dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.reporting.PdfReport.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.reporting.PdfReport.java


 * <h1>PdfReport.java</h1> <p> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version; or, at your
 * choice, under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. SPDX GPL-3.0+ or MPL-2.0+. </p>
 * <p> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
 * GNU General Public License and the Mozilla Public License for more details. </p> <p> You should
 * have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and the Mozilla Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/">http://www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>
 * and at <a href="http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0">http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0</a> . </p> <p> NB: for the
 *  statement, include Easy Innova SL or other company/Person contributing the code. </p> <p> 
 * 2015 Easy Innova, SL </p>
 * @author Victor Muoz Sol
 * @version 1.0
 * @since 23/7/2015

package dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.reporting;

import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.TiffConformanceChecker;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.implementation_checker.ImplementationCheckerLoader;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.implementation_checker.rules.RuleResult;
import dpfmanager.shell.modules.report.core.IndividualReport;
import dpfmanager.shell.modules.report.util.PDFParams;

import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.Metadata;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.TagValue;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.TiffDocument;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.TiffTags;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.types.IFD;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.types.IPTC;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.types.XMP;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.types.abstractTiffType;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.edit.PDPageContentStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.xobject.PDJpeg;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.xobject.PDPixelMap;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.xobject.PDXObjectImage;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

 * Created by easy on 06/05/2016.
public class PdfReport extends Report {
     * The Init posy.
    int init_posy = 800;

    PDFParams makeConformSection(int nerrors, int nwarnings, String key, PDFParams pdfParams0, int pos_x,
            int image_width, int font_size, PDFont font) throws Exception {
        PDFParams pdfParams = pdfParams0;
        String imgPath = "images/pdf/check.png";
        if (nerrors > 0) {
            imgPath = "images/pdf/error.png";
            pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, key, imgPath, Color.red, pos_x + image_width + 10, font, font_size,
        } else {
            pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, key, imgPath, Color.green, pos_x + image_width + 10, font, font_size,
        pdfParams.y -= 10;
        return pdfParams;

    private List<String> detectIncoherency(String valueTag, String valueIptc, String valueXmp, String name,
            int nifd) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        if (valueTag != null && valueIptc != null && !valueTag.equals(valueIptc)) {
            list.add(name + " on TAG and IPTC in IFD " + nifd + " (" + valueTag + ", " + valueIptc + ")");
        if (valueTag != null && valueXmp != null && !valueTag.equals(valueXmp)) {
            list.add(name + " on TAG and XMP in IFD " + nifd + " (" + valueTag + ", " + valueXmp + ")");
        if (valueIptc != null && valueXmp != null && !valueIptc.equals(valueXmp)) {
            list.add(name + " on IPTC and XMP in IFD " + nifd + " (" + valueIptc + ", " + valueXmp + ")");
        return list;

     * Parse an individual report to PDF.
     * @param ir the individual report.
    public void parseIndividual(IndividualReport ir) {
        try {
            PDFParams pdfParams = new PDFParams();
            PDFont font = PDType1Font.HELVETICA_BOLD;

            int pos_x = 200;
            pdfParams.y = 700;
            int font_size = 18;

            // Logo
            PDXObjectImage ximage;
            float scale = 3;
            synchronized (this) {
                InputStream inputStream = getFileStreamFromResources("images/logo.jpg");
                ximage = null;
                try {
                    ximage = new PDJpeg(pdfParams.getDocument(), inputStream);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ximage != null)
                    pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(ximage, pos_x, pdfParams.y, 645 / scale, 300 / scale);

            // Report Title
            pdfParams.y -= 30;
            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, "INDIVIDUAL REPORT", pos_x, font, font_size);

            // Image
            pos_x = 50;
            int max_image_height = 130;
            int max_image_width = 200;
            pdfParams.y -= (max_image_height + 30);
            int image_pos_y = pdfParams.y;
            BufferedImage thumb = tiff2Jpg(ir.getFilePath());
            if (thumb == null) {
                thumb = ImageIO.read(getFileStreamFromResources("html/img/noise.jpg"));
            int image_height = thumb.getHeight();
            int image_width = thumb.getWidth();
            if (image_height > max_image_height) {
                image_width = max_image_height * image_width / image_height;
                image_height = max_image_height;
            if (image_width > max_image_width) {
                image_height = max_image_width * image_height / image_width;
                image_width = max_image_width;
            ximage = new PDJpeg(pdfParams.getDocument(), thumb);
            pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(ximage, pos_x, pdfParams.y, image_width, image_height);
            image_width = max_image_width;

             * Image name and path
            font_size = 12;
            pdfParams.y += image_height - 12;
            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, ir.getFileName(), pos_x + image_width + 10, font, font_size);
            font_size = 11;
            pdfParams.y -= 32;
            List<String> linesPath = splitInLines(font_size, font, ir.getFilePath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/"),
                    490 - image_width, "/");
            for (String line : linesPath) {
                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, line, pos_x + image_width + 10, font, font_size);
                pdfParams.y -= 10;

            // Image alert
            pdfParams.y -= 30;
            font_size = 9;
            for (String iso : ir.getCheckedIsos()) {
                if (ir.hasValidation(iso) || ir.getNErrors(iso) == 0) {
                    String name = ImplementationCheckerLoader.getIsoName(iso);
                    pdfParams = makeConformSection(ir.getNErrors(iso), ir.getNWarnings(iso), name, pdfParams, pos_x,
                            image_width, font_size, font);
            pdfParams.y -= 10;

             * Summary table
            font_size = 8;
            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, "Errors", pos_x + image_width + 170, font, font_size);
            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, "Warnings", pos_x + image_width + 210, font, font_size);
            String dif = "";

            for (String iso : ir.getCheckedIsos()) {
                if (ir.hasValidation(iso) || ir.getNErrors(iso) == 0) {
                    String name = ImplementationCheckerLoader.getIsoName(iso);
                    pdfParams.y -= 20;
                    pdfParams.getContentStream().drawLine(pos_x + image_width + 10, pdfParams.y + 15,
                            pos_x + image_width + 260, pdfParams.y + 15);
                    pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, name, pos_x + image_width + 10, font, font_size);
                    dif = ir.getCompareReport() != null
                            ? getDif(ir.getCompareReport().getNErrors(iso), ir.getNErrors(iso))
                            : "";
                    pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, ir.getNErrors(iso) + dif, pos_x + image_width + 180, font,
                            font_size, ir.getNErrors(iso) > 0 ? Color.red : Color.black);
                    dif = ir.getCompareReport() != null
                            ? getDif(ir.getCompareReport().getNWarnings(iso), ir.getNWarnings(iso))
                            : "";
                    pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, ir.getNWarnings(iso) + dif, pos_x + image_width + 230, font,
                            font_size, ir.getNWarnings(iso) > 0 ? Color.orange : Color.black);

            if (pdfParams.y > image_pos_y)
                pdfParams.y = image_pos_y;

             * File structure
            font_size = 10;
            pdfParams.y -= 40;
            pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "File Structure", "images/pdf/site.png", pos_x, font, font_size);
            TiffDocument td = ir.getTiffModel();
            IFD ifd = td.getFirstIFD();
            font_size = 7;
            while (ifd != null) {
                pdfParams.y -= 20;
                String typ = " - Main image";
                if (ifd.hasSubIFD() && ifd.getImageSize() < ifd.getsubIFD().getImageSize())
                    typ = " - Thumbnail";
                ximage = new PDJpeg(pdfParams.getDocument(), getFileStreamFromResources("images/doc.jpg"));
                pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(ximage, pos_x, pdfParams.y, 5, 7);
                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, ifd.toString() + typ, pos_x + 7, font, font_size);
                if (ifd.getsubIFD() != null) {
                    pdfParams.y -= 18;
                    if (ifd.getImageSize() < ifd.getsubIFD().getImageSize())
                        typ = " - Main image";
                        typ = " - Thumbnail";
                    pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(ximage, pos_x + 15, pdfParams.y, 5, 7);
                    pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, "SubIFD" + typ, pos_x + 15 + 7, font, font_size);
                if (ifd.containsTagId(34665)) {
                    pdfParams.y -= 18;
                    pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(ximage, pos_x + 15, pdfParams.y, 5, 7);
                    pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, "EXIF", pos_x + 15 + 7, font, font_size);
                if (ifd.containsTagId(700)) {
                    pdfParams.y -= 18;
                    pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(ximage, pos_x + 15, pdfParams.y, 5, 7);
                    pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, "XMP", pos_x + 15 + 7, font, font_size);
                if (ifd.containsTagId(33723)) {
                    pdfParams.y -= 18;
                    pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(ximage, pos_x + 15, pdfParams.y, 5, 7);
                    pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, "IPTC", pos_x + 15 + 7, font, font_size);
                ifd = ifd.getNextIFD();

             * Tags
            font_size = 7;
            Map<String, List<ReportTag>> tags = parseTags(ir);
            for (String key : sortByTag(tags.keySet())) {
                 * IFD
                if (key.startsWith("ifd") && !key.endsWith("e")) {
                    pdfParams.y -= 40;
                    pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "IFD Tags", "images/pdf/tag.png", pos_x, font, 10);
                    pdfParams.y -= 20;
                    Integer[] margins = { 2, 40, 180 };
                    pdfParams = writeTableHeaders(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, font,
                            Arrays.asList("ID", "Name", "Value"), margins);
                    for (ReportTag tag : tags.get(key)) {
                        pdfParams.y -= 15;
                        String sDif = "";
                        if (tag.dif < 0)
                            sDif = "(-)";
                        else if (tag.dif > 0)
                            sDif = "(+)";
                        pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, tag.tv.getId() + sDif, pos_x + margins[0], font,
                        pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams,
                                (tag.tv.getName().equals(tag.tv.getId() + "") ? "Private tag" : tag.tv.getName()),
                                pos_x + margins[1], font, font_size);
                        pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, tag.tv.getDescriptiveValue(), pos_x + margins[2], font,
                 * IFD  expert
                else if (key.startsWith("ifd")) {
                    pdfParams.y -= 40;
                    pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "IFD Expert Tags", "images/pdf/tag.png", pos_x, font, 10);
                    pdfParams.y -= 20;
                    Integer[] margins = { 2, 40, 180 };
                    pdfParams = writeTableHeaders(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, font,
                            Arrays.asList("ID", "Name", "Value"), margins);
                    for (ReportTag tag : tags.get(key)) {
                        pdfParams.y -= 15;
                        String sDif = "";
                        if (tag.dif < 0)
                            sDif = "(-)";
                        else if (tag.dif > 0)
                            sDif = "(+)";
                        pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, tag.tv.getId() + sDif, pos_x + margins[0], font,
                        pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams,
                                (tag.tv.getName().equals(tag.tv.getId() + "") ? "Private tag" : tag.tv.getName()),
                                pos_x + margins[1], font, font_size);
                        pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, tag.tv.getDescriptiveValue(), pos_x + margins[2], font,
                 * SUB
                if (key.startsWith("sub")) {
                    for (ReportTag tag : tags.get(key)) {
                        pdfParams.y -= 40;
                        pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "Sub IFD Tags", "images/pdf/tag.png", pos_x, font, 10);
                        pdfParams.y -= 20;
                        Integer[] margins = { 2, 40, 180 };
                        pdfParams = writeTableHeaders(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, font,
                                Arrays.asList("ID", "Name", "Value"), margins);
                        IFD sub = (IFD) tag.tv.getValue().get(0);
                        for (TagValue tv : sub.getTags().getTags()) {
                            pdfParams.y -= 15;
                            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, tv.getId() + "", pos_x + margins[0], font, font_size);
                            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams,
                                    (tv.getName().equals(tv.getId() + "") ? "Private tag" : tv.getName()),
                                    pos_x + margins[1], font, font_size);
                            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, tv.getDescriptiveValue(), pos_x + margins[2], font,
                 * EXIF
                if (key.startsWith("exi")) {
                    for (ReportTag tag : tags.get(key)) {
                        pdfParams.y -= 40;
                        String index = (tag.index > 0) ? " (IFD " + tag.index + ")" : "";
                        pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "EXIF Tags" + index, "images/pdf/tag.png", pos_x, font,
                        pdfParams.y -= 20;
                        Integer[] margins = { 2, 40, 180 };
                        pdfParams = writeTableHeaders(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, font,
                                Arrays.asList("ID", "Name", "Value"), margins);
                        IFD exif = (IFD) tag.tv.getValue().get(0);
                        for (TagValue tv : exif.getTags().getTags()) {
                            pdfParams.y -= 15;
                            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, tv.getId() + "", pos_x + margins[0], font, font_size);
                            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams,
                                    (tv.getName().equals(tv.getId() + "") ? "Private tag" : tv.getName()),
                                    pos_x + margins[1], font, font_size);
                            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, tv.getDescriptiveValue(), pos_x + margins[2], font,
                 * IPTC
                if (key.startsWith("ipt")) {
                    for (ReportTag tag : tags.get(key)) {
                        pdfParams.y -= 40;
                        String index = (tag.index > 0) ? " (IFD " + tag.index + ")" : "";
                        pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "IPTC Tags" + index, "images/pdf/tag.png", pos_x, font,
                        pdfParams.y -= 20;
                        Integer[] margins = { 2, 180 };
                        pdfParams = writeTableHeaders(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, font,
                                Arrays.asList("Name", "Value"), margins);
                        abstractTiffType obj = tag.tv.getValue().get(0);
                        if (obj instanceof IPTC) {
                            IPTC iptc = (IPTC) obj;
                            Metadata metadata = iptc.createMetadata();
                            for (String mKey : iptc.createMetadata().keySet()) {
                                pdfParams.y -= 15;
                                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, mKey, pos_x + margins[0], font, font_size);
                                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, metadata.get(mKey).toString().trim(),
                                        pos_x + margins[1], font, font_size);
                 * XMP
                if (key.startsWith("xmp")) {
                    for (ReportTag tag : tags.get(key)) {
                        // Tags
                        pdfParams.y -= 40;
                        String index = (tag.index > 0) ? " (IFD " + tag.index + ")" : "";
                        pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "XMP Tags" + index, "images/pdf/tag.png", pos_x, font,
                        pdfParams.y -= 20;
                        Integer[] margins = { 2, 180 };
                        pdfParams = writeTableHeaders(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, font,
                                Arrays.asList("Name", "Value"), margins);
                        XMP xmp = (XMP) tag.tv.getValue().get(0);
                        Metadata metadata = xmp.createMetadata();
                        for (String xKey : metadata.keySet()) {
                            pdfParams.y -= 15;
                            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, xKey, pos_x + margins[0], font, font_size);
                            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, metadata.get(xKey).toString().trim(),
                                    pos_x + margins[1], font, font_size);
                        // History
                        if (xmp.getHistory() != null) {
                            pdfParams.y -= 40;
                            pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "History" + index, "images/pdf/tag.png", pos_x, font,
                            pdfParams.y -= 20;
                            pdfParams = writeTableHeaders(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, font,
                                    Arrays.asList("Attribute", "Value"), margins);
                            int nh = 0;
                            for (Hashtable<String, String> kv : xmp.getHistory()) {
                                // TODO WORKARROUND
                                String hKey = kv.keySet().iterator().next();
                                if (hKey.equals("action") && nh != 0) {
                                    pdfParams.getContentStream().drawLine(pos_x, pdfParams.y - 5, pos_x + 490,
                                            pdfParams.y - 5);
                                pdfParams.y -= 15;
                                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, hKey, pos_x + margins[0], font, font_size);
                                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, kv.get(hKey).toString().trim(), pos_x + margins[1],
                                        font, font_size);

             * Metadata incoherencies
            pdfParams.y -= 40;
            pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "Metadata analysis", "images/pdf/metadata.png", pos_x, font, 10);
            pdfParams.y -= 20;
            Integer[] margins = { 2, 30 };
            pdfParams = writeTableHeaders(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, font, Arrays.asList("", "Description"),
            IFD tdifd = td.getFirstIFD();
            int nifd = 1;
            List<String> rows = new ArrayList<>();
            while (tdifd != null) {
                XMP xmp = null;
                IPTC iptc = null;
                if (tdifd.containsTagId(TiffTags.getTagId("XMP")))
                    xmp = (XMP) tdifd.getTag("XMP").getValue().get(0);
                if (tdifd.containsTagId(TiffTags.getTagId("IPTC"))) {
                    abstractTiffType obj = tdifd.getTag("IPTC").getValue().get(0);
                    if (obj instanceof IPTC) {
                        iptc = (IPTC) obj;

                // Author
                String authorTag = null;
                if (tdifd.containsTagId(TiffTags.getTagId("Artist")))
                    authorTag = tdifd.getTag("Artist").toString();
                String authorIptc = null;
                if (iptc != null)
                    authorIptc = iptc.getCreator();
                String authorXmp = null;
                if (xmp != null)
                    authorXmp = xmp.getCreator();

                rows.addAll(detectIncoherency(authorTag, authorIptc, authorXmp, "Author", nifd));
                tdifd = tdifd.getNextIFD();
            if (rows.isEmpty()) {
                pdfParams.y -= 15;
                PDPixelMap titleImage = new PDPixelMap(pdfParams.getDocument(),
                pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(titleImage, pos_x + 5, pdfParams.y - 1, 9, 9);
                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, "No metadata incoherencies found", pos_x + margins[1], font,
            for (String row : rows) {
                pdfParams.y -= 15;
                PDPixelMap titleImage = new PDPixelMap(pdfParams.getDocument(),
                pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(titleImage, pos_x + 5, pdfParams.y - 1, 9, 9);
                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, row, pos_x + margins[1], font, font_size);

             * Conformance checkers
            pdfParams.y -= 40;
            font_size = 10;
            pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, "Conformance checkers", "images/pdf/thumbs.png", pos_x, font,
            for (String iso : ir.getIsosCheck()) {
                if (ir.hasValidation(iso)) {
                    String name = ImplementationCheckerLoader.getIsoName(iso);
                    pdfParams = writeErrorsWarnings(pdfParams, font, ir.getErrors(iso), ir.getOnlyWarnings(iso),
                            ir.getOnlyInfos(iso), pos_x, name, iso.equals(TiffConformanceChecker.POLICY_ISO));


        } catch (Exception tfe) {
            //context.send(BasicConfig.MODULE_MESSAGE, new ExceptionMessage("Exception in ReportPDF", tfe));

     * Write errors warnings int.
     * @param pdfParams the pdf params
     * @param font      the font
     * @param errors    the errors
     * @param warnings  the warnings
     * @param pos_x     the pos x
     * @param type      the type
     * @return the int
     * @throws Exception the exception
    private PDFParams writeErrorsWarnings(PDFParams pdfParams, PDFont font, List<RuleResult> errors,
            List<RuleResult> warnings, List<RuleResult> infos, int pos_x, String type, boolean isPolicy)
            throws Exception {
        int font_size = 10;
        Integer[] margins;
        if (!isPolicy) {
            // Conformance margins
            margins = new Integer[] { 2, 30, 90, 150, 480 };
        } else {
            // Policy margins
            margins = new Integer[] { 2, 30, 200, 480 };
        pdfParams.y -= 20;

        String imgPath = "images/pdf/check.png";
        if (errors.size() > 0) {
            imgPath = "images/pdf/error.png";
        } else if (warnings.size() > 0) {
            imgPath = "images/pdf/warning.png";
        pdfParams = writeTitle(pdfParams, type, imgPath, pos_x, font, font_size);
        font_size = 8;

        // Errors, warnings and infos list
        if (errors.size() + warnings.size() + infos.size() > 0) {
            pdfParams.y -= 20;
            List<String> headers;
            if (!isPolicy) {
                headers = Arrays.asList("Type", "ID", "Location", "Description");
            } else {
                headers = Arrays.asList("Type", "Rule", "Description");
            pdfParams = writeTableHeaders(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, font, headers, margins);
        pdfParams.y -= 10;
        for (RuleResult val : errors) {
            pdfParams = writeResult(pdfParams, val, "images/pdf/error.png", pos_x, font, margins, isPolicy);
        for (RuleResult val : warnings) {
            pdfParams = writeResult(pdfParams, val, "images/pdf/warning.png", pos_x, font, margins, isPolicy);
        for (RuleResult val : infos) {
            pdfParams = writeResult(pdfParams, val, "images/pdf/info.png", pos_x, font, margins, isPolicy);
        return pdfParams;

    private PDFParams writeResult(PDFParams pdfParams, RuleResult val, String imgPath, int pos_x, PDFont font,
            Integer[] margins, boolean isPolicy) throws Exception {
        int font_size = 8;
        pdfParams.y -= 10;


        PDPixelMap titleImage = new PDPixelMap(pdfParams.getDocument(),
        pdfParams.getContentStream().drawXObject(titleImage, pos_x + 5, pdfParams.y - 1, 9, 9);

        if (!isPolicy) {
            // ID
            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, val.getRule() != null ? val.getRule().getId() : "", pos_x + margins[1],
                    font, font_size);

            // Location
            List<String> linesLoc = splitInLines(font_size, font, val.getLocation(), margins[3] - margins[2] - 10,
                    " ");
            for (String line : linesLoc) {
                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, line, pos_x + margins[2], font, font_size);
                pdfParams.y -= 10;
            pdfParams.y = pdfParams.y + 10 * linesLoc.size();

            // Description
            List<String> linesDes = splitInLines(font_size, font, val.getDescription(),
                    margins[4] - margins[3] - 10, " ");
            for (String line : linesDes) {
                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, line, pos_x + margins[3], font, font_size);
                pdfParams.y -= 10;
            pdfParams.y += 10 * linesDes.size();

            pdfParams.y -= linesDes.size() > linesLoc.size() ? linesDes.size() * 10 : linesLoc.size() * 10;
        } else {
            // Rule
            List<String> linesRul = splitInLines(font_size, font, val.getRuleDescription(),
                    margins[2] - margins[1] - 10, " ");
            for (String line : linesRul) {
                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, line, pos_x + margins[1], font, font_size);
                pdfParams.y -= 10;
            pdfParams.y += 10 * linesRul.size();

            // Description
            List<String> linesDes = splitInLines(font_size, font, val.getDescription(),
                    margins[3] - margins[2] - 10, " ");
            for (String line : linesDes) {
                pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, line, pos_x + margins[2], font, font_size);
                pdfParams.y -= 10;
            pdfParams.y += 10 * linesDes.size();

            pdfParams.y -= linesDes.size() > linesRul.size() ? linesDes.size() * 10 : linesRul.size() * 10;

        return pdfParams;

    private List<String> splitInLines(int font_size, PDFont font, String text, int max, String regex) {
        boolean pathMode = regex.equals("/");
        if (text == null) {
            return new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
            float size = getSize(font_size, font, text);
            if (size > max) {
                String[] words = text.split(regex);
                String line = words[0];
                if (pathMode) {
                    line += "/";
                for (int i = 1; i < words.length; i++) {
                    String word = words[i];
                    String aux = line + regex + word;
                    if (pathMode) {
                        aux = line + word + regex;
                    if (getSize(font_size, font, aux) > max) {
                        line = word;
                        if (pathMode) {
                            line += "/";
                    } else {
                        line = aux;
                if (pathMode) {
                    line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
                return lines;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return Arrays.asList(text);

    private float getSize(int font_size, PDFont font, String text) throws IOException {
        return font_size * font.getStringWidth(text) / 1000;

    private List<String> sortByTag(Set<String> keysSet) {
        List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(keysSet);
        keys.sort(new Comparator<String>() {
            public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
                String sub1 = o1.substring(0, 3);
                String sub2 = o2.substring(0, 3);
                if (sub1.equals(sub2)) {
                    return o1.compareTo(o2);
                } else if (sub1.equals("ifd") || sub2.equals("ifd")) {
                    return sub1.equals("ifd") ? -1 : 1;
                } else if (sub1.equals("sub") || sub2.equals("sub")) {
                    return sub1.equals("sub") ? -1 : 1;
                } else if (sub1.equals("exi") || sub2.equals("exi")) {
                    return sub1.equals("exi") ? -1 : 1;
                } else if (sub1.equals("xmp") || sub2.equals("xmp")) {
                    return sub1.equals("xmp") ? -1 : 1;
                } else if (sub1.equals("ipt") || sub2.equals("ipt")) {
                    return sub1.equals("ipt") ? -1 : 1;
                return 0;
        return keys;

     * Write text.
     * @param pdfParams the content stream and document
     * @param text      the text
     * @param x         the x
     * @param font      the font
     * @param font_size the font size
     * @throws Exception the exception
    private PDFParams writeText(PDFParams pdfParams, String text, int x, PDFont font, int font_size)
            throws Exception {
        return writeText(pdfParams, text, x, 99999, font, font_size, Color.black, null, 0);

    private PDFParams writeText(PDFParams pdfParams, String text, int x, int max_x, PDFont font, int font_size)
            throws Exception {
        return writeText(pdfParams, text, x, max_x, font, font_size, Color.black, null, 0);

    private PDFParams writeText(PDFParams pdfParams, String text, int x, PDFont font, int font_size, Color color)
            throws Exception {
        return writeText(pdfParams, text, x, 99999, font, font_size, color, null, 0);

     * Write text.
     * @param pdfParams the content stream and document
     * @param text      the text
     * @param x         the x
     * @param font      the font
     * @param font_size the font size
     * @param color     the color
     * @throws Exception the exception
    private PDFParams writeText(PDFParams pdfParams, String text, int x, int max_x, PDFont font, int font_size,
            Color color, PDPixelMap image, int imgSize) throws Exception {
        PDPageContentStream contentStream = pdfParams.getContentStream();
        try {
            contentStream = pdfParams.checkNewPage();

            if (image != null) {
                contentStream.drawXObject(image, x - imgSize - 3, pdfParams.y - 1, imgSize, imgSize);

            String stext = text.replace("\n", " ").replaceAll(" +", " ").trim();
            contentStream.setFont(font, font_size);
            contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount(x, pdfParams.y);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            return pdfParams;

    private PDFParams writeTitle(PDFParams pdfParams, String text, String imgPath, int x, PDFont font,
            int font_size) throws Exception {
        return writeTitle(pdfParams, text, imgPath, Color.black, x, font, font_size, 9);

    private PDFParams writeTitle(PDFParams pdfParams, String text, String imgPath, Color color, int x, PDFont font,
            int font_size, int imgSize) throws Exception {
        PDPixelMap titleImage = new PDPixelMap(pdfParams.getDocument(),
        return writeText(pdfParams, text, x + imgSize + 3, 99999, font, font_size, color, titleImage, imgSize);

    private PDFParams writeTableHeaders(PDFParams pdfParams, int pos_x, int font_size, PDFont font,
            List<String> headers, Integer[] margins) throws Exception {
        pdfParams = writeRectangle(pdfParams, pos_x, font_size, 490, Color.decode("#333333"));
        int i = 0;
        for (String header : headers) {
            pdfParams = writeText(pdfParams, header, pos_x + margins[i], font, font_size, Color.lightGray);
        return pdfParams;

    private PDFParams writeRectangle(PDFParams pdfParams, int x, int font_size, int max, Color color)
            throws Exception {
        PDPageContentStream contentStream = pdfParams.getContentStream();
        try {
            //draw rectangle
            contentStream.fillRect(x, pdfParams.y - 3, max, font_size + 5);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            return pdfParams;