Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.imageGrid; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopupPane; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopupType; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.VisibleListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.PreviewImageGridCreator; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.drawing.DatasetDrawingLayerProvider; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.drawing.DrawingLayerProvider; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.previews.AbstractPreviewData; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.TablePanel; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.EventHub; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.Name; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventManager; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.ActiveTarget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.AllPlots; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.MiniPlotWidget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.PlotWidgetGroup; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.Vis; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.WebPlot; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.WebPlotRequest; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.WebPlotView; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.draw.CatalogDisplay; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.draw.DataConnectionDisplay; import edu.caltech.ipac.visualize.plot.RangeValues; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: tlau * Date: Aug 9, 2010 * Time: 4:29:19 PM * $Id:,v 1.133 2012/12/22 01:20:04 tlau Exp $ */ public class BasicImageGrid extends ScrollPanel implements VisibleListener { public static final Name ON_SELECTED_PLOT_CHANGE = new Name("BasicImageGrid.ON_SELECTED_PLOT_CHANGE", "When the new plot is selected (highlighted)."); public static final Name ON_CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE = new Name("BasicImageGrid.ON_CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE", "When a plot is checked or unchecked."); public static final Name ON_ALL_CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE = new Name("BasicImageGrid.ON_ALL_CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE", "When all plots are checked or unchecked. Data is the boolean, true for all checked, false for all unchecked"); public static final Name ON_ALL_PLOTS_DONE = new Name("BasicImageGrid.ON_ALL_PLOTS_DONE", "When all plots are done."); private static int INIT_SIZE = 3; //IPAC TABLE HEADERS FOR IMAGE GRID LAYOUT OPTIONS public static String DATA_TYPE_COLUMN = "DATA_TYPE_COLUMN"; public static String DESCRIPTION_COLUMN = "DESCRIPTION_COLUMN"; public static String GROUPING_COLUMN = "GROUPING_COLUMN"; public static String EVENTWORKER_COLUMN = "EVENTWORKER_COLUMN"; public static String ALL_EVENTWORKER_COLUMN = "ALL_EVENTWORKER_COLUMN"; public static String FULL_SIZE_URL_COLUMN = "FULL_SIZE_URL_COLUMN"; public static String GROUPING = "GROUPING"; public static String GRID_BACKGROUND = "GRID_BACKGROUND"; public static String INFO = "INFO"; public static String JPEG_SELECTION_HILITE = "JPEG_SELECTION_HILITE"; public static String JPEG_SELECTION_DOUBLE_CLICK = "JPEG_SELECTION_DOUBLE_CLICK"; public static String SOURCE_ID_COLUMN = "SOURCE_ID_COLUMN"; public static String THUMBNAIL_URL_COLUMN = "THUMBNAIL_URL_COLUMN"; public static String COLUMNS = "COLUMNS"; //GROUPING PARAMETERS private static String show_in_a_row = "show_in_a_row"; private static String show_label = "show_label"; private static String groupBy = "groupBy"; private static String keywords = "keywords"; private static String TYPE_FITS = "fits"; private static String TYPE_REQ = "req"; private static String TYPE_JPEG = "jpg"; private static final String PARAM_SEP = "&"; private static final String GRID_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT_COLOR = "#f4f4f4"; private static final int MPW_HEADER_HEIGHT = 24; private static final String EMPTY_GRID = "There are no data to display"; private FlowPanel mainPanel = new FlowPanel(); private Map<String, ImageGridWidgetGroup> imageGridWidgetGroups = new LinkedHashMap<String, ImageGridWidgetGroup>(); private Map<String, Integer> rowWidths = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private int columns = 1; //disable if columns<=1 private int mouseOverAt = 0; private int currentRow = 0; private int nextMpw = 0; private int currentViewHeight = 0; private int currentViewWidth = 0; private int currentScrollX = 0; private int currentScrollY = 0; private boolean updateDisplay = false; private String dataTypeColumnKeyword = null; private String thumbnailUrlColumnKeyword = null; private String thumbnailTitleColumnKeyword = null; private String eventWorkerKeyword = null; private String allEventWorkerKeyword = null; private String groupingColumnKeyword = null; private String fullSizeUrlColumnKeyword = null; private String sourceIdColumnKeyword = null; private boolean groupingByColumns = false; private boolean groupingInRow = false; private Boolean lockrelated = null; private Map<String, String> titleDescMap = null; private List<String> plotEWList = null; private String info = null; private String groupingShowLabel = "OFF"; //ON, OFF, TOP private LinkedHashMap<String, String> groupingParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(0); private ImageGridPanelHandler imageGridPanelHandler = new ImageGridPanelHandler(); private List<TableData.Row> rowValues = null; private ArrayList<MiniPlotWidget> mpwList = new ArrayList<MiniPlotWidget>(INIT_SIZE); private EventHub hub = null; private final PreviewImageGridCreator.ImageGridPreviewData _previewData; private HashMap<VerticalPanel, MiniPlotWidget> panelMap = new HashMap<VerticalPanel, MiniPlotWidget>(); private boolean checkingEnabled = false; private boolean suspendEvents = false; private boolean onlyShowingFilteredResults = false; private int plottingCnt = 0; private int successPlots = 0; private int failurePlots = 0; private WebEventManager eventManager = new WebEventManager(); private PlotWidgetEventListener plotWidgetEventListener; private PostPlotWidgetEventListener postPlotWidgetEventListener; private MiniPlotWidget.PlotError plotError = null; private int lastThumbnailHeight = 0; private String _plotGroup = null; //private MiniPlotWidget _currentMpw = null; private TablePanel tablePanel = null; public BasicImageGrid(AbstractPreviewData previewData) { super.setSize("100%", "100%"); _previewData = (PreviewImageGridCreator.ImageGridPreviewData) previewData; mainPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); super.add(mainPanel); GwtUtil.setStyle(mainPanel, "backgroundColor", GRID_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT_COLOR); GwtUtil.setStyle(this, "backgroundColor", GRID_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT_COLOR); setPlotWidgetGroupValue(_previewData.getPlotWidgetGroup()); for (int i = 0; i < INIT_SIZE; i++) { createAndAddMiniPlotWidget(); } getPlotWidgetGroup().setImageGrid(this); getPlotWidgetGroup().setGridPopoutColumns(_previewData.getGridPopoutCols()); getPlotWidgetGroup().setGridPopoutZoomType(_previewData.getGridPopoutZoomtype()); Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() { public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { resize(); } }); plotError = new MiniPlotWidget.PlotError() { public void onError(WebPlot wp, String briefDesc, String desc, String details, Exception e) { } }; } /** * This method is called immediately after a widget becomes attached to the * browser's document. */ @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); addPlotWidgetEventListeners(); } /** * This method is called immediately before a widget will be detached from the * browser's document. */ @Override protected void onUnload() { removePlotWidgetEventListeners(); super.onUnload(); } public WebEventManager getEventManager() { return eventManager; } private void handlePlotEvent(WebEvent ev) { if (suspendEvents) return; if (ev.getName().equals(Name.FITS_VIEWER_CHANGE)) { MiniPlotWidget mpw = (MiniPlotWidget) ev.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < nextMpw; i++) { if (mpwList.get(i).equals(mpw)) { eventManager.fireEvent(new WebEvent(this, ON_SELECTED_PLOT_CHANGE)); } } } else if (ev.getName().equals(Name.CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE)) { eventManager.fireEvent(new WebEvent(this, ON_CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE, false)); } else if (ev.getName().equals(Name.ALL_CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE)) { eventManager.fireEvent(new WebEvent(this, ON_ALL_CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE, ev.getData())); } } private void handlePostPlotEvent(WebEvent ev) { if (suspendEvents) return; if (ev.getName().equals(Name.ALL_PLOT_TASKS_COMPLETE)) { resize(); } } private void addPlotWidgetEventListeners() { plotWidgetEventListener = new PlotWidgetEventListener(); postPlotWidgetEventListener = new PostPlotWidgetEventListener(); AllPlots.getInstance().addListener(Name.FITS_VIEWER_CHANGE, plotWidgetEventListener); AllPlots.getInstance().addListener(Name.CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE, plotWidgetEventListener); AllPlots.getInstance().addListener(Name.ALL_CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE, plotWidgetEventListener); AllPlots.getInstance().addListener(Name.ALL_PLOT_TASKS_COMPLETE, postPlotWidgetEventListener); } private void removePlotWidgetEventListeners() { AllPlots.getInstance().removeListener(Name.FITS_VIEWER_CHANGE, plotWidgetEventListener); AllPlots.getInstance().removeListener(Name.CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE, plotWidgetEventListener); AllPlots.getInstance().removeListener(Name.ALL_CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE, plotWidgetEventListener); } /** * Select the plot widget in the cell with the given index * * @param idx cell index */ public void setSelectedPlotIdx(int idx) { if (nextMpw > 0) { if (idx >= 0 && idx < nextMpw) { suspendEvents = true; AllPlots.getInstance().setSelectedMPW(mpwList.get(idx)); suspendEvents = false; } else { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(idx + " must be from 0 to " + (nextMpw - 1)); } } } /** * Get index of the cell with selected plot widget * * @return cell index or -1 if no plot widget is selected */ public int getSelectedPlotIdx() { MiniPlotWidget selectedMpw = AllPlots.getInstance().getMiniPlotWidget(); if (selectedMpw != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nextMpw; i++) { if (selectedMpw.equals(mpwList.get(i))) { return i; } } } return -1; } /** * Check or uncheck all plot widgets * * @param check if true check, otherwise uncheck */ public void setAllChecked(boolean check) { if (checkingEnabled && nextMpw > 0) { suspendEvents = true; mpwList.get(0).getGroup().setAllChecked(check); suspendEvents = false; } } /** * Returns true if all plot widgets are checked */ public boolean isAllChecked() { boolean allChecked = false; if (checkingEnabled && nextMpw > 0) { allChecked = mpwList.get(0).getGroup().isAllChecked(); } return allChecked; } /** * Check the plot widgets with the given indexes * * @param checked array list with indexes of the checked plots */ public void setCheckedPlotIdx(List<Integer> checked) { if (checkingEnabled && nextMpw > 0) { suspendEvents = true; for (int i = 0; i < nextMpw; i++) { boolean doCheck = checked.contains(i); if (mpwList.get(i).isChecked() != doCheck) { mpwList.get(i).setChecked(doCheck); } } suspendEvents = false; } } /** * Get indexes of the cells with checked plot widget * * @return array list with indexes of the checked plots */ public ArrayList<Integer> getCheckedPlotIdx() { ArrayList<Integer> checked = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (checkingEnabled) { for (int i = 0; i < nextMpw; i++) { if (mpwList.get(i).isChecked()) { checked.add(i); } } } return checked; } public void bind(EventHub hub) { this.hub = hub; // setupCatalog(); } public void setEnableChecking(boolean checkingEnabled) { for (MiniPlotWidget mpw : mpwList) { if (mpw.getEnableChecking() != checkingEnabled) { mpw.setEnableChecking(checkingEnabled); } } this.checkingEnabled = checkingEnabled; PlotWidgetGroup group = getPlotWidgetGroup(); group.setEnableChecking(checkingEnabled); } public void setEnablePdfDownload(boolean b) { PlotWidgetGroup group = getPlotWidgetGroup(); group.setEnablePdfDownload(b); } public void setOnlyShowingFilteredResults(boolean b) { onlyShowingFilteredResults = b; } public void setShowDrawingLayers(boolean b) { getPlotWidgetGroup().setShowDrawingLayers(b); } public String getPlotWidgetGroupValue() { return _plotGroup; } public void setPlotWidgetGroupValue(String s) { if (s != null) { _plotGroup = s; } } private PlotWidgetGroup getPlotWidgetGroup() { return mpwList.get(0).getGroup(); } private boolean hasValidImageGridPreviewData() { return (_previewData != null && _previewData instanceof PreviewImageGridCreator.ImageGridPreviewData); } private void empty() { showMessage(EMPTY_GRID); } private boolean getLockRelated() { if (lockrelated == null) { if (hasValidImageGridPreviewData()) { lockrelated = _previewData.getLockRelated(); } else { lockrelated = false; } } return lockrelated; } private List<String> getPlotEventWorkerIDList() { if (plotEWList == null) { if (hasValidImageGridPreviewData()) { plotEWList = _previewData.getPlotEventWorkerList(); } else { plotEWList = null; } } return plotEWList; } private void setupCatalog() { if (hub != null) { Vis.init(new Vis.InitComplete() { public void done() { setupDrawing(); } }); } } private void setupDrawing() { Vis.init(new Vis.InitComplete() { public void done() { if (hub != null) { List<WebPlotView> pvList = new ArrayList<WebPlotView>(mpwList.size()); for (MiniPlotWidget mpw : mpwList) { pvList.add(mpw.getOps().getPlotView()); } CatalogDisplay catDis = hub.getCatalogDisplay(); catDis.addPlotViewList(pvList); DataConnectionDisplay dc = hub.getDataConnectionDisplay(); if (getPlotEventWorkerIDList() != null) { for (WebPlotView pv : pvList) { dc.addPlotView(pv, getPlotEventWorkerIDList()); } } } } }); } private void setupEventWorker(final String ew, final String all, final WebPlotView pv, final WebPlot plot) { Vis.init(new Vis.InitComplete() { public void done() { if (hub != null) { ArrayList<String> eventWorkerIDList = new ArrayList<String>(); List allEWorkers = Arrays.asList(all.split(",")); for (DrawingLayerProvider p : hub.getDrawingProviders()) { if (allEWorkers.contains(p.getID())) { eventWorkerIDList.add(p.getID()); } } DataConnectionDisplay dc = hub.getDataConnectionDisplay(); if (getPlotEventWorkerIDList() != null) { dc.addPlotView(pv, eventWorkerIDList); } for (DrawingLayerProvider p : hub.getDrawingProviders()) { if (eventWorkerIDList.contains(p.getID())) { if (p instanceof DatasetDrawingLayerProvider) { Map<String, String> params = ((DatasetDrawingLayerProvider) p).getParams(); params.put("subsize", plot.getAttribute("REQUESTED_SIZE").toString()); params.put("UserTargetWorldPt", ((ActiveTarget.PosEntry) plot.getAttribute("FIXED_TARGET")).getPt() .toString()); p.activate(null, params); } } } } } }); } public void updateDisplay() { updateDisplay = true; // set value for a state-machine: inform object to get ready to update display. } public void clearTable() { saveScrollPosition(); mainPanel.clear(); if (imageGridWidgetGroups.size() > 0) { for (ImageGridWidgetGroup g : imageGridWidgetGroups.values()) { g.clear(); } } imageGridWidgetGroups.clear(); rebuildGroups(); // disable popouts MiniPlotWidget mpw; for (int i = 0; i < mpwList.size(); i++) { mpw = mpwList.get(i); if (mpw != null) { AllPlots.getInstance().setStatus(mpw, AllPlots.PopoutStatus.Disabled); } } AllPlots.getInstance().clearSelectedMPW(); nextMpw = 0; } public ComplexPanel getMainPanel() { return mainPanel; } public void addRows(ArrayList<WebPlotRequest> reqList) { renderRows(reqList, false); } public void addRows(DataSet data) { if (data == null) return; loadTableMeta(data); renderRows(data, false); } public void loadTable(ArrayList<WebPlotRequest> reqList) { if (reqList == null) return; renderRows(reqList, true); } public void loadTable(DataSet data) { if (onlyShowingFilteredResults) { //todo: find better way to detect filtered results. if (hub != null && tablePanel == null) { tablePanel = hub.getActiveTable(); //return; } } if (!updateDisplay) return; if (data == null) { if (mainPanel.getWidgetCount() == 1 && mainPanel.getWidget(0) instanceof HTML && ((HTML) mainPanel.getWidget(0)).getText().equals(EMPTY_GRID)) { return; } empty(); return; } if (hub != null) { tablePanel = hub.getActiveTable(); hub.getCatalogDisplay().beginBulkUpdate(); } loadTableMeta(data); renderRows(data, true); if (hub != null) { hub.getCatalogDisplay().endBulkUpdate(); } updateDisplay = false; // set value for a state-machine: inform object display updated. } public DownloadRequest getDownloadRequest() { DownloadRequest retval = tablePanel.getDownloadRequest(); if (retval == null) { for (TablePanel panel : hub.getTables()) { retval = panel.getDownloadRequest(); if (retval != null) { break; } } } return retval; } protected void loadTableMeta(DataSet data) { if (data == null) { return; } TableMeta meta = data.getMeta(); thumbnailUrlColumnKeyword = meta.getAttribute(THUMBNAIL_URL_COLUMN); thumbnailTitleColumnKeyword = meta.getAttribute(DESCRIPTION_COLUMN); fullSizeUrlColumnKeyword = meta.getAttribute(FULL_SIZE_URL_COLUMN); sourceIdColumnKeyword = meta.getAttribute(SOURCE_ID_COLUMN); dataTypeColumnKeyword = meta.getAttribute(DATA_TYPE_COLUMN); groupingColumnKeyword = meta.getAttribute(GROUPING_COLUMN); eventWorkerKeyword = meta.getAttribute(EVENTWORKER_COLUMN); allEventWorkerKeyword = meta.getAttribute(ALL_EVENTWORKER_COLUMN); info = meta.getAttribute(INFO); boolean jpegSelectionHiLite; boolean jpegSelectionDClick; String attribute = meta.getAttribute(JPEG_SELECTION_HILITE); if (attribute != null) { jpegSelectionHiLite = parseBoolean(attribute); } else { jpegSelectionHiLite = false; } attribute = meta.getAttribute(JPEG_SELECTION_DOUBLE_CLICK); if (attribute != null) { jpegSelectionDClick = parseBoolean(attribute); } else { jpegSelectionDClick = false; } attribute = meta.getAttribute(COLUMNS); if (attribute != null) { columns = Integer.valueOf(attribute); groupingByColumns = true; } else { columns = 1; groupingByColumns = false; } attribute = meta.getAttribute(GRID_BACKGROUND); if (attribute != null && attribute.length() > 0) { GwtUtil.setStyle(mainPanel, "backgroundColor", attribute); GwtUtil.setStyle(this, "backgroundColor", attribute); if (imageGridPanelHandler != null) { imageGridPanelHandler.setBackground(attribute); } } if (imageGridPanelHandler != null) { imageGridPanelHandler.enableSelectionHiLite(jpegSelectionHiLite); imageGridPanelHandler.enableSelectionDoubleClick(jpegSelectionDClick); } Map metas = meta.getAttributes(); String key; for (Object o : metas.keySet()) { key = o.toString(); if (key.startsWith("TitleDesc.")) { if (titleDescMap == null) { titleDescMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); } titleDescMap.put(key, metas.get(key).toString()); } } parseGroupingMeta(meta.getAttribute(GROUPING)); } public void resize() { if (requiresResize()) { for (ImageGridWidgetGroup g : imageGridWidgetGroups.values()) { g.resize(); } } } public boolean isGroupingInRow() { return groupingInRow; } public boolean isGroupingByColumns() { return groupingByColumns; } public String getGroupingShowLabel() { return groupingShowLabel; } private boolean requiresResize() { return (columns > 1); } private void parseGroupingMeta(String str) { if (str == null) return; String[] params = str.split(PARAM_SEP); if (params != null) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { Param p = Param.parse(params[i]); groupingParams.put(p.getName(), p.getValue()); } } rebuildGroups(); } private void rebuildGroups() { if (groupingParams.containsKey(keywords)) { String groups[] = groupingParams.get(keywords).split(","); if (groups != null) { for (String group : groups) { //getWidgetList(group); } } } if (groupingParams.containsKey(show_in_a_row)) { groupingInRow = parseBoolean(groupingParams.get(show_in_a_row)); } if (groupingParams.containsKey(show_label)) { groupingShowLabel = groupingParams.get(show_label).trim().toUpperCase(); } } protected void renderRows(ArrayList<WebPlotRequest> reqList, boolean clearTable) { if (clearTable) clearTable(); plottingCnt = 0; successPlots = 0; failurePlots = 0; clearMaxRowWidth(); for (WebPlotRequest req : reqList) { addWebPlotRequestWidget(getMiniPlotWidget(), req); } addStuff(); } protected void renderRows(DataSet data, boolean clearTable) { String type; if (clearTable) clearTable(); rowValues = new ArrayList<TableData.Row>(data.getModel().getRows()); if (rowValues.size() == 0) { String text = (info != null && info.length() > 0) ? info : "Image data not found!"; showMessage(text); } else { plottingCnt = 0; successPlots = 0; failurePlots = 0; clearMaxRowWidth(); MiniPlotWidget mpw; for (TableData.Row row : rowValues) { type = getThumbnailDataType(row); if (type.equals(TYPE_FITS)) { addMiniPlotWidget(getMiniPlotWidget(), row); } else if (type.equals(TYPE_JPEG)) { addWidget(makeCellWidget(row), row); } else if (type.equals(TYPE_REQ)) { addWebPlotRequestWidget(getMiniPlotWidget(), row); } } addStuff(); } } protected void addStuff() { for (ImageGridWidgetGroup group : imageGridWidgetGroups.values()) { group.populate(); } } protected ThumbnailWidget makeCellWidget(TableData.Row row) { String background = GRID_BACKGROUND; if (imageGridPanelHandler != null) background = imageGridPanelHandler.getBackground(); if (requiresResize()) { return new ThumbnailWidget(getThumbnailDesc(row), getThumbnailUrl(row), background, requiresResize(), columns); } else { return new ThumbnailWidget(getThumbnailDesc(row), getThumbnailUrl(row), background); } } protected void handleDoubleClick(TableData.Row row) { VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); final Image previewImage = new Image(getFullSizeUrl(row)); final HTML caption = new HTML(getPopUpCaption(row)); String title = getThumbnailDesc(row).replace("<em>", "").replace("</em>", ""); caption.setWidth("320px"); previewImage.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() { public void onLoad(LoadEvent ev) { caption.setWidth(previewImage.getWidth() + "px"); } }); GwtUtil.setStyle(vp, "margin", "8px"); vp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(previewImage, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); vp.setCellVerticalAlignment(previewImage, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); vp.add(previewImage); vp.add(caption); PopupPane popupPane = new PopupPane(title, vp, PopupType.STANDARD, false, false);; } protected int getResizedWidth() { int px = 64; // min width should be no less than min plot width Widget parent = mainPanel; if (parent != null) { px = parent.getOffsetWidth() / columns; px = px > 74 ? px - 10 : 64; } return px; } private void showMessage(String text) { HTML msg = new HTML(text); GwtUtil.setStyle(msg, "padding", "8px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(msg, "fontSize", "120%"); GwtUtil.setStyle(msg, "textAlign", "center"); GwtUtil.setStyle(msg, "fontWeight", "bold"); mainPanel.add(msg); } private void saveScrollPosition() { Element body = getElement(); int scrollX = body.getScrollLeft(); int scrollY = body.getScrollTop(); int viewWidth = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(body, "clientWidth"); int viewHeight = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(body, "clientHeight"); if (currentViewHeight != viewHeight) { currentViewHeight = viewHeight; } if (currentViewWidth != viewWidth) { currentViewWidth = viewWidth; } if (currentScrollX != scrollX) { currentScrollX = scrollX; } if (currentScrollY != scrollY) { currentScrollY = scrollY; } if (lockrelated != null && mpwList.size() > 0) { lockrelated = mpwList.get(0).getGroup().getLockRelated(); } } private void restoreScrollPositions() { Element body = getElement(); int scrollX = body.getScrollLeft(); int scrollY = body.getScrollTop(); int viewWidth = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(body, "clientWidth"); int viewHeight = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(body, "clientHeight"); if (currentViewHeight == viewHeight && currentViewWidth == viewWidth) { if (currentScrollX != scrollX) { setHorizontalScrollPosition(currentScrollX); } if (currentScrollY != scrollY) { setScrollPosition(currentScrollY); } } } private MiniPlotWidget getMiniPlotWidget() { return getMiniPlotWidget(nextMpw++); } private MiniPlotWidget getMiniPlotWidget(int index) { if (index >= mpwList.size()) { for (int i = mpwList.size(); i <= index; i++) { createAndAddMiniPlotWidget(); } // setupCatalog(); } return mpwList.get(index); } private void createAndAddMiniPlotWidget() { String groupName = getPlotWidgetGroupValue(); if (groupName == null) groupName = "GridGroup:" + this.hashCode(); MiniPlotWidget mpw = new MiniPlotWidget(groupName); mpw.setErrorDisplayHandler(plotError); mpwList.add(mpw); mpw.setEnableChecking(checkingEnabled); mpw.setBoxSelection(true); } private String getWidgetGroupKey(String title) { String key = ""; if (groupingParams.containsKey(keywords)) { for (String k : imageGridWidgetGroups.keySet()) { if (title.contains(k)) { key = k; break; } } } else if (groupingParams.containsKey(groupBy)) { String param = groupingParams.get(groupBy); if (param.equals("firstWord")) { key = title.substring(0, title.indexOf(" ")); } else if (param.equals("alphabeticPrefix ")) { key = title.substring(0, title.indexOf(" ")); } else if (param.equals("numericPrefix")) { key = title.substring(0, title.indexOf(" ")); } else if (param.equals("wholeWord")) { key = title; } } else if (groupingColumnKeyword != null) { key = title; } return key; } private void addWidget(Widget widget, String title) { String key = getWidgetGroupKey(title); if (!imageGridWidgetGroups.containsKey(key)) { String desc = null; String titleDesc = "TitleDesc." + title; if (titleDescMap != null && titleDescMap.size() > 0) { desc = titleDescMap.get(titleDesc); } if (desc == null && hasValidImageGridPreviewData()) { //empty string returned if _previewData does not contain specific key desc = _previewData.getTitleDesc(titleDesc); } imageGridWidgetGroups.put(key, new ImageGridWidgetGroup(key, desc)); } imageGridWidgetGroups.get(key).addWidget(widget); /*List<Widget> list = getWidgetList(getWidgetGroupKey(title)); list.add(widget); GwtUtil.setStyle(widget, "float", "left"); GwtUtil.setStyle(widget, "cssFloat", "left"); GwtUtil.setStyle(widget, "styleFloat", "left");*/ } private void addWidget(ThumbnailWidget widget, TableData.Row row) { widget.addClickHandler(imageGridPanelHandler); widget.addDoubleClickHandler(imageGridPanelHandler); //widget.addErrorHandler(imageGridPanelHandler); widget.addMouseOutHandler(imageGridPanelHandler); widget.addMouseOverHandler(imageGridPanelHandler); addWidget(widget, getGroupingTag(row)); addToMaxRowWidth(getGroupingTag(row), 128, 10); widget.addStyleName("shadow"); GwtUtil.setStyles(widget, "margin", "2px", "background", "#E5E5E5 url(images/bg_boxgradient.png) repeat-x"); } private void addMiniPlotWidget(MiniPlotWidget mpw, TableData.Row row) { float zoomLevel = 1.0F; String title = getThumbnailDesc(row); String url = getThumbnailUrl(row); if (row.getValue("initial_zoom_level") != null) zoomLevel = (Float) row.getValue("initial_zoom_level"); WebPlotRequest req = WebPlotRequest.makeURLPlotRequest(url); req.setInitialZoomLevel(zoomLevel); req.setInitialRangeValues(new RangeValues()); addWebPlotRequestWidget(mpw, req, title, getGroupingTag(row), getColumnValue(row, eventWorkerKeyword), getColumnValue(row, allEventWorkerKeyword)); } private void addWebPlotRequestWidget(MiniPlotWidget mpw, WebPlotRequest req) { addWebPlotRequestWidget(mpw, req, null, null, null, null); } private void addWebPlotRequestWidget(MiniPlotWidget mpw, TableData.Row row) { WebPlotRequest req = WebPlotRequest.parse(getWebPlotRequest(row)); if (hasValidImageGridPreviewData()) { Integer zoomToWidth = _previewData.getZoomToWidth(); if (zoomToWidth != null && zoomToWidth > 0) { req.setZoomToWidth(zoomToWidth); } } String title = getThumbnailDesc(row); addWebPlotRequestWidget(mpw, req, title, getGroupingTag(row), getColumnValue(row, eventWorkerKeyword), getColumnValue(row, allEventWorkerKeyword)); } private void addWebPlotRequestWidget(MiniPlotWidget mpw, WebPlotRequest req, String title, String groupTag, String eventWorkId, String allEventWorkers) { int minWidth = 64; int minHeight = 64; VerticalPanel panel = new GroupedVerticalPanel(groupTag); addWidget(panel, groupTag); if (title != null) req.setTitle(title); mpw.setMinSize(minWidth, minHeight); mpw.getOps().plot(req, false, new WebPlotCallback(mpw, panel, title, req, eventWorkId, allEventWorkers)); plottingCnt++; // batch.add(req,mpw,new WebPlotCallback(mpw, panel, title)); // if (batch.size()>=4); panelMap.put(panel, mpw); } private void fireBatch() { } private String getGroupingTag(TableData.Row row) { String retval = null; if (groupingColumnKeyword != null) retval = String.valueOf(row.getValue(groupingColumnKeyword)); else { retval = getWidgetGroupKey(getThumbnailDesc(row)); } return retval; } private String getColumnValue(TableData.Row row, String columnKeyword) { String retval = null; if (columnKeyword != null) retval = String.valueOf(row.getValue(columnKeyword)); return retval; } private String getThumbnailUrl(TableData.Row row) { String s = String.valueOf(row.getValue(thumbnailUrlColumnKeyword)); if (!s.startsWith("http")) { s = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + s; } return s; } private String getThumbnailDataType(TableData.Row row) { return String.valueOf(row.getValue(dataTypeColumnKeyword)); } private String getThumbnailDesc(TableData.Row row) { return String.valueOf(row.getValue(thumbnailTitleColumnKeyword)); } private String getFullSizeUrl(TableData.Row row) { return String.valueOf(row.getValue(fullSizeUrlColumnKeyword)); } private String getSourceId(TableData.Row row) { String retval = String.valueOf(row.getValue(sourceIdColumnKeyword)); if (retval.equals("null")) retval = ""; return retval; } private String getWebPlotRequest(TableData.Row row) { return String.valueOf(row.getValue(thumbnailUrlColumnKeyword)); } private void plotSuccess(WebPlot plot) { } private TableData.Row getRowValue(int row) { if (rowValues.size() <= row) { return null; } return rowValues.get(row); } private TableData.Row getRow(Widget widget) { int idx = findIndex(widget); return getRowValue(idx); } private int getMouseOverAt() { return this.mouseOverAt; } private void setMouseOverAt(Widget widget) { this.mouseOverAt = findIndex(widget); } private int getCurrentRow() { return this.currentRow; } private void setCurrentRow(Widget widget) { setCurrentRow(findIndex(widget)); } private void setCurrentRow(int cur) { if (cur != this.currentRow) { this.currentRow = cur; //if (dataSet.getSelected().size()>0) { // dataSet.deselectAll(); //} // ); //todo: fireTablePreviewEventHubEvent(EventHub.ON_ROWHIGHLIGHT_CHANGE); } } // --------------- Define PopUp URL and title --------------- private String getPopUpCaption(TableData.Row row) { String caption = getSourceId(row); if (caption.length() > 0) caption += ": "; caption += getThumbnailDesc(row); return caption; } // --------------- find widget index --------------- private static int findIndex(Widget cell) { int retval = ((ComplexPanel) cell.getParent()).getWidgetIndex(cell); Widget w; for (int i = 0; i < ((ComplexPanel) cell.getParent()).getWidgetIndex(cell); i++) { w = ((ComplexPanel) cell.getParent()).getWidget(i); if (w instanceof HTML) retval--; } return retval; } private boolean parseBoolean(String s) { String value = s.toLowerCase().trim(); return value.equals("t") || value.equals("true"); } public void onShow() { for (MiniPlotWidget mpw : mpwList) { mpw.setActive(true); } if (mpwList.size() > 0) { mpwList.get(0).getGroup().setFloatingToolbarShowing(true); } } public void onHide() { for (MiniPlotWidget mpw : mpwList) { mpw.setActive(false); } if (mpwList.size() > 0) { mpwList.get(0).getGroup().setFloatingToolbarShowing(false); } } // MaxRowWidth methods private void addToMaxRowWidth(String groupTag, int width, int offset) { if (!rowWidths.containsKey(groupTag)) { rowWidths.put(groupTag, width + offset); } else rowWidths.put(groupTag, rowWidths.get(groupTag) + width + offset); } private void addToMaxRowWidth(String groupTag, int width) { addToMaxRowWidth(groupTag, width, 10); } private void clearMaxRowWidth() { if (rowWidths != null) { rowWidths.clear(); } } private int getMaxRowWidth() { int retval = 0; for (int i : rowWidths.values()) { if (i > retval) retval = i; } return retval; } private void applyMaxRowWidth() { int px = getMaxRowWidth(); if (px > 0) { Widget w = getMainPanel(); GwtUtil.setStyle(w, "maxWidth", Integer.toString(px) + "px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(w, "width", Integer.toString(px) + "px"); } } private void addLineBreak() { Widget itemW = new HTML(); GwtUtil.setStyle(itemW, "clear", "both"); getMainPanel().add(itemW); } private static void setFloatLeft(Widget w) { GwtUtil.setStyle(w, "float", "left"); GwtUtil.setStyle(w, "cssFloat", "left"); GwtUtil.setStyle(w, "styleFloat", "left"); } //---- ImageGridPanelHandler class ---- private class ImageGridPanelHandler implements ClickHandler, DoubleClickHandler, ErrorHandler, MouseOverHandler, MouseOutHandler { private boolean doHilite = true; private boolean doDoubleClick = true; private String hiliteBackground = "#bde"; private String hiliteBorder = "#abc"; private String normalBackground = GRID_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT_COLOR; public void enableSelectionHiLite(boolean enable) { doHilite = enable; } public void enableSelectionDoubleClick(boolean enable) { doDoubleClick = enable; } public String getBackground() { return normalBackground; } public void setBackground(String rgb) { normalBackground = rgb; } public void setHiLiteBackground(String rgb) { hiliteBackground = rgb; } public void setHiLiteBorder(String rgb) { hiliteBorder = rgb; } private Timer mouseOverTimer = new Timer() { public void run() { BasicImageGrid.this.setCurrentRow(BasicImageGrid.this.getMouseOverAt()); } }; public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) { TableData.Row row = BasicImageGrid.this.getRow((Widget) event.getSource()); handleDoubleClick(row); } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (doDoubleClick) { Object source = event.getSource(); BasicImageGrid.this.setCurrentRow((Widget) source); } } public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { Widget widget = (Widget) event.getSource(); if (doHilite) { GwtUtil.setStyle(widget, "backgroundColor", hiliteBackground); GwtUtil.setStyle(widget, "border", "1px solid " + hiliteBorder); } BasicImageGrid.this.setMouseOverAt(widget); mouseOverTimer.schedule(1500); } public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { Widget widget = (Widget) event.getSource(); if (doHilite) { GwtUtil.setStyle(widget, "backgroundColor", normalBackground); GwtUtil.setStyle(widget, "border", "1px solid " + normalBackground); } mouseOverTimer.cancel(); } public void onError(ErrorEvent ev) { Object src = ev.getSource(); if (src instanceof Image) { Image image = (Image) src; image.setUrl("images/blank_image_icon.png"); } } } //---- ImageGridWidgetGroup class ---- private class ImageGridWidgetGroup { List<Widget> widgets = null; String groupTitle = null, groupDesc = null; public ImageGridWidgetGroup(String title, String desc) { this.groupTitle = title; this.groupDesc = desc; } public List<Widget> getWidgetsAsList() { if (widgets == null) widgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); return widgets; } public void addWidget(Widget w) { if (widgets == null) widgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); widgets.add(w); } public void clear() { widgets.clear(); } public int populate() { int px, counter = 0; Widget label, desc; if (!getGroupingShowLabel().equals("OFF")) { //add group title label = new HTML(groupTitle); GwtUtil.setStyle(label, "padding", "4px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(label, "fontSize", "120%"); GwtUtil.setStyle(label, "textShadow", "#888 0px 2px 2px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(label, "textAlign", "left"); GwtUtil.setStyle(label, "fontWeight", "bold"); setFloatLeft(label); getMainPanel().add(label); if (groupDesc != null) { if (!getGroupingShowLabel().equals("TOP")) addLineBreak(); desc = new HTML(groupDesc); GwtUtil.setStyle(desc, "padding", "4px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(desc, "fontSize", "100%"); GwtUtil.setStyle(desc, "textAlign", "left"); setFloatLeft(desc); getMainPanel().add(desc); } } if (getGroupingShowLabel().equals("TOP")) addLineBreak(); px = getResizedWidth() - 8; for (Widget w : widgets) { if (requiresResize()) { GwtUtil.setStyle(w, "maxWidth", Integer.toString(px) + "px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(w, "width", Integer.toString(px) + "px"); } setFloatLeft(w); getMainPanel().add(w); counter++; if (columns > 1 && counter % columns == 0) { addLineBreak(); } } addLineBreak(); return counter; } public void resize() { int px = getResizedWidth(); for (Widget w : widgets) { if (!(w instanceof HTML)) { VerticalPanel vp = ((VerticalPanel) w); GwtUtil.setStyle(vp, "maxWidth", Integer.toString(px) + "px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(vp, "width", Integer.toString(px) + "px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(vp, "clear", "none"); for (Iterator<Widget> i = vp.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Widget c =; try { if (panelMap.containsKey(vp)) { int height = panelMap.get(vp).getCurrentPlot().getScreenHeight() + MPW_HEADER_HEIGHT; int width = px - 8; vp.clear(); vp.add(panelMap.get(vp).makeFixedSizeContainer(width, height, false)); vp.addStyleName("shadow"); GwtUtil.setStyles(vp, "margin", "2px", "background", "#E5E5E5 url(images/bg_boxgradient.png) repeat-x"); } else { GwtUtil.setStyle(c, "maxWidth", Integer.toString(px) + "px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(c, "width", Integer.toString(px) + "px"); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { //todo: handle null pointer exception } } } } } } //---- WebPlotCallback class ---- private class WebPlotCallback implements AsyncCallback<WebPlot> { MiniPlotWidget _mpw = null; String _title = null; VerticalPanel _panel = null; String _eventWorkerId = null; String _allEventWorkers = null; WebPlotRequest _req = null; public WebPlotCallback(MiniPlotWidget mpw, VerticalPanel panel, String title, WebPlotRequest req, String eventWorkerId, String allEventWorkers) { _mpw = mpw; _panel = panel; _title = title; _req = req; _eventWorkerId = eventWorkerId; _allEventWorkers = allEventWorkers; } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { plotDone(); updatePlotWidgetGroupStatus(false); int width = 128; int height = 128; if (_previewData.getHideFailurePlot()) return; if (requiresResize()) { width = getResizedWidth() - 4; height = lastThumbnailHeight; } else if (_req.getZoomToWidth() > 0) { width = _req.getZoomToWidth(); height = _req.getZoomToWidth(); } _panel.add(_mpw.makeFailureMessage("No Image returned.", width, height + MPW_HEADER_HEIGHT, false)); _panel.addStyleName("shadow"); GwtUtil.setStyles(_panel, "margin", "2px", "background", "#E5E5E5 url(images/bg_boxgradient.png) repeat-x"); updateMaxRowWidth(width); } public void onSuccess(WebPlot plot) { if (plot != null && _panel != null && _mpw != null) { int width = plot.getScreenWidth(); int height = plot.getScreenHeight(); if (requiresResize()) { width = getResizedWidth() - 4; } else if (_req.getZoomToWidth() > 0) { width = _req.getZoomToWidth(); height = _req.getZoomToWidth(); } if (_previewData != null) _previewData.postPlot(_mpw, plot); _panel.add(_mpw.makeFixedSizeContainer(width, height + MPW_HEADER_HEIGHT, false)); _panel.addStyleName("shadow"); GwtUtil.setStyles(_panel, "margin", "2px", "background", "#E5E5E5 url(images/bg_boxgradient.png) repeat-x"); // if (mpwList.lastIndexOf(_mpw)==(mpwList.size()-1)) { // } if ((_eventWorkerId != null || _allEventWorkers != null) && hub != null) { setupEventWorker(_eventWorkerId, _allEventWorkers, _mpw.getPlotView(), plot); } // setupDrawing(_mpw.getPlotView()); _mpw.getGroup().enableFloatVisBar(BasicImageGrid.this); AllPlots.getInstance().setStatus(_mpw, AllPlots.PopoutStatus.Enabled); lastThumbnailHeight = height; plotDone(); updateMaxRowWidth(width); updatePlotWidgetGroupStatus(true); } } private void updatePlotWidgetGroupStatus(boolean success) { if (!_previewData.getUpdatePlotWidgetGroupStatus()) return; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (success) successPlots++; else failurePlots++; buffer.append("Success: "); buffer.append(successPlots); buffer.append(", Failure: "); buffer.append(failurePlots); _mpw.getGroup().updateFloatingStatus(new String(buffer), BasicImageGrid.this); } private void updateMaxRowWidth(int width) { if (!(_panel instanceof GroupedVerticalPanel)) return; addToMaxRowWidth(((GroupedVerticalPanel) _panel).getGroupTag(), width); if (plottingCnt == 0 && isGroupingInRow()) { applyMaxRowWidth(); clearMaxRowWidth(); } } private void plotDone() { plottingCnt--; if (plottingCnt == 0) { restoreScrollPositions(); _mpw.getGroup().setLockRelated(getLockRelated()); setupCatalog(); eventManager.fireEvent(new WebEvent(this, ON_ALL_PLOTS_DONE)); // the following line causes first plot to be selected, which is not always right // for example, when a row (a plot) is selected from coverage, we want to preserve the selection // AllPlots.getInstance().setSelectedWidget(AllPlots.getInstance().getActiveList().get(0)); resize(); } } } //---- PlotWidgetEventListener class ---- private class PlotWidgetEventListener implements WebEventListener { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { handlePlotEvent(ev); } } //---- PostPlotWidgetEventListener class ---- private class PostPlotWidgetEventListener implements WebEventListener { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { handlePostPlotEvent(ev); } } //---- GroupedVerticalPanel class ---- private static class GroupedVerticalPanel extends VerticalPanel { String groupTag = null; public GroupedVerticalPanel(String groupTag) { super(); this.groupTag = groupTag; } public String getGroupTag() { return groupTag; } } private class EventWorkerResolver { static final String KEYWORD = "col_keyword"; static final String MAPPING = "col_mapping"; String methodTag = null; HashMap<String, String> map = null; public EventWorkerResolver(String meta) { parseMetaData(meta); } private void parseMetaData(String meta) { String key, value; for (String tag : meta.split("&")) { key = getKey(tag, "="); value = getValue(tag, "="); if (key.equals("method")) methodTag = value; else if (key.equals("map")) { map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String duo : value.split(";")) { map.put(getKey(duo, ";"), getValue(duo, ";")); } } } } private String getKey(String tag, String delimiter) { return tag.split(delimiter)[0].trim(); } private String getValue(String tag, String delimiter) { return tag.split(delimiter)[1].trim(); } public String[] ResolveEventWorkerId(TableData.Row row) { if (methodTag.equals(KEYWORD)) { return null; } else if (methodTag.equals(MAPPING)) { return null; } return null; } } }