Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.background; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.Application; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.ActivationFactory; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.BackgroundMonitor; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.BackgroundState; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.BackgroundStatus; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.MonitorItem; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.PackageProgress; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.CssData; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.FireflyCss; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.images.IconCreator; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopupUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.PropFile; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebAssert; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebClassProperties; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.Notifications; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.ComparisonUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.StringUtils; import static edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.JobAttributes.DownloadScript; import static edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.JobAttributes.EmailSent; /** * User: roby * Date: Oct 24, 2008 * Time: 9:57:02 AM */ /** * @author Trey Roby */ public class DownloadGroupPanel extends Composite { public enum FileDownloadStatus { NONE, WORKING, DONE } interface PFile extends PropFile { @Source("DownloadGroupPanel.prop") TextResource get(); } private static WebClassProperties _prop = new WebClassProperties(DownloadGroupPanel.class, (PFile) GWT.create(PFile.class)); private static final String STATUS_STARTING_TXT = _prop.getName("status.starting"); private static final String STATUS_STARTING_PART_TXT = _prop.getName("status.starting.part"); private static final String STATUS_WAITING_PART_TXT = _prop.getName("status.waiting.part"); private static final String STATUS_CANCELED_TXT = _prop.getName("status.canceled"); private static final String STATUS_NODETAIL_DETAIL_TXT = _prop.getName("noDetails.detail"); private static final String STATUS_ABORTED_DETAIL_TXT = _prop.getName("status.aborted.detail"); private static final String STATUS_FAIL_DETAIL_TXT = _prop.getName(""); private static final String STATUS_CANCELED_DETAIL_TXT = _prop.getName("status.canceled.detail"); private static final String ABORT_TIP = _prop.getTip("abort"); private static final String DELETE_TIP = _prop.getTip("delete"); private static final String EMAIL_SENT = _prop.getName("emailSent"); private static final String EMAIL_NOT_SENT = _prop.getName("emailNotSent"); private static final FireflyCss _ffCss = CssData.Creator.getInstance().getFireflyCss(); private final static int TITLE_POS = 0; private final static int SUBTITLE_POS = 1; private final static int STATUS_POS = 2; private final static int STATUS_ALT_POS = 0; private final static int WORKING_ICON_POS = 4; private final static int ABORT_BUTTON_POS = 5; private final static int WARNINGS_POS = 2; private final static int FOOTNOTE_POS_A = 0; private final static int FOOTNOTE_POS_B = 2; private final FlexTable _content = new FlexTable(); private final String _title; private final MonitorItem _monItem; private final Image _workingIcon = new Image(GwtUtil.LOADING_ICON_URL); private Widget _warningsButton; private BackgroundStatus _oldBgStat; private DetailUIInfo _detailUI[]; private FocusPanel _abortButton; private boolean _aborted = false; private boolean _success = false; private boolean _calledAutoActivation = false; private String _waitingMsg; //====================================================================== //----------------------- Constructors --------------------------------- //====================================================================== DownloadGroupPanel(MonitorItem monItem) { SimplePanel topPanel = new SimplePanel(); initWidget(topPanel); topPanel.setWidget(_content); _monItem = monItem; _oldBgStat = monItem.getStatus(); _title = monItem.getTitle(); _waitingMsg = ActivationFactory.getInstance().getWaitingMsg(monItem.getUIHint()); layout(); } //====================================================================== //----------------------- Public Methods ------------------------------- //====================================================================== /** * update the package report and the display the user see. * @return true, if the updated report requires the users attention, usually the * is a download ready. false, otherwise */ boolean updateUI() { BackgroundStatus bgStat = _monItem.getStatus(); WebAssert.argTst(ComparisonUtil.equals(bgStat.getID(), _oldBgStat.getID()), "You cannot update the report to one with " + "a different package id."); boolean retval = update(); _oldBgStat = _monItem.getStatus(); if (_monItem.isDone()) { if (_monItem.getState() == BackgroundState.SUCCESS) { if (!_success) { String name = Application.getInstance().getAppName(); Notifications.notify(name + " Task Completed", _monItem.getReportDesc() + ", " + _monItem.getTitle() + " has completed."); } _success = true; if (!_calledAutoActivation && _monItem.getActivateOnCompletion() && !_monItem.getStatus().isMultiPart()) { _calledAutoActivation = true; ActivationFactory.getInstance().activate(_monItem, 0, !_monItem.getImmediately()); } } } return retval; } int getPartsLines() { int retval; int size = getPartCount(_monItem); if (_monItem.getStatus().isFail()) { retval = 1; } else if (size == 0) { retval = 1; } else if (size < 3) { retval = size; } else { retval = size / 2 + 1; } return retval; } MonitorItem getMonitorItem() { return _monItem; } private static int getPartCount(MonitorItem item) { return getPartCount(item, item.getStatus()); } private static int getPartCount(MonitorItem item, BackgroundStatus bgStat) { return bgStat.getPackageCount(); } public BackgroundManager.AttnState getAttentionState() { BackgroundStatus bgStat = _monItem.getStatus(); boolean ready = false; boolean working = !bgStat.isDone(); boolean fail = bgStat.isFail(); if (!fail) { int partCnt = getPartCount(_monItem); if (partCnt > 0) { for (int i = 0; (i < partCnt); i++) { if (bgStat.getPartProgress(i).isDone() && !_monItem.isActivated(i)) ready = true; } } } BackgroundManager.AttnState attnState; if (fail) attnState = BackgroundManager.AttnState.FAIL; else if (ready && working) attnState = BackgroundManager.AttnState.READY_WORKING; else if (ready) attnState = BackgroundManager.AttnState.READY; else if (working) attnState = BackgroundManager.AttnState.WORKING; else attnState = BackgroundManager.AttnState.NONE; return attnState; } public int getUndownloadCnt() { int total = 0; BackgroundStatus bgStat = _monItem.getStatus(); if (!bgStat.isFail()) { for (int i = 0; (i < getPartCount(_monItem)); i++) { if (bgStat.getPartProgress(i).isDone() && !_monItem.isActivated(i)) { total++; } } } return total; } public int getWorkingCnt() { int total = 0; BackgroundStatus bgStat = _monItem.getStatus(); if (bgStat.isActive()) { for (int i = 0; (i < getPartCount(_monItem)); i++) { if (!bgStat.getPartProgress(i).isDone()) total++; } } return total; } //====================================================================== //------------------ Private / Protected Methods ----------------------- //====================================================================== private void layout() { _abortButton = makeAbortButton(); _abortButton.addStyleName("download-group-abort"); _content.addStyleName("download-group-content"); _detailUI = new DetailUIInfo[getPartCount(_monItem)]; layoutDetails(); } // private HTML getTitleWidget() { // HTML titleHTML= new HTML(_title); // titleHTML.addStyleName("group-title"); // return titleHTML; // } private void updateItemTitle() { HTML titleHTML = new HTML(_title); titleHTML.addStyleName("group-title"); FlexTable.FlexCellFormatter formatter = _content.getFlexCellFormatter(); _content.setWidget(0, TITLE_POS, titleHTML); String width; if (_title.length() < 20) width = "200px"; else if (_title.length() < 20) width = "250px"; else if (_title.length() < 25) width = "300px"; else width = "350px"; formatter.setWidth(0, TITLE_POS, width); } private void layoutDetails() { _content.clear(); _content.addStyleName("download-group-header"); updateItemTitle(); _content.setWidget(0, SUBTITLE_POS, _workingIcon); _content.setWidget(0, ABORT_BUTTON_POS, _abortButton); _content.setWidget(0, WORKING_ICON_POS, _workingIcon); FlexTable.FlexCellFormatter formatter = _content.getFlexCellFormatter(); formatter.setWidth(0, ABORT_BUTTON_POS, "35px"); formatter.setWidth(0, WORKING_ICON_POS, "20px"); BackgroundStatus bgStat = _monItem.getStatus(); int partCnt = getPartCount(_monItem); if (_monItem.getState() == BackgroundState.STARTING || (partCnt == 0 && !bgStat.isDone())) { Widget w = createWorkingWidget(STATUS_STARTING_TXT); _content.setWidget(0, STATUS_POS, w); } else { TablePos tpos; for (int i = 0; (i < partCnt); i++) { _detailUI[i] = new DetailUIInfo(); tpos = getStatusPosCol(_monItem, i); _content.setWidget(tpos.getRow(), tpos.getCol(), makeDetailStateWidget(i)); formatter.setWidth(tpos.getRow(), tpos.getCol(), "250px"); if (tpos.getCol() == STATUS_ALT_POS) { formatter.setHorizontalAlignment(tpos.getRow(), tpos.getCol(), HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); } formatter.setWidth(i, ABORT_BUTTON_POS, "35px"); } } _warningsButton = GwtUtil.makeLinkButton(_prop.makeBase("warnings"), new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent ev) { showWarnings((Widget) ev.getSource()); } }); _content.setWidget(partCnt, WARNINGS_POS, _warningsButton); // formatter.setColSpan(partCnt,WARNINGS_POS,3 ); formatter.setHorizontalAlignment(partCnt, WARNINGS_POS, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); _warningsButton.setVisible(false); } private void showWarnings(Widget p) { BackgroundStatus bgStat = _monItem.getStatus(); StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder(300); if (bgStat.getNumMessages() > 0) { txt.append(_prop.getName("warnings.desc")); txt.append("<br><ul>"); for (String m : bgStat.getMessageList()) { txt.append("<li>").append(m).append("</li>"); } txt.append("</ul>"); } else { txt.append(_prop.getName("nowarnings")); } PopupUtil.showInfo(p, _prop.getTitle("warnings"), txt.toString()); } private boolean update() { boolean retval; if (getPartCount(_monItem) == getPartCount(_monItem, _oldBgStat)) { retval = updateDetails(); } else { _detailUI = new DetailUIInfo[getPartCount(_monItem)]; layoutDetails(); retval = updateDetails(); } return retval; } private boolean updateDetails() { BackgroundStatus newStat = _monItem.getStatus(); int partCount = getPartCount(_monItem); boolean open = false; if (newStat.isDone()) disableIndicators(); if (newStat.isFail()) { disableIndicators(); _content.clear(); Label label; switch (newStat.getState()) { case USER_ABORTED: label = new Label(STATUS_ABORTED_DETAIL_TXT); break; case CANCELED: label = new Label(STATUS_CANCELED_DETAIL_TXT); break; case FAIL: label = new Label(STATUS_FAIL_DETAIL_TXT); break; default: label = new Label(""); break; } updateItemTitle(); // _content.setWidget(0, TITLE_POS,getTitleWidget()); _content.setWidget(0, SUBTITLE_POS, label); _content.setWidget(0, ABORT_BUTTON_POS, _abortButton); _content.getCellFormatter().setWidth(0, SUBTITLE_POS, "300px"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(label.getElement(), "float", "right"); if (_content.getRowCount() > 1) { for (int i = 1; (i < _content.getRowCount()); i++) { _content.removeRow(i); } } } else if (partCount == 0 && !newStat.isDone()) { String msg = STATUS_NODETAIL_DETAIL_TXT; if (newStat.getState() == BackgroundState.WAITING && !StringUtils.isEmpty(_waitingMsg)) { msg = _waitingMsg; } Label label = new Label(msg); _content.setWidget(0, STATUS_POS, label); } else { TablePos tpos; for (int i = 0; (i < partCount); i++) { if (i >= getPartCount(_monItem, _oldBgStat) || _monItem.getStatus().getPartProgress(i) .isDone() != _oldBgStat.getPartProgress(i).isDone()) { tpos = getStatusPosCol(_monItem, i); _content.setWidget(tpos.getRow(), tpos.getCol(), makeDetailStateWidget(i)); } if (newStat.isSuccess() && !_monItem.isActivated(i)) { open = true; } else if (newStat.getState() == BackgroundState.WORKING && !newStat.getPartProgress(i).isDone()) { _detailUI[i].setProgressDetail(newStat, i); } } if (partCount == 0) { tpos = getStatusPosCol(_monItem, 0); _content.setWidget(tpos.getRow(), tpos.getCol(), makeDetailStateWidget(0)); } _warningsButton.setVisible(newStat.getNumMessages() > 0); } if (newStat.isSuccess()) addSuccessFootnote(newStat); return open; } private void addSuccessFootnote(BackgroundStatus bgStat) { if (bgStat.isSuccess()) { int partCount = getPartCount(_monItem); TablePos tpos = getStatusPosCol(_monItem, partCount - 1); int currentRow = tpos.getRow() + 1 + (partCount % 2); String paddingTop = "15px"; if (bgStat.hasAttribute(EmailSent)) { Label msgL = new Label(EMAIL_SENT); GwtUtil.setStyle(msgL, "paddingTop", paddingTop); _content.setWidget(currentRow, FOOTNOTE_POS_B, msgL); _content.getFlexCellFormatter().setAlignment(currentRow, FOOTNOTE_POS_A, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); } if (partCount > 1 && bgStat.hasAttribute(DownloadScript)) { Widget downButton = GwtUtil.makeLinkButton(_prop.makeBase("downloadScript"), new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { showDialogScriptDialog(_monItem.getID(), _monItem.getStatus().getDataSource()); } }); _content.getFlexCellFormatter().setAlignment(currentRow, FOOTNOTE_POS_B, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); _content.setWidget(currentRow, FOOTNOTE_POS_A, downButton); GwtUtil.setStyle(downButton, "paddingTop", paddingTop); } } } private void showDialogScriptDialog(String id, String dataSource) {, id, dataSource); } private static TablePos getStatusPosCol(MonitorItem monItem, int idx) { TablePos retval; int size = getPartCount(monItem); if (size <= 3) { retval = new TablePos(idx, STATUS_POS); } else { int totalRows = size / 2; if (size % 2 == 1) totalRows++; if (idx < totalRows) { retval = new TablePos(idx + 1, STATUS_ALT_POS); } else { retval = new TablePos((idx - totalRows) + 1, STATUS_POS); } } return retval; } private Widget makeDetailStateWidget(int idx) { Widget retval; String desc; int partCount = getPartCount(_monItem); if (partCount == 0) partCount = 1; switch (_monItem.getState()) { case STARTING: desc = (partCount == 1) ? STATUS_STARTING_TXT : STATUS_STARTING_PART_TXT + (idx + 1); retval = createWorkingWidget(desc); break; case WAITING: desc = (partCount == 1) ? _waitingMsg : STATUS_WAITING_PART_TXT + (idx + 1); retval = createWorkingWidget(desc); break; case WORKING: if (_monItem.getStatus().getPartProgress(idx).isDone()) { retval = makeSuccessWidget(idx); retval.addStyleName("downloadElement-download"); } else { _detailUI[idx].setProgressDetail(_monItem.getStatus(), idx); retval = _detailUI[idx].getProgressDetailWidget(); } break; case SUCCESS: retval = makeSuccessWidget(idx); retval.addStyleName("downloadElement-download"); break; case USER_ABORTED: case FAIL: case CANCELED: retval = new Label(STATUS_CANCELED_TXT); retval.addStyleName("downloadElement-warning"); break; default: retval = new Label("Unknown: " + _monItem.getState().toString()); retval.addStyleName("downloadElement-unknown"); break; } return retval; } private Widget makeSuccessWidget(int idx) { return ActivationFactory.getInstance().buildActivationUI(_monItem, idx); } // private Widget createHeaderWaitingWidget() { // return createWorkingWidget(STATUS_WAITING_TXT); // } private Widget createWorkingWidget(String txt) { Label l = new Label(txt); l.addStyleName("downloadElement-normal"); l.addStyleName(_ffCss.markedText()); return l; } private void abort() { if (_monItem.getStatus().isDone()) { _content.clear(); _content.setHeight("3px"); BackgroundMonitor mon = Application.getInstance().getBackgroundMonitor(); mon.removeItem(_monItem); } else if (!_aborted && !_monItem.isDone()) { DeferredCommand.addPause(); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { confirmAbort(); } }); } } private void confirmAbort() { PopupUtil.showConfirmMsg(_abortButton, _prop.getTitle("abort.message") + " " + _title, _prop.getName("abort.message"), new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent ev) { doAbort(); } }); } private void doAbort() { DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { _monItem.cancel(); _aborted = true; disableIndicators(); } }); } private void disableIndicators() { _abortButton.clear(); // Label l= new Label(); // l.setWidth("15px"); // l.setHeight("15px"); // _abortButton.setWidget(l); IconCreator ic = IconCreator.Creator.getInstance(); Image image = new Image(ic.getBlueDelete10x10()); image.setPixelSize(10, 10); _abortButton.setSize("15px", "15px"); _abortButton.setWidget(image); _abortButton.setTitle(DELETE_TIP); _workingIcon.setVisible(false); } private FocusPanel makeAbortButton() { FocusPanel fp = new FocusPanel(); Image image = new Image(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "images/stop.gif"); image.setPixelSize(15, 15); fp.setWidget(image); fp.addClickHandler(new AbortHandler()); fp.setTitle(ABORT_TIP); return fp; } // ===================================================================== // -------------------- Inner Classes -------------------------------- // ===================================================================== private class AbortHandler implements ClickHandler { public void onClick(ClickEvent sender) { abort(); } } private static class DetailUIInfo { private static final String RETRIEVED_ICON = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "images/blue_check-on_10x10.gif"; private static final String PROCESSING_ICON = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "images/blue-downloading-15x15.png"; private final FlexTable _progressDetail = new FlexTable(); private final Image _icon = new Image(PROCESSING_ICON); private ProgressBar _progressBar = null; private final FlowPanel _pbarHolder = new FlowPanel(); private boolean _firstPbarUpdate = true; DetailUIInfo() { _progressDetail.addStyleName("downloadElement-progress"); _pbarHolder.setWidth("200px"); _progressDetail.setWidget(0, 1, _pbarHolder); _progressDetail.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(0, 1, 5); _icon.setVisible(false); } public void setShowRetrivedIcon(FileDownloadStatus status) { switch (status) { case DONE: _icon.setVisible(true); _icon.setUrl(RETRIEVED_ICON); break; case NONE: _icon.setVisible(false); break; case WORKING: _icon.setVisible(true); _icon.setUrl(PROCESSING_ICON); break; default: assert false; break; } } public Widget getDownloadMsgWidget() { return _icon; } void setProgressDetail(BackgroundStatus bgStat, int idx) { if (_pbarHolder.isVisible() && _pbarHolder.getAbsoluteLeft() > 0) { PackageProgress progress = bgStat.getPartProgress(idx); long tot = progress.getTotalByes(); boolean progressBySize = (tot > 0); float percent = progressBySize ? ((float) progress.getProcessedBytes() / (float) tot) : ((float) progress.getProcessedFiles() / (float) progress.getTotalFiles()); int pInt = (int) (percent * 100); if (_firstPbarUpdate) { getProgressBar().setTextFormatter(new PText("Starting background Processing")); getProgressBar().setProgress(percent); } else { getProgressBar().setTextFormatter(new PText("Zipped " + pInt + "%" + " of " + (progressBySize ? StringUtils.getSizeAsString(tot, true) : (progress.getTotalFiles() + " files")))); getProgressBar().setProgress(percent); } } _firstPbarUpdate = false; } public Widget getProgressDetailWidget() { return _progressDetail; } public ProgressBar getProgressBar() { if (_progressBar == null) { _progressBar = new ProgressBar(0F, 1F); _progressBar.setWidth("100%"); _pbarHolder.add(_progressBar); } return _progressBar; } } private static class TablePos { final int _row; final int _col; public TablePos(int row, int col) { _row = row; _col = col; } public int getRow() { return _row; } public int getCol() { return _col; } } private static class PText extends ProgressBar.TextFormatter { private final String _s; public PText(String s) { _s = s; } protected String getText(ProgressBar bar, double curProgress) { return _s; } } }