Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2006, <a href="">SSEL</a> * <a href="">CASSEL</a>, Caltech/UCLA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. * * Project Authors: Raj Advani, Walter M. Yuan, and Peter Bossaerts * Email: */ /* * * * Created on March 27, 2004, 9:03 PM */ package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean; import edu.caltechUcla.sselCassel.projects.jMarkets.shared.JMConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltechUcla.sselCassel.projects.jMarkets.shared.functions.BankruptcyFunction; import edu.caltechUcla.sselCassel.projects.jMarkets.shared.functions.PayoffFunction; /** * This class contains method that write common queries to the database. It uses * the DBConnector class * * @author Raj Advani, Walter M. Yuan */ public class DBWriter { /** Creates a new instance of DBWriter */ public DBWriter(DBConnector dbc) { if (dbc == null) log.error("Cannot instantiate a DBWriter when the server does not have an active DBConnector"); this.dbc = dbc; } /** Get a new connection from the pool */ public Connection getConnection() { try { return dbc.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to get a connection to the database", e); } return null; } public void closeConnection(Connection conn) { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } public void closeConnection(Connection conn, ResultSet r, Statement s) { Object[] obj = { r, s }; dbc.closeQuery(obj, conn); } /** Start a database transaction */ public void startTransaction(Connection conn) { dbc.startTransaction(conn); } /** Commit the current database transaction */ public void commit(Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { try { dbc.commit(conn); } catch (SQLException e) { if (e.getSQLState().equals("40001")) { log.warn("Database deadlock detected -- alerting TradeServ"); TransactionInterruptedException te = new TransactionInterruptedException(); te.setDeadlock(true); throw te; } else { log.error("Failed to commit the last transaction to the database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } } } /** Rollback all changes made in the current transaction */ public void rollback(Connection conn) { dbc.rollback(conn); } /** Write the contents of a session object for when a new session is inaugurated. Return * the ID of the session */ public int writeSession(String sessionName, int numTraders, SessionDef session) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); int id = 0; int numPeriods = session.getNumPeriods(); int timeout = session.getTimeoutLength(); String[] colNames = { "experimenter_id", "name", "num_periods", "num_traders", "open_delay", "session_status", "def" }; String[] values = { String.valueOf(session.getExperimenterId()), sessionName, String.valueOf(numPeriods), String.valueOf(numTraders), String.valueOf(timeout), String.valueOf(JMConstants.ACTION_STR[JMConstants.ACTION_WAIT]), session.getDef() }; results = dbc.insert("sessions", colNames, values, conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; id = rs.getInt(1);"Database has generated session id: " + id); return id; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot create a session id in the database: " + e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return -1; } /** Write the contents of a period object for when a new period is inaugurated */ public void writePeriod(int sessionId, int periodId, PeriodDef period) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); int timeLength = period.getPeriodLength(); int openDelay = period.getOpenDelay(); String[] colNames = { "session_id", "period_id", "duration", "open_delay", "market_type" }; String[] values = { String.valueOf(sessionId), String.valueOf(periodId), String.valueOf(timeLength), String.valueOf(openDelay), period.getMarketEngine() }; results = dbc.insert("periods", colNames, values, conn); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("Failed to write period data. ", ex); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } } /** * Record a session event [session: start | stop] */ public void writeSessionEvent(int sessionId, int actionType) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); String[] names = null; String[] values = null; String[] matchValues = new String[1]; matchValues[0] = String.valueOf(sessionId); String[] matchNames = new String[1]; matchNames[0] = "id"; switch (actionType) { case JMConstants.ACTION_START: values = new String[2]; names = new String[2]; values[0] = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()).toString(); values[1] = JMConstants.ACTION_STR[JMConstants.ACTION_START]; names[0] = "start_time"; names[1] = "session_status"; break; case JMConstants.ACTION_FINISH: case JMConstants.ACTION_ABORT: values = new String[2]; names = new String[2]; values[0] = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()).toString(); values[1] = JMConstants.ACTION_STR[actionType]; names[0] = "end_time"; names[1] = "session_status"; break; default: throw new Exception("Failed to update session status!"); } results = dbc.update("sessions", names, values, matchNames, matchValues, conn); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to write session event to database", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } } /** * Record a session event [session: start | stop] */ public void writePeriodEvent(int sessionId, int periodId, int actionType) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); String[] names = null; String[] values = null; String[] matchValues = new String[2]; matchValues[0] = String.valueOf(sessionId); matchValues[1] = String.valueOf(periodId); String[] matchNames = new String[2]; matchNames[0] = "session_id"; matchNames[1] = "period_id"; switch (actionType) { case JMConstants.ACTION_START: values = new String[1]; names = new String[1]; values[0] = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()).toString(); names[0] = "start_time"; break; case JMConstants.ACTION_FINISH: values = new String[1]; names = new String[1]; values[0] = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()).toString(); names[0] = "end_time"; break; default: throw new Exception("Failed to update period status!"); } results = dbc.update("periods", names, values, matchNames, matchValues, conn); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to write period event to database", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } } /** * Write the group names into the market_groups table, and retrieve their IDs to create * mappings from group ID to group database ID. Insert these mappings into the GroupDef * object */ public void writeGroups(GroupDef ginfo) { try { for (int i = 0; i < ginfo.getNumGroups(); i++) { String group = ginfo.getGroupTitle(i); int groupId_db = addGroup(group); ginfo.setGroupId_db(i, groupId_db); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to write the group information into the market_groups table", e); } } /** Write the groups of the subjects for the given period into the subject_groups table */ public void writeSubjectGroups(int sessionId, int periodId, SubjectDef si, GroupDef gi) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); Map<Integer, Integer> groupMaps = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < si.getNumSubjects(); i++) { int subjectId_db = si.getDatabaseId(i); int groupId = si.getGroup(i); int subjNum = 0; if (groupMaps.containsKey(groupId)) { subjNum = groupMaps.get(groupId) + 1; } groupMaps.put(groupId, subjNum); int groupId_db = gi.getGroupId_db(groupId); String[] values = { "" + sessionId, "" + periodId, "" + subjectId_db, "" + groupId_db, "" + subjNum }; results = dbc.insert("subject_groups", values, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to write the subject group information into the database", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } } /** Write the given functions into their respective tables if they aren't already there. Then * write them into the rules table */ public void writeFunctions(int sessionId, int periodId, GroupDef ginfo) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < ginfo.getNumGroups(); i++) { int groupId_db = ginfo.getGroupId_db(i); PayoffFunction payoffFunction = ginfo.getPayoffFunction(i); BankruptcyFunction bankruptcyFunction = ginfo.getBankruptcyFunction(i); float bankruptcyCutoff = ginfo.getBankruptcyCutoff(i); String[] values = { "" + sessionId, "" + periodId, "" + groupId_db, "" + payoffFunction.getName(), "" + bankruptcyFunction.getName(), "" + bankruptcyCutoff, "" + 0 }; results = dbc.insert("rules", values, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } } /** Write the contents of the marketInfo object into the period_securities table. Also write * the price levels for each market into the security_pricelevels table */ public void writeSecurities(int sessionId, int periodId, MarketDef market) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; Object[] results2 = null; try { int numSecurities = market.getNumMarkets(); conn = dbc.getConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < numSecurities; i++) { int id = 0; //unique identifier int securityId = addSecurity(market.getMarketTitles()[i]); float tickPrice = market.getIncrement(i); float minPrice = market.getMinPrices()[i]; float maxPrice = market.getMaxPrices()[i]; int timeLength = 0; //get this working eventually int timeDelay = 0; //get this working one day String[] values = { String.valueOf(id), String.valueOf(sessionId), String.valueOf(periodId), String.valueOf(securityId), String.valueOf(tickPrice), String.valueOf(minPrice), String.valueOf(maxPrice), String.valueOf(timeLength), String.valueOf(timeDelay) }; results = dbc.insert("period_securities", values, conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; id = rs.getInt(1); dbc.closeQuery(results); float[] prices = market.getPrices()[i]; for (int j = 0; j < prices.length; j++) { int priceId = 0; int periodSecurityId = id; float price = prices[j]; String[] pvalues = { "" + priceId, "" + periodSecurityId, "" + price }; results2 = dbc.insert("security_pricelevels", pvalues, conn); ResultSet rs2 = (ResultSet) results2[0];; priceId = rs2.getInt(1); market.setPriceId_db(i, price, priceId); dbc.closeQuery(results2); } market.setPeriodSecurityId(i, id); market.setSecurityId(i, securityId); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error creating securities and prices tables: ", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } } /** Write the given offer to the offer book. Return the ID generated for the offer. Remember that * offer_type=1=bid, offer_type=2=ask */ public int writeOffer(int subjectId_db, int marketId, int priceId, int offerType, int units, String entryType, long time, MarketDef minfo, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { Object[] results = null; try { int priceId_db = getPriceId_db(marketId, priceId, minfo); String[] values = { "0", String.valueOf(subjectId_db), String.valueOf(priceId_db), String.valueOf(offerType), String.valueOf(units), JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_VALID], entryType, String.valueOf(time), String.valueOf(time) }; results = dbc.insert("offer_book", values, conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; return rs.getInt(1); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to write an offer into the SQL database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } /** * First write into the period_cash_initials table the initial amount of cash that each * group type will get. This information is contained in the GroupDef object. Then go through * each client, find their group (by using the SubjectDef object) and write the appropriate * amount of cash (for their group) into the subject_cash_holdings table. This amount is the * intial amount plus the dividends from the previous period (given) */ public void writeCashInitials(int sessionId, int periodId, SubjectDef si, GroupDef gi, float[] dividends) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < gi.getNumGroups(); i++) { int groupId_db = gi.getGroupId_db(i); String[] values = { "" + sessionId, "" + periodId, "" + groupId_db, "" + gi.getCashInitial(i) }; results = dbc.insert("period_cash_initials", values, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); } for (int i = 0; i < si.getNumSubjects(); i++) { int subjectId_db = si.getDatabaseId(i); int group = si.getGroup(i); float initial = gi.getCashInitial(group) + dividends[i]; writeCashHoldings(sessionId, periodId, subjectId_db, initial, 0, conn); } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("Failed write cash initials. ", ex); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } } /** * First write into the period_security_initials table the amount of each security that each * group type will get. This information is contained in the GroupDef object. Then go through * each client, find their group (by using the SubjectDef object) and write the appropriate * amount of each security (for their group) into the subject_security_holdings table. This * amount is the initial amount plus the carry over (via add surplus) from the previous period * (given) */ public void writeSecurityInitials(int sessionId, int periodId, MarketDef mi, SubjectDef si, GroupDef gi, int[][] surplus) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); for (int group = 0; group < gi.getNumGroups(); group++) { int groupId_db = gi.getGroupId_db(group); for (int m = 0; m < mi.getNumMarkets(); m++) { int initial = gi.getSecurityInitial(group, m); int securityId_db = getPeriodSecurityId_db(m, mi); String[] values = { "" + securityId_db, "" + groupId_db, "" + initial }; results = dbc.insert("period_security_initials", values, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); } } for (int i = 0; i < si.getNumSubjects(); i++) { int subjectId_db = si.getDatabaseId(i); int group = si.getGroup(i); for (int m = 0; m < mi.getNumMarkets(); m++) { int initial = gi.getSecurityInitial(group, m) + surplus[i][m]; writeSecurityHoldings(subjectId_db, m, initial, 0, mi, conn); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("Failed to write out security initials. ", ex); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } } /** Write the security_priveleges table, which lists what role each group plays on each security. That is, * the table indicates whether or not each group is able to buy or sell each security */ public void writeSecurityPriveleges(int sessionId, int periodId, MarketDef minfo, GroupDef ginfo) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); for (int group = 0; group < ginfo.getNumGroups(); group++) { int groupId_db = ginfo.getGroupId_db(group); for (int m = 0; m < minfo.getNumMarkets(); m++) { int role = ginfo.getSecurityPrivilege(group, m); int securityId_db = getPeriodSecurityId_db(m, minfo); String[] values = { String.valueOf(groupId_db), String.valueOf(securityId_db), JMConstants.MARKET_ROLES[role] }; results = dbc.insert("group_security_privileges", values, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("Failed to write out security privileges. ", ex); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } } /** * Write the short-sale constraints contained in the given GroupDef object into the database */ public void writeSecurityRules(int sessionId, int periodId, MarketDef minfo, GroupDef ginfo) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); for (int group = 0; group < ginfo.getNumGroups(); group++) { int groupId_db = ginfo.getGroupId_db(group); for (int m = 0; m < minfo.getNumMarkets(); m++) { int constraint = ginfo.getSecurityShortConstraint(group, m); int securityId_db = getPeriodSecurityId_db(m, minfo); int addDividend = 0; if (ginfo.getAddDividend(group, m)) addDividend = 1; int addSurplus = 0; if (ginfo.getAddSurplus(group, m)) addSurplus = 1; String[] values = { "" + securityId_db, "" + groupId_db, "" + constraint, "" + addSurplus, "" + addDividend }; results = dbc.insert("security_rules", values, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("Failed to write out security rules. ", ex); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } } /** Get the cumulative payoffs of the given subject in the given session */ public float getCumulativePayoff(int sessionId, int subjectId, SubjectDef subjectDef) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); int subjectId_db = subjectDef.getDatabaseId(subjectId); String query = "select sum(payoff) from subject_payoffs where subject_id=" + subjectId_db + " and session_id=" + sessionId; results = dbc.executeQuery(query, conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; return rs.getFloat(1); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to get the cumulative payoffs of subject " + subjectId, e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } return 0f; } /** Write the given payoffs into the subject_payoffs table */ public void writePayoffs(int sessionId, int periodId, float[] payoffs, SubjectDef si) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < payoffs.length; i++) { int subjectId_db = si.getDatabaseId(i); String[] values = { "" + sessionId, "" + periodId, "" + subjectId_db, "" + payoffs[i] }; results = dbc.insert("subject_payoffs", values, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("Failed to write payoffs. ", ex); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } } /** Return the amount of the given security that the subject currently has. Checks the * subject_security_holdings table for the maximum id using a subquery */ public int getSecurityHoldings(int subjectId_db, int marketId, MarketDef mi) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; int holding = 0; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); int securityId_db = getPeriodSecurityId_db(marketId, mi); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select max(id) from subject_security_holdings where "); query.append("subject_id=").append(subjectId_db).append(" and "); query.append("period_security_id=").append(securityId_db); results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; int id = rs.getInt(1); dbc.closeQuery(results); query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select security_units from subject_security_holdings where "); query.append("id=").append(id); results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; holding = rs.getInt("security_units"); dbc.closeQuery(results); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to retrieve security holding of subject " + subjectId_db + ": " + e, e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(conn); } return holding; } /** Return the cash that the given subject currently has. Checks the subject_cash_holdings * table for the maximum id using a subquery */ public float getCashHoldings(int sessionId, int periodId, int subjectId_db) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; float cash = 0; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select max(id) from subject_cash_holdings where "); query.append("subject_id=").append(subjectId_db).append(" and "); query.append("period_id=").append(periodId).append(" and "); query.append("session_id=").append(sessionId); results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; int id = rs.getInt(1); dbc.closeQuery(results); query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select cash_holding from subject_cash_holdings where "); query.append("id=").append(id); results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; cash = rs.getFloat("cash_holding"); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to retrieve cash holding of subject " + subjectId_db + ": " + e, e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return cash; } /** Return the number of offers the given subject currently has on the given security at the * given price level. Does not distinguish if the offers are buy or sell offers */ public int getNumOffers(int subjectId_db, int marketId, int priceId, MarketDef mi) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); int priceId_db = getPriceId_db(marketId, priceId, mi); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select sum(offer_units) from offer_book where "); query.append("subject_id=").append(subjectId_db).append(" and "); query.append("pricelevel_id=").append(priceId_db).append(" and "); query.append("offer_status='").append(JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_VALID]).append("'") .append(" and "); query.append(query.append("entry_type='").append(JMConstants.ORDER_META_LIMIT).append("'")); results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; return rs.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to retrieve total number of offers of subject " + subjectId_db + " on market " + marketId + " price " + priceId + ": " + e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return 0; } /** Write the cash holdings of the given subject. Technically this is not an update but an * insert since old rows are not changed. The ID is auto-incremented */ public void writeCashHoldings(int sessionId, int periodId, int subjectId_db, float cash, long time, Connection conn) { Object[] results = null; try { String[] values = { "" + 0, "" + sessionId, "" + periodId, "" + subjectId_db, "" + cash, "" + time }; results = dbc.insert("subject_cash_holdings", values, conn); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to write cash holding for subject " + subjectId_db + " in period " + periodId + " and session " + sessionId + ": " + e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } /** Given the two offers involved in a transaction, writes the new cash holdings of each * subject involved into the cash_holdings table. Uses writeCashHoldings(int,float,long) * as a helper function. Returns an array with the bidders new cash holdings and the sellers * new cash holdings (indexed such that bidder cash holdings has index 0) */ public float[] writeCashHoldings(int sessionId, int periodId, BasicOffer newOffer, BasicOffer standingOffer, int units, long time, MarketDef minfo, Connection conn) throws SQLException { float price = getPrice(standingOffer.getMarketId(), standingOffer.getPriceId(), minfo); float difference = units * price; float cash1 = getCashHoldings(sessionId, periodId, newOffer.getSubjectId()); if (newOffer.getAction() == JMConstants.BUY_ACTION) cash1 -= difference; else cash1 += difference; writeCashHoldings(sessionId, periodId, newOffer.getSubjectId(), cash1, time, conn); float cash2 = getCashHoldings(sessionId, periodId, standingOffer.getSubjectId()); if (standingOffer.getAction() == JMConstants.BUY_ACTION) cash2 -= difference; else cash2 += difference; writeCashHoldings(sessionId, periodId, standingOffer.getSubjectId(), cash2, time, conn); float[] holdings = new float[2]; if (newOffer.getAction() == JMConstants.BUY_ACTION) { holdings[0] = cash1; holdings[1] = cash2; } else { holdings[0] = cash2; holdings[1] = cash1; } return holdings; } /** Write the security holdings of the given subject. Technically this is not an update but an * insert since old rows are not changed */ public void writeSecurityHoldings(int subjectId_db, int marketId, int holdings, long time, MarketDef mi, Connection conn) throws SQLException { Object[] results = null; try { int securityId_db = getPeriodSecurityId_db(marketId, mi); String[] values = { "0", "" + securityId_db, "" + subjectId_db, "" + holdings, "" + time }; results = dbc.insert("subject_security_holdings", values, conn); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } /** Given the two offers involved in a transaction, writes the new security holdings of each * subject involved into the security_holdings table. Uses writeSecurityHoldings(int,int,int,long) * as a helper function. Returns an array with the bidder's new sec holdings and the seller's * new sec holdings (indexed such that bidder sec holdings has index 0) */ public int[] writeSecurityHoldings(BasicOffer newOffer, BasicOffer standingOffer, int units, long time, MarketDef mi, Connection conn) throws SQLException { int holdings1 = getSecurityHoldings(newOffer.getSubjectId(), newOffer.getMarketId(), mi); if (newOffer.getAction() == JMConstants.BUY_ACTION) holdings1 += units; else holdings1 -= units; writeSecurityHoldings(newOffer.getSubjectId(), newOffer.getMarketId(), holdings1, time, mi, conn); int holdings2 = getSecurityHoldings(standingOffer.getSubjectId(), standingOffer.getMarketId(), mi); if (standingOffer.getAction() == JMConstants.BUY_ACTION) holdings2 += units; else holdings2 -= units; writeSecurityHoldings(standingOffer.getSubjectId(), standingOffer.getMarketId(), holdings2, time, mi, conn); int[] secHoldings = new int[2]; if (newOffer.getAction() == JMConstants.BUY_ACTION) { secHoldings[0] = holdings1; secHoldings[1] = holdings2; } else { secHoldings[0] = holdings2; secHoldings[1] = holdings1; } return secHoldings; } /** Open a transaction with the given timetamp in the transaction_book table and * return the granted transaction ID */ public int openTransaction(long time, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { Object[] results = null; try { String update = "insert into transaction_book (units, price, time_entry) values(0, 0.0," + time + ")"; results = dbc.executeUpdate(update, conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; return rs.getInt(1); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to open a transaction in the database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } /** Close a transaction by filling in the number of units transacted. This is called after * all transaction_sides have been recorded */ public void closeTransaction(int transId, int units, float txnPrice, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { Object[] results = null; try { String[] matchNames = { "id" }; String[] matchValues = { "" + transId }; String[] setNames = { "units", "price" }; String[] setValues = { String.valueOf(units), String.valueOf(txnPrice) }; results = dbc.update("transaction_book", setNames, setValues, matchNames, matchValues, conn); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to close a transaction in the database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } /** * Write the given trade into the transaction_book and transaction_parties tables. The * offer_book_id field in the transaction_book table is filled by the id in the offer_book of * the STANDING order, since the NEW order (the order that resulted in the transaction) may not * have an entry in the offer_book at all if it was filled entirely by standing orders (i.e. the * new order may never become a limit order, hence it may never enter the offer_book). The id_db * field must be filled in the standingOffer -- as it is with the BasicOffer objects returned by * getNextOffer(). Also update the subjects' cash holdings and security holdings after the * transaction. Update and return the Trade object with the post-trade information */ public Trade writeTrade(int sessionId, int periodId, Trade trade, MarketDef mi, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { Object[] results = null; try { int offerId_db = trade.getStandingOffer().getId_db(); int transId = trade.getTransId(); int units = trade.getUnitsTraded(); long time = trade.getNewOffer().getTime(); int offerType = 1; if (trade.getStandingOffer().getAction() == JMConstants.SELL_ACTION) offerType = 2; String[] values = { String.valueOf(transId), String.valueOf(offerId_db), String.valueOf(offerType), String.valueOf(units) }; results = dbc.insert("transaction_sides", values, conn); trade = computePostCashWithFees(trade); trade.setPostBidSec(trade.getPreBidSec() + units); trade.setPostAskSec(trade.getPreAskSec() - units); writeCashHoldings(sessionId, periodId, trade.getBidParty_db(), trade.getPostBidCash(), time, conn); writeCashHoldings(sessionId, periodId, trade.getAskParty_db(), trade.getPostAskCash(), time, conn); writeSecurityHoldings(trade.getBidParty_db(), trade.getMarketId(), trade.getPostBidSec(), time, mi, conn); writeSecurityHoldings(trade.getAskParty_db(), trade.getMarketId(), trade.getPostAskSec(), time, mi, conn); return trade; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to write a transaction into the database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } private Trade computePostCashWithFees(Trade trade) { int units = trade.getUnitsTraded(); float price = trade.getStandingOffer().getPrice(); float cashChange = units * price; float makeFeeRate = 1; float takeFeeRate = 2; float makeFee = makeFeeRate * trade.getUnitsTraded(); float takeFee = takeFeeRate * trade.getUnitsTraded(); if (trade.getStandingOffer().getSubjectId_db() == trade.getBidParty_db()) {"Applied MAKE fee to BUYER and TAKE fee to SELLER"); trade.setPostBidCash(trade.getPreBidCash() - cashChange - makeFee); trade.setPostAskCash(trade.getPreAskCash() + cashChange - takeFee); } else if (trade.getStandingOffer().getSubjectId_db() == trade.getAskParty_db()) {"Applied MAKE fee to SELLER and TAKE fee to BUYER"); trade.setPostBidCash(trade.getPreBidCash() - cashChange - takeFee); trade.setPostAskCash(trade.getPreAskCash() + cashChange - makeFee); } else { //should never happen log.error("Can't apply fees"); trade.setPostBidCash(trade.getPreBidCash() - cashChange); trade.setPostAskCash(trade.getPreAskCash() + cashChange); } return trade; } public void writeTrade(int transId, int marketOrderId, int unitsTransacted, int offerType, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { Object[] results = null; try { String[] values = { String.valueOf(transId), String.valueOf(marketOrderId), String.valueOf(offerType), String.valueOf(unitsTransacted) }; results = dbc.insert("transaction_sides", values, conn); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to write a transaction into the database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } /** Write the trade as above but have the order transacted at the given execute price */ public Trade writeTrade(int sessionId, int periodId, Trade trade, MarketDef mi, int executePriceId, float executePrice, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { Object[] results = null; try { int offerId_db = trade.getStandingOffer().getId_db(); int transId = trade.getTransId(); int units = trade.getUnitsTraded(); long time = trade.getNewOffer().getTime(); int offerType = 1; if (trade.getStandingOffer().getAction() == JMConstants.SELL_ACTION) offerType = 2; String[] values = { String.valueOf(transId), String.valueOf(offerId_db), String.valueOf(offerType), String.valueOf(units) }; results = dbc.insert("transaction_sides", values, conn); float price = executePrice; float cashChange = units * price; trade.setPostBidCash(trade.getPreBidCash() - cashChange); trade.setPostAskCash(trade.getPreAskCash() + cashChange); trade.setPostBidSec(trade.getPreBidSec() + units); trade.setPostAskSec(trade.getPreAskSec() - units); writeCashHoldings(sessionId, periodId, trade.getBidParty_db(), trade.getPostBidCash(), time, conn); writeCashHoldings(sessionId, periodId, trade.getAskParty_db(), trade.getPostAskCash(), time, conn); writeSecurityHoldings(trade.getBidParty_db(), trade.getMarketId(), trade.getPostBidSec(), time, mi, conn); writeSecurityHoldings(trade.getAskParty_db(), trade.getMarketId(), trade.getPostAskSec(), time, mi, conn); return trade; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to write a transaction into the database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } /** Returns ASK offers less than or equal to the given ASK price in the offer book. * * Obeys the following ordering: * First sort by price level -- return the lowest asks first * Then sort by timestamp -- return the oldest asks first * * The desired query is: * * SELECT offer_book.*, security_pricelevels.price_level FROM offer_book, security_pricelevels, * period_securities WHERE AND * AND period_securities.session_id=sessionId * AND period_securities.period_id=periodId AND * AND (security_pricelevels.price_level>=askPrice OR offer_book.pricelevel_id=priceId_db) * AND offer_book.offer_type=2 AND offer_book.offer_status=0 ORDER BY security_pricelevels.price_level, offer_book.time_entry; * */ public Object[] getAskOffers(int sessionId, int periodId, int marketId, int priceId, float bidPrice, MarketDef mi, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { try { int marketId_db = getPeriodSecurityId_db(marketId, mi); int priceId_db = getPriceId_db(marketId, priceId, mi); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append( "select offer_book.*, security_pricelevels.price_level from offer_book, security_pricelevels, period_securities "); query.append("where "); query.append("and "); query.append("and period_securities.session_id=").append(sessionId).append(" "); query.append("and period_securities.period_id=").append(periodId).append(" "); query.append("and").append(marketId_db).append(" "); query.append("and (security_pricelevels.price_level<=").append(bidPrice).append(" "); query.append("or offer_book.pricelevel_id=").append(priceId_db).append(") "); query.append("and offer_book.offer_type=").append(JMConstants.SELL_ACTION); query.append( " and offer_book.offer_status='" + JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_VALID] + "' "); query.append(" and offer_book.entry_type='" + JMConstants.ORDER_META_LIMIT + "' "); query.append("order by security_pricelevels.price_level, offer_book.time_entry"); Object[] results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); return results; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error checking for the ask orders below the bid price " + bidPrice, e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } } /** * Returns as getAskOffers but ordered by time. */ public Object[] getAskOffersOrderedByTime(int sessionId, int periodId, int marketId, int priceId, float bidPrice, MarketDef mi, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { try { int marketId_db = getPeriodSecurityId_db(marketId, mi); int priceId_db = getPriceId_db(marketId, priceId, mi); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append( "select offer_book.*, security_pricelevels.price_level from offer_book, security_pricelevels, period_securities "); query.append("where "); query.append("and "); query.append("and period_securities.session_id=").append(sessionId).append(" "); query.append("and period_securities.period_id=").append(periodId).append(" "); query.append("and").append(marketId_db).append(" "); query.append("and (security_pricelevels.price_level<=").append(bidPrice).append(" "); query.append("or offer_book.pricelevel_id=").append(priceId_db).append(") "); query.append("and offer_book.offer_type=").append(JMConstants.SELL_ACTION); query.append( " and offer_book.offer_status='" + JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_VALID] + "' "); query.append(" and offer_book.entry_type='" + JMConstants.ORDER_META_LIMIT + "' "); query.append("order by security_pricelevels.price_level DESC, offer_book.time_entry"); Object[] results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); return results; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error checking for the ask orders below the bid price " + bidPrice, e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } } /** Returns BID offers greater than or equal to the given ASK price in the offer book. * * Obeys the following ordering: * First sort by price level -- return the highest bids first * Then sort by timestamp -- return the oldest bids first * * The desired query is: * * SELECT offer_book.*, security_pricelevels.price_level FROM offer_book, security_pricelevels, * period_securities WHERE AND * AND period_securities.session_id=sessionId * AND period_securities.period_id=periodId AND * AND (security_pricelevels.price_level>=askPrice OR offer_book.pricelevel_id=priceId_db) * AND offer_book.offer_type=1 AND offer_book.offer_status=0 ORDER BY security_pricelevels.price_level DESC, offer_book.time_entry; * */ public Object[] getBidOffers(int sessionId, int periodId, int marketId, int priceId, float askPrice, MarketDef mi, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { try { int marketId_db = getPeriodSecurityId_db(marketId, mi); int priceId_db = getPriceId_db(marketId, priceId, mi); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append( "select offer_book.*, security_pricelevels.price_level from offer_book, security_pricelevels, period_securities "); query.append("where "); query.append("and "); query.append("and period_securities.session_id=").append(sessionId).append(" "); query.append("and period_securities.period_id=").append(periodId).append(" "); query.append("and").append(marketId_db).append(" "); query.append("and (security_pricelevels.price_level>=").append(askPrice).append(" "); query.append("or offer_book.pricelevel_id=").append(priceId_db).append(") "); query.append("and offer_book.offer_type=").append(JMConstants.BUY_ACTION); query.append( " and offer_book.offer_status='" + JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_VALID] + "' "); query.append(" and offer_book.entry_type='" + JMConstants.ORDER_META_LIMIT + "' "); query.append("order by security_pricelevels.price_level DESC, offer_book.time_entry"); Object[] results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); return results; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error checking for the bid orders above the ask price " + askPrice, e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } } /** * Same as getBidOffers above but this one orders by time of entry. */ public Object[] getBidOffersOrderedByTime(int sessionId, int periodId, int marketId, int priceId, float askPrice, MarketDef mi, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { try { int marketId_db = getPeriodSecurityId_db(marketId, mi); int priceId_db = getPriceId_db(marketId, priceId, mi); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append( "select offer_book.*, security_pricelevels.price_level from offer_book, security_pricelevels, period_securities "); query.append("where "); query.append("and "); query.append("and period_securities.session_id=").append(sessionId).append(" "); query.append("and period_securities.period_id=").append(periodId).append(" "); query.append("and").append(marketId_db).append(" "); query.append("and (security_pricelevels.price_level>=").append(askPrice).append(" "); query.append("or offer_book.pricelevel_id=").append(priceId_db).append(") "); query.append("and offer_book.offer_type=").append(JMConstants.BUY_ACTION); query.append( " and offer_book.offer_status='" + JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_VALID] + "' "); query.append(" and offer_book.entry_type='" + JMConstants.ORDER_META_LIMIT + "' "); query.append("order by security_pricelevels.price_level DESC, offer_book.time_entry"); Object[] results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); return results; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error checking for the bid orders above the ask price " + askPrice, e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } } /** Returns the offers made by the given subject on the given market and price level. * These offers will be processed for cancellation by the TradeServ, which will retrieve * them by calling the getNextOffer function here */ public Object[] getOffersForCancel(int subjectId_db, int marketId, int priceId, MarketDef mi, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { try { int priceId_db = getPriceId_db(marketId, priceId, mi); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select * from offer_book where "); query.append("subject_id=").append(subjectId_db).append(" and "); query.append("pricelevel_id=").append(priceId_db).append(" and "); query.append("offer_status='" + JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_VALID] + "'"); query.append(" and offer_book.entry_type='" + JMConstants.ORDER_META_LIMIT + "' "); Object[] results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); return results; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error checking for orders valid for cancellation", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } } /** * Given the Object[] object returned from getBidOffers or getAskOffers, return the next BasicOffer object * that can form a transaction with the newOffer in the TradeServ. Return null if there are no more * offers to be returned. Also returns cancel orders from the Object[] from getOffersForCancel function */ public BasicOffer getNextOffer(int marketId, Object[] results, SubjectDef si, MarketDef mi, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { try { ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0]; if ( { BasicOffer standingOffer = new BasicOffer(); standingOffer.setTime(rs.getInt("time_entry")); standingOffer.setAction(rs.getInt("offer_type")); standingOffer.setUnits(rs.getInt("offer_units")); standingOffer.setSubjectId_db(rs.getInt("subject_id")); standingOffer.setSubjectId(si.getId(standingOffer.getSubjectId_db())); standingOffer.setMarketId(marketId); standingOffer.setPriceId(getPriceId(marketId, rs.getInt("pricelevel_id"), mi)); standingOffer.setPrice(getPrice(marketId, standingOffer.getPriceId(), mi)); standingOffer.setId_db(rs.getInt("id")); return standingOffer; } else { return null; } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to get the next transaction offer", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } } /** Close the given result set of offers */ public void closeOffers(Object[] results) { dbc.closeQuery(results); } /** Set the given order to 'Executed' status and specify the time at which this occured. Also update * the ticker tape with the number of units changed */ public void executeOffer(int offerId, long time, int unitsChanged, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { Object[] results = null; try { String[] matchNames = { "id" }; String[] matchValues = { "" + offerId }; String[] setNames = { "offer_status", "offer_units", "time_changestatus" }; String[] setValues = { JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_TRANSACTED], String.valueOf(0), String.valueOf(time) }; results = dbc.update("offer_book", setNames, setValues, matchNames, matchValues, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); String[] values = { "0", String.valueOf(offerId), String.valueOf(unitsChanged), JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_TRANSACTED], String.valueOf(time) }; results = dbc.insert("ticker_tape", values, conn); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to execute the offer " + offerId + " in database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } /** Set the given offer to the new number of units and specify when this occured. Update the ticker * tape as well */ public void updateOffer(int offerId, int units, long time, int unitsChanged, int orderChangeStatus, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { Object[] results = null; try { String[] matchNames = { "id" }; String[] matchValues = { String.valueOf(offerId) }; String[] setNames = { "offer_units", "time_changestatus" }; String[] setValues = { String.valueOf(units), String.valueOf(time) }; results = dbc.update("offer_book", setNames, setValues, matchNames, matchValues, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); String[] values = new String[5]; values[0] = "0"; values[1] = String.valueOf(offerId); values[2] = String.valueOf(unitsChanged); if (orderChangeStatus == JMConstants.ORDER_TRANSACTED) values[3] = JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_TRANSACTED]; else values[3] = JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_CANCELLED]; values[4] = String.valueOf(time); results = dbc.insert("ticker_tape", values, conn); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to update offer " + offerId + " in database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } /** Cancel the given offer. It must have its id_db field filled out (as all offers called * from getNextOffer do). Update the ticker tape as well */ public void cancelOffer(int offerId, long time, int unitsChanged, Connection conn) throws TransactionInterruptedException { Object[] results = null; try { String[] matchNames = { "id" }; String[] matchValues = { "" + offerId }; String[] setNames = { "offer_status", "offer_units", "time_changestatus" }; String[] setValues = { JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_CANCELLED], String.valueOf(0), String.valueOf(time) }; results = dbc.update("offer_book", setNames, setValues, matchNames, matchValues, conn); dbc.closeQuery(results); String[] values = { "0", String.valueOf(offerId), String.valueOf(unitsChanged), JMConstants.ORDER_STATUSES[JMConstants.ORDER_CANCELLED], String.valueOf(time) }; results = dbc.insert("ticker_tape", values, conn); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to cancel the offer " + offerId + " in the database", e); throw new TransactionInterruptedException(); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results); } } public float getAvgTransactionPrice(int sessionId, int periodId, String securityName) { float avgPrice = -1; Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append( "select avg(tb.price) from periods p, period_securities ps, securities s, security_pricelevels sl, transaction_book tb, transaction_sides ts, offer_book ob"); query.append(" where p.session_id=").append(sessionId).append(" and p.period_id=").append(periodId) .append(" and s.security_name='").append(securityName).append("' and "); query.append( "ps.session_id=p.session_id and ps.period_id=p.period_id and and and and and group by s.security_name"); results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0]; if ( avgPrice = rs.getFloat(1); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error querying average transaction price... ", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return avgPrice; } public String getSubjNameById(int clientId) { String name = null; Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer("select * from jm_user where id=" + clientId); results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0]; if ( name = rs.getString("fname") + " " + rs.getString("lname"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error querying subject name by id... ", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return name; } public int getClientIdByEmailAndPassword(String email, String passwd, int role) { int id = -1; Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); StringBuffer query = null; if (role == JMConstants.USER_ROLE) query = new StringBuffer("select id from jm_user where email='" + email + "' and passwd=PASSWORD('" + passwd + "') and role=" + JMConstants.USER_ROLE + ";"); if (role > JMConstants.USER_ROLE) query = new StringBuffer("select id from jm_user where email='" + email + "' and passwd=PASSWORD('" + passwd + "') and role>" + JMConstants.USER_ROLE + ";"); results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0]; if ( id = rs.getInt("id"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to authenticate subject by email and passwd... ", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return id; } public int registerSubject(String query) { int id = -1; Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); results = dbc.executeUpdate(query, conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0]; if ( id = rs.getInt(1); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to register new subject... ", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return id; } public List<LabelValueBean> getExperimentsByExperimenterId(int experimenterId) { List<LabelValueBean> sessions = new ArrayList<LabelValueBean>(); Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer( "select id, name, start_time from sessions where experimenter_id=" + experimenterId); results = dbc.executeQuery(query.toString(), conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0]; while ( { LabelValueBean label = new LabelValueBean(); String id = String.valueOf(rs.getInt("id")); label.setLabel(id + ": " + rs.getString("name") + ", " + rs.getString("start_time")); label.setValue(id); sessions.add(label); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error querying experiment list by experimenter id... ", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return sessions; } /** Checks to see if the group exists in the market_groups table. If it does, return its ID number. If it * does not, add it to the market_groups table and return its ID number */ private int addGroup(String group) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; int id = -1; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); String query = "select id from market_groups where group_name='" + group + "'"; results = dbc.executeQuery(query, conn); //Check if the security is there -- if so, return its id if (results != null) { ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0]; if (!rs.wasNull()) { rs.last(); int size = rs.getRow(); if (size > 0) { id = rs.getInt("id"); dbc.closeQuery(results); return id; } } } dbc.closeQuery(results); //If the group was not found then add it and return the generated id String update = "insert into market_groups values(0, '" + group + "')"; results = dbc.executeUpdate(update, conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; return rs.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to add group " + group + " to market_groups table", e); } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return id; } /** Checks to see if the security exists in the securities table. If it does, return its ID number. If it * does not, add it to the securities table and return its ID number */ private int addSecurity(String security) { Connection conn = null; Object[] results = null; int id = -1; try { conn = dbc.getConnection(); String query = "select id from securities where security_name='" + security + "'"; results = dbc.executeQuery(query, conn); //Check if the security is there -- if so, return its id if (results != null) { ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0]; if (!rs.wasNull()) { rs.last(); int size = rs.getRow(); if (size > 0) { return rs.getInt("id"); } } } //dbc.closeQuery(results); //If the security was not found then add it and return the generated id String update = "insert into securities values(0, '" + security + "')"; results = dbc.executeUpdate(update, conn); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) results[0];; id = rs.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to add security " + security + " to securities table", e); return -1; } finally { dbc.closeQuery(results, conn); } return id; } /** Given a market id and price id return the database price id */ private int getPriceId_db(int marketId, int priceId, MarketDef marketInfo) { float price = marketInfo.getPrices()[marketId][priceId]; return getPriceId_db(marketId, price, marketInfo); } /** Given a market id and a price level return the database price id */ private int getPriceId_db(int marketId, float price, MarketDef marketInfo) { return marketInfo.getPriceId_db(marketId, price); } /** Given a market and price id return the associated price */ private float getPrice(int marketId, int priceId, MarketDef marketInfo) { return marketInfo.getPrices()[marketId][priceId]; } /** Given a database price id return the price id */ private int getPriceId(int marketId, int priceId_db, MarketDef marketInfo) { return marketInfo.getPriceId(marketId, priceId_db); } /** Given a market id return the period security database id */ private int getPeriodSecurityId_db(int marketId, MarketDef marketInfo) { return marketInfo.getPeriodSecurityId(marketId); } /** Given a market id return the security database id */ private int getSecurityId_db(int marketId, MarketDef marketInfo) { return marketInfo.getSecurityId(marketId); } public static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DBWriter.class); private DBConnector dbc; }