Java tutorial
package edu.cmu.lti.f12.hw2.hw2_team01.passage; /* * Copyright 2012 Carnegie Mellon University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import; import edu.cmu.lti.oaqa.openqa.hello.passage.KeytermWindowScorer; import edu.cmu.lti.oaqa.openqa.hello.passage.KeytermWindowScorerProduct; public class SentenceBasedPassageCandidateFinder { private String text; private String docId; private int textSize; // values for the entire text private int totalMatches; private int totalKeyterms; private Map<PassageCandidate, Integer> pcMap; // private int totalKeyterms; private KeytermWindowScorer scorer; public SentenceBasedPassageCandidateFinder(String docId, String text, KeytermWindowScorer scorer) { super(); this.totalMatches = 0; this.totalKeyterms = 0; this.text = text; this.docId = docId; this.textSize = text.length(); this.scorer = scorer; // this.threshold = 0.6; //threshold; pcMap = new HashMap<PassageCandidate, Integer>(); } public List<PassageCandidate> extractPassages(String[] keyterms) { // String[] paragraphs = text.split("<P>"); List<PassageSpan> paragraphs = splitParagraph(text); int start = 0, end = 0; List<PassageSpan> matchedSpans = new ArrayList<PassageSpan>(); List<PassageCandidate> passageList = new ArrayList<PassageCandidate>(); // System.out.println("starting paragraph spans"); Iterator<PassageSpan> iparagprah = paragraphs.iterator(); String paragraph = new String(); PassageSpan ps; for (String keyterm : keyterms) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(keyterm.toLowerCase()); Matcher m = p.matcher(text.toLowerCase()); while (m.find()) { PassageSpan match = new PassageSpan(m.start(), m.end()); matchedSpans.add(match); totalMatches++; } if (!matchedSpans.isEmpty()) { totalKeyterms++; } } while (iparagprah.hasNext()) { ps =; paragraph = text.substring(ps.begin, ps.end); start = ps.begin; end = ps.end; // System.out.println("cleaning text..."); String cleanText = Jsoup.parse(paragraph).text().replaceAll("([\177-\377\0-\32]*)", ""); int keytermsFound = 0; int matchednum = 0; for (String keyterm : keyterms) { // System.out.println("matching keyterms..."); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(keyterm.toLowerCase()); Matcher mClean = p.matcher(cleanText.toLowerCase()); while (mClean.find()) { PassageSpan match = new PassageSpan(mClean.start(), mClean.end()); matchedSpans.add(match); matchednum++; } if (!matchedSpans.isEmpty()) { // matchingSpans.add(matchedSpans); keytermsFound++; } } if (matchednum != 0) { double score = scorer.scoreWindow(start, end, matchednum, totalMatches, keytermsFound, totalKeyterms, textSize); try { BioPassageCandidate pc = new BioPassageCandidate(docId, start, end, (float) score, null); pc.keytermMatches = keytermsFound; pc.setText(paragraph); passageList.add(pc); } catch (AnalysisEngineProcessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return passageList; } private double CheckContain(PassageCandidate pc, List<PassageCandidate> result) { int oldstart, oldend; int newstart = pc.getStart(); int newend = pc.getEnd(); double containratio = 0.0; for (PassageCandidate oldpc : result) { oldstart = oldpc.getStart(); oldend = oldpc.getEnd(); if (newend <= oldstart || oldend <= newstart) containratio = Math.max(0.0, containratio); else if (newstart >= oldstart && newend <= oldend) containratio = Math.max(1.0, containratio); else if (oldstart >= newstart && oldend <= newend) containratio = Math.max(1.0, containratio); else if (newstart > oldstart && newstart < oldend && newend > oldend) { containratio = Math.max(containratio, (oldend - newstart) / (double) (oldend - oldstart)); } else if (oldstart > newstart && oldstart < newend && oldend > newend) { containratio = Math.max(containratio, (newend - oldstart) / (double) (oldend - oldstart)); } if (containratio >= 0.9) return containratio; } return containratio; } private class PassageCandidateComparator implements Comparator { // Ranks by score, decreasing. public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { PassageCandidate s1 = (PassageCandidate) o1; PassageCandidate s2 = (PassageCandidate) o2; if (s1.getProbability() < s2.getProbability()) { return 1; } else if (s1.getProbability() > s2.getProbability()) { return -1; } return 0; } } private List<PassageSpan> splitParagraph(String text) { StringBuffer temptext = new StringBuffer(text); List<PassageSpan> rawSpans = new ArrayList<PassageSpan>(); List<PassageSpan> splitedSpans = new ArrayList<PassageSpan>(); List<PassageSpan> sentences = new ArrayList<PassageSpan>(); int start = 0; int startindice = -1; int pstart, pend, textend; while ((startindice = temptext.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("<p>")) != -1) { temptext.delete(0, startindice + 3); start += (startindice + 3); pstart = temptext.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("<p>"); pend = temptext.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("</p>"); textend = temptext.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("</txt>"); if (textend != -1 && textend * pend < pend * pend && textend * pstart < pstart * pstart) { PassageSpan ps = new PassageSpan(start, start + textend); rawSpans.add(ps); temptext = temptext.delete(0, textend + 6); start += (textend + 6); } else if (pend != -1 && pstart > pend) { PassageSpan ps = new PassageSpan(start, start + pend); rawSpans.add(ps); temptext = temptext.delete(0, pend + 4); start += (pend + 4); } else if (pstart != -1) { PassageSpan ps = new PassageSpan(start, start + pstart); rawSpans.add(ps); temptext = temptext.delete(0, pstart + 3); start += pstart + 3; } else { } } String substring = new String(); String subtoken = new String(); String cleanText = new String(); PassageSpan rawps; int substart, subend, psstart, psend, offset; Iterator<PassageSpan> ips = rawSpans.iterator(); while (ips.hasNext()) { sentences.clear(); rawps =; //REFINE THE PARAGRAPH //rawps = RefinePassage(rawps); //if(rawps == null)continue; substart = rawps.begin; subend = rawps.end; substring = text.substring(substart, subend); int count = StringUtils.countMatches(substring, " "); if (substring.length() > 20 && count / (double) substring.length() <= 0.4) { cleanText = Jsoup.parse(substring).text().replaceAll("([\177-\377\0-\32]*)", ""); if ((cleanText.length() / (double) substring.length()) >= 0.6) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(substring, ",.?!;"); psstart = substart; psend = psstart; offset = 0; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { psstart = psend; subtoken = tokenizer.nextToken(); // offset = noneblankindex(subtoken); // psstart += offset; psend += subtoken.length() + 1; int totallength = subtoken.length(); while (totallength <= 50) { if (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { subtoken = tokenizer.nextToken(); totallength += subtoken.length(); psend += subtoken.length() + 1; } else break; } PassageSpan sentence = new PassageSpan(psstart, psend); sentences.add(sentence); } } } Iterator<PassageSpan> isentence = sentences.iterator(); PassageSpan ps1; while (isentence.hasNext()) { ps1 =; splitedSpans.add(ps1); } MergeSentences(substart, subend, sentences, splitedSpans, 2); MergeSentences(substart, subend, sentences, splitedSpans, 3); MergeSentences(substart, subend, sentences, splitedSpans, 4); MergeSentences(substart, subend, sentences, splitedSpans, 5); MergeSentences(substart, subend, sentences, splitedSpans, 6); MergeSentences(substart, subend, sentences, splitedSpans, 7); MergeSentences(substart, subend, sentences, splitedSpans, 8); MergeSentences(substart, subend, sentences, splitedSpans, 9); MergeSentences(substart, subend, sentences, splitedSpans, 10); } return splitedSpans; } private void MergeSentences(int substart, int subend, List<PassageSpan> sentences, List<PassageSpan> splitedSpans, int number) { int mergestart, mergeend, count; PassageSpan ps1; Iterator<PassageSpan> isentence = sentences.iterator(); if (sentences.size() == number) { PassageSpan mergedspan = new PassageSpan(substart, subend); splitedSpans.add(mergedspan); } else if (sentences.size() > number && isentence.hasNext()) { ps1 =; mergestart = ps1.begin; while (isentence.hasNext()) { ps1 =; count = 2; while (isentence.hasNext() && count < number) { ps1 =; count++; } mergeend = ps1.end; PassageSpan mergedspan = new PassageSpan(mergestart, mergeend); splitedSpans.add(mergedspan); mergestart = ps1.begin; } } } private PassageSpan RefinePassage(PassageSpan oldps) { int oldstart = oldps.begin; int oldend = oldps.end; int newstart = 0; int newend = 0; String cleanText = new String(); String substring = text.substring(oldstart, oldend); cleanText = Jsoup.parse(substring).text().replaceAll("([\177-\377\0-\32]*)", ""); if (cleanText.length() < 5) return null; int startindex = 0; int endindex = cleanText.length() - 1; while ((cleanText.toCharArray()[startindex] == ' ' || cleanText.toCharArray()[startindex] == '.' || cleanText.toCharArray()[startindex] == '*' || cleanText.toCharArray()[startindex] == '\n' || cleanText.toCharArray()[startindex] == ',' || cleanText.toCharArray()[startindex] == '?' || cleanText.toCharArray()[startindex] == '!' || cleanText.toCharArray()[startindex] <= 57) && startindex < endindex - 1) { startindex++; } while ((cleanText.toCharArray()[endindex] == ' ' || cleanText.toCharArray()[endindex] == '.' || cleanText.toCharArray()[endindex] == '*' || cleanText.toCharArray()[endindex] == '\n' || cleanText.toCharArray()[endindex] == ',' || cleanText.toCharArray()[endindex] == '?' || cleanText.toCharArray()[endindex] == '!' || cleanText.toCharArray()[endindex] <= 57) && endindex > startindex + 1) { endindex--; } newstart = oldstart + substring.indexOf(cleanText.substring(startindex, startindex + 2)); if (newstart == oldstart - 1) newstart = oldstart; newend = oldstart + substring.lastIndexOf(cleanText.substring(endindex - 1, endindex + 1)) + 1; if (newend == oldstart) newend = oldend; else newend = newend + 1; PassageSpan newps = new PassageSpan(newstart, newend); return newps; } class PassageSpan { private int begin, end, cleanBegin, cleanEnd; public PassageSpan(int begin, int end) { this.begin = begin; this.end = end; } public PassageSpan(int begin, int end, int cleanBegin, int cleanEnd) { this.begin = begin; this.end = end; this.cleanBegin = cleanBegin; this.cleanEnd = cleanEnd; } public boolean containedIn(int begin, int end) { if (begin <= this.begin && end >= this.end) { return true; } else { return false; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { SentenceBasedPassageCandidateFinder passageFinder1 = new SentenceBasedPassageCandidateFinder("1", "The quick brown fox jumped over the quick brown fox.", new KeytermWindowScorerProduct()); SentenceBasedPassageCandidateFinder passageFinder2 = new SentenceBasedPassageCandidateFinder("1", "The quick brown fox jumped over the quick brown fox.", new KeytermWindowScorerSum()); String[] keyterms = { "quick", "jumped" }; List<PassageCandidate> windows1 = passageFinder1.extractPassages(keyterms); System.out.println("Windows (product scoring): " + windows1); List<PassageCandidate> windows2 = passageFinder2.extractPassages(keyterms); System.out.println("Windows (sum scoring): " + windows2); } }