Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C)  2015 - 2016  Carnegie Mellon University
 * Author: Oliver Ferschke
 * This file is part of DiscourseDB.
 * DiscourseDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * DiscourseDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with DiscourseDB.  If not, see <> 
 * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 
 * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException;
import javax.persistence.Table;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.hateoas.Identifiable;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;


import antlr.Utils;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.brat.model.BratAnnotation;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.brat.model.BratSeparator;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.brat.model.BratTypes;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.brat.model.BratTypes.AnnotationSourceType;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.brat.model.BratTypes.BratAnnotationType;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.brat.util.UtilService;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.brat.model.CleanupInfo;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.brat.model.OffsetInfo;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.brat.model.VersionInfo;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.model.BaseEntity;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.model.annotation.AnnotationInstance;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.model.annotation.Feature;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.model.macro.Content;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.model.macro.Contribution;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.model.macro.Discourse;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.model.macro.DiscoursePart;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.system.model.system.SystemUser;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.service.annotation.AnnotationService;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.service.macro.ContentService;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.service.macro.ContributionService;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.service.macro.DiscoursePartService;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.service.macro.DiscourseService;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.system.service.system.SystemUserService;
import edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.core.service.user.UserService;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j;

@RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Autowired))
public class BratService {

    private final @NonNull DiscourseService discourseService;
    private final @NonNull ContributionService contribService;
    private final @NonNull ContentService contentService;
    private final @NonNull AnnotationService annoService;
    private final @NonNull SystemUserService sysUserService;
    private final @NonNull DiscoursePartService dpService;
    private final @NonNull UtilService utilService;

     * Imports the annotations of all brat-annotated documents located in the provided folder.  
     * @param inputFolder the path to the brat corpus folder to import 
     * @throws IOException if an Exception occurs accessing the folder
    public void importDataset(String inputFolder) throws IOException {
        Assert.hasText(inputFolder, "inputFolder parameter cannot be empty [importDataset(" + inputFolder + ")]");
        File dir = new File(inputFolder);
                "Provided parameter has to be a path to a folder. [importDataset(" + inputFolder + ")]");

        // retrieve all files that end with ann, strip off the extension and save the file name without extension in a list
        List<String> baseFileNames =, name) -> name.endsWith(".ann")))
                .map(f -> f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().length() - 4)).collect(Collectors.toList());
        for (String baseFileName : baseFileNames) {
            importThread(inputFolder, baseFileName);

     * Imports annotations from a particular brat-annotated thread into DiscourseDB.
     * @param inputFolder the folder with the annotation and meta data files
     * @param baseFileName the base file name of the current thread
     * @throws IOException in case an error occurs reading the files
    public void importThread(String inputFolder, String baseFileName) throws IOException {
                "inputFolder parameter cannot be empty [importThread(" + inputFolder + ", " + baseFileName + ")]");
                "baseFileName parameter cannot be empty [importThread(" + inputFolder + ", " + baseFileName + ")]");
        File dir = new File(inputFolder);
        Assert.isTrue(dir.isDirectory(), "Provided parameter has to be a path to a folder. [importThread("
                + inputFolder + ", " + baseFileName + ")]");

        // The importThreadFromBrat call performs the main import work
        // and the cleanup call deletes discoursedb annotations that have been
        // deleted in Brat. They need to run in separate transactions for the
        // deletion to work."Starting import of " + baseFileName);
        cleanupAfterImport(importThreadFromBrat(inputFolder, baseFileName));
        log.trace("Finished import of " + baseFileName);

     * Imports a thread in Brat stand-off format into discoursedb.
     * @param inputFolder folder with the brat annotation and meta data
     * @param baseFileName the base filename for the current thread to be imported
     * @return an info object containing lists of ids of annotations and featured to be deleted after the import 
     * @throws IOException if any exception occurs while reading the brat annotations or meta data
    @Transactional(value = "coreTransactionManager", propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = false)
    private CleanupInfo importThreadFromBrat(String inputFolder, String baseFileName) throws IOException {
                "inputFolder parameter cannot be empty [importThread(" + inputFolder + ", " + baseFileName + ")]");
                "baseFileName parameter cannot be empty [importThread(" + inputFolder + ", " + baseFileName + ")]");

        File annFile = new File(inputFolder, baseFileName + ".ann");
        File offsetFile = new File(inputFolder, baseFileName + ".offsets");
        File versionsFile = new File(inputFolder, baseFileName + ".versions");

        // get mapping from entity to offset
        TreeMap<Integer, OffsetInfo> offsetToOffsetInfo = getOffsetToOffsetInfoMap(offsetFile);

        // keep track of versions of orginally exported annotations and features
        Map<String, VersionInfo> annotationBratIdToVersionInfo = getBratIdToDdbIdMap(versionsFile,
        Map<String, VersionInfo> featureBratIdToVersionInfo = getBratIdToDdbIdMap(versionsFile,

        DiscoursePart dp = dpService
                .findOne(Long.parseLong(baseFileName.substring(baseFileName.lastIndexOf("_") + 1))).get();
        SystemUser sysUser = sysUserService.getSystemUser().get();

        //Init ddb annotation stats for deletion handling
        Set<Long> ddbAnnotationIds = new HashSet<>();
        Set<Long> ddbFeatureIds = new HashSet<>();
        //extract annotations on Contributions
        for (AnnotationInstance anno : annoService.findContributionAnnotationsByDiscoursePart(dp)) {
            if (anno.getFeatures() != null) {
                ddbFeatureIds.addAll(anno.getFeatures().stream().map(f -> f.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
        //extract annotations on Content entities
        for (AnnotationInstance anno : annoService.findCurrentRevisionAnnotationsByDiscoursePart(dp)) {
            if (anno.getFeatures() != null) {
                ddbFeatureIds.addAll(anno.getFeatures().stream().map(f -> f.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
        } + " annotations within current thread available in DiscoursDB."); + " features within current thread available in DiscoursDB.");

        List<String> bratStandoffEncodedStrings = FileUtils.readLines(annFile);
        //sorting in reverse order assures that Attribute annotations (A) are imported after text-bound annotations (T)
        Collections.sort(bratStandoffEncodedStrings, Collections.reverseOrder());
        for (String bratStandoffEncodedString : bratStandoffEncodedStrings) {

            // create BratAnnotation object from Brat-Stand-off-Encoded String
            // offset correction will be done later
            BratAnnotation bratAnno = new BratAnnotation(bratStandoffEncodedString);

            if (bratAnno.getType() == BratAnnotationType.BRAT_TEXT) {

                Entry<Integer, OffsetInfo> offset = offsetToOffsetInfo.floorEntry(bratAnno.getBeginIndex());
                Contribution contrib = contribService.findOne(offset.getValue().getDiscourseDbContributionId())
                Content content = contentService.findOne(offset.getValue().getDiscourseDbContentId()).get();
                long separatorStartIndex = offset.getKey();
                long separatorEndIndex = separatorStartIndex + BratSeparator.length;
                long textEndIndex = separatorEndIndex + content.getText().length();

                // CONTRIBUTION LABEL: Annotation is completely within a separator
                if (bratAnno.getBeginIndex() >= separatorStartIndex && bratAnno.getBeginIndex() <= separatorEndIndex
                        && bratAnno.getEndIndex() >= separatorStartIndex
                        && bratAnno.getEndIndex() <= separatorEndIndex) {

                    // check if annotation already existed before
                    if (annotationBratIdToVersionInfo.keySet().contains(bratAnno.getId())) {
                        VersionInfo entityInfo = annotationBratIdToVersionInfo.get(bratAnno.getId());

                        ddbAnnotationIds.remove(entityInfo.getDiscourseDBEntityId()); //update deletion stats

                        AnnotationInstance existingAnno = annoService

                        //check if the anno version in the database still matches the anno version we initially exported 
                        if (existingAnno.getEntityVersion() == entityInfo.getDiscourseDBEntityVersion()) {
                        } else {
                                    "Entity changed in DiscourseDB since the data was last import but also changed in the exported file. Cannot import annotation.");

                    } else {
                        // anno is new and didn't exist in ddb before
                        AnnotationInstance newAnno = annoService
                        annoService.addAnnotation(contrib, newAnno);
              ; //this should happen in addAnnotation. Filed Issue #15
                        //update version file
                                new VersionInfo(AnnotationSourceType.DDB_ANNOTATION, bratAnno.getId(),
                                        newAnno.getId(), newAnno.getEntityVersion()));
                // SPAN ANNOTATION WITHIN CONTRIBUTION TEXT (does neither span over separator nor over multiple contributions)
                else if (bratAnno.getBeginIndex() > separatorEndIndex && bratAnno.getBeginIndex() <= textEndIndex
                        && bratAnno.getEndIndex() > separatorEndIndex && bratAnno.getEndIndex() <= textEndIndex) {

                    // calculate offset corrected index values for span annotation
                    int offsetCorrectedBeginIdx = bratAnno.getBeginIndex() - offset.getKey() - BratSeparator.length
                            - 1;
                    int offsetCorrectedEndIdx = bratAnno.getEndIndex() - offset.getKey() - BratSeparator.length - 1;

                    // check if annotation already existed before
                    if (annotationBratIdToVersionInfo.keySet().contains(bratAnno.getId())) {
                        VersionInfo entityInfo = annotationBratIdToVersionInfo.get(bratAnno.getId());
                        ddbAnnotationIds.remove(entityInfo.getDiscourseDBEntityId()); //update deletion stats

                        // Anno already existed. Check for changes.
                        AnnotationInstance existingAnno = annoService

                        //check if the anno version in the database still matches the anno version we initially exported
                        //if so, we can update
                        if (existingAnno.getEntityVersion() == entityInfo.getDiscourseDBEntityVersion()) {
                        } else {
                                    "Entity changed in DiscourseDB since the data was last import but also changed in the exported file. Cannot import annotation.");
                    } else {
                        // Anno is new and didn't exist in ddb before. Create it.
                        AnnotationInstance newAnno = annoService
                        annoService.addAnnotation(content, newAnno);
              ; //this should happen in addAnnotation. Filed Issue #15
                        //update version file
                                new VersionInfo(AnnotationSourceType.DDB_ANNOTATION, bratAnno.getId(),
                                        newAnno.getId(), newAnno.getEntityVersion()));
                } else {
                            "Annotation extends over contribution separator(s) AND text. You can only annotate within a separator or within a contribution. Skipping this annotation...");
            } else if (bratAnno.getType() == BratAnnotationType.BRAT_NOTE) {

                VersionInfo entityInfo = featureBratIdToVersionInfo.get(bratAnno.getId());

                // check if feature already existed before
                if (featureBratIdToVersionInfo.keySet().contains(bratAnno.getId())) {
                    ddbFeatureIds.remove(entityInfo.getDiscourseDBEntityId()); //update deletion stats

                    // feature already existed
                    Feature existingFeature = annoService.findOneFeature(entityInfo.getDiscourseDBEntityId()).get();

                    //check if the feature version in the database still matches the feature version we initially exported 
                    if (existingFeature.getEntityVersion() == entityInfo.getDiscourseDBEntityVersion()) {
                        //check for and apply changes
                        if (existingFeature.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(bratAnno.getAnnotationLabel())) {
                    } else {
                                "Entity changed in DiscourseDB since the data was last import but also changed in the exported file. Cannot import feature.");
                } else {
                    // feature didn't exist in database yet. Create it.
                    VersionInfo referenceAnnotationInfo = annotationBratIdToVersionInfo
                    if (referenceAnnotationInfo != null) {
                        AnnotationInstance referenceAnno = annoService
                        Feature newFeature = annoService.createTypedFeature(bratAnno.getNoteText(),
                        //update version file
                                new VersionInfo(AnnotationSourceType.DDB_FEATURE, bratAnno.getId(),
                                        newFeature.getId(), newFeature.getEntityVersion()));
                        annoService.addFeature(referenceAnno, newFeature);
                        annoService.saveFeature(newFeature); //this should happen in addFeature. Filed Issue #15
                    } else {
                        log.error("Cannot find the annotation this feature applies to.");
            } else {
                //Implement import capabilities for other Brat Annotation types here
                log.error("Unsupported Annotation type " + bratAnno.getType() + " Skipping.");

        //Regenerate the version infos updated data from the newly created annotations 
        List<VersionInfo> updatedVersionInfo = new ArrayList<>();
        FileUtils.writeLines(versionsFile, updatedVersionInfo);

        //return info about entities to be deleted
        return new CleanupInfo(versionsFile, ddbFeatureIds, ddbAnnotationIds);

     * Deletes annotations and features identified by a list of ids.
     * Also updates the versions file.
     * @param featureIds a list of discourse db feature ids
     * @param annotationIds a list of discoursedb annotation ids
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, readOnly = false)
    private void cleanupAfterImport(CleanupInfo cleanupInfo) throws IOException {
        Assert.notNull(cleanupInfo, "cleanup info cannot be null");

        //delete features from DiscourseDB that have been deleted in brat
        for (Long id : cleanupInfo.getFeaturesToDelete()) {
  "Delete feature " + id);
        //delete annotations from DiscourseDB that have been deleted in brat
        for (Long id : cleanupInfo.getAnnotationsToDelete()) {
  "Delete annotation " + id);

        //cleanup versions file - remove deleted entities
        List<VersionInfo> filteredVersionFile = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String line : FileUtils.readLines(cleanupInfo.getVersionsFile())) {
            VersionInfo info = new VersionInfo(line);
            if (info.getType() == AnnotationSourceType.DDB_ANNOTATION) {
                if (!cleanupInfo.getAnnotationsToDelete().contains(info.getDiscourseDBEntityId())) {
            } else if (info.getType() == AnnotationSourceType.DDB_FEATURE) {
                if (!cleanupInfo.getFeaturesToDelete().contains(info.getDiscourseDBEntityId())) {
        FileUtils.writeLines(cleanupInfo.getVersionsFile(), filteredVersionFile);

    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true)
    public void exportDiscoursePart(DiscoursePart dp, String outputFolder) throws IOException {
        exportDiscoursePart(dp, outputFolder, false);

    public String discoursePart2BratName(DiscoursePart dp) {
        return dp.getName().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_") + "_" + dp.getId().toString();

    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true)
    public void exportDiscoursePart(DiscoursePart dp, String outputFolder, Boolean threaded) throws IOException {
        Assert.notNull(dp, "The DiscoursePart cannot be null");
        Assert.hasText(outputFolder, "The outputFolder has to be specified");

        //define a common base filename for all files associated with this DiscoursePart
        String baseFileName = discoursePart2BratName(dp);
        //dp.getClass().getAnnotation(Table.class).name() + "_"+dp.getId();  
        // delete me

        //The offset mapping keeps track of the start positions of each contribution/content in the aggregated txt file
        List<OffsetInfo> entityOffsetMapping = new ArrayList<>();
        List<String> discoursePartText = new ArrayList<>();
        List<BratAnnotation> bratAnnotations = new ArrayList<>();
        BratIdGenerator bratIdGenerator = new BratIdGenerator();

        int spanOffset = 0;

        // Sort contributions by their start time, without crashing on null
        List<Contribution> contribsTimeOrdered = Lists.newArrayList(contribService.findAllByDiscoursePart(dp));
        //This should be (maybe, optionally) a depth-first sort, with start time as a tiebreaker.
        contribsTimeOrdered.sort((c1, c2) -> {
            if (c1 == null) {
                return -1;
            } else if (c2 == null) {
                return 1;
            } else if (c1.getStartTime() == c2.getStartTime()) {
                return c1.getId().compareTo(c2.getId());
            } else {
                return c1.getStartTime().compareTo(c2.getStartTime());
        List<Contribution> contribs = null;
        if (threaded) {
            contribs = utilService.threadsort(contribsTimeOrdered, c -> c.getId(), c -> {
                Contribution p = contribService.getOneRelatedContribution(c);
                if (p == null) {
                    return 0L;
                } else {
                    return p.getId();
        } else {
            contribs = contribsTimeOrdered;

        // Export current revision of sorted contributions
        for (Contribution contrib : contribs) {

            Content curRevision = contrib.getCurrentRevision();
            String text = curRevision.getText();

            String sep = new BratSeparator(0, contrib.getCurrentRevision().getAuthor().getUsername(),
                    contrib.getCurrentRevision().getTitle(), contrib.getStartTime()).get();

            //annotations on content
            for (AnnotationInstance anno : annoService.findAnnotations(curRevision)) {
                        .addAll(convertAnnotationToBrat(anno, spanOffset, sep, text, curRevision, bratIdGenerator));
            //annotations on contributions
            for (AnnotationInstance anno : annoService.findAnnotations(contrib)) {
                        .addAll(convertAnnotationToBrat(anno, spanOffset, sep, text, contrib, bratIdGenerator));

            //keep track of offsets
            entityOffsetMapping.add(new OffsetInfo(spanOffset, contrib.getId(), curRevision.getId()));

            //update span offsets
            spanOffset += text.length() + 1;
            spanOffset += BratSeparator.length + 1;

        if (contribs.size() > 0) {
            FileUtils.writeLines(new File(outputFolder, baseFileName + ".txt"), discoursePartText);
            FileUtils.writeLines(new File(outputFolder, baseFileName + ".ann"), bratAnnotations);
            FileUtils.writeLines(new File(outputFolder, baseFileName + ".offsets"), entityOffsetMapping);
            FileUtils.writeLines(new File(outputFolder, baseFileName + ".versions"),
                    .map(anno -> anno.getVersionInfo()).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList()));

     * Converts a DiscourseDB annotation into Brat annotations.
     * A single DiscourseDB annotation might result in multiple Brat annotations 
     * @param dbAnno the DiscourseDB annotation to convert
     * @param spanOffset the current offset of the Contribution or Content within the aggregate document
     * @param text the contribution text
     * @param entity the annotated entity (Contribution or Content)
     * @param annotationVersionInfo a list in which version information about the exported annotations will be stored 
     * @return a list of BratAnnotations 
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true)
    private <T extends BaseEntity & Identifiable<Long>> List<BratAnnotation> convertAnnotationToBrat(
            AnnotationInstance dbAnno, int spanOffset, String sep, String text, T entity,
            BratIdGenerator bratIdGenerator) {
        Assert.notNull(dbAnno, "The annotation instance to be converted cannot be null.");
        Assert.notNull(text, "The text may be empty, but not null.");
        Assert.notNull(entity, "The entity associated with the annotation cannot be null.");
        Assert.notNull(bratIdGenerator, "The Brat IDGenerator cannot be null.");

        //one DiscourseDB annotation could result in multiple BRAT annotations 
        List<BratAnnotation> newAnnotations = new ArrayList<>();

        //PRODUCE Text-Bound Annotation for ALL other annotations      
        BratAnnotation textBoundAnnotation = new BratAnnotation();
                .setId(bratIdGenerator.getNextAvailableBratId(BratAnnotationType.BRAT_TEXT, dbAnno.getId()));

        //CALC OFFSET         
        if (entity instanceof Contribution) {
            //annotations on contributions are always annotated on the contribution separator as an entity label 
            textBoundAnnotation.setEndIndex(spanOffset + sep.length());
        } else if (entity instanceof Content) {
            //content labels are always annotated as text spans on the currentRevision content entity
            if (dbAnno.getEndOffset() == 0) {
                log.warn("Labels on Content entites should define a span and should not be entity labels.");
            textBoundAnnotation.setBeginIndex(spanOffset + dbAnno.getBeginOffset() + sep.length() + 1);
            textBoundAnnotation.setEndIndex(spanOffset + dbAnno.getEndOffset() + sep.length() + 1);
            textBoundAnnotation.setCoveredText(text.substring(dbAnno.getBeginOffset(), dbAnno.getEndOffset()));
        textBoundAnnotation.setVersionInfo(new VersionInfo(AnnotationSourceType.DDB_ANNOTATION,
                textBoundAnnotation.getId(), dbAnno.getId(), dbAnno.getEntityVersion()));

        for (Feature f : dbAnno.getFeatures()) {
            BratAnnotation newAttribute = new BratAnnotation();
            newAttribute.setId(bratIdGenerator.getNextAvailableBratId(BratAnnotationType.BRAT_NOTE, f.getId()));
            newAttribute.setVersionInfo(new VersionInfo(AnnotationSourceType.DDB_FEATURE, newAttribute.getId(),
                    f.getId(), f.getEntityVersion()));

        return newAnnotations;

     * Parses the offsets file and provides a Map from offset to discoursedb id. This is used to 
     * identify discoursedb entities by offset in order to identify the contribution at a specific point in the aggated (thread-level) document. 
     * @param offsetFile file with the offset mapping
     * @return a TreeMap (has to be a TreeMap because of the required floorEntry method) mapping offset values to entity ids for the given entity type
     * @throws IOException if an exception occurred while accessing the offset file 
    private TreeMap<Integer, OffsetInfo> getOffsetToOffsetInfoMap(File offsetFile) throws IOException {
        Assert.notNull(offsetFile, "OffsetFile has to be specified.");

        TreeMap<Integer, OffsetInfo> offsetToOffsetInfo = new TreeMap<>();
        for (String line : FileUtils.readLines(offsetFile)) {
            OffsetInfo info = new OffsetInfo(line);
            offsetToOffsetInfo.put(info.getSpanOffset(), info);
        return offsetToOffsetInfo;

     * Parses the a version file and returns a map from brat annotation id to DDBEntityInfo objects which provide 
     * meta information about the corresponding discourse db entities 
     * @param versionFile the file containing the version information
     * @param sourceType the brat-type of annotations that should be extracted from the versions file (e.g. text-bound annotations) 
     * @return a map from brat annotation ids to DDBEntityInfo objects
     * @throws IOException if an error occured reading the versions file
    private Map<String, VersionInfo> getBratIdToDdbIdMap(File versionFile, AnnotationSourceType sourceType)
            throws IOException {
        Assert.notNull(versionFile, "OffsetFile has to be specified.");
        Assert.notNull(sourceType, "A source type needs to be specified.");

        Map<String, VersionInfo> bratIdToDdbVersion = new HashMap<>();
        for (String line : FileUtils.readLines(versionFile)) {
            VersionInfo info = new VersionInfo(line);
            if (info.getType() == sourceType) {
                bratIdToDdbVersion.put(info.getBratAnnotationId(), info);
        return bratIdToDdbVersion;

     * Generates a Brat annotation.conf file with all DiscourseDB annotation types that occur in the set of annotations on contributions or current revisions within the provided discourse registered as Brat annotations.
     * Relations, events and attribute sections are left empty and not further configuration is generated.
     * @param discourseName the name of the discourse for which to export annotation types
     * @param outputFolder the folder to which the config file should be written
     * @throws IOException if an exception occurs writing the config file
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true)
    public void generateBratConfig(String discourseName, String outputFolder) throws IOException {
        Assert.hasText(discourseName, "The discourse name cannot be empty.");
        Assert.hasText(outputFolder, "The output folder path  cannot be empty.");
                () -> new EntityNotFoundException("Discourse with name " + discourseName + " does not exist.")),

     * Generates a Brat annotation.conf file with all DiscourseDB annotation types that occur in the set of annotations on contributions or current revisions within the provided discourse registered as Brat annotations.
     * Relations, events and attribute sections are left empty and not further configuration is generated.
     * @param discourseName the name of the discourse for which to export annotation types
     * @param outputFolder the folder to which the config file should be written
     * @throws IOException if an exception occurs writing the config file
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true)
    public void generateBratConfig(String outputFolder) throws IOException {
        Assert.hasText(outputFolder, "The output folder path  cannot be empty.");
        Set<String> annoTypes = new HashSet<>();
        for (Discourse curDiscourse : discourseService.findAll()) {
            for (DiscoursePart dp : dpService.findAllByDiscourse(curDiscourse)) {
                        .map(anno -> BratAnnotation.cleanString(anno.getType())).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
                        .map(anno -> BratAnnotation.cleanString(anno.getType())).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
        generateBratConfig(outputFolder, annoTypes);

     * Generates a Brat annotation.conf file with all DiscourseDB annotation types that occur in the set of annotations on contributions or current revisions within the provided discourse registered as Brat annotations.
     * Relations, events and attribute sections are left empty and not further configuration is generated.
     * @param discourse the discourse for which to export annotation types
     * @param outputFolder the folder to which the config file should be written
     * @throws IOException if an exception occurs writing the config file
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true)
    public void generateBratConfig(Discourse discourse, String outputFolder) throws IOException {
        Assert.notNull(discourse, "The discourse cannot be null.");
        Assert.hasText(outputFolder, "The output folder path  cannot be empty.");
        Set<String> annoTypes = new HashSet<>();

        for (DiscoursePart dp : dpService.findAllByDiscourse(discourse)) {
                    .map(anno -> BratAnnotation.cleanString(anno.getType())).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
                    .map(anno -> BratAnnotation.cleanString(anno.getType())).collect(Collectors.toSet()));

        generateBratConfig(outputFolder, annoTypes);

     * Generates an empty brat anotation.conf file and registers the provided set of annotation types.
     * @param outputFolder the folder to which the config file should be written
     * @param annotationTypes a set of annotation types to register in the brat configuration file
     * @throws IOException if an exception occurs writing the config file
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true)
    public void generateBratConfig(String outputFolder, Set<String> annotationTypes) throws IOException {
        Assert.hasText(outputFolder, "The output folder path  cannot be empty.");
                "The set holding annotation types was null. Please pass a (potentially empty) set.");
        List<String> annotationConf = new ArrayList<>();


        FileUtils.writeLines(new File(outputFolder, "annotation.conf"), annotationConf);

     * The Brat UI auto-generates annotations starting with ID 1. 
     * If an annotation with id 1 is deleted, the next annotation created will again get id 1.
     * If we delete an annotation that exists in DiscourseDB that has brat id 1 and then create a new annotation that does not yet exist in discoursedb it
     * will get the brat id 1 and the import process would not create the annotation since it thinks the annotation with brat id 1 is already there.
     * That's why we offset all annotations that came from discoursedb with a large number upon export to create a certain id range that will always be
     * associated with annotations already available in discoursedb.
     * This generator produces brat ids and ensured they don't collide with previously generated ids.
    protected class BratIdGenerator {
        private static final int BRAT_ID_OFFSET = 100000;

        private List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>();

        public String getNextAvailableBratId(BratAnnotationType type, long baseId) {
            long offsetId = BRAT_ID_OFFSET + baseId;
            String curBratId = type.toString() + offsetId;
            while (ids.contains(curBratId)) {
                curBratId = type.toString() + offsetId;
            return curBratId;
