Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 David Soergel <> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * */ package; import com.davidsoergel.dsutils.GenericFactory; import com.davidsoergel.dsutils.GenericFactoryException; import com.davidsoergel.stats.DissimilarityMeasure; import com.davidsoergel.stats.DistributionException; import com.davidsoergel.stats.Multinomial; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; /** * Performs a simple unsupervised clustering on all the samples with a given label in an attempt to decompose the * label-level cluster into several smaller clusters. This is an unusual case in that it both requires a prototype * factory and is sample-initialized. * * @author David Soergel * @version $Id$ */ public class LabelDecomposingBayesianClustering<T extends AdditiveClusterable<T>> extends NearestNeighborClustering<T> // implements SampleInitializedOnlineClusteringMethod<T> { // ------------------------------ FIELDS ------------------------------ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LabelDecomposingBayesianClustering.class); GenericFactory<T> prototypeFactory; // --------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS --------------------------- /** * @param dm The distance measure to use * @param unknownDistanceThreshold the minimum probability to accept when adding a point to a cluster */ public LabelDecomposingBayesianClustering(final DissimilarityMeasure<T> dm, final double unknownDistanceThreshold, final Set<String> potentialTrainingBins, final Map<String, Set<String>> predictLabelSets, final ProhibitionModel<T> prohibitionModel, final Set<String> testLabels) { super(dm, unknownDistanceThreshold, potentialTrainingBins, predictLabelSets, prohibitionModel, testLabels); } // ------------------------ INTERFACE METHODS ------------------------ // --------------------- Interface PrototypeBasedCentroidClusteringMethod --------------------- public void setPrototypeFactory(final GenericFactory<T> prototypeFactory) throws GenericFactoryException { this.prototypeFactory = prototypeFactory; } // --------------------- Interface SampleInitializedOnlineClusteringMethod --------------------- protected void trainWithKnownTrainingLabels(final ClusterableIterator<T> trainingIterator) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void initializeWithSamples(final ClusterableIterator<T> trainingIterator, final int initSamples) //GenericFactory<T> prototypeFactory) // throws ClusterException { final Map<String, GrowableKmeansClustering<T>> theSubclusteringMap = new HashMap<String, GrowableKmeansClustering<T>>(); if (predictLabelSets.size() > 1) { throw new ClusterRuntimeException( "LabelDecomposingBayesianClustering can't yet handle more than one exclusive label set at a time: " + predictLabelSets.keySet()); } final Set<String> predictLabels = predictLabelSets.values().iterator().next(); try { // BAD consume the entire iterator, ignoring initsamples final Multinomial<Cluster<T>> priorsMult = new Multinomial<Cluster<T>>(); try { int i = 0; while (true) { final T point = trainingIterator.nextFullyLabelled(); final String bestLabel = point.getImmutableWeightedLabels().getDominantKeyInSet(predictLabels); //Cluster<T> cluster = theClusterMap.get(bestLabel); GrowableKmeansClustering<T> theIntraLabelClustering = theSubclusteringMap.get(bestLabel); if (theIntraLabelClustering == null) { theIntraLabelClustering = new GrowableKmeansClustering<T>(measure, potentialTrainingBins, predictLabelSets, prohibitionModel, testLabels); theSubclusteringMap.put(bestLabel, theIntraLabelClustering); } // naive online agglomerative clustering: // add points to clusters in the order they arrive, one pass only, create new clusters as needed // the resulting clustering may suck, but it should still more or less span the space of the inputs, // so it may work well enough for this purpose. // doing proper k-means would be nicer, but then we'd have to store all the training points, or re-iterate them somehow. final ClusterMove<T, CentroidCluster<T>> cm = theIntraLabelClustering.bestClusterMove(point); CentroidCluster<T> cluster = cm.bestCluster; if (cm.bestDistance > unknownDistanceThreshold) { logger.debug("Creating new subcluster (" + cm.bestDistance + " > " + unknownDistanceThreshold + ") for " + bestLabel); cluster = new AdditiveCentroidCluster<T>(i++, prototypeFactory.create()); //cluster.setId(i++); // add the new cluster to the local per-label clustering... theIntraLabelClustering.addCluster(cluster); // ... and also to the overall clustering addCluster(cluster); // REVIEW for now we make a uniform prior priorsMult.put(cluster, 1); } cluster.add(point); /* if(cluster.getLabelCounts().uniqueSet().size() != 1) { throw new Error(); }*/ } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // iterator exhausted } priorsMult.normalize(); // clusterPriors = priorsMult.getValueMap(); final ImmutableMap.Builder<Cluster<T>, Double> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); clusterPriors = builder.putAll(priorsMult.getValueMap()).build(); //theClusters = theSubclusteringMap.values(); for (final Map.Entry<String, GrowableKmeansClustering<T>> entry : theSubclusteringMap.entrySet()) { final String label = entry.getKey(); final GrowableKmeansClustering<T> theIntraLabelClustering = entry.getValue(); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Created " + theIntraLabelClustering.getClusters().size() + " clusters from " + theIntraLabelClustering.getN() + " points for " + label); } } } catch (DistributionException e) { throw new ClusterRuntimeException(e); } catch (GenericFactoryException e) { throw new ClusterRuntimeException(e); } } // -------------------------- OTHER METHODS -------------------------- /** * {@inheritDoc} */ /* public void train(CollectionIteratorFactory<T> trainingCollectionIteratorFactory) throws IOException, ClusterException { //super.train(trainingCollectionIteratorFactory); //limitToPopulatedClusters(); // after that, normalize the label probabilities removeEmptyClusters(); normalizeClusterLabelProbabilities(); }*/ }