Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 National Bank of Belgium * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be approved * by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. */ package; import; import ec.satoolkit.GenericSaResults; import ec.tstoolkit.algorithm.CompositeResults; import ec.tstoolkit.arima.estimation.RegArimaModel; import ec.tstoolkit.modelling.arima.PreprocessingModel; import ec.tstoolkit.modelling.arima.tramo.TramoProcessor; import ec.tstoolkit.sarima.SarimaModel; import ec.tstoolkit.sarima.SarimaSpecification; import ec.tstoolkit.stats.LjungBoxTest; import ec.tstoolkit.timeseries.calendars.LengthOfPeriodType; import ec.tstoolkit.timeseries.regression.*; import ec.tstoolkit.timeseries.simplets.TsData; import ec.tstoolkit.utilities.DoubleList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * * @author Kristof Bayens */ public class RegArimaReport implements ISaReport { private final int freq_; private final DoubleList lb_ = new DoubleList(); private final Map<SarimaSpecification, Integer> arima_ = new HashMap<>(); public int Total; public int NUndecompsable; public int TdCount; public int LogCount; public int LpCount, EasterCount; public int AoCount, LsCount, TcCount, SoCount; public int MeanCount; public long T0, T1; public RegArimaReport(int freq) { freq_ = freq; } public int getFrequency() { return freq_; } public SarimaSpecification[] getModels() { SarimaSpecification[] m = Iterables.toArray(arima_.keySet(), SarimaSpecification.class); //Arrays.sort(m, null); return m; } public int getModelCount(SarimaSpecification spec) { int n = 0; try { n = arima_.get(spec); } catch (Exception ex) { } return n; } //ISaReport Members @Override public void start() { clear(); T0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } protected void clear() { lb_.clear(); Total = 0; TdCount = 0; LpCount = 0; EasterCount = 0; LogCount = 0; AoCount = 0; LsCount = 0; TcCount = 0; SoCount = 0; MeanCount = 0; } @Override public void end() { T1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public boolean add(CompositeResults rslts) { if (rslts == null) return false; PreprocessingModel mdl = GenericSaResults.getPreprocessingModel(rslts); if (mdl != null) { Total++; try { addArima(mdl.estimation.getRegArima()); TsVariableList vars = mdl.description.buildRegressionVariables(); addTransform(mdl.isMultiplicative()); addCalendar(vars, mdl.description.getLengthOfPeriodType()); addOutliers(vars); addStats(mdl.description.getArimaComponent().getFreeParametersCount(), mdl.getFullResiduals()); return true; } catch (Exception err) { return false; } } else return false; } private void addArima(RegArimaModel<SarimaModel> stmodel) { SarimaSpecification spec = stmodel.getArima().getSpecification(); Integer count = arima_.get(spec); if (count == null) arima_.put(spec, 1); else arima_.put(spec, count + 1); if (stmodel.isMeanCorrection()) ++MeanCount; } private void addStats(int np, TsData residuals) { if (residuals == null) return; try { LjungBoxTest lb = new LjungBoxTest(); lb.setHyperParametersCount(np); lb.setK(TramoProcessor.calcLBLength(freq_)); lb.test(residuals.getValues()); if (lb.isValid()) { this.lb_.add(lb.getValue()); } } catch (Exception err) { } } private void addCalendar(TsVariableList vars, LengthOfPeriodType adjust) { if ( > 0) ++TdCount; if (adjust != LengthOfPeriodType.None || > 0) ++LpCount; if ( > 0) ++EasterCount; } private void addOutliers(TsVariableList vars) { AoCount +=, false).getItemsCount(); LsCount +=, false).getItemsCount(); TcCount +=, false).getItemsCount(); SoCount +=, false).getItemsCount(); } private void addTransform(boolean multiplicative) { if (multiplicative) ++LogCount; } }