Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Kaushik Sarkar <> * * This file is part of CoveringArray project. * * CoveringArray is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * CoveringArray is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CoveringArray. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import; import; import; import; import; public class ExtInteractionGraph { private int t; private int k; private int v; private Map<ColGroup, Set<IFitness>> iSet; int[][] deletionEsitmate; Interaction bInteraction; public ExtInteractionGraph(int t, int k, int v) { this.t = t; this.k = k; this.v = v; this.iSet = createFullInteractionSet(this.t, this.k, this.v); this.deletionEsitmate = new int[this.v][this.k]; this.bInteraction = this.findBestInteraction(0); } private Map<ColGroup, Set<IFitness>> createFullInteractionSet(int t, int k, int v) { List<ColGroup> allColGroups = Helper.createAllColGroups(t, k); List<SymTuple> symTuples = Helper.createAllSymTuples(t, v); Map<ColGroup, Set<IFitness>> iSet = new HashMap<ColGroup, Set<IFitness>>(); for (ColGroup cols : allColGroups) { Set<IFitness> iFitnessSet = this.createIFitnessSet(symTuples, t, k, v); iSet.put(cols, iFitnessSet); } return iSet; } private Set<IFitness> createIFitnessSet(List<SymTuple> symTuples, int t, int k, int v) { Set<IFitness> iFitnessSet = new HashSet<IFitness>(); for (SymTuple symTuple : symTuples) { iFitnessSet.add(new IFitness(symTuple, t, k, v)); } return iFitnessSet; } public boolean isEmpty() { return this.iSet.isEmpty(); } public int deleteInteractions(Integer[] newRow) { int coverage = 0; this.resetDeletionEstimates(); Iterator<ColGroup> colGrIt = this.iSet.keySet().iterator(); while (colGrIt.hasNext()) { ColGroup colGr =; int[] indices = colGr.getCols(); int[] syms = new int[this.t]; for (int i = 0; i < this.t; i++) { syms[i] = newRow[indices[i]].intValue(); } SymTuple tuple = new SymTuple(syms); Set<IFitness> iFitnessSet = this.iSet.get(colGr); if (iFitnessSet.contains(tuple)) { coverage += 1; this.updateDeletionEstimate(colGr, tuple); iFitnessSet.remove(tuple); if (iFitnessSet.isEmpty()) { colGrIt.remove(); } } } this.bInteraction = this.findBestInteraction(coverage); return coverage; } private void resetDeletionEstimates() { for (int i = 0; i < this.v; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.k; j++) { this.deletionEsitmate[i][j] = 0; } } } private void updateDeletionEstimate(ColGroup colGr, SymTuple tuple) { int[] syms = tuple.getSyms(); int[] cols = colGr.getCols(); int t = syms.length; for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { this.deletionEsitmate[syms[i]][cols[i]]++; } } private Interaction findBestInteraction(int coverage) { double maxEstExpCoverage = -Double.MAX_VALUE; ColGroup bColGr = null; SymTuple bSymTup = null; Iterator<ColGroup> colGrIt = this.iSet.keySet().iterator(); while (colGrIt.hasNext()) { ColGroup colGr =; Iterator<IFitness> iFitnessSetIt = this.iSet.get(colGr).iterator(); if (iFitnessSetIt.hasNext()) { IFitness iFitness =; this.updateOverlapCount(colGr, iFitness, coverage); double estExpCoverage = this.estimateExpCoverage(iFitness); if (estExpCoverage > maxEstExpCoverage) { maxEstExpCoverage = estExpCoverage; bColGr = colGr; bSymTup = iFitness.getSymTup(); } } } return new Interaction(bColGr, bSymTup); } private void updateOverlapCount(ColGroup colGr, IFitness iFitness, int coverage) { long[] overlapC = iFitness.getOverlapCountA(); int[] syms = iFitness.getSymTup().getSyms(); int[] cols = colGr.getCols(); int t = cols.length; int[] decrement = new int[t]; int sum = 0; for (int i = Math.max(1, 2 * t - this.k); i < t; i++) { List<ColGroup> overlapSet = Helper.createAllColGroups(i, t); decrement[i] = 0; for (ColGroup s : overlapSet) { decrement[i] = decrement[i] + this.estimatedDeletions(s.getCols(), cols, syms); } overlapC[i] = (overlapC[i] >= decrement[i]) ? overlapC[i] - decrement[i] : 0; sum = sum + decrement[i]; } if (2 * t - this.k <= 0) { decrement[0] = coverage - sum; if (decrement[0] > 0) { overlapC[0] = (overlapC[0] >= decrement[0]) ? overlapC[0] - decrement[0] : 0; } } } private int estimatedDeletions(int[] s, int[] cols, int[] syms) { int i = s.length; int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (this.deletionEsitmate[syms[s[j]]][cols[s[j]]] < min) { min = this.deletionEsitmate[syms[s[j]]][cols[s[j]]]; } } return min; } private double estimateExpCoverage(IFitness iFitness) { long[] overlapC = iFitness.getOverlapCountA(); double estExpCov = 0.0d; for (int i = 0; i < this.t; i++) { estExpCov = estExpCov + (overlapC[i] * this.computeProb(i)); } return estExpCov; } private double computeProb(int i) { return 1.0d / FastMath.pow(this.v, this.t - i); } public Interaction selectBestInteraction(Integer[] newRow) { return this.bInteraction; } public int gett() { return this.t; } public int getk() { return this.k; } public boolean contains(Interaction interaction) { ColGroup colGr = interaction.getCols(); SymTuple tuple = interaction.getSyms(); if (this.iSet.containsKey(colGr)) { Set<IFitness> iFitnessSet = this.iSet.get(colGr); if (iFitnessSet.contains(tuple)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public String toString() { String s = "InteractionSet ["; Set<Map.Entry<ColGroup, Set<IFitness>>> set = this.iSet.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<ColGroup, Set<IFitness>> entry : set) { s = s + entry.getKey() + " -> " + entry.getValue() + "\n "; } return s + "]"; } public static void main(String[] args) { ExtInteractionGraph is = new ExtInteractionGraph(3, 4, 2); System.out.println(is); int[] cols = { 0, 1, 2 }; int[] syms = { 1, 0, 0 }; Interaction in = new Interaction(new ColGroup(cols), new SymTuple(syms)); System.out.println(is.contains(in)); ColGroup colGr = new ColGroup(cols); Set<IFitness> iFitnessSet = is.iSet.get(colGr); iFitnessSet.remove(new SymTuple(syms)); System.out.println(is); } public void deleteCoveredInteractions(CA partialCA) { Iterator<Integer[]> caIt = partialCA.iterator(); while (caIt.hasNext()) { this.deleteInteractions(; } } }