Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010 dorkbox, llc
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV;

import io.netty.bootstrap.DatagramSessionChannel;
import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleState;
import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleStateEvent;
import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Promise;

 * The "network connection" is established once the registration is validated for TCP/UDP
public class ConnectionImpl extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter
        implements Connection_, Listeners, ConnectionBridge {
    public static boolean isTcpChannel(Class<? extends Channel> channelClass) {
        return channelClass == OioSocketChannel.class || channelClass == NioSocketChannel.class
                || channelClass == KQueueSocketChannel.class || channelClass == EpollSocketChannel.class;

    public static boolean isUdpChannel(Class<? extends Channel> channelClass) {
        return channelClass == OioDatagramChannel.class || channelClass == NioDatagramChannel.class
                || channelClass == KQueueDatagramChannel.class || channelClass == EpollDatagramChannel.class
                || channelClass == DatagramSessionChannel.class;

    public static boolean isLocalChannel(Class<? extends Channel> channelClass) {
        return channelClass == LocalChannel.class;

    private final org.slf4j.Logger logger;

    private final AtomicBoolean needsLock = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private final AtomicBoolean writeSignalNeeded = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private final Object writeLock = new Object();

    private final AtomicBoolean closeInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private final AtomicBoolean channelIsClosed = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    private final Object messageInProgressLock = new Object();
    private final AtomicBoolean messageInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    private final ISessionManager sessionManager;
    private final ChannelWrapper channelWrapper;

    private volatile PingFuture pingFuture = null;

    // used to store connection local listeners (instead of global listeners). Only possible on the server.
    private volatile ConnectionManager localListenerManager;

    // while on the CLIENT, if the SERVER's ecc key has changed, the client will abort and show an error.
    private boolean remoteKeyChanged;

    private final EndPoint endPoint;

    // when true, the connection will be closed (either as RMI or as 'normal' listener execution) when the thread execution returns control
    // back to the network stack
    private boolean closeAsap = false;

    // The IV for AES-GCM must be 12 bytes, since it's 4 (salt) + 8 (external counter) + 4 (GCM counter)
    // The 12 bytes IV is created during connection registration, and during the AES-GCM crypto, we override the last 8 with this
    // counter, which is also transmitted as an optimized int. (which is why it starts at 0, so the transmitted bytes are small)
    private final AtomicLong aes_gcm_iv = new AtomicLong(0);

    // when closing this connection, HOW MANY endpoints need to be closed?
    private CountDownLatch closeLatch;

    // RMI support for this connection
    final ConnectionRmiSupport rmiSupport;

     * All of the parameters can be null, when metaChannel wants to get the base class type
    public ConnectionImpl(final EndPoint endPoint, final ChannelWrapper channelWrapper) {
        this.endPoint = endPoint;

        if (endPoint != null) {
            this.channelWrapper = channelWrapper;
            this.logger = endPoint.logger;
            this.sessionManager = endPoint.connectionManager;

            boolean isNetworkChannel = this.channelWrapper instanceof ChannelNetworkWrapper;

            if (endPoint.rmiEnabled) {
                if (isNetworkChannel) {
                    // because this is PER CONNECTION, there is no need for synchronize(), since there will not be any issues with concurrent access, but
                    // there WILL be issues with thread visibility because a different worker thread can be called for different connections
                    this.rmiSupport = new ConnectionRmiNetworkSupport(this, endPoint.rmiGlobalBridge);
                } else {
                    // because this is PER CONNECTION, there is no need for synchronize(), since there will not be any issues with concurrent access, but
                    // there WILL be issues with thread visibility because a different worker thread can be called for different connections
                    this.rmiSupport = new ConnectionRmiLocalSupport(this, endPoint.rmiGlobalBridge);
            } else {
                this.rmiSupport = new ConnectionNoOpSupport();

            if (isNetworkChannel) {
                this.remoteKeyChanged = ((ChannelNetworkWrapper) channelWrapper).remoteKeyChanged();

                int count = 0;
                if (channelWrapper.tcp() != null) {

                if (channelWrapper.udp() != null) {

                // when closing this connection, HOW MANY endpoints need to be closed?
                this.closeLatch = new CountDownLatch(count);
            } else {
                this.remoteKeyChanged = false;

                // when closing this connection, HOW MANY endpoints need to be closed?
                this.closeLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        } else {
            this.logger = null;
            this.sessionManager = null;
            this.channelWrapper = null;
            this.rmiSupport = new ConnectionNoOpSupport();

     * @return a threadlocal AES key + IV. key=32 byte, iv=12 bytes (AES-GCM implementation). This is a threadlocal
     *          because multiple protocols can be performing crypto AT THE SAME TIME, and so we have to make sure that operations don't
     *          clobber each other
    public final ParametersWithIV getCryptoParameters() {
        return this.channelWrapper.cryptoParameters();

     * This is the per-message sequence number.
     *  The IV for AES-GCM must be 12 bytes, since it's 4 (salt) + 8 (external counter) + 4 (GCM counter)
     *  The 12 bytes IV is created during connection registration, and during the AES-GCM crypto, we override the last 8 with this
     *  counter, which is also transmitted as an optimized int. (which is why it starts at 0, so the transmitted bytes are small)
    public final long getNextGcmSequence() {
        return aes_gcm_iv.getAndIncrement();

     * Has the remote ECC public key changed. This can be useful if specific actions are necessary when the key has changed.
    public boolean hasRemoteKeyChanged() {
        return this.remoteKeyChanged;

     * @return the remote address, as a string.
    public String getRemoteHost() {
        return this.channelWrapper.getRemoteHost();

     * @return true if this connection is established on the loopback interface
    public boolean isLoopback() {
        return channelWrapper.isLoopback();

     * @return the endpoint associated with this connection
    public EndPoint getEndPoint() {
        return this.endPoint;

     * @return the connection (TCP or LOCAL) id of this connection.
    public int id() {

     * @return the connection (TCP or LOCAL) id of this connection as a HEX string.
    public String idAsHex() {
        return Integer.toHexString(id());

     * Updates the ping times for this connection (called when this connection gets a REPLY ping message).
    public final void updatePingResponse(PingMessage ping) {
        if (this.pingFuture != null) {
            this.pingFuture.setSuccess(this, ping);

     * Sends a "ping" packet, trying UDP then TCP (in that order) to measure <b>ROUND TRIP</b> time to the remote connection.
     * @return Ping can have a listener attached, which will get called when the ping returns.
    public final Ping ping() {
        PingFuture pingFuture2 = this.pingFuture;
        if (pingFuture2 != null && !pingFuture2.isSuccess()) {

        Promise<PingTuple<? extends Connection>> newPromise;
        if (this.channelWrapper.udp() != null) {
            newPromise = this.channelWrapper.udp().newPromise();
        } else {
            newPromise = this.channelWrapper.tcp().newPromise();

        this.pingFuture = new PingFuture(newPromise);

        PingMessage ping = new PingMessage(); = this.pingFuture.getId();

        return this.pingFuture;

     * INTERNAL USE ONLY. Used to initiate a ping, and to return a ping.
     * Sends a ping message attempted in the following order: UDP, TCP,LOCAL
    public final void ping0(PingMessage ping) {
        if (this.channelWrapper.udp() != null) {
        } else if (this.channelWrapper.tcp() != null) {
        } else {

     * Returns the last calculated TCP return trip time, or -1 if or the {@link PingMessage} response has not yet been received.
    public final int getLastRoundTripTime() {
        PingFuture pingFuture2 = this.pingFuture;
        if (pingFuture2 != null) {
            return pingFuture2.getResponse();
        } else {
            return -1;

     * @return true if this connection is also configured to use UDP
    public final boolean hasUDP() {
        return this.channelWrapper.udp() != null;

    public void channelWritabilityChanged(final ChannelHandlerContext context) throws Exception {

        // needed to place back-pressure when writing too much data to the connection
        if (writeSignalNeeded.getAndSet(false)) {
            synchronized (writeLock) {

     * needed to place back-pressure when writing too much data to the connection.
     * This blocks until we are writable again
    final void controlBackPressure(ConnectionPoint c) {
        while (!closeInProgress.get() && !c.isWritable()) {

            synchronized (writeLock) {
                if (needsLock.get()) {
                    try {
                        // waits 1 second maximum per check. This is to guarantee that eventually (in the case of deadlocks, which i've seen)
                        // it will get released. The while loop makes sure it will exit when the channel is writable
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * Expose methods to send objects to a destination.
    public final ConnectionBridge send() {
        return this;

     * Safely sends objects to a destination (such as a custom object or a standard ping). This will automatically choose which protocol
     * is available to use. If you want specify the protocol, use {@link #send()}, followed by the protocol you wish to use.
     * By default, this will try in the following order:
     *  - TCP (if available)
     *  - UDP (if available)
     *  - LOCAL
    public final ConnectionPoint send(final Object message) {
        if (this.channelWrapper.tcp() != null) {
            return TCP(message);
        } else if (this.channelWrapper.udp() != null) {
            return UDP(message);
        } else {

            // we have to return something, otherwise dependent code will throw a null pointer exception
            return ChannelNull.get();

     * Sends the object to other listeners INSIDE this endpoint. It does not send it to a remote address.
    public final ConnectionPoint self(Object message) {
        logger.trace("Sending LOCAL {}", message);
        this.sessionManager.onMessage(this, message);

        return this.channelWrapper.tcp();

     * Sends the object over the network using TCP. (LOCAL channels do not care if its TCP or UDP)
    public final ConnectionPoint TCP(final Object message) {
        if (!closeInProgress.get()) {
            logger.trace("Sending TCP {}", message);

            ConnectionPoint tcp = this.channelWrapper.tcp();
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Unable to write TCP object {}", message.getClass(), e);
            return tcp;
        } else {
            logger.debug("writing TCP while closed: {}", message);

            // we have to return something, otherwise dependent code will throw a null pointer exception
            return ChannelNull.get();

     * Sends the object over the network using UDP (LOCAL channels do not care if its TCP or UDP)
    public ConnectionPoint UDP(Object message) {
        if (!closeInProgress.get()) {
            logger.trace("Sending UDP {}", message);

            ConnectionPoint udp = this.channelWrapper.udp();
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Unable to write UDP object {}", message.getClass(), e);
            return udp;
        } else {
            logger.debug("writing UDP while closed: {}", message);
            // we have to return something, otherwise dependent code will throw a null pointer exception
            return ChannelNull.get();

     * Flushes the contents of the TCP/UDP/etc pipes to the actual transport.
    final void flush() {

     * Expose methods to modify the connection listeners.
    public final IdleBridge sendOnIdle(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") IdleSender sender) {
        return new IdleSenderFactory(this, sender);

     * Expose methods to modify the connection listeners.
    public final IdleBridge sendOnIdle(Object message) {
        return new IdleSenderFactory(this, message);

     * Invoked when a {@link Channel} has been idle for a while.
    public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext context, Object event) throws Exception {
        //      if (e.getState() == IdleState.READER_IDLE) {
        //      e.getChannel().close();
        //  } else if (e.getState() == IdleState.WRITER_IDLE) {
        //      e.getChannel().write(new Object());
        //  } else
        if (event instanceof IdleStateEvent) {
            if (((IdleStateEvent) event).state() == IdleState.ALL_IDLE) {
                // will auto-flush if necessary

        super.userEventTriggered(context, event);

     * @param context can be NULL when running deferred messages from registration process.
     * @param message the received message
    public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext context, Object message) throws Exception {

    private void channelRead(Object object) {
        // prevent close from occurring SMACK in the middle of a message in progress.
        // delay close until it's finished.

        // will auto-flush if necessary
        this.sessionManager.onMessage(this, object);


        // if we are in the middle of closing, and waiting for the message, it's safe to notify it to continue.
        if (this.closeInProgress.get()) {
            synchronized (this.messageInProgressLock) {

        // in some cases, we want to close the current connection -- and given the way the system is designed, we cannot always close it before
        // we return. This will let us close the connection when our business logic is finished.
        if (closeAsap) {

    public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext context) throws Exception {
        // if we are in the middle of a message, hold off.
        if (this.messageInProgress.get()) {
            synchronized (this.messageInProgressLock) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {

        Channel channel =;
        Class<? extends Channel> channelClass = channel.getClass();

        boolean isTCP = isTcpChannel(channelClass);
        boolean isUDP = false;
        boolean isLocal = isLocalChannel(channelClass);

        if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            String type;

            if (isTCP) {
                type = "TCP";
            } else {
                isUDP = isUdpChannel(channelClass);
                if (isUDP) {
                    type = "UDP";
                } else if (isLocal) {
                    type = "LOCAL";
                } else {
                    type = "UNKNOWN";

  "Closed remote {} connection [{}]", type,

        // TODO: tell the remote endpoint that it needs to close (via a message, which might get there...).

        if (this.endPoint instanceof EndPointClient) {
            ((EndPointClient) this.endPoint).abortRegistration();

         * Only close if we are:
         *  - local (mutually exclusive to TCP/UDP)
         *  - TCP (and TCP+UDP)
         *  - UDP (and not part of TCP+UDP)
         * DO NOT call close if we are:
         *  - UDP (part of TCP+UDP)
        if (isLocal || isTCP || (isUDP && this.channelWrapper.tcp() == null)) {

            // we can get to this point in two ways. We only want this to happen once
            // - remote endpoint disconnects (and so closes us)
            // - local endpoint calls close(), and netty will call this.

            // this must happen first, because client.close() depends on it!
            // onDisconnected() must happen last.
            boolean doClose = channelIsClosed.compareAndSet(false, true);

            if (!closeInProgress.get()) {
                if (endPoint instanceof EndPointClient) {
                    // client closes single connection
                    ((Client) endPoint).close();
                } else {
                    // server only closes this connection.

            if (doClose) {
                // this is because channelInactive can ONLY happen when netty shuts down the channel.
                //   and connection.close() can be called by the user.
                // will auto-flush if necessary


    final void forceClose() {
        this.channelWrapper.close(this, this.sessionManager, true);

     * Closes the connection, but does not remove any listeners
    public final void close() {

     * we can get to this point in two ways. We only want this to happen once
     *  - remote endpoint disconnects (and so netty calls us)
     *  - local endpoint calls close() directly
     * NOTE: If we remove all listeners and we are the client, then we remove ALL logic from the client!
    final void close(final boolean keepListeners) {
        // if we are in the same thread as netty, run in a new thread to prevent deadlocks with messageInProgress
        if (!this.closeInProgress.get() && this.messageInProgress.get() && Shutdownable.isNettyThread()) {
            Shutdownable.runNewThread("Close connection Thread", new Runnable() {
                public void run() {


        // only close if we aren't already in the middle of closing.
        if (this.closeInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            int idleTimeoutMs = this.endPoint.getIdleTimeout();
            if (idleTimeoutMs == 0) {
                // default is 2 second timeout, in milliseconds.
                idleTimeoutMs = 2000;

            // if we are in the middle of a message, hold off.
            synchronized (this.messageInProgressLock) {
                // while loop is to prevent spurious wakeups!
                while (this.messageInProgress.get()) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {

            // flush any pending messages

            // close out the ping future
            PingFuture pingFuture2 = this.pingFuture;
            if (pingFuture2 != null) {
            this.pingFuture = null;

            synchronized (this.channelIsClosed) {
                if (!this.channelIsClosed.get()) {
                    // this will have netty call "channelInactive()"
                    this.channelWrapper.close(this, this.sessionManager, false);

                    // want to wait for the "channelInactive()" method to FINISH ALL TYPES before allowing our current thread to continue!
                    try {
                        closeLatch.await(idleTimeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                    } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {

            // remove all listeners AFTER we close the channel.
            if (!keepListeners) {

            // remove all RMI listeners

     * Marks the connection to be closed as soon as possible. This is evaluated when the current
     * thread execution returns to the network stack.
    public final void closeAsap() {
        closeAsap = true;

    public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext context, Throwable cause) throws Exception {
        final Channel channel =;

        if (!(cause instanceof IOException)) {
            // safe to ignore, since it's thrown when we try to interact with a closed socket. Race conditions cause this, and
            // it is still safe to ignore.
            this.logger.error("Unexpected exception while receiving data from {}", channel.remoteAddress(), cause);

            // the ONLY sockets that can call this are:
            // CLIENT TCP or UDP
            // SERVER TCP

            if (channel.isOpen()) {
        } else {
            // it's an IOException, just log it!
            this.logger.error("Unexpected exception while communicating with {}!", channel.remoteAddress(), cause);

     * Expose methods to modify the connection listeners.
    public final Listeners listeners() {
        return this;

     * Adds a listener to this connection/endpoint to be notified of
     * connect/disconnect/idle/receive(object) events.
     * <p/>
     * If the listener already exists, it is not added again.
     * <p/>
     * When called by a server, NORMALLY listeners are added at the GLOBAL level
     * (meaning, I add one listener, and ALL connections are notified of that
     * listener.
     * <p/>
     * It is POSSIBLE to add a server connection ONLY (ie, not global) listener
     * (via connection.addListener), meaning that ONLY that listener attached to
     * the connection is notified on that event (ie, admin type listeners)
    public final Listeners add(Listener listener) {
        if (this.endPoint instanceof EndPointServer) {
            // when we are a server, NORMALLY listeners are added at the GLOBAL level
            // meaning --
            //   I add one listener, and ALL connections are notified of that listener.
            // HOWEVER, it is also POSSIBLE to add a local listener (via connection.addListener), meaning that ONLY
            // that listener is notified on that event (ie, admin type listeners)

            // synchronized because this should be VERY uncommon, and we want to make sure that when the manager
            // is empty, we can remove it from this connection.
            synchronized (this) {
                if (this.localListenerManager == null) {
                    this.localListenerManager = ((EndPointServer) this.endPoint).addListenerManager(this);

        } else {

        return this;

     * Removes a listener from this connection/endpoint to NO LONGER be notified
     * of connect/disconnect/idle/receive(object) events.
     * <p/>
     * When called by a server, NORMALLY listeners are added at the GLOBAL level
     * (meaning, I add one listener, and ALL connections are notified of that
     * listener.
     * <p/>
     * It is POSSIBLE to remove a server-connection 'non-global' listener (via
     * connection.removeListener), meaning that ONLY that listener attached to
     * the connection is removed
    public final Listeners remove(Listener listener) {
        if (this.endPoint instanceof EndPointServer) {
            // when we are a server, NORMALLY listeners are added at the GLOBAL level
            // meaning --
            //   I add one listener, and ALL connections are notified of that listener.
            // HOWEVER, it is also POSSIBLE to add a local listener (via connection.addListener), meaning that ONLY
            // that listener is notified on that event (ie, admin type listeners)

            // synchronized because this should be uncommon, and we want to make sure that when the manager
            // is empty, we can remove it from this connection.
            synchronized (this) {
                if (this.localListenerManager != null) {

                    if (!this.localListenerManager.hasListeners()) {
                        ((EndPointServer) this.endPoint).removeListenerManager(this);
        } else {

        return this;

     * Removes all registered listeners from this connection/endpoint to NO
     * LONGER be notified of connect/disconnect/idle/receive(object) events.
     * This includes all proxy listeners
    public final Listeners removeAll() {

        if (this.endPoint instanceof EndPointServer) {
            // when we are a server, NORMALLY listeners are added at the GLOBAL level
            // meaning --
            //   I add one listener, and ALL connections are notified of that listener.
            // HOWEVER, it is also POSSIBLE to add a local listener (via connection.addListener), meaning that ONLY
            // that listener is notified on that event (ie, admin type listeners)

            // synchronized because this should be uncommon, and we want to make sure that when the manager
            // is empty, we can remove it from this connection.
            synchronized (this) {
                if (this.localListenerManager != null) {
                    this.localListenerManager = null;

                    ((EndPointServer) this.endPoint).removeListenerManager(this);
        } else {

        return this;

     * Removes all registered listeners (of the object type) from this connection/endpoint to NO LONGER be notified of
     * connect/disconnect/idle/receive(object) events.
    public final Listeners removeAll(Class<?> classType) {
        if (this.endPoint instanceof EndPointServer) {
            // when we are a server, NORMALLY listeners are added at the GLOBAL level
            // meaning --
            //   I add one listener, and ALL connections are notified of that listener.
            // HOWEVER, it is also POSSIBLE to add a local listener (via connection.addListener), meaning that ONLY
            // that listener is notified on that event (ie, admin type listeners)

            // synchronized because this should be uncommon, and we want to make sure that when the manager
            // is empty, we can remove it from this connection.
            synchronized (this) {
                if (this.localListenerManager != null) {

                    if (!this.localListenerManager.hasListeners()) {
                        this.localListenerManager = null;
                        ((EndPointServer) this.endPoint).removeListenerManager(this);
        } else {

        return this;

    public String toString() {
        return this.channelWrapper.toString();

    public int hashCode() {
        return id();

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;

        ConnectionImpl other = (ConnectionImpl) obj;
        if (this.channelWrapper == null) {
            if (other.channelWrapper != null) {
                return false;
        } else if (!this.channelWrapper.equals(other.channelWrapper)) {
            return false;

        return true;

    // RMI methods

    public ConnectionRmiSupport rmiSupport() {
        return rmiSupport;

    public final <Iface> void createRemoteObject(final Class<Iface> interfaceClass,
            final RemoteObjectCallback<Iface> callback) {
        rmiSupport.createRemoteObject(this, interfaceClass, callback);

    public final <Iface> void getRemoteObject(final int objectId, final RemoteObjectCallback<Iface> callback) {
        rmiSupport.getRemoteObject(this, objectId, callback);

     * Manages the RMI stuff for a connection.
     * @return true if there was RMI stuff done, false if the message was "normal" and nothing was done
    boolean manageRmi(final Object message) {
        return rmiSupport.manage(this, message);

     * Objects that are on the "local" in-jvm connection have fixup their objects. For "network" connections, this is automatically done.
    Object fixupRmi(final Object message) {
        // "local RMI" objects have to be modified, this part does that
        return rmiSupport.fixupRmi(message);