Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package edu.buaa.satla.analysis.core.arg; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.AbstractStates; public class ARGToDotWriter { private final Appendable sb; ARGToDotWriter(Appendable pSb) throws IOException { sb = pSb; sb.append("digraph ARG {\n"); // default style for nodes sb.append("node [style=\"filled\" shape=\"box\" color=\"white\"]\n"); } /** * Create String with ARG in the DOT format of Graphviz. * @param sb Where to write the ARG into. * @param rootState the root element of the ARG * @param successorFunction A function giving all successors of an ARGState. Only states reachable from root by iteratively applying this function will be dumped. * @param displayedElements A predicate for selecting states that should be displayed. States which are only reachable via non-displayed states are ignored, too. * @param highlightEdge Which edges to highlight in the graph? * @throws IOException */ public static void write(Appendable sb, final ARGState rootState, final Function<? super ARGState, ? extends Iterable<ARGState>> successorFunction, final Predicate<? super ARGState> displayedElements, final Predicate<? super Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> highlightEdge) throws IOException { ARGToDotWriter toDotWriter = new ARGToDotWriter(sb); toDotWriter.writeSubgraph(rootState, successorFunction, displayedElements, highlightEdge); toDotWriter.finish(); } /** * Create String with ARG in the DOT format of Graphviz. * @param sb Where to write the ARG into. * @param rootStates the root elements of the ARGs * @param connections start- and end-points of edges between separate graphs * @param successorFunction A function giving all successors of an ARGState. Only states reachable from root by iteratively applying this function will be dumped. * @param displayedElements A predicate for selecting states that should be displayed. States which are only reachable via non-displayed states are ignored, too. * @param highlightEdge Which edges to highlight in the graph? * @throws IOException */ public static void write(final Appendable sb, final Set<ARGState> rootStates, final Multimap<ARGState, ARGState> connections, final Function<? super ARGState, ? extends Iterable<ARGState>> successorFunction, final Predicate<? super ARGState> displayedElements, final Predicate<? super Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> highlightEdge) throws IOException { ARGToDotWriter toDotWriter = new ARGToDotWriter(sb); for (ARGState rootState : rootStates) { toDotWriter.enterSubgraph("cluster_" + rootState.getStateId(), "reachedset_" + rootState.getStateId()); toDotWriter.writeSubgraph(rootState, successorFunction, displayedElements, highlightEdge); toDotWriter.leaveSubgraph(); } for (Map.Entry<ARGState, ARGState> connection : connections.entries()) { sb.append(connection.getKey().getStateId() + " -> " + connection.getValue().getStateId()); sb.append(" [color=green style=bold]\n"); } toDotWriter.finish(); } /** * Create String with ARG in the DOT format of Graphviz. * Only the states and edges are written, no surrounding graph definition. * @param sb Where to write the ARG into. * @param rootState the root element of the ARG * @param successorFunction A function giving all successors of an ARGState. Only states reachable from root by iteratively applying this function will be dumped. * @param displayedElements A predicate for selecting states that should be displayed. States which are only reachable via non-displayed states are ignored, too. * @param highlightEdge Which edges to highlight in the graph? * @throws IOException */ void writeSubgraph(final ARGState rootState, final Function<? super ARGState, ? extends Iterable<ARGState>> successorFunction, final Predicate<? super ARGState> displayedElements, final Predicate<? super Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> highlightEdge) throws IOException { Deque<ARGState> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>(); Set<ARGState> processed = new HashSet<>(); StringBuilder edges = new StringBuilder(); worklist.add(rootState); while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { ARGState currentElement = worklist.removeLast(); if (!displayedElements.apply(currentElement)) { continue; } if (!processed.add(currentElement)) { continue; } sb.append(determineNode(currentElement)); sb.append(determineStateHint(currentElement)); for (ARGState covered : currentElement.getCoveredByThis()) { edges.append(covered.getStateId()); edges.append(" -> "); edges.append(currentElement.getStateId()); edges.append(" [style=\"dashed\" weight=\"0\" label=\"covered by\"]\n"); } for (ARGState child : successorFunction.apply(currentElement)) { edges.append(determineEdge(highlightEdge, currentElement, child)); worklist.add(child); } } sb.append(edges); } private static String determineEdge(final Predicate<? super Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> highlightEdge, final ARGState state, final ARGState succesorState) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(state.getStateId()).append(" -> ").append(succesorState.getStateId()); builder.append(" ["); if (state.getChildren().contains(succesorState)) { final CFAEdge edge = state.getEdgeToChild(succesorState); if (edge == null) { // there is no direct edge between the nodes, use a dummy-edge builder.append("style=\"bold\" color=\"blue\" label=\"dummy edge\""); } else { // edge exists, use info from edge boolean colored = highlightEdge.apply(Pair.of(state, succesorState)); if (colored) { builder.append("color=\"red\" "); } builder.append("label=\""); builder.append("Line "); builder.append(edge.getLineNumber()); builder.append(": "); builder.append(edge.getDescription().replaceAll("\n", " ").replace('"', '\'')); builder.append("\""); } builder.append(" id=\""); builder.append(state.getStateId()); builder.append(" -> "); builder.append(succesorState.getStateId()); builder.append("\""); } builder.append("]\n"); return builder.toString(); } void writeEdge(ARGState start, ARGState end) throws IOException { sb.append("" + start.getStateId()); sb.append(" -> "); sb.append("" + end.getStateId()); sb.append("\n"); } void enterSubgraph(String name, String label) throws IOException { sb.append("subgraph "); sb.append(name); sb.append(" {\n"); sb.append("label=\""); sb.append(label); sb.append("\"\n"); } void leaveSubgraph() throws IOException { sb.append("}\n"); } void finish() throws IOException { sb.append("}\n"); } private static String escapeLabelString(final String rawString) { return rawString; } private static String determineStateHint(final ARGState currentElement) { final String stateNodeId = Integer.toString(currentElement.getStateId()); final String hintNodeId = stateNodeId + "hint"; String hintLabel = ""; // PredicateAbstractState abstraction = AbstractStates.extractStateByType(currentElement, PredicateAbstractState.class); // if (abstraction != null && abstraction.isAbstractionState()) { // final StringBuilder labelBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // labelBuilder.append(abstraction.getAbstractionFormula().asFormula().toString()); // hintLabel = labelBuilder.toString(); // } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (hintLabel != "") { builder.append(" {"); builder.append(" rank=same;\n"); builder.append(" "); builder.append(stateNodeId); builder.append(";\n"); builder.append(" \""); builder.append(hintNodeId); builder.append("\" [label=\""); builder.append(escapeLabelString(hintLabel)); builder.append("\", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=gray];\n"); builder.append(" "); builder.append(stateNodeId); builder.append(" -> "); builder.append("\""); builder.append(hintNodeId); builder.append("\""); builder.append(" [arrowhead=none, color=gray, style=solid]"); builder.append(";\n"); builder.append(" }\n"); } return builder.toString(); } private static String determineNode(final ARGState currentElement) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(currentElement.getStateId()); builder.append(" ["); final String color = determineColor(currentElement); if (color != null) { builder.append("fillcolor=\"").append(color).append("\" "); } builder.append("label=\"").append(determineLabel(currentElement)).append("\" "); builder.append("id=\"").append(currentElement.getStateId()).append("\"]\n"); return builder.toString(); } private static String determineLabel(ARGState currentElement) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(currentElement.getStateId()); CFANode loc = AbstractStates.extractLocation(currentElement); if (loc != null) { builder.append(" @ "); builder.append(loc.toString()); builder.append("\\n"); builder.append(loc.getFunctionName()); if (loc instanceof FunctionEntryNode) { builder.append(" entry"); } else if (loc instanceof FunctionExitNode) { builder.append(" exit"); } } builder.append("\\n"); builder.append(currentElement.toDOTLabel()); return builder.toString().trim(); } private static String determineColor(ARGState currentElement) { if (currentElement.isCovered()) { return "green"; } if (currentElement.isTarget()) { return "red"; } if (!currentElement.wasExpanded()) { return "orange"; } if (currentElement.shouldBeHighlighted()) { return "cornflowerblue"; } return null; } }