Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.ui; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.BaseDialog; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopupUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.RadioGroupInputField; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.SimpleTargetPanel; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.input.SimpleInputField; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.TabPane; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.PropFile; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebAssert; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebClassProperties; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.Name; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.ActiveTarget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.AllPlots; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.Band; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.MiniPlotWidget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.PlotRelatedPanel; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.PlotWidgetFactory; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.PlotWidgetOps; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.Vis; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.WebPlot; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.WebPlotRequest; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.ZoomType; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.StringUtils; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.dd.ValidationException; import edu.caltech.ipac.visualize.plot.ResolvedWorldPt; import edu.caltech.ipac.visualize.plot.WorldPt; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * User: roby * Date: Jan 26, 2009 * Time: 3:45:42 PM */ /** * @author Trey Roby */ public class ImageSelectPanel implements ImageSelectAccess { private enum PlotType { Normal, ThreeColorOps, ThreeColorPanel } private static final int TARGET_PANEL = 0; private static final int TARGET_DESC = 1; private static final int TARGET_HIDDEN = 2; interface PFile extends PropFile { @Source("ImageSelectPanel.prop") TextResource get(); } private static final WebClassProperties _prop = new WebClassProperties(ImageSelectPanel.class, (PFile) GWT.create(PFile.class)); private static String RANGES_STR = _prop.getName("ranges"); public static final String NEW3 = _prop.getName("use3Color.new3"); public static final String BAND = _prop.getName(""); private static final String STANDARD_RADIUS = "StandardRadius"; private static final String BLANK = "Blank"; private static final String IN_PLACE_STANDARD = " " + _prop.getName("plotWhere.inPlace"); private static final String IN_PLACE_3COLOR = " " + _prop.getName("plotWhere.inPlace.threeColor"); // private final MiniPlotWidget _plotWidget; private final TabPane<Panel> _tabs = new TabPane<Panel>(); private final SimpleInputField _degreeField = SimpleInputField.createByProp(_prop.makeBase("radius")); private final Label _rangesLabel = new Label(RANGES_STR); private final List<PlotTypeUI> _plotType = new ArrayList<PlotTypeUI>(10); private final DeckPanel _boundryCards = new DeckPanel(); private final DeckPanel _targetCards = new DeckPanel(); private final Map<Object, Integer> _cardIdxMap = new HashMap<Object, Integer>(); private final Label _blankLabel = new Label(); private final Widget _radiusPanel = createRadiusPanel(); private final SimpleTargetPanel _targetPanel = new SimpleTargetPanel(); private final HTML _targetDesc = new HTML(); private final SimplePanel _targetPanelHolder = new SimplePanel(); private final boolean _addToHistory; private final AsyncCallback<WebPlot> _plotCallback; private final CheckBox _use3Color = GwtUtil.makeCheckBox(_prop.makeBase("use3Color")); private final SimpleInputField _threeColorBand = SimpleInputField .createByProp(_prop.makeBase("threeColorBand")); private final VerticalPanel _tcPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private final HorizontalPanel _bandRemoveList = new HorizontalPanel(); private final PlotWidgetFactory plotFactory; private final Map<MiniPlotWidget, BandRemoveListener> bandRemoveMap = new HashMap<MiniPlotWidget, BandRemoveListener>(); private final Label hideTargetLabel = new Label(); private PlotWidgetOps _opsFromLastPlot = null; // private CheckBox createNew; private SimpleInputField createNew; private PlotWidgetOps _ops = null; private boolean firstShow = true; private Widget mainPanel = null; private final PanelComplete panelComplete; //====================================================================== //----------------------- Constructors --------------------------------- //====================================================================== public ImageSelectPanel(PlotWidgetOps ops, boolean addToHistory, AsyncCallback<WebPlot> plotCallback, PanelComplete panelComplete, PlotWidgetFactory plotFactory) { _addToHistory = addToHistory; _plotCallback = plotCallback; this.panelComplete = panelComplete; this.plotFactory = plotFactory; createContents(ops); } //====================================================================== //----------------------- Public Methods ------------------------------- //====================================================================== protected void onFirstVisible() { if (firstShow) { _blankLabel.setSize(_radiusPanel.getOffsetWidth() + "px", _radiusPanel.getOffsetHeight() + "px"); firstShow = false; } } private boolean isCreateNew() { return createNew != null && (createNew.getValue().equals("inNew")); } private void updateCreateOp() { if (createNew != null) { RadioGroupInputField radio = (RadioGroupInputField) createNew.getField(); if (_ops != null && _ops.getCurrentPlot() != null && _ops.getCurrentPlot().isThreeColor()) { radio.getRadioButton("inPlace").setHTML(IN_PLACE_3COLOR); } else { radio.getRadioButton("inPlace").setHTML(IN_PLACE_STANDARD); } } } public void showPanel() { onFirstVisible(); Vis.init(new Vis.InitComplete() { public void done() { AllPlots ap = AllPlots.getInstance(); MiniPlotWidget mpw = ap.getMiniPlotWidget(); _ops = (mpw != null) ? mpw.getOps() : null; if (createNew != null) createNew.setVisible(mpw != null); PlotWidgetOps ops = isCreateNew() ? null : _ops; updateToActive(ops); setTargetCard(computeTargetCard()); populateBandRemove(ops); updatePlotType(ops); updateCreateOp(); } }); } public Widget getMainPanel() { return mainPanel; } public int computeTargetCard() { int card; if (getActivePlotType().usesTarget()) { if (isValidPos()) { card = TARGET_DESC; } else { card = TARGET_PANEL; } } else { card = TARGET_HIDDEN; } return card; } public int getPlotWidgetWidth() { return (_ops != null) ? _ops.getPlotView().getMiniPlotWidget().getOffsetWidth() : 0; } //======================================================================= //-------------- Method from LabelSource Interface ---------------------- //======================================================================= //====================================================================== //------------------ Private / Protected Methods ----------------------- //====================================================================== private void updatePlotType(PlotWidgetOps ops) { WebPlot plot = ops != null ? ops.getPlotView().getPrimaryPlot() : null; PlotTypeUI ptype = getActivePlotType(); boolean plotIs3Color = (plot != null && plot.isThreeColor()); setPlotType(plotIs3Color || _use3Color.getValue() ? PlotType.ThreeColorOps : PlotType.Normal); panelComplete.setHideAlgorythm( ptype.handlesSubmit() ? BaseDialog.HideType.DONT_HIDE : BaseDialog.HideType.AFTER_COMPLETE); } private void updateToActive(PlotWidgetOps ops) { ActiveTarget at = ActiveTarget.getInstance(); ActiveTarget.PosEntry entry = at.getActive(); if (entry == null || (at.isComputed() || entry.getPt() == null)) { if (ops == null) ops = _opsFromLastPlot; WebPlot plot = (ops != null) ? ops.getPlotView().getPrimaryPlot() : null; if (plot != null) { if (plot.containsAttributeKey(WebPlot.FIXED_TARGET)) { Object o = plot.getAttribute(WebPlot.FIXED_TARGET); if (o instanceof ActiveTarget.PosEntry) { entry = (ActiveTarget.PosEntry) o; } } } } boolean updateTargetPanel = true; ActiveTarget.PosEntry curr = _targetPanel.getTarget(); if (curr != null && entry != null) { WorldPt currWp = curr.getPt(); WorldPt entryWp = entry.getPt(); if (currWp != null && entryWp != null) { if (currWp instanceof ResolvedWorldPt) currWp = new WorldPt(currWp); updateTargetPanel = !currWp.equals(entryWp); } } if (updateTargetPanel) _targetPanel.setTarget(entry); } private void createContents(final PlotWidgetOps ops) { createTargetPanel(); ImageSelectDialogTypes sdt = new ImageSelectDialogTypes(this, _prop); PlotRelatedPanel ppAry[] = (ops != null) ? ops.getGroup().getExtraPanels() : null; if (ppAry != null) { for (PlotRelatedPanel pp : ppAry) { if (pp instanceof PlotTypeUI) { _plotType.add(((PlotTypeUI) pp)); } } } _plotType.addAll(sdt.getPlotTypes()); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); createTabs(ops); int cardIdx = 0; _boundryCards.add(_radiusPanel); _cardIdxMap.put(STANDARD_RADIUS, cardIdx++); _boundryCards.add(_blankLabel); _cardIdxMap.put(BLANK, cardIdx++); for (PlotTypeUI ptype : _plotType) { if (!ptype.usesRadius()) { Widget w = ptype.getAlternateRadiusWidget(); if (w != null) { _boundryCards.add(w); _cardIdxMap.put(ptype, cardIdx++); } } } _bandRemoveList.setSpacing(10); // _tcPanel.setSpacing(5); _tcPanel.add(_use3Color); _tcPanel.add(_threeColorBand); _tcPanel.add(_bandRemoveList); GwtUtil.setStyle(_threeColorBand, "paddingTop", "5px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(_tcPanel, "padding", "8px 0 0 70px"); _tcPanel.setWidth("250px"); // _tcPanel.setHeight("70px"); updatePlotType(ops); _use3Color.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { _threeColorBand.setVisible(_use3Color.getValue()); } }); HorizontalPanel bottom = new HorizontalPanel(); bottom.add(_boundryCards); bottom.add(_tcPanel); bottom.addStyleName("image-select-range-panel"); if (plotFactory != null) { createNew = SimpleInputField.createByProp(_prop.makeBase("plotWhere")); RadioGroupInputField radio = (RadioGroupInputField) createNew.getField(); radio.setPaddingBetween(10); radio.getRadioButton("inNew").setHTML(" " + plotFactory.getCreateDesc()); // createNew= GwtUtil.makeCheckBox(plotFactory.getCreateDesc(), plotFactory.getCreateDesc(),true); if (ops == null) createNew.setVisible(false); createNew.getField().addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> ev) { PlotWidgetOps ops = ev.getValue().equals("inNew") ? null : _ops; updatePlotType(ops); populateBandRemove(ops); } }); SimplePanel boxPanel = new SimplePanel(); boxPanel.setWidget(createNew); vp.add(boxPanel); GwtUtil.setStyle(boxPanel, "padding", "6px 0 9px 200px"); } vp.add(_targetCards); vp.add(_tabs); // vp.add(_boundryCards); vp.add(GwtUtil.centerAlign(bottom)); _tabs.setWidth(575 + "px"); _tabs.setHeight(75 + "px"); _rangesLabel.addStyleName("on-dialog-help"); _tabs.selectTab(0); PlotTypeUI ptype = getActivePlotType(); _tabs.setHeight((ptype.getHeight() + 5) + "px"); _tabs.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent selectionEvent) { PlotTypeUI ptype = getActivePlotType(); _tabs.setHeight((ptype.getHeight() + 5) + "px"); } }); computeRanges(); //todo change if (ops != null) { ops.getPlotView().addListener(Name.REPLOT, new WebEventListener() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { if (GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(mainPanel)) { populateBandRemove(ops); } } }); } mainPanel = vp; } private void populateBandRemove(final PlotWidgetOps ops) { WebPlot plot = (ops != null) ? ops.getCurrentPlot() : null; _bandRemoveList.clear(); if (plot != null && plot.isThreeColor()) { for (Band band : plot.getBands()) { final Band removeBand = band; Widget b = GwtUtil.makeLinkButton("Remove " + band.toString(), "", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { ops.removeColorBand(removeBand); } }); _bandRemoveList.add(b); } } } private void setPlotType(PlotType pt) { switch (pt) { case Normal: _use3Color.setValue(false); _threeColorBand.setVisible(false); _use3Color.setText(NEW3); _use3Color.setVisible(true); break; case ThreeColorOps: _use3Color.setVisible(true); _use3Color.setValue(true); _threeColorBand.setVisible(true); _use3Color.setText(BAND); break; case ThreeColorPanel: _use3Color.setVisible(false); _threeColorBand.setVisible(false); break; } } private boolean isValidPos() { return _targetPanel.getPos() != null; } private void updateTargetDesc() { // String name= _targetPanel.getTargetName(); // String lon= _targetPanel.getLonStr(); // String lat= _targetPanel.getLatStr(); // String csys= _targetPanel.getCoordSysStr(); // // String s; // if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { // s= "Target Name: " + "<b>"+name+"</b>"+ "<br><div class=on-dialog-help>"+ // lon +", "+lat+ " "+csys + "</div>"; // } // else { // s= lon +", "+lat+ " "+csys; // } ActiveTarget.PosEntry t = _targetPanel.getTarget(); String wrapBegin = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">"; String wrapEnd = "</div>"; String s = PositionFieldDef.formatTargetForHelp(t.getName(), t.getResolver(), t.getPt()); String html = wrapBegin + s + wrapEnd; _targetDesc.setHTML(html); } private void setTargetCard(int card) { if (card == TARGET_PANEL && _targetPanelHolder.getWidget() == null) { _targetPanelHolder.setWidget(_targetPanel); } if (card == TARGET_DESC) { updateTargetDesc(); } int hideHeight = Math.max(_targetPanelHolder.getOffsetHeight(), _targetDesc.getOffsetHeight()); int oldHeight = hideTargetLabel.getOffsetHeight(); hideTargetLabel.setPixelSize(10, hideHeight > oldHeight ? hideHeight : oldHeight); if (card == TARGET_HIDDEN && _targetCards.getVisibleWidget() == TARGET_DESC) { Widget desc = _targetCards.getWidget(TARGET_DESC); Widget hidden = _targetCards.getWidget(TARGET_HIDDEN); hidden.setSize(desc.getOffsetWidth() + "px", desc.getOffsetHeight() + "px"); } _targetCards.showWidget(card); } private void createTargetPanel() { HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); Widget modTarget = GwtUtil.makeLinkButton(_prop.getTitle("modTarget"), _prop.getTip("modTarget"), new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent ev) { setTargetCard(TARGET_PANEL); } }); hp.add(_targetDesc); hp.setSpacing(5); hp.add(modTarget); updateTargetDesc(); _targetPanelHolder.setWidget(_targetPanel); _targetCards.add(_targetPanelHolder); _targetCards.add(hp); _targetCards.add(hideTargetLabel); setTargetCard(TARGET_DESC); _targetCards.addStyleName("image-select-target-area"); } private Widget createRadiusPanel() { //TODO - write radius panel VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); // vp.add(_degreeField); vp.add(_degreeField); vp.add(_rangesLabel); _degreeField.getField().addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> stringValueChangeEvent) { computeRanges(); } }); return GwtUtil.centerAlign(vp); } private void computeRanges() { int cardIdx; PlotTypeUI ptype = getActivePlotType(); if (ptype.usesRadius()) { cardIdx = _cardIdxMap.get(STANDARD_RADIUS); } else { cardIdx = _cardIdxMap.get(_cardIdxMap.containsKey(ptype) ? ptype : BLANK); } ptype.updateSizeArea(); _boundryCards.showWidget(cardIdx); } private PlotTypeUI getActivePlotType() { int idx = _tabs.getSelectedIndex(); return _plotType.get(idx); } public void updateSizeIfChange(double minDeg, double maxDeg, double defDeg) { DegreeFieldDef df = (DegreeFieldDef) _degreeField.getFieldDef(); DegreeFieldDef.Units currentUnits = df.getUnits(); double oldMin = df.getMinValue().doubleValue(); double oldMax = df.getMaxValue().doubleValue(); // double oldDef= Double.parseDouble(df.getDefaultValue()); double oldMinDeg = DegreeFieldDef.convert(currentUnits, DegreeFieldDef.Units.DEGREE, oldMin); double oldMaxDeg = DegreeFieldDef.convert(currentUnits, DegreeFieldDef.Units.DEGREE, oldMax); // double oldDefDeg= DegreeFieldDef.convert(currentUnits, DegreeFieldDef.Units.DEGREE, // oldDef); if (Math.abs(oldMinDeg - minDeg) > .001 || Math.abs(oldMaxDeg - maxDeg) > .001) { updateDegField(_ops, minDeg, maxDeg, defDeg); } } // public void updateDegField(PlotWidgetOps ops, double minDeg, double maxDeg, double defDeg) { DegreeFieldDef df = (DegreeFieldDef) _degreeField.getFieldDef(); DegreeFieldDef.Units currentUnits = df.getUnits(); String unitDesc = DegreeFieldDef.getUnitDesc(currentUnits); // double currentVDeg= df.getDegreeValue(df.getDoubleValue(_degreeField.getValue()), currentUnits); double currentVDeg = df.getDoubleValue(_degreeField.getValue()); WebPlot currPlot = ops != null ? ops.getCurrentPlot() : null; if (currPlot != null && currPlot.containsAttributeKey(WebPlot.REQUESTED_SIZE)) { currentVDeg = (Double) currPlot.getAttribute(WebPlot.REQUESTED_SIZE); } double newVDeg = currentVDeg; WebAssert.tst(minDeg != maxDeg, "problem in computing ranges: minDeg=" + minDeg + " maxDeg= " + maxDeg); if (currentVDeg < minDeg || currentVDeg > maxDeg) newVDeg = defDeg; double min = DegreeFieldDef.convert(DegreeFieldDef.Units.DEGREE, currentUnits, minDeg); double max = DegreeFieldDef.convert(DegreeFieldDef.Units.DEGREE, currentUnits, maxDeg); // double newV= DegreeFieldDef.convert(DegreeFieldDef.Units.DEGREE, // currentUnits, newVDeg); _rangesLabel.setText(RANGES_STR + df.format(min) + unitDesc + " and " + df.format(max) + unitDesc); df.setMinValue(min); df.setMaxValue(max); _degreeField.setValue(newVDeg + ""); } // private String format(double v) { // return v+""; // } private void createTabs(final PlotWidgetOps ops) { for (PlotTypeUI ptype : _plotType) ptype.addTab(_tabs); _tabs.selectTab(0); _tabs.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> selectionEvent) { computeRanges(); setTargetCard(computeTargetCard()); updatePlotType(ops); } }); } public float getStandardPanelDegreeValue() { DegreeFieldDef df = (DegreeFieldDef) _degreeField.getFieldDef(); DegreeFieldDef.Units currentUnits = df.getUnits(); // double currentVDeg= df.getDegreeValue(df.getDoubleValue(_degreeField.getValue()), currentUnits); double currentVDeg = _degreeField.getField().getNumberValue().doubleValue(); return (float) currentVDeg; } public WorldPt getJ2000Pos() { return _targetPanel.getJ2000Pos(); } public void inputComplete() { if (isCreateNew()) { final MiniPlotWidget mpw = plotFactory.create(); plotFactory.prepare(mpw, new Vis.InitComplete() { public void done() { determinePlot(mpw.getOps()); } }); } else { determinePlot(_ops); } } private void determinePlot(PlotWidgetOps ops) { if (ops != null) { if (!bandRemoveMap.containsKey(ops.getMPW())) { BandRemoveListener l = new BandRemoveListener(ops); bandRemoveMap.put(ops.getMPW(), l); ops.getPlotView().addListener(Name.REPLOT, l); } ops.getPlotView().fireEvent(new WebEvent(this, Name.SELECT_DIALOG_BEGIN_PLOT)); } PlotTypeUI ptype = getActivePlotType(); if (!ptype.handlesSubmit()) { plot(ops, ptype); } else { ptype.submit(ops); } } public void inputCanceled() { AllPlots.getInstance().fireEvent(new WebEvent(this, Name.SELECT_DIALOG_CANCEL)); } public boolean validateInput() throws ValidationException { PlotTypeUI ptype = getActivePlotType(); boolean retval = true; if (ptype.usesTarget() && _targetCards.getVisibleWidget() == TARGET_PANEL) { panelComplete.setHideAlgorythm(BaseDialog.HideType.AFTER_COMPLETE); if (_targetPanel.isAsyncCallRequired()) { retval = false; _targetPanel.getFieldValuesAsync(new AsyncCallback<List<Param>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { if (caught != null) PopupUtil.showSevereError(caught); } public void onSuccess(List<Param> params) { boolean valid = false; for (Param p : params) { if (p.getName().equals(ServerParams.USER_TARGET_WORLD_PT) && p.getValue() != null) { valid = true; } } if (valid) { if (panelComplete.getHideAlgorythm() == BaseDialog.HideType.BEFORE_COMPLETE) { hide(); } panelComplete.performInputComplete(); } else { PopupUtil.showError("Error", "You must enter a target to search"); } } }); } else if (!isValidPos()) { throw new ValidationException("You must enter a target to search"); } } return retval; } public void plot(PlotWidgetOps ops, PlotTypeUI ptype) { boolean expanded = plotFactory != null && plotFactory.isPlottingExpanded(); _opsFromLastPlot = ops; if (ptype.isThreeColor()) { WebPlotRequest request[] = ptype.createThreeColorRequest(); for (WebPlotRequest r : request) { if (r != null) { r.setTitle(ptype.getDesc() + " 3 Color"); int width = getPlotWidgetWidth(); if (r.getZoomType() == ZoomType.TO_WIDTH) { if (width > 50) r.setZoomToWidth(width); else r.setZoomType(ZoomType.SMART); } } } if (isCreateNew()) { for (int i = 0; (i < request.length); i++) { if (request[i] != null) request[i] = plotFactory.customizeRequest(ops.getMPW(), request[i]); } } ops.plot3Color(request[0], request[1], request[2], _addToHistory, _plotCallback); } else { WebPlotRequest request = ptype.createRequest(); if (isCreateNew()) { request = plotFactory.customizeRequest(ops.getMPW(), request); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getTitle())) request.setTitle(ptype.getDesc()); if (_use3Color.getValue()) { String bandStr = _threeColorBand.getValue(); Band band = Band.RED; if (bandStr.equalsIgnoreCase("red")) band = Band.RED; else if (bandStr.equalsIgnoreCase("green")) band = Band.GREEN; else if (bandStr.equalsIgnoreCase("blue")) band = Band.BLUE; if (useAddBand(ops, band)) { ops.addColorBand(request, band, _plotCallback); } else { ops.plot3Color(request, band, _addToHistory, expanded, _plotCallback); } } else { ops.plot(request, _addToHistory, expanded, _plotCallback); } } } private boolean useAddBand(PlotWidgetOps ops, Band band) { WebPlot plot = (ops != null) ? ops.getCurrentPlot() : null; boolean retval = false; if (plot != null) { int numBands = plot.getBands().length; retval = (plot.isThreeColor() && numBands > 0 && !(numBands == 1 && band == plot.getFirstBand())); } return retval; } public void hide() { panelComplete.hide(); } class BandRemoveListener implements WebEventListener { PlotWidgetOps ops; BandRemoveListener(PlotWidgetOps ops) { this.ops = ops; } public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { if (GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(mainPanel)) { populateBandRemove(ops); } } } public interface PanelComplete { void performInputComplete(); BaseDialog.HideType getHideAlgorythm(); void setHideAlgorythm(BaseDialog.HideType hideType); void hide(); } }