Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2015 Ball State University This file is part of Collaboration Station. Collaboration Station is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Collaboration Station is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Collaboration Station. If not, see <>. */ package edu.bsu.issgame.core.sequence; import static; import static; import static playn.core.PlayN.log; import static playn.core.PlayN.pointer; import java.util.Map; import playn.core.Layer; import playn.core.Pointer; import playn.core.Pointer.Event; import pythagoras.f.IPoint; import pythagoras.f.Point; import tripleplay.anim.AnimBuilder; import tripleplay.sound.MultiClip; import tripleplay.sound.SoundBoard; import tripleplay.ui.Label; import tripleplay.ui.Root; import tripleplay.ui.Shim; import tripleplay.ui.layout.AxisLayout; import tripleplay.util.PointerInput; import; import; import edu.bsu.issgame.core.AbstractGameScreen; import edu.bsu.issgame.core.CommonGameScreenUI; import edu.bsu.issgame.core.CustomStyleSheet; import edu.bsu.issgame.core.GameImage; import edu.bsu.issgame.core.GameSound; import edu.bsu.issgame.core.MinigameType; import edu.bsu.issgame.core.Score; public class SequenceMatchScreen extends CommonGameScreenUI { private static final IPoint percentOfScreen(float w, float h) { return new Point(graphics().width() * w, graphics().height() * h); } private static final ImmutableMap<SequenceItemType, SequenceButton> makeMap(SequenceItemType... types) { ImmutableMap.Builder<SequenceItemType, SequenceButton> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (SequenceItemType type : types) { SequenceButton button = new SequenceButton(type); builder.put(type, button); } return; } private static final float DURATION_OF_PRESSED_IMAGE = 600f; private static final float SCALE_TWEEN_TIME = 100f; private static final float SCALE_MAX = 1.05f; private static final float TOP_ROW = 0.30f; private static final float BOTTOM_ROW = 0.75f; private static final float LEFT = 0.20f; private static final float BETWEEN = 0.20f; private ImmutableMap<SequenceItemType, IPoint> buttonLocationMap = ImmutableMap.of(SequenceItemType.BIOLOGY, percentOfScreen(LEFT, TOP_ROW), SequenceItemType.EXERCISE, percentOfScreen(LEFT + BETWEEN, BOTTOM_ROW), SequenceItemType.SLEEP, percentOfScreen(LEFT + 2 * BETWEEN, TOP_ROW), // SequenceItemType.PHYSICS, percentOfScreen(LEFT + 3 * BETWEEN, BOTTOM_ROW)); private final PointerInput input = new PointerInput(); private final ImmutableMap<SequenceItemType, SequenceButton> buttonMap = makeMap(SequenceItemType.BIOLOGY, // SequenceItemType.EXERCISE, // SequenceItemType.SLEEP, // SequenceItemType.PHYSICS); private Sequence sequence; private Root root; private SoundBoard soundBoard = new SoundBoard(); private Label watchCloselyLabel = new Label("Watch closely..."); private Map<SequenceItemType, MultiClip> clipMap = Maps.newHashMap(); public SequenceMatchScreen(AbstractGameScreen previous) { super(previous); createRoot(); setBackground(GameImage.SEQUENCE_MATCHING_BACKGROUND.image); placeSequenceButtonsOnScreen(); sequence = new Sequence().addItem(); root.add(watchCloselyLabel); initializeSoundBoard(); enterState(pauseBetweenRoundsState); } private void createRoot() { root = iface.createRoot(AxisLayout.vertical(), // CustomStyleSheet.instance(), layer)// .setSize(graphics().width(), graphics().height()); root.add(new Shim(15, 15)); } private void initializeSoundBoard() { for (SequenceItemType type : SequenceItemType.values()) { MultiClip clip = new MultiClip(soundBoard, type.sfx.path, 2, 0.4f); clipMap.put(type, clip); } } private void placeSequenceButtonsOnScreen() { for (SequenceButton button : buttonMap.values()) { IPoint ipoint = buttonLocationMap.get(button.getButtonType()); layer.addAt(button.getImageLayer(), ipoint.x(), ipoint.y()); registerInputOn(button); } } private void registerInputOn(final SequenceButton button) { input.register(button.getImageLayer(), new Pointer.Adapter() { @Override public void onPointerStart(Event event) { state.onPress(button); } @Override public void onPointerEnd(Event event) { state.onRelease(button); } }); } private void playSfxFor(SequenceItemType buttonType) { clipMap.get(buttonType).reserve().play(); } private void updateScore() { int delta = TriangularMathUtil.sum(sequence.getLength()); Score scoreToAdd = Score.create().addScience(delta); score.update(score.get().add(scoreToAdd)); } @Override protected void setMinigameType() { thisMinigame = MinigameType.PATTERN_REPEAT; } private void disableInput() { pointer().setListener(null); } private void enableInput() { pointer().setListener(input.plistener); } private State state; private void enterState(State newState) { if (this.state != null) { this.state.onExit(); } this.state = newState; newState.onEnter(); } private interface State { void onEnter(); void onExit(); void onPress(SequenceButton button); void onRelease(SequenceButton button); } private abstract class AbstractState implements State { private final String name; protected AbstractState(String name) { = name; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } @Override public void onEnter() { } @Override public void onExit() { } @Override public void onPress(SequenceButton button) { logWarning(button); } @Override public void onRelease(SequenceButton button) { logWarning(button); } private void logWarning(SequenceButton button) { log().warn("Unexpected interaction with " + button + " from state " + toString()); } } private final State showSequenceState = new AbstractState("showSequenceState") { private final int delayBetweenSequenceItems = 100; private final int delayBetweenWatchMessageAndSequenceStart = 500; private final Runnable showSequenceAction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { showSequence(); } }; private final Runnable enterYourTurnStateAction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { enterState(yourTurnState); } }; private AnimBuilder builder; @Override public void onEnter() { AnimBuilder builder = anim.delay(0).then(); if (sequence.getLength() == 1) { builder = builder.tweenAlpha(watchCloselyLabel.layer)// .to(1f)// .in(250f)// .then()// .delay(delayBetweenWatchMessageAndSequenceStart)// .then()// .tweenAlpha(watchCloselyLabel.layer)// .to(0f)// .in(250f)// .then(); } builder.action(showSequenceAction); } private void showSequence() { checkState(builder == null); builder = anim.delay(0).then(); for (SequenceItemType buttonType : sequence.getSequence()) { animateButton(buttonType); } builder.action(enterYourTurnStateAction); builder = null; } private void animateButton(SequenceItemType buttonType) { final SequenceButton button = buttonMap.get(buttonType); builder = builder// .action(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { button.setPressed(); playSfxFor(button.getButtonType()); pulseScale(button.getImageLayer()); } })// .then()// .delay(DURATION_OF_PRESSED_IMAGE)// .then()// .action(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { button.setUnpressed(); } })// .then()// .delay(delayBetweenSequenceItems)// .then(); } private void pulseScale(Layer buttonLayer) { final float holdDelay = Math.max(0, DURATION_OF_PRESSED_IMAGE - 2 * SCALE_TWEEN_TIME); anim.tweenScale(buttonLayer)// .to(SCALE_MAX)// .in(SCALE_TWEEN_TIME)// .easeIn()// .then()// .delay(holdDelay)// .then()// .tweenScale(buttonLayer)// .to(1f)// .in(SCALE_TWEEN_TIME)// .easeOut(); } }; private final State pauseBetweenRoundsState = new AbstractState("pauseBetweenRoundsState") { private final int DELAY_BETWEEN_ROUNDS = 500; private final Runnable enterShowSequenceState = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { enterState(showSequenceState); } }; @Override public void onEnter() { anim.delay(DELAY_BETWEEN_ROUNDS)// .then()// .action(enterShowSequenceState); } }; private final State yourTurnState = new AbstractState("yourTurnState") { @Override public void onEnter() { activateAllButtons(); enableInput(); } private void activateAllButtons() { for (SequenceButton button : buttonMap.values()) { button.setActive(); } } @Override public void onPress(SequenceButton button) { playSfxFor(button.getButtonType()); button.setPressed(); button.getImageLayer().setScale(SCALE_MAX); } @Override public void onRelease(SequenceButton button) { button.setUnpressed(); if (sequence.isClickCorrect(button)) { handleCorrect(); } else { handleIncorrect(); } anim.tweenScale(button.getImageLayer())// .to(1f)// .easeOut()// .in(SCALE_TWEEN_TIME); } private void handleCorrect() { sequence.incrementPointer(); if (sequence.isComplete()) { updateScore(); extendSequence(); disableInput(); } } private void extendSequence() { sequence.addItem(); sequence.resetPointer(); enterState(pauseBetweenRoundsState); } private void handleIncorrect() { enterState(incorrectState); } @Override public void onExit() { deactivateAllButtons(); } private void deactivateAllButtons() { for (SequenceButton button : buttonMap.values()) { button.setInactive(); } } }; private final State incorrectState = new AbstractState("incorrectState") { private final Runnable enterPauseBetweenRoundsState = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { enterState(pauseBetweenRoundsState); } }; @Override public void onEnter() {; disableInput(); sequence.reset(); sequence.resetPointer(); sequence.addItem(); pauseAndShakeButtonsThenShowNewSequence(); } private void pauseAndShakeButtonsThenShowNewSequence() { for (SequenceButton button : buttonMap.values()) { anim.shake(button.getImageLayer()); } anim.shake(watchCloselyLabel.layer); anim.shake(layer)// .then()// .action(enterPauseBetweenRoundsState); } }; @Override public void wasHidden() { super.wasHidden(); disableInput(); } }