Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke and George Mason University Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ package ec.coevolve; import ec.*; import ec.coevolve.GroupedProblemForm; import ec.coevolve.MultiPopCoevolutionaryEvaluator; import ec.util.Parameter; import ec.util.QuickSort; import ec.util.SortComparator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import mase.MetaEvaluator; import mase.PostEvaluator; import mase.evaluation.ExpandedFitness; import mase.evaluation.VectorBehaviourResult; import mase.neat.NEATSubpop; import mase.novelty.NoveltyEvaluation; import mase.novelty.NoveltyEvaluation.ArchiveEntry; import mase.novelty.NoveltyFitness; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.neat4j.neat.core.NEATChromosome; import org.neat4j.neat.core.NEATGeneticAlgorithm; import; /** * Multi-threaded version * * @author Jorge Gomes, FC-UL <> */ public class MultiPopCoevolutionaryEvaluatorExtra extends MultiPopCoevolutionaryEvaluator { public static final String P_LAST_CHAMPIONS = "num-last-champions"; public static final String P_RANDOM_CHAMPIONS = "num-random-champions"; public static final String P_NOVEL_CHAMPIONS = "num-novel-champions"; public static final String P_NOVEL_CHAMPIONS_MODE = "novel-champions-mode"; public static final String P_NOVEL_CHAMPIONS_ORIGIN = "novel-champions-origin"; public static final String P_NOVEL_CHAMPIONS_CAP = "novel-champions-cap"; public static final String P_NEAT_ELITE = "num-neat-elite"; public static final String P_CURRENT_ELITE = "num-current-elite"; public static final String P_ELITE_MODE = "elite-mode"; public static final String P_MAX_EVALUATIONS = "max-evaluations"; public enum NovelChampionsMode { random, last, centroid, best; } public enum NovelChampionsOrigin { archive, halloffame } public enum EliteMode { fitness, novelty, score } protected EliteMode eliteMode; public int totalEvaluations; public int maxEvaluations; protected int lastChampions; protected int randomChampions; protected int novelChampions; protected int neatElite; protected int currentElite; protected float novelChampionsCap; protected NovelChampionsMode novelChampionsMode; protected NovelChampionsOrigin novelChampionsOrigin; protected List<Individual>[] hallOfFame; protected List<ArchiveEntry>[] archives; protected Individual[][] competitors; public Individual[][] getEliteIndividuals() { return eliteIndividuals; } public void setEliteIndividuals(Individual[][] elite) { this.eliteIndividuals = elite; } @Override public void setup(EvolutionState state, Parameter base) { super.setup(state, base); maxEvaluations = state.parameters.getIntWithDefault(base.push(P_MAX_EVALUATIONS), null, -1); totalEvaluations = 0; eliteMode = EliteMode.valueOf(state.parameters.getString(base.push(P_ELITE_MODE), null)); lastChampions = state.parameters.getIntWithDefault(base.push(P_LAST_CHAMPIONS), null, 0); randomChampions = state.parameters.getIntWithDefault(base.push(P_RANDOM_CHAMPIONS), null, 0); novelChampions = state.parameters.getIntWithDefault(base.push(P_NOVEL_CHAMPIONS), null, 0); if (novelChampions > 0) { novelChampionsMode = NovelChampionsMode .valueOf(state.parameters.getString(base.push(P_NOVEL_CHAMPIONS_MODE), null)); novelChampionsOrigin = NovelChampionsOrigin .valueOf(state.parameters.getString(base.push(P_NOVEL_CHAMPIONS_ORIGIN), null)); novelChampionsCap = state.parameters.getFloat(base.push(P_NOVEL_CHAMPIONS_CAP), null); } neatElite = state.parameters.getIntWithDefault(base.push(P_NEAT_ELITE), null, 0); currentElite = state.parameters.getIntWithDefault(base.push(P_CURRENT_ELITE), null, 0); if (lastChampions > 0 || randomChampions > 0 || novelChampions > 0 || neatElite > 0 || currentElite > 0) { this.numElite = lastChampions + randomChampions + novelChampions + neatElite + currentElite; state.output.warnOnce("Parameter value was ignored. Value changed to: " + this.numElite, base.push(P_NUM_ELITE)); } else { currentElite = this.numElite; } } @Override public boolean runComplete(EvolutionState state) { return maxEvaluations == -1 ? false : totalEvaluations >= maxEvaluations; } @Override protected void beforeCoevolutionaryEvaluation(EvolutionState state, Population population, GroupedProblemForm prob) { super.beforeCoevolutionaryEvaluation(state, population, prob); if (state.generation == 0) { if (lastChampions > 0 || randomChampions > 0 || novelChampions > 0) { hallOfFame = new ArrayList[state.population.subpops.length]; for (int i = 0; i < hallOfFame.length; i++) { hallOfFame[i] = new ArrayList<Individual>(); } } if (novelChampions > 0 && novelChampionsOrigin == NovelChampionsOrigin.archive) { for (PostEvaluator pe : ((MetaEvaluator) state.evaluator).getPostEvaluators()) { if (pe instanceof NoveltyEvaluation) { NoveltyEvaluation ne = (NoveltyEvaluation) pe; archives = ne.getArchives(); break; } } if (archives == null) { state.output .fatal("NoveltyEvaluation is not being used. It is impossible to get the archives."); } } } } @Override public void evaluatePopulation(final EvolutionState state) { // determine who needs to be evaluated boolean[] preAssessFitness = new boolean[state.population.subpops.length]; boolean[] postAssessFitness = new boolean[state.population.subpops.length]; for (int i = 0; i < state.population.subpops.length; i++) { postAssessFitness[i] = shouldEvaluateSubpop(state, i, 0); preAssessFitness[i] = postAssessFitness[i] || (state.generation == 0); // always prepare (set up trials) on generation 0 totalEvaluations += state.population.subpops[i].individuals.length; } // first generation initialization beforeCoevolutionaryEvaluation(state, state.population, (GroupedProblemForm) p_problem); // do evaluation ((GroupedProblemForm) p_problem).preprocessPopulation(state, state.population, preAssessFitness, false); performCoevolutionaryEvaluation(state, state.population, (GroupedProblemForm) p_problem); ((GroupedProblemForm) p_problem).postprocessPopulation(state, state.population, postAssessFitness, false); // other methods become responsible of calling afterCoevolutionaryEvaluation } @Override public void performCoevolutionaryEvaluation(final EvolutionState state, final Population population, final GroupedProblemForm prob) { /* initialization */ inds = new Individual[population.subpops.length]; updates = new boolean[population.subpops.length]; // build subpopulation array to pass in each time int[] subpops = new int[population.subpops.length]; for (int j = 0; j < subpops.length; j++) { subpops[j] = j; } // we start by warming up the selection methods if (numCurrent > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < selectionMethodCurrent.length; i++) { selectionMethodCurrent[i].prepareToProduce(state, i, 0); } } if (numPrev > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < selectionMethodPrev.length; i++) { // do a hack here Population currentPopulation = state.population; state.population = previousPopulation; selectionMethodPrev[i].prepareToProduce(state, i, 0); state.population = currentPopulation; } } this.competitors = new Individual[state.population.subpops.length][]; for (int p = 0; p < population.subpops.length; p++) { loadCompetitors(state, p); } /* subpops evaluation -- multi-threaded */ int numinds[][] = new int[state.evalthreads][population.subpops.length]; int from[][] = new int[state.evalthreads][population.subpops.length]; // figure out multi-thread distribution for (int y = 0; y < state.evalthreads; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < population.subpops.length; x++) { if (shouldEvaluateSubpop(state, x, 0)) { // figure numinds if (y < state.evalthreads - 1) { // not last one numinds[y][x] = population.subpops[x].individuals.length / state.evalthreads; } else { // in case we're slightly off in division numinds[y][x] = population.subpops[x].individuals.length / state.evalthreads + (population.subpops[x].individuals.length - (population.subpops[x].individuals.length / state.evalthreads) // note integer division * state.evalthreads); } // figure from from[y][x] = (population.subpops[x].individuals.length / state.evalthreads) * y; } } } // distribute the work if (state.evalthreads == 1) { evalPopChunk(state, population, numinds[0], from[0], 0, subpops, (GroupedProblemForm) ((Problem) prob).clone()); } else { Thread[] t = new Thread[state.evalthreads]; // start up the threads for (int y = 0; y < state.evalthreads; y++) { EvaluatorThread r = new EvaluatorThread(); r.threadnum = y; r.numinds = numinds[y]; r.from = from[y]; r.state = state; r.pop = population; r.subpops = subpops; r.p = (GroupedProblemForm) ((Problem) prob).clone(); t[y] = new Thread(r); t[y].start(); } // gather the threads for (int y = 0; y < state.evalthreads; y++) { try { t[y].join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { state.output.fatal("Whoa! The main evaluation thread got interrupted! Dying..."); } } } /* finalization */ if (numCurrent > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < selectionMethodCurrent.length; i++) { selectionMethodCurrent[i].finishProducing(state, i, 0); } } if (numPrev > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < selectionMethodPrev.length; i++) { // do a hack here Population currentPopulation = state.population; state.population = previousPopulation; selectionMethodPrev[i].finishProducing(state, i, 0); state.population = currentPopulation; } } } @Override public void afterCoevolutionaryEvaluation(EvolutionState state, Population population, GroupedProblemForm prob) { super.afterCoevolutionaryEvaluation(state, population, prob); } class EvaluatorThread implements Runnable { public int[] numinds; public int[] from; public EvolutionState state; public Population pop; public int threadnum; public GroupedProblemForm p; public int[] subpops; @Override public void run() { evalPopChunk(state, pop, numinds, from, threadnum, subpops, p); } } protected void evalPopChunk(EvolutionState state, Population pop, int[] numinds, int[] from, int threadnum, int[] subpops, GroupedProblemForm prob) { ((Problem) prob).prepareToEvaluate(state, threadnum); boolean[] tUpdates = new boolean[pop.subpops.length]; Individual[] tInds = new Individual[pop.subpops.length]; for (int p = 0; p < pop.subpops.length; p++) { // start evaluatin'! int upperbound = from[p] + numinds[p]; for (int x = from[p]; x < upperbound; x++) { Individual individual = pop.subpops[p].individuals[x]; // Test against the competitors for (int k = 0; k < competitors[p].length; k++) { for (int ind = 0; ind < tInds.length; ind++) { if (ind == p) { tInds[ind] = individual; tUpdates[ind] = true; } else { tInds[ind] = competitors[ind][k]; tUpdates[ind] = false; } } prob.evaluate(state, tInds, tUpdates, false, subpops, 0); } } } ((Problem) prob).finishEvaluating(state, threadnum); } void loadCompetitors(EvolutionState state, int whichSubpop) { ArrayList<Individual> tInds = new ArrayList<Individual>(); for (Individual ind : eliteIndividuals[whichSubpop]) { tInds.add(ind); } for (int i = 0; i < numCurrent; i++) { tInds.add(produceCurrent(whichSubpop, state, 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < numPrev; i++) { tInds.add(producePrevious(whichSubpop, state, 0)); } Individual[] tIndsA = new Individual[tInds.size()]; tInds.toArray(tIndsA); competitors[whichSubpop] = tIndsA; } @Override void loadElites(final EvolutionState state, int whichSubpop) { Subpopulation subpop = state.population.subpops[whichSubpop]; // Update hall of fame if (hallOfFame != null) { int best = 0; Individual[] oldinds = subpop.individuals; for (int x = 1; x < oldinds.length; x++) { if (betterThan(oldinds[x], oldinds[best])) { best = x; } } hallOfFame[whichSubpop].add((Individual) subpop.individuals[best].clone()); } int index = 0; // Last champions if (lastChampions > 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= lastChampions && i <= hallOfFame[whichSubpop].size(); i++) { eliteIndividuals[whichSubpop][index++] = (Individual) hallOfFame[whichSubpop] .get(hallOfFame[whichSubpop].size() - i).clone(); } } double randChamps = randomChampions; // Novel champions if (novelChampions > 0) { Individual[] behaviourElite = behaviourElite(state, whichSubpop); for (int i = 0; i < behaviourElite.length; i++) { eliteIndividuals[whichSubpop][index++] = (Individual) behaviourElite[i].clone(); //System.out.println(whichSubpop + "\t" + ((ExpandedFitness) behaviourElite[i].fitness).getFitnessScore()); } randChamps = randomChampions + (novelChampions - behaviourElite.length); } // Random champions if (randChamps > 0) { // Choose random positions ArrayList<Integer> pos = new ArrayList<Integer>(hallOfFame[whichSubpop].size()); for (int i = 0; i < hallOfFame[whichSubpop].size(); i++) { pos.add(i); } Collections.shuffle(pos); for (int i = 0; i < pos.size() && i < randChamps; i++) { eliteIndividuals[whichSubpop][index++] = (Individual) hallOfFame[whichSubpop].get(pos.get(i)) .clone(); } } // NEAT Elite if (neatElite > 0) { NEATGeneticAlgorithm neat = ((NEATSubpop) subpop).getNEAT(); if (!neat.getSpecies().specieList().isEmpty()) { HashMap<Integer, Individual> specieBests = new HashMap<Integer, Individual>( neat.getSpecies().specieList().size() * 2); Chromosome[] genoTypes = neat.population().genoTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < genoTypes.length; i++) { int specie = ((NEATChromosome) genoTypes[i]).getSpecieId(); if (!specieBests.containsKey(specie) || betterThan(subpop.individuals[i], specieBests.get(specie))) { specieBests.put(specie, subpop.individuals[i]); } } Individual[] specBests = new Individual[specieBests.size()]; specieBests.values().toArray(specBests); QuickSort.qsort(specBests, new EliteComparator2()); for (int i = 0; i < specBests.length && i < neatElite; i++) { eliteIndividuals[whichSubpop][index++] = (Individual) specBests[i].clone(); } } } // Fill remaining with the elite of the current pop int toFill = numElite - index; if (toFill == 1) { // Just one to place Individual best = subpop.individuals[0]; for (int x = 1; x < subpop.individuals.length; x++) { if (betterThan(subpop.individuals[x], best)) { best = subpop.individuals[x]; } } eliteIndividuals[whichSubpop][index++] = (Individual) best.clone(); } else if (toFill > 1) { Individual[] orderedPop = Arrays.copyOf(subpop.individuals, subpop.individuals.length); QuickSort.qsort(orderedPop, new EliteComparator2()); // load the top N individuals for (int j = 0; j < toFill; j++) { eliteIndividuals[whichSubpop][index++] = (Individual) orderedPop[j].clone(); } } } // sorts the opposite way on purpose -- we want the best to be first in the array class EliteComparator2 implements SortComparator { @Override public boolean lt(Object a, Object b) { return betterThan((Individual) a, (Individual) b); } @Override public boolean gt(Object a, Object b) { return betterThan((Individual) b, (Individual) a); } } protected boolean betterThan(Individual a, Individual b) { if (eliteMode == { return ((ExpandedFitness) > ((ExpandedFitness) .getFitnessScore(); } else if (eliteMode == EliteMode.novelty) { return ((NoveltyFitness) > ((NoveltyFitness); } else { return; } } // Do the normal k-means clustering and then the picked individuals are the closest ones to the centroid protected Individual[] behaviourElite(EvolutionState state, int subpop) { // Generate the dataset ArrayList<IndividualClusterable> points = new ArrayList<IndividualClusterable>(); if (novelChampionsOrigin == NovelChampionsOrigin.halloffame) { for (int i = 0; i < hallOfFame[subpop].size(); i++) { points.add(new IndividualClusterable(hallOfFame[subpop].get(i), i)); } } else if (novelChampionsOrigin == NovelChampionsOrigin.archive) { for (ArchiveEntry ae : archives[subpop]) { points.add(new IndividualClusterable(ae.getIndividual(), ae.getGeneration())); } } // Cap -- only use the individuals with the highest fitness scores if (novelChampionsCap > 0) { // calculate the percentile DescriptiveStatistics ds = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (IndividualClusterable ic : points) { ds.addValue(ic.getFitness()); } double percentile = ds.getPercentile(novelChampionsCap); // remove those below the percentile Iterator<IndividualClusterable> iter = points.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IndividualClusterable next =; if (next.getFitness() < percentile) { iter.remove(); } } } // Check if there are enough points for clustering if (points.size() <= novelChampions) { Individual[] elite = new Individual[points.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < elite.length; i++) { elite[i] = points.get(i).getIndividual(); } return elite; } // Do the k-means clustering KMeansPlusPlusClusterer<IndividualClusterable> clusterer = new KMeansPlusPlusClusterer<IndividualClusterable>( novelChampions, 100); List<CentroidCluster<IndividualClusterable>> clusters = clusterer.cluster(points); // Return one from each cluster Individual[] elite = new Individual[novelChampions]; for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) { CentroidCluster<IndividualClusterable> cluster = clusters.get(i); List<IndividualClusterable> clusterPoints = cluster.getPoints(); if (novelChampionsMode == NovelChampionsMode.random) { int randIndex = state.random[0].nextInt(clusterPoints.size()); elite[i] = clusterPoints.get(randIndex).getIndividual(); } else if (novelChampionsMode == NovelChampionsMode.last) { IndividualClusterable oldest = null; for (IndividualClusterable ic : clusterPoints) { if (oldest == null || ic.age > oldest.age) { oldest = ic; } } elite[i] = oldest.getIndividual(); } else if (novelChampionsMode == NovelChampionsMode.centroid) { DistanceMeasure dm = clusterer.getDistanceMeasure(); double[] centroid = cluster.getCenter().getPoint(); IndividualClusterable closest = null; double closestDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (IndividualClusterable ic : clusterPoints) { double dist = dm.compute(centroid, ic.getPoint()); if (dist < closestDist) { closestDist = dist; closest = ic; } } elite[i] = closest.getIndividual(); } else if (novelChampionsMode == { IndividualClusterable best = null; float highestFit = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (IndividualClusterable ic : clusterPoints) { if (ic.getFitness() > highestFit) { best = ic; highestFit = ic.getFitness(); } } elite[i] = best.getIndividual(); } } return elite; } protected static class IndividualClusterable implements Clusterable { private final double[] p; private final float fitness; private final Individual ind; private final int age; IndividualClusterable(Individual ind, int age) { this.ind = ind; NoveltyFitness nf = (NoveltyFitness); VectorBehaviourResult br = (VectorBehaviourResult) nf.getNoveltyBehaviour(); this.p = new double[br.getBehaviour().length]; for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { p[i] = br.getBehaviour()[i]; } = nf.getFitnessScore(); this.age = age; } @Override public double[] getPoint() { return p; } public Individual getIndividual() { return ind; } public float getFitness() { return fitness; } } }