Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/*                              */
/*                  */
/*                              */
/*   Handle callgraph-related commands for Bubbles            */
/*                              */
/*   Copyright 2006 Brown University -- Steven P. Reiss            */
 *  Copyright 2011, Brown University, Providence, RI.             *
 *                               *
 *           All Rights Reserved                *
 *                               *
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the    *
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, *
 * and is available at                         *
 *             *
 *                               *

/* RCS: $Header$ */

 * $Log$

package edu.brown.cs.bubbles.bedrock;

import edu.brown.cs.ivy.file.IvyFormat;
import edu.brown.cs.ivy.xml.IvyXmlWriter;

import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;

import java.util.*;

class BedrockCall implements BedrockConstants {

    /*                              */
    /*   Private storage                      */
    /*                              */

    private BedrockPlugin our_plugin;

    private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 5;

    /*                              */
    /*   Constructors                        */
    /*                              */

    BedrockCall(BedrockPlugin bp) {
        our_plugin = bp;

    /*                              */
    /*   Search for call path between methods               */
    /*                              */

    void getCallPath(String proj, String src, String tgt, boolean shortest, int lvls, IvyXmlWriter xw)
            throws BedrockException {
        IProject ip = our_plugin.getProjectManager().findProject(proj);
        IJavaProject ijp = JavaCore.create(ip);
        if (lvls < 0)
            lvls = MAX_LEVELS;

        IJavaElement[] pelt = new IJavaElement[] { ijp };
        int incl = IJavaSearchScope.SOURCES | IJavaSearchScope.APPLICATION_LIBRARIES
                | IJavaSearchScope.REFERENCED_PROJECTS;
        IJavaSearchScope scp = SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(pelt, incl);

        SearchEngine se = new SearchEngine();
        SearchParticipant[] parts = new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() };

        SearchPattern p1 = SearchPattern.createPattern(src, IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH);
        SearchPattern p1a = SearchPattern.createPattern(fixConstructor(src), IJavaSearchConstants.CONSTRUCTOR,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH);
        if (p1 == null || p1a == null)
            throw new BedrockException("Illegal source pattern " + src);

        SearchPattern p2 = SearchPattern.createPattern(tgt, IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH);
        SearchPattern p2a = SearchPattern.createPattern(fixConstructor(tgt), IJavaSearchConstants.CONSTRUCTOR,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH);
        if (p2 == null || p2a == null)
            throw new BedrockException("Illegal target pattern " + tgt);

        SetHandler sh = new SetHandler();
        try {
  , parts, scp, sh, null);
            BedrockPlugin.logD("CALL: Source A: " + sh.getSize() + " " + p1);
            if (sh.isEmpty())
      , parts, scp, sh, null);
            BedrockPlugin.logD("CALL: Source B: " + sh.getSize() + " " + p1a);
        } catch (CoreException e) {
            throw new BedrockException("Problem doing call search 1: " + e, e);

        SetHandler th = new SetHandler();
        try {
  , parts, scp, th, null);
            BedrockPlugin.logD("CALL: Target A: " + th.getSize() + " " + p2);
            if (th.isEmpty())
      , parts, scp, th, null);
            BedrockPlugin.logD("CALL: Target B: " + th.getSize() + " " + p2a);
        } catch (CoreException e) {
            throw new BedrockException("Problem doing call search 2: " + e, e);

        Map<IMethod, CallNode> nodes = new HashMap<IMethod, CallNode>();
        Queue<IMethod> workqueue = new LinkedList<IMethod>();
        for (IMethod je : th.getElements()) {
            CallNode cn = new CallNode(je, 0);
            nodes.put(je, cn);

        while (!workqueue.isEmpty()) {
            IMethod je = workqueue.remove();
            CallNode cn = nodes.get(je);
            if (cn.isDone())

            BedrockPlugin.logD("CALL: WORK ON " + je.getKey() + " " + cn.getLevel() + " " + sh.contains(je));

            if (shortest && sh.contains(je))
            int lvl = cn.getLevel() + 1;
            if (lvl > lvls)

            String nm = je.getElementName();
            if (nm == null)
            String cnm = je.getDeclaringType().getFullyQualifiedName();
            if (cnm != null)
                nm = cnm.replace("$", ".") + "." + nm;
            nm += "(";
            String[] ptyps = je.getParameterTypes();
            for (int i = 0; i < ptyps.length; ++i) {
                if (i > 0)
                    nm += ",";
                nm += IvyFormat.formatTypeName(ptyps[i]);
            nm += ")";

            SearchPattern p3;
            try {
                BedrockPlugin.logD("CALL: Search for: " + nm + " " + je.isConstructor());
                if (je.isConstructor()) {
                    String nm1 = fixConstructor(nm);
                    p3 = SearchPattern.createPattern(nm1, IJavaSearchConstants.CONSTRUCTOR,
                            IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH);
                } else {
                    p3 = SearchPattern.createPattern(nm, IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
                            IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH);

                CallHandler ch = new CallHandler(je, workqueue, nodes, lvl);

      , parts, scp, ch, null);
            } catch (CoreException e) {
                throw new BedrockException("Problem doing call search e: " + e, e);

        // TODO: restrict to single path if shortest is set

        for (IMethod je : sh.getElements()) {
            CallNode cn = nodes.get(je);
            if (cn == null)
            Set<IMethod> done = new HashSet<IMethod>();
            cn.output(xw, done, nodes);

    private String fixConstructor(String s) {
        String r = s;

        int idx0 = r.indexOf("(");
        String tail = "";
        if (idx0 > 0) {
            tail = r.substring(idx0);
            r = r.substring(0, idx0);

        int idx1 = r.lastIndexOf(".");
        if (idx1 <= 0)
            return s;
        int idx2 = r.lastIndexOf(".", idx1 - 1);

        String r1 = r.substring(idx2 + 1, idx1);
        String r2 = r.substring(idx1 + 1);
        if (!r1.equals(r2))
            return s;

        r = r.substring(0, idx1);
        r += tail;

        return r;

    /*                              */
    /*   Search handler to accumulate resultant elements          */
    /*                              */

    private static class SetHandler extends SearchRequestor {

        private Set<IMethod> found_elements;

        SetHandler() {
            found_elements = new HashSet<IMethod>();

        public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch mat) {
            Object o = mat.getElement();
            if (o != null && o instanceof IMethod) {
                found_elements.add((IMethod) o);

        int getSize() {
            return found_elements.size();

        boolean isEmpty() {
            return found_elements.isEmpty();

        Iterable<IMethod> getElements() {
            return found_elements;

        boolean contains(IMethod im) {
            return found_elements.contains(im);

    } // end of inner class SetHandler

    /*                              */
    /*   Class to represent a call path                  */
    /*                              */

    private static class CallHandler extends SearchRequestor {

        private IMethod target_element;
        private Queue<IMethod> work_queue;
        private Map<IMethod, CallNode> call_nodes;
        private int level_count;

        CallHandler(IMethod tgt, Queue<IMethod> wq, Map<IMethod, CallNode> cn, int lvl) {
            target_element = tgt;
            work_queue = wq;
            call_nodes = cn;
            level_count = lvl;

        public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch mat) {
            BedrockPlugin.logD("CALL: found match " + mat.getElement());
            Object o = mat.getElement();
            if (o != null && o instanceof IMethod) {
                IMethod je = (IMethod) o;
                CallNode cn = call_nodes.get(je);
                if (cn == null) {
                    cn = new CallNode(je, level_count);
                    call_nodes.put(je, cn);
                cn.addCall(mat, target_element);

    } // end of innerclass CallNode

    /*                              */
    /*   Class representing call node                  */
    /*                              */

    private static class CallNode {

        private IMethod from_element;
        private List<CallData> to_elements;
        private boolean is_done;
        private boolean is_target;
        private int level_count;

        CallNode(IMethod frm, int lvl) {
            from_element = frm;
            to_elements = new ArrayList<CallData>();
            is_done = false;
            is_target = false;
            level_count = lvl;

        private boolean isDone() {
            return is_done;

        private void markDone() {
            is_done = true;

        private void setTarget() {
            is_target = true;

        private boolean isTarget() {
            return is_target;

        private int getLevel() {
            return level_count;

        void addCall(SearchMatch sm, IMethod tgt) {
            CallData cd = new CallData(sm, tgt);

        void output(IvyXmlWriter xw, Set<IMethod> done, Map<IMethod, CallNode> nodes) {
            BedrockUtil.outputJavaElement(from_element, xw);
            if (done.contains(from_element))
            for (CallData cd : to_elements) {
                CallNode ncd = nodes.get(cd.getTarget());
                if (ncd != null && ncd.isTarget())
                    xw.field("TARGET", true);
                BedrockUtil.outputSearchMatch(cd.getMatch(), xw);
                if (ncd != null)
                    ncd.output(xw, done, nodes);

    } // end of innerclass CallNode

    private static class CallData {

        private SearchMatch using_match;
        private IMethod target_element;

        CallData(SearchMatch sm, IMethod tgt) {
            using_match = sm;
            target_element = tgt;

        private SearchMatch getMatch() {
            return using_match;

        private IMethod getTarget() {
            return target_element;

    } // end of inner class CallData

} // end of class BedrockCall

/* end of */