Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize; /** * User: roby * Date: 9/21/11 * Time: 11:41 AM */ import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopoutWidget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.Dimension; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebAssert; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.task.VisTask; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.StringUtils; import java.util.List; /** * @author Trey Roby */ public class ZoomUtil { public static final float[] _levels = { .03125F, .0625F, .125F, .25F, .5F, .75F, 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F, 6F, 7F, 8F, 9f, 10F, 11F, 12F, 13F, 14F, 15F, 16F, 32F }; // public static final float[] _levels= { .03125F, .0625F, .125F,.25F,.5F, .75F, 1F,2F, 4F, // 8F, 16F,32F}; public enum FitFill { FIT, FILL } private static final NumberFormat _nf = NumberFormat.getFormat(".###"); private static final NumberFormat _nfLarge = NumberFormat.getFormat(".#"); private static final int DEFAULT_MARGIN = 10; public static void zoomGroup(final WebPlot.ZDir dir) { AllPlots ap = AllPlots.getInstance(); MiniPlotWidget mpw = ap.getMiniPlotWidget(); final WebPlot plot = mpw.getCurrentPlot(); if (mpw.isExpandedSingleView()) { final float targetZLevel = getNextZoomLevel(plot.getZoomFact(), dir); plot.getPlotView().setZoomTo(targetZLevel, false, true); } else { final float targetZLevel = getNextZoomLevel(plot.getZoomFact(), dir); zoomGroupTo(targetZLevel); } // if (ap.isExpanded()) { // ap.getExpandedController().setOneFillType(PopoutWidget.FillType.OFF); // } } public static void zoomGroupManual(MiniPlotWidget mpw, final float level) { AllPlots.getInstance().setSelectedMPW(mpw, false); final WebPlot plot = mpw.getCurrentPlot(); AllPlots ap = AllPlots.getInstance(); if (mpw.isExpandedSingleView()) { PopoutWidget.getExpandBehavior().setOnePlotFillStyle(PopoutWidget.FillType.OFF); plot.getPlotView().setZoomTo(level, false, true); } else if (ap.isExpanded() && !ap.isExpandSingleView()) { // expanded grid PopoutWidget.getExpandBehavior().setGridPlotFillStyle(PopoutWidget.FillType.OFF); zoomGroupTo(level); } else { zoomGroupTo(level); } } public static void zoomGroup(FitFill fitFill) { AllPlots ap = AllPlots.getInstance(); MiniPlotWidget mpw = ap.getMiniPlotWidget(); final WebPlot plot = mpw.getCurrentPlot(); VisUtil.FullType ft; PopoutWidget.FillType fillType; if (fitFill == FitFill.FIT) { ft = VisUtil.FullType.WIDTH_HEIGHT; fillType = PopoutWidget.FillType.FIT; } else { ft = VisUtil.FullType.ONLY_WIDTH; fillType = PopoutWidget.FillType.FILL; } if (ap.isExpanded()) { PopoutWidget w = ap.getExpandedController(); if (w.isExpandedSingleView()) w.setOneFillType(fillType); else w.setGridFillType(fillType); } else { Widget p = mpw.getParent(); Widget sizeWidget = mpw; if (mpw.getOffsetWidth() * mpw.getOffsetHeight() < 4) sizeWidget = p; if (p != null && GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(p)) { Dimension dim = new Dimension(sizeWidget.getOffsetWidth(), sizeWidget.getOffsetHeight()); if (dim.getWidth() * dim.getHeight() > 1) { float zlevel = ZoomUtil.getEstimatedFullZoomFactor(plot, dim, ft, -1, 1); zoomGroupTo(zlevel); } } } } public static int getZoomMax() { return (int) _levels[_levels.length - 1]; } /** * Zoom the whole group to the same level. However if the others in the group have a different arcsec / pixel then * try to match the arcsec / pixel zoom over the level. * @param level the new level for the primary plot */ public static void zoomGroupTo(final float level) { final AllPlots allPlots = AllPlots.getInstance(); final List<MiniPlotWidget> list = allPlots.getActiveGroupList(false); final WebPlot selectedPlot = allPlots.getMiniPlotWidget().getCurrentPlot(); // determine the target zoom level and what the arcsec / pix it will be at that level final float targetASpix = getArcSecPerPix(selectedPlot, level); for (MiniPlotWidget mpwItem : list) { final MiniPlotWidget mpw = mpwItem; DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { if (mpw.isInit()) { WebPlot plot = mpw.getCurrentPlot(); try { float newZoomLevel = level; if (targetASpix != 0F) { float plotLevel = getZoomLevelForScale(plot, targetASpix); // we want each plot to have the same arcsec / pixel as the target level // if the new level is only slightly different then use the target level newZoomLevel = (Math.abs(plotLevel - level) < .01) ? level : plotLevel; } mpw.getPlotView().setZoomTo(newZoomLevel, false, true); } catch (NullPointerException e) { //todo: handle null pointer exception } } else { mpw.addRequestMod(WebPlotRequest.ZOOM_TYPE, ZoomType.ARCSEC_PER_SCREEN_PIX.toString()); mpw.addRequestMod(WebPlotRequest.ZOOM_ARCSEC_PER_SCREEN_PIX, targetASpix + ""); } } }); } DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { allPlots.fireAllPlotTasksCompleted(); } }); } public static boolean isWCSSynced(MiniPlotWidget mpw1, MiniPlotWidget mpw2) { boolean retval = false; if (isRotationMatching(mpw1, mpw2)) { WebPlot p1 = mpw1.getCurrentPlot(); WebPlot p2 = mpw2.getCurrentPlot(); float asPix1 = getArcSecPerPix(p1, p1.getZoomFact()); float asPix2 = getArcSecPerPix(p2, p2.getZoomFact()); retval = (Math.abs(asPix1 - asPix2) < .01); } return retval; } public static void wcsSyncToLevel(final float primaryZoomLevel, boolean all, boolean northUp) { final AllPlots allPlots = AllPlots.getInstance(); List<MiniPlotWidget> list = allPlots.getActiveGroupList(false); MiniPlotWidget selectedMPW = allPlots.getMiniPlotWidget(); WebPlot selectedPlot = selectedMPW.getCurrentPlot(); // determine the target zoom level and what the arcsec / pix it will be at that level float targetASpix = getArcSecPerPix(selectedPlot, primaryZoomLevel); for (MiniPlotWidget mpwItem : list) { if (all || selectedMPW == mpwItem) { wcsSyncToAS(selectedMPW, mpwItem, targetASpix, northUp); } } DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { allPlots.fireAllPlotTasksCompleted(); } }); } public static void wcsSyncToAS(final MiniPlotWidget mpwPrim, final MiniPlotWidget mpw, final float targetASpix, final boolean northUp) { DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { if (mpw.isInit()) { WebPlot plot = mpw.getCurrentPlot(); try { float currZoomLevel = mpw.getCurrentPlot().getZoomFact(); float plotLevel = getZoomLevelForScale(plot, targetASpix); // we want each plot to have the same arcsec / pixel as the target level // if the new level is only slightly different then use the target level float newZoomLevel = (Math.abs(plotLevel - currZoomLevel) < .01) ? currZoomLevel : plotLevel; determineHowToMatch(newZoomLevel, mpwPrim, mpw, northUp); } catch (NullPointerException e) { //todo: handle null pointer exception } } else { mpw.addRequestMod(WebPlotRequest.ZOOM_TYPE, ZoomType.ARCSEC_PER_SCREEN_PIX.toString()); mpw.addRequestMod(WebPlotRequest.ZOOM_ARCSEC_PER_SCREEN_PIX, targetASpix + ""); } } }); } public static void wcsSyncToMatch(final MiniPlotWidget mpwPrim, final MiniPlotWidget mpw, final boolean northUp) { WebPlot matchPlot = mpwPrim.getCurrentPlot(); final WebPlot plot = mpw.getCurrentPlot(); final float targetASpix = getArcSecPerPix(matchPlot, matchPlot.getZoomFact()); float targetZoomLevel = getZoomLevelForScale(plot, targetASpix); final float newZoomLevel = (Math.abs(targetZoomLevel - plot.getZoomFact()) < .01) ? plot.getZoomFact() : targetZoomLevel; if (targetASpix != 0F) { DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { if (mpw.isInit()) { // we want each plot to have the same arcsec / pixel as the target level // if the new level is only slightly different then use the target level determineHowToMatch(newZoomLevel, mpwPrim, mpw, northUp); } else { mpw.addRequestMod(WebPlotRequest.ZOOM_TYPE, ZoomType.ARCSEC_PER_SCREEN_PIX.toString()); mpw.addRequestMod(WebPlotRequest.ZOOM_ARCSEC_PER_SCREEN_PIX, targetASpix + ""); } } }); } } private static void determineHowToMatch(float newZoomLevel, MiniPlotWidget mpwPrim, MiniPlotWidget mpw, boolean northUp) { if (northUp) { if (isNorth(mpw)) { mpw.getPlotView().setZoomTo(newZoomLevel, true, true); } else { VisTask.getInstance().rotateNorth(true, newZoomLevel, mpw); } } else { if (isRotationMatching(mpwPrim, mpw)) { mpw.getPlotView().setZoomTo(newZoomLevel, true, false); } else { rotateToMatch(mpwPrim, mpw, newZoomLevel); } } } private static void rotateToMatch(MiniPlotWidget mpwPrim, MiniPlotWidget mpw, float level) { WebPlot matchP = mpwPrim.getCurrentPlot(); WebPlot p = mpw.getCurrentPlot(); double matchR = VisUtil.getRotationAngle(matchP); double r = VisUtil.getRotationAngle(p); double targetRotation = r - matchR; // if (targetRotation<180) targetRotation= 360+targetRotation; // if (targetRotation<0) targetRotation= 180+targetRotation; VisTask.getInstance().rotate(p, true, targetRotation, level, mpw); } private static boolean isRotationMatching(MiniPlotWidget mpw1, MiniPlotWidget mpw2) { if (mpw1 == null || mpw2 == null || mpw1.getCurrentPlot() == null || mpw2.getCurrentPlot() == null) return false; WebPlot p1 = mpw1.getCurrentPlot(); WebPlot p2 = mpw2.getCurrentPlot(); boolean retval; if (isNorth(p1) && isNorth(p2)) { retval = true; } else { double r1 = VisUtil.getRotationAngle(p1); double r2 = VisUtil.getRotationAngle(p2); retval = (Math.abs(r1 - r2) < .9); } return retval; } private static boolean isNorth(MiniPlotWidget mpw) { boolean retval = false; if (mpw != null && mpw.getCurrentPlot() != null) { retval = isNorth(mpw.getCurrentPlot()); } return retval; } private static boolean isNorth(WebPlot plot) { boolean retval = false; if (plot != null) { if (plot.getRotationType() == PlotState.RotateType.NORTH || (plot.isRotated() && VisUtil.isPlotNorth(plot))) { retval = true; } } return retval; } public static float getArcSecPerPix(WebPlot p) { return getArcSecPerPix(p, p.getZoomFact()); } public static float getArcSecPerPix(WebPlot p, float zoomFact) { return (float) p.getImagePixelScaleInArcSec() / zoomFact; } public static float getZoomLevelForScale(WebPlot p, float arcsecPerPix) { return (float) p.getImagePixelScaleInArcSec() / arcsecPerPix; } public static String convertZoomToString(float level) { String retval; int zfInt = (int) (level * 10000); if (zfInt >= 10000) retval = getOnePlusLevelDesc(level); // if level > then 1.0 else if (zfInt == 312) retval = "1/32x"; // 1/32 else if (zfInt == 625) retval = "1/16x"; // 1/16 else if (zfInt == 1250) retval = "1/8x"; // 1/8 else if (zfInt == 2500) retval = "¼x"; // 1/4 else if (zfInt == 7500) retval = "¾x"; // 3/4 else if (zfInt == 5000) retval = "½x"; // 1/2 else retval = _nf.format(level) + "x"; return retval; } private static String getOnePlusLevelDesc(float level) { String retval; float remainder = level % 1; if (remainder < .1 || remainder > .9) { retval = (Math.round(level)) + "x"; } else { retval = _nfLarge.format(level) + "x"; } return retval; } public static float getNextZoomLevel(float currLevel, WebPlot.ZDir dir) { float newLevel = 1; boolean found; if (dir == WebPlot.ZDir.UP) { if ((int) currLevel == (int) _levels[_levels.length - 1]) { newLevel = currLevel; } else { for (float _tstLevel : _levels) { found = (_tstLevel > currLevel); if (found) { newLevel = _tstLevel; break; } } } } else if (dir == WebPlot.ZDir.ORIGINAL) { newLevel = 1; } else if (dir == WebPlot.ZDir.DOWN) { newLevel = _levels[0]; for (int i = _levels.length - 1; (i >= 0); i--) { found = (_levels[i] < currLevel); if (found) { newLevel = _levels[i]; break; } } } else { WebAssert.argTst(false, "unsupported ZDir"); } return newLevel; } public static float getEstimatedFullZoomFactor(WebPlot plot, Dimension screenDim) { return getEstimatedFullZoomFactor(plot, screenDim, VisUtil.FullType.SMART, -1, DEFAULT_MARGIN); } public static float getEstimatedFullZoomFactor(WebPlot plot, Dimension screenDim, VisUtil.FullType fullType) { return getEstimatedFullZoomFactor(plot, screenDim, fullType, plot.getZoomFact(), DEFAULT_MARGIN); } // public static float getEstimatedFullZoomFactor(WebPlot plot, Dimension screenDim, float tryMinFactor) { // return getEstimatedFullZoomFactor(plot,screenDim,VisUtil.FullType.SMART,tryMinFactor, DEFAULT_MARGIN); // // } public static float getEstimatedFullZoomFactor(WebPlot plot, Dimension screenDim, VisUtil.FullType fullType, float tryMinFactor, int margin) { if (plot == null) return 1F; int screenWidth = screenDim.getWidth(); int screenHeight = screenDim.getHeight(); int workWidth = screenWidth > 50 ? screenWidth - margin : screenWidth; int workHeight = screenHeight > 50 ? screenHeight - margin : screenHeight; WebPlotView pv = plot.getPlotView(); if (pv.containsAttributeKey(WebPlot.EXPANDED_TO_FIT_TYPE)) { try { String s = pv.getAttribute(WebPlot.EXPANDED_TO_FIT_TYPE).toString(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(s)) fullType = Enum.valueOf(VisUtil.FullType.class, s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { fullType = VisUtil.FullType.ONLY_WIDTH; } } return VisUtil.getEstimatedFullZoomFactor(fullType, plot.getImageDataWidth(), plot.getImageDataHeight(), workWidth, workHeight, tryMinFactor); } public static boolean isZoomLevelsMatching(WebPlotView pv, float currentLevel, float targetLevel, float tolerance) { boolean retval = false; if (Math.abs(currentLevel - targetLevel) <= tolerance) { retval = true; List<WebPlot> opvList = pv.getOverlayPlotList(); if (opvList.size() > 0) { for (WebPlot p : opvList) { float oFact = p.getZoomFact(); if (Math.abs(oFact - targetLevel) > .0001) { retval = false; break; } } } } return retval; } }