Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2014 Brionne Godby, Rachel Leeman-Munk, Ryan Marcus This file is part of EPtoSQL. EPtoSQL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EPtoSQL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EPtoSQL. If not, see <>. */ package edu.brandeis.cs.develops.eptosql.semantic_analysis; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import edu.brandeis.cs.develops.eptosql.translator.Join; import edu.brandeis.cs.develops.eptosql.translator.JoinType; import edu.brandeis.cs.develops.eptosql.translator.Relation; import edu.brandeis.cs.develops.eptosql.translator.SampleTrees; import edu.brandeis.cs.develops.eptosql.translator.Selection; /** * A semantic analysis class that analyzes the output of the AST translator * and checks for various issues (join over selection, selection over join) * that are known to occur with SQL Server. * * @author Ryan Marcus < ryan @ > * */ public class SemanticAnalyzer { public List<SemanticAnnotation> analyze(Relation r) { List<SemanticAnnotation> toR = new LinkedList<SemanticAnnotation>(); toR.addAll(joinSelectionCheck(r)); toR.addAll(selectionJoinCheck(r)); return toR; } private List<SemanticAnnotation> joinSelectionCheck(Relation r) { List<SemanticAnnotation> toR = new LinkedList<SemanticAnnotation>(); Deque<Relation> stack = new LinkedList<Relation>(); Join beneathJoin = null; stack.push(r); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Relation curr = stack.pop(); for (Relation child : curr.getChildren()) { stack.push(child); } if (curr instanceof Selection && beneathJoin != null) { if (shareAttributes(((Selection) curr).getPredicate(), beneathJoin.getPredicate())) { toR.add(new Error("You have a selection beneath a non-loop join -- " + "the SQL Server compiler won't accept that. Join: " + beneathJoin.toString() + " Selection: " + curr.toString())); } } if (curr instanceof Join && ((Join) curr).getJoinType() != JoinType.PNLJOIN) { beneathJoin = (Join) curr; } } return toR; } private List<SemanticAnnotation> selectionJoinCheck(Relation r) { List<SemanticAnnotation> toR = new LinkedList<SemanticAnnotation>(); Deque<Relation> stack = new LinkedList<Relation>(); Selection beneathSelect = null; stack.push(r); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Relation curr = stack.pop(); for (Relation child : curr.getChildren()) { stack.push(child); } if (curr instanceof Join && beneathSelect != null) { if (((Join) curr).getJoinType() != JoinType.PNLJOIN) { if (shareAttributes(((Join) curr).getPredicate(), beneathSelect.getPredicate())) { toR.add(new Error("You have a non-loop join beneath a select -- " + "the SQL Server compiler won't accept that. Join: " + beneathSelect.toString() + " Selection: " + curr.toString())); } } } if (curr instanceof Selection) beneathSelect = (Selection) curr; } return toR; } private boolean shareAttributes(String predicate1, String predicate2) { Set<String> columns1 = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> columns2 = new HashSet<String>(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z]+[0-9]*"); Matcher m = p.matcher(predicate1); while (m.find()) { columns1.add(; } m = p.matcher(predicate2); while (m.find()) { columns2.add(; } return Sets.intersection(columns1, columns2).size() != 0; } public static void main(String[] args) { SemanticAnalyzer sa = new SemanticAnalyzer(); List<SemanticAnnotation> sem = sa.analyze(SampleTrees.TwoJoinSelectionExpression()); for (SemanticAnnotation SemAn : sem) { System.out.println(SemAn.message); } } }