        for (int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
            //            if (!latentDataSaved && nodes[j].getNodeType() != NodeType.MEASURED) {
            //                continue;
            //            }

            int numCategories = bayesPm.getNumCategories(nodes[j]);
            List<String> categories = new LinkedList<String>();

            for (int k = 0; k < numCategories; k++) {
                categories.add(bayesPm.getCategory(nodes[j], k));

            DiscreteVariable var = new DiscreteVariable(nodes[j].getName(), categories);
            int index = ++numMeasured - 1;
            map[index] = j;

        DataSet dataSet = new BoxDataSet(new VerticalIntDataBox(sampleSize, variables.size()), variables);
        constructSample(sampleSize, dataSet, map);

        if (!latentDataSaved) {
            dataSet = DataUtils.restrictToMeasured(dataSet);

        return dataSet;

     * Constructs a random sample using the given already allocated data set, to
     * avoid allocating more memory.
    private DataSet simulateDataHelper(DataSet dataSet, boolean latentDataSaved) {
        if (dataSet.getNumColumns() != nodes.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("When rewriting the old data set, "
                    + "number of variables in data set must equal number of variables " + "in Bayes net.");

        int sampleSize = dataSet.getNumRows();

        int numVars = 0;
        int[] map = new int[nodes.length];
        List<Node> variables = new LinkedList<Node>();

        for (int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
            //            if (!latentDataSaved && nodes[j].getNodeType() != NodeType.MEASURED) {
            //                continue;
            //            }

            int numCategories = bayesPm.getNumCategories(nodes[j]);
            List<String> categories = new LinkedList<String>();

            for (int k = 0; k < numCategories; k++) {
                categories.add(bayesPm.getCategory(nodes[j], k));

            DiscreteVariable var = new DiscreteVariable(nodes[j].getName(), categories);
            int index = ++numVars - 1;
            map[index] = j;

        for (int i = 0; i < variables.size(); i++) {
            Node node = dataSet.getVariable(i);
            Node _node = variables.get(i);
            dataSet.changeVariable(node, _node);

        constructSample(sampleSize, dataSet, map);

        if (latentDataSaved) {
            return dataSet;
        } else {
            return DataUtils.restrictToMeasured(dataSet);

    private void constructSample(int sampleSize, DataSet dataSet, int[] map) {

        // Get a tier ordering and convert it to an int array.
        Graph graph = getBayesPm().getDag();
        Dag dag = (Dag) graph;
        List<Node> tierOrdering = dag.getCausalOrdering();
        int[] tiers = new int[tierOrdering.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < tierOrdering.size(); i++) {
            tiers[i] = getNodeIndex(tierOrdering.get(i));

        long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Construct the sample.
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) {
            for (int t : tiers) {
                int[] parentValues = new int[parents[t].length];

                for (int k = 0; k < parentValues.length; k++) {
                    parentValues[k] = dataSet.getInt(i, parents[t][k]);

                int rowIndex = getRowIndex(t, parentValues);
                double sum = 0.0;

                double r = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble();

                for (int k = 0; k < getNumColumns(t); k++) {
                    double probability = getProbability(t, rowIndex, k);
                    sum += probability;

                    if (sum >= r) {
                        dataSet.setInt(i, map[t], k);

        long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Elapsed Sim = " + (t2 - t1) + "ms");


    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this) {
            return true;

        if (!(o instanceof BayesIm)) {
            return false;

        BayesIm otherIm = (BayesIm) o;

        if (getNumNodes() != otherIm.getNumNodes()) {
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < getNumNodes(); i++) {
            int otherIndex = otherIm.getCorrespondingNodeIndex(i, otherIm);

            if (otherIndex == -1) {
                return false;

            if (getNumColumns(i) != otherIm.getNumColumns(otherIndex)) {
                return false;

            if (getNumRows(i) != otherIm.getNumRows(otherIndex)) {
                return false;

            for (int j = 0; j < getNumRows(i); j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < getNumColumns(i); k++) {
                    double prob = getProbability(i, j, k);
                    double otherProb = otherIm.getProbability(i, j, k);

                    if (Double.isNaN(prob) && Double.isNaN(otherProb)) {

                    if (abs(prob - otherProb) > ALLOWABLE_DIFFERENCE) {
                        return false;

        return true;

     * Prints out the probability table for each variable.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        NumberFormat nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();

        for (int i = 0; i < getNumNodes(); i++) {
            buf.append("\n\nNode: ").append(getNode(i));

            if (getNumParents(i) == 0) {
            } else {
                for (int k = 0; k < getNumParents(i); k++) {
                    buf.append(getNode(getParent(i, k))).append("\t");

            for (int j = 0; j < getNumRows(i); j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < getNumParents(i); k++) {
                    buf.append(getParentValue(i, j, k));

                    if (k < getNumParents(i) - 1) {

                if (getNumParents(i) > 0) {

                for (int k = 0; k < getNumColumns(i); k++) {
                    buf.append(nf.format(getProbability(i, j, k))).append("\t");


        return buf.toString();

    //=============================PRIVATE METHODS=======================//

     * This method initializes the probability tables for all of the nodes in
     * the Bayes net.
     * @see #initializeNode
     * @see #randomizeRow
    private void initialize(BayesIm oldBayesIm, int initializationMethod) {
        parents = new int[this.nodes.length][];
        parentDims = new int[this.nodes.length][];
        probs = new double[this.nodes.length][][];

        for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < this.nodes.length; nodeIndex++) {
            initializeNode(nodeIndex, oldBayesIm, initializationMethod);

     * This method initializes the node indicated.
    private void initializeNode(int nodeIndex, BayesIm oldBayesIm, int initializationMethod) {
        Node node = nodes[nodeIndex];

        // Set up parents array.  Should store the parents of
        // each node as ints in a particular order.
        Graph graph = getBayesPm().getDag();
        List<Node> parentList = graph.getParents(node);
        int[] parentArray = new int[parentList.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < parentList.size(); i++) {
            parentArray[i] = getNodeIndex(parentList.get(i));

        // Sort parent array.

        parents[nodeIndex] = parentArray;

        // Setup dimensions array for parents.
        int[] dims = new int[parentArray.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < dims.length; i++) {
            Node parNode = nodes[parentArray[i]];
            dims[i] = getBayesPm().getNumCategories(parNode);

        // Calculate dimensions of table.
        int numRows = 1;

        for (int dim : dims) {
            if (numRows > 1000000 /* Integer.MAX_VALUE / dim*/) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The number of rows in the " + "conditional probability table for " + nodes[nodeIndex]
                                + " is greater than 1,000,000 and cannot be " + "represented.");

            numRows *= dim;

        int numCols = getBayesPm().getNumCategories(node);

        parentDims[nodeIndex] = dims;
        probs[nodeIndex] = new double[numRows][numCols];

        // Initialize each row.
        if (initializationMethod == RANDOM) {
        } else {
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numRows; rowIndex++) {
                if (oldBayesIm == null) {
                    overwriteRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex, initializationMethod);
                } else {
                    retainOldRowIfPossible(nodeIndex, rowIndex, oldBayesIm, initializationMethod);

    private void overwriteRow(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex, int initializationMethod) {
        if (initializationMethod == RANDOM) {
            randomizeRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex);
        } else if (initializationMethod == MANUAL) {
            initializeRowAsUnknowns(nodeIndex, rowIndex);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized state.");

     * This method chooses random probabilities for a row which add up to 1.0.
     * Random doubles are drawn from a random distribution, and the final row is
     * then normalized.
     * @param size the length of the row.
     * @return an array with randomly distributed probabilities of this length.
     * @see #randomizeRow
    private static double[] getRandomWeights(int size) {
        assert size >= 0;

        double[] row = new double[size];
        double sum = 0.0;

        // Renders rows more deterministic.
        double bias = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            row[i] = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble();

            if (row[i] > 0.5) {
                row[i] += bias;

            sum += row[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            row[i] /= sum;

        return row;

    private static double[] getRandomWeights2(int size) {
        assert size >= 0;

        double[] row = new double[size];
        double sum = 0.0;

        // Renders rows more deterministic.
        double bias = 2;
        int index = -1;
        double max = 0.0;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            row[i] = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble();

            if (row[i] > max) {
                max = row[i];
                index = i;

        row[index] += bias;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            sum += row[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            row[i] /= sum;

        return row;

    private static double[] getRandomWeights3(int size) {
        assert size >= 0;

        double[] row = new double[size];
        double sum = 0.0;

        // Renders rows more deterministic.
        double bias = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            row[i] = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextBeta(2, 5);

            if (row[i] > 0.5) {
                row[i] += bias;

            sum += row[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            row[i] /= sum;

        return row;

    private void initializeRowAsUnknowns(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex) {
        final int size = getNumColumns(nodeIndex);
        double[] row = new double[size];
        Arrays.fill(row, Double.NaN);
        probs[nodeIndex][rowIndex] = row;

     * This method initializes the node indicated.
    private void retainOldRowIfPossible(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex, BayesIm oldBayesIm, int initializationMethod) {
        //        Set<Node> newParents = new HashSet<Node>(getBayesPm().getDag().getParents(node));
        //        Set<Node> oldParents = new HashSet<Node>(oldBayesIm.getBayesPm().getDag().getParents(node));
        //        int method = newParents == oldParents ? initializationMethod : MlBayesIm.MANUAL;

        int oldNodeIndex = getCorrespondingNodeIndex(nodeIndex, oldBayesIm);

        if (oldNodeIndex == -1) {
            overwriteRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex, initializationMethod);
        } else if (getNumColumns(nodeIndex) != oldBayesIm.getNumColumns(oldNodeIndex)) {
            overwriteRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex, initializationMethod);
            //        } else if (parentsChanged(nodeIndex, this, oldBayesIm)) {
            //            overwriteRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex, initializationMethod);
        } else {
            int oldRowIndex = getUniqueCompatibleOldRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex, oldBayesIm);

            if (oldRowIndex >= 0) {
                copyValuesFromOldToNew(oldNodeIndex, oldRowIndex, nodeIndex, rowIndex, oldBayesIm);
            } else {
                overwriteRow(nodeIndex, rowIndex, initializationMethod);

    //    private boolean parentsChanged(int nodeIndex, BayesIm bayesIm, BayesIm oldBayesIm) {
    //        int[] dims = bayesIm.getParents(nodeIndex);
    //        int[] oldDims = oldBayesIm.getParents(nodeIndex);
    //        if (dims.length != oldDims.length) {
    //            return false;
    //        }
    //        for (int i = 0; i < dims.length; i++) {
    //            if (dims[i] != oldDims[i]) {
    //                return false;
    //            }
    //        }
    //        return true;
    //    }

     * Returns the unique rowIndex in the old BayesIm for the given node that is
     * compatible with the given rowIndex in the new BayesIm for that node, if
     * one exists. Otherwise, returns -1. A compatible rowIndex is one in which
     * all the parents that the given node has in common between the old BayesIm
     * and the new BayesIm are assigned the values they have in the new
     * rowIndex. If a parent node is removed in the new BayesIm, there may be
     * more than one such compatible rowIndex in the old BayesIm, in which case
     * -1 is returned. Likewise, there may be no compatible rows, in which case
     * -1 is returned.
    private int getUniqueCompatibleOldRow(int nodeIndex, int rowIndex, BayesIm oldBayesIm) {
        int oldNodeIndex = getCorrespondingNodeIndex(nodeIndex, oldBayesIm);
        int oldNumParents = oldBayesIm.getNumParents(oldNodeIndex);

        int[] oldParentValues = new int[oldNumParents];
        Arrays.fill(oldParentValues, -1);

        int[] parentValues = getParentValues(nodeIndex, rowIndex);

        // Go through each parent of the node in the new BayesIm.
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumParents(nodeIndex); i++) {

            // Get the index of the parent in the new graph and in the old
            // graph. If it's no longer in the new graph, skip to the next
            // parent.
            int parentNodeIndex = getParent(nodeIndex, i);
            int oldParentNodeIndex = getCorrespondingNodeIndex(parentNodeIndex, oldBayesIm);
            int oldParentIndex = -1;

            for (int j = 0; j < oldBayesIm.getNumParents(oldNodeIndex); j++) {
                if (oldParentNodeIndex == oldBayesIm.getParent(oldNodeIndex, j)) {
                    oldParentIndex = j;

            if (oldParentIndex == -1 || oldParentIndex >= oldBayesIm.getNumParents(oldNodeIndex)) {
                return -1;

            // Look up that value index for the new BayesIm for that parent.
            // If it was a valid value index in the old BayesIm, record
            // that value in oldParentValues. Otherwise return -1.
            int newParentValue = parentValues[i];
            int oldParentDim = oldBayesIm.getParentDim(oldNodeIndex, oldParentIndex);

            if (newParentValue < oldParentDim) {
                oldParentValues[oldParentIndex] = newParentValue;
            } else {
                return -1;

        //        // Go through each parent of the node in the new BayesIm.
        //        for (int i = 0; i < oldBayesIm.getNumParents(oldNodeIndex); i++) {
        //            // Get the index of the parent in the new graph and in the old
        //            // graph. If it's no longer in the new graph, skip to the next
        //            // parent.
        //            int oldParentNodeIndex = oldBayesIm.getParent(oldNodeIndex, i);
        //            int parentNodeIndex =
        //                    oldBayesIm.getCorrespondingNodeIndex(oldParentNodeIndex, this);
        //            int parentIndex = -1;
        //            for (int j = 0; j < this.getNumParents(nodeIndex); j++) {
        //                if (parentNodeIndex == this.getParent(nodeIndex, j)) {
        //                    parentIndex = j;
        //                    break;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            if (parentIndex == -1 ||
        //                    parentIndex >= this.getNumParents(nodeIndex)) {
        //                continue;
        //            }
        //            // Look up that value index for the new BayesIm for that parent.
        //            // If it was a valid value index in the old BayesIm, record
        //            // that value in oldParentValues. Otherwise return -1.
        //            int parentValue = oldParentValues[i];
        //            int parentDim =
        //                    this.getParentDim(nodeIndex, parentIndex);
        //            if (parentValue < parentDim) {
        //                oldParentValues[parentIndex] = oldParentValue;
        //            } else {
        //                return -1;
        //            }
        //        }

        // If there are any -1's in the combination at this point, return -1.
        for (int oldParentValue : oldParentValues) {
            if (oldParentValue == -1) {
                return -1;

        // Otherwise, return the combination, which will be a row in the
        // old BayesIm.
        return oldBayesIm.getRowIndex(oldNodeIndex, oldParentValues);

    private void copyValuesFromOldToNew(int oldNodeIndex, int oldRowIndex, int nodeIndex, int rowIndex,
            BayesIm oldBayesIm) {
        if (getNumColumns(nodeIndex) != oldBayesIm.getNumColumns(oldNodeIndex)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "It's only possible to copy " + "one row of probability values to another in a Bayes IM "
                            + "if the number of columns in the table are the same.");

        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < getNumColumns(nodeIndex); colIndex++) {
            double prob = oldBayesIm.getProbability(oldNodeIndex, oldRowIndex, colIndex);
            setProbability(nodeIndex, rowIndex, colIndex, prob);

     * Adds semantic checks to the default deserialization method. This method
     * must have the standard signature for a readObject method, and the body of
     * the method must begin with "s.defaultReadObject();". Other than that, any
     * semantic checks can be specified and do not need to stay the same from
     * version to version. A readObject method of this form may be added to any
     * class, even if Tetrad sessions were previously saved out using a version
     * of the class that didn't include it. (That's what the
     * "s.defaultReadObject();" is for. See J. Bloch, Effective Java, for help.
     * @throws
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

        if (bayesPm == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();

        if (nodes == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();

        if (parents == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();

        if (parentDims == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();

        if (probs == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();