Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.draw; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.Name; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.AllPlots; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.MiniPlotWidget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.PrintableOverlay; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.Vis; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.WebPlotView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * User: roby * Date: Nov 16, 2009 * Time: 9:12:47 AM */ /** * @author Trey Roby */ public class WebLayerItem implements HasValueChangeHandlers<String> { // temporary util Preferences support session only prefs private static final Map<String, String> _prefMap = new HashMap<String, String>(50); private static final Map<String, UICreator> _additionUIMaker = new HashMap<String, UICreator>(10); private WebPlotView _pv; private final String _id; private String _subID = null; private String _title; private String _help; private LayerDrawer _drawer; private WebPlotView.MouseInfo _mouseInfo; private boolean _active = true; private Object _workerObj; private boolean _groupByIDorTitle; private String _enablePrefKey; private DrawingManager drawingManager = null; private HandlerManager hManger = null; private final PrintableOverlay _printMaker; private boolean canDoRegion = true; private SubgroupVisController sgControl = null; public WebLayerItem(String id, DrawingManager drawingManager, String title, String help, LayerDrawer drawer, WebPlotView.MouseInfo mouseInfo, String enablePrefKey, PrintableOverlay printMaker) { _id = id; setDrawingManager(drawingManager); _title = title; _help = help; _drawer = drawer; _mouseInfo = mouseInfo; _enablePrefKey = enablePrefKey; _printMaker = printMaker; if (_enablePrefKey != null && _prefMap.containsKey(_enablePrefKey)) { boolean v = Boolean.parseBoolean(_prefMap.get(_enablePrefKey)); setOneVisible(v); } } public void setWorkerObj(Object obj) { _workerObj = obj; } public Object getWorkerObj() { return _workerObj; } public boolean isCanDoRegion() { return canDoRegion; } public void setCanDoRegion(boolean canDoRegion) { this.canDoRegion = canDoRegion; } public PrintableOverlay getPrintableOverlay() { return _printMaker; } public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<String> h) { if (hManger == null) { hManger = new HandlerManager(this); } return hManger.addHandler(ValueChangeEvent.getType(), h); } public void setDrawingManager(DrawingManager drawingManager) { if (this.drawingManager != drawingManager) { this.drawingManager = drawingManager; sgControl = (drawingManager != null) ? drawingManager.getSubVisControl() : null; } } public void initDefaultVisibility() { boolean v = _enablePrefKey == null; if (_prefMap.containsKey(_enablePrefKey)) v = Boolean.parseBoolean(_prefMap.get(_enablePrefKey)); v = sgControl.isVisibleAtAnyLevel(_pv, v) || v; setOneVisible(v); } public void initDefaultVisibilityTo(boolean v) { setOneVisible(v); } public DrawingManager getDrawingManager() { return drawingManager; } /** * if true then all the WebLayerItem with the same title (as well as ID) will be treated together of actions such * as setVisible or changing color * @param g true will tread title & id as a group, false will tread only ID as a group */ public void setGroupByTitleOrID(boolean g) { _groupByIDorTitle = g; } public String getID() { return _id; } /** * Sub ID is anything to more identify the item * @param queryID */ public void setSubID(String queryID) { _subID = queryID; } public String getSubID() { return _subID; } public void setTitle(String title) { _title = title;, title); } public String getTitle() { return _title; } public String getHelp() { return _help; } public void setHelp(String helpText) { _help = helpText; } public void setActive(boolean active) { _active = active; } public boolean isActive() { return _active; } public LayerDrawer getDrawer() { return _drawer; } public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event) { if (hManger != null) hManger.fireEvent(event); } public List<WebLayerItem> getAllWithMatchingID() { List<WebLayerItem> retList = getAllWithMatchingID(getID()); if (retList.size() == 0) retList.add(this); if (_groupByIDorTitle) { List<MiniPlotWidget> mpwList = AllPlots.getInstance().getActiveList(); for (MiniPlotWidget mpw : mpwList) { WebLayerItem wl = mpw.getPlotView().getItemByTitle(_title); if (wl != null && !retList.contains(wl)) { retList.add(wl); } } } return retList; } public static List<WebLayerItem> getAllWithMatchingID(String id) { List<WebLayerItem> retList = new ArrayList<WebLayerItem>(10); for (MiniPlotWidget mpwItem : AllPlots.getInstance().getActiveList()) { WebLayerItem wl = mpwItem.getPlotView().getItemByID(id); if (wl != null) retList.add(wl); } return retList; } public SubgroupVisController.Level getSubgroupVisibility() { SubgroupVisController.Level subGroupLevel = SubgroupVisController.Level.SUBGROUP; if (sgControl != null) { subGroupLevel = sgControl.getVisibilityLevel(_pv); } return subGroupLevel; } public void setVisible(final boolean v) { setVisible(v, getSubgroupVisibility()); } public void setVisible(SubgroupVisController.Level subGroupLevel) { if (sgControl != null) sgControl.setVisibility(subGroupLevel, _drawer.isVisible(), _pv); setVisible(_drawer.isVisible(), subGroupLevel); } public void setVisible(final boolean v, final SubgroupVisController.Level sgLevel) { Vis.init(new Vis.InitComplete() { public void done() { if (_enablePrefKey != null) _prefMap.put(_enablePrefKey, v + ""); if (sgControl != null) sgControl.setVisibility(sgLevel, v, _pv); setOneVisible(v); for (WebLayerItem wl : getAllWithMatchingID()) { if (wl != WebLayerItem.this) { boolean wlVis = isVisibleAtLevel(wl._pv, sgLevel, v); wl.setOneVisible(wlVis); } } } }); } private boolean isVisibleAtAnyLevel(WebPlotView pv, boolean fallbackV) { return sgControl != null ? sgControl.isVisibleAtAnyLevel(pv, fallbackV) : fallbackV; } private boolean isVisibleAtLevel(WebPlotView pv, SubgroupVisController.Level level, boolean fallbackV) { return sgControl != null ? sgControl.isVisibleAtLevel(pv, level, fallbackV) : fallbackV; } public boolean isUsingSubgroups() { return sgControl != null && sgControl.isUsingSubgroupVisibility(); } // private boolean isVisibilityAffected(WebPlotView pv, // String subgroup, // SubgroupVisController.Level subGroupLevel) { // boolean retval= true; // if (drawingManager!=null) { // retval= drawingManager.getSubVisControl().isVisibilityAffected(pv, subgroup, subGroupLevel); // } // return retval; // } private void setOneVisible(boolean v) { if (_drawer == null) return; if (_drawer.isVisible() == v && (!(useAsyncLoading() && !_drawer.hasData()))) return; if (useAsyncLoading()) { if (v) { drawingManager.requestLoad(new LoadCallback() { public void loaded() { _drawer.setVisible(false); changeVisibility(true); } }); } else { changeVisibility(false); drawingManager.disableLoad(); } } else { if (_drawer.isVisible() != v) { // normal visible change case changeVisibility(v); } } } /** * check to see if subgroup have just been enabled form the last plot */ private void checkForNewSubgroup() { if (_pv.getDrawingSubGroup() != null && sgControl != null && !sgControl.isUsingSubgroupVisibility()) { sgControl.enableSubgroupingIfSupported(); String sg = _pv.getDrawingSubGroup(); if (sg != null) { sgControl.enableSubgroupingIfSupported(); if (!sgControl.containsSubgroupKey(sg)) { sgControl.setSubgroupVisibility(sg, false); } } } } private boolean useAsyncLoading() { return drawingManager != null && drawingManager.isDataLoadingAsync(); } private void changeVisibility(boolean v) { _drawer.setVisible(v); fireVisibleChange(v); if (_mouseInfo != null) _mouseInfo.setEnabled(v); } private void fireVisibleChange(boolean v) { if (_drawer != null && _pv != null) { WebEvent<Boolean> ev = new WebEvent<Boolean>(this, Name.LAYER_ITEM_VISIBLE, v); _pv.fireEvent(ev); } } public boolean isVisible() { return _drawer != null ? _drawer.isVisible() : false; } public String getColor() { return _drawer != null ? _drawer.getDrawingDef().getDefColor() : Drawer.DEFAULT_DEFAULT_COLOR; } public String getColorInterpreted() { String c = "black"; if (_pv != null && _pv.getPrimaryPlot() != null) { c = _drawer.getDrawingDef().getDefColor(); if (!c.startsWith("#") && GwtUtil.isHexColor(c)) c = "#" + c; } return c; } public void setPlotView(WebPlotView pv) { _pv = pv; _pv.getEventManager().addListener(Name.REPLOT, new WebEventListener() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { checkForNewSubgroup(); } }); } public WebPlotView getPlotView() { return _pv; } public void setColor(final String c) { Vis.init(new Vis.InitComplete() { public void done() { for (WebLayerItem wl : getAllWithMatchingID()) { if (wl._drawer != null) { DrawingDef d = wl._drawer.getDrawingDef().makeCopy(); d.setDefColor(c); wl._drawer.setDrawingDef(d);, c); } } } }); } // public void remove() {} public boolean getNeedsExtraUI() { return _additionUIMaker.containsKey(getID()); } public Widget makeExtraUI() { UICreator c = _additionUIMaker.get(getID()); return c != null ? c.makeExtraUI(this) : null; } public boolean getHasColorSetting() { UICreator c = _additionUIMaker.get(getID()); return c != null ? c.getHasColorSetting() : true; } public boolean getHasDelete() { UICreator c = _additionUIMaker.get(getID()); return c != null ? c.getHasDelete() : false; } public boolean getHasDetails() { UICreator c = _additionUIMaker.get(getID()); return c != null ? c.getHasDetails() : false; } public Widget makeUserDefinedColUI() { UICreator c = _additionUIMaker.get(getID()); return c != null ? c.makeExtraColumnWidget(this) : null; } public void suggestDelete() { UICreator c = _additionUIMaker.get(getID()); if (c != null) c.delete(this); } public void showDetails() { UICreator c = _additionUIMaker.get(getID()); if (c != null) c.showDetails(this); } public static void addUICreator(String id, UICreator uiCreator) { if (!_additionUIMaker.containsKey(id)) { _additionUIMaker.put(id, uiCreator); AllPlots.getInstance().fireEvent(new WebEvent(WebLayerItem.class, Name.LAYER_ITEM_UI_CHANGE)); } } public static void removeUICreator(String id) { if (_additionUIMaker.containsKey(id)) _additionUIMaker.remove(id); } public static boolean hasUICreator(String id) { return _additionUIMaker.containsKey(id); } public static UICreator getUICreator(String id) { return _additionUIMaker.get(id); } public static class UICreator { private boolean hasColorSettings; private boolean hasDelete; public UICreator() { this(true, false); } public UICreator(boolean hasColorSettings, boolean hasDelete) { this.hasColorSettings = hasColorSettings; this.hasDelete = hasDelete; } public Widget makeExtraColumnWidget(WebLayerItem item) { return null; } public Widget makeExtraUI(WebLayerItem item) { return null; } public boolean getHasColorSetting() { return hasColorSettings; } public boolean getHasDelete() { return hasDelete; } public boolean getHasDetails() { return false; } public void delete(WebLayerItem item) { } public void showDetails(WebLayerItem item) { } } }