Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.berkeley.ground.postgres.dao.version; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import edu.berkeley.ground.common.dao.version.VersionSuccessorDao; import edu.berkeley.ground.common.exception.GroundException; import edu.berkeley.ground.common.exception.GroundException.ExceptionType; import edu.berkeley.ground.common.model.version.VersionSuccessor; import edu.berkeley.ground.common.util.DbStatements; import edu.berkeley.ground.common.util.IdGenerator; import edu.berkeley.ground.postgres.dao.SqlConstants; import edu.berkeley.ground.postgres.util.PostgresStatements; import edu.berkeley.ground.postgres.util.PostgresUtils; import play.db.Database; import play.libs.Json; public class PostgresVersionSuccessorDao implements VersionSuccessorDao { private final IdGenerator idGenerator; private final Database dbSource; public PostgresVersionSuccessorDao(Database dbSource, IdGenerator idGenerator) { this.dbSource = dbSource; this.idGenerator = idGenerator; } /** * Create a sqlList containing commands that will persist a new version successor * * @param successor the successor to insert * @return List of SQL expressions to insert version successor */ @Override public PostgresStatements insert(VersionSuccessor successor) { PostgresStatements statements = new PostgresStatements(); String sql = String.format(SqlConstants.INSERT_VERSION_SUCCESSOR, successor.getId(), successor.getFromId(), successor.getToId()); statements.append(sql); return statements; } /** * Create and persist a version successor. * * @param fromId the id of the parent version * @param toId the id of the child version * @return the created version successor */ VersionSuccessor instantiateVersionSuccessor(long fromId, long toId) { long dbId = idGenerator.generateSuccessorId(); return new VersionSuccessor(dbId, fromId, toId); } /** * Retrieve a version successor from the database. * * @param dbId the id of the successor to retrieve * @return the retrieved version successor * @throws GroundException either the successor didn't exist or couldn't be retrieved */ @Override public VersionSuccessor retrieveFromDatabase(long dbId) throws GroundException { try { String sql = String.format(SqlConstants.SELECT_VERSION_SUCCESSOR, dbId); JsonNode json = Json.parse(PostgresUtils.executeQueryToJson(dbSource, sql)); if (json.size() == 0) { throw new GroundException(ExceptionType.OTHER, String.format("Version Successor with id %d does not exist.", dbId)); } json = json.get(0); return new VersionSuccessor(dbId, json.get("fromVersionId").asLong(), json.get("toVersionId").asLong()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GroundException(e); } } /** * Delete a version successor from the database. * * @param statementsPointer the list of DB statements to append to * @param toId the destination version * @param itemId the id of the item we are deleting from * @throws GroundException an unexpected error while retrieving the version successors to delete */ @Override public void deleteFromDestination(DbStatements statementsPointer, long toId, long itemId) throws GroundException { PostgresStatements statements = (PostgresStatements) statementsPointer; try { String sql = String.format(SqlConstants.SELECT_VERSION_SUCCESSOR_BY_ENDPOINT, toId); JsonNode json = Json.parse(PostgresUtils.executeQueryToJson(dbSource, sql)); for (JsonNode result : json) { Long dbId = result.get("id").asLong(); statements.append(String.format(SqlConstants.DELETE_SUCCESSOR_FROM_DAG, dbId)); statements.append(String.format(SqlConstants.DELETE_VERSION_SUCCESSOR, dbId)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new GroundException(e); } } }