Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.graph; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import com.googlecode.gchart.client.GChart; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.Application; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.GeneralCommand; import; import; import; import*; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.images.TableImages; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.images.VisIconCreator; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopupPane; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopupUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.ServerTask; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.DataSetTableModel; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.FilterToggle; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.ModelEventHandler; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.filter.FilterDialog; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.filter.FilterPanel; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.MinMax; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.PropertyChangeEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.PropertyChangeListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.StringUtils; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * @author tatianag */ public class XYPlotWidget extends XYPlotBasicWidget implements FilterToggle.FilterToggleSupport { /* * There are two main use cases for this widget: * 1. simple xy plot of two numeric columns of a relatively small dataset, like in spectrum preview * 2. xy plot view of a table * Selection and filtering can be supported for both scenarios. * However, for the sake of simplicity, only zoom is supported in the first case. * In the second case, whenever an area is selected, user is presented with 3 choices: zoom, select, or filter. * Another difference, is that in the first case, there is no "current dataset" (table headers were not * previously fetched), and the first server call will bring the whole table (up to max num points). * In the second case, only the requested columns are brought back. * It might be worth splitting this class into two, but the alternative is to treat these two cases * in the same way. I am not sure which is better. */ public enum PlotMode { SIMPLE_PLOT, TABLE_VIEW } public static final boolean ENABLE_XY_CHARTS = Application.getInstance().getProperties() .getBooleanProperty("XYCharts.enableXYCharts", true); private static final String RUBBERBAND_HELP = " Rubber band zoom/select/filter — click and drag to select an area. "; private static final String SELECTION_BTNS_HELP = " Please see buttons at the top right for available actions. "; private static int MIN_ROWS_FOR_DECIMATION = 30000; private Selection _currentSelection = null; private PlotMode plotMode; private FilterToggle _filters; private DeckPanel zoomToggle; private DeckPanel selectToggle; private Widget _filterSelectedLink; private String _sourceFile = null; //private String _suggestedName = null; private boolean _suspendEvents = false; GChart.Curve _highlightedPoints; GChart.Curve _selectedPoints; private FilterDialog popoutFilters; private Image _loading = new Image(GwtUtil.LOADING_ICON_URL); /* We have two cases: when current data in table model is null (previews) and when it is not null (view) In the first case _tableModel.getTotalRows() returns 0, in the second case something else */ private DataSetTableModel _tableModel = null; private PropertyChangeListener dsPropertyChangeListener; private ModelEventHandler dsModelEventHandler; // save serialized server request for the duration of server call // to avoid placing duplicate requests private String ongoingServerReqStr; private String lastServerReqStr = ""; // parameters used in last serverCall public XYPlotWidget(XYPlotMeta meta) { super(meta); plotMode = _meta.isSpectrum() ? PlotMode.SIMPLE_PLOT : PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW; } @Override protected Widget getMenuBar() { FlowPanel menuBar = new FlowPanel(); //GwtUtil.setStyle(menuBar, "borderBottom", "1px solid #bbbbbb"); menuBar.setWidth("100%"); HorizontalPanel left = new HorizontalPanel(); left.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); left.setSpacing(10); GwtUtil.setStyle(left, "align", "left"); HorizontalPanel rightBtnsPanel; rightBtnsPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); rightBtnsPanel.setSpacing(10); GwtUtil.setStyle(rightBtnsPanel, "align", "center"); GwtUtil.setStyle(rightBtnsPanel, "paddingRight", "20px"); VisIconCreator ic = VisIconCreator.Creator.getInstance(); left.add(GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(ic.getSettings()), "Plot options and tools", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { showOptions(); } })); Widget saveBtn = GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(TableImages.Creator.getInstance().getSaveImage()), "Download data in IPAC table format", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { Frame f = Application.getInstance().getNullFrame(); String url; if (_sourceFile.contains("://")) { url = _sourceFile; } else { Param[] params = new Param[2]; //if (_suggestedName != null) { // params = new Param[3]; // params[2] = new Param("return", _suggestedName); //} else { // params = new Param[2]; //} params[0] = new Param("file", _sourceFile); params[1] = new Param("log", "true"); url = WebUtil.encodeUrl(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "servlet/Download", params); } f.setUrl(url); } }); if (plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW)) { // no save button in table view mode - user should use "Save" button on table // left.add(saveBtn); _filters = new FilterToggle(this); left.add(_filters); left.add(_loading); _loading.setVisible(false); zoomToggle = new DeckPanel(); zoomToggle.setVisible(false); zoomToggle.add(GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(ic.getZoomUpSmall()), "Zoom in the enclosed points", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { if (_data != null) { if (_currentSelection != null) { _selectionCurve.setVisible(false); int numPoints = _data.getNPoints(_currentSelection.xMinMax, _currentSelection.yMinMax); if (numPoints < 1) { _currentSelection = null; updateOnSelectionBtns(); return; } _savedZoomSelection = new Selection(_currentSelection.xMinMax, _currentSelection.yMinMax); updateOnSelectionBtns(); if (_data.isSampled()) { _meta.userMeta.setXLimits(_currentSelection.xMinMax); _meta.userMeta.setYLimits(_currentSelection.yMinMax); updateMeta(_meta, true); } else { setChartAxesForSelection(_currentSelection.xMinMax, _currentSelection.yMinMax); // clear previous limits, if any _meta.userMeta.setXLimits(null); _meta.userMeta.setYLimits(null); } _chart.update(); } } } })); zoomToggle.add(GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(ic.getZoomOriginalSmall()), "Zoom out to original chart", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { if (_data != null) { _savedZoomSelection = null; if (XYPlotData.shouldSample(_dataSet.getSize()) || _tableModel.getTotalRows() >= MIN_ROWS_FOR_DECIMATION) { _meta.userMeta.setXLimits(null); _meta.userMeta.setYLimits(null); updateMeta(_meta, false); } else { setChartAxes(); } updateOnSelectionBtns(); _chart.update(); } } })); zoomToggle.showWidget(1); rightBtnsPanel.add(zoomToggle); selectToggle = new DeckPanel(); selectToggle.setVisible(false); selectToggle.add(GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(ic.getSelectRows()), "Select enclosed points", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { if (_currentSelection != null) { _selectionCurve.setVisible(false); setSelected(_currentSelection.xMinMax, _currentSelection.yMinMax); updateOnSelectionBtns(); } } })); selectToggle.add(GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(ic.getUnselectRows()), "Unselect all selected points", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { if (_data != null) { if (_selectedPoints != null) { _selectedPoints.clearPoints(); _selectedPoints.setCurveData(null); } if (_tableModel.getCurrentData() != null) { _suspendEvents = true; _tableModel.getCurrentData().deselectAll(); _suspendEvents = false; } updateOnSelectionBtns(); _chart.update(); } } })); selectToggle.showWidget(0); rightBtnsPanel.add(selectToggle); _filterSelectedLink = GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(ic.getFilterIn()), "Filter in the selected points", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { if (_currentSelection != null) { _selectionCurve.setVisible(false); setSelected(_currentSelection.xMinMax, _currentSelection.yMinMax); filterSelected(); updateOnSelectionBtns(); } } }); _filterSelectedLink.setVisible(false); rightBtnsPanel.add(_filterSelectedLink); } else { // no selection or filter options left.add(_loading); _loading.setVisible(false); rightBtnsPanel.add(saveBtn); rightBtnsPanel.add(GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(ic.getZoomOriginalSmall()), "Zoom out to original chart", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { if (_data != null) { _savedZoomSelection = null; setChartAxes(); _chart.update(); _actionHelp.setHTML(ZOOM_IN_HELP); } } })); } left.add(_chartTitle); rightBtnsPanel.add(super.getPopoutToolbar()); enableExpansionToolbarHiding(); menuBar.add(GwtUtil.leftRightAlign(new Widget[] { left }, new Widget[] { rightBtnsPanel })); return menuBar; } public void makeNewChart(XYPlotMeta meta, final DataSetTableModel tableModel, String title) { _meta = meta; makeNewChart(tableModel, title); } public void makeNewChart(final DataSetTableModel tableModel, String title) { if (!tableModel.equals(_tableModel)) { if (_tableModel != null && dsModelEventHandler != null) { _tableModel.removeHandler(dsModelEventHandler); DataSet ds = _tableModel.getCurrentData(); if (ds != null && dsPropertyChangeListener != null) { ds.removePropertyChangeListener(dsPropertyChangeListener); } } _tableModel = tableModel; dsModelEventHandler = new ModelEventHandler() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } public void onLoad(TableDataView result) { if (result.getMeta().isLoaded() && isNewRequest()) { onStaleData(); } } public void onStatusUpdated(TableDataView result) { if (result.getMeta().isLoaded() && isNewRequest()) { onStaleData(); } } public void onDataStale(DataSetTableModel model) { // must be a better way to check that no table is connected if (model.getHandlers().size() == 1) { // standalone chart onStaleData(); } } }; _tableModel.addHandler(dsModelEventHandler); DataSet ds = _tableModel.getCurrentData(); if (ds != null) { dsPropertyChangeListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) { if (_data != null && !_suspendEvents && (!_tableModel.isMaxRowsExceeded() || _meta.isMaxPointsSet())) { if (pce.getPropertyName().equals(TableDataView.ROW_HIGHLIGHTED)) { setHighlighted((Integer) pce.getNewValue()); } else if (pce.getPropertyName().equals(TableDataView.ROW_SELECT_ALL) || pce.getPropertyName().equals(TableDataView.ROW_DESELECT_ALL)) { setSelected((SelectionInfo) pce.getNewValue()); } else if (pce.getPropertyName().equals(TableDataView.ROW_SELECTED) || pce.getPropertyName().equals(TableDataView.ROW_DESELECTED)) { setSelected((SelectionInfo) pce.getOldValue()); } } } }; ds.addPropertyChangeListener(dsPropertyChangeListener); } _suspendEvents = false; } _maskPane.hide(); setupNewChart(title); doServerCall(_meta.getMaxPoints()); } private boolean isNewRequest() { TableServerRequest currentReq = _tableModel.getRequest(); String currentReqStr = (currentReq == null) ? null : serverRequestToString(currentReq); return ongoingServerReqStr == null || currentReqStr == null || !ongoingServerReqStr.equals(currentReqStr); } private String serverRequestToString(TableServerRequest req) { // remove page size and start index parameters return req.toString().replaceAll('&' + TableServerRequest.PAGE_SIZE + "=\\d+", "") .replaceAll('&' + TableServerRequest.START_IDX + "=\\d+", ""); } private void onStaleData() { _meta.userMeta.setXLimits(null); _meta.userMeta.setYLimits(null); doServerCall(_meta.getMaxPoints()); //updateStatusMessage(); } private boolean isSelectingSupported() { return plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW) && _tableModel.getTotalRows() < MIN_ROWS_FOR_DECIMATION; } private void doServerCall(final int maxPoints) { final RequiredColsInfo requiredColsInfo = getRequiredColsInfo(); _maskPane.hide(); if (plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW)) { _filters.reinit(); } _savedZoomSelection = null; // do not preserve zoomed selection removeCurrentChart(); //GwtUtil.DockLayout.hideWidget(_dockPanel, _statusMessage); ServerTask task = new ServerTask<TableDataView>(_dockPanel, "Retrieving Data...", true) { Date start; DecimateInfo info = null; boolean logTime = false; public void onSuccess(TableDataView result) { try { _dataSet = (DataSet) result; if (_dataSet != null && logTime) { GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.INFO, "XY Plot: retrieved " + _dataSet.getSize() + " rows in " + ((new Date()).getTime() - start.getTime()) + "ms"); } addData(_dataSet, _tableModel.getRequest()); //updateStatusMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { showMask(e.getMessage()); } finally { _loading.setVisible(false); lastServerReqStr = ongoingServerReqStr + (info == null ? "" : info.toString()); // for now only used when getting decimated data ongoingServerReqStr = null; } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { _dataSet = null; _loading.setVisible(false); ongoingServerReqStr = null; showMask(throwable.getMessage()); } @Override public void onCancel(boolean byUser) { super.onCancel(byUser); _loading.setVisible(false); ongoingServerReqStr = null; } @Override public void doTask(AsyncCallback<TableDataView> passAlong) { start = new Date(); TableServerRequest curRequest = _tableModel.getRequest(); if (curRequest != null) { ongoingServerReqStr = serverRequestToString(curRequest); } List<String> requiredCols = requiredColsInfo.requiredCols; if (plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW) && _tableModel.getTotalRows() >= MIN_ROWS_FOR_DECIMATION) { info = new DecimateInfo(); if (_chart != null) { if (_meta.userMeta != null && _meta.userMeta.samplingXBins > 0 && _meta.userMeta.samplingYBins > 0) { info.setXyRatio( (float) _meta.userMeta.samplingXBins / (float) _meta.userMeta.samplingYBins); info.setMaxPoints(_meta.userMeta.samplingXBins * _meta.userMeta.samplingYBins); } else { if (_meta.userMeta != null && _meta.userMeta.aspectRatio > 0) { info.setXyRatio((float) _meta.userMeta.aspectRatio); } else { // otherwise use default xyRatio=1 info.setXyRatio(1); } // if we want to do client side resampling for resize, // it makes sense to get more data from the server // but if we don't resample on resize - no need to get // more than we can plot. //info.setMaxPoints(MIN_ROWS_FOR_DECIMATION); info.setMaxPoints(6400); // uncomment if we want to do only server side decimation // this way a request will go to the server to recalculate bins /* if (_meta.getXSize()>0 && _meta.getYSize()>0) { info.setXyRatio(((float)_meta.getXSize())/((float)_meta.getYSize())); int maxPoints = (int)(_meta.getXSize()*_meta.getYSize()/25.0); // assuming 5 px symbol if (maxPoints < 4) maxPoints = 4; if (maxPoints > 6400) maxPoints = 6400; info.setMaxPoints(maxPoints); } else { info.setMaxPoints(6400); } */ } } String xCol, yCol; if (_meta.userMeta != null && _meta.userMeta.xColExpr != null) { xCol = _meta.userMeta.xColExpr.getInput(); xCol = xCol.replaceAll(" ", ""); } else { xCol = requiredCols.get(requiredColsInfo.xColIdx); } if (_meta.userMeta != null && _meta.userMeta.yColExpr != null) { yCol = _meta.userMeta.yColExpr.getInput(); yCol = yCol.replaceAll(" ", ""); } else { yCol = requiredCols.get(requiredColsInfo.yColIdx); } info.setxColumnName(xCol); info.setyColumnName(yCol); if (_meta.userMeta != null && (_meta.userMeta.getXLimits() != null || _meta.userMeta.getYLimits() != null)) { // set zooming limits if (_meta.userMeta.hasXMin()) info.setXMin(_meta.userMeta.getXLimits().getMin()); if (_meta.userMeta.hasXMax()) info.setXMax(_meta.userMeta.getXLimits().getMax()); if (_meta.userMeta.hasYMin()) info.setYMin(_meta.userMeta.getYLimits().getMin()); if (_meta.userMeta.hasYMax()) info.setYMax(_meta.userMeta.getYLimits().getMax()); } String currentServerReqStr = ongoingServerReqStr + info.toString(); if (!currentServerReqStr.equals(lastServerReqStr) || _dataSet == null) { //GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.INFO, "XY Plot: server req - "+currentServerReqStr); logTime = true; _tableModel.getDecimatedAdHocData(passAlong, info); } else { //GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.INFO, "XY Plot: using previous server req results"); logTime = false; onSuccess(_dataSet); cancel(); // cancel the task, should do it after onSuccess } } else { logTime = false; _tableModel.getAdHocData(passAlong, requiredCols, 0, maxPoints); } } }; if (!_tableModel.isMaxRowsExceeded() || _meta.isMaxPointsSet()) { _loading.setVisible(true); task.start(); } } private List<String> getRequiredCols() { RequiredColsInfo reqColumnsInfo = getRequiredColsInfo(); return reqColumnsInfo.requiredCols; } private RequiredColsInfo getRequiredColsInfo() { final ArrayList<String> requiredCols = new ArrayList<String>(); int xColIdx = -1; int yColIdx = -1; // Limit number of columns for bigger tables if (plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW) && _tableModel.getTotalRows() > 10) { ArrayList<String> cols = new ArrayList<String>(); List<TableDataView.Column> allCols = _tableModel.getCurrentData().getColumns(); for (TableDataView.Column c : allCols) { // interested only in numeric columns if (!c.getType().startsWith("c")) { cols.add(c.getName()); } } XYPlotMeta.UserMeta userMeta = _meta.userMeta; String c; if (userMeta != null && userMeta.xColExpr != null) { Set<String> cSet = userMeta.xColExpr.getParsedVariables(); for (String s : cSet) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(s)) requiredCols.add(s); } } else { c = _meta.findXColName(cols); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(c)) { xColIdx = requiredCols.size(); requiredCols.add(c); } } if (userMeta != null && userMeta.yColExpr != null) { Set<String> cSet = userMeta.yColExpr.getParsedVariables(); for (String s : cSet) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(s) && !requiredCols.contains(s)) requiredCols.add(s); } } else { c = _meta.findYColName(cols); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(c) && !requiredCols.contains(c)) { requiredCols.add(c); } yColIdx = requiredCols.indexOf(c); } c = _meta.findErrorColName(cols); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(c) && !requiredCols.contains(c)) requiredCols.add(c); c = _meta.findDefaultOrderColName(cols); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(c) && !requiredCols.contains(c)) requiredCols.add(c); if (requiredCols.size() == 0 && cols.size() > 2) { // get first two columns requiredCols.add(cols.get(0)); xColIdx = 0; requiredCols.add(cols.get(1)); yColIdx = 1; } } return new RequiredColsInfo(xColIdx, yColIdx, requiredCols); } private void addData(DataSet dataSet, TableServerRequest sreq) { // check if DOWNLOAD_SOURCE attribute present: String downloadSource; TableMeta tableMeta = dataSet.getMeta(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tableMeta)) { downloadSource = dataSet.getMeta().getAttribute("DOWNLOAD_SOURCE"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(downloadSource)) { // use TableServerRequest, if available, to get source table url if (sreq != null) { _sourceFile = WebUtil.getTableSourceUrl(sreq); } else { _sourceFile = dataSet.getMeta().getSource(); } } else { _sourceFile = downloadSource; } } try { addData(_dataSet); if (_chart != null && plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW)) { updateOnSelectionBtns(); } _selectionCurve = getSelectionCurve(); if (optionsDialog != null && (optionsDialog.isVisible() || _meta.hasUserMeta())) { if (optionsDialog.setupError()) { if (!optionsDialog.isVisible()) showOptionsDialog(); } } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e.getMessage().indexOf("column is not found") > 0) { if (_chart != null) { _chart.clearCurves(); } showOptionsDialog(); } else { showMask(e.getMessage()); } } finally { resizeNow = true; onResize(); resizeNow = false; _panel.setWidget(_cpanel); } } /* private void updateStatusMessage() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { if (_data == null) { _statusMessage.setHTML(" "); return; } //info about data - rows retrieved, points plotted, etc _statusMessage.setHTML(" " + getDataInfo()); (_data.isSampled() ? " b zoom for better resolution" : "")); //(_data.isSampled() ? " plotted with "+_data.getNumPointsInSample()+" symbols" : "")); } }); } */ // This information might be confusing to a user // however it is very useful for understanding what is going on. // We might want to allow to get it somehow, but there is no need // to display it constantly public String getDataInfo() { String tableInfo = (_dataSet.getTotalRows() == _data.getNumPointsRepresented()) ? "" : getTableInfo() + " - "; return tableInfo + _data.getNumPointsRepresented() + " data points " + (_savedZoomSelection != null ? " (zoomed)" : "") + (_data.isSampled() ? " plotted with " + _data.getNumPointsInSample() + " representative points" : ""); } public String getTableInfo() { if (_tableModel != null) { try { boolean filtered = _tableModel.getFilters().size() > 0; if (_tableModel.getTotalRows() > 0) { boolean tableNotLoaded = !_tableModel.getCurrentData().getMeta().isLoaded(); int totalRows = _tableModel.getTotalRows(); boolean allPlotted = (totalRows <= _meta.getMaxPoints()); return _dataSet.getTotalRows() + (tableNotLoaded ? "+" : "") + (allPlotted ? "" : " from " + totalRows) + (filtered ? " filtered" : "") + " rows retrieved" + (allPlotted ? "" : " - maximum reached"); } else if (_dataSet != null) { boolean tableNotLoaded = !_dataSet.getMeta().isLoaded(); return _dataSet.getTotalRows() + (tableNotLoaded ? "+" : "") + (filtered ? " filtered" : "") + " rows retrieved"; } } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } return ""; } @Override public void removeCurrentChart() { if (_chart != null) { // clears all curves super.removeCurrentChart(); // to make sure highlights and selections are always on top _highlightedPoints = null; _selectedPoints = null; //_filterSelectedLink.setVisible(false); //selectToggle.showWidget(0); } } @Override protected void addMouseListeners() { super.addMouseListeners(); if (plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW)) { _chart.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { if (_chart != null && _data != null) { GChart.Curve.Point touchedPoint = _chart.getTouchedPoint(); if (touchedPoint != null) { clickEvent.preventDefault(); clickEvent.stopPropagation(); setHighlighted(_chart.getTouchedPoint()); } else { updateOnSelectionBtns(); _chart.update(); } } } }); } } @Override protected void enableHover(boolean enable) { super.enableHover(enable); if (_selectedPoints != null && _chart.getCurveIndex(_selectedPoints) >= 0) { _selectedPoints.getSymbol().setHoverSelectionEnabled(enable); _selectedPoints.getSymbol().setHoverAnnotationEnabled(enable); } if (_highlightedPoints != null && _chart.getCurveIndex(_highlightedPoints) >= 0) { _highlightedPoints.getSymbol().setHoverSelectionEnabled(enable); _highlightedPoints.getSymbol().setHoverAnnotationEnabled(enable); } } @Override protected void onSelection(MinMax xMinMax, MinMax yMinMax) { int numPoints = _data.getNPoints(xMinMax, yMinMax); if (numPoints > 0) { if (plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW)) { _selectionCurve.setVisible(true); _currentSelection = new Selection(xMinMax, yMinMax); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { showOnSelectionBtns(); } }); } else { _selectionCurve.setVisible(false); if (_data.isSampled()) { _meta.userMeta.setXLimits(xMinMax); _meta.userMeta.setYLimits(yMinMax); updateMeta(_meta, false); } setChartAxesForSelection(xMinMax, yMinMax); _actionHelp.setHTML(ZOOM_OUT_HELP); _chart.update(); } } else { _selectionCurve.setVisible(false); if (plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW)) { updateOnSelectionBtns(); } _chart.update(); } } private void showOnSelectionBtns() { zoomToggle.showWidget(0); zoomToggle.setVisible(true); selectToggle.showWidget(0); if (isSelectingSupported()) { selectToggle.setVisible(true); } else { selectToggle.setVisible(false); } _filterSelectedLink.setVisible(true); _actionHelp.setHTML(SELECTION_BTNS_HELP); } private void updateOnSelectionBtns() { boolean unzoomed = false; if (_savedZoomSelection != null || _meta.userMeta.getXLimits() != null || _meta.userMeta.getYLimits() != null) { zoomToggle.showWidget(1); zoomToggle.setVisible(true); } else { zoomToggle.setVisible(false); unzoomed = true; } boolean unselected = false; if (isSelectingSupported()) { if (_selectedPoints != null && _chart.getCurveIndex(_selectedPoints) >= 0 && _selectedPoints.getNPoints() > 0) { selectToggle.showWidget(1); selectToggle.setVisible(true); } else { selectToggle.setVisible(false); unselected = true; } } _filterSelectedLink.setVisible(false); if (unzoomed && unselected) { _actionHelp.setHTML(RUBBERBAND_HELP); } else { _actionHelp.setHTML(SELECTION_BTNS_HELP); } } @Override public void updateMeta(final XYPlotMeta meta, final boolean preserveZoomSelection) { _loading.setVisible(true); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { try { _meta = meta; if (_chart != null) { _chart.clearCurves(); // force to reevaluate chart size reevaluateChartSize(true); if (_dataSet != null) { List<String> requiredCols; //do we need server call to get a new dataset? always evaluates to true for decimated table boolean serverCallNeeded = _dataSet.getSize() < _tableModel.getTotalRows() && _meta.getMaxPoints() > _dataSet.getSize(); if (!serverCallNeeded) { requiredCols = getRequiredCols(); for (String c : requiredCols) { if (_dataSet.findColumn(c) == null) { serverCallNeeded = true; break; } } } if (serverCallNeeded) { doServerCall(_meta.getMaxPoints()); } else { addData(_dataSet); _selectionCurve = getSelectionCurve(); if (_savedZoomSelection != null && preserveZoomSelection) { setChartAxesForSelection(_savedZoomSelection.xMinMax, _savedZoomSelection.yMinMax); } else { _savedZoomSelection = null; } if (plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW)) { updateOnSelectionBtns(); } _loading.setVisible(false); _chart.update(); } } } //_meta.addUserColumnsToDefault(); } catch (Throwable e) { _loading.setVisible(false); if (_chart != null) { _chart.clearCurves(); } PopupUtil.showError("Error", e.getMessage()); } } }); } @Override protected void setDefaultActionHelp() { _actionHelp.setHTML(plotMode.equals(PlotMode.TABLE_VIEW) ? RUBBERBAND_HELP : ZOOM_IN_HELP); } private void addData(DataSet dataSet) { super.addData(new XYPlotData(dataSet, _meta)); //updateStatusMessage(); // sync highlighted and selected with current dataset, if available if (_tableModel.getCurrentData() != null) { DataSet ds = _tableModel.getCurrentData(); // set selected first, highlighted second - to show highlighted on top of selected setSelected(ds.getSelectionInfo()); setHighlighted(ds.getHighlighted()); } } @Override public List<TableDataView.Column> getColumns() { if (_tableModel != null) { try { if (_tableModel.getTotalRows() > 0) { return _tableModel.getCurrentData().getColumns(); } else if (_dataSet != null) { return _dataSet.getColumns(); } else { return new ArrayList<TableDataView.Column>(0); } } catch (Exception e) { return new ArrayList<TableDataView.Column>(0); } } return new ArrayList<TableDataView.Column>(0); } @Override protected XYPlotData.Point getDataPoint(GChart.Curve.Point p) { if (_data != null && _mainCurves.size() > 0) { int curveIdx = p.getParent().getParent().getCurveIndex(p.getParent()); int pointIdx = p.getParent().getPointIndex(p); if (isMainCurve(curveIdx)) { return _data.getPoint(curveIdx, pointIdx); } else if (_highlightedPoints != null && curveIdx == _chart.getCurveIndex(_highlightedPoints)) { return (XYPlotData.Point) _highlightedPoints.getCurveData(); } else if (_selectedPoints != null && curveIdx == _chart.getCurveIndex(_selectedPoints)) { List<XYPlotData.Point> dataPoints = ((SelectedData) _selectedPoints.getCurveData()).getDataPoints(); return dataPoints.get(pointIdx); } } return null; } private void setHighlighted(int rowIdx) { if (rowIdx < 0 || _data == null) return; DataSet currentData = _tableModel.getCurrentData(); if (currentData != null) { try { TableData.Row highlightedRow = currentData.getModel().getRow(rowIdx - currentData.getStartingIdx()); XYPlotData.Point point = _data.getPoint(_meta, highlightedRow); if (point != null) { setHighlighted(point, _mainCurves.get(0), false); } else { // it's possible that highlighted point is outside chart area if (_highlightedPoints != null && _chart.getCurveIndex(_highlightedPoints) >= 0) { // unhighlight _highlightedPoints.clearPoints(); _highlightedPoints.setCurveData(null); _chart.update(); } } } catch (Exception e) { GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "XYPlotWidget.setHighlighted " + rowIdx + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } } private void setHighlighted(GChart.Curve.Point p) { if (p == null) return; setHighlighted(getDataPoint(p), p.getParent(), true); } private void setHighlighted(XYPlotData.Point point, GChart.Curve referenceCurve, boolean updateModel) { if (point == null) return; boolean doHighlight = true; // we want to unhighlight when clicking on a highlighted point if (_highlightedPoints == null || _chart.getCurveIndex(_highlightedPoints) < 0) { _chart.addCurve(); _highlightedPoints = _chart.getCurve(); GChart.Symbol symbol = _highlightedPoints.getSymbol(); symbol.setBorderColor("black"); symbol.setBackgroundColor("yellow"); symbol.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.BOX_CENTER); symbol.setHoverSelectionEnabled(true); symbol.setHoverAnnotationEnabled(true); GChart.Symbol refSym = referenceCurve.getSymbol(); symbol.setBrushHeight(refSym.getBrushHeight()); symbol.setBrushWidth(refSym.getBrushWidth()); symbol.setHoverSelectionWidth(refSym.getHoverSelectionWidth()); symbol.setHoverSelectionHeight(refSym.getHoverSelectionHeight()); symbol.setHoverSelectionBackgroundColor(symbol.getBackgroundColor()); symbol.setHoverSelectionBorderColor(refSym.getBorderColor()); symbol.setHoverAnnotationSymbolType(refSym.getHoverAnnotationSymbolType()); symbol.setHoverLocation(refSym.getHoverLocation()); symbol.setHoverYShift(refSym.getHoverYShift()); symbol.setHovertextTemplate(refSym.getHovertextTemplate()); } else { if (_highlightedPoints.getNPoints() > 0) { if (updateModel) { GChart.Curve.Point currentHighlighted = _highlightedPoints.getPoint(); //XYPlotData.Point currentPoint = (XYPlotData.Point)_highlightedPoints.getCurveData(); if (point.getX() == _xScale.getScaled(currentHighlighted.getX()) && point.getY() == _yScale.getScaled(currentHighlighted.getY())) { doHighlight = false; // unhighlight if a highlighted point is clicked again } } // unhighlight _highlightedPoints.clearPoints(); _highlightedPoints.setCurveData(null); } } // highlight if (doHighlight) { _highlightedPoints.setCurveData(point); _highlightedPoints.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(point.getX()), _yScale.getScaled(point.getY())); //_highlightedPoints.getSymbol().setHovertextTemplate(p.getHovertext()); if (updateModel && _tableModel.getCurrentData() != null) { _suspendEvents = true; _tableModel.getCurrentData().highlight(_data.getFullTableRowIdx(point.getRowIdx())); _suspendEvents = false; } } _chart.update(); } public void setSelected(SelectionInfo selectionInfo) { if (selectionInfo == null || !isSelectingSupported()) { return; } if (selectionInfo.isSelectAll()) { List<XYPlotData.Point> dataPoints = new ArrayList<XYPlotData.Point>(); for (XYPlotData.Curve curve : _data.getCurveData()) { dataPoints.addAll(curve.getPoints()); } setSelected(new SelectedData(null, null, dataPoints), false); } else { if (selectionInfo.getSelected().size() == 0) { List<XYPlotData.Point> emptyList = new ArrayList<XYPlotData.Point>(); setSelected(new SelectedData(null, null, emptyList), false); } else { List<XYPlotData.Point> dataPoints = new ArrayList<XYPlotData.Point>(); for (XYPlotData.Curve curve : _data.getCurveData()) { for (XYPlotData.Point pt : curve.getPoints()) { if (selectionInfo.isSelected(pt.getRowIdx())) { dataPoints.add(pt); } else { // select data point if it represents a selected row List<Integer> representedRows = pt.getRepresentedRows(); if (representedRows != null) { for (int i : representedRows) { if (selectionInfo.isSelected(i)) { dataPoints.add(pt); break; } } } } } } setSelected(new SelectedData(null, null, dataPoints), false); } } } private void setSelected(MinMax xMinMax, MinMax yMinMax) { double xMin = xMinMax.getMin(); double xMax = xMinMax.getMax(); double yMin = yMinMax.getMin(); double yMax = yMinMax.getMax(); double x, y; List<XYPlotData.Point> dataPoints = new ArrayList<XYPlotData.Point>(); for (XYPlotData.Curve c : _data.getCurveData()) { for (XYPlotData.Point p : c.getPoints()) { x = p.getX(); y = p.getY(); if (x > xMin && x < xMax && y > yMin && y < yMax) { dataPoints.add(p); } } } setSelected(new SelectedData(xMinMax, yMinMax, dataPoints), true); } private void setSelected(SelectedData selectedData, boolean updateModel) { if (_mainCurves.size() < 1) return; if (_selectedPoints == null || _chart.getCurveIndex(_selectedPoints) < 0) { _chart.addCurve(); _selectedPoints = _chart.getCurve(); GChart.Symbol symbol = _selectedPoints.getSymbol(); symbol.setBorderColor("black"); symbol.setBackgroundColor("#99ff33"); symbol.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.BOX_CENTER); GChart.Symbol refSym = _mainCurves.get(0).getSymbol(); symbol.setBrushHeight(refSym.getBrushHeight()); symbol.setBrushWidth(refSym.getBrushWidth()); symbol.setHoverSelectionWidth(refSym.getHoverSelectionWidth()); symbol.setHoverSelectionHeight(refSym.getHoverSelectionHeight()); symbol.setHoverSelectionBackgroundColor(symbol.getBackgroundColor()); symbol.setHoverSelectionBorderColor(refSym.getBorderColor()); symbol.setHoverAnnotationSymbolType(refSym.getHoverAnnotationSymbolType()); symbol.setHoverLocation(refSym.getHoverLocation()); symbol.setHoverYShift(refSym.getHoverYShift()); symbol.setHovertextTemplate(refSym.getHovertextTemplate()); symbol.setHoverSelectionEnabled(true); symbol.setHoverAnnotationEnabled(true); } else { _selectedPoints.clearPoints(); _selectedPoints.setCurveData(null); if (updateModel && _tableModel.getCurrentData() != null) { _suspendEvents = true; _tableModel.getCurrentData().deselectAll(); _suspendEvents = false; } } double x, y; List<XYPlotData.Point> dataPoints = selectedData.getDataPoints(); for (XYPlotData.Point p : dataPoints) { x = p.getX(); y = p.getY(); _selectedPoints.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(x), _yScale.getScaled(y)); } _selectedPoints.setCurveData(selectedData); // set selected rows if (dataPoints.size() > 0) { if (updateModel && _tableModel.getCurrentData() != null) { Integer[] selected = _data.getRepresentedRows(dataPoints); _suspendEvents = true; _tableModel.getCurrentData().select(selected); _suspendEvents = false; } } else { _filterSelectedLink.setVisible(false); } _chart.update(); } private void filterSelected() { // can filter when there are some selected points and when both x and y are not expressions if (_data == null || _selectedPoints == null || _chart.getCurveIndex(_selectedPoints) < 0 || _selectedPoints.getNPoints() < 1) { PopupUtil.showError("Nothing to filter", "Nothing selected"); return; } if (_chart.getCurveIndex(_selectedPoints) >= 0 && _selectedPoints.getNPoints() > 0) { SelectedData selectedData = (SelectedData) _selectedPoints.getCurveData(); String xCol, yCol; if (_meta.userMeta != null && _meta.userMeta.xColExpr != null) { xCol = _meta.userMeta.xColExpr.getInput(); xCol = xCol.replaceAll(" ", ""); } else { xCol = _data.getXCol(); } if (_meta.userMeta != null && _meta.userMeta.yColExpr != null) { yCol = _meta.userMeta.yColExpr.getInput(); yCol = yCol.replaceAll(" ", ""); } else { yCol = _data.getYCol(); } if (xCol != null && yCol != null) { MinMax xMinMax = selectedData.getXMinMax(); MinMax yMinMax = selectedData.getYMinMax(); if (xMinMax == null || yMinMax == null) { PopupUtil.showError("Unable to filter", "No X/Y range is saved for the selected points."); return; } List<String> currentFilters = _tableModel.getFilters(); // remove filters, that would be overridden Iterator<String> iter = currentFilters.iterator(); String f; while (iter.hasNext()) { f =; if (f.startsWith(xCol + " > ") || f.startsWith(xCol + " < ") || f.startsWith(yCol + " > ") || f.startsWith(yCol + " < ")) { iter.remove(); } } // add new filters currentFilters.add(xCol + " > " + XYPlotData.formatValue(xMinMax.getMin())); currentFilters.add(xCol + " < " + XYPlotData.formatValue(xMinMax.getMax())); currentFilters.add(yCol + " > " + XYPlotData.formatValue(yMinMax.getMin())); currentFilters.add(yCol + " < " + XYPlotData.formatValue(yMinMax.getMax())); } if (_tableModel.getCurrentData() != null) { _tableModel.getCurrentData().deselectAll(); } _tableModel.fireDataStaleEvent(); _filterSelectedLink.setVisible(false); } else { PopupUtil.showError("Unable to filter", "Unable to Filter"); } } public void toggleFilters() { if (popoutFilters == null) { final FilterPanel filterPanel = new FilterPanel(getColumns()); popoutFilters = new FilterDialog(_filters, filterPanel); popoutFilters.setApplyListener(new GeneralCommand("Apply") { @Override protected void doExecute() { _tableModel.setFilters(filterPanel.getFilters()); if (_tableModel.getCurrentData() != null) { _tableModel.getCurrentData().deselectAll(); } _tableModel.fireDataStaleEvent(); } }); } if (popoutFilters.isVisible()) { popoutFilters.setVisible(false); } else { popoutFilters.getFilterPanel().setFilters(_tableModel.getFilters());, PopupPane.Align.BOTTOM_LEFT); } } public List<String> getFilters() { return _tableModel.getFilters(); } public void clearFilters() { _tableModel.setFilters(null); if (_tableModel.getCurrentData() != null) { _tableModel.getCurrentData().deselectAll(); } _tableModel.fireDataStaleEvent(); } public static class SelectedData { MinMax _xMinMax; MinMax _yMinMax; List<XYPlotData.Point> _dataPoints; SelectedData(MinMax xMinMax, MinMax yMinMax, List<XYPlotData.Point> dataPoints) { _xMinMax = xMinMax; _yMinMax = yMinMax; _dataPoints = dataPoints; } MinMax getXMinMax() { return _xMinMax; } MinMax getYMinMax() { return _yMinMax; } List<XYPlotData.Point> getDataPoints() { return _dataPoints; } } private static class RequiredColsInfo { int xColIdx; int yColIdx; List<String> requiredCols; public RequiredColsInfo(int xColIdx, int yColIdx, List<String> requiredCols) { this.xColIdx = xColIdx; this.yColIdx = yColIdx; this.requiredCols = requiredCols; } } }