Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package edu.buaa.satla.analysis.core.predicate; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.FileOption; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.AbstractState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.reachedset.UnmodifiableReachedSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.exceptions.CPATransferException; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.exceptions.SolverException; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.AbstractStates; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.CFAUtils; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.LoopStructure; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.StaticRefiner; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.VariableClassification; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.predicates.AbstractionPredicate; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.predicates.Solver; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.predicates.interfaces.BooleanFormula; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.predicates.interfaces.BooleanFormulaManager; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.predicates.interfaces.PathFormulaManager; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.predicates.interfaces.view.FormulaManagerView; @Options(prefix = "staticRefiner") public class PredicateStaticRefiner extends StaticRefiner { @Option(secure = true, description = "Apply mined predicates on the corresponding scope. false = add them to the global precision.") private boolean applyScoped = true; @Option(secure = true, description = "Add all assumtions along a error trace to the precision.") private boolean addAllErrorTraceAssumes = false; @Option(secure = true, description = "Add all assumtions from the control flow automaton to the precision.") private boolean addAllControlFlowAssumes = false; @Option(secure = true, description = "Add all assumtions along a error trace to the precision.") private boolean addAssumesByBoundedBackscan = true; @Option(secure = true, description = "Dump CFA assume edges as SMTLIB2 formulas to a file.") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private Path assumePredicatesFile = null; private final PathFormulaManager pathFormulaManager; private final FormulaManagerView formulaManagerView; private final BooleanFormulaManager booleanManager; private final PredicateAbstractionManager predAbsManager; private final Optional<LoopStructure> loopStructure; private final Solver solver; private final CFA cfa; private Multimap<String, AStatementEdge> directlyAffectingStatements; public PredicateStaticRefiner(Configuration pConfig, LogManager pLogger, Solver pSolver, PathFormulaManager pPathFormulaManager, FormulaManagerView pFormulaManagerView, PredicateAbstractionManager pPredAbsManager, CFA pCfa) throws InvalidConfigurationException { super(pConfig, pLogger); pConfig.inject(this); = pCfa; this.loopStructure = cfa.getLoopStructure(); this.pathFormulaManager = pPathFormulaManager; this.predAbsManager = pPredAbsManager; this.solver = pSolver; this.formulaManagerView = pFormulaManagerView; this.booleanManager = formulaManagerView.getBooleanFormulaManager(); if (assumePredicatesFile != null) { dumpAssumePredicate(assumePredicatesFile); } } private boolean isAssumeOnLoopVariable(AssumeEdge e) { if (!loopStructure.isPresent()) { return false; } Collection<String> referenced = VariableClassification .getVariablesOfExpression((CExpression) e.getExpression()); for (String var : referenced) { if (loopStructure.get().getLoopExitConditionVariables().contains(var)) { return true; } } return false; } private void buildDirectlyAffectingStatements() { if (directlyAffectingStatements != null) { return; } directlyAffectingStatements = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (CFANode u : cfa.getAllNodes()) { Deque<CFAEdge> edgesToHandle = Queues.newArrayDeque(CFAUtils.leavingEdges(u)); while (!edgesToHandle.isEmpty()) { CFAEdge e = edgesToHandle.pop(); if (e instanceof MultiEdge) { edgesToHandle.addAll(((MultiEdge) e).getEdges()); } else if (e instanceof CStatementEdge) { CStatementEdge stmtEdge = (CStatementEdge) e; if (stmtEdge.getStatement() instanceof CAssignment) { CAssignment assign = (CAssignment) stmtEdge.getStatement(); if (assign.getLeftHandSide() instanceof CIdExpression) { String variable = ((CIdExpression) assign.getLeftHandSide()).getDeclaration() .getQualifiedName(); directlyAffectingStatements.put(variable, stmtEdge); } } } } } } private boolean isContradicting(AssumeEdge assume, AStatementEdge stmt) throws SolverException, CPATransferException, InterruptedException { // Check stmt ==> assume? BooleanFormula stmtFormula = pathFormulaManager.makeAnd(pathFormulaManager.makeEmptyPathFormula(), stmt) .getFormula(); BooleanFormula assumeFormula = pathFormulaManager.makeAnd(pathFormulaManager.makeEmptyPathFormula(), assume) .getFormula(); BooleanFormula query = formulaManagerView.uninstantiate(booleanManager.and(stmtFormula, assumeFormula)); boolean contra = solver.isUnsat(query); if (contra) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Contradiction found ", query); } return contra; /* [a == 1] * a = <literal>, where <literal> != 1 * a = a +-* <literal> * * Variable classification can be used!! * * if a IN the set Eq * */ } private boolean hasContradictingOperationInFlow(AssumeEdge e) throws SolverException, CPATransferException, InterruptedException { buildDirectlyAffectingStatements(); Collection<String> referenced = VariableClassification .getVariablesOfExpression((CExpression) e.getExpression()); for (String varName : referenced) { Collection<AStatementEdge> affectedByStmts = directlyAffectingStatements.get(varName); for (AStatementEdge stmtEdge : affectedByStmts) { if (isContradicting(e, stmtEdge)) { return true; } } } return false; } private Set<AssumeEdge> getAllNonLoopControlFlowAssumes() throws SolverException, CPATransferException, InterruptedException { Set<AssumeEdge> result = new HashSet<>(); for (CFANode u : cfa.getAllNodes()) { for (CFAEdge e : CFAUtils.leavingEdges(u)) { if (e instanceof AssumeEdge) { AssumeEdge assume = (AssumeEdge) e; if (!isAssumeOnLoopVariable(assume)) { if (hasContradictingOperationInFlow(assume)) { result.add(assume); } } } } } return result; } private Set<AssumeEdge> getAssumeEdgesAlongPath(UnmodifiableReachedSet reached, ARGState targetState) throws SolverException, CPATransferException, InterruptedException { Set<AssumeEdge> result = new HashSet<>(); Set<ARGState> allStatesOnPath = ARGUtils.getAllStatesOnPathsTo(targetState); for (ARGState s : allStatesOnPath) { CFANode u = AbstractStates.extractLocation(s); for (CFAEdge e : CFAUtils.leavingEdges(u)) { CFANode v = e.getSuccessor(); Collection<AbstractState> reachedOnV = reached.getReached(v); boolean edgeOnTrace = false; for (AbstractState ve : reachedOnV) { if (allStatesOnPath.contains(ve)) { edgeOnTrace = true; break; } } if (edgeOnTrace) { if (e instanceof AssumeEdge) { AssumeEdge assume = (AssumeEdge) e; if (!isAssumeOnLoopVariable(assume)) { if (hasContradictingOperationInFlow(assume)) { result.add(assume); } } } } } } return result; } /** * This method extracts a precision based only on static information derived from the CFA. * * @return a precision for the predicate CPA * @throws CPATransferException * @throws InterruptedException */ public PredicatePrecision extractPrecisionFromCfa(UnmodifiableReachedSet pReached, List<ARGState> abstractionStatesTrace, boolean atomicPredicates) throws SolverException, CPATransferException, InterruptedException { logger.log(Level.FINER, "Extracting precision from CFA..."); // Predicates that should be tracked on function scope Multimap<String, AbstractionPredicate> functionPredicates = ArrayListMultimap.create(); // Predicates that should be tracked globally Collection<AbstractionPredicate> globalPredicates = Lists.newArrayList(); // Determine the ERROR location of the path (last node) ARGState targetState = abstractionStatesTrace.get(abstractionStatesTrace.size() - 1); CFANode targetLocation = AbstractStates.extractLocation(targetState); // Determine the assume edges that should be considered for predicate extraction Set<AssumeEdge> assumeEdges = new HashSet<>(); if (addAllControlFlowAssumes) { assumeEdges.addAll(getAllNonLoopControlFlowAssumes()); } else { if (addAllErrorTraceAssumes) { assumeEdges.addAll(getAssumeEdgesAlongPath(pReached, targetState)); } if (addAssumesByBoundedBackscan) { assumeEdges.addAll(getTargetLocationAssumes(Lists.newArrayList(targetLocation)).values()); } } // Create predicates for the assume edges and add them to the precision for (AssumeEdge assume : assumeEdges) { // Create a boolean formula from the assume Collection<AbstractionPredicate> preds = assumeEdgeToPredicates(atomicPredicates, assume); // Check whether the predicate should be used global or only local boolean applyGlobal = true; if (applyScoped) { for (CIdExpression idExpr : getVariablesOfAssume(assume)) { CSimpleDeclaration decl = idExpr.getDeclaration(); if (decl instanceof CVariableDeclaration) { if (!((CVariableDeclaration) decl).isGlobal()) { applyGlobal = false; } } else if (decl instanceof CParameterDeclaration) { applyGlobal = false; } } } // Add the predicate to the resulting precision if (applyGlobal) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Global predicates mined", preds); globalPredicates.addAll(preds); } else { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Function predicates mined", preds); String function = assume.getPredecessor().getFunctionName(); functionPredicates.putAll(function, preds); } } logger.log(Level.FINER, "Extracting finished."); return new PredicatePrecision(ImmutableSetMultimap.<Pair<CFANode, Integer>, AbstractionPredicate>of(), ArrayListMultimap.<CFANode, AbstractionPredicate>create(), functionPredicates, globalPredicates); } private Collection<AbstractionPredicate> assumeEdgeToPredicates(boolean atomicPredicates, AssumeEdge assume) throws CPATransferException, InterruptedException { BooleanFormula relevantAssumesFormula = pathFormulaManager .makeAnd(pathFormulaManager.makeEmptyPathFormula(), assume).getFormula(); Collection<AbstractionPredicate> preds; if (atomicPredicates) { preds = predAbsManager.extractPredicates(relevantAssumesFormula); } else { preds = ImmutableList.of( predAbsManager.createPredicateFor(formulaManagerView.uninstantiate(relevantAssumesFormula))); } return preds; } protected void dumpAssumePredicate(Path target) { try (Writer w = Files.openOutputFile(target)) { for (CFANode u : cfa.getAllNodes()) { for (CFAEdge e : CFAUtils.leavingEdges(u)) { if (e instanceof AssumeEdge) { Collection<AbstractionPredicate> preds = assumeEdgeToPredicates(false, (AssumeEdge) e); for (AbstractionPredicate p : preds) { w.append(p.getSymbolicAtom().toString()); w.append("\n"); } } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, "Interrupted, could not write assume predicates to file!"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, "IO exception! Could not write assume predicates to file!"); } catch (CPATransferException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, "Transfer exception! Could not write assume predicates to file!"); } } }