Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013  David Soergel  <>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

package edu.berkeley.compbio.phyloutils;

import com.davidsoergel.dsutils.CacheManager;
import com.davidsoergel.dsutils.DSStringUtils;
import com.davidsoergel.dsutils.collections.DSCollectionUtils;
import com.davidsoergel.dsutils.file.StringSetIntMapReader;
import com.davidsoergel.trees.AbstractRootedPhylogeny;
import com.davidsoergel.trees.BasicPhylogenyNode;
import com.davidsoergel.trees.BasicRootedPhylogeny;
import com.davidsoergel.trees.NoSuchNodeException;
import com.davidsoergel.trees.RequireExistingNodeNamer;
import com.davidsoergel.trees.RootedPhylogeny;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Provides a view onto the Hugenholtz taxonomy using Integer IDs.  The Hugenholtz taxonomy has integer ids
 * (prokMSA_ids) at the leaves, but not at internal nodes.  Some internal nodes have string names, but there is no
 * guarantee of uniqueness.  For various reasons we need a tree with unique Integer IDs throughout.  This tree uses the
 * prokMSA_ids at the leaves and generated IDs at internal nodes.  It also allows looking up nodes by String name,
 * including semicolon-delimited multilevel classifications.
 * <p/>
 * Uniform leaf weights are provided.
 * @author <a href="">David Soergel</a>
 * @version $Id$
public class HugenholtzTaxonomyService implements TaxonomyService<Integer> //, TaxonomyService<String>
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HugenholtzTaxonomyService.class);

    //private String ciccarelliFilename = "tree_Feb15_unrooted.txt";
    //   private static final String hugenholtzFilename = "275K.nast.ft190.constrained.rooted.allids.gz";
    //private static final String hugenholtzFilename = "greengenes.all.tree.allids.gz";
    //   private static final String bigGreenGenesFilename = "greengenes16SrRNAgenes.txt.gz";
    //   private static final String overrideFilename = "overrideNameToProkMSAid.txt";

    private String hugenholtzFilename; // a newick tree file
    private String greengenesRawFilename; // = "greengenes16SrRNAgenes.txt.gz";
    private String nameToProkMSAidFilename; // = "overrideNameToProkMSAid.txt";

    public void setHugenholtzFilename(final String hugenholtzFilename) {
        this.hugenholtzFilename = hugenholtzFilename;

    public void setGreengenesRawFilename(final String greengenesRawFilename) {
        this.greengenesRawFilename = greengenesRawFilename;

    public void setNameToProkMSAidFilename(final String nameToProkMSAidFilename) {
        this.nameToProkMSAidFilename = nameToProkMSAidFilename;

    private static HugenholtzTaxonomyService instance;// = new CiccarelliUtils();

    private TaxonomySynonymService synonymService;

    private final static Integer NO_VALID_ID = -1;

    public static HugenholtzTaxonomyService getInjectedInstance() {
        return instance;

    public Map<Integer, String> getFriendlyLabelMap() {
        return null;

    public static void setInjectedInstance(HugenholtzTaxonomyService instance) {
        HugenholtzTaxonomyService.instance = instance;

    public synchronized void setSynonymService(@NotNull TaxonomySynonymService synonymService) {
        this.synonymService = synonymService;

    // PERF use ConcurrentMaps and such here instead of synchronizing all the methods

    /*   private BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree;
     private HashMultimap<String, Integer> extraNameToIdsMap;
     // when a node has multiple names separated by "==", store all those after the first here
     private HashMultimap<String, Integer> nameToIdsMap;// = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
     private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> nameToUniqueIdMap; // = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    */ CacheManager.LazyStub theIntegerTreeStub;
    CacheManager.LazyStub extraNameToIdsMapStub;
    CacheManager.LazyStub nameToIdsMapStub;
    CacheManager.LazyStub nameToUniqueIdMapStub;

    //   BiMap<Integer, PhylogenyNode<String>> intToNodeMap = new HashBiMap<Integer, PhylogenyNode<String>>();
    //   Multimap<String, PhylogenyNode<String>> nameToNodeMap = new HashMultimap<String, PhylogenyNode<String>>();

    //   NewickTaxonomyService stringTaxonomyService;// = new NewickTaxonomyService(hugenholtzFilename);

    public Set<Integer> getLeafIds() {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();
        return theIntegerTree.getLeafValues();

    // split init from constructor for the sake of a Jandy adapter (HugenholtzTaxonomyServiceAdapter)

    public HugenholtzTaxonomyService() //throws PhyloUtilsException

    public synchronized void init() {
        // don't bother keeping track of which caches are affected by which inputs; just reload them all if anything changes
        final String allFilenames = hugenholtzFilename + ", " + greengenesRawFilename + ", "
                + nameToProkMSAidFilename;"Cache key: " + allFilenames);
        theIntegerTreeStub = CacheManager.getLazy(this, allFilenames + ".theIntegerTree");
        nameToIdsMapStub = CacheManager.getLazy(this, allFilenames + ".nameToIdsMap");
        extraNameToIdsMapStub = CacheManager.getLazy(this, allFilenames + ".extraNameToIdsMap");
        nameToUniqueIdMapStub = CacheManager.getLazy(this, allFilenames + ".nameToUniqueIdMap");

        if (theIntegerTreeStub.notCached() || nameToIdsMapStub.notCached() || extraNameToIdsMapStub.notCached()
                || nameToUniqueIdMapStub.notCached()) {
            HashMultimap<String, Integer> nameToIdsMap = HashMultimap.create();



            // ** Note we don't invalidate downstream caches, e.g. for StrainDirectoryLabelChooser and so forth
            // CacheManager.invalidate
            /*   CacheManager.put(this, allFilenames + ".theIntegerTree", theIntegerTree);
              CacheManager.put(this, allFilenames + ".nameToIdsMap", nameToIdsMap);
              CacheManager.put(this, allFilenames + ".extraNameToIdsMap", extraNameToIdsMap);
              CacheManager.put(this, allFilenames + ".nameToUniqueIdMap", nameToUniqueIdMap); */

        /*if (!readStateIfAvailable())

    private synchronized void reloadFromNewick(HashMultimap<String, Integer> nameToIdsMap) {

        HashMultimap<String, Integer> extraNameToIdsMap = HashMultimap.create();

        //** here we assume that the tree has already been converted to have named nodes at leaves, using the NewickParser command-line tool
        // else we'd need new NewickTaxonomyService(hugenholtzFilename, truel
        // );
        NewickStringTaxonomyService stringTaxonomyService = new NewickStringTaxonomyService(hugenholtzFilename,

        RootedPhylogeny<String> theStringTree = stringTaxonomyService.getTree();

        //** because the node children are iterated in random order in the course of the depth-first copy,
        // the random IDs won't be consistently assigned from one run to the next.

        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = PhylogenyTypeConverter.convertToIDTree(theStringTree,
                new RequireExistingNodeNamer(false), new TaxonStringIdMapper<Integer>() {
                    public Integer findTaxidByNameRelaxed(@NotNull String name) throws NoSuchNodeException {
                        return findTaxidByName(name);

                    public Integer findTaxidByName(@NotNull String name) throws NoSuchNodeException {
                        try {
                            return new Integer(name);
                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Can't convert node name to integer ID: " + name);

                    public Set<String> getCachedNamesForId(Integer id) {
                        return DSCollectionUtils.setOf("" + id);
                }, nameToIdsMap, extraNameToIdsMap);



    private synchronized void reloadNameToProkMSAidMap(HashMultimap<String, Integer> nameToIdsMap) {

        if (nameToProkMSAidFilename != null) {
            Map<String, Set<Integer>> nameToProkMSAidMap;
            try {
                ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> nameToUniqueIdMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>();

                nameToProkMSAidMap =;

                for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Integer>> entry : nameToProkMSAidMap.entrySet()) {
                    String key = entry.getKey();
                    Set<Integer> valueSet = entry.getValue();

          "Loaded mapping: " + key + " -> " + DSStringUtils.join(valueSet, ", "));


                    nameToIdsMap.putAll(key, valueSet);

                    for (Integer id : valueSet) {
                        nameToUniqueIdMap.put(key, id);

            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new Error(e);

    public BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> getRandomSubtree(int numTaxa, Double mergeThreshold) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> getRandomSubtree(int numTaxa, Double mergeThreshold,
            Integer exceptDescendantsOf) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    private synchronized static InputStream getInputStream(String filename)
            throws PhyloUtilsException, IOException {
        //ClassLoader classClassLoader = new NewickParser().getClass().getClassLoader();
        ClassLoader threadClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        //ClassLoader systemClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

        //URL res1 = classClassLoader.getResource(filename);
        URL res = threadClassLoader.getResource(filename);
        //URL res3 = systemClassLoader.getResource(filename);

        if (res == null) {
            File f = new File(filename);
            if (f.exists()) {
                res = f.toURI().toURL(); // new URL("file://" + filename);

        if (res == null) {
            logger.error("file not found: " + filename);
            //Get the System Classloader

            //Get the URLs
            URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) threadClassLoader).getURLs();

            for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {

            throw new PhyloUtilsException("file not found: " + filename);

        InputStream is = res.openStream();
        is = filename.endsWith(".gz") ? new GZIPInputStream(is) : is;
        /*if (is == null)
            is = new FileInputStream(filename);
        return is;

    private synchronized void addStrainNamesToMap(HashMultimap<String, Integer> nameToIdsMap) {
        if (greengenesRawFilename != null) {
            BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

            // there are much cleaner ways to do this, I know.  I'm in a freaking hurry.

            String organism = null;
            String prokMSAname = null;
            String source = null;
            Integer prokMSA_id = null;
            //   Integer replaced_by = null;

            // for now we ignore replaced_by and put all the IDs (old and new) in the map.
            // the only consequence AFAIK is that the old IDs won't be in the current tree;
            // the benefit is that if an old ID turns up for some reason we can still map it.

            try {

                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                        new InputStreamReader(getInputStream(greengenesRawFilename)));
                String line;
                Pattern strainPattern = Pattern.compile("( str.? )|( strain )");
                int skipped = 0;
                int found = 0;
                while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
                    line = line.trim();
                    if (line.equals("END")) {
                        try {
                        } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) {
                            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                logger.trace("prokMSA_id " + prokMSA_id + " not in tree; " + organism + " "
                                        + prokMSAname + " " + source);
                        if (organism != null) {
                            nameToIdsMap.put(organism, prokMSA_id);
                            String cleanOrganism = strainPattern.matcher(organism).replaceAll(" ");
                            if (!cleanOrganism.equals(source)) {
                                nameToIdsMap.put(cleanOrganism, prokMSA_id);
                        if (prokMSAname != null) {
                            nameToIdsMap.put(prokMSAname, prokMSA_id);
                            String cleanProkMSAname = strainPattern.matcher(prokMSAname).replaceAll(" ");
                            if (!cleanProkMSAname.equals(source)) {
                                nameToIdsMap.put(cleanProkMSAname, prokMSA_id);
                        if (source != null) {
                            nameToIdsMap.put(source, prokMSA_id);
                            String cleanSource = strainPattern.matcher(source).replaceAll("");
                            if (!cleanSource.equals(source)) {
                                nameToIdsMap.put(cleanSource, prokMSA_id);

                        organism = null;
                        prokMSAname = null;
                        source = null;
                        prokMSA_id = null;
                    } else {
                        String[] sa = line.split("=");
                        if (sa[0].equals("organism")) {
                            organism = sa[1];
                        } else if (sa[0].equals("source")) {
                            source = sa[1];
                        } else if (sa[0].equals("prokMSA_id")) {
                            prokMSA_id = new Integer(sa[1]);
                        } else if (sa[0].equals("prokMSAname")) {
                            prokMSAname = sa[1];
                        //   else if (sa[0].equals("replaced_by"))
                        //         {
                        //         replaced_by = sa[1];
                        //         }
                        // else ignore
      "Found " + found + " taxa in tree, skipped " + skipped);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.error("Error", e);
                throw new PhyloUtilsRuntimeException(e);
            } catch (PhyloUtilsException e) {
                logger.error("Error", e);
                throw new PhyloUtilsRuntimeException(e);

            //   {
            //   }
            //catch (PhyloUtilsException e)
            //   {
            //throw new
            //   }

            // walk the entire tree, making an int->node map and a string->int multimap along the way

            // assume that all prokMSA_IDs are less than 10000000, so just start the generated IDs from there

    /*      int idGenerator = 10000000;
          for (PhylogenyNode<String> node : stringTaxonomyService.getRoot())
     String stringName = node.getValue();
     Integer id;
    //            if (stringName == null)
    //               {
    //               throw new NumberFormatException("");
    //               }
    //            stringName = stringName.trim();
        id = new Integer(stringName);
        if (intToNodeMap.containsKey(id))
           throw new PhyloUtilsRuntimeException("Found duplicate prokMSA_id: " + id);
     catch (NumberFormatException e)
        // ok, generate an ID instead
        id = idGenerator++;
        if (stringName != null && !stringName.trim().equals(""))
           nameToNodeMap.put(stringName.trim(), node);
        // note we don't put the string representation of the integer id in the string map
     intToNodeMap.put(id, node);

     String cacheFilename = "/phyloutils.hugenholtz.cache";
     public void saveState()
      File cacheFile = new File(EnvironmentUtils.getCacheRoot() + cacheFilename);
      FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(cacheFile);
      ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fout);
    //         oos.writeObject(stringTaxonomyService);
    //         oos.writeObject(intToNodeMap);
    //         oos.writeObject(nameToNodeMap);
        catch (Exception e)
      logger.error("Error", e);
     private boolean readStateIfAvailable()
      FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(EnvironmentUtils.getCacheRoot() + cacheFilename);
      ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
    //         stringTaxonomyService = (NewickTaxonomyService) ois.readObject();
    //         intToNodeMap = (BiMap<Integer, PhylogenyNode<String>>) ois.readObject();
    //         nameToNodeMap = (Multimap<String, PhylogenyNode<String>>) ois.readObject();
      theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) ois.readObject();
      nameToIdsMap = (HashMultimap<String, Integer>) ois.readObject();
      return true;
        catch (IOException e)
      {// no problem
      logger.warn("Could not read Hugenholtz cache; rereading source files", e);
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
      {// no problem
      logger.warn("Could not read Hugenholtz cache; rereading source files", e);
        return false;

    public synchronized boolean isLeaf(Integer leafId) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.getNode(leafId).isLeaf();

    public synchronized boolean isKnown(Integer leafId) //throws NoSuchNodeException
        try {
            BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

            return true;
        } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) {
            return false;

    public Integer findTaxidByNameRelaxed(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        return findTaxidByName(name);

    public synchronized Set<String> getCachedNamesForId(Integer id) {
        HashMultimap<String, Integer> nameToIdsMap = (HashMultimap<String, Integer>) nameToIdsMapStub.get();
        ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> nameToUniqueIdMap = (ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>) nameToUniqueIdMapStub

        //PERF, need a BiMultiMap or something
        Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : nameToUniqueIdMap.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().equals(id)) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : nameToIdsMap.entries()) {
            if (entry.getValue().equals(id)) {
        return result;

    public synchronized Integer findTaxidByName(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> nameToUniqueIdMap = (ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>) nameToUniqueIdMapStub

        Integer result = nameToUniqueIdMap.get(name);

        if (result == null) {
            BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

            try {
                Integer id = new Integer(name);
                theIntegerTree.getNode(id); // throws exception if not present // intToNodeMap.containsKey(id))
                result = id;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // ok, try the next thing
            } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) {
                // ok, try the next thing

            if (result == null) {
                if (!name.contains(";")) {
                    try {
                        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> bTree = findSubtreeByNameRelaxed(name);
                        result = bTree.getShallowestLeaf();
                    } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) {
                        result = NO_VALID_ID;

                    //result = getUniqueNodeForName(name);

                    // REVIEW for our present purposes we always want the worst-case node; but in other contexts that may be the wrong thing to do

                    //   result = getDeepestNodeForName(name);
                } else {
                    result = getUniqueNodeForMultilevelName(name.split("[; ]+"));
            nameToUniqueIdMap.put(name, result);

        if (result.equals(NO_VALID_ID)) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Taxon not found: " + name);

        return result;

    /*   private Integer getUniqueNodeForMultilevelName(String[] taxa) throws PhyloUtilsException

    private synchronized Integer commonAncestor(Set<Deque<Integer>> paths) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        if (paths.size() == 1) {
            final Deque<Integer> path = paths.iterator().next();
            return path.getLast();
        } else {
            assert paths.size() > 1;
            //   throw new PhyloUtilsRuntimeException("Taxonomy path not unique : " + DSStringUtils.join(taxa, "; "));
            Set<Integer> leafIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
            for (Deque<Integer> path : paths) {
            BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

            return theIntegerTree.commonAncestor(leafIds, 0.75);

    // bottom-up search

    private synchronized Integer getUniqueNodeForMultilevelName(String[] taxa) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        List<String> reverseTaxa = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(taxa.clone()));

        //final String firstS = reverseTaxa.remove(0);
        //Collection<Integer> trav = null; // = nameToIdMap.get(firstS);

        /*while (trav.isEmpty())
           logger.warn("IGNORING Node " + s + " not found in " + DSStringUtils.join(taxa, "; "));

        Set<Deque<Integer>> paths = null;
        HashMultimap<String, Integer> nameToIdsMap = (HashMultimap<String, Integer>) nameToIdsMapStub.get();
        HashMultimap<String, Integer> extraNameToIdsMap = (HashMultimap<String, Integer>) extraNameToIdsMapStub

        for (String s : reverseTaxa) {
            Collection<Integer> matchingNodes = nameToIdsMap.get(s);
            if (matchingNodes.isEmpty()) {
                matchingNodes = extraNameToIdsMap.get(s);
            if (matchingNodes.isEmpty()) {
                logger.debug("IGNORING Node " + s + " not found in " + DSStringUtils.join(taxa, "; "));
            } else {
                //   Set<Integer> nextTrav = new HashSet<Integer>();
                if (paths == null) {
                    paths = new HashSet<Deque<Integer>>(matchingNodes.size());
                    for (Integer node : matchingNodes) {
                        Deque<Integer> l = new LinkedList<Integer>();
                } else {
                    BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub

                    Set<Deque<Integer>> okPaths = new HashSet<Deque<Integer>>();
                    for (Deque<Integer> path : paths) {
                        Integer descendant = path.peek();
                        for (Integer ancestor : matchingNodes) {
                            if (theIntegerTree.isDescendant(ancestor, descendant)) {
                    paths = okPaths; // ditch any paths that didn't have an ancestor added this round

                if (paths.isEmpty()) {
                    // we get here only if
                    //  a) there was more than one live path on the last round
                    //  b) none of those paths are descendants of the matches at the current level
                    throw new NoSuchNodeException(
                            "Requested classification path does not match tree: " + DSStringUtils.join(taxa, "; "));

                // if all the paths converge on exactly one node, call it a match, even if higher levels of the tree don't match.

                if (matchingNodes.size() == 1) {
                    return commonAncestor(paths);
        throw new NoSuchNodeException("Multiple distinct matching paths: " + DSStringUtils.join(taxa, "; "));
        //return commonAncestor(paths);

    // top-down search
    /*   private Integer getUniqueNodeForMultilevelName(String[] taxa) throws PhyloUtilsException
      //List<Integer> intTaxa = new ArrayList<Integer>(taxa.length);
      Integer trav = theIntegerTree.getRoot().getValue();
      for (String s : taxa)
         Collection<Integer> matchingNodes = nameToIdMap.get(s);
         if (matchingNodes.isEmpty())
            throw new PhyloUtilsException("Node " + s + " not found in " + DSStringUtils.join(taxa, "; "));
         for (Iterator<Integer> iter = matchingNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            Integer node =;
               if (!theIntegerTree.isDescendant(trav, node))
            catch (NoSuchElementException e)  // probably the requested node is not in the tree (i.e., it's unclassified, but had an organism name associated anyway)
         if (matchingNodes.isEmpty())
            throw new PhyloUtilsException(
                  "Requested classification path does not match tree: " + DSStringUtils.join(taxa, "; "));
         if (matchingNodes.size() == 1)
            trav = matchingNodes.iterator().next();
            // check descendants pairwise
            for (Iterator<Integer> iter = matchingNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
               Integer descendant =;
               for (Integer ancestor : matchingNodes)
                  if (ancestor != descendant && theIntegerTree.isDescendant(ancestor, descendant))
            if (matchingNodes.size() == 1)
               trav = matchingNodes.iterator().next();
               // sadly this is too strict; there are 7 distinct "Bacteria" clades!
               // OK, don't parse the "organism" field, use "prokMSAname" instead.
               throw new PhyloUtilsException(
                     "Node " + s + " not unique at " + trav + " in " + DSStringUtils.join(taxa, "; "));
      return trav; //intToNodeMap.inverse().get(trav);

    Pattern spaceSuffixPattern = Pattern.compile(" \\S*$");
    //Pattern strainSuffixPattern = Pattern.compile("( (sp.?)|(str.?)|(strain)).*$");

    /*   @NotNull
       private Integer getUniqueNodeForName(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException
          return findSubtreeByName(name).getValue();
       public RootedPhylogeny<Integer> findSubtreeByName(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException
          Collection<Integer> matchingIds = findMatchingIds(name);
          if (matchingIds.size() == 0)
     throw new NoSuchNodeException();
          return findSubtreeWithIds(matchingIds, name);

    private synchronized BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> findSubtreeByNameRelaxed(String name)
            throws NoSuchNodeException {
        Set<Integer> matchingIds = findMatchingIdsRelaxed(name);

        if (matchingIds.size() == 0) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Subtree not found even with relaxation: " + name);

        return findCompactSubtreeWithIds(matchingIds, name);

     public Integer getDeepestNodeForName(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException
        ///Integer result;
        Collection<Integer> matchingIds = findMatchingIdsRelaxed(name);
        //   PhylogenyNode<Integer> deepestNode;
        Integer deepestId = null;
        double deepestDepth = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        for (Integer id : matchingIds)
      //PhylogenyNode<Integer> n = theIntegerTree.getNode(id);
      double depth = getDepthFromRoot(id);
      if (depth > deepestDepth)
         deepestDepth = depth;
         deepestId = id;
        //assert theIntegerTree.getNode(deepestId).isLeaf();
        return deepestId;
     public Integer getShallowestNodeForName(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException
        ///Integer result;
        Collection<Integer> matchingIds = findMatchingIdsRelaxed(name);
        //   PhylogenyNode<Integer> deepestNode;
        Integer shallowestId = null;
        double shallowestDepth = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        for (Integer id : matchingIds)
      //PhylogenyNode<Integer> n = theIntegerTree.getNode(id);
      double depth = getDepthFromRoot(id);
      if (depth < shallowestDepth)
         shallowestDepth = depth;
         shallowestId = id;
        //assert theIntegerTree.getNode(deepestId).isLeaf();
        return shallowestId;

    public synchronized Set<Integer> findMatchingIds(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        HashMultimap<String, Integer> nameToIdsMap = (HashMultimap<String, Integer>) nameToIdsMapStub.get();

        Set<Integer> matchingIds = nameToIdsMap.get(name);
        if (matchingIds.isEmpty()) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Node not found: " + name);
        return matchingIds;

    public synchronized Set<Integer> findMatchingIdsRelaxed(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        HashMultimap<String, Integer> nameToIdsMap = (HashMultimap<String, Integer>) nameToIdsMapStub.get();

        Set<Integer> matchingIds = nameToIdsMap.get(name);
        /*   if (matchingIds.isEmpty())
           matchingIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
           for (String syn : synonymService.synonymsOf(name))
        if (matchingIds.isEmpty())
           matchingIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
           for (String syn : synonymService.synonymsOfParent(name))
        if (matchingIds.isEmpty()) {
            matchingIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
            for (String syn : synonymService.synonymsOfRelaxed(name)) {
        String shortName = name;

        // even when we use synonymsOfRelaxed(shortName), we may not find any matching IDs in the nameToIdMap.
        // that's why we do asecond level of relaxing here.
        // the space-delimited relaxing should automatically incorporate the strainSuffixPattern.

        while (matchingIds.isEmpty() && shortName.contains(" ")) {
            shortName = spaceSuffixPattern.matcher(shortName).replaceFirst("");
            //shortName = strainSuffixPattern.matcher(shortName).replaceAll("");
            matchingIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
            for (String syn : synonymService.synonymsOfRelaxed(shortName)) {
            if (!matchingIds.isEmpty()) {
                logger.warn("Relaxed name " + name + " to " + shortName);
        if (matchingIds.isEmpty()) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Node not found: " + name + "; no id found even for " + shortName);
        shortNames.put(name, shortName);
        return matchingIds;

    //   WeightedSet<String> depthsBelow = new HashWeightedSet<String>(); // for debugging

    private Map<String, String> shortNames = new HashMap<String, String>();

    public synchronized String getRelaxedName(String name) {
        return shortNames.get(name);

    /*   public void printDepthsBelow()
       for (String name : depthsBelow.keysInDecreasingWeightOrder())
     double depthBelow = depthsBelow.get(name);
     String shortName = shortNames.get(name);
    "Depth below = %.3f for %s relaxed from %s", depthBelow, shortName, name));

    public synchronized boolean isDescendant(Integer ancestor, Integer descendant) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.isDescendant(ancestor, descendant);
        //      return stringTaxonomyService.isDescendant(intToNodeMap.get(ancestor), intToNodeMap.get(descendant));

    public Set<Integer> selectAncestors(final Collection<Integer> labels, final Integer id) {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.selectAncestors(labels, id);

    /*public double exactDistanceBetween(Integer a, Integer b)
       return stringTaxonomyService.distanceBetween(intToNodeMap(a), intToNodeMap(b));

    // assume that theIntegerTree is good to go, and that its distanceBetween method is threadsafe

    public double minDistanceBetween(Integer a, Integer b) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.distanceBetween(a, b);
        //return stringTaxonomyService.minDistanceBetween(intToNodeMap.get(a), intToNodeMap.get(b));
        //   return exactDistanceBetween(name1, name2);

    public synchronized double getDepthFromRoot(Integer b) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.distanceBetween(theIntegerTree.getRoot().getPayload(), b);
        //return stringTaxonomyService.minDistanceBetween(intToNodeMap.get(a), intToNodeMap.get(b));
        //   return exactDistanceBetween(name1, name2);

    public synchronized double getGreatestDepthBelow(Integer taxid) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.getNode(taxid).getGreatestBranchLengthDepthBelow();

    public synchronized double getLargestLengthSpan(Integer taxid) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.getNode(taxid).getLargestLengthSpan();

    private Double maxDistance = null;

    public synchronized double maxDistance() {
        if (maxDistance == null) {
            BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

            maxDistance = 2.0 * theIntegerTree.getRoot().getGreatestBranchLengthDepthBelow();
        return maxDistance;

     * Just return the argument even if the branch length is zero
     * @param id the T identifying the starting node
     * @return
     * @throws NoSuchNodeException
    public synchronized Integer nearestAncestorWithBranchLength(Integer id) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        theIntegerTree.getNode(id); // test exists
        return id;

        //return theIntegerTree.nearestAncestorWithBranchLength(id);
        //      return intToNodeMap.inverse().get(intToNodeMap.get(id).nearestAncestorWithBranchLength());

    public List<Integer> getAncestorPathIds(final Integer id) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.getAncestorPathIds(id);

    /*   public List<PhylogenyNode<Integer>> getAncestorPath(final Integer id) throws NoSuchNodeException
        return theIntegerTree.getAncestorPath(id);

    public List<BasicPhylogenyNode<Integer>> getAncestorPathAsBasic(final Integer id) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.getAncestorPathAsBasic(id);

    /*   public Integer nearestAncestorAtRank(final String rankName, Integer leafId) throws NoSuchNodeException

     public RootedPhylogeny<Integer> extractTreeWithLeafIDs(Collection<Integer> ids, boolean ignoreAbsentNodes)
      throws PhyloUtilsException
        return stringTaxonomyService
         .extractTreeWithLeaves(DSCollectionUtils.mapAll(intToNodeMap, ids), ignoreAbsentNodes);
     public RootedPhylogeny<Integer> extractTreeWithLeafIDs(Collection<Integer> ids) throws PhyloUtilsException
        return stringTaxonomyService.extractTreeWithLeaves(DSCollectionUtils.mapAll(intToNodeMap, ids));

    /*   public boolean isDescendant(PhylogenyNode<Integer> ancestor, PhylogenyNode<Integer> descendant)
      throws PhyloUtilsException
        throw new NotImplementedException();
     public Double minDistanceBetween(PhylogenyNode<Integer> node1, PhylogenyNode<Integer> node2)
      throws PhyloUtilsException
        throw new NotImplementedException();
     public PhylogenyNode<Integer> getRoot()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
     public PhylogenyNode<Integer> nearestAncestorWithBranchLength(PhylogenyNode<Integer> id) throws PhyloUtilsException
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    /*   public RootedPhylogeny<Integer> extractTreeWithLeafIDs(Collection<Integer> ids) throws NoSuchNodeException
          return extractTreeWithLeafIDs(ids, false, false);

     public RootedPhylogeny<Integer> extractTreeWithLeaves(Collection<PhylogenyNode<Integer>> ids)
      throws PhyloUtilsException
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public synchronized BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> extractTreeWithLeafIDs(Set<Integer> ids,
            boolean ignoreAbsentNodes, boolean includeInternalBranches,
            AbstractRootedPhylogeny.MutualExclusionResolutionMode mode) throws NoSuchNodeException //, NodeNamer<Integer> namer
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.extractTreeWithLeafIDs(ids, ignoreAbsentNodes, includeInternalBranches, mode); //, namer);

    public synchronized BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> extractTreeWithLeafIDs(Set<Integer> ids,
            boolean ignoreAbsentNodes, boolean includeInternalBranches) throws NoSuchNodeException //, NodeNamer<Integer> namer
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.extractTreeWithLeafIDs(ids, ignoreAbsentNodes, includeInternalBranches); //, namer);

    public synchronized String toString() {
        String shortname = getClass().getName();
        shortname = shortname.substring(shortname.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
        return shortname;
       public Integer findTaxIdOfShallowestLeaf(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException
          RootedPhylogeny<Integer> bTree = findTreeForName(name);
          return bTree.getShallowestLeaf();
    /*   public int getNumNodesForName(String name)
          int mappedBIds = 0;
          Set<Integer> idBSet = nameToIdsMap.get(name);
          if (idBSet != null)
     mappedBIds = idBSet.size();
          return mappedBIds;

     public RootedPhylogeny<Integer> findTreeForName(String name) throws NoSuchNodeException
        Set<Integer> idBSet = nameToIdsMap.get(name);
        RootedPhylogeny<Integer> bTree;
        if (idBSet == null)
      //logger.warn("No mapping for ID: " + idA);
      //System.err.printf("%s\t%d\tNOMAP\t0\t0\t0\t0\n", name, idA);
         bTree = findSubtreeByName(name);
      catch (NoSuchNodeException e)
         //logger.warn("No leaf IDs are classified on the tree: " + name);
         //System.err.printf("%s\t%d\tUNCLASSIFIED\t0\t0\t0\t0\n", name, idA);
         bTree = findSubtreeByNameRelaxed(name);
         bTree = extractTreeWithLeafIDs(idBSet, true, true);
         PhylogenyNode<Integer> r = bTree.getFirstBranchingNode();
         bTree = r.asRootedPhylogeny();
      catch (NoSuchNodeException e)
         //logger.warn("No leaf IDs are classified on the tree: " + name);
         //System.err.printf("%s\t%d\tUNCLASSIFIED\t0\t0\t0\t0\n", name, idA);
         bTree = findSubtreeByNameRelaxed(name);
        return bTree;

    public synchronized BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> findTreeForIds(Set<Integer> idBSet) {
        try {
            BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> bTree = extractTreeWithLeafIDs(idBSet, true, true,
            BasicPhylogenyNode<Integer> r = bTree.getFirstBranchingNode();
            bTree = r.asRootedPhylogeny();
            return bTree;
        } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) {
            logger.error("Error", e);
            throw new Error("Impossible");

    public synchronized BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> findCompactSubtreeWithIds(Set<Integer> matchingIds,
            String name) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> tree = extractTreeWithLeafIDs(matchingIds, true, true,
        BasicPhylogenyNode<Integer> result = tree.getFirstBranchingNode();

        double span = result.getLargestLengthSpan();
        if (span > 0.1) {
            logger.warn("Subtree for " + name + " has span = " + span + ", trying 75% solution");
            Integer sub = tree.commonAncestor(matchingIds, 0.75);
            result = tree.getNode(sub);
            span = result.getLargestLengthSpan();
            logger.warn("75% subtree for " + name + " has span = " + span);

        result = result;

        //result = tree.commonAncestor(matchingIds, 0.75);
        //throw new PhyloUtilsException("Name not unique: " + name);

        //double depthBelow = theIntegerTree.getNode(result).getGreatestBranchLengthDepthBelow();

        //depthsBelow.add(name, depthBelow);

        //"Node found for name " + name + " has depth below = " + jdepthBelow);

        return result.asRootedPhylogeny();

    public Integer getLeafAtApproximateDistance(final Integer aId, final double minDesiredTreeDistance,
            final double maxDesiredTreeDistance) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer> theIntegerTree = (BasicRootedPhylogeny<Integer>) theIntegerTreeStub.get();

        return theIntegerTree.getLeafAtApproximateDistance(aId, minDesiredTreeDistance, maxDesiredTreeDistance);

    public Collection<String> getAllNamesForIds(final Set<Integer> ids) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public String getScientificName(final Integer taxid) throws NoSuchNodeException {
        throw new NotImplementedException();
        //PhylogenyNode<String> node = basePhylogeny.getNode(name);  // not needed; nameToNode contains the primary ID too
        /*   String name = nameByTaxId.get(taxid);
        if (taxid == null)
           throw new NoSuchNodeException("" + taxid);
        return name;*/