Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import static edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.CFAUtils.*; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.buaa.satla.analysis.util.CFAUtils; public class CFACheck { /** * Traverse the CFA and run a series of checks at each node * @param cfa Node to start traversal from * @param nodes Optional set of all nodes in the CFA (may be null) * @param pruned Whether the CFA was pruned and may be incomplete. */ public static boolean check(FunctionEntryNode cfa, Collection<CFANode> nodes, boolean pruned) { Set<CFANode> visitedNodes = new HashSet<>(); Deque<CFANode> waitingNodeList = new ArrayDeque<>(); waitingNodeList.add(cfa); while (!waitingNodeList.isEmpty()) { CFANode node = waitingNodeList.poll(); if (visitedNodes.add(node)) { Iterables.addAll(waitingNodeList, CFAUtils.successorsOf(node)); Iterables.addAll(waitingNodeList, CFAUtils.predecessorsOf(node)); // just to be sure to get ALL nodes. // The actual checks isConsistent(node); checkEdgeCount(node, pruned); } } if (nodes != null) { if (!visitedNodes.equals(nodes)) { assert false : "\nNodes in CFA but not reachable through traversal: " + Iterables.transform(Sets.difference(new HashSet<>(nodes), visitedNodes), DEBUG_FORMAT) + "\nNodes reached that are not in CFA: " + Iterables.transform(Sets.difference(visitedNodes, new HashSet<>(nodes)), DEBUG_FORMAT); } } return true; } private static final Function<CFANode, String> DEBUG_FORMAT = new Function<CFANode, String>() { @Override public String apply(CFANode node) { if (node == null) { // nothing useful to do. this line only exists, because input for Function.apply might be NULL. return "NULL"; } // try to get some information about location from node FileLocation location = FileLocation.DUMMY; if (node.getNumEnteringEdges() > 0) { location = node.getEnteringEdge(0).getFileLocation(); } else if (node.getNumLeavingEdges() > 0) { location = node.getLeavingEdge(0).getFileLocation(); } return node.getFunctionName() + ":" + node + " (" + location + ")"; } }; /** * Verify that the number of edges and their types match. * @param pNode Node to be checked */ private static void checkEdgeCount(CFANode pNode, boolean pruned) { // check entering edges int entering = pNode.getNumEnteringEdges(); if (entering == 0) { assert (pNode instanceof FunctionEntryNode) : "Dead code: node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode) + " has no incoming edges (successors are " + CFAUtils.successorsOf(pNode).transform(DEBUG_FORMAT) + ")"; } // check leaving edges if (!(pNode instanceof FunctionExitNode)) { switch (pNode.getNumLeavingEdges()) { case 0: if (!pruned) { // not possible to check this when CFA was pruned assert pNode instanceof CFATerminationNode : "Dead end at node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } break; case 1: CFAEdge edge = pNode.getLeavingEdge(0); if (!pruned) { // not possible to check this when CFA was pruned assert !(edge instanceof AssumeEdge) : "AssumeEdge does not appear in pair at node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } assert !(edge instanceof CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge) : "CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge is not paired with CFunctionCallEdge at node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); break; case 2: CFAEdge edge1 = pNode.getLeavingEdge(0); CFAEdge edge2 = pNode.getLeavingEdge(1); //relax this assumption for summary edges if (edge1 instanceof CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge) { assert edge2 instanceof CFunctionCallEdge : "CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge is not paired with CFunctionCallEdge at node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } else if (edge2 instanceof CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge) { assert edge1 instanceof CFunctionCallEdge : "CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge is not paired with CFunctionCallEdge at node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } else { assert (edge1 instanceof AssumeEdge) && (edge2 instanceof AssumeEdge) : "Branching without conditions at node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); // TODO Ask for permission AssumeEdge ae1 = (AssumeEdge) edge1; AssumeEdge ae2 = (AssumeEdge) edge2; assert ae1.getTruthAssumption() != ae2.getTruthAssumption() : "Inconsistent branching at node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } break; default: assert false : "Too much branching at node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } } } /** * Check all entering and leaving edges for corresponding leaving/entering edges * at predecessor/successor nodes, and that there are no duplicates * @param pNode Node to be checked */ private static void isConsistent(CFANode pNode) { Set<CFAEdge> seenEdges = new HashSet<>(); Set<CFANode> seenNodes = new HashSet<>(); for (CFAEdge edge : leavingEdges(pNode)) { if (!seenEdges.add(edge)) { assert false : "Duplicate leaving edge " + edge + " on node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } CFANode successor = edge.getSuccessor(); if (!seenNodes.add(successor)) { assert false : "Duplicate successor " + successor + " for node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } boolean hasEdge = enteringEdges(successor).contains(edge); assert hasEdge : "Node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode) + " has leaving edge " + edge + ", but pNode " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(successor) + " does not have this edge as entering edge!"; } seenEdges.clear(); seenNodes.clear(); for (CFAEdge edge : enteringEdges(pNode)) { if (!seenEdges.add(edge)) { assert false : "Duplicate entering edge " + edge + " on node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } CFANode predecessor = edge.getPredecessor(); if (!seenNodes.add(predecessor)) { assert false : "Duplicate predecessor " + predecessor + " for node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode); } boolean hasEdge = leavingEdges(predecessor).contains(edge); assert hasEdge : "Node " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode) + " has entering edge " + edge + ", but pNode " + DEBUG_FORMAT.apply(pNode) + " does not have this edge as leaving edge!"; } } }