Java tutorial
/** * Kuebiko - * Copyright 2011 Dave Huffman (dave dot huffman at me dot com). * Open source under the BSD 3-Clause License. */ package dmh.kuebiko.view; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import dmh.kuebiko.controller.NoteManager; import dmh.kuebiko.model.Note; import dmh.kuebiko.test.TestHelper; import dmh.swing.huxley.HuxleyUiManager; /** * TestNG test class for the UI class {@link NotePanel}. * * @author davehuffman */ public class NotePanelTest { @Test public void multipleUpdateTest() { final String magicString = "!"; final NoteManager noteMngr = new NoteManager(TestHelper.newDummyNoteDao()); final Note note = noteMngr.getNoteAt(0); final String initialNoteText = note.getText(); assertFalse(initialNoteText.contains(magicString), "Initial note text should not contain magic string."); final NotePanel notePanel = new NotePanel(); final HuxleyUiManager huxley = notePanel.getHuxleyUiManager(); notePanel.setNote(note); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { final String cumulativeMagicString = StringUtils.repeat(magicString, i + 1); assertFalse(huxley.getText().contains(cumulativeMagicString), "UI text should not yet contain cumulative magic string. " + i); huxley.setText(initialNoteText + cumulativeMagicString); assertTrue(huxley.getText().contains(cumulativeMagicString), "UI text should contain cumulative magic string. " + i); assertFalse(note.getText().contains(cumulativeMagicString), "Changed note text should not yet contain cumulative magic string. " + i); notePanel.syncNote(); assertTrue(note.getText().contains(cumulativeMagicString), "Changed note text should contain cumulative magic string. " + i); noteMngr.saveAll(); assertTrue(note.getText().contains(cumulativeMagicString), "Changed note text should still contain cumulative magic string. " + i); Note refreshedNote = noteMngr.getNoteAt(0); Assert.assertEquals(refreshedNote.getTitle(), note.getTitle(), "Note title should not change."); assertTrue(refreshedNote.getText().contains(cumulativeMagicString), "Refreshed note text should contain cumulative magic string. " + i); } } }