Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 Dipanjan Das * Language Technologies Institute, * Carnegie Mellon University, * All Rights Reserved. * * is part of SEMAFOR 2.0. * * SEMAFOR 2.0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SEMAFOR 2.0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with SEMAFOR 2.0. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package edu.cmu.cs.lti.ark.fn.evaluation; import; import; import; import; import edu.cmu.cs.lti.ark.fn.utils.DataPointWithFrameElements; import edu.cmu.cs.lti.ark.util.XmlUtils; import edu.cmu.cs.lti.ark.util.ds.Range; import edu.cmu.cs.lti.ark.util.ds.Range0Based; import gnu.trove.THashSet; import gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import; import; import java.util.*; import static edu.cmu.cs.lti.ark.util.IntRanges.xrange; import static edu.cmu.cs.lti.ark.util.XmlUtils.addAttribute; import static; public class PrepareFullAnnotationXML { private static final Function<DataPointWithFrameElements, String> GET_FRAME = new Function<DataPointWithFrameElements, String>() { @Override public String apply(DataPointWithFrameElements input) { return input.getFrameName(); } }; /** * Generates the XML representation of a set of predicted semantic parses so evaluation * can be performed (with SemEval Perl scripts) * * @param args Options to specify: * testFEPredictionsFile * startIndex * endIndex * testParseFile * testTokenizedFile * outputFile * @see #generateXMLForPrediction */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // TODO: Change to CommandLineOptions framework (involves changes to shell scripts which use this class) ParseOptions options = new ParseOptions(args); generateXMLForPrediction(options.testFEPredictionsFile, new Range0Based(options.startIndex, options.endIndex, false), options.testParseFile, options.testTokenizedFile, options.outputFile); } /** * Generates the XML representation of a set of predicted semantic parses so evaluation * can be performed (with SemEval Perl scripts) * * @param testFEPredictionsFile Path to MapReduce output of the parser, formatted as frame elements lines * @param sentenceNums Range of sentences to include (0-based) * @param testParseFile Dependency parses for each sentence in the data * @param testTokenizedFile File Original form of each sentence in the data * @param outputFile Where to store the resulting XML */ public static void generateXMLForPrediction(String testFEPredictionsFile, Range sentenceNums, String testParseFile, String testTokenizedFile, String outputFile) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> parses = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> predictedFELines = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> orgSentenceLines = new ArrayList<String>(); // Read in a subset of (predicted) frame element lines BufferedReader inFELines = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(testFEPredictionsFile)); // output of MapReduce--will have an extra number and tab at the beginning of each line String pFELine; while ((pFELine = inFELines.readLine()) != null) { int sentNum = DataPointWithFrameElements.parseFrameNameAndSentenceNum(pFELine).second; if (sentenceNums.contains(sentNum)) { predictedFELines.add(pFELine.trim()); } } closeQuietly(inFELines); // Read in corresponding sentences and their parses BufferedReader inParses = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(testParseFile)); BufferedReader inOrgSentences = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(testTokenizedFile)); String parseLine; int count = 0; while ((parseLine = inParses.readLine()) != null) { String sentence = inOrgSentences.readLine().trim(); // skip sentences prior to the specified range if (count < sentenceNums.start) { count++; continue; } parses.add(parseLine.trim()); orgSentenceLines.add(sentence); // skip sentences after the specified range if (count == sentenceNums.start + sentenceNums.length()) { break; } count++; } closeQuietly(inParses); closeQuietly(inOrgSentences); Document doc = createXMLDoc(predictedFELines, sentenceNums, parses, orgSentenceLines); XmlUtils.writeXML(outputFile, doc); } /** * Given several parallel lists of predicted frame instances, including their frame elements, create an XML file * for the full-text annotation predicted by the model. * @param predictedFELines Lines encoding predicted frames & FEs in the same format as the .sentences.frame.elements files * @param sentenceNums Global sentence number for the first sentence being predicted, so as to map FE lines to items in parses/orgLines * @param parses Lines encoding the parse for each sentence * @param origLines The original sentences, untokenized * @return */ public static Document createXMLDoc(List<String> predictedFELines, Range sentenceNums, List<String> parses, List<String> origLines) { final Document doc = XmlUtils.getNewDocument(); final Element corpus = doc.createElement("corpus"); addAttribute(doc, "ID", corpus, "100"); addAttribute(doc, "name", corpus, "ONE"); addAttribute(doc, "XMLCreated", corpus, new Date().toString()); final Element documents = doc.createElement("documents"); corpus.appendChild(documents); final Element document = doc.createElement("document"); addAttribute(doc, "ID", document, "1"); addAttribute(doc, "description", document, "TWO"); documents.appendChild(document); final Element paragraphs = doc.createElement("paragraphs"); document.appendChild(paragraphs); final Element paragraph = doc.createElement("paragraph"); addAttribute(doc, "ID", paragraph, "2"); addAttribute(doc, "documentOrder", paragraph, "1"); paragraphs.appendChild(paragraph); final Element sentences = doc.createElement("sentences"); // Map sentence offsets to frame annotation data points within each sentence final TIntObjectHashMap<Set<String>> predictions = new TIntObjectHashMap<Set<String>>(); for (String feLine : predictedFELines) { final int sentNum = DataPointWithFrameElements.parseFrameNameAndSentenceNum(feLine).second; if (!predictions.containsKey(sentNum)) predictions.put(sentNum, new THashSet<String>()); predictions.get(sentNum).add(feLine); } for (int sent = sentenceNums.start; sent < sentenceNums.start + sentenceNums.length(); sent++) { final String parseLine = parses.get(sent - sentenceNums.start); final Element sentence = doc.createElement("sentence"); addAttribute(doc, "ID", sentence, "" + (sent - sentenceNums.start)); final Element text = doc.createElement("text"); final String origLine = origLines.get(sent - sentenceNums.start); final Node textNode = doc.createTextNode(origLine); text.appendChild(textNode); sentence.appendChild(text); final Element tokensElt = doc.createElement("tokens"); final String[] tokens = origLine.trim().split(" "); for (int i : xrange(tokens.length)) { final String token = tokens[i]; final Element tokenElt = doc.createElement("token"); addAttribute(doc, "index", tokenElt, "" + i); final Node tokenNode = doc.createTextNode(token); tokenElt.appendChild(tokenNode); tokensElt.appendChild(tokenElt); } sentence.appendChild(tokensElt); final Element annotationSets = doc.createElement("annotationSets"); int frameIndex = 0; // index of the predicted frame within the sentence final Set<String> feLines = predictions.get(sent); if (feLines != null) { final List<DataPointWithFrameElements> dataPoints = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String feLine : feLines) { final DataPointWithFrameElements dp = new DataPointWithFrameElements(parseLine, feLine); dp.processOrgLine(origLine); dataPoints.add(dp); } final Set<String> seenTargetSpans = Sets.newHashSet(); for (DataPointWithFrameElements dp : dataPoints) { final String targetIdxsString = Arrays.toString(dp.getTargetTokenIdxs()); if (seenTargetSpans.contains(targetIdxsString)) { System.err.println("Duplicate target tokens: " + targetIdxsString + ". Skipping. Sentence id: " + sent); continue; // same target tokens should never show up twice in the same sentence } else { seenTargetSpans.add(targetIdxsString); } assert dp.rank == 1; // this doesn't work with k-best lists anymore final String frame = dp.getFrameName(); // Create the <annotationSet> Element for the predicted frame annotation, and add it under the sentence Element annotationSet = buildAnnotationSet(frame, ImmutableList.of(dp), doc, sent - sentenceNums.start, frameIndex); annotationSets.appendChild(annotationSet); frameIndex++; } } sentence.appendChild(annotationSets); sentences.appendChild(sentence); } paragraph.appendChild(sentences); doc.appendChild(corpus); return doc; } public static Element buildAnnotationSet(String frame, List<DataPointWithFrameElements> dataPointList, Document doc, int parentId, int num) { final Element ret = doc.createElement("annotationSet"); final int setId = parentId * 100 + num; addAttribute(doc, "ID", ret, "" + setId); addAttribute(doc, "frameName", ret, frame); final Element layers = doc.createElement("layers"); // Target Layer final Element targetLayer = doc.createElement("layer"); final int layerId1 = setId * 100 + 1; addAttribute(doc, "ID", targetLayer, "" + layerId1); addAttribute(doc, "name", targetLayer, "Target"); final Element targetLabels = doc.createElement("labels"); // Target info is inlined in every data point; might as well look at the first one final DataPointWithFrameElements firstDataPoint = dataPointList.get(0); final List<Range0Based> targetTokenRanges = firstDataPoint.getTokenStartEnds(true); final List<Range0Based> targetCharRanges = firstDataPoint.getCharStartEnds(targetTokenRanges); int count = 0; for (int i : xrange(targetCharRanges.size())) { final Range0Based charRange = targetCharRanges.get(i); final Range0Based tokenRange = targetTokenRanges.get(i); final int labelId1 = layerId1 * 100 + count + 1; final Element label1 = doc.createElement("label"); addAttribute(doc, "ID", label1, "" + labelId1); addAttribute(doc, "name", label1, "Target"); addAttribute(doc, "start", label1, "" + charRange.start); addAttribute(doc, "end", label1, "" + charRange.end); addAttribute(doc, "tokenStart", label1, "" + tokenRange.start); addAttribute(doc, "tokenEnd", label1, "" + tokenRange.end); targetLabels.appendChild(label1); count = count + 3; } targetLayer.appendChild(targetLabels); layers.appendChild(targetLayer); // Frame Element Layers for (DataPointWithFrameElements dataPointWithFrameElements : dataPointList) { final int rank = dataPointWithFrameElements.rank; final double score = dataPointWithFrameElements.score; final Element feLayer = doc.createElement("layer"); final int layerId = setId * 100 + rank + 1; addAttribute(doc, "ID", feLayer, "" + layerId); addAttribute(doc, "name", feLayer, "FE"); addAttribute(doc, "kbestRank", feLayer, "" + rank); addAttribute(doc, "score", feLayer, "" + score); layers.appendChild(feLayer); final Element labels = doc.createElement("labels"); feLayer.appendChild(labels); final List<Range0Based> fillerSpans = dataPointWithFrameElements.getOvertFrameElementFillerSpans(); final List<String> feNames = dataPointWithFrameElements.getOvertFilledFrameElementNames(); for (int i = 0; i < feNames.size(); i++) { final String feName = feNames.get(i); final Range fillerSpan = fillerSpans.get(i); final int labelId = layerId * 100 + i + 1; final Element label = doc.createElement("label"); addAttribute(doc, "ID", label, "" + labelId); addAttribute(doc, "name", label, feName); final int tokenStart = fillerSpan.start; final int tokenEnd = fillerSpan.end; final int startCharIndex = dataPointWithFrameElements.getCharacterIndicesForToken(tokenStart).start; final int endCharIndex = dataPointWithFrameElements.getCharacterIndicesForToken(tokenEnd).end; addAttribute(doc, "start", label, "" + startCharIndex); addAttribute(doc, "end", label, "" + endCharIndex); addAttribute(doc, "tokenStart", label, "" + tokenStart); addAttribute(doc, "tokenEnd", label, "" + tokenEnd); labels.appendChild(label); } } ret.appendChild(layers); return ret; } }