Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.graph; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.gchart.client.GChart; import com.googlecode.gchart.client.HoverParameterInterpreter; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.HelpManager; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.CssData; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.FireflyCss; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.images.VisIconCreator; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.MaskMessgeWidget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.MaskPane; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopoutWidget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopupUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.MinMax; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.AllPlots; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author tatianag * $Id: $ */ public class XYPlotBasicWidget extends PopoutWidget { // colors that color blind people can distinguish // // plus the colors that are 3 stops darker // see private static String[] colors = { "#333333", "#ff3333", "#00ccff", "#336600", "#9900cc", "#ff9933", "#009999", "#66ff33", "#cc9999", "#333333", "#b22424", "#008fb2", "#244700", "#6b008f", "#b26b24", "#006b6b", "#47b224", "8F6B6B" }; // CSS light colors private static String[] lightcolors = { "MediumPurple", "LightCoral", "LightBlue", "Olive", "Plum", "LightSalmon", "SandyBrown", "PaleTurquoise", "YellowGreen", "LightPink", "CornflowerBlue", "Khaki", "PaleGreen", "LightSteelBlue" }; private static String[] sedcolors = { "gray", "#00b8e6", "#9900cc", "#336600" }; // [0] b upper limit orange #ff9933 protected static final String ZOOM_OUT_HELP = " Zoom out with original size button. "; protected static final String ZOOM_IN_HELP = " Rubber band zoom — click and drag an area to zoom in. "; protected static int MIN_SIZE_FOR_DOCKED_OPTIONS = 650; protected static int OPTIONS_PANEL_WIDTH = 350; private static final int RESIZE_DELAY = 100; protected DockLayoutPanel _dockPanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Style.Unit.PX); private final MaskMessgeWidget _maskMessge = new MaskMessgeWidget(false); protected final MaskPane _maskPane = new MaskPane(_dockPanel, _maskMessge); ScrollPanel _panel = new ScrollPanel(); SimplePanel _cpanel = new SimplePanel(); // for chart //HTML _statusMessage; // was used for data info protected GChart _chart = null; protected DataSet _dataSet = null; protected XYPlotData _data = null; protected XYPlotMeta _meta = null; private Widget _legend = null; private boolean _showLegend = false; private boolean _popoutWidgetSet; private int _xResizeFactor = 1; private int _yResizeFactor = 1; private int TICKS = 6; // 5 intervals protected Scale _xScale; protected Scale _yScale; protected boolean resizeNow = false; ArrayList<GChart.Curve> _mainCurves; ArrayList<SpecificPointUI> _specificPoints; String specificPointsDesc; GChart.Curve _selectionCurve; boolean _selecting = false; protected Selection _savedZoomSelection = null; //boolean preserveOutOfBoundPoints = false; HTML _actionHelp; HTML _chartTitle = new HTML(""); protected XYPlotOptionsPanel optionsPanel; protected XYPlotOptionsDialog optionsDialog; private ResizeTimer _resizeTimer = new ResizeTimer(); int titleSize = 5; private int defaultChartW = 0, defaultChartH = 0; private List<NewDataListener> _listeners = new ArrayList<NewDataListener>(); private static final FireflyCss _ffCss = CssData.Creator.getInstance().getFireflyCss(); public XYPlotBasicWidget(XYPlotMeta meta) { super(300, 180); // super(300, 180); _meta = meta; GChart.setCanvasFactory(ChartingFactory.getInstance()); _popoutWidgetSet = false; _actionHelp = new HTML(); _actionHelp.setWidth("100%"); _actionHelp.addStyleName(_ffCss.fadedText()); /** final CheckBox outOfBoundCheck = GwtUtil.makeCheckBox("Connect Out of Bounds Points", "Take into account out of bounds points that are reasonably close", false); outOfBoundCheck.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) { if (_chart != null && _data != null) { preserveOutOfBoundPoints = outOfBoundCheck.getValue(); if (preserveOutOfBoundPoints) { _chart.getYAxis().setOutOfBoundsMultiplier(Double.NaN); _chart.getY2Axis().setAxisMin(_chart.getY2Axis().getAxisMin()); _chart.update(); } else { _chart.getYAxis().setOutOfBoundsMultiplier(0); _chart.getY2Axis().setAxisMin(_chart.getY2Axis().getAxisMin()); _chart.update(); } } } }); */ } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { super.setVisible(visible); if (_chart != null) { _chart.update(); } } void showOptionsDialog() { if (optionsDialog == null) { optionsDialog = new XYPlotOptionsDialog(XYPlotBasicWidget.this); } optionsDialog.setVisible(true); } protected void setupNewChart(String title) { _selecting = false; _savedZoomSelection = null; if (!_popoutWidgetSet) { //_vertPanel.add(_cpanel); //_vertPanel.setWidth("100%"); _cpanel.setWidth("100%"); _panel.setWidth("100%"); // _dockPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); _dockPanel.addStyleName("component-background"); _dockPanel.addNorth(getMenuBar(), 37); _dockPanel.addWest(getOptionsPanel(), OPTIONS_PANEL_WIDTH); //_statusMessage = GwtUtil.makeFaddedHelp(" "); //GwtUtil.setStyles(_statusMessage, "textAlign", "left", "paddingTop", "2px", "borderTop", "1px solid #bbbbbb"); //ScrollPanel statusPanel = new ScrollPanel(); //statusPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); //statusPanel.add(_statusMessage); //_dockPanel.addSouth(statusPanel, 20); _dockPanel.add(_panel); GwtUtil.DockLayout.hideWidget(_dockPanel, optionsPanel); setPopoutWidget(_dockPanel); _popoutWidgetSet = true; } setTitle(title); _chartTitle.setHTML(""); //removeCurrentChart(); if (_chart == null) { _chart = new GChart(_meta.getXSize(), _meta.getYSize()); _chart.setOptimizeForMemory(true); _chart.setPadding("5px"); _chart.setLegendBorderWidth(0); // no border _chart.setBackgroundColor("white"); _chart.setGridColor("#999999"); _chart.setHoverParameterInterpreter(new XYHoverParameterInterpreter()); _chart.setClipToPlotArea(true); _chart.setClipToDecoratedChart(false); Widget footnotes = GwtUtil.leftRightAlign(new Widget[] { _actionHelp }, new Widget[] { new HTML(" "), HelpManager.makeHelpIcon("visualization.xyplotViewer") }); footnotes.setWidth("100%"); _chart.setChartFootnotes(footnotes); _chart.setChartFootnotesLeftJustified(true); _chart.setChartFootnotesThickness(20); addMouseListeners(); _cpanel.setWidget(_chart); } // if we are not showing legend, inform the chart _chart.setLegendVisible(_showLegend || _meta.alwaysShowLegend()); } protected Widget getMenuBar() { FlowPanel menuBar = new FlowPanel(); //GwtUtil.setStyle(menuBar, "borderBottom", "1px solid #bbbbbb"); menuBar.setWidth("100%"); HorizontalPanel left = new HorizontalPanel(); left.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); left.setSpacing(10); GwtUtil.setStyle(left, "align", "left"); HorizontalPanel right = new HorizontalPanel(); right.setSpacing(10); GwtUtil.setStyle(right, "align", "center"); GwtUtil.setStyle(right, "paddingRight", "20px"); VisIconCreator ic = VisIconCreator.Creator.getInstance(); right.add(GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(ic.getZoomOriginalSmall()), "Zoom out to original chart", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { if (_data != null) { _savedZoomSelection = null; _actionHelp.setHTML(ZOOM_IN_HELP); if (XYPlotData.shouldSample(_dataSet.getSize())) { _meta.userMeta.setXLimits(null); _meta.userMeta.setYLimits(null); updateMeta(_meta, false); } else { setChartAxes(); _chart.update(); } } } })); left.add(GwtUtil.makeImageButton(new Image(ic.getSettings()), "Plot options and tools", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { showOptions(); } })); left.add(_chartTitle); menuBar.add(GwtUtil.leftRightAlign(new Widget[] { left }, new Widget[] { right })); return menuBar; } public void makeNewChart(DataSet dataSet, String title) { removeCurrentChart(); setupNewChart(title); try { _dataSet = dataSet; addData(new XYPlotData(dataSet, _meta)); _selectionCurve = getSelectionCurve(); if (optionsDialog != null && (optionsDialog.isVisible() || _meta.hasUserMeta())) { if (optionsDialog.setupError()) { if (!optionsDialog.isVisible()) showOptionsDialog(); } } if (_chart != null) { _chart.update(); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(e.getMessage()) && e.getMessage().indexOf("column is not found") > 0) { if (_chart != null) _chart.clearCurves(); showOptionsDialog(); } else { showMask(e.getMessage()); } } finally { _panel.setWidget(_cpanel); } } private XYPlotOptionsPanel getOptionsPanel() { if (optionsPanel == null) { optionsPanel = new XYPlotOptionsPanel(this); GwtUtil.setStyle(optionsPanel, "paddingTop", "10px"); } return optionsPanel; } protected void showOptions() { boolean show = !(optionsDialog != null && optionsDialog.isVisible()) && GwtUtil.DockLayout.isHidden(optionsPanel); if (show) { if (_panel.asWidget().getOffsetWidth() > MIN_SIZE_FOR_DOCKED_OPTIONS) { GwtUtil.DockLayout.showWidget(_dockPanel, optionsPanel); onResize(); } else { showOptionsDialog(); } } else { if (!GwtUtil.DockLayout.isHidden(optionsPanel)) { GwtUtil.DockLayout.hideWidget(_dockPanel, optionsPanel); onResize(); } if (optionsDialog != null && optionsDialog.isVisible()) { optionsDialog.setVisible(false); } } } public void removeCurrentChart() { if (_chart != null) { _chart.clearCurves(); _mainCurves = new ArrayList<GChart.Curve>(); _data = null; _panel.remove(_cpanel); //_chart = null; // back to default zoom mode _actionHelp.setHTML(ZOOM_IN_HELP); //_statusMessage.setHTML(""); } _savedZoomSelection = null; // do not preserve zoomed selection } public XYPlotMeta getPlotMeta() { return _meta; } public XYPlotData getPlotData() { return _data; } public void addListener(NewDataListener l) { _listeners.add(l); } protected void addMouseListeners() { _chart.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { AllPlots.getInstance().setSelectedPopoutWidget(XYPlotBasicWidget.this); if (_chart == null || _data == null) { return; } /* * Most browsers, by default, support the ability to * to "drag-copy" any web page image to the desktop. * But GChart's rendering makes extensive use of * images, so we need to override this default. * */ event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); double x = _chart.getXAxis().getMouseCoordinate(); double y = _chart.getYAxis().getMouseCoordinate(); //if (_data.getXMinMax().isIn(x) && _data.getYMinMax().isIn(y)) { _selecting = true; _selectionCurve.clearPoints(); _selectionCurve.addPoint(x, y); enableHover(false); //} } }); _chart.addMouseMoveHandler(new MouseMoveHandler() { public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) { if (_selecting) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); double x = _chart.getXAxis().getMouseCoordinate(); double y = _chart.getYAxis().getMouseCoordinate(); //if (_data.getXMinMax().isIn(x) && _data.getYMinMax().isIn(y)) { GChart.Curve.Point p0 = _selectionCurve.getPoint(0); double x0 = p0.getX(); double y0 = p0.getY(); _selectionCurve.clearPoints(); _selectionCurve.addPoint(x0, y0); _selectionCurve.addPoint(x, y0); _selectionCurve.addPoint(x, y); _selectionCurve.addPoint(x0, y); _selectionCurve.addPoint(x0, y0); _selectionCurve.setVisible(true); _chart.update(); //} } } }); _chart.addMouseUpHandler(new MouseUpHandler() { public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent event) { if (_selecting) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); _selectionCurve.setVisible(false); enableHover(true); if (_selectionCurve.getNPoints() == 5 && _data != null) { // diagonal points of the selection rectangle GChart.Curve.Point p0 = _selectionCurve.getPoint(0); GChart.Curve.Point p2 = _selectionCurve.getPoint(2); double xMin = Math.min(_xScale.getUnscaled(p0.getX()), _xScale.getUnscaled(p2.getX())); double xMax = Math.max(_xScale.getUnscaled(p0.getX()), _xScale.getUnscaled(p2.getX())); double yMin = Math.min(_yScale.getUnscaled(p0.getY()), _yScale.getUnscaled(p2.getY())); double yMax = Math.max(_yScale.getUnscaled(p0.getY()), _yScale.getUnscaled(p2.getY())); MinMax xMinMax = new MinMax(xMin, xMax); MinMax yMinMax = new MinMax(yMin, yMax); onSelection(xMinMax, yMinMax); } else { _chart.update(); } _selecting = false; } } }); } protected void enableHover(boolean enable) { for (GChart.Curve mainCurve : _mainCurves) { mainCurve.getSymbol().setHoverSelectionEnabled(enable); mainCurve.getSymbol().setHoverAnnotationEnabled(enable); } } protected void onSelection(MinMax xMinMax, MinMax yMinMax) { if (_data.isSampled()) { _meta.userMeta.setXLimits(xMinMax); _meta.userMeta.setYLimits(yMinMax); updateMeta(_meta, false); } else { // clear previous limits, if any _meta.userMeta.setXLimits(null); _meta.userMeta.setYLimits(null); } setChartAxesForSelection(xMinMax, yMinMax); _chart.update(); } protected GChart.Curve getSelectionCurve() { _chart.addCurve(); GChart.Curve selectionCurve = _chart.getCurve(); GChart.Symbol symbol = selectionCurve.getSymbol(); symbol.setBorderColor("black"); symbol.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.LINE); symbol.setFillThickness(2); symbol.setWidth(0); symbol.setHeight(0); symbol.setHoverSelectionEnabled(false); symbol.setHoverAnnotationEnabled(false); selectionCurve.setVisible(false); return selectionCurve; } private Widget createLegend() { int nCurves = _mainCurves.size(); int nPoints = _specificPoints.size(); if (_data == null || (nCurves < 2 && nPoints < 1)) return null; Grid result = new Grid(nCurves + (nPoints > 0 ? (nPoints + 1) : 0), 1); int cIdx = 0; if (nCurves > 1) { for (final GChart.Curve c : _mainCurves) { c.getSymbol().getBorderColor(); final CheckBox ch = GwtUtil.makeCheckBox(c.getLegendLabel(), "Deselect to hide", true); ch.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("color", c.getSymbol().getBackgroundColor()); ch.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { boolean visible = ch.getValue(); c.setVisible(visible); // 2 error curves are added for each main curve // error curves are added before main curves if (_meta.plotError() && _data.hasError()) { int cIdx = _mainCurves.indexOf(c); XYPlotData.Curve current = _data.getCurveData().get(cIdx); int lowerErrIdx = current.getErrorLowerCurveIdx(); int upperErrIdx = current.getErrorUpperCurveIdx(); try { for (int i = lowerErrIdx; i <= upperErrIdx; i++) { _chart.getCurve(i).setVisible(visible); } } catch (Exception e) { _meta.setPlotError(false); } } _chart.update(); } }); result.setWidget(cIdx, 0, ch); cIdx++; } } int pIdx = 0; if (_meta.plotSpecificPoints() && nPoints > 0) { Label desc = new HTML( cIdx > 0 ? "<br>" : "" + "<b>" + specificPointsDesc.replaceAll(" ", "<br>") + "</b>"); result.setWidget(cIdx, 0, desc); //" " for (final SpecificPointUI pointUI : _specificPoints) { final CheckBox ch = GwtUtil.makeCheckBox(pointUI.p.getLabel(), "Deselect to hide", true); ch.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("color", pointUI.spCurve.getSymbol().getBackgroundColor()); ch.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { pointUI.setVisible(ch.getValue()); _chart.update(); } }); result.setWidget(cIdx + pIdx + 1, 0, ch); pIdx++; } } return result; } protected void showMask(String text) { _maskMessge.setHTML(text == null ? "Failure" : text);; } public void updateMeta(final XYPlotMeta meta, final boolean preserveZoomSelection) { try { _meta = meta; if (_chart != null) { _chart.clearCurves(); // force to reevaluate chart size reevaluateChartSize(true); //update chart addData(new XYPlotData(_dataSet, _meta)); _selectionCurve = getSelectionCurve(); if (_savedZoomSelection != null && preserveZoomSelection) { setChartAxesForSelection(_savedZoomSelection.xMinMax, _savedZoomSelection.yMinMax); } else { _savedZoomSelection = null; } _chart.update(); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (_chart != null) { _chart.clearCurves(); } PopupUtil.showError("Error", e.getMessage()); } } protected void addData(XYPlotData data) { _data = data; _xScale = _meta.getXScale(); _yScale = _meta.getYScale(); String errorTitle = null; if (_xScale instanceof LogScale && _data.getXMinMax().getMin() <= 0.0) { errorTitle = "Using linear scale for X"; _xScale = XYPlotMeta.LINEAR_SCALE; _meta.setXScale(_xScale); } if (_yScale instanceof LogScale && (_meta.plotError() && _data.hasError() ? _data.getWithErrorMinMax() : _data.getYMinMax()) .getMin() <= 0.0) { errorTitle = (StringUtils.isEmpty(errorTitle) ? "Using linear scale for Y" : errorTitle + " and Y"); _yScale = XYPlotMeta.LINEAR_SCALE; _meta.setYScale(_yScale); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(errorTitle)) { PopupUtil.showError(errorTitle, "Data set contains negative values or zero."); } // call listeners for (NewDataListener l : _listeners) { l.newData(_data); } // chart title; if (_meta.getTitle() != null) { if (!_meta.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { _chartTitle.setHTML("<b>" + _meta.getTitle() + "</b>"); } } else { _chartTitle.setHTML("<b>" + _meta.getYName(_data) + " vs. " + _meta.getXName(_data) + "</b>"); } _chart.setChartTitle(" "); _chart.setChartTitleThickness(titleSize); // make sure we start with clean chart _chart.clearCurves(); // error curves - should be plotted first, // so that main curves are plotted on top of them if (_meta.plotError() && _data.hasError()) { addErrorCurves(); } // main curves addMainCurves(); // add specific points addSpecificPoints(); // set axes setChartAxes(); setGridlines(); // set legend _legend = createLegend(); _chart.setLegend(_legend); updateLegendVisibility(); _chart.update(); } private void updateLegendVisibility() { boolean showLegend = _legend != null && (_showLegend || _meta.alwaysShowLegend()); if (_legend != null) { _legend.setVisible(showLegend); } _chart.setLegendVisible(showLegend); _chart.update(); } public void setGridlines() { if (_chart == null) { return; } if (_meta.noGrid()) { _chart.getXAxis().setHasGridlines(false); _chart.getYAxis().setHasGridlines(false); } else { _chart.getXAxis().setHasGridlines(true); _chart.getYAxis().setHasGridlines(true); } _chart.update(); } protected void setDefaultActionHelp() { _actionHelp.setHTML(ZOOM_IN_HELP); } private void setHoverLocation(GChart.Symbol symbol) { /* // make sure popup is visible in the upper left corner symbol.setHoverAnnotationSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.ANCHOR_NORTHWEST); symbol.setHoverLocation(GChart.AnnotationLocation.SOUTHEAST); symbol.setHoverXShift(-3); symbol.setHoverYShift(titleSize+3); */ if (_meta.userMeta != null && _meta.userMeta.stretchToFill) { symbol.setHoverLocation(GChart.AnnotationLocation.SOUTH); } else { // make sure popup is visible in the lower right corner symbol.setHoverAnnotationSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.ANCHOR_SOUTHEAST); symbol.setHoverLocation(GChart.AnnotationLocation.SOUTHWEST); } symbol.setHoverYShift(-20); } private void addMainCurves() { // if data are sampled, make sure the style is unconnected points if (_data.isSampled()) { _meta.setPlotStyle(XYPlotMeta.PlotStyle.POINTS); } _mainCurves = new ArrayList<GChart.Curve>(_data.getCurveData().size()); GChart.Curve curve; // weight based order - colors and map string (Color.makeSimpleColorMap return hex without "#") // 6 colors (use String[] WBO_COLS = { "#d9d9d9", "#BDBDBD", "#969696", "#737373", "#525252", "#252525" }; String WBO_MAP_STR = "ABCDEF"; for (XYPlotData.Curve cd : _data.getCurveData()) { _chart.addCurve(); curve = _chart.getCurve(); _mainCurves.add(curve); if (_data.hasOrder()) { curve.setLegendLabel("Order " + cd.getOrder()); } else if (_data.hasWeightBasedOrder()) { curve.setLegendLabel(cd.getOrder().substring(2)); // to omit the key } GChart.Symbol symbol = curve.getSymbol(); symbol.setBorderColor(colors[cd.getCurveId() % colors.length]); if (_meta.plotStyle().equals(XYPlotMeta.PlotStyle.POINTS)) { symbol.setWidth(3); symbol.setHeight(3); } else if (_meta.plotStyle().equals(XYPlotMeta.PlotStyle.LINE_POINTS)) { symbol.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.LINE); symbol.setFillSpacing(0); symbol.setFillThickness(1); symbol.setWidth(3); symbol.setHeight(3); } else { symbol.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.LINE); symbol.setFillSpacing(0); symbol.setFillThickness(2); symbol.setWidth(0); symbol.setHeight(0); } if (_data.isSampled() && !symbol.getSymbolType().equals(GChart.SymbolType.LINE)) { int w, h; w = 5; h = 5; boolean found = false; String bgColor = "black"; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (cd.getOrder().charAt(0) == WBO_MAP_STR.charAt(i)) { bgColor = WBO_COLS[i]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { w = 7; h = 7; // should not see } symbol.setBackgroundColor(bgColor); symbol.setBorderColor(bgColor); //symbol.setBorderColor("#f7f7f7"); // light colored border symbol.setWidth(w); symbol.setHeight(h); } else { symbol.setBackgroundColor(symbol.getBorderColor()); } symbol.setHoverSelectionEnabled(true); //symbol.setBrushHeight(2*_meta.getYSize()); symbol.setBrushHeight(5); // to facilitate selection symbol.setBrushWidth(5); symbol.setHoverSelectionWidth(4); symbol.setHoverSelectionHeight(4); symbol.setHoverSelectionBackgroundColor("yellow"); symbol.setHoverSelectionBorderColor(_data.hasWeightBasedOrder() ? "black" : symbol.getBorderColor()); setHoverLocation(symbol); String xColUnits = getXColUnits(); String yColUnits = getYColUnits(); String template = _meta.getXName(_data) + " = ${x}" + (xColUnits != null ? " " + xColUnits : "") + "<br>" + _meta.getYName(_data) + " = ${y}" + (yColUnits != null ? " " + yColUnits : ""); if (_data.hasError()) { template += "<br>" + _data.getErrorCol() + " = +/- ${err}"; String errorColUnits = _data.getErrorColUnits(); if (errorColUnits != null) template += " " + errorColUnits; } if (_data.isSampled()) { template += "${pts}"; } symbol.setHovertextTemplate(GChart.formatAsHovertext(template)); cd.setCurveIdx(_chart.getCurveIndex(curve)); for (XYPlotData.Point p : cd.getPoints()) { curve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(p.getX()), _yScale.getScaled(p.getY())); } } } private void addErrorCurves() { GChart.Curve errCurveLower, errCurveUpper, errBarCurve; for (XYPlotData.Curve cd : _data.getCurveData()) { //lower error curve _chart.addCurve(); errCurveLower = _chart.getCurve(); GChart.Symbol errSymbolLower = errCurveLower.getSymbol(); errSymbolLower.setBorderColor("lightgray"); errSymbolLower.setBackgroundColor("lightgray"); if (_meta.plotStyle().equals(XYPlotMeta.PlotStyle.POINTS)) { errSymbolLower.setWidth(3); errSymbolLower.setHeight(1); } else { errSymbolLower.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.LINE); errSymbolLower.setFillThickness(1); errSymbolLower.setFillSpacing(0); errSymbolLower.setWidth(0); errSymbolLower.setHeight(0); } errSymbolLower.setHoverAnnotationEnabled(false); double err; for (XYPlotData.Point p : cd.getPoints()) { err = p.getError(); errCurveLower.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(p.getX()), Double.isNaN(err) ? Double.NaN : _yScale.getScaled(p.getY() - err)); } // add error bars if (_meta.plotStyle().equals(XYPlotMeta.PlotStyle.POINTS)) { if (_yScale instanceof LinearScale) { // one point is enough for linear scale for (XYPlotData.Point p : cd.getPoints()) { err = _yScale.getScaled(p.getError()); if (!Double.isNaN(err)) { _chart.addCurve(); errBarCurve = _chart.getCurve(); GChart.Symbol errSymbol = errBarCurve.getSymbol(); errSymbol.setBorderColor("lightgray"); errSymbol.setBackgroundColor("lightgray"); errSymbol.setWidth(1); errSymbol.setModelHeight(2 * err); errBarCurve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(p.getX()), _yScale.getScaled(p.getY())); } } } else { // need two points for bar curve for (XYPlotData.Point p : cd.getPoints()) { err = p.getError(); // should not be scaled here if (!Double.isNaN(err)) { _chart.addCurve(); errBarCurve = _chart.getCurve(); GChart.Symbol errSymbol = errBarCurve.getSymbol(); errSymbol.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.LINE); errSymbol.setFillThickness(1); errSymbol.setFillSpacing(0); errSymbol.setWidth(0); errSymbol.setHeight(0); errSymbol.setBorderColor("lightgray"); errSymbol.setBackgroundColor("lightgray"); errBarCurve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(p.getX()), _yScale.getScaled(p.getY() - err)); errBarCurve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(p.getX()), _yScale.getScaled(p.getY() + err)); } } } } //upper error curve _chart.addCurve(); errCurveUpper = _chart.getCurve(); GChart.Symbol errSymbolUpper = errCurveUpper.getSymbol(); errSymbolUpper.setBorderColor("lightgray"); errSymbolUpper.setBackgroundColor("lightgray"); if (_meta.plotStyle().equals(XYPlotMeta.PlotStyle.POINTS)) { errSymbolUpper.setWidth(3); errSymbolUpper.setHeight(1); } else { errSymbolUpper.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.LINE); errSymbolUpper.setFillThickness(1); errSymbolUpper.setFillSpacing(0); errSymbolUpper.setWidth(0); errSymbolUpper.setHeight(0); } errSymbolUpper.setHoverAnnotationEnabled(false); for (XYPlotData.Point p : cd.getPoints()) { err = p.getError(); errCurveUpper.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(p.getX()), Double.isNaN(err) ? Double.NaN : (_yScale.getScaled(p.getY() + err))); } cd.setErrorIdx(_chart.getCurveIndex(errCurveLower), _chart.getCurveIndex(errCurveUpper)); } } private void addSpecificPoints() { _specificPoints = new ArrayList<SpecificPointUI>(); String borderColor; String backgroundColor; if (_meta.plotSpecificPoints() && _data.hasSpecificPoints()) { MinMax xMinMax = _data.getXMinMax(); MinMax yMinMax; if (_meta.plotError() && _data.hasError()) { yMinMax = _data.getWithErrorMinMax(); } else { yMinMax = _data.getYMinMax(); } SpecificPoints specificPoints = _data.getSpecificPoints(); specificPointsDesc = specificPoints.getDescription(); boolean isSED = specificPointsDesc.startsWith("SED"); boolean isUpperLimit = false; for (int i = 0; i < specificPoints.getNumPoints(); i++) { SpecificPoints.Point p = specificPoints.getPoint(i); MinMax x = p.getXMinMax(); MinMax y = p.getYMinMax(); if (xMinMax.isIn(x.getReference()) && yMinMax.isIn(y.getReference())) { if (isSED) { int colorIdx = p.getId() % sedcolors.length; borderColor = sedcolors[colorIdx]; backgroundColor = sedcolors[colorIdx]; isUpperLimit = (p.getId() == 0); } else { int colorIdx = p.getId() % lightcolors.length; borderColor = lightcolors[colorIdx]; backgroundColor = lightcolors[colorIdx]; } // simulate point with two lines vertical and horizontal //dotted x-line _chart.addCurve(); GChart.Curve xCurve = _chart.getCurve(); xCurve.setLegendLabel(p.getLabel()); GChart.Symbol symbol = xCurve.getSymbol(); symbol.setBorderColor(borderColor); symbol.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); symbol.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.LINE); symbol.setFillThickness(1); symbol.setFillSpacing(2); symbol.setWidth(0); symbol.setHeight(0); symbol.setHoverAnnotationEnabled(false); xCurve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(x.getMin()), _yScale.getScaled(y.getReference())); xCurve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(x.getMax()), _yScale.getScaled(y.getReference())); // dotted y-line _chart.addCurve(); GChart.Curve yCurve = _chart.getCurve(); symbol = yCurve.getSymbol(); symbol.setBorderColor("black"); symbol.setBackgroundColor("black"); symbol.setHoverAnnotationEnabled(false); if (isSED && isUpperLimit) { // show upper limits by down arrow yCurve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(x.getReference()), _yScale.getScaled(y.getReference())); yCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationLocation(GChart.AnnotationLocation.SOUTH); yCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationFontColor("black"); yCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationXShift(0); yCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationYShift(3); //yCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationWidget(new HTML("<b>↓</b>")); //yCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationFontSize(12); yCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationText("<html><b>↓</b></html>"); } else { yCurve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(x.getReference()), _yScale.getScaled(y.getMin())); yCurve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(x.getReference()), _yScale.getScaled(y.getMax())); symbol.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.LINE); symbol.setFillThickness(1); symbol.setFillSpacing(1); symbol.setWidth(0); symbol.setHeight(0); } _chart.addCurve(); GChart.Curve spCurve = _chart.getCurve(); spCurve.addPoint(_xScale.getScaled(x.getReference()), _yScale.getScaled(y.getReference())); spCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationLocation(GChart.AnnotationLocation.NORTHEAST); spCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationFontColor(borderColor); //spCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationFontSize(8); spCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationXShift(-3); spCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationYShift(3); spCurve.getPoint().setAnnotationText(p.getLabel()); symbol = spCurve.getSymbol(); symbol.setBorderColor("Black"); symbol.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); symbol.setSymbolType(GChart.SymbolType.BOX_CENTER); symbol.setHoverSelectionEnabled(true); symbol.setHoverSelectionBackgroundColor("black"); symbol.setHoverSelectionBorderColor(borderColor); setHoverLocation(symbol); String template = p.getDesc(); symbol.setHovertextTemplate(GChart.formatAsHovertext(template)); _specificPoints.add(new SpecificPointUI(p, spCurve, xCurve, yCurve)); } } _chart.getXAxis().setOutOfBoundsMultiplier(Double.NaN); _chart.getYAxis().setOutOfBoundsMultiplier(Double.NaN); } } protected void setChartAxes() { MinMax xMinMax = _data.getXMinMax(); MinMax yMinMax; if (_meta.plotError() && _data.hasError()) { yMinMax = _data.getWithErrorMinMax(); } else { yMinMax = _data.getYMinMax(); } xMinMax = MinMax.ensureNonZeroRange(xMinMax); yMinMax = MinMax.ensureNonZeroRange(yMinMax); setChartAxes(xMinMax, yMinMax); // do not check for out of bounds points _chart.getXAxis().setOutOfBoundsMultiplier(Double.NaN); _chart.getYAxis().setOutOfBoundsMultiplier(Double.NaN); setDefaultActionHelp(); } protected void setChartAxesForSelection(MinMax xMinMax, MinMax yMinMax) { int numPoints = _data.getNPoints(xMinMax, yMinMax); if (numPoints > 0) { setChartAxes(xMinMax, yMinMax); _savedZoomSelection = new Selection(xMinMax, yMinMax); // do not render points that are out of bounds //_chart.getXAxis().setOutOfBoundsMultiplier(0); //if (preserveOutOfBoundPoints || numPoints == 1) { // _chart.getYAxis().setOutOfBoundsMultiplier(Double.NaN); //} else { // _chart.getYAxis().setOutOfBoundsMultiplier(0); //} _actionHelp.setHTML(ZOOM_OUT_HELP); } } private void setChartAxes(MinMax xMinMax, MinMax yMinMax) { // set axes min/max and ticks GChart.Axis xAxis = _chart.getXAxis(); GChart.Axis yAxis = _chart.getYAxis(); String xUnits = getXColUnits(); xAxis.setAxisLabel(_meta.getXName(_data) + (StringUtils.isEmpty(xUnits) ? "" : " (" + xUnits + ")")); if (_xScale instanceof LogScale) { setLogScaleAxis(xAxis, xMinMax, TICKS * _xResizeFactor); } else { setLinearScaleAxis(xAxis, xMinMax, TICKS * _xResizeFactor); } String yName = _meta.getYName(_data); Widget yLabel; int yLabelLines = 1; if (getYColUnits().length() > 0) { if (yName.length() + getYColUnits().length() > 20) yLabelLines++; yLabel = new HTML(yName + (yLabelLines > 1 ? "<br>" : " ") + "(" + getYColUnits() + ")"); } else { yLabel = new HTML(yName); } yLabel.addStyleName(_ffCss.rotateLeft()); yAxis.setAxisLabel(yLabel); yAxis.setAxisLabelThickness(yLabelLines * 20); if (_yScale instanceof LogScale) { setLogScaleAxis(yAxis, yMinMax, TICKS * _yResizeFactor); } else { setLinearScaleAxis(yAxis, yMinMax, TICKS * _yResizeFactor); } // adjust symbol size for sampled data // comment it if you'd like same size symbols adjustSymbolSize(); } private void adjustSymbolSize() { if (_data.isSampled()) { double xSampleBinSize = _data.getXSampleBinSize(); double ySampleBinSize = _data.getYSampleBinSize(); if (xSampleBinSize > 0 && ySampleBinSize > 0) { // data minMax are slightly less than axes minMax double xMin = _chart.getXAxis().getAxisMin(); double xMax = _chart.getXAxis().getAxisMax(); double yMin = _chart.getYAxis().getAxisMin(); double yMax = _chart.getYAxis().getAxisMax(); _chart.update(); int xPixelSize = (_xScale instanceof LogScale) ? 5 : (int) Math.ceil(xSampleBinSize * _chart.getXChartSize() / (xMax - xMin)); int yPixelSize = (_yScale instanceof LogScale) ? 5 : (int) Math.ceil(ySampleBinSize * _chart.getYChartSize() / (yMax - yMin)); // pad with 1px, to avoid empty horizontal or vertical lines // not sure padding is a good idea, because it obscures symbol size // if (xPixelSize <= 8) { xPixelSize += 1; } // if (yPixelSize <= 8) { yPixelSize += 1; } GChart.Symbol s; for (GChart.Curve curve : _mainCurves) { s = curve.getSymbol(); if (xPixelSize > 8 && yPixelSize > 8) { s.setBorderColor("#ABABAB"); // between 2nd and 3rd } else { s.setBorderColor(s.getBackgroundColor()); } if (curve.getLegendLabel().endsWith("pt")) { // single points int size = Math.min(xPixelSize, yPixelSize); if (size > 3) size -= 1; // make the size a bit smaller than for aggregated points size = Math.min(size, 5); s.setWidth(size); s.setHeight(size); continue; } // use model size to set symbol width and height s.setModelWidth(xSampleBinSize); s.setModelHeight(ySampleBinSize); } _chart.update(); } } } private void setLinearScaleAxis(GChart.Axis axis, MinMax minMax, int maxTicks) { NiceScale numScale = new NiceScale(minMax, maxTicks); double min = numScale.getNiceMin(); double max = numScale.getNiceMax(); int tickCount = (int) Math.round(Math.abs((max - min) / numScale.getTickSpacing())) + 1; axis.setAxisMin(min); axis.setAxisMax(max); if (tickCount > 0) { axis.setTickCount(tickCount); } String tickLabelFormat = numScale.getFormatString(); axis.setTickLabelFormat(tickLabelFormat); axis.setTickLabelFontSize(10); if (axis.equals(_chart.getXAxis())) { // sparse tick labels, if they are too long int minLen = tickLabelFormat.length(); int extraLen = (int) Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(min))); if (extraLen > 0) minLen += extraLen; if (min < 0) minLen += 1; if (minLen > 8) { axis.setTicksPerLabel(3); } else if (minLen > 5) { axis.setTicksPerLabel(2); } else { axis.setTicksPerLabel(1); } } } private void setLogScaleAxis(GChart.Axis axis, MinMax minMax, int maxTicks) { axis.clearTicks(); axis.setTickLabelFormat("=10^#.##########"); axis.setTickLabelFontSize(10); if (minMax.getMin() <= 0.0) { // this should not happen, // but if it does lmin will be -Infinity, // we don't want to do any calculations // at this point return; } double lmin = Math.floor(Math.log10(minMax.getMin())); double lmax = Math.ceil(Math.log10(minMax.getMax())); axis.setAxisMin(lmin); axis.setAxisMax(lmax); if (Math.abs(lmax - lmin) <= maxTicks) { //show conventional log scale ticks axis.addTick(lmin); for (double x = Math.pow(10, lmin); x < Math.pow(10, lmax); x *= 10) { for (int y = 2; y <= 10; y++) { if (y == 10) { axis.addTick(Math.log10(x * y)); } else { axis.addTick(Math.log10(x * y), ""); } } } } else { int scale = (Math.abs(lmax - lmin) <= maxTicks) ? 1 : (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(lmax - lmin) / maxTicks); for (double x = lmin; x <= lmax; x += scale) { axis.addTick(x); } } } private String getXColUnits() { if (_data == null) { return ""; } else if (_meta.userMeta != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(_meta.userMeta.xUnit)) { return _meta.userMeta.xUnit; } String xUnits = _data.getXUnits(); if (xUnits == null || xUnits.trim().length() < 1 || xUnits.equals("null")) { xUnits = _meta.getDefaultXUnits(_data); } return xUnits; } private String getYColUnits() { if (_data == null) { return ""; } else if (_meta.userMeta != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(_meta.userMeta.yUnit)) { return _meta.userMeta.yUnit; } String yUnits = _data.getYUnits(); if (yUnits == null || yUnits.trim().length() < 1 || yUnits.equals("null")) { yUnits = _meta.getDefaultYUnits(_data); } return yUnits; } private double getError(GChart.Curve.Point hoveredOver) { double error = Double.MIN_VALUE; if (_data.hasError()) { try { XYPlotData.Point point = getDataPoint(hoveredOver); if (point != null) { error = point.getError(); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } } return error; } public List<TableDataView.Column> getColumns() { if (_dataSet != null) { return _dataSet.getColumns(); } else { return new ArrayList<TableDataView.Column>(0); } } @Override public void widgetResized(int width, int height) { if (resizeNow) { resize(width, height); } else { _resizeTimer.cancel(); _resizeTimer.setupCall(width, height); _resizeTimer.schedule(RESIZE_DELAY); } } public void onPostExpandCollapse(boolean expanded) { if (_chart != null && !_meta.alwaysShowLegend() && _showLegend != expanded) { _showLegend = expanded; updateLegendVisibility(); //_chart.update(); } } /* * Reevaluate chart size based chart area width and height from the last resize and meta * @param forceUpdate - update chart size even for slight changes * @return true if chart needs to be updated because of size change */ protected boolean reevaluateChartSize(boolean forceUpdate) { int w = defaultChartW; int h = defaultChartH; int MIN_H = 90; int MIN_W = 150; if (w < MIN_W) w = MIN_W; if (h < MIN_H) h = MIN_H; if (_meta.userMeta == null || _meta.userMeta.aspectRatio <= 0) { h = Math.min((int) (0.6 * w), h); } else { double xyRatio = _meta.userMeta.aspectRatio; if (_meta.userMeta.stretchToFill) { // fill h = (int) (w / xyRatio); if (h < MIN_H) { h = MIN_H; w = (int) (xyRatio * h); } } else { // fit double currentXYRatio = (double) w / (double) h; if (currentXYRatio > xyRatio) { w = (int) (h * xyRatio); if (w < MIN_W) { w = MIN_W; h = (int) (w / xyRatio); } } else { h = (int) (w / xyRatio); if (h < MIN_H) { h = MIN_H; w = (int) (xyRatio * h); } } } } // check if size of the chart changed significantly double widthChangePercent = 100 * Math.abs(w - _meta.getXSize()) / ((double) _meta.getXSize()); double heightChangePercent = 100 * Math.abs(h - _meta.getYSize()) / ((double) _meta.getYSize()); if (!forceUpdate && widthChangePercent < 10 && heightChangePercent < 10) { return false; } _meta.setChartSize(w, h); if (_chart != null) _chart.setChartSize(w, h); _xResizeFactor = (int) Math.ceil(w / 330.0); _yResizeFactor = (int) Math.ceil(h / 300.0); return true; } protected void resize(int width, int height) { if (_meta != null) { if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; //width = _dockPanel.getOffsetWidth(); //height = _dockPanel.getOffsetHeight(); if (!GwtUtil.DockLayout.isHidden(optionsPanel)) { if (width < MIN_SIZE_FOR_DOCKED_OPTIONS) { //hide options GwtUtil.DockLayout.hideWidget(_dockPanel, optionsPanel); } else { width = width - OPTIONS_PANEL_WIDTH; } } int w = width - 10; // chart padding int h = height - 37 - 10; // menu bar, chart padding if (_chart == null) { return; } h -= _chart.getYChartSizeDecorated() - _chart.getYChartSize(); h *= .90F; w -= _chart.getXChartSizeDecorated() - _chart.getXChartSize(); w *= .93F; defaultChartW = w; defaultChartH = h; // reevaluate chart size, if needed if (!reevaluateChartSize(false)) { // slight size change, no need to update return; } if (_data != null) { //if (_data.isSampled()) { // updateMeta(_meta, true); //} else { if (_savedZoomSelection != null) { setChartAxesForSelection(_savedZoomSelection.xMinMax, _savedZoomSelection.yMinMax); } else { setChartAxes(); } _chart.update(); //_panel.setVerticalScrollPosition((_panel.getMaximumVerticalScrollPosition()-_panel.getMinimumVerticalScrollPosition())/2); _panel.scrollToTop(); //} } } } protected XYPlotData.Point getDataPoint(GChart.Curve.Point p) { if (_data != null && _mainCurves.size() > 0) { int curveIdx = p.getParent().getParent().getCurveIndex(p.getParent()); int pointIdx = p.getParent().getPointIndex(p); if (isMainCurve(curveIdx)) { return _data.getPoint(curveIdx, pointIdx); } } return null; } protected boolean isMainCurve(int curveIdx) { for (GChart.Curve curve : _mainCurves) { if (_chart.getCurveIndex(curve) == curveIdx) { return true; } } return false; } class Selection { MinMax xMinMax; MinMax yMinMax; Selection(MinMax xMinMax, MinMax yMinMax) { this.xMinMax = xMinMax; this.yMinMax = yMinMax; } } class XYHoverParameterInterpreter implements HoverParameterInterpreter { public String getHoverParameter(String paramName, GChart.Curve.Point hoveredOver) { String result = null; XYPlotData.Point point = getDataPoint(hoveredOver); if (point != null) { if ("x".equals(paramName)) result = point.getXStr(); else if ("y".equals(paramName)) result = point.getYStr(); else if ("err".equals(paramName)) { result = point.getErrorStr(); } else if ("pts".equals(paramName)) { int numRepresented = point.getWeight(); result = numRepresented > 1 ? ("<br><i>point represents " + numRepresented + " rows </i>") : ""; } } else { if ("x".equals(paramName)) result = _chart.getXAxis().formatAsTickLabel(hoveredOver.getX()); else if ("y".equals(paramName)) result = _chart.getYAxis().formatAsTickLabel(hoveredOver.getY()); else if ("err".equals(paramName)) { result = _chart.getYAxis().formatAsTickLabel(getError(hoveredOver)); } } return result; } } class SpecificPointUI { SpecificPoints.Point p; GChart.Curve spCurve; GChart.Curve xCurve; GChart.Curve yCurve; SpecificPointUI(SpecificPoints.Point p, GChart.Curve spCurve, GChart.Curve xCurve, GChart.Curve yCurve) { this.p = p; this.spCurve = spCurve; this.xCurve = xCurve; this.yCurve = yCurve; } void setVisible(boolean visible) { this.xCurve.setVisible(visible); this.yCurve.setVisible(visible); this.spCurve.setVisible(visible); } } private class ResizeTimer extends Timer { private int w = 0; private int h = 0; public void setupCall(int w, int h) { this.w = w; this.h = h; } @Override public void run() { resize(w, h); } } public static interface NewDataListener { public void newData(XYPlotData data); } }