Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2006, <a href="">SSEL</a> * <a href="">CASSEL</a>, Caltech/UCLA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. * * Project Authors: Raj Advani, Walter M. Yuan, and Peter Bossaerts * Email: */ /* * * * Created on March 18, 2004, 4:54 PM */ package edu.caltechUcla.sselCassel.projects.jMarkets.server.control; import java.util.*; import*; import*; import edu.caltechUcla.sselCassel.projects.jMarkets.server.updates.*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * @author Raj Advani * * The UpdateServ is extended by either an HTTP or RMI implementation. Each time an * action is made by one of the clients, the updateQueue is filled with the Response * objects that must be sent to the client. An HTTP implementation will send out these * responses each time it receives an update request from the client. An RMI implementation * will connect directly to the Communicator on the client-side and sent the responses * immediately when received in the updateQueue * */ public abstract class UpdateServ implements Updater { /** Creates a new instance of UpdateServ */ public UpdateServ() { initServ(); } /** Initializes the UpdateServ for the new session. Called when the UpdateServ * is instantiated */ public void initServ() { updateQueues = new Hashtable(); disconnected = new Hashtable(); log.debug("UpdateServ has been initialized"); } /** Add the given array of clients. Return true if the operation is successful */ public boolean addClients(int[] dbIds) { for (int i = 0; i < dbIds.length; i++) { if (!addClient(dbIds[i])) return false; } return true; } /** Add the given array of clients. Return true if the operation is successful */ public boolean deleteClients(int[] dbIds) { for (int i = 0; i < dbIds.length; i++) { if (!deleteClient(dbIds[i])) return false; } return true; } /** Add a client, with the given database subject ID, to the current UpdateServ. This * is called at the beginning of a session. Return true if the operation is successful */ public boolean addClient(int dbId) { Integer clientInt = new Integer(dbId); if (updateQueues.containsKey(clientInt)) { log.warn("UpdateServ already contains client " + dbId + " -- a client may only be involved in one session at a time"); return false; } updateQueues.put(clientInt, new Vector()); disconnected.put(clientInt, Boolean.FALSE); return true; } /** Delete a client form the UpdateServ queues. This is called when a client drops out of * a session or when a session is completed */ public boolean deleteClient(int dbId) { Integer clientInt = new Integer(dbId); if (updateQueues.containsKey(clientInt)) { log.debug("Deleting client " + dbId + " from the UpdateServ"); updateQueues.remove(clientInt); disconnected.remove(clientInt); return true; } log.warn("UpdateServ cannot delete client " + dbId + " -- client was not in any session!"); return false; } /** Adds the given update response to the given client's queue */ public void update(int dbId, Response res) { processUpdate(dbId, res); } /** Add the given update to the queue of the given clients */ public void update(int[] recipients, Response update) { for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) { update(recipients[i], update); } } /** Send a NEW_PERIOD_UPDATE to each of the clients in the recipients array. Form the update from the given market, subject, * and earnings information. Return the array of Response objects that are to be sent to the clients. */ public Response[] sendNewPeriodUpdate(int[] recipients, int periodNum, PeriodDef period, EarningsInfo[] earningsHistory, Trader[] traders, OfferBook offerBook) { Response[] updates = new Response[recipients.length]; for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) { updates[i] = new Response(Response.NEW_PERIOD_UPDATE); updates[i].addInfo("marketInfo", period.getMarketInfo()); updates[i].addInfo("trader", traders[i]); updates[i].addInfo("earningsInfo", earningsHistory[i]); updates[i].addIntInfo("periodLength", period.getPeriodLength()); updates[i].addIntInfo("periodNum", periodNum); updates[i].addInfo("offerBook", offerBook); updates[i].addStringInfo("marketEngine", period.getMarketEngine()); update(recipients[i], updates[i]); } log.debug("UpdateServ has sent a NEW_PERIOD_UPDATE to the clients"); return updates; } /** Send a time update to the given clients. These updates re-sync the client clocks with the * server clocks. The JMTimer class determines when it is appropriate to send these re-syncs. * Re-syncs also occur whenever any client sends an offer */ public Response sendTimeUpdate(int[] recipients, int periodNum, int openDelay, int periodLength, int[] marketLength) { log.debug("Sending time update with period time " + periodLength + " and opening time " + openDelay); Response timeUpdate = new Response(Response.TIME_UPDATE_RESPONSE); timeUpdate.addIntInfo("period_time", periodLength); timeUpdate.addIntInfo("opening_time", openDelay); timeUpdate.addInfo("market_time", marketLength); timeUpdate.addIntInfo("periodNum", periodNum); update(recipients, timeUpdate); return timeUpdate; } /** Send an update to the clients indicating that the given market has closed */ public Response sendMarketCloseUpdate(int[] recipients, int periodNum, int market) { Response marketCloseUpdate = new Response(Response.CLOSE_MARKET_UPDATE); marketCloseUpdate.addIntInfo("marketNum", market); marketCloseUpdate.addIntInfo("periodNum", periodNum); update(recipients, marketCloseUpdate); return marketCloseUpdate; } /** Send an END_PERIOD_UPDATE to each of the clients that tells them their payoffs earned. * Also tell them whether to await a new period or terminate the experiment */ public Response[] sendEndPeriodUpdate(int[] recipients, int periodNum, float[] payoffs, String[] masks, EarningsInfo[] earningsHistory, boolean endExperiment) { Response[] updates = new Response[recipients.length]; for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) { updates[i] = new Response(Response.END_PERIOD_UPDATE); updates[i].addFloatInfo("payoff", payoffs[i]); updates[i].addBooleanInfo("endExperiment", endExperiment); updates[i].addIntInfo("periodNum", periodNum); updates[i].addInfo("earningsHistory", earningsHistory[i]); if (masks[i] != null) updates[i].addStringInfo("mask", masks[i]); update(recipients[i], updates[i]); log.debug("Server has sent an end of period update to client " + recipients[i]); } return updates; } /** Process a Vector of TradeUpdate objects. Send out both the invalid updates and * the valid offer book updates. Return an array of Responses, one corresponding * to each tradeUpdate object */ public Response[] sendTradeUpdates(int periodNum, Vector tradeUpdates) { Response[] responses = new Response[tradeUpdates.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < tradeUpdates.size(); i++) { TradeUpdate tupdate = (TradeUpdate) tradeUpdates.get(i); int type = tupdate.getType(); int client = tupdate.getClient(); if (type == TradeUpdate.INVALID_OFFER_UPDATE) { String msg = tupdate.getErrorMsg(); String code = tupdate.getCode(); responses[i] = sendInvalidOfferUpdate(client, periodNum, msg, code); } else { responses[i] = sendOfferBookUpdate(client, tupdate); } } return responses; } /** Send an OFFER_INVALID_UPDATE to the given player. This is sent to players who send * in invalid offers */ private Response sendInvalidOfferUpdate(int dbId, int periodNum, String message, String code) { Response update = new Response(Response.OFFER_INVALID_UPDATE); update.addStringInfo("message", message); update.addStringInfo("code", code); update.addIntInfo("periodNum", periodNum); update(dbId, update); return update; } /** Send an OFFER_BOOK_UPDATE to the given player */ private Response sendOfferBookUpdate(int dbId, TradeUpdate tupdate) { Response update = new Response(Response.OFFER_BOOK_UPDATE); update.addIntInfo("action", tupdate.getAction()); update.addIntInfo("marketId", tupdate.getMarketId()); update.addIntInfo("priceId", tupdate.getExecutedPriceId()); update.addIntInfo("standingPriceId", tupdate.getStandingPriceId()); update.addLongInfo("time", tupdate.getTime()); update.addLongInfo("key", tupdate.getKey()); update.addStringInfo("code", tupdate.getCode()); update.addInfo("pricebook", tupdate.getPriceBook()); update.addIntInfo("periodNum", tupdate.getPeriodNum()); if (tupdate.getType() == TradeUpdate.TRANSACTION_UPDATE) { update.addBooleanInfo("transaction", true); update.addInfo("numPurchases", tupdate.getNumPurchases()); update.addInfo("numSales", tupdate.getNumSales()); } else { update.addBooleanInfo("transaction", false); } update.addFloatInfo("cashHoldings", tupdate.getCashHoldings()); update.addIntInfo("securityHoldings", tupdate.getSecurityHoldings()); update.addStringInfo("actionType", tupdate.getTxnActionType()); update.addInfo("unitsTraded", tupdate.getNumUnitsInTrade()); update.addIntInfo("period_time", tupdate.getPeriodTime()); update.addIntInfo("opening_time", tupdate.getOpeningTime()); update.addInfo("market_time", tupdate.getMarketTime()); update(dbId, update); return update; } /** Dump all updates in the queue of the given client. Typically called after receiving a * re-authentication request, because old updates, collected while the client was * disconnected, are not needed to bring the client back up to speed */ protected boolean dumpUpdates(int dbId) { Integer clientInt = new Integer(dbId); if (!updateQueues.containsKey(clientInt)) { log.warn("Cannot dump updates for client " + dbId + " -- this client is not in any session!"); return false; } Vector queue = (Vector) updateQueues.get(clientInt); updateQueues.put(clientInt, new Vector()); return true; } /** Called by implementation of this class to directly add an update to the queue of the * given client. Returns -1 if the operation failed. Ohterwise returns the new size of * the queue */ protected int enqueueUpdate(int dbId, Response update) { Integer clientInt = new Integer(dbId); if (!updateQueues.containsKey(clientInt)) { log.warn("Cannot enqueue update for client " + dbId + " -- this client is not in any session!"); return -1; } Vector queue = (Vector) updateQueues.get(clientInt); queue.add(update); return queue.size(); } /** Retrieves the next update in the queue of the given client. Returns a NO_UPDATE_RESPONSE if there * are no updates in the given client's queue. The Response that is returned is removed permanently * from the queue */ protected Response dequeueUpdate(int dbId) { Integer clientInt = new Integer(dbId); if (!updateQueues.containsKey(clientInt)) { log.warn("Cannot dequeue update for client " + dbId + " -- this client is not in any session!"); return new Response(Response.INVALID_SESSION_RESPONSE); } Vector queue = (Vector) updateQueues.get(clientInt); if (queue.size() < 1) return new Response(Response.NO_UPDATE_RESPONSE); else { Response res = (Response) queue.remove(0); return (Response) res; } } /** Given an UPDATE_REQUEST from a client, return a response containing the update to send the * client */ public Response getUpdate(Request req) { try { if (req.getType() == Request.UPDATE_REQUEST) return processUpdateRequest(req); else if (req.getType() == Request.RETRY_UPDATE_REQUEST) return processRetryRequest(req); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to process an update request from client", e); return new Response(Response.GENERAL_ACK_RESPONSE); } return new Response(Response.GENERAL_ACK_RESPONSE); } /** Set the given client to connected status */ protected boolean setConnected(int dbId) { try { Integer clientInt = new Integer(dbId); if (!disconnected.containsKey(clientInt)) { log.warn("Cannot update connection status of client " + dbId + " -- client is not connected to any session!"); return false; } Boolean ds = (Boolean) disconnected.get(clientInt); if (ds.booleanValue()) { disconnected.put(clientInt, Boolean.FALSE); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("UpdateServ failed to update admin monitor with client " + dbId + " connection status"); } return false; } /** Set the given client to disconnected status */ protected boolean setDisconnected(int dbId) { try { Integer clientInt = new Integer(dbId); if (!disconnected.containsKey(clientInt)) { log.warn("Cannot update connection status of client " + dbId + " -- client is not connected to any session!"); return false; } Boolean ds = (Boolean) disconnected.get(clientInt); if (!ds.booleanValue()) { disconnected.put(clientInt, Boolean.TRUE); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("UpdateServ failed to update admin monitor with client " + dbId + " connection status"); } return false; } /** Returns the hashtable that maps subject ID to their disconnected status. This is * requested by the dispatcher upon any re-authentication attempt */ public Hashtable getDisconnectStatus() { return disconnected; } /** This abstract function is called each time an UPDATE_REQUEST is received. HTTP implementation * should fill out this method */ protected abstract Response processUpdateRequest(Request req); /** This abstract function is called each a RETRY_UPDATE_REQUEST is received. HTTP implementation * should fill out this method, which returns the update last sent to the client */ protected abstract Response processRetryRequest(Request req); /** This abstract function is called each time a client's updateQueue is updated. RMI implementation * should fill out this method */ protected abstract void processUpdate(int dbId, Response res); /** Keyed by dbId number, contains Vectors that contain updates ready to be sent to clients. The * UpdateServ is responsible for sending these updates to the clients */ private Hashtable updateQueues; /** True if dbId i is disconnected. Set to false whenever dbId i receives an update (because then we * know the client is connected */ private Hashtable disconnected; public static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UpdateServ.class); }