Source code

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// Question Generation via Overgenerating Transformations and Ranking
// Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Carnegie Mellon University. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// For more information, bug reports, fixes, contact:
// Michael Heilman
// Carnegie Mellon University
// 9/2012 Michael Kutschke: fix compatibility issues with newer versions of StanfordNLP tools

package edu.cmu.ark;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexMatcher;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.Tsurgeon;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.TsurgeonPattern;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;

 * Class for converting declarative statements into questions. This class and the WhPhraseGenerator
 * class constitute "stage 2" as discussed in papers on the system.
 * @author Michael Heilman (
public class QuestionTransducer {
    public QuestionTransducer() {
        whGen = new WhPhraseGenerator();
        numWHPhrases = 0;

     * This method removes question objects that have duplicate yields (i.e., output strings). It
     * goes in order so that higher ranked questions, which are expected to appear first, will
     * remain.
     * @param givenQuestions
    public static void removeDuplicateQuestions(Collection<Question> givenQuestions) {
        Map<String, Question> yieldMap = new HashMap<String, Question>();
        String yield;

        //add questions that used NP Clarification first
        for (Question q : givenQuestions) {
            if (q.getFeatureValue("performedNPClarification") == 0.0) {
            yield = q.getTree().yield().toString();
            if (yieldMap.containsKey(yield)) {
                if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                    System.err.println("Removing duplicate: " + yield);

            yieldMap.put(yield, q);

        //now add any new questions that don't involve NP Clarification
        for (Question q : givenQuestions) {
            if (q.getFeatureValue("performedNPClarification") == 1.0) {
            yield = q.getTree().yield().toString();
            if (yieldMap.containsKey(yield)) {
                if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                    System.err.println("Removing duplicate: " + yield);

                //if a previous question that involved NP Clarification has the same yield (i.e., text),
                //then mark it as using NP Clarification for the answer only
                Question other = yieldMap.get(yield);
                if (other.getFeatureValue("performedNPClarification") == 1.0
                        && other.getSourceSentenceNumber() == q.getSourceSentenceNumber()) {
                    //other.setFeatureValue("performedNPClarificationAnswerOnly", 1.0);
                    other.setFeatureValue("performedNPClarification", 0.0);

            yieldMap.put(yield, q);


     * This method identifies whether the question contains personal pronouns or demonstrative
     * pronouns (e.g., ``THAT was interesting''), so that the system (by default) avoids outputting
     * them. If the noun phrase clarification has resolved a personal pronoun to something within
     * the same sentence, then a question will be produced as output (e.g., John knew he would win
     * -> Who knew he would win?)
     * @param q
     * @return
    public static boolean containsUnresolvedPronounsOrDemonstratives(Question q) {
        boolean res = false;
        String tregexOpStr;
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TregexMatcher matcher;

        //return false if noun phrase clarification 
        //has been performed (i.e., if there are pronouns left, they are OK).
        if (q.getFeatureValue("performedNPClarification") == 0.0) {
            tregexOpStr = "/^PRP/";
            matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
            matcher = matchPattern.matcher(q.getTree());
            res |= matcher.find();

        //tregexOpStr = "NP < (DT < that|this|those|these !$ NN|NNP|NNPS|NP|NNS|SBAR)";
        tregexOpStr = "NP < (DT < that|this|those|these)";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        matcher = matchPattern.matcher(q.getTree());
        res |= matcher.find();

        return res;

    public void generateQuestionsFromParse(String inputParseStr) {
        Tree inputTree = AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().readTreeFromString(inputParseStr);

    public void generateQuestionsFromParse(Tree inputTree) {
        Question q = new Question();

     * The top-level method for converting declarative sentences into yes-no and WH questions.
     * @param inputQuestion
    public void generateQuestionsFromParse(Question inputQuestion) {
        //initialize the array used to store the output questions
        questions = new ArrayList<Question>();

        //check if this is a sentence we want to create questions from.
        //E.g., avoid blank sentences, fragments, and sentences that are already questions
        if (!isUsableInputSentence(inputQuestion.getIntermediateTree())) {
            if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                System.err.println("Not a usable sentence.");

        Tree answerPhrase;
        Question tmp1 = inputQuestion.deeperCopy();
        Question tmp2 = null;
        List<Tree> outputTrees;

        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("getQuestionsFromParse: input: " + tmp1.toString());


        //mark phrases that should not be answer phrases,
        //either due to syntactic constraints or conservative restrictions
        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("Number of Possible WH questions: " + numWHPhrases + "\n");

        //iterate over the possible answer phrases, generate
        //questions for each one
        for (int i = 0; i < numWHPhrases; i++) {
            tmp2 = tmp1.deeperCopy();

            answerPhrase = getAnswerPhrase(tmp2.getTree(), i);
            answerPhrase = removeMarkersFromTree(answerPhrase.deepCopy());

            //check whether the current answer phrase is the subject.
            //if not, then decompose the main verb and perform subject auxiliary inversion
            boolean subjectMovement = isSubjectMovement(tmp2.getTree(), i);
            if (subjectMovement) {
                if (GlobalProperties.getComputeFeatures())
                    tmp2.setFeatureValue("isSubjectMovement", 1.0);
                if (GlobalProperties.getComputeFeatures())
                    tmp2.setFeatureValue("whQuestion", 1.0);
            } else {
                if (GlobalProperties.getComputeFeatures())
                    tmp2.setFeatureValue("isSubjectMovement", 0.0);
                if (GlobalProperties.getComputeFeatures())
                    tmp2.setFeatureValue("whQuestion", 1.0);

            //Now generate questions by analyzing the answer phrase and choosing possible
            //question words (e.g., what, who) from it.
            //Then, remove the answer phrase and put the question phrase at 
            //the front of the main clause before the subject.
            outputTrees = moveWHPhrase(tmp2.getTree(), tmp2.getIntermediateTree(), i, subjectMovement);

            //post-process and filter the output
            for (Tree t : outputTrees) {
                tmp2 = tmp2.deeperCopy();

                if (GlobalProperties.getComputeFeatures())

                if (avoidPronounsAndDemonstratives && (containsUnresolvedPronounsOrDemonstratives(tmp2))) {
                    if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                        System.err.println("generateQuestionsFromParse: skipping due to pronouns");
                } else {

                if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())

        //add a yes-no question by performing subject auxiliary inversion
        tmp2 = tmp1.deeperCopy();
        if (canInvert(tmp2.getTree())) {
            if (GlobalProperties.getComputeFeatures())
                tmp2.setFeatureValue("isSubjectMovement", 0.0);
            if (GlobalProperties.getComputeFeatures())
                tmp2.setFeatureValue("whQuestion", 0.0);
            if (GlobalProperties.getComputeFeatures())

            if (avoidPronounsAndDemonstratives && containsUnresolvedPronounsOrDemonstratives(tmp2)) {
                if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                    System.err.println("generateQuestionsFromParse: skipping due to pronouns");
            } else {

            if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())


    private void relabelPunctuationAsQuestionMark(Tree inputTree) {
        List<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>> ops = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
        String tregexOpStr;
        List<TsurgeonPattern> ps = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TsurgeonPattern p;

        tregexOpStr = "/^\\./ < /^\\./=period";
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel period /?/"));
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
        ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
        Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, inputTree);

        //Make sure there is a question mark at the end.
        //This catches odd cases like "I live in Pittsburg, PA.",
        //where the parser think the period at the end is part of an abbreviation.
        tregexOpStr = "/^\\./";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        if (!matchPattern.matcher(inputTree).find()) {
            inputTree.getChild(0).addChild(AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().readTreeFromString("(. ?)"));

     * Identifies whether a particular answer phrase i is the subject of the sentence. e.g., returns
     * true for: sentence: John met Sally. question: Who met Sally? returns false for: sentence:
     * John met Sally. question: Who did John meet?
    private boolean isSubjectMovement(Tree inputTree, int i) {
        String tregexOpStr = "ROOT=root < (S < NP-" + i + "|SBAR-" + i + ")";
        TregexPattern matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        TregexMatcher matcher = matchPattern.matcher(inputTree);
        boolean res = matcher.find();
        return res;

     * The Stanford Parser (or maybe the Penn Treebank) oddly seems to only rarely include adverbs
     * that precede verbs in verb phrases (e.g., ''oddly'' in this sentence). This method adjusts
     * for that.
    private void putLeadingAbverbPhrasesInsideVPs(Tree inputTree) {
        List<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>> ops = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
        String tregexOpStr;
        List<TsurgeonPattern> ps = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TsurgeonPattern p;

        tregexOpStr = "ADVP=mover $. VP=vp";
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("move mover >0 vp"));
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
        ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
        Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, inputTree);

    private Tree markUnmovablePhrases(Tree inputTree) {
        if (noAnswerPhraseMarking) {
            return inputTree.deepCopy();
        } else {
            return markUnmovablePhrasesFull(inputTree);

     * This method marks phrases in the tree that should not undergo WH movement and become answers
     * to questions, either due to syntactic constraints or some conservative restrictions used to
     * avoid particular constructions that the system is not designed to handle. E.g., Sentence:
     * Darwin studied how SPECIES evolve. Avoided Question: * What did Darwin study how evolve?
    private Tree markUnmovablePhrasesFull(Tree inputTree) {
        Tree copyTree = inputTree.deepCopy();

        //adjunct clauses under verb phrases (following commas)
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (VP < (S=unmovable $,, /,/))");

        //anything under a sentence level subordinate clause
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root < (S < PP|ADJP|ADVP|S|SBAR=unmovable)");

        //anything under a phrase directly dominating a conjunction
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (/\\.*/ < CC << NP|ADJP|VP|ADVP|PP=unmovable)");

        //adjunct clauses -- assume subordinate clauses that have a complementizer other than "that" (or empty) are adjuncts 
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (SBAR < (IN|DT < /[^that]/) << NP|PP=unmovable)");

        //anything under a WH phrase
                "ROOT=root << (SBAR < /^WH.*P$/ << NP|ADJP|VP|ADVP|PP=unmovable)");

        //"Complementizer-trace effect"
        //the subject of a complement phrase when an explicit complementizer is present (e.g., I knew that JOHN ran.)
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (SBAR <, IN|DT < (S < (NP=unmovable !$,, VP)))");

        //anything under a clause that is a predicate nominative (e.g., my favorite activity is to run in THE PARK)
                "ROOT=root << (S < (VP <+(VP) (VB|VBD|VBN|VBZ < be|being|been|is|are|was|were|am) <+(VP) (S << NP|ADJP|VP|ADVP|PP=unmovable)))");

        //objects of prepositional phrases with prepositions other than "of" or "about".
        //"of" and "about" signal that the modifier is a complement rather than an adjunct. 
        //allows: "John visited the capital of Alaska." -> "What did John visit the capital of?"
        //disallows: "John visited a city in Alaska." -> ? "What did John visit a city in?"
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (NP << (PP=unmovable !< (IN < of|about)))");

        //nested prepositional phrases of any kind 
        //disallows: "Bill saw John in the hall of mirrors." -> * "What did Bill see John in the hall of?"
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (PP << PP=unmovable)");

        //prepositional phrases in subjects (e.g., disallows: "The capital of Alaska is Juneau." -> * "What is the capital of Juneau?")
        //Nothing can be moved out of subjects.
        //I think the generative account is that phrases can only be moved to the level of the verb
        //that governs them, and subjects (along with adjuncts) are not governed by the verb.
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (NP $ VP << PP=unmovable)");

        //subordinate clauses that are not complements of verbs
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (SBAR=unmovable [ !> VP | $-- /,/ | < RB ])");

        //adjunct subordinate clauses
        //"how", "whether", and "that" under IN or WHADVP nodes signal complements.
        //WHNP always signals a complement.
        //otherwise, the SBAR is an adjunct.
        //Note: we mark words like "where" as unmovable because they are potentially adjuncts. 
        //  e.g., "he knew where it was" has a complement, but "he went to college where he grew up" has an adjunct
                "ROOT=root << (SBAR=unmovable !< WHNP < (/^[^S].*/ !<< that|whether|how))"); //dominates a non-S node that doesn't include one of the unambiguous complementizers 


        //existential there NPs
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (NP=unmovable < EX)");

        //phrases in quotations
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (/^S/ < `` << NP|ADJP|VP|ADVP|PP=unmovable)");

        //prepositional phrases that don't have NP objects
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (PP=unmovable !< /.*NP/)");

        //pronouns which are the subject of complement verb phrases
        //These would nearly always lead to silly/tricky questions (e.g., "GM says its profits will fall." -> "Whose profits did GM say will fall?") 
        //markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (VP < (SBAR < (S <<, (NP=unmovable < PRP))))");

        //both NPs that are under an S (MJH: we are punting on this).  
        //If there are multiple NPs, one may be a temporal modifier

        //any non-PP phrases under otherwise movable phrases (we assume movable phrases serve as islands)
                "ROOT=root << (NP|PP|ADJP|ADVP|PP << (NP|ADJP|VP|ADVP=unmovable))");

        //anything under an unmovable node
        markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(copyTree, "ROOT=root << (@UNMOVABLE << NP|ADJP|VP|ADVP|PP=unmovable)");

        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("markUnmovablePhrases: " + copyTree.toString());
        return copyTree;

     * This method is used to mark noun phrases that are sisters of each other, such as in double
     * object dative constructions. I could not figure out how to get Tsurgeon to do this easily, so
     * phrases are just marked using the stanford parser API instead. E.g., sentence: John gave Mary
     * the book. avoided question: * Who did John give the book? (the system doesn't convert
     * "indirect" objects to oblique arguments)
     * @param inputTree
    private void markMultipleNPsAsUnmovable(Tree inputTree) {
        List<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>> ops = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
        List<TsurgeonPattern> ps = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TsurgeonPattern p;

        String tregexOpStr = "(NP=unmovable $ @NP)";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel unmovable NP-UNMOVABLE"));
        p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
        ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
        Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, inputTree);

        tregexOpStr = "NP-UNMOVABLE=unmovable";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel unmovable UNMOVABLE-NP"));
        p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
        ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
        Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, inputTree);

    private Tree removeMarkersFromTree(Tree inputTree) {
        if (inputTree == null)
            return null;
        Tree res;
        String treeStr = inputTree.toString();
        treeStr = treeStr.replaceAll("UNMOVABLE-", "");
        treeStr = treeStr.replaceAll("-\\d+ ", " ");
        res = AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().readTreeFromString(treeStr);
        return res;

     * Note: It would probably be easier to use the Tregex operation to find the nodes and then
     * change the labels directly rather than writing a Tsurgeon operation. But, when I wrote the
     * original code, I used Tsurgeon. Probably not worth refactoring.
     * @param inputTree
     * @param tregexOpStr
    private void markNodesAsUnmovableUsingPattern(Tree inputTree, String tregexOpStr) {
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TregexMatcher matcher;
        String label;
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        matcher = matchPattern.matcher(inputTree);
        Tree tmp;

        while (matcher.find()) {
            tmp = matcher.getNode("unmovable");
            label = tmp.label().value();
            tmp.label().setValue("UNMOVABLE-" + label);

     * Thsi method returns the node for the ith possible answer phrase in this sentence (after
     * potential answer phrases have been identified by marking unmovable ones)
     * @param inputTree
     * @param i
     * @return
    private Tree getAnswerPhrase(Tree inputTree, int i) {
        Tree answerPhrase;
        String tregexOpStr;
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        String marker = "/^(NP|PP|SBAR)-" + i + "$/";

        tregexOpStr = marker + "=answer";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("moveWHPhrase: inputTree:" + inputTree.toString());
        //if(GlobalProperties.getDebug()) System.err.println("moveWHPhrase: tregexOpStr:" + tregexOpStr);
        TregexMatcher matcher = matchPattern.matcher(inputTree);
        answerPhrase = matcher.getNode("answer");

        return answerPhrase;

     * This method removes the answer phrase from its original position and places it at the front
     * of the main clause. Note: Tsurgeon operations are perhaps not optimal here. Using the
     * Stanford API to move nodes directly might be simpler...
    private List<Tree> moveWHPhrase(Tree inputTree, Tree intermediateTree, int i, boolean subjectMovement) {
        Tree copyTree;
        Tree copyTree2;
        List<Tree> res = new ArrayList<Tree>();
        Tree mainclauseNode;
        Tree prepPlaceholderParent;

        String marker = "/^(NP|PP|SBAR)-" + i + "$/";

        List<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>> ops = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
        List<TsurgeonPattern> ps = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
        String tregexOpStr;
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TsurgeonPattern p;

        //extract the "answer" phrase and generate a WH phrase from it
        tregexOpStr = "ROOT=root < (SQ=qclause << " + marker + "=answer < VP=predicate)";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("moveWHPhrase: inputTree:" + inputTree.toString());
        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("moveWHPhrase: tregexOpStr:" + tregexOpStr);
        TregexMatcher matcher = matchPattern.matcher(inputTree);
        Tree phraseToMove = matcher.getNode("answer");

        String whPhraseSubtree;
        String leftOverPreposition;

        if (printExtractedPhrases)
            System.out.println("EXTRACTED\t" + phraseToMove.yield().toString());

        whGen.generateWHPhraseSubtrees(removeMarkersFromTree(phraseToMove), StringUtils
                .join(Arrays.asList(AnalysisUtilities.stringArrayFromLabels(intermediateTree.yield())), " "));
        List<String> whPhraseSubtrees = whGen.getWHPhraseSubtrees();
        List<String> leftOverPrepositions = whGen.getLeftOverPrepositions();

        copyTree = inputTree.deepCopy();
        //The placeholder is necessary because tsurgeon will complain
        //if an added node has no children. This placeholder is removed below.
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("insert (PREPPLACEHOLDER dummy) $+ answer"));
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("prune answer"));
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("insert (SBARQ PLACEHOLDER) >0 root"));
        p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
        ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
        //move qclause in (9/2012 Michael Kutschke: seperated this from above operation, as newer TSurgeon versions
        // don't seem to support naming nodes created through TSurgeon operations)
        tregexOpStr = "ROOT < SBARQ=mainclause < SQ=qclause";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("move qclause >-1 mainclause"));
        p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
        ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));

        Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, copyTree);

        copyTree = removeMarkersFromTree(copyTree);

        //Now put each WH phrase into the tree and remove the original answer.
        //Operate on the tree directly rather than using tsurgeon 
        //because tsurgeon can't parse operations that insert trees with special characters (e.g., ":")
        for (int j = 0; j < whPhraseSubtrees.size(); j++) {
            copyTree2 = copyTree.deepCopy();
            whPhraseSubtree = whPhraseSubtrees.get(j);
            leftOverPreposition = leftOverPrepositions.get(j);

            if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                System.err.println("moveWHPhrase: whPhraseSubtree:" + whPhraseSubtree);
            tregexOpStr = "ROOT < (SBARQ=mainclause < PLACEHOLDER=ph1) << (__=ph2Parent < PREPPLACEHOLDER=ph2)";
            matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
            matcher = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree2);
            if (!matcher.find()) {
            mainclauseNode = matcher.getNode("mainclause");
            //replace the wh placeholder with a wh phrase
            mainclauseNode.addChild(0, AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().readTreeFromString(whPhraseSubtree));

            //Replace the pp placeholder with the left over preposition. 
            //This may happen when the answer phrase was a PP.
            //e.g., John went to the game. -> What did John go to?
            prepPlaceholderParent = matcher.getNode("ph2Parent");
            int index = prepPlaceholderParent.indexOf(matcher.getNode("ph2"));
            if (leftOverPreposition != null && leftOverPreposition.length() > 0) {
            //now remove the left-over-preposition placeholder
            ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("prune ph2"));
            p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
            ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(TregexPatternFactory.getPattern("PREPPLACEHOLDER=ph2"),
            Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, copyTree2);

            copyTree2 = moveLeadingAdjuncts(copyTree2);

            if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                System.err.println("moveWHPhrase: " + copyTree2.toString());

        return res;

     * This method moves adjunct phrases that appear prior to the first possible subject. e.g., in
     * order to produce "WHILE I WAS AT THE STORE, who did I meet?" from
     * "WHILE I WAS AT THE STORE, I met him." This operation is not actually used in the full system
     * because leading modifiers are either moved or removed by the simplified factual statement
     * extraction step in stage 1.
    private Tree moveLeadingAdjuncts(Tree inputTree) {
        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("moveLeadingAdjuncts:" + inputTree.toString());

        Tree copyTree = inputTree.deepCopy();
        String tregexOpStr;
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TregexMatcher matcher;
        boolean matchFound = true;
        List<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>> ops;
        List<TsurgeonPattern> ps;
        TsurgeonPattern p;

        while (true) {
            ops = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
            ps = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
            tregexOpStr = "TMPROOT=root";
            matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
            matcher = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree);
            matchFound = matcher.find();
            ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel root ROOT"));
            p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
            ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
            Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, copyTree);

            ops = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
            ps = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();

            //for yes/no questions, find any phrases that precede the first possible subject (NP|SBAR)
            // and move them to the front of the question clause.
            tregexOpStr = "ROOT=root < (SQ=mainclause < (/,|ADVP|ADJP|SBAR|S|PP/=mover $,, /MD|VB.*/=pivot $ NP=subject))";
            matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
            matcher = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree);
            matchFound = matcher.find();

            if (!matchFound) {
                //for WH questions, move any phrases that precede the first potential subject
                //--or verb phrase for when the original subject is the answer phrase
                tregexOpStr = "ROOT=root < (SBARQ=mainclause < WHNP|WHPP|WHADJP|WHADVP=pivot < (SQ=invertedclause < (/,|S|ADVP|ADJP|SBAR|PP/=mover !$,, /\\*/ $.. /^VP|VB.*/)))";
                matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
                matcher = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree);
                matchFound = matcher.find();

            if (!matchFound) {

            //need to relabel as TMPROOT so things are moved one at a time, to preserve their order 
            ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("move mover $+ pivot"));
            ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel root TMPROOT"));
            p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
            ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
            Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, copyTree);


        //remove extra commas for sentences like "Bill, while walking, saw John."
        Tree firstChild = copyTree.getChild(0);

        if (firstChild.getChild(0).label().value().equals(",")) {

        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("moveLeadingAdjuncts(out):" + copyTree.toString());
        return copyTree;

     * This method decomposes the main verb of the sentence for yes-no questions and WH questions
     * where the answer phrase is not the subject. e.g., I met John -> I did meet John. (which would
     * later become "Who did I meet?")
    private Tree decomposePredicate(Tree inputTree) {
        Tree copyTree = inputTree.deepCopy();

        List<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>> ops = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
        String tregexOpStr;
        List<TsurgeonPattern> ps = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TsurgeonPattern p;
        TregexMatcher matcher;
        Tree tmpNode;
        //tregexOpStr = "ROOT < (S=mainclause < (VP=predphrase < /VB.?/=tensedverb !< (VP < /VB.?/)))";
        //tregexOpStr = "ROOT < (S=mainclause < (VP=predphrase < (/VB.?/=tensedverb !< is|was|were|am|are|has|have|had|do|does|did)))";

        //This rather complex rule identifies predicates to decompose.  
        //There are two cases, separated by a disjunction.  
        //One could break it apart into separate rules to make it simpler...
        //The first part of the disjunction
        //(i.e., < (/VB.?/=tensedverb !< is|was|were|am|are|has|have|had|do|does|did) )
        //is for handling basic sentences
        //(e.g., John bought an apple -> What did John buy?), 
        //sentences with auxiliaries
        //(e.g., John had bought an apple -> Had John bought an apple?),
        //and sentences with participial phrases
        //(e.g., John seemed finished with the apple -> What did John seem finished with?).
        //The second part of the disjunction
        //(i.e., < /VB.?/=tensedverb !< VP )
        //is for handling sentences that have predicates
        //that can also be auxiliaries (e.g., I have a book).
        //In these cases, we do want to decompose have, has, had, etc.
        //(e.g., What did I have?)
        tregexOpStr = "ROOT < (S=mainclause < (VP=predphrase [ < (/VB.?/=tensedverb !< is|was|were|am|are|has|have|had|do|does|did) | < /VB.?/=tensedverb !< VP ]) ! < MAINVP)";

        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        matcher = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree);
        if (matcher.find()) {
            Tree subtree = matcher.getNode("tensedverb");
            String lemma = AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().getLemma(subtree.getChild(0).label().value(),
            String aux = getAuxiliarySubtree(subtree);

            if (!lemma.equals("be")) {
                ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("insert (MAINVP PLACEHOLDER) $+ predphrase"));
                p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
                ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));

                // 9/2012 Michael Kutschke: split these two steps as naming nodes created from TSurgeon operations
                // is unsupported in newer TSurgeon versions
                tregexOpStr = "ROOT < (S=mainclause < (VP=predphrase [ < (/VB.?/=tensedverb !< is|was|were|am|are|has|have|had|do|does|did) | < /VB.?/=tensedverb !< VP ]) < MAINVP=mainvp)";
                matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);

                ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("move predphrase >-1 mainvp"));
                ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("insert (VBLEMMA PLACEHOLDER) $+ tensedverb"));
                ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("delete tensedverb"));
                p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
                ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
                Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, copyTree);
                matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern("MAINVP=mainvp");
                matcher = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree);
                tmpNode = matcher.getNode("mainvp");
                tmpNode.addChild(0, AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().readTreeFromString(aux));

                matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern("VBLEMMA=vblemma");
                matcher = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree);
                tmpNode = matcher.getNode("vblemma");
                tmpNode.addChild(0, tmpNode.treeFactory().newLeaf(lemma));

        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("decomposePredicate: " + copyTree.toString());
        return copyTree;

     * Returns the singular present tense form of a tensed verb. This only affects the output when
     * generating from sentences where first and second person pronouns are the subject. E.g.,
     * Affects: I walk -> Who walks? (rather than, Who walk?) Does not affect: He walks -> Who
     * walks?
    private String getSingularFormSubtree(Tree tensedVerbSubtree) {
        String res = "";
        String lemma = AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().getLemma(tensedVerbSubtree.getChild(0).label().value(),
        String pos = tensedVerbSubtree.value();
        if (pos.equals("VBD")) {
            res = tensedVerbSubtree.toString();
        } else {
            res = "(VBZ " + AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().getSurfaceForm(lemma, "VBZ") + ")";

        return res;

     * This method is used to decompose the main verb. e.g., input: (VBD walked) output: (VBD did)
     * Note: another method would extract the base form of the verb "(VB walk)"
     * @param tensedverb
     * @return
    private String getAuxiliarySubtree(Tree tensedverb) {
        if (tensedverb == null) {
            return "";

        String res = "";
        String label;
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\((\\S+) [^\\)]*\\)");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(tensedverb.toString());
        label =;

        if (label.equals("VBD")) {
            res = "(VBD did)";
        } else if (label.equals("VBZ")) {
            res = "(VBZ does)";
        } else if (label.equals("VBP")) {
            res = "(VBP do)";
        } else {
            res = "(VB do)";

        return res;

     * relabels the main clause from S (declarative sentence clause) to SQ (inverted question
     * clause)
     * @param inputTree
     * @return
    private Tree relabelMainClause(Tree inputTree) {
        Tree copyTree = inputTree.deepCopy();
        String tregexOpStr = "ROOT < S=mainclause";
        TregexPattern matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        TregexMatcher m = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree);
        if (m.matches()) {

        return copyTree;


     * Moves an auxiliary verb to the front of the main clause (i.e., before the subject). This is
     * used in yes-no questions and WH questions where the answer phrase is not the subject E.g.,
     * John did meet Paul -> Did John meet Paul (which will then become "Who did John meet?")
    private Tree subjectAuxiliaryInversion(Tree inputTree) {
        Tree copyTree = inputTree.deepCopy();

        List<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>> ops = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
        List<TsurgeonPattern> ps = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
        String tregexOpStr;
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TsurgeonPattern p;

        tregexOpStr = "ROOT=root < (S=mainclause <+(/VP.*/) (VP < /(MD|VB.?)/=aux < (VP < /VB.?/=baseform)))";
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel root TMPROOT"));
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("prune aux"));
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("insert aux >0 mainclause"));

        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
        ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
        Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, copyTree);


        tregexOpStr = "ROOT=root < (S=mainclause <+(/VP.*/) (VP < (/VB.?/=copula < is|are|was|were|am) !< VP))";
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel root TMPROOT"));
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("prune copula\n"));
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("insert copula >0 mainclause"));

        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
        ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
        Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, copyTree);

        tregexOpStr = "TMPROOT=root";
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel root ROOT"));
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        p = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(ps);
        ops.add(new Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern, p));
        Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, copyTree);

        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("subjectAuxiliaryInversion: " + copyTree.toString());
        return copyTree;

     * Changes the inflection of the main verb for questions with first and second person pronouns
     * are the subject. Note: this probably isn't necessary for most applications. E.g., Affects: I
     * walk -> Who walks? (rather than, Who walk?) Does not affect: He walks -> Who walks?
    private void ensureVerbAgreementForSubjectWH(Tree inputTree) {
        String tregexOpStr;
        TregexMatcher matcher;
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        Tree subjectTree;
        String subjectString;

        tregexOpStr = "/^(NP|PP|SBAR)-" + 0 + "$/";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        matcher = matchPattern.matcher(inputTree);
        if (matcher.find()) {
            subjectTree = matcher.getMatch();
            subjectString = AnalysisUtilities.orginialSentence(subjectTree.yield());
            if (subjectString.equalsIgnoreCase("I") || subjectString.equalsIgnoreCase("you")) {
                tregexOpStr = "ROOT=root < (S=mainclause < (VP=verbphrase < (/VB.?/=tensedverb)))";
                matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
                matcher = matchPattern.matcher(inputTree);
                if (matcher.find()) {
                    Tree verbSubtree = matcher.getNode("tensedverb");
                    Tree vpSubtree = matcher.getNode("verbphrase");
                    Tree singularFormSubtree = AnalysisUtilities.getInstance()
                    int index = vpSubtree.indexOf(verbSubtree);
                    vpSubtree.addChild(index, singularFormSubtree);
                    if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                        System.err.println("ensureVerbAgreementForSubjectWH: " + inputTree.toString());

     * Marks possible answer phrase nodes with indexes for later processing. This step might be
     * easier with the Stanford Parser API's Tree class methods than with Tsurgeon...
     * @param inputTree
     * @return
    private Tree markPossibleAnswerPhrases(Tree inputTree) {
        Tree copyTree = inputTree.deepCopy();
        numWHPhrases = 0;

        List<TsurgeonPattern> ps = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
        String tregexOpStr;
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TregexMatcher matcher;
        Tree tmp;

        //find and mark the main clause subject
        tregexOpStr = "ROOT < (S < (NP|SBAR=subj $+ /,/ !$++ NP|SBAR))";
        ps.add(Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel subj NP-0"));
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        matcher = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree);
        if (matcher.find()) {
            tmp = matcher.getNode("subj");
            tmp.label().setValue(tmp.label().value() + "-0");

        //noun phrases
        tregexOpStr = "ROOT=root << NP|PP|SBAR=np";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        matcher = matchPattern.matcher(copyTree);
        while (matcher.find()) {
            tmp = matcher.getNode("np");
            tmp.label().setValue(tmp.label().value() + "-" + numWHPhrases);

        if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
            System.err.println("markPossibleAnswerPhrases: " + copyTree.toString());
        return copyTree;

     * returns whether to perform subject-aux inversion (true if there is an auxiliary or modal verb
     * in addition to the predicate) E.g., true for "John did meet Paul" (which could lead to
     * "Who did John meet?") false for "John met Paul" (which could lead to "Who met Paul?") Note
     * that this occurs after the main verb decomposition step (which depends on whether the answer
     * phrase is the subject or not)
     * @param inputTree
     * @return
    private boolean canInvert(Tree inputTree) {
        String tregexOpStr;
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TregexMatcher matcher;
        tregexOpStr = "ROOT < (S < (VP < /(MD|VB.?)/))";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        matcher = matchPattern.matcher(inputTree);
        return matcher.matches();

     * Filters out some stuff we don't want to process. Note: this method is somewhat redundant with
     * a similar method in stage 1.
     * @param inputTree
     * @return
    private boolean isUsableInputSentence(Tree inputTree) {
        boolean res = false;

        String tregexOpStr;
        TregexPattern matchPattern;
        TregexMatcher matcher;

        //skip if there are leading conjunctions (need to drop these during stage 1)
        tregexOpStr = "ROOT < (S=mainclause < CC=frontedconj)";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        if (matchPattern.matcher(inputTree).matches()) {
            return false;

        //make sure this is not just a single node
        tregexOpStr = "/\\./ !< /\\./";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        if (matchPattern.matcher(inputTree).matches()) {
            return false;

        //also, avoid "there are ..." sentences
        tregexOpStr = "ROOT < (S < (NP !< EX))";
        matchPattern = TregexPatternFactory.getPattern(tregexOpStr);
        matcher = matchPattern.matcher(inputTree);
        res = matcher.matches();

        return res;

    protected void setPrintExtractedPhrases(boolean b) {
        printExtractedPhrases = b;

    public void setAvoidPronounsAndDemonstratives(boolean b) {
        avoidPronounsAndDemonstratives = b;

    public boolean getAvoidPronounsAndDemonstratives() {
        return avoidPronounsAndDemonstratives;

    public List<Question> getQuestions() {
        return questions;

    public void setNoAnswerPhraseMarking(boolean b) {
        this.noAnswerPhraseMarking = b;

    public boolean getNoAnswerPhraseMarking() {
        return noAnswerPhraseMarking;

     * main method for testing stage 2 in isolation. The QuestionAsker class's main method should be
     * used to generate questions from the end-to-end system.
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        QuestionTransducer qt = new QuestionTransducer();

        String buf;
        Tree inputTree;
        boolean printParse = false;
        boolean printOriginal = false;
        boolean treeInput = false;
        boolean printFeatures = false;
        Set<Question> inputTrees = new HashSet<Question>();

        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            if (args[i].equals("--debug")) {
            } else if (args[i].equals("--print-parse")) {
                printParse = true;
            } else if (args[i].equals("--print-original")) {
                printOriginal = true;
            } else if (args[i].equals("--print-features")) {
                printFeatures = true;
            } else if (args[i].equals("--print-extracted-phrases")) {
            } else if (args[i].equals("--tree-input")) {
                treeInput = true;
            } else if (args[i].equals("--keep-pro")) {
            } else if (args[i].equals("--properties")) {
                GlobalProperties.loadProperties(args[i + 1]);

        try {
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

            //take input from the user on stdin
            if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                System.err.println("\nInput Declarative Sentence:");
            while ((buf = br.readLine()) != null) {
                if (treeInput) {
                    buf = AnalysisUtilities.preprocessTreeString(buf);
                    inputTree = AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().readTreeFromString(buf);
                } else {
                    if (AnalysisUtilities.filterOutSentenceByPunctuation(buf)) {
                    buf = AnalysisUtilities.preprocess(buf);
                    if (printOriginal)
                        System.out.println("\n" + buf);
                    ParseResult parseRes = AnalysisUtilities.getInstance().parseSentence(buf);
                    inputTree = parseRes.parse;
                    if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                        System.err.println("Parse Score: " + parseRes.score);

                if (printParse)

                Question tmp = new Question();

                //iterate over the trees given by the input
                List<Question> questions;
                for (Question q : inputTrees) {
                    try {
                        questions = qt.getQuestions();

                        //iterate over the questions for each tree
                        for (Question curQuestion : questions) {
                            if (printFeatures) {
                                int cnt = 0;
                                for (Double val : curQuestion.featureValueList()) {
                                    if (cnt > 0)
                    } catch (Exception e) {

                if (GlobalProperties.getDebug())
                    System.err.println("\nInput Declarative Sentence:");
        } catch (IOException e) {

    int numWHPhrases; //the number of possible answer phrases identified in the source sentence.

    private boolean avoidPronounsAndDemonstratives; //don't produce questions with pronouns
    private List<Question> questions; //output questions, co-indexed with sourceTrees and featureValueLists

    private WhPhraseGenerator whGen;
    private boolean printExtractedPhrases; //whether or not to print out answer phrases
    private boolean noAnswerPhraseMarking = false;