Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2013 David Soergel <> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * */ package edu.berkeley.compbio.ncbitaxonomy; import com.davidsoergel.dsutils.CacheManager; import com.davidsoergel.dsutils.DSStringUtils; import com.davidsoergel.trees.NoSuchNodeException; import com.davidsoergel.trees.PhylogenyNode; import com.davidsoergel.trees.RootedPhylogeny; import edu.berkeley.compbio.ncbitaxonomy.dao.NcbiTaxonomyNameDao; import edu.berkeley.compbio.ncbitaxonomy.dao.NcbiTaxonomyNodeDao; import edu.berkeley.compbio.ncbitaxonomy.jpa.NcbiTaxonomyNode; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Provides access to a MySQL database containing the NCBI taxonomy, translating database records into Java objects * using Hibernate, JPA, and Spring. * * @author <a href="">David Soergel</a> * @version $Id$ */ @Service public class NcbiTaxonomyServiceEngineImpl implements NcbiTaxonomyServiceEngine { // ------------------------------ FIELDS ------------------------------ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(NcbiTaxonomyServiceEngineImpl.class); @Autowired private NcbiTaxonomyNameDao ncbiTaxonomyNameDao; @Autowired private NcbiTaxonomyNodeDao ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao; private Map<String, Integer> taxIdByNameRelaxed = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private Map<String, Integer> taxIdByName = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private Map<Integer, HashSet<String>> synonyms = new HashMap<Integer, HashSet<String>>(); private Map<Integer, String> scientificNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // the nearest known ancestor only makes sense for a given rootPhylogeny, but that is passed in anew for each nearestKnownAncestor call. // we could make a Map<RootedPhylogeny, Map<Integer, Integer>>, but that seems like overkill when in practice the rootPhylogeny is // always the same one anyway private Map<Integer, Integer> nearestKnownAncestorCache = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private final Integer HASNOTAXID = -1; // --------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS --------------------------- //private static HibernateDB ncbiDb; /* { try {"Initializing NCBI taxonomy database connection..."); init(); } catch (PhyloUtilsException e) { logger.error("Error", e); } } */ /* ncbiDb = new HibernateDB("ncbiTaxonomy"); if (ncbiDb == null) { throw new PhyloUtilsException("Couldn't connect to NCBI Taxonomy database"); } */ public NcbiTaxonomyServiceEngineImpl() { readStateIfAvailable(); } private void readStateIfAvailable() { taxIdByNameRelaxed = CacheManager.getAccumulatingMap(this, "taxIdByNameRelaxed"); //, new HashMap<String, Integer>()); taxIdByName = CacheManager.getAccumulatingMap(this, "taxIdByName"); //, new HashMap<String, Integer>()); synonyms = CacheManager.getAccumulatingMap(this, "synonyms"); //, new HashMap<Integer, Set<String>>()); scientificNames = CacheManager.getAccumulatingMap(this, "scientificNames"); /* if (stringNearestKnownAncestorCache == null) { stringNearestKnownAncestorCache = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } if (integerNearestKnownAncestorCache == null) { integerNearestKnownAncestorCache = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); } if (integerNearestAncestorWithBranchLengthCache == null) { integerNearestAncestorWithBranchLengthCache = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); }*/ } /* private void readStateIfAvailable() { try { FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(EnvironmentUtils.getCacheRoot() + cacheFilename); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin); taxIdByNameRelaxed = (Map<String, Integer>) ois.readObject(); taxIdByName = (Map<String, Integer>) ois.readObject(); //nearestKnownAncestorCache = (Map<Integer, Integer>) ois.readObject(); synonyms = (Map<Integer, Set<String>>) ois.readObject(); ois.close(); } catch (IOException e) {// no problem logger.warn("Failed to read NcbiTaxonomy cache; will query database from scratch"); taxIdByNameRelaxed = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); taxIdByName = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); synonyms = new HashMap<Integer, Set<String>>(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {// no problem logger.warn("Failed to read NcbiTaxonomy cache; will query database from scratch"); taxIdByNameRelaxed = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); taxIdByName = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); synonyms = new HashMap<Integer, Set<String>>(); } }*/ // --------------------- GETTER / SETTER METHODS --------------------- /* public void setNcbiTaxonomyNameDao(NcbiTaxonomyNameDao ncbiTaxonomyNameDao) { this.ncbiTaxonomyNameDao = ncbiTaxonomyNameDao; } public void setNcbiTaxonomyNodeDao(NcbiTaxonomyNodeDao ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao) { this.ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao = ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao; } */ // -------------------------- OTHER METHODS -------------------------- /* @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS) public Integer commonAncestorID(RootedPhylogeny tree, Set<Integer> mergeIds) throws PhyloUtilsException { mergeIds.remove(null); Set<Integer> knownMergeIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (Integer id : mergeIds) { knownMergeIds.add(nearestKnownAncestor(id)); } if (knownMergeIds.size() == 1) { return knownMergeIds.iterator().next(); } return tree.commonAncestor(knownMergeIds); } */ /* public static HibernateDB getNcbiDb() { return ncbiDb; }*/ /* @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS) public int commonAncestorID(RootedPhylogeny tree, Integer taxIdA, Integer taxIdB) throws NcbiTaxonomyException { if (taxIdA == null) { return taxIdB; } if (taxIdB == null) { return taxIdA; } taxIdA = nearestKnownAncestor(tree, taxIdA); taxIdB = nearestKnownAncestor(tree, taxIdB); if (taxIdA == taxIdB) { return taxIdA; } return tree.commonAncestor(taxIdA, taxIdB); } */ /* @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS) public double distanceBetween(String speciesNameA, String speciesNameB) throws NcbiTaxonomyException { Integer taxIdA = taxIdByName.get(speciesNameA); if (taxIdA == null) { taxIdA = ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findByName(speciesNameA).getTaxon().getId(); taxIdByName.put(speciesNameA, taxIdA); } Integer taxIdB = taxIdByName.get(speciesNameB); if (taxIdB == null) { taxIdB = ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findByName(speciesNameB).getTaxon().getId(); taxIdByName.put(speciesNameB, taxIdB); } //logger.error(speciesNameA + " -> " + taxIdA); //logger.error(speciesNameB + " -> " + taxIdB); return distanceBetween(taxIdA, taxIdB); } */ //@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public Integer findTaxidByNameRelaxed(String speciesNameA) throws NoSuchNodeException { //sometimes the taxid is already in the string try { return Integer.parseInt(speciesNameA); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // no problem, look for it by name then } Integer taxIdA = taxIdByNameRelaxed.get(speciesNameA); if (taxIdA == null) { taxIdA = ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findByNameRelaxed(speciesNameA).getTaxon().getId(); taxIdByNameRelaxed.put(speciesNameA, taxIdA); } return taxIdA; } //@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) @Nullable public Integer findTaxidByName(@NotNull String speciesNameA) throws NoSuchNodeException { //sometimes the taxid is already in the string try { return Integer.parseInt(speciesNameA); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // no problem, look for it by name then } Integer taxIdA = taxIdByName.get(speciesNameA); if (taxIdA == null) { try { taxIdA = ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findByName(speciesNameA).getTaxon().getId(); } //if (taxIdA == null) catch (NoSuchNodeException e) { taxIdA = HASNOTAXID; } taxIdByName.put(speciesNameA, taxIdA); } if (taxIdA.equals(HASNOTAXID)) { throw new NoSuchNodeException("No taxId found for name: " + speciesNameA); } return taxIdA; } public Set<String> getCachedNamesForId(Integer id) { //PERF, need a BiMultiMap or something Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : taxIdByName.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(id)) { result.add(entry.getKey()); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : taxIdByNameRelaxed.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(id)) { result.add(entry.getKey()); } } return result; } //@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) @Nullable public Integer findParentTaxidByName(String speciesNameA) throws NoSuchNodeException { //sometimes the taxid is already in the string try { return Integer.parseInt(speciesNameA); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // no problem, look for it by name then } Integer taxIdA = taxIdByName.get(speciesNameA); if (taxIdA == null) { try { taxIdA = ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findByName(speciesNameA).getTaxon().getParent().getId(); } //if (taxIdA == null) catch (NoSuchNodeException e) { taxIdA = HASNOTAXID; } taxIdByName.put(speciesNameA, taxIdA); } if (taxIdA.equals(HASNOTAXID)) { throw new NoSuchNodeException("No taxId found for name: " + speciesNameA); } return taxIdA; } public Collection<String> synonymsOfIdNoCache(int taxid) throws NoSuchNodeException { return ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findSynonyms(taxid); } public Collection<String> synonymsOf(String s) throws NoSuchNodeException { int taxid = findTaxidByName(s); HashSet<String> result = synonyms.get(taxid); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findSynonyms(taxid)); synonyms.put(taxid, result); } return result; } public Collection<String> synonymsOfRelaxed(String s) throws NoSuchNodeException {"NcbiTaxonomyServer synonymsOfRelaxed " + s); int taxid = findTaxidByNameRelaxed(s); HashSet<String> result = synonyms.get(taxid); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findSynonyms(taxid)); synonyms.put(taxid, result); }"NcbiTaxonomyServer synonymsOfRelaxed " + s + " DONE"); return result; //return ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findSynonymsRelaxed(s); } public Collection<String> synonymsOfParent(String s) throws NoSuchNodeException { int taxid = findParentTaxidByName(s); HashSet<String> result = synonyms.get(taxid); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(ncbiTaxonomyNameDao.findSynonyms(taxid)); synonyms.put(taxid, result); } return result; } /* String cacheFilename = "/ncbitaxonomy.cache"; public void saveState() { try { File cacheFile = new File(EnvironmentUtils.getCacheRoot() + cacheFilename); cacheFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(cacheFile); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fout); oos.writeObject(taxIdByNameRelaxed); oos.writeObject(taxIdByName); // oos.writeObject(nearestKnownAncestorCache); oos.writeObject(synonyms); oos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error", e); } }*/ //@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) @NotNull //@Transactional public NcbiTaxonomyNode findNode(Integer taxid) throws NoSuchNodeException { try { return ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao.findById(taxid); } catch (NoResultException e) { throw new NoSuchNodeException(e); } } // @Transactional public void toNewick(final Writer out, final String prefix, final String tab, final int minClusterSize, final double minLabelProb) throws IOException { toNewick(1, out, prefix, tab, minClusterSize, minLabelProb); out.write(";"); } // @Transactional private void toNewick(int id, final Writer out, final String prefix, final String tab, final int minClusterSize, final double minLabelProb) throws IOException { List<Integer> childIds = ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao.findChildIds(id); if (prefix != null) { out.write(prefix); } if (!childIds.isEmpty()) { String childPrefix = prefix == null ? null : prefix + tab; out.write("("); Iterator<Integer> i = childIds.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { toNewick(, out, childPrefix, tab, minClusterSize, minLabelProb); //sb.append(; if (i.hasNext()) { out.write(","); } } if (prefix != null) { out.write(prefix); } out.write(")"); if (prefix != null) { out.write(prefix); } } //String n = value.toString(); //n = n.replaceAll(" ", "_"); out.write("" + id); } public void writeSynonyms(final Writer out) { //DepthFirstTreeIterator<Integer, PhylogenyNode<Integer>> i = getTree().depthFirstIterator(); Iterator<Integer> i = ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao.findAllIds().iterator(); // while (i.hasNext()) { //PhylogenyNode<Integer> n =; //Integer id = n.getPayload(); Integer id =; try { out.append(id.toString()).append("\t"); String scientificName = findScientificName(id); out.append(scientificName).append("\t"); Collection<String> synonyms = synonymsOfIdNoCache(id); synonyms.remove(scientificName); out.append(DSStringUtils.join(synonyms, "\t")).append("\n"); } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) { logger.error("Error", e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error", e); } } } /** * Search up the NCBI taxonomy until a node is encountered that is a leaf in the Ciccarelli taxonomy * * @param leafId * @return * @throws edu.berkeley.compbio.phyloutils.PhyloUtilsException * */ //@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public Integer findNearestKnownAncestor(RootedPhylogeny<Integer> rootPhylogeny, Integer leafId) throws NoSuchNodeException { // ** sanity check that the rootPhylogeny is always the same when using the cache Integer result = nearestKnownAncestorCache.get(leafId); if (result == null) { PhylogenyNode<Integer> n; n = findNode(leafId); /*if (n == null) { throw new NoSuchNodeException("Leaf phylogeny does not contain node " + leafId + "."); }*/ //while (rootPhylogeny.getNode(n.getValue()) == null) while (true) { try { rootPhylogeny.getNode(n.getPayload()); // if we got here, we found a node break; } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Node " + n + " not in root tree, trying parent: " + n.getParent()); } n = n.getParent(); if (n.getPayload() == 1) { // arrived at root, too bad throw new NoSuchNodeException("Taxon " + leafId + " has no ancestors in provided tree."); } //ncbiDb.getEntityManager().refresh(n); } } result = n.getPayload(); nearestKnownAncestorCache.put(leafId, result); } //return n.getId(); return result; } /** * Search up the NCBI taxonomy until a node is encountered that is of the requested rank * * @param leafId * @return * @throws edu.berkeley.compbio.phyloutils.PhyloUtilsException * */ //@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public Integer findNearestAncestorAtRank(@NotNull final String rankName, Integer leafId) throws NoSuchNodeException { NcbiTaxonomyNode n; n = findNode(leafId); /*if (n == null) { throw new NoSuchNodeException("Leaf phylogeny does not contain node " + leafId + "."); }*/ //while (rootPhylogeny.getNode(n.getValue()) == null) while (true) { if (rankName.equals(n.getRank())) { return n.getPayload(); } n = n.getParent(); if (n.getPayload() == 1) { // arrived at root, too bad throw new NoSuchNodeException("Taxon " + leafId + " has no ancestors of rank " + rankName); } //ncbiDb.getEntityManager().refresh(n); } } public Set<Integer> findTaxIdsWithRank(String rank) { /* Set<Integer> result = new HashSet<Integer>(); List<NcbiTaxonomyNode> nodes = ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao.findByRank(rankName); for (NcbiTaxonomyNode node : nodes) { result.add(node.getId()); } return result; */ return new HashSet<Integer>(ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao.findIdsByRank(rank)); } public Set<String> findNamesWithRank(String rank) { Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); List<NcbiTaxonomyNode> nodes = ncbiTaxonomyNodeDao.findByRank(rank); for (NcbiTaxonomyNode node : nodes) { result.add(node.getScientificName()); } return result; } @NotNull public String findScientificName(final Integer taxid) throws NoSuchNodeException { String result = scientificNames.get(taxid); if (result == null) { result = findNode(taxid).getScientificName(); scientificNames.put(taxid, result); } return result; } }