Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package edu.buaa.satla.analysis.core.arg; import static*; import static; import static edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.AbstractStates.extractLocation; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.defaults.AbstractSingleWrapperState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.AbstractState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Graphable; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.TargetableWithPredicatedAnalysis; import; import; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.UniqueIdGenerator; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.predicates.interfaces.BooleanFormula; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.predicates.interfaces.view.FormulaManagerView; public class ARGState extends AbstractSingleWrapperState implements Comparable<ARGState>, TargetableWithPredicatedAnalysis, Graphable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2608287648397165040L; // We use a List here although we would like to have a Set // because ArrayList is much more memory efficient than e.g. LinkedHashSet. // Also these collections are small and so a slow contains() method won't hurt. // To enforce set semantics, do not add elements except through addparent()! private final Collection<ARGState> children = new ArrayList<>(1); private final Collection<ARGState> parents = new ArrayList<>(1); private ARGState mCoveredBy = null; private Set<ARGState> mCoveredByThis = null; // lazy initialization because rarely needed // boolean which keeps track of which elements have already had their successors computed private boolean wasExpanded = false; private boolean mayCover = true; private boolean destroyed = false; private boolean hasCoveredParent = false; private ARGState mergedWith = null; private final int stateId; private static final UniqueIdGenerator idGenerator = new UniqueIdGenerator(); public ARGState(@Nullable AbstractState pWrappedState, @Nullable ARGState pParentElement) { super(pWrappedState); stateId = idGenerator.getFreshId(); if (pParentElement != null) { addParent(pParentElement); } } // parent & child relations /** * Get the parent elements of this state. * @return A unmodifiable collection of ARGStates without duplicates. */ public Collection<ARGState> getParents() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(parents); } public void addParent(ARGState pOtherParent) { checkNotNull(pOtherParent); assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; // Manually enforce set semantics. if (!parents.contains(pOtherParent)) { assert !pOtherParent.children.contains(this); parents.add(pOtherParent); pOtherParent.children.add(this); } else { assert pOtherParent.children.contains(this); } } /** * Get the child elements of this state. * @return An unmodifiable collection of ARGStates without duplicates. */ public Collection<ARGState> getChildren() { assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(children); } /** * Returns the edge from current state to child or Null, if there is no edge. * Both forward and backward analysis must be considered! */ @Nullable public CFAEdge getEdgeToChild(ARGState pChild) { checkArgument(children.contains(pChild)); CFANode currentLoc = extractLocation(this); CFANode childLoc = extractLocation(pChild); if (currentLoc.hasEdgeTo(childLoc)) { // Forwards return currentLoc.getEdgeTo(childLoc); } else if (currentLoc.getLeavingSummaryEdge() != null && currentLoc.getLeavingSummaryEdge().getSuccessor().equals(childLoc)) { // Forwards return currentLoc.getLeavingSummaryEdge(); } else if (childLoc.hasEdgeTo(currentLoc)) { // Backwards return childLoc.getEdgeTo(currentLoc); } else if (currentLoc.getEnteringSummaryEdge() != null && currentLoc.getEnteringSummaryEdge().getSuccessor().equals(childLoc)) { // Backwards return currentLoc.getEnteringSummaryEdge(); } else { return null; } } public Set<ARGState> getSubgraph() { assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; Set<ARGState> result = new HashSet<>(); Deque<ARGState> workList = new ArrayDeque<>(); workList.add(this); while (!workList.isEmpty()) { ARGState currentElement = workList.removeFirst(); if (result.add(currentElement)) { // currentElement was not in result workList.addAll(currentElement.children); } } return result; } // coverage public void setCovered(@Nonnull ARGState pCoveredBy) { checkState(!isCovered(), "Cannot cover already covered element %s", this); checkNotNull(pCoveredBy); checkArgument(pCoveredBy.mayCover, "Trying to cover with non-covering element %s", pCoveredBy); mCoveredBy = pCoveredBy; if (pCoveredBy.mCoveredByThis == null) { // lazy initialization because rarely needed pCoveredBy.mCoveredByThis = new LinkedHashSet<>(2); } pCoveredBy.mCoveredByThis.add(this); } public void uncover() { assert isCovered(); assert mCoveredBy.mCoveredByThis.contains(this); mCoveredBy.mCoveredByThis.remove(this); mCoveredBy = null; } public boolean isCovered() { assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; return mCoveredBy != null; } public ARGState getCoveringState() { checkState(isCovered()); return mCoveredBy; } public Set<ARGState> getCoveredByThis() { assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; if (mCoveredByThis == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } else { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(mCoveredByThis); } } public boolean mayCover() { return mayCover && !hasCoveredParent && !isCovered(); } public void setNotCovering() { assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; mayCover = false; } void setHasCoveredParent(boolean pHasCoveredParent) { assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; hasCoveredParent = pHasCoveredParent; } // merged-with marker so that stop can return true for merged elements void setMergedWith(ARGState pMergedWith) { assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; assert mergedWith == null : "Second merging of element " + this; mergedWith = pMergedWith; } public ARGState getMergedWith() { return mergedWith; } // was-expanded marker so we can identify open leafs boolean wasExpanded() { return wasExpanded; } void markExpanded() { wasExpanded = true; } void deleteChild(ARGState child) { assert (children.contains(child)); children.remove(child); child.parents.remove(this); } // small and less important stuff public int getStateId() { return stateId; } public boolean isDestroyed() { return destroyed; } /** * The ordering of this class is the chronological creation order. */ @Override public final int compareTo(ARGState pO) { return, pO.stateId); } @Override public final boolean equals(Object pObj) { // Object.equals() is consistent with our compareTo() // because stateId is a unique identifier. return super.equals(pObj); } @Override public final int hashCode() { // Object.hashCode() is consistent with our compareTo() // because stateId is a unique identifier. return super.hashCode(); } public boolean isOlderThan(ARGState other) { return (stateId < other.stateId); } @Override public boolean isTarget() { return !hasCoveredParent && !isCovered() && super.isTarget(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (destroyed) { sb.append("Destroyed "); } if (mCoveredBy != null) { sb.append("Covered "); } sb.append("ARG State (Id: "); sb.append(stateId); if (!destroyed) { sb.append(", Parents: "); sb.append(stateIdsOf(parents)); sb.append(", Children: "); sb.append(stateIdsOf(children)); if (mCoveredBy != null) { sb.append(", Covered by: "); sb.append(mCoveredBy.stateId); } else { sb.append(", Covering: "); sb.append(stateIdsOf(getCoveredByThis())); } } sb.append(") "); sb.append(getWrappedState()); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toDOTLabel() { if (getWrappedState() instanceof Graphable) { return ((Graphable) getWrappedState()).toDOTLabel(); } return ""; } @Override public boolean shouldBeHighlighted() { if (getWrappedState() instanceof Graphable) { return ((Graphable) getWrappedState()).shouldBeHighlighted(); } return false; } private final Iterable<Integer> stateIdsOf(Iterable<ARGState> elements) { return from(elements).transform(TO_STATE_ID); } private static final Function<ARGState, Integer> TO_STATE_ID = new Function<ARGState, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(ARGState pInput) { return pInput.stateId; } }; // removal from ARG /** * This method removes this element from the ARG by removing it from its * parents' children list and from its children's parents list. * * This method also removes the element from the covered set of the other * element covering this element, if it is covered. * * This means, if its children do not have any other parents, they will be not * reachable any more, i.e. they do not belong to the ARG any more. But those * elements will not be removed from the covered set. */ public void removeFromARG() { assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; // clear children for (ARGState child : children) { assert (child.parents.contains(this)); child.parents.remove(this); } children.clear(); // clear parents for (ARGState parent : parents) { assert (parent.children.contains(this)); parent.children.remove(this); } parents.clear(); // clear coverage relation if (isCovered()) { assert mCoveredBy.mCoveredByThis.contains(this); mCoveredBy.mCoveredByThis.remove(this); mCoveredBy = null; } if (mCoveredByThis != null) { for (ARGState covered : mCoveredByThis) { covered.mCoveredBy = null; } mCoveredByThis.clear(); mCoveredByThis = null; } destroyed = true; } /** * This method does basically the same as removeFromARG for this element, but * before destroying it, it will copy all relationships to other elements to * a new state. I.e., the replacement element will receive all parents and * children of this element, and it will also cover all elements which are * currently covered by this element. * * @param replacement */ public void replaceInARGWith(ARGState replacement) { assert !destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + this; assert !replacement.destroyed : "Don't use destroyed ARGState " + replacement; assert !isCovered() : "Not implemented: Replacement of covered element " + this; assert !replacement.isCovered() : "Cannot replace with covered element " + replacement; // copy children for (ARGState child : children) { assert (child.parents.contains(this)) : "Inconsistent ARG at " + this; child.parents.remove(this); child.addParent(replacement); } children.clear(); for (ARGState parent : parents) { assert (parent.children.contains(this)) : "Inconsistent ARG at " + this; parent.children.remove(this); replacement.addParent(parent); } parents.clear(); if (mCoveredByThis != null) { if (replacement.mCoveredByThis == null) { // lazy initialization because rarely needed replacement.mCoveredByThis = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(mCoveredByThis.size()); } for (ARGState covered : mCoveredByThis) { assert covered.mCoveredBy == this : "Inconsistent coverage relation at " + this; covered.mCoveredBy = replacement; replacement.mCoveredByThis.add(covered); } mCoveredByThis.clear(); mCoveredByThis = null; } destroyed = true; } @Override public BooleanFormula getErrorCondition(FormulaManagerView pFmgr) { if (isTarget() && super.getWrappedState() instanceof TargetableWithPredicatedAnalysis) { return ((TargetableWithPredicatedAnalysis) super.getWrappedState()).getErrorCondition(pFmgr); } else { return pFmgr.getBooleanFormulaManager().makeBoolean(false); } } }