Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.RPCException; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.input.SimpleInputField; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.input.TextBoxInputField; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.StringUtils; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.dd.ValidationException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * User: roby * Date: Aug 18, 2009 * Time: 11:32:21 AM */ /** * A class with a bunch of static methods define the different types of * standard popups we use. * * @author Trey Roby */ public class PopupUtil { private static final String INFO_MSG_STYLE = "info-msg"; private static final String ERROR_MSG_STYLE = "error-msg"; private static final String ERROR_DETAILS_STYLE = "error-details"; private static final Map<String, BaseDialog> _errorShowMap = new HashMap<String, BaseDialog>(8); //====================================================================== //----------------------- Public Static Methods ------------------------ //====================================================================== public static BaseDialog showDialog(Widget parent, Widget content, String title, String buttonLabel, String helpId) { final BaseDialog dialog = new BaseDialog(parent, ButtonType.REMOVE, title, true, helpId) { }; buttonLabel = buttonLabel == null ? "Done" : buttonLabel; dialog.setButtonText(BaseDialog.ButtonID.REMOVE, buttonLabel); dialog.setWidget(content); dialog.setVisible(true); return dialog; } public static void showConfirmMsg(String title, String msg, ClickHandler yesHandler) { showConfirmMsg(null, title, msg, yesHandler, null); } public static void showConfirmMsg(Widget w, String title, String msg, ClickHandler yesHandler) { showConfirmMsg(w, title, msg, yesHandler, null); } public static void showConfirmMsg(final Widget w, final String title, final String msg, final ClickHandler yesHandler, final ClickHandler noHandler) { BaseDialog dialog = new BaseDialog(w, ButtonType.YES_NO, title, true, null) { protected void inputComplete() { if (yesHandler != null) yesHandler.onClick(null); } protected void inputCanceled() { if (noHandler != null) noHandler.onClick(null); } }; HTML html = new HTML(msg); dialog.setWidget(html); dialog.setVisible(true); } public static BaseDialog showInputDialog(Widget parent, String msg, String intialValue, final ClickHandler okHandler, final ClickHandler cancelHandler) { int msgSize = msg == null ? 0 : msg.length(); int w = Math.max(msgSize, 30); return showInputDialog(parent, msg, intialValue, w, okHandler, cancelHandler); } public static BaseDialog showInputDialog(Widget parent, String msg, String intialValue, int preferWidth, final ClickHandler okHandler, final ClickHandler cancelHandler) { final TextBox text = new TextBox(); text.setVisibleLength(preferWidth); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(intialValue)) { text.setText(intialValue); } final BaseDialog dialog = new BaseDialog(parent, ButtonType.OK_CANCEL, "Input Dialog", true, null) { protected void inputComplete() { if (okHandler != null) { okHandler.onClick(new ClickEvent() { @Override public Object getSource() { return text.getText(); } }); } } protected void inputCanceled() { if (cancelHandler != null) cancelHandler.onClick(null); } }; text.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() { public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent ev) { final char keyCode = ev.getCharCode(); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { if (keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { dialog.getButton(BaseDialog.ButtonID.OK).click(); } } }); } }); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.setSpacing(5); vp.add(new HTML("<h3>" + msg + "</h3>")); vp.add(text); dialog.setWidget(vp); dialog.setVisible(true); text.setFocus(true); return dialog; } public static BaseDialog showInputDialog(Widget parent, String title, final SimpleInputField field, final ClickHandler okHandler, final ClickHandler cancelHandler) { TextBox text = null; final BaseDialog dialog = new BaseDialog(parent, ButtonType.OK_CANCEL, title, true, null) { protected void inputComplete() { if (okHandler != null) { okHandler.onClick(new ClickEvent() { @Override public Object getSource() { return field.getValue(); } }); } } protected void inputCanceled() { if (cancelHandler != null) cancelHandler.onClick(null); } @Override protected boolean validateInput() throws ValidationException { if (!field.validate()) { throw new ValidationException(field.getField().getFieldDef().getErrMsg()); } return true; } }; if (field.getField() instanceof TextBoxInputField) { text = ((TextBoxInputField) field.getField()).getTextBox(); text.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() { public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent ev) { final char keyCode = ev.getCharCode(); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { if (keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { dialog.getButton(BaseDialog.ButtonID.OK).click(); } } }); } }); } VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.setSpacing(5); vp.add(field); dialog.setWidget(vp); dialog.setVisible(true); if (text != null) text.setFocus(true); return dialog; } public static void showSevereError(final Throwable caught) { String eMsg = caught == null || caught.getMessage() == null ? "unknown" : caught.getMessage(); GWT.log(eMsg, caught); String msgExtra = "<span class=\"faded-text\">" + "<br><br>If you still continue to receive this message, contact IRSA for <a href='' target='_blank'>help</a>. " + "<span>"; String title = "Error"; String msg = "An unexpected error has occurred." + "<br>Caused by: " + eMsg; String details = null; if (caught instanceof IncompatibleRemoteServiceException) { title = "Application is out of date"; msg = "This application is out of date. In most cases, refreshing the page will resolve the problem."; } else if (caught instanceof StatusCodeException) { StatusCodeException scx = (StatusCodeException) caught; title = "Server is not available"; details = eMsg; if (scx.getStatusCode() == 503) { msg = "The site is down for scheduled maintenance."; msgExtra = ""; } else if (scx.getStatusCode() == 0) { title = "Server/Network is not available"; msg = "If you are not connected to the internet, check your internet connection and try again"; } else { msg = "The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.<br>" + "Refreshing the page may resolve the problem."; } } else if (caught instanceof RPCException) { RPCException ex = (RPCException) caught; details = ex.toHtmlString(); if (ex.getEndUserMsg() != null) { msg = ex.getEndUserMsg(); } } showMsgWithDetails(title, msg + msgExtra, PopupType.STANDARD, details, ERROR_MSG_STYLE); } public static void showWarning(String title, String msg, final ClickHandler okHandler) { final BaseDialog dialog = new BaseDialog(null, ButtonType.OK, PopupType.STANDARD, title, true, false, null) { protected void inputComplete() { if (okHandler != null) okHandler.onClick(null); } }; if (msg != null) { Widget mw = makeMsg(msg, ERROR_MSG_STYLE); dialog.setWidget(mw); } dialog.setVisible(true); } public static void showMinimalError(Widget anchor, String msg) { final PopupPanel p = new PopupPanel(true); p.setAnimationEnabled(true); p.addStyleName("onTopDialog"); p.setWidget(new HTML(msg)); p.setPopupPosition(anchor.getAbsoluteLeft() + anchor.getOffsetWidth(), anchor.getAbsoluteTop() + anchor.getOffsetHeight());; new Timer() { public void run() { p.hide(); } }.schedule(4000); } public static void showError(final String title, final String msg) { showError(title, msg, null); } public static void showError(String title, String msg, String details) { showError(title, msg, details, true); } public static void showError(final String title, final String msg, String details, boolean doRegionChangeHide) { showMsgWithDetails(title, msg, PopupType.STANDARD, details, ERROR_MSG_STYLE, doRegionChangeHide); } public static BaseDialog showInfo(String str) { return showInfo(null, "Information", str, 0); } public static BaseDialog showInfo(Widget p, String title, String str) { return showInfo(p, title, str, 0); } public static BaseDialog showInfo(Widget p, String title, Widget msg, int autoCloseSec) { return showInfo(p, title, (Object) msg, autoCloseSec); } public static BaseDialog showInfo(Widget p, String title, String msg, int autoCloseSec) { return showInfo(p, title, (Object) msg, autoCloseSec); } private static BaseDialog showInfo(Widget p, String title, Object msg, int autoCloseSec) { boolean autoClose = autoCloseSec > 0; final BaseDialog dialog = new BaseDialog(p, autoClose ? ButtonType.NO_BUTTONS : ButtonType.OK, PopupType.STANDARD, title, !autoClose, autoClose, null) { protected void inputComplete() { } }; Widget msgW = msg instanceof Widget ? (Widget) msg : makeMsg(msg.toString(), INFO_MSG_STYLE); dialog.setWidget(msgW);, PopupPane.Align.CENTER); return dialog; } public static void showInfoPointer(final Widget w, final String title, final String msg, final int autoCloseSec) { boolean autoClose = autoCloseSec > 0; final PopupPane popup = new PopupPane(title, makeMsg(msg, INFO_MSG_STYLE), PopupType.STANDARD, true, autoClose, autoClose, PopupPane.HeaderType.TOP); popup.alignTo(w, PopupPane.Align.BOTTOM_CENTER);; } public static void showInfoPointer(int x, int y, final String title, final String msg, final int autoCloseSec) { showInfoPointer(x, y, title, makeMsg(msg, INFO_MSG_STYLE), autoCloseSec); } public static void showInfoPointer(int x, int y, final String title, Widget msg, final int autoCloseSec) { boolean autoClose = autoCloseSec > 0; final PopupPane popup = new PopupPane(title, msg, PopupType.STANDARD, true, false, autoClose, PopupPane.HeaderType.NONE); popup.alignTo(null, PopupPane.Align.DISABLE); popup.setRolldownAnimation(true); popup.setAnimateDown(true); popup.setAnimationEnabled(true); popup.setPopupPosition(x, y);; } public static void showMinimalMsg(final Widget parent, final String msg, final int autoCloseSec, final PopupPane.Align align, final int width) { boolean autoClose = autoCloseSec > 0; Widget msgW = makeMsg(msg, INFO_MSG_STYLE); msgW.setWidth(width + "px"); final PopupPane popup = new PopupPane("", msgW, PopupType.STANDARD, false, false, autoClose, PopupPane.HeaderType.NONE); popup.setRolldownAnimation(true); popup.alignTo(parent, align, 0, -3);; } public static void showMinimalMsg(final Widget parent, final Widget msg, final int autoCloseSec, final PopupPane.Align align, final int width) { boolean autoClose = autoCloseSec > 0; Widget msgW = makeMsg(msg, INFO_MSG_STYLE, false); msgW.setWidth(width + "px"); final PopupPane popup = new PopupPane("", msgW, PopupType.STANDARD, false, false, autoClose, PopupPane.HeaderType.NONE); popup.setRolldownAnimation(true); popup.alignTo(parent, align, 0, -3);; } //====================================================================== //------------------ Private Static Methods ---------------------------- //====================================================================== private static void showMsgWithDetails(String title, String msg, PopupType ptype, final String details, String msgStyle) { showMsgWithDetails(title, msg, ptype, details, msgStyle, true); } private static void showMsgWithDetails(String title, String msg, PopupType ptype, final String details, String msgStyle, final boolean doRegionChangeHide) { final String dialogKey = title + "-----" + msg; boolean showDialog = true; final BaseDialog dialog = new BaseDialog(null, ButtonType.OK, ptype, title, true, false, null) { protected void inputComplete() { } }; dialog.setDoRegionChangeHide(doRegionChangeHide); Widget mw = (msg != null) ? makeMsg(msg, msgStyle) : makeDetailMsg(details, msgStyle); dialog.setWidget(mw); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(details) && msg != null) { Button det = new Button("Details"); dialog.addButton(det); det.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent ev) { dialog.setVisible(false); _errorShowMap.remove(dialogKey); showMsgWithDetails("Error Details", null, PopupType.STANDARD, details, ERROR_DETAILS_STYLE, doRegionChangeHide); } }); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(msg)) { if (_errorShowMap.containsKey(dialogKey)) { showDialog = false; } else { Button b = dialog.getButton(BaseDialog.ButtonID.OK); b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { _errorShowMap.remove(dialogKey); } }); } } _errorShowMap.put(dialogKey, dialog); if (showDialog) dialog.setVisible(true); } private static Widget makeDetailMsg(String s, String msgStyle) { // HTML message = new HTML(s); HTML message = setScrollBar(s); message.setStyleName(msgStyle); SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(); panel.add(message); // return new ScrollPanel(message); return panel; } private static Widget makeMsg(String s, String msgStyle) { // String hStr= "<span style=\"font-size: 120%;\">"; // if(s.length() > 400){ // s = "<div style='width: 350px; height: 250px; overflow: auto;'>" + s + "</div>"; // } // HTML message = new HTML(hStr+ s + "</span>"); HTML message = setScrollBar(s); message.setStyleName(msgStyle); SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(); panel.add(message); //return new ScrollPanel(message); return panel; } private static Widget makeMsg(Widget w, String msgStyle) { return makeMsg(w, msgStyle, true); } private static Widget makeMsg(Widget w, String msgStyle, boolean makeScrollArea) { SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "fontSize", "120%"); panel.setWidget(w); w.setStyleName(msgStyle); return makeScrollArea ? new ScrollPanel(panel) : panel; } private static HTML setScrollBar(String string) { // remove image tag, which could contain potentially long references String noImgStr = StringUtils.isEmpty(string) ? "No additional details" : string.replaceAll("\\<img[^>]*>", ""); if (noImgStr.length() > 400) { string = "<div style='font-size: 120%; padding-left: 15px; width: 400px; height: 250px; overflow: auto;'>" + string + "</div>"; } else { string = "<div style=\"font-size: 120%; padding-left: 15px;\">" + string + "</div>"; } return new HTML(string); } }