Java tutorial
// { begin copyright } // Copyright Ryan Marcus 2016 // // This file is part of WiSeDB. // // WiSeDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // WiSeDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with WiSeDB. If not, see <>. // // { end copyright } package edu.brandeis.wisedb; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import; import; import com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.cost.ModelQuery; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.cost.QueryTimePredictor; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.Action; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.AssignQueryAction; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.SchedulerUtils; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.StartNewVMAction; import; /** * A utility class that wraps the user-facing features of WiSeDB * * */ public class WiSeDBUtils { public static String GLPSOL_PATH = null; public static boolean GLPSOL_ENABLED = false; // hide the default constructor private WiSeDBUtils() { } /** * Constructs a training dataset (to train a decision tree model) from the given * workload specification (containing query templates and an SLA). * * The training set will contain trainingSetSize random workloads, each with * numQueriesPerWorkload random queries. trainingSetSize should be large (say 2000) * and numQueriesPerWorkload should be small (8 - 12). * * The returned Future object will eventually contain the training data, and it * can be cancelled, provided one passes the thread interrupt option. * * @param wf the workload specification * @param trainingSetSize the number of sample workloads to generate * @param numQueriesPerWorkload the size of each training workload * @return the training data, as a string */ public static Future<String> constructTrainingData(WorkloadSpecification wf, int trainingSetSize, int numQueriesPerWorkload) { Callable<String> c = () -> { QueryTimePredictor qtp = wf.getQueryTimePredictor(); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bos); Trainer t = new Trainer(qtp, pw, wf.getSLA()); t.train(trainingSetSize, numQueriesPerWorkload); t.close(); return bos.toString(); }; FutureTask<String> ft = new FutureTask<String>(c); (new Thread(ft)).start(); return ft; } /** * Sets the number of threads that will be used for training * @param threads thread count */ public static void setThreadCountForTraining(int threads) { if (threads <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of threads must be greater than zero!"); Trainer.numThreads = threads; } /** * Given training data, a workload specification, and a map indicating how many queries * of each type are in a workload, returns a list of actions that can be performed to schedule * the workload. * * @param trainingData the training data, produced from constructTrainingData * @param wf the workload specification * @param queryFrequencies a map where the keys are the query IDs and the values are the frequency of the query inside the workload * @return actions to schedule the workload */ public static List<AdvisorAction> doPlacement(InputStream trainingData, WorkloadSpecification wf, Map<Integer, Integer> queryFrequencies) { Set<ModelQuery> toSched = queryFrequencies.entrySet().stream() .flatMap(e -> IntStream.range(0, e.getValue()).mapToObj(i -> new ModelQuery(e.getKey()))) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return SchedulerUtils.schedule(trainingData, wf, toSched).stream().map(WiSeDBUtils::convertToAdvisorAction) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Given training data, a workload specification, and a set of ModelQuery objects, * this method returns a list of suggested actions to schedule the workload. * * @param training the training data, produced from constructTrainingData * @param wf the workload specification * @param workload a set of model queries representing the workload to schedule * @return a list of actions to perform to schedule the workload */ public static List<AdvisorAction> doPlacement(InputStream training, WorkloadSpecification wf, Set<ModelQuery> workload) { return SchedulerUtils.schedule(training, wf, workload).stream().map(WiSeDBUtils::convertToAdvisorAction) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Given a cached model, a workload specification, and a set of ModelQuery objects, * this method returns a list of suggested actions to schedule the workload. * * @param model the cached decision tree model * @param wf the workload specification * @param workload a set of model queries representing the workload to schedule * @return a list of actions to perform to schedule the workload */ public static List<AdvisorAction> doPlacement(WiSeDBCachedModel model, Set<ModelQuery> workload) { return SchedulerUtils.schedule(model.getDT(), model.getWorkloadSpecification(), workload).stream() .map(WiSeDBUtils::convertToAdvisorAction).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Given a cached model, a workload specification, and a map of query frequencies, * this method returns a list of suggested actions to schedule the workload. * * @param model the cached decision tree model * @param wf the workload specification * @param freqs a map of query type to query frequency * @return a list of actions to perform to schedule the workload */ public static List<AdvisorAction> doPlacement(WiSeDBCachedModel model, Map<Integer, Integer> freqs) { Set<ModelQuery> workload = freqs.entrySet().stream() .flatMap(e -> IntStream.range(0, e.getValue()).mapToObj(i -> new ModelQuery(e.getKey()))) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return SchedulerUtils.schedule(model.getDT(), model.getWorkloadSpecification(), workload).stream() .map(WiSeDBUtils::convertToAdvisorAction).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Generate a cached decision tree model that can be applied quickly over and over again * (instead of rebuilding the decision tree model from training data each time). * @param training the training data * @param wf the workload specification * @return a black-box object representing the cached DT model */ public static WiSeDBCachedModel getCachedModel(InputStream training, WorkloadSpecification wf) { String s; try { s = IOUtils.toString(training); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } return new WiSeDBCachedModel(SchedulerUtils.getDTModel(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()), wf), s, wf); } private static AdvisorAction convertToAdvisorAction(Action a) { if (a instanceof AssignQueryAction) return new AdvisorActionAssign(((AssignQueryAction) a).getQuery().getType()); if (a instanceof StartNewVMAction) return new AdvisorActionProvision(((StartNewVMAction) a).getType()); throw new RuntimeException("Got unexpected action in convertToAdvisorAction: " + a); } public static String getDecisionTree(WiSeDBCachedModel wdcm) { return wdcm.getDT().getTree(); } }