Java tutorial
package edu.byu.softwareDistribution.web.controller.shopper; import edu.byu.edge.person.basic.BasicPersonLookup; import; import edu.byu.softwareDist.ces.PersonRepo; import edu.byu.softwareDist.dao.ProductDao; import edu.byu.softwareDist.domain.AccountCode; import edu.byu.softwareDist.domain.LineItem; import edu.byu.softwareDist.domain.Product; import edu.byu.softwareDist.domain.PurchaseLineItem; import edu.byu.softwareDist.helper.LineItemDisplayHelper; import edu.byu.softwareDist.manager.*; import edu.byu.softwareDistribution.web.cart.ShoppingCart; import edu.byu.softwareDistribution.web.cart.ShoppingCartMessage; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestDataBinder; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; @Controller public class ShoppingCartController { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ShoppingCartController.class); private final ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager; private final PurchaseManager purchaseManager; private final ProductDao productDao; private final ShoppingCart cart; private final LicenseManager licenseManager; private final PersonRepo personRepo; private final BasicPersonLookup basicPersonLookup; @Autowired public ShoppingCartController(final ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager, final PurchaseManager purchaseManager, final ProductDao productDao, final ShoppingCart cart, LicenseManager licenseManager, final PersonRepo personRepo, final BasicPersonLookup basicPersonLookup) { this.cart = cart; this.shoppingCartManager = shoppingCartManager; this.purchaseManager = purchaseManager; this.productDao = productDao; this.licenseManager = licenseManager; this.personRepo = personRepo; this.basicPersonLookup = basicPersonLookup; } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart.htm") public String displayPage(Model model, @RequestParam(value = "byuId", required = false) String byuId) { final List<LineItem> items = new ArrayList<LineItem>(cart.getItems()); final BigDecimal total = cart.getTotalPrice(); final List<LineItemDisplayHelper> displayItems = cart.getItemsWithKeys(); final Map<Integer, Boolean> returnable = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>(); model.addAttribute("items", displayItems); for (final LineItemDisplayHelper lineItem : displayItems) { if (lineItem.getValue().getType() == LineItem.Type.MAINTENANCE_LINE_ITEM) { returnable.put(lineItem.getKey(), true); continue; } final PurchaseLineItem pli = (PurchaseLineItem) lineItem.getValue(); returnable.put(lineItem.getKey(), licenseManager.isReturnable(pli.getProduct().getProductId())); } model.addAttribute("productReturnable", returnable); model.addAttribute("totalPrice", total); model.addAttribute("personRepo", personRepo); model.addAttribute("needsAccountCode", BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(total) != 0); model.addAttribute("itemCount", items.size()); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); model.addAttribute("maintType", LineItem.Type.MAINTENANCE_LINE_ITEM); final IdentityDetails currentIdentityDetails = IdentityDetails.getCurrentIdentityDetails(); String personId = ""; if (byuId != null) { personId = basicPersonLookup.getPersonByByuId(byuId).getPersonId(); } else { personId = currentIdentityDetails.getPersonId(); } LOG.debug("Identity Details id: " + personId); model.addAttribute("accountCodes", purchaseManager.getUsedAccountCodes(personId)); model.addAttribute("signedInName", currentIdentityDetails.getName());"Total Price: " + total); return "shop/shoppingCart"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/addMaintenance") public @ResponseBody String addMaintenance(@RequestParam(value = "maintenanceId") Integer maintenanceId, @RequestParam(value = "byuId", required = false) String byuId, @RequestParam(value = "qty", required = false) Integer qty, @RequestParam(value = "note", required = false) String note) { try { String personId = ""; if (byuId != null) { personId = basicPersonLookup.getPersonByByuId(byuId).getPersonId(); } else { personId = IdentityDetails.getCurrentIdentityDetails().getPersonId(); } final LineItem item = shoppingCartManager.getMaintenanceLineItem(maintenanceId, personId, qty, note); cart.addToCart(item); return String.format("(%d)%s has been added to your cart.", item.getQty(), item.getDisplayName()); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Error adding maintenance to cart.", t); return "Error adding maintenance to cart."; } } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/addProduct") public @ResponseBody String addProduct(@RequestParam(value = "productId") int productId, @RequestParam(value = "byuId", required = false) String byuId, @RequestParam(value = "qty", required = false) Integer qty, @RequestParam(value = "note", required = false) String note) { LOG.debug("Adding Item: " + productId); try { String personId = ""; if (byuId != null) { personId = basicPersonLookup.getPersonByByuId(byuId).getPersonId(); } else { personId = IdentityDetails.getCurrentIdentityDetails().getPersonId(); } final LineItem item = shoppingCartManager.getPurchaseLineItem(productId, personId, qty, note); cart.addToCart(item); return String.format("(%d)%s has been added to your cart.", item.getQty(), item.getDisplayName()); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Error adding product to cart.", t); return "Error adding product to cart."; } } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/getEULA.htm") public String getEULA(Model model, @RequestParam(value = "productId") int productId) { final Product p = productDao.findById(productId); if (p.getEula() != null) { model.addAttribute("eulaText", p.getEula().getTextContent()); } else { model.addAttribute("eulaText", "No EULA"); } return "/shop/shoppingCart"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/changePurchasedFor") public @ResponseBody ShoppingCartMessage changePurchasedFor(@RequestParam(value = "key") int key, @RequestParam(value = "purchasedFor") String purchasedFor) {"Starting change Purchased For..."); ShoppingCartMessage cartMessage = new ShoppingCartMessage(); final LineItem item = cart.getItem(key); if (item == null) {"Item is null."); cartMessage.setMessage("Item does not exist."); cartMessage.setValid(false); return cartMessage; } if (LineItem.Type.PURCHASE_LINE_ITEM.equals(item.getType()) && !shoppingCartManager.checkEligibilityByProductIdAndPersonId(item.getRecordId(), purchasedFor)) {"Person is ineligible."); cartMessage.setMessage("Cannot change proxy to that person. They are not eligible for this product."); cartMessage.setValid(false); return cartMessage; }"Changing Purchased For."); cart.changePurchasedFor(key, purchasedFor); cartMessage.setMessage(String.format("Proxy has been changed for %s.", item.getDisplayName())); cartMessage.setValid(true); return cartMessage; } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/updateNotes") public @ResponseBody String updateNotes(@RequestParam(value = "key") int key, @RequestParam(value = "note") String note) { final LineItem item = cart.getItem(key); if (item == null) { return "Item does not exist."; } cart.changeNote(key, note); return String.format("%s notes have been updated.", item.getDisplayName()); } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/changeQty") public @ResponseBody String changeQty(@RequestParam(value = "key") int key, @RequestParam(value = "qty") Integer qty) { final LineItem item = cart.getItem(key); if (item == null) { return "Item does not exist."; } if (qty == null) qty = 1; cart.changeQuantity(key, qty); return String.format("%s quantity has been updated to %d.", item.getDisplayName(), qty); } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/removeItem") public @ResponseBody String removeItem(@RequestParam(value = "key") int key) { final LineItem item = cart.getItem(key); if (item == null) { return "Item does not exist."; } cart.removeFromCart(key); return String.format("%s removed from cart.", item.getDisplayName()); } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/updateTotalPrice") public @ResponseBody BigDecimal updateTotalPrice() { if (cart == null) return BigDecimal.ZERO; return cart.getTotalPrice(); } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/updateLinePrice") public @ResponseBody BigDecimal updateLinePrice(@RequestParam(value = "key") int key) { final LineItem item = cart.getItem(key); if (item == null) return BigDecimal.ZERO; return item.getTotalPrice(); } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/updatePurchasedFor") public @ResponseBody String updatePurchasedFor(@RequestParam(value = "key") int key) { final LineItem item = cart.getItem(key); if (item == null) return ""; return item.getPurchasedFor(); } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/clearCart") public @ResponseBody String clearCart() { if (cart == null) return "Cart already empty."; cart.clearCart(); return "Cart emptied."; } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/updateEULAs.htm") public String updateEULAs(Model model) { if (cart == null) { model.addAttribute("items", Collections.<LineItemDisplayHelper>emptyList()); } else { final List<LineItemDisplayHelper> items = cart.getItemsWithKeys(); if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) { model.addAttribute("items", Collections.<LineItemDisplayHelper>emptyList()); } else { model.addAttribute("items", items); } } return "shop/shoppingCart"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/checkout.htm") public String checkout(Model model, @RequestParam(value = "accountCode", required = false) String accountCode, @RequestParam(value = "creditCard", required = false) String creditCard) { final String netId = IdentityDetails.getCurrentIdentityDetails().getNetId(); try { if (accountCode != null && !accountCode.isEmpty()) new AccountCode(accountCode); } catch (Throwable ignore) { return "redirect:/shop/shoppingCart.htm"; } final AccountCode ac = (accountCode == null || accountCode.isEmpty()) ? null : new AccountCode(accountCode); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { + " Checking Out Using Account Code: " + accountCode + " -> " + ac); } if (cart == null || cart.getItemCount() == 0) { LOG.warn("Checking out with a null/empty cart (" + (cart == null ? null : cart.getItemCount()) + ")."); return "redirect:/shop/shoppingCart.htm"; } final Collection<LineItem> items = cart.getItems(); PurchaseHelper purchaseHelper = new PurchaseHelper(items, ac, creditCard); CheckOutResults results = null; String sendUserTo; try { purchaseHelper = purchaseManager.purchase(purchaseHelper); if (purchaseHelper.getCreditCardUrl() != null) { cart.clearCart(); sendUserTo = purchaseHelper.getCreditCardUrl(); } else { sendUserTo = "redirect:/shop/myDownloads.htm"; } } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { //this happens when no items were saved. Therefore we need to just redirect as results will be null. LOG.warn(netId + " error with purchase", ise); cart.setErrorMessage("An error occurred while recording your purchase."); return "redirect:/shop/shoppingCart.htm"; } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(netId + " other error", t); sendUserTo = "redirect:/shop/shoppingCart.htm"; } finally { //TODO: if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { + " finishing call to checkout"); } } if (results == null) { LOG.warn(netId + " results are null. what does this mean?"); } final String error = (results != null) ? getErrorText(results) : ""; if (results != null) { if (results.getUnpurchasedItems() != null && !results.getUnpurchasedItems().isEmpty()) { cart.clearCart(); for (final CheckOutResults.FailedReason fr : results.getUnpurchasedItems()) { cart.addToCart(fr.getLineItem()); } } else { //no unpurchased items, so successful cart.clearCart(); sendUserTo = "redirect:/shop/myDownloads.htm"; } } //else results == null which we checked above if (error != null && !"".equals(error)) { cart.setErrorMessage(error); sendUserTo = "redirect:/shop/myDownloads.htm"; } return sendUserTo; } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/checkAccountCode") public @ResponseBody AccountInformation checkAccountCode( @RequestParam(value = "accountCode") String accountCode) {"validating account: " + accountCode); return purchaseManager.checkAccountCode(new AccountCode(accountCode)); } @RequestMapping(value = "/shop/shoppingCart/savedAccountCodes") public @ResponseBody List<AccountCode> getSavedAccountCodes( @RequestParam(value = "effectiveId", required = false) String effectiveId) { if (effectiveId == null) { effectiveId = IdentityDetails.getCurrentIdentityDetails().getPersonId(); } LOG.debug("identity details effective id: " + effectiveId); return purchaseManager.getUsedAccountCodes(effectiveId); } @InitBinder public final void addDateEditor(ServletRequestDataBinder binder) { binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new PropertyEditorSupport() { @Override public void setAsText(String s) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (s == null) { return; } SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { setValue(format.parse(s)); } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.debug("Invalid Date."); } } }); } @ExceptionHandler(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void illegalArgument(IllegalArgumentException iae, HttpServletResponse response) { LOG.error("illegal argument", iae); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } @ExceptionHandler(Throwable.class) public void errors(Throwable e, HttpServletResponse response) { LOG.error("unknown error", e); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } private String getErrorText(final CheckOutResults results) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final CheckOutResults.FailedReason fr : results.getUnpurchasedItems()) { sb.append("<p>Unable to purchase item "); sb.append(fr.getLineItem().getDisplayName()); sb.append(" due to "); sb.append(fr.getReason()); sb.append("</p>\n"); } return sb.toString(); } }