Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.Application; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.GeneralCommand; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.HelpManager; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.NetworkMode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.CssData; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.FireflyCss; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.images.IconCreator; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.WidgetFactory; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.eventworker.EventWorker; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.eventworker.FormEventWorker; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.input.InputField; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.input.SimpleInputField; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.panels.CollapsiblePanel; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.EventHub; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.TabPane; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.Browser; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.BrowserUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.PropertyChangeEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.PropertyChangeListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebAppProperties; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebAssert; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebProp; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.regexp.MatchResult; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.regexp.RegExp; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.ScreenPt; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.StringUtils; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.action.ActionConst; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.dd.EnumFieldDef; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.dd.FieldDefSource; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.dd.UIComponent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Date: Nov 28, 2007 * * @author loi * @version $Id:,v 1.110 2012/11/14 18:40:31 loi Exp $ */ public class GwtUtil { public static final ImageResource EXCLAMATION = IconCreator.Creator.getInstance().exclamation(); public static final String LOADING_ICON_URL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "images/gxt/loading.gif"; public static final String COD_ID = "COD_ID"; private static PopupPane _debugMsgBoxPopup = null; private static PopupPanel _debugMsgPopup = null; private static PopupPanel _appendMsgPopup = null; private static HTML _debugMsgLabel = null; private static TextArea _debugMsgBox = null; private static HTML _appendMsgLabel = null; private static HideTimer _debugMsgHideTimer = null; private static DateTimeFormat timeFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("mm:ss.SS"); private static Logger clientOnlyLogger = null; private static Logger serverLogger = null; private static LinkButtonFactory defLinkFactory = null; /** * * @param url * @param checkIntvlInMsec check interval in milliseconds * @param maxTries * @param confirmationCallback */ public static void submitDownloadUrl(String url, int checkIntvlInMsec, final int maxTries, final Command confirmationCallback) { if (checkIntvlInMsec > 0 && maxTries > 0 && confirmationCallback != null) { Frame f = Application.getInstance().getNullFrame(); final String codId = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); url += (url.contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + COD_ID + "=" + codId; f.setUrl(url); Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new Scheduler.RepeatingCommand() { int tries = 0; public boolean execute() { String c = Cookies.getCookie(COD_ID); tries++; if ((c != null && c.equals(codId)) || tries > maxTries) { Cookies.removeCookie(COD_ID, "/"); confirmationCallback.execute(); return false; } else { return true; } } }, checkIntvlInMsec); } else { showDebugMsg("InvalidArgumentException: submitDownloadUrl"); } } public static Widget findById(Widget searchRoot, String id) { String eid = searchRoot.getElement().getId(); if (id.equals(eid)) return searchRoot; if (searchRoot instanceof HasWidgets) { for (Widget w : (HasWidgets) searchRoot) { Widget retv = findById(w, id); if (retv != null) return retv; } } return null; } public static String getGwtProperty(String name) { final NodeList<> meta = Document.get().getElementsByTagName("meta"); for (int i = 0; i < meta.getLength(); i++) { final MetaElement m =; if (m != null && "gwt:property".equals(m.getName())) { String[] kv = m.getContent().split("=", 2); if (kv[0] != null && kv[0].equals(name)) { return kv.length > 1 ? kv[1] : ""; } } } return null; } public static ShadowedPanel createShadowTitlePanel(Widget content, String title, String helpId, boolean doTag) { Widget titlePanel = null; if (title != null) { titlePanel = new TitlePanel(title, content, !StringUtils.isEmpty(title)); } ShadowedPanel shadow; if (titlePanel == null) { shadow = new ShadowedPanel(content); } else { shadow = new ShadowedPanel(titlePanel); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(helpId)) { shadow.setHelpId(helpId); } return shadow; } public static ShadowedPanel createShadowTitlePanel(Widget content, String title) { return createShadowTitlePanel(content, title, null, false); } public static FlowPanel makePanel(boolean isHorizontal, boolean isCentered, Widget... widgets) { FlowPanel holder; FlowPanel container = new FlowPanel(); if (isCentered) { holder = new FlowPanel(); container.add(holder); setStyles(holder, "display", "table", "margin", "0 auto"); } else { holder = container; } for (Widget w : widgets) { holder.add(w); if (isHorizontal) { GwtUtil.setStyles(w, "display", "inline-block"); } } return container; } public static HorizontalPanel makeHoriPanel(HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant halign, HasVerticalAlignment.VerticalAlignmentConstant valign, Widget... widgets) { HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); for (Widget w : widgets) { hp.add(w); } if (halign != null) { hp.setHorizontalAlignment(halign); hp.setWidth("100%"); } if (valign != null) { hp.setVerticalAlignment(valign); } return hp; } public static VerticalPanel makeVertPanel(HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant halign, HasVerticalAlignment.VerticalAlignmentConstant valign, Widget... widgets) { VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); for (Widget w : widgets) { vp.add(w); } if (halign != null) { vp.setHorizontalAlignment(halign); } if (valign != null) { vp.setVerticalAlignment(valign); } return vp; } public static Widget centerAlign(Widget w) { HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.setWidth("100%"); hp.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); hp.add(w); return hp; } public static Widget middleAlign(Widget w) { VerticalPanel p = new VerticalPanel(); p.setHeight("100%"); p.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); p.add(w); return p; } public static Widget rightAlign(Widget w) { SimplePanel wrapper = new SimplePanel(); wrapper.setWidth("100%"); wrapper.setWidget(w); DOM.setElementAttribute(wrapper.getElement(), "align", "right"); return wrapper; // HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); // hp.setWidth("100%"); // hp.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); // hp.add(w); // return hp; } public static Widget wrap(Widget w, int top, int right, int bottom, int left) { return wrap(w, top, right, bottom, left, false); } public static Widget wrap(Widget w, int top, int right, int bottom, int left, boolean fullSize) { SimplePanel wrapper = new SimplePanelWithLayout(w); wrapper.addStyleName("wrapper-for-layout"); GwtUtil.setStyle(wrapper, "position", "relative"); GwtUtil.setStyles(w, "position", "absolute", "left", left + "px", "right", right + "px", "top", top + "px", "bottom", bottom + "px", "width", "auto", "height", "auto"); if (fullSize) GwtUtil.setStyles(wrapper, "width", "100%", "height", "100%"); return wrapper; } public static Widget leftRightAlign(Widget[] wLeft, Widget[] wRight) { HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.setWidth("100%"); hp.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); HorizontalPanel hpLeft = new HorizontalPanel(); hpLeft.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); hpLeft.setWidth("100%"); for (Widget w : wLeft) hpLeft.add(w); HorizontalPanel hpRight = new HorizontalPanel(); hpRight.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); hpRight.setWidth("100%"); for (Widget w : wRight) hpRight.add(w); hp.add(hpLeft); hp.add(hpRight); return hp; } /** * return true if this component is visible and occupy space * * @param widget the widget to test * @return true if is on the display */ public static boolean isOnDisplay(Widget widget) { if (widget != null) { boolean val = (widget.getOffsetHeight() * widget.getOffsetWidth() > 0) && isVisible(widget.getElement()); return val; } return false; } public static boolean isOnDisplay( elem) { if (elem != null) { boolean val = (elem.getOffsetHeight() * elem.getOffsetWidth() > 0) && isVisible(elem); return val; } return false; } /** * return true if the given element is visible. this is based on style attributes. it is possible that a widget is * visible, but does not have width or height. * * @param elem the element to test * @return true if visible, false if not */ public static boolean isVisible( elem) { if (isHidden(elem)) { return false; } else { p = elem.getParentElement(); if (p != null) { return isVisible(p); } else { return true; } } } public static native boolean isHidden( elem) /*-{ return ( == "hidden") || ( == "none"); }-*/; public static void setHidden(Widget w, boolean isHidden) { setHidden(w.getElement(), isHidden); } public static void setHidden(Element e, boolean isHidden) { String vs = isHidden ? "hidden" : "visible"; DOM.setStyleAttribute(e, "visibility", vs); } public static void showAtCenter(PopupPanel popup) { int h = Window.getClientHeight(); int w = Window.getClientWidth();; int offsetx = StringUtils.getInt(DOM.getStyleAttribute(popup.getElement(), "width"), 300); int offsety = StringUtils.getInt(DOM.getStyleAttribute(popup.getElement(), "height"), 200); int x = (w - offsetx) / 2; int y = (h - offsety) / 2; popup.setPopupPosition(x, y); } /** * create a check box based on the passed property root. Add the style gwtutil-checkbox to the toggle * * @param prop the property root. look for prop+".Name" for text, prop+".ShortDescription" for tip, and * prop+".Selected" for checked * @return the check box */ public static CheckBox makeCheckBox(String prop) { String name = WebProp.getName(prop); String tip = WebProp.getTip(prop); boolean selected = WebProp.getSelected(prop); return makeCheckBox(name, tip, selected, false); } public static CheckBox makeCheckBox(String text, String tip, boolean selected) { return makeCheckBox(text, tip, selected, false); } public static CheckBox makeCheckBox(String text, String tip, boolean selected, boolean forceNowrap) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.addStyleName("gwtutil-checkbox"); cb.setValue(selected); cb.setHTML(text); cb.setTitle(tip); if (forceNowrap) { setStyle(cb, "whiteSpace", "nowrap"); } return cb; } public static void setFileUploadSize(FileUpload widget, String size) { DOM.setElementAttribute(widget.getElement(), "size", size); } public static Widget makeLinkButton(String prop, ClickHandler handler) { return getLinkButtonFactory().makeLinkButton(prop, handler); } public static Label makeLinkButton(String text, String tip, ClickHandler handler) { return getLinkButtonFactory().makeLinkButton(text, tip, handler); } public static Widget makeLinkIcon(String iconUrl, String text, String tip, ClickHandler handler) { return getLinkButtonFactory().makeLinkIcon(iconUrl, text, tip, handler); } public static void makeIntoLinkButton(final Widget... link) { getLinkButtonFactory().makeIntoLinkButton(link); } public static LinkButtonFactory getLinkButtonFactory() { if (defLinkFactory == null) { FireflyCss ffCss = CssData.Creator.getInstance().getFireflyCss(); defLinkFactory = new LinkButtonFactory("linkTypeButton", ffCss.markedText(), ffCss.highlightText()); } return defLinkFactory; } public static Param findParam(List<Param> list, String key) { if (list != null) { for (Param param : list) { if (param.getName().equals(key)) { return param; } } } return null; } public static ImageButton makeImageButton(String prop, ClickHandler handler) { String url = WebProp.getIcon(prop); String tip = WebProp.getTip(prop); return makeImageButton(url, tip, handler); } public static ImageButton makeImageButton(String imageUrl, String tip, ClickHandler handler) { return new ImageButton(imageUrl, tip, handler); } public static ImageButton makeImageButton(Image image, String tip, ClickHandler handler) { return new ImageButton(image, tip, handler); } public static ImageButton makeImageButton(Image image, String tip) { return new ImageButton(image, tip, null); } public static HTML makeFaddedHelp(String s) { FireflyCss ffCss = CssData.Creator.getInstance().getFireflyCss(); HTML desc = new HTML(s); desc.addStyleName("field-desc"); desc.addStyleName(ffCss.fadedText()); return desc; } public static Widget makeButton(String prop, ClickHandler handler) { String name = WebProp.getName(prop); String tip = WebProp.getTip(prop); return makeButton(name, tip, handler); } public static Button makeButton(String text, String tip, ClickHandler handler) { Button b = new Button(text, handler); b.setTitle(tip); b.setStyleName("panel-button"); return b; } public static ButtonBase makeFormButton(String text, ClickHandler handler) { PushButton b = new PushButton(); b.addClickHandler(handler); b.setHTML(text.replace(" ", " ")); return b; } public static Widget makeTextInput(String prop, TextBox textBox) { WebAppProperties wap = Application.getInstance().getProperties(); String name = WebProp.getName(prop); String tip = WebProp.getTip(prop); String value = wap.getProperty(prop + "." + ActionConst.VALUE, ""); int length = wap.getIntProperty(prop + "." + ActionConst.LENGTH, 20); return makeTextInput(name, tip, value, length, textBox); } public static Widget makeTextInput(String text, String tip, String value, int length, TextBox textBox) { HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); Label label = new Label(text); label.setTitle(tip); textBox.setText(value); textBox.setTitle(tip); textBox.setVisibleLength(length); hp.add(label); hp.add(GwtUtil.getFiller(5, 1)); hp.add(textBox); return hp; } public static ScreenPt getCenterPos(Widget w) { if (w == null) return new ScreenPt(-1, -1); int x = w.getOffsetWidth() / 2 + w.getAbsoluteLeft(); int y = w.getOffsetHeight() / 2 + w.getAbsoluteTop(); return new ScreenPt(x, y); } public static int getX(Widget w) { WebAssert.argTst(w, "w cannot be null"); int retval; if (w.getParent() != null) { retval = w.getAbsoluteLeft() - w.getParent().getAbsoluteLeft(); } else { retval = w.getAbsoluteLeft(); } return retval; } public static int getY(Widget w) { WebAssert.argTst(w, "w cannot be null"); int retval; if (w.getParent() != null) { retval = w.getAbsoluteTop() - w.getParent().getAbsoluteTop(); } else { retval = w.getAbsoluteTop(); } return retval; } public static void showDebugMsg(final String msg) { showDebugMsg(msg, false, 20, 20); } public static void showDebugMsg(final String msg, int x, int y) { showDebugMsg(msg, false, x, y); } public static void showDebugMsg(final String msg, boolean isHtml) { showDebugMsg(msg, isHtml, 20, 20); } public static void showDebugMsg(final String msg, boolean isHtml, int x, int y) { if (_debugMsgPopup == null) { _debugMsgPopup = new PopupPanel(false, false); _debugMsgLabel = new HTML(); _debugMsgPopup.setWidget(_debugMsgLabel); _debugMsgHideTimer = new HideTimer(); } if (isHtml) _debugMsgLabel.setHTML(msg); else _debugMsgLabel.setText(msg); int sx = Window.getScrollLeft(); int sy = Window.getScrollTop(); _debugMsgPopup.setPopupPosition(sx + x, sy + y);; _debugMsgHideTimer.cancel(); _debugMsgHideTimer.schedule(60 * 1000); } public static void showDebugMsgBox(final String msg) { if (_debugMsgBoxPopup == null) { _debugMsgBox = new TextArea(); ScrollPanel wrapper = new ScrollPanel(_debugMsgBox); wrapper.setSize("300px", "200px"); _debugMsgBoxPopup = new PopupPane("Debug", wrapper, false, false); _debugMsgBox.setCharacterWidth(2000); _debugMsgBox.setVisibleLines(10); } _debugMsgBox.setText(_debugMsgBox.getText() + "\n" + msg); if (!_debugMsgBoxPopup.isVisible()); _debugMsgBox.getElement().setScrollTop(_debugMsgBox.getElement().getScrollHeight()); } public static void showScrollingDebugMsg(String msg) { showScrollingDebugMsg(msg, null); } public static void showScrollingDebugMsg(final String msg, final Exception e) { if (_appendMsgPopup == null) { _appendMsgPopup = new PopupPanel(false, false); _appendMsgLabel = new HTML(); _appendMsgLabel.setWordWrap(false); ScrollPanel p = new ScrollPanel(_appendMsgLabel); p.setSize("200px", "300px"); _appendMsgPopup.setWidget(p); _debugMsgHideTimer = new HideTimer(); } String time = timeFormat.format(new Date()); String s = _appendMsgLabel.getHTML(); if (s == null) s = ""; s = s + "<br>" + time + " " + msg; if (e != null) { s += ": " + e.getMessage(); StackTraceElement[] els = e.getStackTrace(); for (int i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { String pad = ""; for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { pad += " "; } s += "<br>" + pad + els[i]; } } _appendMsgLabel.setHTML(s); _appendMsgPopup.setPopupPosition(500, 20);; _debugMsgHideTimer.cancel(); _debugMsgHideTimer.schedule(30 * 1000); } public static void showValidationError() { PopupUtil.showError("Validation Error", "Invalid input. Please put the mouse over <img src=\"" + EXCLAMATION.getURL() + "\" alt=\"the red exclamation mark \'!\'\" /> for details."); } public static Widget getFiller(int width, int height) { Label l = new Label(); l.setPixelSize(width, height); return l; } public static boolean validateBlank(InputField field) { boolean retval = !StringUtils.isEmpty(field.getValue()); if (!retval) { field.forceInvalid(field.getFieldDef().getErrMsg()); } return retval; } public static boolean validateIntList(InputField field) { try { StringUtils.convertToArrayInt(field.getValue(), ",\\s*|\\s+"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { field.forceInvalid(field.getFieldDef().getErrMsg()); return false; } } /** * Collect key/values from the input fields, passed as argument * * @param fields list of input fields * @return list of key/values (key is the name of a field, value - the field value) */ public static List<Param> getFieldValues(List<InputField> fields) { ArrayList<Param> list = new ArrayList<Param>(); String val; for (InputField f : fields) { val = f.getValue(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(val)) { list.add(new Param(f.getFieldDef().getName(), f.getValue())); } } return list; } /** * Set values of the fields to the provided values, reset field if no value is present * * @param list list of key/values (key should match a field name for field value to be set) * @param fields list of input fields that should be populated from key/values */ public static void setFieldValues(List<Param> list, List<InputField> fields) { for (InputField f : fields) { Param param = GwtUtil.findParam(list, f.getFieldDef().getName()); if (param != null) { f.setValue(param.getValue()); } else { f.reset(); } } } public static MaskPane mask(String msg, Widget widget) { return mask(msg, widget, MaskPane.MaskHint.OnComponent, true); } public static MaskPane mask(String msg, Widget widget, boolean onlyWhenUncovered) { return mask(msg, widget, MaskPane.MaskHint.OnComponent, onlyWhenUncovered); } public static MaskPane mask(String msg, Widget widget, MaskPane.MaskHint hint) { return mask(msg, widget, hint, false); } public static MaskPane mask(String msg, Widget widget, MaskPane.MaskHint hint, boolean onlyWhenUncovered) { DefaultWorkingWidget working = new DefaultWorkingWidget(); working.setText(msg); MaskPane maskPane = new MaskPane(widget, working, hint); if (onlyWhenUncovered) { maskPane.showWhenUncovered(); } else {; } return maskPane; } public static void maskAndExecute(String msg, Widget widget, MaskPane.MaskHint hint, final Runnable runnable) { final MaskPane mp = mask(msg, widget, hint);; DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { try {; } finally { mp.hide(); } } }); } public static SimpleInputField createRadioBox(String title, List<String> itemList, String defValue) { return createRadioBox(title, itemList, defValue, false); } public static SimpleInputField createRadioBox(String title, List<String> itemList, String defValue, boolean horizontal) { List<EnumFieldDef.Item> listItems = new ArrayList<EnumFieldDef.Item>(itemList.size()); for (String item : itemList) { listItems.add(new EnumFieldDef.Item(item, item)); } EnumFieldDef fd = new EnumFieldDef(title); fd.addItems(listItems); fd.setNullAllow(false); fd.setMask("[RADIO]"); fd.setDefaultValue(defValue); fd.setOrientation(horizontal ? EnumFieldDef.Orientation.Horizontal : EnumFieldDef.Orientation.Vertical); fd.setErrMsg("This field is required. Select one from list"); return SimpleInputField.createByDef(fd); } public static SimpleInputField createListBoxField(String title, String tip, List<String> itemList, String defValue) { List<EnumFieldDef.Item> listItems = new ArrayList<EnumFieldDef.Item>(itemList.size()); for (String item : itemList) { listItems.add(new EnumFieldDef.Item(item, item)); } EnumFieldDef fd = new EnumFieldDef(title); fd.setShortDesc(tip); fd.addItems(listItems); fd.setNullAllow(false); fd.setDefaultValue(defValue); fd.setOrientation(EnumFieldDef.Orientation.Vertical); fd.setErrMsg("This field is required. Select one from list"); return SimpleInputField.createByDef(fd); } public static ListBox createComboBox(EnumFieldDef cols) { ListBox box = new ListBox(false); for (EnumFieldDef.Item item : cols.getEnumValues()) { box.addItem(item.getTitle(), item.getName()); } return box; } public static void populateComboBox(ListBox box, EnumFieldDef cols) { box.clear(); for (EnumFieldDef.Item item : cols.getEnumValues()) { box.addItem(item.getTitle(), item.getName()); } } public static Form createSearchForm(FormTag fTag, EventHub eventHub, List<FormEventWorker> workers) { return createForm(true, fTag, eventHub, null, workers); } public static Form createForm(FormTag fTag, EventHub tpHub, Form searchForm) { return createForm(true, fTag, tpHub, searchForm, null); } public static Form createForm(boolean doSetBG, FormTag fTag, EventHub tpHub, Form searchForm, List<FormEventWorker> workers) { Form form = new Form(doSetBG); searchForm = searchForm == null ? form : searchForm; VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.setSpacing(5); vp.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); vp.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); vp.setHeight("100%"); WidgetFactory wfactory = Application.getInstance().getWidgetFactory(); List<FormEventWorkerTag> fewList = fTag.getFormEventWorkerTags(); for (FormEventWorkerTag few : fewList) { String type = few.getType(); List<ParamTag> pList = few.getParams(); Map<String, String> params = DynUtils.convertParams(pList); String id = few.getId(); params.put(EventWorker.ID, id); List<ParamTag> fList = few.getFieldDefIds(); for (ParamTag p : fList) { String keyId = p.getKey(); String keyVal = searchForm.getValue(p.getValue()); if (keyVal != null) { params.put(keyId, keyVal); } } FormEventWorker w = wfactory.createFormEventWorker(type, params); if (workers != null) workers.add(w); w.bind(form.getHub()); if (searchForm != form) { w.addHub(searchForm.getHub()); } // only for inner forms within Results section if (tpHub != null) { w.bind(tpHub); } } List<FieldGroupTag> fgList = fTag.getFieldGroups(); for (FieldGroupTag fg : fgList) { Widget w = GwtUtil.createWidgetFromFieldGroup(searchForm, fg, form.getHub()); if (w != null) { vp.add(w); } } form.add(vp); // form.getHub().onShow(); return form; } public static final Widget createWidgetFromFieldGroup(Form searchForm, FieldGroupTag fg, FormHub formHub) { // check download restrictions String dlRestrict = fg.getDownloadRestriction(); if (dlRestrict != null) { String[] dlArr = dlRestrict.split("="); String dlKey = dlArr[0]; String dlVal = dlArr[1]; InputField inF = searchForm.getField(dlKey); if (inF != null && inF.isVisible()) { String fieldDefValue = inF.getValue(); if (dlVal.equals(fieldDefValue) || (dlVal.equals("*") && fieldDefValue.length() > 0)) { // continue } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } // check role access boolean access = DynUtils.checkRoleAccess(fg.getAccess()); if (!access) { return null; } List<Widget> widgetList = new ArrayList<Widget>(); String fgType = fg.getType(); if (fgType.equalsIgnoreCase("tabPane")) { TabPane tp = new TabPane(); String tabHeight = fg.getHeight(); String tabWidth = fg.getWidth(); tp.setSize(tabWidth, tabHeight); if (BrowserUtil.isBrowser(Browser.FIREFOX)) { //tp.getDeckPanel().setSize("97%", "85%"); } List<UIComponent> uiCompList = fg.getUIComponents(); for (UIComponent uiComp : uiCompList) { if (uiComp instanceof FieldGroupTag) { FieldGroupTag fgChild = (FieldGroupTag) uiComp; Widget w = createWidgetFromFieldGroup(searchForm, fgChild, formHub); if (w != null) { tp.addTab(w, fgChild.getTitle()); } } } String tpName = fg.getTypeName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tpName)) { tp.setTabPaneName(tpName); formHub.bind(tp, tpName); } tp.selectTab(0); widgetList.add(tp); } else if (fgType.equalsIgnoreCase("activeTabPane")) { ActiveTabPane atp = new ActiveTabPane(); String tabHeight = fg.getHeight(); String tabWidth = fg.getWidth(); atp.setSize(tabWidth, tabHeight); if (BrowserUtil.isBrowser(Browser.FIREFOX)) { //atp.getDeckPanel().setSize("97%", "85%"); } List<UIComponent> uiCompList = fg.getUIComponents(); for (UIComponent uiComp : uiCompList) { if (uiComp instanceof FieldGroupTag) { FieldGroupTag fgChild = (FieldGroupTag) uiComp; Widget w = createWidgetFromFieldGroup(searchForm, fgChild, formHub); if (w != null) { atp.addTab(w, fgChild.getTitle()); } } } atp.selectTab(0); String atpName = fg.getTypeName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(atpName)) { atp.setTabPaneName(atpName); formHub.bind(atp, atpName); } widgetList.add(atp); } else if (fgType.equalsIgnoreCase("DatePanel")) { DatePanel dp = new DatePanel(24 * 60 * 60); dp.setIntervalViolationError("Observation Date searches can only cover one 24 hour period."); widgetList.add(dp); } else { List<UIComponent> uiCompList = fg.getUIComponents(); WidgetFactory wfactory = Application.getInstance().getWidgetFactory(); for (UIComponent uiComp : uiCompList) { if (uiComp instanceof FieldGroupTag) { FieldGroupTag fgChild = (FieldGroupTag) uiComp; Widget w = createWidgetFromFieldGroup(searchForm, fgChild, formHub); if (w != null) { widgetList.add(w); } } else if (uiComp instanceof PreDefFieldTag) { PreDefFieldTag pdf = (PreDefFieldTag) uiComp; String id = pdf.getId(); Widget w = wfactory.createFormWidget(id, DynUtils.convertParams(pdf.getParams())); if (w instanceof UsesFormHub) { ((UsesFormHub) w).bind(formHub); } widgetList.add(w); } else if (uiComp instanceof LabelTag) { LabelTag xl = (LabelTag) uiComp; HTML hl = new HTML(xl.getHtmlString()); widgetList.add(hl); } else if (uiComp instanceof HelpTag) { HelpTag h = (HelpTag) uiComp; Widget icon = HelpManager.makeHelpIcon(h.getHelpId()); HTML text = GwtUtil.makeFaddedHelp(" " + h.getTitle() + " "); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(text); hp.add(icon); widgetList.add(hp); } else if (uiComp instanceof FieldDefSource) { FieldDefSource fds = (FieldDefSource) uiComp; widgetList.add(FormBuilder.createField(fds)); } } } String spacing = fg.getSpacing(); if (spacing == null) spacing = "0"; FormBuilder.Config.Direction dir = FormBuilder.Config.Direction.VERTICAL; if (fg.getDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("horizontal")) { dir = FormBuilder.Config.Direction.HORIZONTAL; } Widget w = FormBuilder.createPanel(new FormBuilder.Config(dir, fg.getLabelWidth(), Integer.parseInt(spacing), HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT), widgetList.toArray(new Widget[widgetList.size()])); if (w instanceof VerticalPanel) { ((VerticalPanel) w).setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); } else if (w instanceof HorizontalPanel) { ((HorizontalPanel) w).setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); } String wWidth = fg.getWidth(); if (wWidth != null && wWidth.length() > 0) w.setWidth(wWidth); String wHeight = fg.getHeight(); if (wHeight != null && wHeight.length() > 0) w.setHeight(wHeight); Widget rval = w; if (fgType.equalsIgnoreCase("CollapsiblePanel")) { String fgTitle = fg.getTitle(); CollapsiblePanel cp = new CollapsiblePanel(fgTitle, w, false); String cpName = fg.getTypeName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cpName)) { cp.setPanelName(cpName); formHub.bind(cp, cpName); } rval = cp; } else if (fgType.equalsIgnoreCase("ActiveCollapsiblePanel")) { String fgTitle = fg.getTitle(); ActiveCollapsiblePanel acp = new ActiveCollapsiblePanel(fgTitle, w, false); String cpName = fg.getTypeName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cpName)) { acp.setPanelName(cpName); formHub.bind(acp, cpName); } rval = acp; } else if (fgType.equalsIgnoreCase("Frame")) { rval = createShadowTitlePanel(w, ""); } if (fg.getXid() != null) { rval.getElement().setId(fg.getXid()); } return rval; } private static class HideTimer extends Timer { public void run() { cancel(); if (_debugMsgPopup != null) _debugMsgPopup.hide(); if (_appendMsgPopup != null) _appendMsgPopup.hide(); } } public static Widget getTopParent(Widget w) { Widget retval = w; if (w != null) { while (retval.getParent() != null) { retval = retval.getParent(); } } return retval; } public static boolean isParentOf( e, Element testParent) { boolean retval = false; if (e != null && testParent != null) { while (e.getParentElement() != null) { if (testParent == e.getParentElement()) { retval = true; break; } else { e = e.getParentElement(); } } } return retval; } public static boolean isParentOf(Widget w, Widget testParent) { boolean retval = false; if (w != null && testParent != null) { while (w.getParent() != null) { if (testParent == w.getParent()) { retval = true; break; } else { w = w.getParent(); } } } return retval; } public static boolean isHexColor(String text) { if (text.length() != 6) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (Character.digit(c, 16) == -1) { return false; } } return true; } public static void setPadding(Widget w, int top, int right, int bottom, int left) { setStyle(w, "padding", getPerimString(top, right, bottom, left)); } public static void setMargin(Widget w, int top, int right, int bottom, int left) { setStyle(w, "margin", getPerimString(top, right, bottom, left)); } private static String getPerimString(int top, int right, int bottom, int left) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(30); if (top > 0) sb.append(top).append("px "); else sb.append(top).append(" "); if (right > 0) sb.append(right).append("px "); else sb.append(right).append(" "); if (bottom > 0) sb.append(bottom).append("px "); else sb.append(bottom).append(" "); if (left > 0) sb.append(left).append("px"); else sb.append(left); return sb.toString(); } public static void setStyle(Widget w, String style, String value) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(w.getElement(), style, value); } public static void removeStyle(Widget w, String style) { w.getElement().getStyle().clearProperty(style); } public static void setStyles(Widget w, String... s) { setStyles(w.getElement(), s); } public static void setStyles(Element e, String... s) { WebAssert.argTst((s.length % 2 == 0), "you have an odd number of string parameters, you must " + "pass parameters in pairs: style, value"); for (int i = 0; (i < s.length - 1); i += 2) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(e, s[i], s[i + 1]); } } public static void setStyles(Widget w, Param... params) { Element e = w.getElement(); for (Param param : params) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(e, param.getName(), param.getValue()); } } //==================================================================== // //==================================================================== public static native void open(String url, String name, String features) /*-{ winref = $, name, features); winref.focus() }-*/; public static native void open(String url, String name) /*-{ winref = $, name); winref.focus() }-*/; public static int getIntComputedStyle(UIObject ui, String cssStyle) { return getIntVal(getComputedStyle(ui.getElement(), cssStyle)); } public static String getComputedStyle(final oElm, final String strCssRule) { String strValue; if (BrowserUtil.isIE()) { strValue = getComputedStyleIE(oElm, StringUtils.convertDashedToCamel(strCssRule)); } else { strValue = getComputedStyleStandard(oElm, strCssRule); } return strValue; } public static native String getComputedStyleStandard(final oElm, final String strCssRule) /*-{ var strValue = ""; if($doc.defaultView && $doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle){ // // use the W3C's method, if it exists strValue = $doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oElm, "").getPropertyValue(strCssRule); } else if(oElm.currentStyle){ // // Otherwise, try to us IE's method strCssRule = strCssRule.replace(/-(w)/g, function (strMatch, p1){ return p1.toUpperCase(); }); strValue = oElm.currentStyle[strCssRule]; } return strValue; }-*/; public static native String getComputedStyleIE(final oElm, final String strCssRule) /*-{ var strValue = ""; if(oElm.currentStyle){ strValue = oElm.currentStyle[strCssRule]; } return strValue; }-*/; /** * returns the number within the string excluding any non-numeric characters * * @param val the string to convert * @return the converted value */ private static int getIntVal(String val) { return StringUtils.getInt(val.replaceAll("[^0-9+-]", ""), 0); } public static int getHorizPadding(UIObject uiObject) { return getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "padding-left") + getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "padding-right"); } public static int getVertPadding(UIObject uiObject) { return getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "padding-top") + getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "padding-bottom"); } public static int getHorizMargin(UIObject uiObject) { return getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "margin-left") + getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "margin-right"); } public static int getVertMargin(UIObject uiObject) { return getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "margin-top") + getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "margin-bottom"); } public static int getHorizBorder(UIObject uiObject) { return getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "border-left-width") + getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "border-right-width"); } public static int getVertBorder(UIObject uiObject) { return getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "border-top-width") + getIntComputedStyle(uiObject, "border-bottom-width"); } public static int getOffsetValueY(UIObject uiObject) { return getVertPadding(uiObject) + getVertBorder(uiObject) + getVertMargin(uiObject); } public static int getOffsetValueX(UIObject uiObject) { return getHorizPadding(uiObject) + getHorizBorder(uiObject) + getHorizMargin(uiObject); } public static int getElementHeight(UIObject uiObject) { return uiObject.getOffsetHeight() - getVertPadding(uiObject) - getVertBorder(uiObject); } public static int getElementWidth(UIObject uiObject) { return uiObject.getOffsetWidth() - getHorizPadding(uiObject) - getHorizBorder(uiObject); } public static String getBackgroundColor(UIObject uiObject) { return getBackgroundColor(uiObject.getElement()); } public static String getBackgroundColor( e) { return getComputedStyle(e, "background-color"); } /** * Guess the number of pixel given the String val. * * @param relTo TODO what goes here? * @param val the css string value * @return the guessed size */ public static int guessPixelValue(int relTo, String val) { int retval; if (val.indexOf("%") >= 0) { retval = relTo * getIntVal(val) / 100; } else { retval = getIntVal(val); } return retval; } /** * Cause the ScrollPanel to set it scroll bars so the widget it is showing is centered * * @param sp the scrollPanel */ public static void centerScrollPanel(ScrollPanel sp) { Element el = sp.getElement(); int sw = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(el, "scrollWidth"); int sh = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(el, "scrollHeight"); int w = sp.getOffsetWidth(); int h = sp.getOffsetHeight(); sp.setScrollPosition((sh - h) / 2); sp.setHorizontalScrollPosition((sw - w) / 2); } public static native void scrollIntoView( scroll, Element e, boolean scrollVertically, boolean scrollHorizontally) /*-{ if (!e) return; var item = e; var realOffset = item.offsetTop; var realOffsetH = item.offsetLeft; // while (item && (item != scroll)) { // realOffset += item.offsetTop; // realOffsetH += item.offsetLeft; // item = item.offsetParent; // } // if (scrollVertically) { var deltaY = realOffset - scroll.scrollTop; if (deltaY < 0 || deltaY > scroll.offsetHeight - e.offsetHeight) { scroll.scrollTop = realOffset - scroll.offsetHeight / 2; } //$wnd.alert("realOffset:" + realOffset + " " + //// "item.offsetTop:" + item.offsetTop + " " + // "scroll.offsetHeight:" + scroll.offsetHeight + " " + // "e.offsetHeight:" + e.offsetHeight); } if (scrollHorizontally) { var deltaX = realOffsetH - scroll.scrollLeft; if (deltaX < 0 || deltaX > scroll.offsetWidth - e.offsetWidth) { scroll.scrollLeft = realOffsetH - scroll.offsetWidth / 2; } } }-*/; public static boolean matchesIgCase(String s, String regExp) { return matches(s, regExp, true); } public static boolean matches(String s, String regExp) { return matches(s, regExp, false); } public static Throwable unwrapUmbrellaException(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof UmbrellaException) { UmbrellaException ue = (UmbrellaException) e; if (ue.getCauses().size() == 1) { return unwrapUmbrellaException(ue.getCauses().iterator().next()); } } return e; } public static boolean matches(String s, String regExp, boolean ignoreCase) { if (s == null) return false; RegExp re = ignoreCase ? RegExp.compile(regExp, "i") : RegExp.compile(regExp); MatchResult result = re.exec(s); boolean found = false; if (result != null && result.getGroupCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; (i < result.getGroupCount()); i++) { if (s.equals(result.getGroup(i))) { found = true; break; } } } return found; } //==================================================================== public static BadgeButton makeBadgeButton(Image image, String tip, boolean backgroundIsDark, ClickHandler h) { BadgeButton button = new BadgeButton(image, null, backgroundIsDark); if (tip != null) button.setTitle(tip); button.addClickHandler(h); return button; } public static BadgeButton makeBadgeButton(final GeneralCommand cmd, Image image, boolean backgroundIsDark) { BadgeButton button = new BadgeButton(image, cmd.getName(), backgroundIsDark); new BadgeButtonConnect(button, cmd); if (cmd.getShortDesc() != null) button.setTitle(cmd.getShortDesc()); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { cmd.execute(); } }); return button; } //==================================================================== public static Logger getClientLogger() { if (clientOnlyLogger == null) { clientOnlyLogger = Logger.getLogger(""); } return clientOnlyLogger; } // public static Logger getLogger() { // if (fullLogger==null) { // fullLogger= Logger.getLogger("fullLogger"); // fullLogger.addHandler(new SimpleRemoteLogHandler()); // } // return Application.getInstance().getNetworkMode()== NetworkMode.RPC ? // fullLogger : getClientLogger(); // } public static void logToServer(Level level, String msg) { logToServer(level, msg, null); } public static void logToServer(Level level, String msg, Throwable thrown) { if (serverLogger == null) { serverLogger = Logger.getLogger("fullLogger"); serverLogger.addHandler(new SimpleRemoteLogHandler()); } String s = BrowserUtil.getBrowserDesc() + " : " + msg; if (Application.getInstance().getNetworkMode() == NetworkMode.RPC) { serverLogger.log(level, s, thrown); } else { getClientLogger().log(level, s, thrown); } } //==================================================================== public static abstract class DefAsync implements RunAsyncCallback { public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { PopupUtil.showSevereError(reason); } public abstract void onSuccess(); } public static class DockLayout extends DockLayoutPanel { public DockLayout() { super(Style.Unit.PX); } public static double getDockWidgetSize(Widget widget) { if (widget != null) { LayoutData lo = (LayoutData) widget.getLayoutData(); if (lo != null) { return lo.size; } } return 0; } public static void setWidgetChildSize(Widget widget, double size) { if (widget == null) return; LayoutData lo = (LayoutData) widget.getLayoutData(); if (lo != null) { lo.size = size; } } public static void showWidget(DockLayoutPanel dockPanel, Widget widget) { show(widget); dockPanel.forceLayout(); } public static void hideWidget(DockLayoutPanel dockPanel, Widget widget) { if (hide(widget)) { dockPanel.forceLayout(); } } public static boolean isHidden(Widget widget) { if (widget != null) { LayoutData lo = (LayoutData) widget.getLayoutData(); if (lo != null) { return lo.hidden; } } return true; } protected static boolean hide(Widget widget) { if (widget != null) { LayoutData lo = (LayoutData) widget.getLayoutData(); if (lo != null) { if (!lo.hidden) { lo.hidden = true; lo.oldSize = lo.size; lo.size = 0; handleShowHide(widget, false); return true; } } } return false; } protected static boolean show(Widget widget) { if (widget != null) { LayoutData lo = (LayoutData) widget.getLayoutData(); if (lo != null) { if (lo.hidden) { double s = lo.oldSize > 0 ? lo.oldSize : lo.originalSize; lo.size = s; lo.hidden = false; handleShowHide(widget, true); return true; } } } return false; } private static void handleShowHide(Widget w, boolean doShow) { if (w == null) return; if (w instanceof VisibleListener) { if (doShow) { ((VisibleListener) w).onShow(); } else { ((VisibleListener) w).onHide(); } } if (w instanceof HasWidgets) { HasWidgets containers = (HasWidgets) w; for (Iterator<Widget> itr = containers.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { handleShowHide(, doShow); } } } } public static class SplitPanel extends DockLayout { public static void hideWidget(DockLayoutPanel splitPanel, Widget widget) { if (!isHidden(widget)) { hide(widget); setSplitterVisible(splitPanel, widget, false); splitPanel.forceLayout(); } } public static void hideWidget(SplitLayoutPanel splitPanel, Widget widget) { hideWidget((DockLayoutPanel) splitPanel, widget); } public static void showWidget(DockLayoutPanel splitPanel, Widget widget) { if (isHidden(widget)) { show(widget); setSplitterVisible(splitPanel, widget, true); splitPanel.forceLayout(); } } public static void showWidget(SplitLayoutPanel splitPanel, Widget widget) { showWidget((DockLayoutPanel) splitPanel, widget); } private static void setSplitterVisible(DockLayoutPanel splitPanel, Widget widget, boolean isVisible) { int idx = splitPanel.getWidgetIndex(widget); Widget splitter = splitPanel.getWidget(idx + 1); // this should be the splitter if (splitter != null) { splitter.setVisible(isVisible); } } } public static List<Param> parseParams(String paramStr) { List<Param> extraParam = Collections.emptyList(); if (paramStr != null) { String sAry[] = paramStr.split(","); if (sAry.length > 0) { extraParam = new ArrayList<Param>(sAry.length); for (String s : sAry) { String paramParts[] = s.split("=", 2); if (paramParts.length == 2) { extraParam.add(new Param(paramParts[0], paramParts[1])); } } } } return extraParam; } public static class ImageButton extends Composite { private Image image; private FocusPanel fp; public ImageButton(String imageUrl, String tip, ClickHandler handler) { this(new Image(imageUrl), tip, handler); } public ImageButton(Image image, String tip, ClickHandler handler) { fp = new FocusPanel(); this.image = image; image.setTitle(tip); image.addStyleName("imageTypeButton"); fp.setWidget(image); if (handler != null) fp.addClickHandler(handler); initWidget(fp); } public void setImage(Image im) { image = im; fp.setWidget(im); } public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) { return fp.addClickHandler(handler); } } public static String[] split(String s, String pattern, boolean keepDelims, boolean ignoreCase) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s) || StringUtils.isEmpty(pattern)) return new String[] { s }; String flg = ignoreCase ? "i" : ""; RegExp p = RegExp.compile(pattern, flg); ArrayList<String> retval = new ArrayList<String>(); String str = s; MatchResult matcher; while ((matcher = p.exec(str)) != null) { int idx = matcher.getIndex(); String delim = matcher.getGroup(0); if (idx > 0) { String v = str.substring(0, idx); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(v)) { retval.add(v.trim()); } } if (keepDelims) { retval.add(delim); } str = str.substring(idx + delim.length()); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(str)) { retval.add(str.trim()); } return retval.toArray(new String[retval.size()]); } public static class SimplePanelWithLayout extends SimplePanel implements RequiresResize { public final Widget child; public SimplePanelWithLayout(Widget w) { super(w); child = w; } public void onResize() { if (child instanceof RequiresResize) { ((RequiresResize) child).onResize(); } } } private static class BadgeButtonConnect implements PropertyChangeListener { private final BadgeButton button; private final GeneralCommand cmd; private final boolean horizontal; BadgeButtonConnect(BadgeButton button, GeneralCommand cmd, boolean horizontal) { this.button = button; this.cmd = cmd; this.horizontal = horizontal; cmd.addPropertyChangeListener(this); button.setEnabled(cmd.isEnabled()); button.setBadgeCount(cmd.getBadgeCount()); } BadgeButtonConnect(BadgeButton mi, GeneralCommand cmd) { this(mi, cmd, true); } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) { if (ev.getPropertyName().equals(GeneralCommand.PROP_ENABLED)) { button.setEnabled(cmd.isEnabled()); } if (ev.getPropertyName().equals(GeneralCommand.PROP_ATTENTION)) { button.setAttention(cmd.isAttention()); } else if (ev.getPropertyName().equals(GeneralCommand.PROP_HIDDEN)) { button.getWidget().setVisible(!cmd.isHidden()); if (!cmd.isHidden() && horizontal) { GwtUtil.setStyle(button.getWidget(), "display", "inline-block"); } } else if (ev.getPropertyName().equals(GeneralCommand.PROP_TITLE)) { button.setText((String) ev.getNewValue()); } else if (ev.getPropertyName().equals(GeneralCommand.PROP_ICON)) { String url = (String) ev.getNewValue(); if (!url.startsWith("http")) url = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + url; button.setIcon(new Image(url)); } else if (ev.getPropertyName().equals(GeneralCommand.BADGE_COUNT)) { button.setBadgeCount(cmd.getBadgeCount()); } else if (ev.getPropertyName().equals(GeneralCommand.ICON_PRIOPERTY)) { button.setIcon(cmd.createImage()); } } } }