Java tutorial
/* * * DeployHub is an Agile Application Release Automation Solution * Copyright (C) 2017 Catalyst Systems Corporation DBA OpenMake Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package dmadmin; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObject; import org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObjectManager; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import dmadmin.json.CreatedModifiedField; import dmadmin.json.JSONArray; import dmadmin.json.JSONBoolean; import dmadmin.json.JSONObject; import dmadmin.model.Action; import dmadmin.model.Action.ActionArg; import dmadmin.model.Action.SwitchMode; import dmadmin.model.ActionKind; import dmadmin.model.ActionParameter; import dmadmin.model.Application; import dmadmin.model.Attachment; import dmadmin.model.BuildJob; import dmadmin.model.Builder; import dmadmin.model.Category; import dmadmin.model.CompType; import dmadmin.model.Component; import dmadmin.model.ComponentFilter; import dmadmin.model.ComponentItem; import dmadmin.model.ComponentLink; import dmadmin.model.Credential; import dmadmin.model.CredentialKind; import dmadmin.model.DMAttribute; import dmadmin.model.DMCalendarEvent; import dmadmin.model.DMObject; import dmadmin.model.DMProperty; import dmadmin.model.DMPropertyDef; import dmadmin.model.Datasource; import dmadmin.model.DeployDepsEdge; import dmadmin.model.DeployDepsNode; import dmadmin.model.DeployedApplication; import dmadmin.model.Deployment; import dmadmin.model.Domain; import dmadmin.model.Engine; import dmadmin.model.Environment; import dmadmin.model.Fragment; import dmadmin.model.FragmentAttributes; import dmadmin.model.FragmentDetails; import dmadmin.model.FragmentListValues; import dmadmin.model.IPrePostAction; import dmadmin.model.LoginException; import dmadmin.model.LoginException.LoginExceptionType; import dmadmin.model.Notify; import dmadmin.model.NotifyTemplate; import dmadmin.model.ObjectAccess; import dmadmin.model.Plugin; import dmadmin.model.ProviderDefinition; import dmadmin.model.ProviderObject; import dmadmin.model.Repository; import dmadmin.model.Server; import dmadmin.model.ServerLink; import dmadmin.model.ServerStatus; import dmadmin.model.ServerType; import dmadmin.model.ServerType.LineEndFormat; import dmadmin.model.Task; import dmadmin.model.Task.TaskType; import dmadmin.model.TaskAction; import dmadmin.model.TaskApprove; import dmadmin.model.TaskAudit; import dmadmin.model.TaskCreateVersion; import dmadmin.model.TaskDeploy; import dmadmin.model.TaskList; import dmadmin.model.TaskMove; import dmadmin.model.TaskParameter; import dmadmin.model.TaskRemove; import dmadmin.model.TaskRequest; import dmadmin.model.TaskUserDefined; import dmadmin.model.Transfer; import dmadmin.model.TreeObject; import dmadmin.model.User; import dmadmin.model.UserGroup; import dmadmin.model.UserGroupList; import dmadmin.model.UserList; import dmadmin.model.UserPermissions; import dmadmin.util.CommandLine; import dmadmin.util.DynamicQueryBuilder; import dmadmin.util.DynamicQueryBuilder.Null; public class DMSession implements AutoCloseable { private String m_defaultdatefmt = "MM/dd/yyyy"; private String m_defaulttimefmt = "HH:mm"; private Map<Integer, String> m_domains; private Connection m_conn; private String m_domainlist; private String m_parentdomains; private HttpSession m_httpSession; private ServletContext m_context; // Copy/Paste private String m_copyobjtype; private int m_copyid; private int m_userDomain; private int m_userID; private boolean m_newUser; private String m_datefmt; private String m_timefmt; private String m_username; private String m_password; private boolean m_OverrideAccessControl; private boolean m_EndPointsTab; private boolean m_ApplicationsTab; private boolean m_ActionsTab; private boolean m_ProvidersTab; private boolean m_UsersTab; private UserPermissions m_UserPermissions; private String AssociatedMsg; private String dbdriver; private String whencol; // Column name of "when" private String sizecol; // Column name of "size" (keyword in Oracle) private String m_PasteError; String username = "postgres"; String password = "postgres"; String DMHome = ""; // For background syncing of defects private Hashtable<Integer, int[]> m_pollhash = null; // For caching objects that we request over and over Hashtable<Integer, Domain> m_domainhash = null; long m_domainhashCreationTime = 0; Hashtable<Integer, User> m_userhash = null; long m_userhashCreationTime = 0; Hashtable<Integer, List<Domain>> m_cdhash = null; long m_cdhashCreationTime = 0; byte[] m_passphrase; // Moved to global to allow partial credential decryption private String m_webhostname; // set from request during login. public static final int HOME_TAB_WORKBENCH = 1; public static final int HOME_TAB_ENDPOINTS_AND_CREDENTIALS = 2; public static final int HOME_TAB_APPLICATIONS_AND_COMPONENTS = 3; public static final int HOME_TAB_ACTIONS_AND_PROCEDURES = 4; public static final int HOME_TAB_PROVIDERS = 5; public static final int HOME_TAB_USERS_AND_GROUPS = 6; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW = 11; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_WORKBENCH_ENVIRONMENTS = 12; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_ENDPOINTS_AND_CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINTS = 21; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_ENDPOINTS_AND_CREDENTIALS_SERVERS = 22; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_ENDPOINTS_AND_CREDENTIALS_CREDENTIALS = 23; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_APPLICATIONS_AND_COMPONENTS_APPLICATIONS = 31; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_APPLICATIONS_AND_COMPONENTS_COMPONENTS = 32; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_ACTIONS_AND_PROCEDURES_ACTIONS = 41; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_ACTIONS_AND_PROCEDURES_PROCEDURES = 42; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_ACTIONS_AND_PROCEDURES_FUNCTIONS = 43; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_PROVIDERS_DATASOURCES = 51; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_PROVIDERS_NOTIFIERS = 52; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_USERS_AND_GROUPS_USERS = 61; public static final int EXPLORER_TAB_USERS_AND_GROUPS_GROUPS = 62; // For finding fully qualified domains public static final int DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND = -1; public static final int DOMAIN_NOT_SPECIFIED = -2; public static final int DOMAIN_OBJECT_AMBIGUOUS = -3; // mutex locks for GetID() private Object mutex = null; private void initSession(ServletContext context) { m_domains = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); m_userDomain = 0; setUserID(0); m_domainlist = ""; m_parentdomains = ""; dbdriver = context.getInitParameter("DBDriverName"); if (dbdriver.toLowerCase().contains("oracle")) { whencol = "\"WHEN\""; // Quoted name must be upper case for Oracle sizecol = "\"SIZE\""; // size is keyword in Oracle and must be quoted. } else { whencol = "\"WHEN\""; // Installer creates when as upper case sizecol = "size"; // size is not a keyword in Postgres } connectToDatabase(context); } public DMSession(ServletContext context) { initSession(context); m_context = context; } public DMSession(HttpSession session) { initSession(session.getServletContext()); m_httpSession = session; m_context = session.getServletContext(); } public static DMSession getInstance(HttpServletRequest request) { DMSession session = null; session = new DMSession(request.getSession().getServletContext()); request.getSession().setAttribute("session", session); try { System.out.println("CLOSED=" + session.m_conn.isClosed()); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // if (session.m_conn == null) // session.connectToDatabase(request.getSession().getServletContext()); String username = ServletUtils.GetCookie(request, "p1"); String password = ServletUtils.GetCookie(request, "p2"); session.setSession(request.getSession()); if (username != null && password != null) { session.Login(username, password); } return session; } private void setSession(HttpSession session) { m_httpSession = session; } public String GetSessionId() { return m_httpSession.getId(); } public Connection GetConnection() { return getDBConnection(); } public int GetUserID() { return getUserID(); } public String getNewUser() { return m_newUser ? "Y" : "N"; } public void setWebHostName(HttpServletRequest request) { String hn = request.getServerName(); System.out.println("server name frm request=" + hn); if (hn.equalsIgnoreCase("localhost")) { try { InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); hn = ip.getHostName(); System.out.println("server name from getLocalHost=" + hn); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { // If our local host is unknown, not sure what we do! hn = "localhost"; } } m_webhostname = hn; } public String getWebHostName() { return m_webhostname; } public long timeNow() { return (long) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } public boolean getAclOverride() { return m_OverrideAccessControl; } public boolean getEndPointsTabAccess() { return m_EndPointsTab; } public boolean getApplicationsTabAccess() { return m_ApplicationsTab; } public boolean getActionsTabAccess() { return m_ActionsTab; } public boolean getProvidersTabAccess() { return m_ProvidersTab; } public boolean getUsersTabAccess() { return m_UsersTab; } public void updateModTime(DMObject obj) { // Generic update to the object's underlying table. String tabname = obj.getDatabaseTable(); int id = obj.getId(); long t = timeNow(); String sql = "UPDATE " + tabname + " SET modified=?, modifierid=? WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setLong(1, t); stmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); stmt.setInt(3, id); stmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } private void GetSubDomains(Map<Integer, String> domainlist, Integer DomainID) { try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id FROM dm.dm_domain where domainid = " + DomainID); while ( { domainlist.put(rs.getInt(1), "Y"); // // Recurse // GetSubDomains(domainlist, rs.getInt(1)); } rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (Exception e) { //out.println("An exception occurred: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void GetParentDomains(Integer DomainID) { try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT domainid FROM dm.dm_domain WHERE id= " + DomainID);; int parentid = getInteger(rs, 1, 0); System.out.println("parentid=" + parentid); if (parentid != 0) { m_domains.put(parentid, "N"); // // Recurse // GetParentDomains(parentid); } rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } } private void GetDomains(int UserID) { try { synchronized (this) { m_domains = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); m_domainlist = ""; m_parentdomains = ""; Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT domainid FROM dm.dm_user where id = " + UserID);; m_userDomain = rs.getInt(1); System.out.println("user domain = " + m_userDomain); rs.close(); st.close(); // // Okay, now derive a list of all our sub-domains // System.out.println("Before GetParentDomains, m_domains.size()=" + m_domains.size()); GetParentDomains(m_userDomain); System.out.println("After GetParentDomains, m_domains.size()=" + m_domains.size()); Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> it = m_domains.entrySet().iterator(); String sep = ""; while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Integer, String> pairs =; m_parentdomains = m_parentdomains + sep + pairs.getKey(); sep = ","; } System.out.println("m_parentdomains=" + m_parentdomains); m_domains.put(m_userDomain, "Y"); GetSubDomains(m_domains, m_userDomain); // // Create a "domainlist" string for queries // it = m_domains.entrySet().iterator(); sep = ""; while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Integer, String> pairs =; m_domainlist = m_domainlist + sep + pairs.getKey(); sep = ","; } System.out.println("domainlist=" + m_domainlist); } } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static String encryptPassword(String algorithm, String password) { String res = ""; try { MessageDigest crypt = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); crypt.reset(); crypt.update(password.getBytes()); res = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(crypt.digest()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return res; } private static String encryptPassword(String password) { return encryptPassword("SHA-256", password); } public int UserBaseDomain() { return m_userDomain; } public Domain getUserDomain() { return getDomain(m_userDomain); } public UserPermissions getUserPermissions() { return m_UserPermissions; } private static byte[][] EVP_BytesToKey(int key_len, int iv_len, MessageDigest md, byte[] salt, byte[] data, int count) { byte[][] both = new byte[2][]; byte[] key = new byte[key_len]; int key_ix = 0; byte[] iv = new byte[iv_len]; int iv_ix = 0; both[0] = key; both[1] = iv; byte[] md_buf = null; int nkey = key_len; int niv = iv_len; int i = 0; if (data == null) return both; int addmd = 0; for (;;) { md.reset(); if (addmd++ > 0) md.update(md_buf); md.update(data); if (null != salt) md.update(salt, 0, 8); md_buf = md.digest(); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { md.reset(); md.update(md_buf); md_buf = md.digest(); } i = 0; if (nkey > 0) { for (;;) { if (nkey == 0) break; if (i == md_buf.length) break; key[key_ix++] = md_buf[i]; nkey--; i++; } } if (niv > 0 && i != md_buf.length) { for (;;) { if (niv == 0) break; if (i == md_buf.length) break; iv[iv_ix++] = md_buf[i]; niv--; i++; } } if (nkey == 0 && niv == 0) break; } for (i = 0; i < md_buf.length; i++) md_buf[i] = 0; return both; } private byte[] Decrypt3DES(String encodedString, byte[] passphrase) { try { byte[] pp1 = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(encodedString); byte[] passphrase1 = new byte[pp1.length - 16]; // take the "Salted__saltsalt" off the front byte[] salt = new byte[8]; for (int n = 8, p = 0; n < pp1.length;) { if (p < 8) salt[p] = pp1[n]; if (p >= 8) passphrase1[p - 8] = pp1[n]; p++; n++; } final Cipher decipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5"); final byte[][] keyAndIV = EVP_BytesToKey(24, // Key len decipher.getBlockSize(), // IV len md, salt, passphrase, 1); SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(keyAndIV[0], "DESede"); IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(keyAndIV[1]); decipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, iv); return decipher.doFinal(passphrase1); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { System.out.println("NO SUCH ALGORITHM EXCEPTION"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { System.out.println("NO SUCH PADDING EXCEPTION"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { System.out.println("INVALID KEY EXCEPTION"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { System.out.println("INVALID ALGORITHM PARAMETER EXCEPTION"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) { System.out.println("ILLEGAL BLOCK SIZE EXCEPTION"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BadPaddingException e) { System.out.println("BAD PADDING EXCEPTION"); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } String readFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { File file = new File(filename); FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file); byte fileContent[] = new byte[(int) file.length()];; String strFileContent = new String(fileContent); fin.close(); return strFileContent; } private LoginException connectToDatabase(ServletContext context) { LoginException res = null; if (m_conn == null) { // // Connect to the database // String ConnectionString = ""; String DriverName = ""; System.out.println("connectToDatabase()"); Map env = System.getenv(); DMHome = System.getenv("DMHome"); if (DMHome == null) DMHome = context.getInitParameter("DMHOME"); ConnectionString = System.getenv("DBConnectionString"); if (ConnectionString == null) ConnectionString = context.getInitParameter("DBConnectionString"); DriverName = System.getenv("DBDriverName"); if (DriverName == null) DriverName = context.getInitParameter("DBDriverName"); StringBuilder dUserName = new StringBuilder(); String DBUserName = System.getenv("DBUserName"); if (DBUserName != null) dUserName.append(DBUserName); StringBuilder dPassword = new StringBuilder(); String DBPassword = System.getenv("DBPassword"); if (DBPassword != null) dPassword.append(DBPassword); String dmasc = System.getenv("dmasc"); String dmodbc = System.getenv("dmodbc"); try { if (dUserName.length() == 0) { String base64Original = ""; String base64passphrase = ""; if (dmodbc == null) base64Original = readFile(DMHome + "/dm.odbc"); else base64Original = dmodbc; if (dmasc == null) base64passphrase = readFile(DMHome + "/dm.asc"); else base64passphrase = dmasc; m_passphrase = Decrypt3DES(base64passphrase, "dm15k1ng".getBytes("UTF-8")); System.out.println("Read m_passpharse=" + new String(m_passphrase)); final byte[] plainText = Decrypt3DES(base64Original, m_passphrase); StringBuilder dDSN = new StringBuilder(); dUserName = new StringBuilder(); dPassword = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, d = 0; i < plainText.length; i++) { if (plainText[i] != 0) { if (d == 0) dDSN.append(String.format("%c", plainText[i])); if (d == 1) dUserName.append(String.format("%c", plainText[i])); if (d == 2) dPassword.append(String.format("%c", plainText[i])); } else d++; } } // DSN is ignored for Postgres Driver // DriverName = DriverName.replaceAll("org\\.postgresql\\.Driver", "com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.PGDriver"); // ConnectionString = ConnectionString.replaceAll("jdbc\\:postgresql", "jdbc:pgsql"); Class.forName(DriverName); System.out.println("DMHOME=" + DMHome); System.out.println("DRIVERNAME=" + DriverName); System.out.println("CONNECTIONSTRING=" + ConnectionString); System.out.println("USERNAME=" + dUserName.toString()); System.out.println("PASSWORDNAME=" + dPassword.toString()); m_conn = DriverManager.getConnection(ConnectionString, dUserName.toString(), dPassword.toString()); m_conn.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { res = new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_DATABASE_FAILURE, e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { res = new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_DATABASE_FAILURE, e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { res = new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_DATABASE_FAILURE, "Class not found for " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { res = new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_DATABASE_FAILURE, "SQL Exception " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } return res; } public LoginException Login(String UserName, String Password) { LoginException res; try { res = connectToDatabase(m_httpSession.getServletContext()); if (res != null) throw new LoginException(res.getExceptionType(), res.getMessage()); if (m_username != null && UserName.equals(m_username)) { System.out.println("Already logged in, returning success"); return new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_OKAY, ""); } PreparedStatement st = m_conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT id,passhash,locked,forcechange,datefmt,timefmt,datasourceid,lastlogin FROM dm.dm_user where name = ? and status='N'"); st.setString(1, UserName); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if (! throw new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_BAD_PASSWORD, ""); // No row retrieved // // User exists // ----------- // // Encrypt the passed password (SHA-256) // String base64pw = encryptPassword(Password); // // Compare the encrypted passwords // String hash = rs.getString(2); if ((hash == null) || (!base64pw.equals(hash))) throw new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_BAD_PASSWORD, ""); // // Passwords match // boolean locked = getBoolean(rs, 3, false); if (locked) throw new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_USER_LOCKED, ""); boolean forcechange = getBoolean(rs, 4, false); m_datefmt = rs.getString(5); if (rs.wasNull()) m_datefmt = m_defaultdatefmt; m_timefmt = rs.getString(6); if (rs.wasNull()) m_timefmt = m_defaulttimefmt; setUserID(rs.getInt(1)); rs.getTimestamp(8); m_newUser = (rs.wasNull()); m_OverrideAccessControl = false; m_UserPermissions = new UserPermissions(this, 0); m_password = Password; m_username = UserName; m_domainlist = ""; User user = getUserByName(UserName); GetDomains(m_userID); // GetDomains(getUserID()); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT g.acloverride,g.tabendpoints,g.tabapplications,g.tabactions,g.tabproviders,g.tabusers, FROM dm.dm_usergroup g,dm.dm_usersingroup x WHERE x.userid=? AND"); st2.setInt(1, getUserID()); ResultSet rs2 = st2.executeQuery(); while ( { // Loop through each group to which this user belongs if (getBoolean(rs2, 1, false)) { m_OverrideAccessControl = true; System.out.println("0) User is SUPERUSER"); } if (getBoolean(rs2, 2, false)) m_EndPointsTab = true; if (getBoolean(rs2, 3, false)) m_ApplicationsTab = true; if (getBoolean(rs2, 4, false)) m_ActionsTab = true; if (getBoolean(rs2, 5, false)) m_ProvidersTab = true; if (getBoolean(rs2, 6, false)) m_UsersTab = true; if (m_OverrideAccessControl) { m_UserPermissions.setCreateUsers(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateGroups(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateDomains(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateEnvs(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateServers(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateRepos(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateComps(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateCreds(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateApps(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateAppvers(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateActions(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateProcs(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateDatasrc(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateNotifiers(true); m_UserPermissions.setCreateEngines(true); } else { setUserPermissions(rs2.getInt(7), m_UserPermissions); } } rs2.close(); st2.close(); if (forcechange) { res = new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_CHANGE_PASSWORD, ""); } else { // Login okay - update last login String ullsql = (dbdriver.toLowerCase().contains("oracle")) ? "UPDATE dm.dm_user SET lastlogin = sysdate WHERE id=?" : "UPDATE dm.dm_user SET lastlogin = localtimestamp WHERE id=?"; System.out.println("ullsql=" + ullsql); PreparedStatement ull = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(ullsql); ull.setInt(1, getUserID()); ull.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); System.out.println("commited"); res = new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_OKAY, ""); } rs.close(); st.close(); System.out.println("User " + getUserID() + " logged in, domains=" + m_domainlist); } catch (SQLException e) { res = new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.LOGIN_DATABASE_FAILURE, "SQL Exception " + e.getMessage()); rollback(); } catch (LoginException e) { res = e; } return res; } public LoginException InitialLogin(String password) { // We've been called to do an initial password set for the admin user followed // by a login. As a security precaution, we only set the password if the lastlogin // field for id 1 is null (which it should only be on initial setup). This prevents // someone hacking the admin password by doing a login call with initial=Y // System.out.println("InitialLogin(" + password + ")"); if (firstInstall().equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { System.out.println("Resetting admin password"); // set the admin password to the specified value before logging in System.out.println("Setting admin password for InitialLogin"); String base64pw = encryptPassword(password); try { PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_user SET passhash=? WHERE id=1"); stmt.setString(1, base64pw); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("Setting initial admin password throws SQLException:" + ex.getMessage()); } } else { System.out.println("First install is N"); } System.out.println("logging in with admin/" + password); return Login("admin", password); } public String getPassword() { return m_password; } public boolean ValidDomain(int DomainID, Boolean Inherit) { if (DomainID <= 0) return true; // Any Domain ID 0 or below is considered valid boolean res = false; Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> it = m_domains.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Integer, String> pairs =; if (pairs.getKey() == DomainID) { // Value is Y if this is our domain or a sub-domain, N if it is a parent domain if (Inherit) { // regardless of value, this is a valid domain (it's either inherited or a sub-domain) res = true; } else { // It's only valid if the value is Y String kv = (String) pairs.getValue(); if (kv.charAt(0) == 'Y') { res = true; } else { res = false; } } break; // found the domain } } return res; } public boolean ValidDomain(int DomainID) { return ValidDomain(DomainID, false); } public int getID(String objectType) { int res = 0; boolean KeyFound = false; objectType = objectType.toLowerCase(); if (objectType.equalsIgnoreCase("release") || objectType.equalsIgnoreCase("appversion")) objectType = "application"; if (objectType.equalsIgnoreCase("function") || objectType.equalsIgnoreCase("procedure")) objectType = "action"; if (objectType.equalsIgnoreCase("builder")) objectType = "buildengine"; if (mutex == null) mutex = new Object(); synchronized (mutex) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM dm.dm_keys WHERE lower(object)=? FOR UPDATE"); st.setString(1, objectType); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { KeyFound = true; res = rs.getInt(1); System.out.println("Key found, res=" + res); Statement st4 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs4 = st4.executeQuery("SELECT coalesce(max(id),0) FROM dm.dm_" + objectType); int key2 = 0; if ( { key2 = rs4.getInt(1); } rs4.close(); if (key2 > res && key2 > 0) res = key2; // only use the max val if it's greater than the value in dm_keys res++; // next key PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_keys SET id=? WHERE lower(object)=?"); st3.setInt(1, res); st3.setString(2, objectType); st3.execute(); st3.close(); } else { KeyFound = false; } rs.close(); st.close(); if (!KeyFound) { // key does not exist - create it PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_keys(object,id) VALUES (?,?)"); st2.setString(1, objectType); Statement st3 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs3 = st3.executeQuery("SELECT coalesce(max(id),0)+1 FROM dm.dm_" + objectType); if ( { res = rs3.getInt(1); // return the new value NOT 0!!! System.out.println("Key not found, inserting ('" + objectType + "'," + res + ")"); } else { res = 1; System.out .println("Key not found, max failed, inserting ('" + objectType + "'," + res + ")"); } st2.setInt(2, res); rs3.close(); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } rs.close(); // m_conn.commit(); // we probably don't want to commit here. } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } return res; } public int setID(String ObjectType, int newval) { int res = 0; boolean KeyFound = false; try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM dm.dm_keys WHERE object=? FOR UPDATE"); st.setString(1, ObjectType); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { KeyFound = true; PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_keys SET id=? WHERE object=?"); st3.setInt(1, newval); st3.setString(2, ObjectType); st3.execute(); st3.close(); } else { KeyFound = false; } rs.close(); st.close(); if (!KeyFound) { // key does not exist - create it System.out.println("Key not found, inserting (" + ObjectType + ",1"); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_keys(object,id) VALUES (?,?)"); st2.setString(1, ObjectType); st2.setInt(2, newval); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } rs.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return res; } public int getSchemaVersion() { int res = 0; try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT schemaver FROM dm.dm_tableinfo"); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { res = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); return res; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return res; } public String getLicenseKey() { String res = ""; try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT status FROM dm.dm_tableinfo"); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { res = rs.getString(1); rs.close(); return res; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return res; } public int GetDomainForObject(String objtype, int id) { if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("release")) objtype = "application"; else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("builder")) objtype = "buildengine"; try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT domainid FROM dm.dm_" + objtype + " WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } else { return 0; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return 0; } public ObjectTypeAndId CreateNewObject(String objtype, String objname, int domainid, int parentid, int id, int xp, int yp, String treeid, boolean commit) { System.out.println("CreateNewObject(objtype=" + objtype + " objname=" + objname + " domainid=" + domainid + " parentid=" + parentid + " id=" + id + " treeid=" + treeid); ObjectTypeAndId ret = null; if (objname.replaceAll("[-A-Za-z0-9_(); ]", "").length() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Object Name"); } try { PreparedStatement st; PreparedStatement cs = null; long t = timeNow(); if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) { cs = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_user WHERE name=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_user(id,name,domainid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,locked,status) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N','N')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setLong(6, t); st.setLong(7, t); cs.setString(1, objname); ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.USER, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("release")) { cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_application WHERE name=? AND domainid=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_application(id,name,domainid,ownerid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status,isRelease) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N','Y')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setLong(7, t); st.setLong(8, t); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, domainid); ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.RELEASE, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) { cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_application WHERE name=? AND domainid=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_application(id,name,domainid,ownerid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status,isRelease) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N','N')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setLong(7, t); st.setLong(8, t); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, domainid); ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.APPLICATION, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("appversion")) { cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_application WHERE name=? AND domainid=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_application(id,name,domainid,ownerid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,parentid,predecessorid,status,isRelease) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N','N')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setLong(7, t); st.setLong(8, t); st.setInt(9, parentid); st.setInt(10, parentid); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, domainid); ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.APPVERSION, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("relversion")) { cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_application WHERE name=? AND domainid=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_application(id,name,domainid,ownerid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,parentid,predecessorid,status,isRelease) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N','Y')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setLong(7, t); st.setLong(8, t); st.setInt(9, parentid); st.setInt(10, parentid); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, domainid); ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.RELVERSION, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("componentitem")) { st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_componentitem(id,name,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,compid,status) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, getUserID()); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setLong(5, t); st.setLong(6, t); st.setInt(7, parentid); ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.COMPONENTITEM, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("credentials")) { cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_credentials WHERE name=? AND domainid=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_credentials(id,name,domainid,kind,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N')"); // ,status ,'N' st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, 0); // unconfigured st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setLong(7, t); st.setLong(8, t); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, domainid); ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.CREDENTIALS, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("repository") || objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("notify") || objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("datasource") || objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("buildengine")) { // TODO: Status should be 'U' for unconfigured - can only do this when we have a mechanism to test it and change status to Normal cs = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_" + objtype + " WHERE name=? AND domainid=?"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_" + objtype + "(id,name,domainid,ownerid,defid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, 0); // unconfigured st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setInt(7, getUserID()); st.setLong(8, t); st.setLong(9, t); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, domainid); ObjectType ot = ObjectType.fromTableName(objtype); if (ot == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create object of type '" + objtype + "'"); } ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ot, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("template")) { cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_template WHERE name=? AND notifierid=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_template(id,name,notifierid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, parentid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setLong(6, t); st.setLong(7, t); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, parentid); ObjectType ot = ObjectType.fromTableName(objtype); if (ot == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create object of type '" + objtype + "'"); } ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ot, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("component")) { cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_component WHERE name=? AND domainid=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_component(id,name,domainid,ownerid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status,filteritems,deployalways) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N','Y','Y')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setLong(7, t); st.setLong(8, t); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, domainid); ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.COMPONENT, id); } else if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("buildjob")) { cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_buildjob WHERE name=? AND builderid=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_buildjob(id,name,builderid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, parentid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setLong(6, t); st.setLong(7, t); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, parentid); ObjectType ot = ObjectType.fromTableName(objtype); if (ot == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create object of type '" + objtype + "'"); } ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ot, id); } else { cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_" + objtype + " WHERE name=? AND domainid=? AND status='N'"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_" + objtype + "(id,name,domainid,ownerid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N')"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setLong(7, t); st.setLong(8, t); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, domainid); ObjectType ot = ObjectType.fromTableName(objtype); if (ot == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create object of type '" + objtype + "'"); } ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ot, id); } boolean okToCreate = false; if (cs != null) { ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); if ( { int c = rs.getInt(1); if (c == 0) { okToCreate = true; } else { rs.close(); cs.close(); st.close(); String ots = ret.getObjectType().toString(); if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) { throw new RuntimeException("User " + objname + " already exists"); } else { throw new RuntimeException(ots.substring(0, 1) + ots.substring(1).toLowerCase() + " " + objname + " already exists in this domain"); } } } else { // count has failed for some reason rs.close(); cs.close(); st.close(); throw new RuntimeException("Could not get count of existing objects"); } } else { okToCreate = true; } if (okToCreate) { // An object with this name does not exist in this domain st.execute(); // execute the insert int rowCount = st.getUpdateCount(); if (rowCount != 1) { if (cs != null) { cs.close(); } st.close(); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create object of type '" + objtype + "'"); } } if (cs != null) { cs.close(); } st.close(); if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("server") && !treeid.contains("servers")) { // creating a server inside an environment int ServerWidth = 120; int ServerHeight = 70; ArrayList<Integer> cx = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> cy = new ArrayList<Integer>(); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT xpos,ypos FROM dm.dm_serversinenv WHERE envid=?"); st2.setInt(1, parentid); ResultSet rs2 = st2.executeQuery(); while ( { System.out.println("ArrayList xpos=" + rs2.getInt(1) + " ypos=" + rs2.getInt(2)); cx.add(rs2.getInt(1)); cy.add(rs2.getInt(2)); } rs2.close(); st2.close(); int tgtx = 0; int tgty = 0; if (xp == -1 || yp == -1) { boolean found = false; for (int ypos = 0; ypos <= 1000 && !found; ypos = ypos + 100) { for (int xpos = 0; xpos <= 1000 && !found; xpos = xpos + 100) { // // Check if anything is located at the current xpos/ypos position and, if not, place // the new server there. // found = true; for (int i = 0; i < cx.size(); i++) { found = false; Integer x = cx.get(i); Integer y = cy.get(i); System.out.println( "Checking xpos=" + xpos + " ypos=" + ypos + " against x=" + x + " y=" + y); if (xpos >= x && xpos <= x + ServerWidth) break; System.out.println("NOT xpos >=x and <= x+" + ServerWidth); if (ypos >= y && ypos <= y + ServerHeight) break; System.out.println("NOT ypos >=y and <= y+" + ServerHeight); tgtx = xpos; tgty = ypos; found = true; } System.out.println("found=" + found); } } } else { tgtx = xp; tgty = yp; } PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_serversinenv(envid,serverid,xpos,ypos) values(?,?,?,?);"); st3.setInt(1, parentid); st3.setInt(2, id); st3.setInt(3, tgtx); st3.setInt(4, tgty); st3.execute(); st3.close(); PreparedStatement st4 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_environment SET modified=?,modifierid=?"); st4.setLong(1, t); st4.setInt(2, getUserID()); st4.execute(); st4.close(); } if (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) { // need to add this domain to our allowed domain list. m_domains.put(id, "Y"); m_domainlist = m_domainlist + "," + id; } if (commit) { getDBConnection().commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return ret; } public void CreateNewObject(String objtype, String objname, int domainid, int parentid, int id, String treeid) { CreateNewObject(objtype, objname, domainid, parentid, id, -1, -1, treeid, true); } public ObjectTypeAndId CreateNewObject(String objtype, String objname, int domainid, int parentid, int id, int xp, int yp, String treeid) { return CreateNewObject(objtype, objname, domainid, parentid, id, xp, yp, treeid, true); } public void addToCategory(int catid, ObjectTypeAndId otid, boolean commit) { // Adds the specified object to the specified category String cattab = null; switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case PROCEDURE: case FUNCTION: case ACTION: cattab = "dm_action_categories"; break; case COMPONENT: cattab = "dm_component_categories"; break; case FRAGMENT: cattab = "dm_fragment_categories"; break; default: break; } String csql = "SELECT count(*) FROM " + cattab + " WHERE id=? AND categoryid=?"; String isql = "INSERT INTO " + cattab + "(id,categoryid) VALUES(?,?)"; try { PreparedStatement cstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); cstmt.setInt(1, otid.getId()); cstmt.setInt(2, catid); ResultSet rs = cstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs.getInt(1) == 0) { // No existing row - insert it PreparedStatement istmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(isql); istmt.setInt(1, otid.getId()); istmt.setInt(2, catid); istmt.execute(); istmt.close(); } } rs.close(); cstmt.close(); if (commit) { getDBConnection().commit(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void addToCategory(int catid, ObjectTypeAndId otid) { addToCategory(catid, otid, false); } public ObjectTypeAndId CreateNewAction(String actiontype, String objname, int domainid, int parentid, int id) { System.out.println("CreateNewAction(actiontype=" + actiontype + " objname=" + objname + " domainid=" + domainid + " parentid=" + parentid + " id=" + id); ObjectTypeAndId ret = null; try { String csql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE name=? AND domainid=?"; String sql1 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action(id,name,domainid,ownerid,\"function\",graphical,status," + "creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,kind) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,'N',?,?,?,?,?)"; String sql2 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action(id,name,domainid,ownerid,\"function\",graphical,status," + "creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,kind,textid) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,'N',?,?,?,?,?,?)"; ActionKind kind = ActionKind.UNCONFIGURED; ObjectType ot = ObjectType.PROCEDURE; String g = "N"; String f = "N"; if (actiontype.equalsIgnoreCase("g")) { kind = ActionKind.GRAPHICAL; ot = ObjectType.ACTION; g = "Y"; } else if (actiontype.equalsIgnoreCase("f")) { ot = ObjectType.FUNCTION; f = "Y"; } // Check the Action/Function/Procedure doesn't already exist in this domain PreparedStatement cs = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); cs.setString(1, objname); cs.setInt(2, domainid); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); if ( { int c = rs.getInt(1); if (c > 0) { rs.close(); cs.close(); throw new RuntimeException( "A " + ot.toString().substring(0, 1) + ot.toString().substring(1).toLowerCase() + " called \"" + objname + "\" already exists in this domain"); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get count of existing actions"); } long t = timeNow(); System.out.println("ActionKind = " + kind.value()); int atval = 0; if (kind == ActionKind.IN_DB) { // Create an entry in dm_actiontext (stored procedure/function) atval = getID("actiontext"); PreparedStatement at = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_actiontext(id) VALUES(?)"); at.setInt(1, atval); at.execute(); } PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement((kind == ActionKind.IN_DB) ? sql2 : sql1); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, objname); st.setInt(3, domainid); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setString(5, f); st.setString(6, g); st.setInt(7, getUserID()); st.setLong(8, t); st.setInt(9, getUserID()); st.setLong(10, t); st.setInt(11, kind.value()); if (kind == ActionKind.IN_DB) { st.setInt(12, atval); } st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); ret = new ObjectTypeAndId(ot, id); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return ret; } private int GetTaskType(String tasktype) { try { System.out.println("tasktype=" + tasktype); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM dm.dm_tasktypes WHERE name=?"); st.setString(1, tasktype); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { int res = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); return res; } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve task type '" + tasktype + "' from database"); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return 0; } public void CreateNewTask(String taskname, String tasktype, int domainid, int id) { int typeid = GetTaskType(tasktype); try { long t = timeNow(); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_task(id,name,typeid,domainid,ownerid,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,logoutput,subdomains) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, taskname); st.setInt(3, typeid); st.setInt(4, domainid); st.setInt(5, getUserID()); st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setLong(7, t); st.setInt(8, getUserID()); st.setLong(9, t); st.setString(10, "N"); st.setString(11, "N"); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void DeleteTask(int taskid, int domainid) { try { Task task = getTask(taskid, true); System.out.println("tasktype=" + task.getTaskType()); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_taskaccess WHERE taskid=?"); st.setInt(1, taskid); st.execute(); st.close(); String table = null; switch (task.getTaskType()) { case APPROVE: table = "approve"; break; case CREATE_VERSION: table = "createversion"; break; case MOVE: table = "move"; break; case REQUEST: table = "request"; break; default: break; } if (table != null) { PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_task" + table + " WHERE id=?"); st2.setInt(1, taskid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_request WHERE taskid=?"); st3.setInt(1, taskid); st3.execute(); st3.close(); PreparedStatement st4 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_taskparams WHERE taskid=?"); st4.setInt(1, taskid); st4.execute(); st4.close(); PreparedStatement st5 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_task WHERE id=? and domainid=?"); st5.setInt(1, taskid); st5.setInt(2, domainid); st5.execute(); st5.close(); // Update any linked task so it can be modified PreparedStatement st6 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_taskrequest SET linkedtaskid = NULL WHERE linkedtaskid=?"); st6.setInt(1, taskid); st6.execute(); st6.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public TaskList getTasksInDomain(int domainid) { TaskList res = new TaskList(); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,, FROM dm.dm_task a,dm.dm_tasktypes b where and a.domainid=?"); st.setInt(1, domainid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { Task t = new Task(); t.setId(rs.getInt(1)); t.setName(rs.getString(2)); t.setTaskType(rs.getString(3)); res.add(t); } rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return res; } public int addTaskParameter(int tid, String label, String varname, String vartype, String arrname) { try { int pos = 1; PreparedStatement ct = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT max(pos) FROM dm.dm_taskparams WHERE taskid=?"); ct.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = ct.executeQuery(); if ( { pos = rs.getInt(1) + 1; if (rs.wasNull()) pos = 1; } rs.close(); ct.close(); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_taskparams(taskid,pos,label,variable,type,arrname) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"); st.setInt(1, tid); st.setInt(2, pos); st.setString(3, label); st.setString(4, varname); st.setString(5, vartype); if (arrname != null) { st.setString(6, arrname); } else { st.setNull(6, Type.CHAR); } st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return pos; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 1; // default (fail) condition } public void editTaskParameter(int tid, int pos, String label, String varname, String vartype, String arrname) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_taskparams set label=?,variable=?,type=?,arrname=? WHERE taskid=? AND pos=?"); st.setString(1, label); st.setString(2, varname); st.setString(3, vartype); if (arrname != null) { st.setString(4, arrname); } else { st.setNull(4, Type.CHAR); } st.setInt(5, tid); st.setInt(6, pos); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void deleteTaskParameter(int tid, String varname) { try { PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT pos FROM dm.dm_taskparams WHERE taskid=? AND variable=?"); st1.setInt(1, tid); st1.setString(2, varname); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); if ( { int pos = rs1.getInt(1); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_taskparams SET pos=pos-1 WHERE taskid=? AND pos>?"); st2.setInt(1, tid); st2.setInt(2, pos); st2.execute(); st2.close(); PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_taskparams WHERE taskid=? AND variable=?"); st3.setInt(1, tid); st3.setString(2, varname); st3.execute(); st3.close(); } rs1.close(); st1.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void changeTaskParameterPos(int tid, String varname, int newpos) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_taskparams set pos=? WHERE taskid=? AND variable=?"); st.setInt(1, newpos); st.setInt(2, tid); st.setString(3, varname); System.out.println("Changing variable " + varname + " to position " + newpos + " for task id " + tid); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public List<TaskParameter> getTaskParameters(int tid) { List<TaskParameter> ret = new ArrayList<TaskParameter>(); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT pos,label,variable,type,arrname FROM dm.dm_taskparams WHERE taskid=? ORDER BY pos"); st.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { if (rs.getString(4).trim().equalsIgnoreCase("dropdown")) { ret.add(new TaskParameter(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getString(4), rs.getString(5))); } else { ret.add(new TaskParameter(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getString(4))); } } rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } public List<DMAttribute> getArrayValuesForObject(ObjectType ot, int objid, String arrname) { // Returns any array values specified against the given object try { List<DMAttribute> ret = new ArrayList<DMAttribute>(); String tn = null; String cn = null; switch (ot) { case ENVIRONMENT: tn = "dm.dm_environmentvars"; cn = "envid"; break; case APPLICATION: tn = "dm.dm_applicationvars"; cn = "appid"; break; default: break; } PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("select,b.value from " + tn + " a,dm_arrayvalues b where a." + cn + " = ? and and order by"); st.setInt(1, objid); st.setString(2, arrname); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.add(new DMAttribute(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2))); } rs.close(); st.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public TaskList getAccessibleTasks() { TaskList res = new TaskList(); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,, FROM dm.dm_task a,dm.dm_tasktypes b where and a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") order by 2"); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { Task t = new Task(); t.setId(rs.getInt(1)); t.setName(rs.getString(2)); t.setTaskType(rs.getString(3)); res.add(t); } rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return res; } private void GetWorkbenchTasksInternal(int domainid, String objecttype, PropertyDataSet ds, boolean inherit) { System.out.println("GetWorkbenchTasksInternal - objectype=" + objecttype + " domainid=" + domainid + " m_userID=" + getUserID()); if (objecttype.equalsIgnoreCase("release")) objecttype = "application"; try { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT,, " + "FROM dm.dm_task a, " + " dm.dm_tasktypes b, " + " dm.dm_taskaccess c, " + " dm.dm_usersingroup d " + "WHERE b." + objecttype + "='Y' " + "AND " + "AND a.domainid=? " + "AND " + "AND ((c.usrgrpid=d.groupid " + "AND d.userid=?) " + "OR (c.usrgrpid=" + UserGroup.EVERYONE_ID + "))"; if (inherit) sql += " AND a.subdomains='Y'"; System.out.println(sql); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); st.setInt(1, domainid); st.setInt(2, getUserID()); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { System.out.println("rs.getString(1)=" + rs.getString(1)); String tasktype = rs.getString(3); ds.addProperty(rs.getString(2), tasktype + "-" + rs.getString(1)); } rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } // Now move up the domain heirarchy looking for any inherited tasks Domain domain = getDomain(domainid); if (domain != null) { Domain parentDomain = domain.getDomain(); if (parentDomain != null) { System.out.println("Looking in parent domain " + parentDomain.getId()); GetWorkbenchTasksInternal(parentDomain.getId(), objecttype, ds, true); } } } public void GetWorkbenchTasks(int domainid, String objecttype, PropertyDataSet ds) { System.out.println("GetWorkbenchTasks"); GetWorkbenchTasksInternal(domainid, objecttype, ds, false); System.out.println("GetWorkbenchTasks returns"); } public String GetUserName(int uid) { String UserName = ""; try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT name,domainid FROM dm.dm_user where id=" + uid); while ( { if (ValidDomain(rs.getInt(2), true)) { UserName = rs.getString(1); } } rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return UserName; } public String GetUserName() { return GetUserName(getUserID()); } public String getDomainName(int domainid) { String res = ""; if (ValidDomain(domainid)) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select name,domainid from dm.dm_domain where id=?"); st.setInt(1, domainid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { res = rs.getString(1); int parentDomainId = getInteger(rs, 2, 0); if (parentDomainId != 0) { String ParentDomains = getDomainName(parentDomainId); if (ParentDomains != "") { res = ParentDomains + "." + res; } } } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return res; } public boolean userIsReferenced(int id) { return true; } public boolean userGroupIsReferenced(int id) { return true; } private boolean CheckObjects(String sql[], int id) { try { boolean res = false; for (int i = 0; i < sql.length; i++) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql[i]); stmt.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println(sql[i] + " = " + rs.getInt(1)); if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) { res = true; break; } rs.close(); } else { res = true; // failsafe (if we get here, no rows were retrieved) } stmt.close(); } return res; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve object count for object id " + id); } public boolean envIsReferenced(int envid) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment WHERE envid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, envid); } public boolean componentIsReferenced(int compid, boolean forMenu, boolean isRelease) { System.out.println("in componentIsReferenced(" + compid + "," + (forMenu ? "true" : "false") + ")"); // Returns true if component is associated with an application or server, false otherwise if (forMenu) { if (isRelease) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE childappid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsallowedonserv WHERE compid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, compid); } else { if (isRelease) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE childappid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsallowedonserv WHERE compid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, compid); } else { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE compid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsallowedonserv WHERE compid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, compid); } } } else { if (isRelease) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE childappid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsallowedonserv WHERE compid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsonserv WHERE compid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deploymentxfer WHERE componentid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, compid); } else { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE compid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsallowedonserv WHERE compid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsonserv WHERE compid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deploymentxfer WHERE componentid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, compid); } } } public boolean serverIsReferenced(int servid) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_serversinenv a, dm.dm_server b WHERE serverid=? and b.status <> 'D' and a.serverid =" }; return CheckObjects(sql, servid); } public boolean procfuncIsReferenced(int id) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_actionfrags a, dm.dm_fragments b WHERE and ? in (b.actionid,b.functionid)" }; return CheckObjects(sql, id); } public boolean actionIsReferenced(int id) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deploymentaction where actionid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, id); } public boolean notifierIsReferenced(int id) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_template x WHERE x.notifierid=? AND IN " + "(SELECT successtemplateid FROM dm.dm_application WHERE " + "UNION " + "SELECT failuretemplateid FROM dm.dm_application WHERE " + "UNION " + "SELECT successtemplateid FROM dm.dm_task WHERE " + "UNION " + "SELECT failuretemplateid FROM dm.dm_task WHERE " + ")" }; return CheckObjects(sql, id); } public boolean templateIsReferenced(int id) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_application where successtemplateid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_application where failuretemplateid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_task where successtemplateid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_task where failuretemplateid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, id); } public boolean datasourceIsReferenced(int id) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_user where datasourceid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, id); } public boolean comptypeIsReferenced(int id) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_servercomptype a WHERE a.comptypeid =?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_component a WHERE a.comptypeid =?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, id); } public boolean repositoryIsReferenced(int id) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_componentitem a WHERE repositoryid=? and a.status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action a WHERE repositoryid=? and a.status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deploymentxfer WHERE repoid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, id); } public boolean credentialIsReferenced(int id) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_server a WHERE credid=? and a.status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_datasource d WHERE credid=? AND d.status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_repository r WHERE credid=? AND r.status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_notify WHERE credid=? AND status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_environment e WHERE credid=? and e.status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_buildengine e WHERE credid=? and e.status <> 'D'" }; return CheckObjects(sql, id); } public boolean applicationIsReferenced(int id) { String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent a WHERE appid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_appsallowedinenv a WHERE appid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_appsinenv a WHERE appid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment a WHERE appid=?" }; return CheckObjects(sql, id); } public int DeleteFromTable(String TableName, String ColName, int id) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + TableName + " where " + ColName + "=?"); System.out.println("DELETE FROM " + TableName + " where " + ColName + "=?" + id); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.execute(); int res = (stmt.getUpdateCount() < 1) ? 1 : 0; stmt.close(); return res; } public int DeleteFromTableWhere(String TableName, String WhereClause, int id) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + TableName + " WHERE " + WhereClause); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.execute(); int res = (stmt.getUpdateCount() < 1) ? 1 : 0; stmt.close(); return res; } public void RemoveObject(String Type, int id, PrintWriter out) { RemoveObject(Type, id, out, false); } public void RemoveObject(String Type, int id, PrintWriter out, boolean fromAPI) { try { boolean bSetStatus = false; String remcat = ""; System.out.println("RemoveObject Type=" + Type + " id=" + id); if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("lifecycle")) Type = "domain"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("release")) Type = "application"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("relversion")) Type = "application"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("compversion")) Type = "component"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("builder")) Type = "buildengine"; String AccessColumn; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("component")) { AccessColumn = "compid"; } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("environment")) { AccessColumn = "envid"; } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("CREDENTIALS")) { AccessColumn = "credid"; } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) { AccessColumn = "appid"; } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("buildengine")) { AccessColumn = "builderid"; } else { AccessColumn = Type + "id"; } String AccessTable = "dm.dm_" + Type + "access"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) { // Check to see if the domain is empty and we have delete permission if (domainHasObjects(id)) { // Domain is not empty out.print("{\"error\" : \"" + getAssociatedMsg() + "\", \"success\" : false}"); return; } if (domainReferencesAnyObject(id)) bSetStatus = true; } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("environment")) { if (envIsReferenced(id)) { bSetStatus = true; } // Remove any servers associated with this environment DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_environmentvars", "envid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_serversinenv", "envid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_appsallowedinenv", "envid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_appsinenv", "envid", id); } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) { if (userIsReferenced(id)) { bSetStatus = true; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("usergroup")) { DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_privileges", "groupid", id); if (userGroupIsReferenced(id)) { bSetStatus = true; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("component")) { if (componentIsReferenced(id, false, false)) { bSetStatus = true; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) { DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_appsallowedinenv", "appid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_appsinenv", "appid", id); if (applicationIsReferenced(id)) { bSetStatus = true; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("repository")) { if (repositoryIsReferenced(id)) { bSetStatus = true; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("credentials")) { if (credentialIsReferenced(id)) { out.print( "{\"error\" : \"Cannot delete the Credential at this time since it is in use.\", \"success\" : false}"); return; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("server")) { if (serverIsReferenced(id)) { bSetStatus = true; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("procedure")) { if (procfuncIsReferenced(id)) { out.print( "{\"error\" : \"Cannot delete the Procedure at this time since it is in use.\", \"success\" : false}"); return; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("function")) { if (procfuncIsReferenced(id)) { out.print( "{\"error\" : \"Cannot delete the Function at this time since it is in use.\", \"success\" : false}"); return; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) { if (actionIsReferenced(id)) { out.print( "{\"error\" : \"Cannot delete this Action - it has been used in a deployment.\", \"success\" : false}"); return; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("notify")) { if (notifierIsReferenced(id)) { out.print( "{\"error\" : \"Cannot delete this Notifier - one or more of its associated templates are in use.\", \"success\" : false}"); return; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("template")) { if (templateIsReferenced(id)) { out.print("{\"error\" : \"Cannot delete this Template - it is in use.\", \"success\" : false}"); return; } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("datasource")) { if (datasourceIsReferenced(id)) { out.print( "{\"error\": \"Cannot delete this Datasource - it is in use.\", \"success\" : false}"); return; } } if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("procedure") || Type.equalsIgnoreCase("function")) { Type = "action"; AccessTable = "dm.dm_actionaccess"; AccessColumn = "actionid"; } if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("ServerCompType")) { if (comptypeIsReferenced(id)) { out.print( "{\"error\" : \"Cannot delete the Component Type at this time since it is in use.\", \"success\" : false}"); return; } Type = "type"; AccessTable = "dm.dm_typeaccess"; AccessColumn = "comptypeid"; } int res = 0; // Delete from the access control table if (!Type.equalsIgnoreCase("template") && !Type.equalsIgnoreCase("user") && !Type.equalsIgnoreCase("usergroup")) { DeleteFromTable(AccessTable, AccessColumn, id); } if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) { // Remove this action from the fragments table(if referenced) Action action = getAction(id, true); int t = (action.getKind() == ActionKind.GRAPHICAL) ? 2 : 3; String pf = (action.getKind() == ActionKind.GRAPHICAL) ? "cy" : "cp"; Category cat = action.getCategory(); int domainid = action.getDomainId(); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_fragments", "actionid", id); if (res == 1) { // Remove from fragments failed for "actionid" - must be "functionid" res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_fragments", "functionid", id); } res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_fragmentattrs", "typeid", id); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_actionarg", "actionid", id); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_actionflows", "actionid", id); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_actionfrags", "actionid", id); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_action_categories", "id", id); if (cat != null) { boolean removeCategory = !CategoryInDomain(id, cat.getId(), domainid, t); if (removeCategory) { remcat = pf + cat.getId() + "-" + domainid; } } } // If the object is referenced and we have to update the status, do it here System.out.println("Type=[" + Type + "]"); if (bSetStatus) { System.out.println("UPDATE dm.dm_" + Type + " SET status='D' WHERE id=" + id); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_" + Type + " SET status='D' WHERE id=?"); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.execute(); res = (stmt.getUpdateCount() < 1) ? 1 : 0; stmt.close(); } else { if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("component")) { // Deleting a component permanently - get rid of any variables (if we just mark it as deleted // then we'll leave the variables where they are for reference Component comp = getComponent(id, true); Category cat = comp.getCategory(); int domainid = comp.getDomainId(); if (comp.getParentId() == 0) { // This is a BASE version - delete all the children List<Component> children = comp.getVersions(); for (Component cc : children) { DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_componentvars", "compid", cc.getId()); DeleteFromTableWhere("dm.dm_compitemprops", "compitemid in (select id from dm.dm_componentitem where compid=?)", cc.getId()); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_componentitem", "compid", cc.getId()); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_component_categories", "id", cc.getId()); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_buildhistory", "compid", cc.getId()); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_component", "id", cc.getId()); } } DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_componentvars", "compid", id); DeleteFromTableWhere("dm.dm_compitemprops", "compitemid in (select id from dm.dm_componentitem where compid=?)", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_componentitem", "compid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_component_categories", "id", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_buildhistory", "compid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_component", "id", id); if (cat != null) { boolean removeCategory = !CategoryInDomain(id, cat.getId(), domainid, 1); if (removeCategory) { remcat = "cc" + cat.getId() + "-" + domainid; } } } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("repository")) { DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_repositorytextpattern", "repositoryid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_repositoryaccess", "repositoryid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_repositoryprops", "repositoryid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_repositoryvars", "repositoryid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_repositorytextpattern", "repositoryid", id); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_" + Type, "id", id); } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) { DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_applicationaccess", "appid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_applicationcomponent", "appid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_applicationvars", "appid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_approval", "appid", id); //DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_appsallowedinenv","appid",id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_appsinenv", "appid", id); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_" + Type, "id", id); } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("datasource")) { DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_datasourceaccess", "datasourceid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_datasourceprops", "datasourceid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_datasourcevars", "datasourceid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_field", "datasourceid", id); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_" + Type, "id", id); } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("server")) { DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_servervars", "serverid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_serveraccess", "serverid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_servercomptype", "serverid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_serversinenv", "serverid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_serverstatus", "serverid", id); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_" + Type, "id", id); } else if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("notify")) { DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_notifyaccess", "notifyid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_notifyprops", "notifyid", id); DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_template", "notifierid", id); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_" + Type, "id", id); } else { // All other object types System.out.println("remove default"); res = DeleteFromTable("dm.dm_" + Type, "id", id); } } getDBConnection().commit(); if (fromAPI) { out.print("{\"success\" : true}"); } else { out.print("{\"error\" : \"\", \"success\" : true, \"remcat\": \"" + remcat + "\"}"); } return; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return; } private String MoveObjectByTable(String table, int id, int TargetDomain) { try { System.out.println("MoveObjectByTable table=" + table + " id=" + id + " TargetDomain=" + TargetDomain); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm." + table + " SET domainid=? WHERE id=?"); stmt.setInt(1, TargetDomain); stmt.setInt(2, id); stmt.execute(); String res = (stmt.getUpdateCount() < 1) ? "Failed to update " + table + " domain" : ""; stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return res; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return ""; // success } private String MoveTemplate(int id, int TargetNotifier) { try { System.out.println("MoveTemplate id=" + id + " TargetNotifier=" + TargetNotifier); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_template SET notifierid=? WHERE id=?"); stmt.setInt(1, TargetNotifier); stmt.setInt(2, id); stmt.execute(); String res = (stmt.getUpdateCount() < 1) ? "Failed to update notification template" : ""; stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return res; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return ""; // success } private String MoveServerToNewEnvironment(int SourceEnvironment, int id, int TargetEnvironment) { try { System.out.println("MoveServerToNewEnvironment origenv=" + SourceEnvironment + " id=" + id + " TargetEnvironment=" + TargetEnvironment); // // Check if the server is already associated with the target environment. If so, reject the move // String res = ""; PreparedStatement ck = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_serversinenv WHERE serverid=? AND envid=?"); ck.setInt(1, id); ck.setInt(2, TargetEnvironment); ResultSet rs = ck.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) res = "Server is already associated with target environment"; } rs.close(); ck.close(); if (res.length() == 0) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_serversinenv SET envid=? WHERE serverid=? AND envid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, TargetEnvironment); stmt.setInt(2, id); stmt.setInt(3, SourceEnvironment); stmt.execute(); res = (stmt.getUpdateCount() < 1) ? "Failed to update dm_serversinenv domain" : ""; stmt.close(); if (res.length() == 0) { PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_environment SET modified=?,modifierid=? WHERE id IN (?,?)"); stmt2.setLong(1, timeNow()); stmt2.setInt(2, getUserID()); stmt2.setInt(3, TargetEnvironment); stmt2.setInt(4, SourceEnvironment); stmt2.execute(); // Now record the removal and addition for each Environment Environment tgtenv = getEnvironment(TargetEnvironment, false); Environment srcenv = getEnvironment(SourceEnvironment, false); Server server = getServer(id, false); String linkval = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"se" + server.getId() + "\");'><b>" + server.getName() + "</b></a>"; String linkval2 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"en" + srcenv.getId() + "\");'><b>" + srcenv.getName() + "</b></a>"; String linkval3 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"en" + tgtenv.getId() + "\");'><b>" + tgtenv.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(tgtenv, "Server " + linkval + " Added to Environment", id); RecordObjectUpdate(srcenv, "Server " + linkval + " Removed from Environment", id); RecordObjectUpdate(server, "Moved from Environment " + linkval2 + " to Environment " + linkval3, TargetEnvironment); } getDBConnection().commit(); } return res; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return ""; // success } private String MoveUser(int id, int TargetDomain) { User user = getUser(id); Domain domain = getDomain(TargetDomain); RecordObjectUpdate(user, "Moved from domain " + user.getDomain().getName() + " to domain " + domain.getName()); return MoveObjectByTable("dm_user", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveGroup(int id, int TargetDomain) { UserGroup group = getGroup(id); Domain domain = getDomain(TargetDomain); RecordObjectUpdate(group, "Moved from domain " + group.getDomain().getName() + " to domain " + domain.getName()); return MoveObjectByTable("dm_usergroup", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveDomain(int id, int TargetDomain) { return MoveObjectByTable("dm_domain", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveAction(int id, int TargetDomain) { Action action = getAction(id, false); Domain domain = getDomain(TargetDomain); RecordObjectUpdate(action, "Moved from domain " + action.getDomain().getName() + " to domain " + domain.getName()); return MoveObjectByTable("dm_action", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveComponent(int id, int TargetDomain) { String errtext = VerifyCompTargetDomain(id, TargetDomain); if (errtext != null && errtext != "") return "Cannot move Component: " + errtext + " is not availble in target domain"; try { System.out.println("MoveComponent id=" + id + " TargetDomain=" + TargetDomain); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET domainid=? WHERE id=? OR parentid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, TargetDomain); stmt.setInt(2, id); stmt.setInt(3, id); stmt.execute(); String res = (stmt.getUpdateCount() < 1) ? "Failed to update component domain" : ""; stmt.close(); if (res == "") { Component comp = getComponent(id, false); Domain domain = getDomain(TargetDomain); RecordObjectUpdate(comp, "Moved from domain " + comp.getDomain().getName() + " to domain " + domain.getName()); } getDBConnection().commit(); return res; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return ""; // success } private String MoveEnvironment(int id, int TargetDomain) { Environment env = getEnvironment(id, false); Domain domain = getDomain(TargetDomain); RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Moved from domain " + env.getDomain().getName() + " to domain " + domain.getName()); return MoveObjectByTable("dm_environment", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveServer(int id, int TargetDomain) { Server server = getServer(id, false); Domain domain = getDomain(TargetDomain); RecordObjectUpdate(server, "Moved from domain " + server.getDomain().getName() + " to domain " + domain.getName()); return MoveObjectByTable("dm_server", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveNotify(int id, int TargetDomain) { return MoveObjectByTable("dm_notify", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveRepository(int id, int TargetDomain) { return MoveObjectByTable("dm_repository", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveDatasource(int id, int TargetDomain) { return MoveObjectByTable("dm_datasource", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveCredentials(int id, int TargetDomain) { return MoveObjectByTable("dm_credentials", id, TargetDomain); } private String MoveCompType(int id, int TargetDomain) { return MoveObjectByTable("dm_type", id, TargetDomain); } public String MoveObject(String ObjectType, int parentid, int id, String TargetObject, int targetid) { if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("lifecycle")) ObjectType = "domain"; if (TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("lifecycle")) TargetObject = "domain"; if (TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) { // Check we have update permission to the target domain Domain domain = getDomain(targetid); if (!domain.isUpdatable()) return "Cannot Move " + ObjectType + ": Permission Denied"; } System.out.println("MoveObject ObjectType=" + ObjectType + " id=" + id + " TargetObject=" + TargetObject + " targetid=" + targetid + " parentid=" + parentid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("user") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveUser(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("domain") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveDomain(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("action") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveAction(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("procedure") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveAction(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("function") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveAction(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("component") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveComponent(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("environment") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveEnvironment(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("usergroup") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveGroup(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("server") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveServer(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("server") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("environment")) return MoveServerToNewEnvironment(parentid, id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("notify") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveNotify(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("template") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("notify")) return MoveTemplate(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("repository") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveRepository(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("datasource") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveDatasource(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("credentials") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveCredentials(id, targetid); if (ObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("servercomptype") && TargetObject.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) return MoveCompType(id, targetid); return "Not yet implemented"; } public int RenameObject(String Type, int id, String NewName) { if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("template")) { // // Renaming a template - these don't have domains but are children of notify objects (which do). // So the name should be unique within a notify object // int Exists = 0; try { PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT notifierid FROM dm.dm_template where id=?"); st1.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); if ( { // notifier found PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT id,name FROM dm.dm_template where name=? AND id<>? AND notifierid=?"); st.setString(1, NewName); st.setInt(2, id); st.setInt(3, rs1.getInt(1)); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { Exists = 1; } rs.close(); st.close(); if (Exists == 0) { // // template name doesn't exist in the same notifier - rename it // PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_template SET name=? WHERE id=?"); st2.setString(1, NewName); st2.setInt(2, id); st2.execute(); st2.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } } rs1.close(); st1.close(); return Exists; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } else { // // First check that the new name doesn't clash with one already in this domain // int Exists = 0; try { System.out.println("RenameObject Type=" + Type + " NewName=" + NewName); if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("lifecycle")) Type = "domain"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("appversion")) Type = "application"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("release")) Type = "application"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("procedure")) Type = "action"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("function")) Type = "action"; PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT domainid FROM dm.dm_" + Type + " where id=?"); st1.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); if ( { // id is valid and we have its domain PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT id,name FROM dm.dm_" + Type + " where name=? AND id<>? AND domainid=?"); st.setString(1, NewName); st.setInt(2, id); st.setInt(3, rs1.getInt(1)); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { Exists = 1; } rs.close(); st.close(); if (Exists == 0) { // // doesn't exist in one of our domains - rename it // PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_" + Type + " SET name=? WHERE id=?"); st2.setString(1, NewName); st2.setInt(2, id); st2.execute(); st2.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } } rs1.close(); st1.close(); return Exists; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } return 0; // success } public boolean CheckIfObjectExists(String Type, int id, String NewName) { // // First check that the new name doesn't clash with one already in this domain // boolean Exists = false; try { System.out.println("CheckIfObjectExists Type=" + Type + " NewName=" + NewName); if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("lifecycle")) Type = "domain"; PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT domainid FROM dm.dm_" + Type + " where id=?"); st1.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); if ( { // id is valid and we have its domain PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id,name FROM dm.dm_" + Type + " where name=? AND id<>? AND domainid=? AND status<>'D'"); st.setString(1, NewName); st.setInt(2, id); st.setInt(3, rs1.getInt(1)); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { Exists = true; } rs.close(); st.close(); } rs1.close(); st1.close(); return Exists; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; // success } public String GetUserDateFormat() { return (m_datefmt == null) ? m_defaultdatefmt : m_datefmt; } public String GetUserTimeFormat() { return (m_timefmt == null) ? m_defaulttimefmt : m_timefmt; } public User getUser(int userid) { // Specific user if (m_userhash != null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - m_userhashCreationTime) > 2000) { // User hash is over 2 seconds old. Delete it. We only need this for caching of // user when we're making the same call to getUser in rapid succession. m_userhash.clear(); m_userhash = null; } if (m_userhash == null) { m_userhash = new Hashtable<Integer, User>(); m_userhashCreationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } User cached = m_userhash.get(userid); if (cached != null) { return cached; // already found this domain previously } String sql = "SELECT, u.domainid,, u.realname, " + ", u.locked, u.forcechange, u.lastlogin, u.status, " + " u.datefmt, u.timefmt, u.datasourceid, " + ",, uc.realname, u.created, " + ",, um.realname, u.modified " //+ " ,,, uo.realname,, " + "FROM dm.dm_user u " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON u.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON u.modifierid = " // modifier //+ "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON u.ownerid = " // owner user //+ "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON u.ogrpid = " // owner group + "WHERE"; try { if (userid < 0) { User ret = new User(this, -1, "", ""); ret.setEmail(""); ret.setPhone(""); ret.setAccountLocked(false); ret.setForceChangePass(false); return ret; } PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, userid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); User ret = null; if ( { int domainid = rs.getInt(2); // if(ValidDomain(domainid)) { ret = new User(this, userid, rs.getString(1), rs.getString(4)); ret.setDomainId(domainid); ret.setEmail(rs.getString(3)); ret.setPhone(rs.getString(5)); ret.setAccountLocked(getBoolean(rs, 6, false)); ret.setForceChangePass(getBoolean(rs, 7, false)); java.sql.Timestamp lastLogin = rs.getTimestamp(8); if (lastLogin != null) { ret.setLastLogin((int) (lastLogin.getTime() / 1000)); } getStatus(rs, 9, ret); ret.setDateFmt(rs.getString(10)); ret.setTimeFmt(rs.getString(11)); int dsid = getInteger(rs, 12, 0); if (dsid > 0) { Datasource ds = this.getDatasource(dsid, true); ret.setDatasource(ds); } // ret.setDomain(getDomainName(domainid)); getCreatorModifier(rs, 13, ret); // } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); m_conn.commit(); m_userhash.put(userid, ret); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve user from database"); } public boolean updateUser(User user, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_user "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case USER_REALNAME: update.add(", realname = ?", changes.get(field)); break; case USER_EMAIL: update.add(", email = ?", changes.get(field)); break; case USER_PHONE: update.add(", phone = ?", changes.get(field)); break; case USER_PASSWORD: { String hash = encryptPassword((String) changes.get(field)); update.add(", passhash = ?", hash); } break; case USER_LOCKED: update.add(", locked = ?", changes.getBoolean(field)); break; case USER_CHNG_PASS: update.add(", forcechange = ?", changes.getBoolean(field)); break; case USER_DATE_FMT: update.add(", datefmt = ?", changes.get(field)); m_datefmt = (String) changes.get(field); System.out.println("m_datefmt now " + m_datefmt); break; case USER_TIME_FMT: update.add(", timefmt = ?", changes.get(field)); m_timefmt = (String) changes.get(field); break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(user, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", user.getId()); try { update.execute(); RecordObjectUpdate(user, changes); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); m_userhash.remove(user.getId()); // in case it's cached. return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } private UserGroupList getAssociatedGroups(int uid, boolean withuser) { UserGroupList ret = new UserGroupList(); String sql; if (withuser) { sql = "select,,,a.domainid from dm.dm_usergroup a,dm.dm_usersingroup b where b.userid=? and and a.status='N' order by"; } else { if (m_OverrideAccessControl) { sql = "select,,,a.domainid from dm.dm_usergroup a where a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and not in (select b.groupid from dm.dm_usersingroup b where b.userid=?) and a.status='N' order by"; } else { // "normal" user - should only display groups to which we have access sql = "select,,,a.domainid from dm.dm_usergroup a " + "where a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") " + "and not in (select b.groupid from dm.dm_usersingroup b where b.userid=?) " + "and in (select c.groupid from dm.dm_usersingroup c where c.userid=" + getUserID() + ") " + "and a.status='N'" + "order by"; } } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, uid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { // System.out.println("got usergroup="+rs.getString(2)); int gid = rs.getInt(1); if (gid != UserGroup.EVERYONE_ID) { UserGroup group = new UserGroup(this, gid, rs.getString(2)); group.setEmail(rs.getString(4)); ret.add(group); } } rs.close(); System.out.println("returning ret size=" + ret.size()); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve groups for user from database"); } public UserGroupList getGroupsForUser(int uid) { return getAssociatedGroups(uid, true); } public UserGroupList getGroupsNotForUser(int uid) { return getAssociatedGroups(uid, false); } // This is only used for access control checking - so we add automatic membership of the EVERYONE group here public UserGroupList getGroupsForCurrentUser() { UserGroupList ret = getAssociatedGroups(getUserID(), true); if (ret == null) { ret = new UserGroupList(); } ret.add(UserGroup.EVERYONE); return ret; } public UserGroupList getGroupsForTask(int tid, boolean withtask) { UserGroupList ret = new UserGroupList(); String sql; if (withtask) { sql = "select,,,a.domainid from dm.dm_usergroup a,dm.dm_taskaccess b where b.taskid=? and"; } else { sql = "select,,,a.domainid from dm.dm_usergroup a where a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and not in (select b.usrgrpid from dm.dm_taskaccess b where b.taskid=?)"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { // System.out.println("got group="+rs.getString(2)); UserGroup group = new UserGroup(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); group.setEmail(rs.getString(4)); ret.add(group); } rs.close(); System.out.println("returning ret size=" + ret.size()); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve groups for task from database"); } public void AddGroupToTask(int taskid, int groupid) { String csql = "select count(*) from dm.dm_taskaccess where taskid=? and usrgrpid=?"; String sql = "insert into dm.dm_taskaccess(taskid,usrgrpid) values(?,?)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); stmt.setInt(1, taskid); stmt.setInt(2, groupid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs.getInt(1) == 0) { PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt2.setInt(1, taskid); stmt2.setInt(2, groupid); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); } } stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to update groups for task in database"); } public void RemoveGroupFromTask(int taskid, int groupid) { String sql = "delete from dm.dm_taskaccess where taskid=? and usrgrpid=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, taskid); stmt.setInt(2, groupid); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to remove groups for task in database"); } public UserGroup getGroup(int groupid) { String sql = "SELECT, g.domainid,, g.summary, g.status, " + " g.acloverride, g.tabendpoints, g.tabapplications, g.tabactions, g.tabproviders, g.tabusers," + ",, uc.realname, g.created, " + ",, um.realname, g.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,, " + "FROM dm.dm_usergroup g " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON g.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON g.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON g.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup go ON g.ogrpid = " // owner group + "WHERE"; try { if (groupid < 0) { UserGroup ret = new UserGroup(this, -1, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setEmail(""); ret.setSummary(""); return ret; } UserGroup ret = null; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, groupid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int domainid = rs.getInt(2); // PAG mod - checking ValidDomain causes issues when selecting groups that are defined // against higher level domains then our "home" domain. Just comment out for now. We // may need to have this call optional // if (ValidDomain(domainid)) // { ret = new UserGroup(this, groupid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setDomainId(domainid); ret.setEmail(rs.getString(3)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(4)); getStatus(rs, 5, ret); ret.setAclOverride(getBoolean(rs, 6, false)); ret.setTabEnd(getBoolean(rs, 7, false)); ret.setTabApp(getBoolean(rs, 8, false)); ret.setTabAction(getBoolean(rs, 9, false)); ret.setTabProv(getBoolean(rs, 10, false)); ret.setTabUser(getBoolean(rs, 11, false)); getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 12, ret); // } } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve user from database"); } public boolean updateGroup(UserGroup group, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_usergroup "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case GROUP_EMAIL: update.add(", email = ?", changes.get(field)); break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(group, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", group.getId()); try { update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public List<UserGroup> getGroups(Integer userid) { String sql = "select id,name,domainid,email from dm.dm_usergroup where status<> 'D' domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ")"; if (userid > 0) { sql = sql + " and id in (select groupid from dm.dm_usersingroup where userid=" + userid + ")"; } try { UserGroupList ret = new UserGroupList(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { int domainid = rs.getInt(3); if (ValidDomain(domainid)) { UserGroup group = new UserGroup(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); group.setEmail(rs.getString(4)); // group.setDomain(getDomainName(domainid)); ret.add(group); } } rs.close(); ret.sort(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve usergroup from database"); } public List<UserGroup> getGroups() { return getGroups(0); } private void getGroupsInDomain(List<UserGroup> ret, int domainid) { try { System.out.println("getGroupsInDomain(" + domainid + ")"); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select id,name,email from dm.dm_usergroup where domainid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, domainid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { System.out.println("adding usergroup " + rs.getString(2)); UserGroup group = new UserGroup(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); group.setEmail(rs.getString(3)); ret.add(group); } rs.close(); // // Now recurse upwards to grab the usergroups in the parent domains // Domain domain = getDomain(domainid); if (domain != null && domain.getDomainId() > 0) { getGroupsInDomain(ret, domain.getDomainId()); } return; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve usergroup from database"); } public List<UserGroup> getGroupsForDomain(int domainid) { // Returns a list of user groups associated with this domain and all the parent domains List<UserGroup> ret = new ArrayList<UserGroup>(); getGroupsInDomain(ret, domainid); return ret; } private UserList getAssociatedUsers(int gid, boolean ingroup) { UserList ret = new UserList(); String sql; if (gid == 1) { if (ingroup) { // Everyone - just list all users in our domain list sql = "select,,a.realname,,a.domainid from dm.dm_user a where a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") order by"; } else { sql = null; // No one is NOT in the "Everyone" group } } else { if (ingroup) { sql = "select,,a.realname,,a.domainid from dm.dm_user a,dm.dm_usersingroup b where b.groupid=? and order by"; } else { sql = "select,,a.realname,,a.domainid from dm.dm_user a where a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and not in (select b.userid from dm.dm_usersingroup b where b.groupid=?) order by"; } } System.out.println("sql=" + sql); System.out.println("gid=" + gid); try { if (sql != null) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); if (gid != 1) stmt.setInt(1, gid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { User user = new User(); user.setEmail(rs.getString(4)); user.setId(rs.getInt(1)); user.setName(rs.getString(2)); ; user.setRealName(rs.getString(3)); ret.add(user); } rs.close(); } System.out.println("returning ret size=" + ret.size()); ret.sort(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve users in group from database"); } public UserList getUsersInGroup(int gid) { return getAssociatedUsers(gid, true); } public UserList getUsersNotInGroup(int gid) { return getAssociatedUsers(gid, false); } public int AddUserToGroup(int gid, int uid) { System.out.println("AddUserToGroup, gid=" + gid + " uid=" + uid); String sql = "insert into dm.dm_usersingroup(userid,groupid) values(?,?)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, uid); stmt.setInt(2, gid); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); UserGroup grp = getGroup(gid); User user = getUser(uid); RecordObjectUpdate(grp, "Added user " + user.getName() + " to Group"); RecordObjectUpdate(user, "Added to Group " + grp.getName()); getDBConnection().commit(); return 0; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to add user to group in database"); } public int RemoveUserFromGroup(int gid, int uid) { System.out.println("RemoveUserFromGroup, gid=" + gid + " uid" + uid); String sql = "delete from dm.dm_usersingroup where userid=? and groupid=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, uid); stmt.setInt(2, gid); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); UserGroup grp = getGroup(gid); User user = getUser(uid); RecordObjectUpdate(grp, "Removed user " + user.getName() + " from Group"); RecordObjectUpdate(user, "Removed from Group " + grp.getName()); getDBConnection().commit(); return 0; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to remove user from group in database"); } public String getBuildLog(int jobid, int buildid) { String sql1 = "select a.value,a.encrypted, " + "from dm.dm_buildengineprops a, " + " dm.dm_buildjob b " + "where a.builderid=b.builderid " + "and"; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, jobid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { String serverurl = rs1.getString(1); String encrypted = rs1.getString(2); int buildjobid = rs1.getInt(3); if (encrypted != null && encrypted.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { serverurl = new String(Decrypt3DES(serverurl, m_passphrase)); } BuildJob buildjob = getBuildJob(buildjobid); Builder engine = getBuilder(buildjob.getBuilderId()); Credential cred = engine.getCredential(); // http://localhost:8081/job/IT%20Guys/142/consoleText String project = buildjob.getProjectName().replaceAll(" ", "%20"); if (project.contains("/")) project = project.replace("/", "/job/"); String res = getJSONFromServer(serverurl + "/job/" + project + "/" + buildid + "/consoleText", cred); System.out.println("got console output:"); System.out.println(res); return res; } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public int getBuildTime(int jobid, int buildid) { BuildJob buildjob = getBuildJob(jobid); Builder builder = getBuilder(buildjob.getBuilderId()); Credential cred = builder.getCredential(); String server = getBuildServerURL(buildjob.getBuilderId()); String project = buildjob.getProjectName().replaceAll(" ", "%20"); if (project.contains("/")) project = project.replace("/", "/job/"); String url = server + "/job/" + project + "/" + buildid + "/api/json"; System.out.println("getBuildTime, url=" + url); String res = getJSONFromServer(url, cred); int timestamp = 0; try { JsonObject buildObject = new JsonParser().parse(res).getAsJsonObject(); timestamp = (int) (buildObject.get("timestamp").getAsLong() / 1000); System.out.println("result is " + timestamp); } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) { System.out.println("JSON syntax exception:"); System.out.println(res); } return timestamp; } public JSONObject getBuildDetails(int jobid, int buildid) { JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); BuildJob buildjob = getBuildJob(jobid); ret.add("buildjob", buildjob.getLinkJSON()); Builder builder = getBuilder(buildjob.getBuilderId()); ret.add("builder", builder.getLinkJSON()); ret.add("commit", buildjob.getBuildCommitID(buildid)); ret.add("timestamp", formatDateToUserLocale(buildjob.getBuildTime(buildid))); ret.add("duration", buildjob.getBuildDuration(buildid)); return ret; } private String getBuildServerURL(int builderid) { String sql1 = "select value,encrypted from dm.dm_buildengineprops where name='Server URL' and builderid = ?"; String server = null; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, builderid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { server = rs1.getString(1); String encrypted = getString(rs1, 2, "N"); if (encrypted.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { server = new String(Decrypt3DES(server, m_passphrase)); } } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { } return server; } public int getBuildDuration(int jobid, int buildid) { BuildJob buildjob = getBuildJob(jobid); Builder builder = getBuilder(buildjob.getBuilderId()); Credential cred = builder.getCredential(); String server = getBuildServerURL(buildjob.getBuilderId()); String project = buildjob.getProjectName().replaceAll(" ", "%20"); if (project.contains("/")) project = project.replace("/", "/job/"); String url = server + "/job/" + project + "/" + buildid + "/api/json"; System.out.println("getBuildDuration, url=" + url); String res = getJSONFromServer(url, cred); int duration = 0; try { JsonObject buildObject = new JsonParser().parse(res).getAsJsonObject(); duration = buildObject.get("duration").getAsInt(); System.out.println("result is " + duration); } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) { System.out.println("JSON syntax exception:"); System.out.println(res); } return duration; } public String getBuildCommitID(int jobid, int buildid) { String ret = ""; String sql = "SELECT commit FROM dm.dm_buildhistory WHERE buildjobid=? AND buildnumber=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, jobid); stmt.setInt(2, buildid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { // Should only be one row ret = rs.getString(1); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println( "Failed to get commit id from build(" + jobid + "," + buildid + ") - " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } public JSONArray getBuildFiles(int jobid, int buildid) { System.out.println("getBuildFiles(" + jobid + "," + buildid + ")"); JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); String sql = "select filename from dm.dm_buildfiles where buildnumber=? and buildjobid=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt1.setInt(1, buildid); stmt1.setInt(2, jobid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.add(rs1.getString(1)); } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { } return null; } public ArrayList<String> getBuildFilesList(int jobid, int buildid) { System.out.println("getBuildFiles(" + jobid + "," + buildid + ")"); ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); String sql = "select filename from dm.dm_buildfiles where buildnumber=? and buildjobid=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt1.setInt(1, buildid); stmt1.setInt(2, jobid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.add(rs1.getString(1)); } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { } return ret; } public JSONArray getBuildTargets(int jobid, int buildid) { System.out.println("getBuildTargetsForJob(" + jobid + "," + buildid + ")"); JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); String sql1 = "select,,a.parentid,b.deploymentid,,,coalesce(d.started,0) " + "from dm.dm_component a " + "left outer join dm.dm_compsonserv b on b.buildnumber=? and " + "left outer join dm.dm_server c on " + "left outer join dm.dm_deployment d on d.deploymentid=b.deploymentid " + "where a.buildjobid=? and b.deploymentid is not null order by 7 desc"; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, buildid); stmt1.setInt(2, jobid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { JSONObject rowobj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject compobj = new JSONObject(); compobj.add("id", rs1.getInt(1)); compobj.add("name", rs1.getString(2)); compobj.add("type", getInteger(rs1, 3, 0) > 0 ? "cv" : "co"); JSONObject servobj = new JSONObject(); servobj.add("id", rs1.getInt(5)); servobj.add("name", rs1.getString(6)); rowobj.add("component", compobj); rowobj.add("server", servobj); rowobj.add("deploymentid", rs1.getInt(4)); int dt = getInteger(rs1, 7, 0); if (dt > 0) { rowobj.add("dt", formatDateToUserLocale(dt)); } else { rowobj.add("dt", ""); } ret.add(rowobj); } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { } return null; } public JSONArray recordJenkinsBuild(String encodedurl) throws Exception { JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); System.out.println("recordJenkinsBuild encodedurl=[" + encodedurl + "]"); try { String buildurl =, "UTF-8"); System.out.println("buildurl=[" + buildurl + "]"); int jns = buildurl.lastIndexOf("/job/") + 5; // Job Name Start String jobname = buildurl.substring(jns, buildurl.indexOf("/", jns)); if (buildurl.indexOf("/job/") != buildurl.lastIndexOf("/job/")) { String work = buildurl.substring(buildurl.indexOf("/job/") + 5); work = work.substring(0, work.lastIndexOf("/")); work = work.substring(0, work.lastIndexOf("/")); work = work.replaceAll("/job/", "/"); jobname = work; } System.out.println("jobname=[" + jobname + "]"); int bns = buildurl.lastIndexOf('/', buildurl.length() - 2); int buildno = Integer.parseInt(buildurl.substring(bns + 1, buildurl.length() - 1)); System.out.println("build number=" + buildno); int sp = (buildurl.startsWith("http://")) ? 7 : 8; String server = buildurl.substring(0, buildurl.indexOf('/', sp)); System.out.println("Jenkins Server=[" + server + "]"); // // Note, this just updates the builds for the latest version of any component // with the specified build job. The Jenkins plug-in may need to pass Branch // along to make sure this works with the latest version of a component on the // Branch. Worry about this later // System.out.println("Looking for Build Engine with Server URL or Jenkins Match URL of [" + server + "]"); String sql1 = "select,,b.value,b.encrypted,,, " + "from dm.dm_buildjob a, " + " dm.dm_buildengineprops b, " + " dm.dm_component c, " + " dm.dm_buildengine d " + "where a.projectname=? " + "and a.builderid=b.builderid " + "and'Server URL' " + "and c.buildjobid = " + "and = a.builderid " + "and c.status='N' " + "and not exists (select from dm.dm_component x where x.predecessorid = and x.status='N') " + "and d.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ")"; String sql2 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_buildhistory(buildjobid,buildnumber,compid,userid,timestamp,success) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String sql3 = "UPDATE dm.dm_component SET lastbuildnumber=? WHERE id=?"; String sql4 = "SELECT value,encrypted FROM dm.dm_buildengineprops WHERE name='Jenkins Match URL' AND builderid=?"; PreparedStatement stmt1 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setString(1, jobname); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { int buildjobid = rs1.getInt(1); // String buildjobname = rs1.getString(2); String serverurl = rs1.getString(3); String encrypted = rs1.getString(4); int compid = rs1.getInt(5); // String compname = rs1.getString(6); int buildengineid = rs1.getInt(7); boolean match = false; if (encrypted != null && encrypted.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // This server URL is encrypted byte[] sun = Decrypt3DES(serverurl, m_passphrase); serverurl = new String(Decrypt3DES(serverurl, m_passphrase)); String comparevalue = new String(sun).replaceAll("/*$", ""); // remove any trailing / chars; System.out.println("Comparing [" + server + "] with [" + comparevalue + "] (was encrypted)"); match = comparevalue.equalsIgnoreCase(server); } else { // Server URL is not encrypted - straight forward compare String comparevalue = serverurl.replaceAll("/*$", ""); System.out.println("Comparing [" + server + "] with [" + comparevalue + "]"); match = comparevalue.equalsIgnoreCase(server); } System.out.println("\"Server URL\" match=" + match); if (!match) { // No match yet - check if there's a Jenkins Match URL to compare instead PreparedStatement stmt4 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql4); stmt4.setInt(1, buildengineid); ResultSet rs4 = stmt4.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println("Jenkins Match URL seen"); String matchURL = rs4.getString(1); String enc = rs4.getString(2); if (enc != null && enc.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // This matchURL address is encrypted System.out.println("matchURL is encrypted"); matchURL = new String(Decrypt3DES(matchURL, m_passphrase)); } matchURL = matchURL.replaceAll("/*$", ""); // get rid of any trailing / chars System.out.println("Comparing [" + server + "] with [" + matchURL + "]"); match = matchURL.equalsIgnoreCase(server); if (match) { // Replace the server part in the encoded URL with our Server URL for // the subsequent ping back to Jenkins. Format of encodedurl is: // http[s]://server:port/blah/job/<project>/<buildno> // Format of matchURL will be // http[s]://server:port/blah int soj = encodedurl.indexOf("/job/"); encodedurl = serverurl.replaceAll("/*$", "") + encodedurl.substring(soj); System.out.println("encodedurl now [" + encodedurl + "] (for callback)"); } } rs4.close(); stmt4.close(); System.out.println("\"Jenkins Match URL\" match=" + match); } if (match) { // Found a matching build job for this server URL // Ping Jenkins back and see if this build was successful or not. Builder builder = getBuilder(buildengineid); Credential cred = builder.getCredential(); String res = getJSONFromServer(encodedurl + "/api/json", cred); System.out.println("Found a match - build job " + buildjobid + " component " + compid); System.out.println("result from Jenkins is " + res); JsonObject issueObject = new JsonParser().parse(res).getAsJsonObject(); String result = issueObject.get("result").getAsString(); System.out.println("result is " + result); boolean success = result.equalsIgnoreCase("success"); PreparedStatement stmt2 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, buildjobid); stmt2.setInt(2, buildno); stmt2.setInt(3, compid); stmt2.setInt(4, m_userID); stmt2.setLong(5, timeNow()); stmt2.setString(6, success ? "Y" : "N"); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); if (success) { // Update "lastbuildnumber" for component PreparedStatement stmt3 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql3); stmt3.setInt(1, buildno); stmt3.setInt(2, compid); stmt3.execute(); stmt3.close(); } // // Return a list of Components associated with this build job // JSONObject tbobj = new JSONObject(); Component comp = getComponent(compid, true); BuildJob buildjob = getBuildJob(buildjobid); tbobj.add("component", comp.getLinkJSON()); tbobj.add("buildengine", builder.getLinkJSON()); tbobj.add("buildjob", buildjob.getLinkJSON()); ret.add(tbobj); } else { System.out.println("no match"); } } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); System.out.println("end of sql1 loop"); m_conn.commit(); return ret; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block throw new Exception("Unsupported Encoding Exception: URL=" + encodedurl); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new Exception("Invalid Build number"); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public void AddBuildToComponent(Component comp, int buildno, String[] files, String commit, boolean success) { String sql1 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_buildhistory WHERE compid=? AND buildnumber=?"; String sql2 = "UPDATE dm.dm_buildhistory SET buildjobid=?, commit=?, userid=?, timestamp=?, success=? WHERE compid=? AND buildnumber=?"; String sql3 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_buildhistory(buildjobid,buildnumber,commit,compid,userid,timestamp,success) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String sql4 = "UPDATE dm.dm_component SET lastbuildnumber=? WHERE id=?"; String sql5 = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_buildfiles WHERE buildjobid=? AND buildnumber=?"; String sql7 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_buildfiles(buildjobid,buildnumber,filename) VALUES(?,?,?)"; BuildJob buildjob = comp.getBuildJob(); if (buildjob == null) return; // Already checked for this in the API code - belt and braces try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, comp.getId()); stmt1.setInt(2, buildno); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs1.getInt(1) == 0) { // First time for this build number against this component PreparedStatement stmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt3.setInt(1, buildjob.getId()); stmt3.setInt(2, buildno); if (commit == null) { stmt3.setNull(3, Types.CHAR); } else { stmt3.setString(3, commit); } stmt3.setInt(4, comp.getId()); stmt3.setInt(5, getUserID()); stmt3.setLong(6, timeNow()); stmt3.setString(7, success ? "Y" : "N"); stmt3.execute(); stmt3.close(); } else { // This build number has already been associated with this component PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, buildjob.getId()); stmt2.setString(2, commit); stmt2.setInt(3, getUserID()); stmt2.setLong(4, timeNow()); stmt2.setString(5, success ? "Y" : "N"); stmt2.setInt(6, comp.getId()); stmt2.setInt(7, buildno); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); } // Add the defects and files for this build PreparedStatement stmt5 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql5); PreparedStatement stmt7 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql7); stmt5.setInt(1, buildjob.getId()); stmt5.setInt(2, buildno); stmt5.execute(); stmt7.setInt(1, buildjob.getId()); stmt7.setInt(2, buildno); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { stmt7.setString(3, files[i]); stmt7.execute(); } if (success) { System.out.println("Updating lastbuildnumber to " + buildno + " for component " + comp.getId()); PreparedStatement stmt4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql4); stmt4.setInt(1, buildno); stmt4.setInt(2, comp.getId()); stmt4.execute(); stmt4.close(); } getDBConnection().commit(); } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public boolean domainHasObjects(int domainid) { System.out.println("in domainHasObjects(" + domainid + ")"); // Returns true if domain has objects has associated with it, false otherwise boolean res = false; String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_environment WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_domain WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_user WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_credentials WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_application WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D' and graphical = 'Y'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D' and function = 'Y'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D' and function <> 'Y' and graphical <> 'Y'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_usergroup WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_datasource WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_repository WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'" }; String msg[] = { "Environments", "Domains", "Users", "Credentials", "Applications", "Actions", "Functions", "Procedures", "User Groups", "Data Sources", "Repositories" }; try { AssociatedMsg = "The following are associated to the Domain:,"; for (int i = 0; i < sql.length; i++) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql[i]); stmt.setInt(1, domainid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println(sql[i] + " = " + rs.getInt(1)); if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) { res = true; AssociatedMsg += rs.getInt(1) + " " + msg[i] + ","; } rs.close(); } else { res = true; // failsafe (if we get here, no rows were retrieved) } stmt.close(); } return res; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve domain objects for domain " + domainid); } public boolean objHasChildren(TreeObject node, String typestr) { int id = node.getId(); int i = 0; if (id == 9) id = 9; // Returns true if object has children, false otherwise boolean res = false; String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_serversinenv a, dm.dm_server b WHERE envid=? and b.status <> 'D' and a.serverid =", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_domain WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_application a WHERE a.parentid=? and a.status <> 'D' AND a.domainid=(select b.domainid from dm.dm_application b where", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_component WHERE parentid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE parentid=? AND status = 'A'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_buildjob WHERE builderid=? AND status = 'N'" }; String sql2[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_environment WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_user WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_credentials WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_application WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D' and isRelease <> 'Y'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D' and graphical = 'Y'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_usergroup WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_datasource WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_server WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_notify WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_component WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_credentials WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_repository WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_application WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D' and isRelease = 'Y'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D' and graphical <> 'Y'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_type WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_buildengine WHERE domainid=? and status <> 'D'" }; System.out.println("objhaschildren, ObjectType=" + node.GetObjectType() + " id=" + id); if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT) i = 0; else if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.DOMAIN) i = 1; else if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.APPLICATION || node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.RELEASE) i = 2; else if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.COMPONENT) i = 3; else if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.ACTION) i = 4; else if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.FUNCTION) i = 4; else if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.PROCEDURE) i = 4; else if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.BUILDER) i = 5; else if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.FRAGMENT) return false; else return true; try { System.out.println("sql[" + i + "]=" + sql[i]); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql[i]); stmt.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println("count = " + rs.getInt(1)); if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) res = true; rs.close(); } stmt.close(); System.out.println("res=" + res); if (node.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.DOMAIN && res == false) { System.out.println("TYPE=" + typestr); if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("environments")) i = 0; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("users")) i = 1; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("credentials")) i = 2; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("applications")) i = 3; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("actions")) i = 4; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("groups")) i = 5; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("datasources")) i = 6; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("servers")) i = 7; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("notifiers")) i = 8; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) i = 9; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("components")) i = 10; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("credentials")) i = 11; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("repositories")) i = 12; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("releases")) i = 13; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("functions")) i = 14; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("procedures")) i = 14; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("types")) i = 15; else if (typestr.equalsIgnoreCase("builders")) i = 16; else return res; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2[i]); stmt.setInt(1, id); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) res = true; rs.close(); } stmt.close(); } return res; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return res; } public boolean domainReferencesAnyObject(int domainid) { System.out.println("in domainHasObjects(" + domainid + ")"); // Returns true if domain has objects has associated with it, false otherwise boolean res = false; String sql[] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_environment WHERE domainid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_domain WHERE domainid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_user WHERE domainid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_credentials WHERE domainid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_application WHERE domainid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE domainid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_usergroup WHERE domainid=?", "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_datasource WHERE domainid=?" }; try { for (int i = 0; i < sql.length; i++) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql[i]); stmt.setInt(1, domainid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println(sql[i] + " = " + rs.getInt(1)); if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) { res = true; break; } rs.close(); } else { res = true; // failsafe (if we get here, no rows were retrieved) } stmt.close(); } return res; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return res; } public String getAssociatedMsg() { return AssociatedMsg; } public void setAssociatedMsg(String associatedMsg) { AssociatedMsg = associatedMsg; } public Domain getDomain(int domainid) { try { if (domainid < 0) { Domain ret = new Domain(this, 0, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); return ret; } if (m_domainhash != null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - m_domainhashCreationTime) > 2000) { // Domain hash is over 2 seconds old. Delete it. We only need this for caching of // domains when we're making the same call to getDomain in rapid succession when // populating fully qualified domains in drop-down lists of actions (for example). m_domainhash.clear(); m_domainhash = null; } if (m_domainhash == null) { m_domainhash = new Hashtable<Integer, Domain>(); m_domainhashCreationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } Domain ret = m_domainhash.get(domainid); if (ret != null) return ret; // already found this domain previously PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT, d.domainid, d.summary, d.lifecycle, " + ",, uc.realname, d.created, " + ",, um.realname, d.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,,, " + ",, x.hostname " + "FROM dm.dm_domain d " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON d.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON d.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON d.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON d.ogrpid = " // owner group + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_engine x ON x.domainid = WHERE"); stmt.setInt(1, domainid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int parentdomainid = getInteger(rs, 2, 0); if ((parentdomainid == 0) || ValidDomain(parentdomainid, true)) { // RHT 14/02/2014 - this stops Global being an invalid parent!!! ret = new Domain(this, domainid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setDomainId(parentdomainid); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); ret.setLifecycle(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); if (parentdomainid != 0) { ret.setParentDomain(getDomainName(parentdomainid)); } getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 5, ret); int engineid = getInteger(rs, 18, 0); if (engineid != 0) { Engine eng = new Engine(this, engineid, rs.getString(19)); eng.setHostname(rs.getString(20)); ret.setEngine(eng); } else { Engine eng = ret.findNearestEngine(); if (eng == null) { eng = new Engine(this, 0, ""); eng.setHostname(""); } ret.setEngine(eng); } } else { System.out.println(parentdomainid + " is not a valid domain for user " + getUserID()); } } rs.close(); if (ret != null) { m_domainhash.put(domainid, ret); // save for subsequent retrieval } return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve domain " + domainid + " from database"); } public boolean updateDomain(Domain dom, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_domain "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE: { Boolean lifecycle = (Boolean) changes.get(field); update.add(", lifecycle = ?", ((lifecycle != null) && lifecycle.booleanValue()) ? "Y" : "N"); } break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(dom, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", dom.getId()); try { update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); m_domainhash.remove(dom.getId()); // in case it's cached. return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public void updateDomainOrder(String[] domorder) { String sql = "UPDATE dm.dm_domain SET position=? WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); for (int i = 0; i < domorder.length; i++) { System.out.println("UPDATE dm.dm_domain SET position=" + i + " WHERE id=" + domorder[i]); stmt.setInt(1, i); stmt.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(domorder[i])); stmt.execute(); System.out.println("UPDATE COUNT = " + stmt.getUpdateCount()); } getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public List<TreeObject> getDomains(Integer domainid) { return getTreeObjects(ObjectType.DOMAIN, domainid, -1); } public List<Domain> getChildDomains(Domain tdomain) { int domainid = tdomain.getId(); if (m_cdhash != null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - m_cdhashCreationTime) > 2000) { // Child Domain hash is over 2 seconds old. Delete it. We only need this for caching of // child domains when we're making the same call to getChildDomains in rapid succession. m_cdhash.clear(); m_cdhash = null; } if (m_cdhash == null) { m_cdhash = new Hashtable<Integer, List<Domain>>(); m_cdhashCreationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } List<Domain> cached = m_cdhash.get(domainid); if (cached != null) { return cached; // already found this domain previously } String sql = "select id,name,domainid,ownerid,ogrpid from dm.dm_domain where domainid=" + domainid + " order by position"; try { System.out.println("cd) sql=" + sql); List<Domain> ret = new ArrayList<Domain>(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Domain domain = new Domain(); int parentdomainid = rs.getInt(3); if (parentdomainid == 0 || ValidDomain(parentdomainid, true)) { domain.setId(rs.getInt(1)); domain.setName(rs.getString(2)); int ownerid = rs.getInt(4); if (rs.wasNull()) { int groupid = rs.getInt(5); if (!rs.wasNull()) { UserGroup group = getGroup(groupid); domain.setOwner(group); } } else { User owner = getUser(ownerid); domain.setOwner(owner); } domain.setParentDomain(getDomainName(parentdomainid)); ret.add(domain); } else { System.out.println("Not a valid parentdomain " + parentdomainid); } } rs.close(); m_cdhash.put(domainid, ret); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve usergroup from database"); } // RHT - gm has already been calculated and will include Everyone for us private Hashtable<Integer, String> DomainViewAccess(int domainID, List<Integer> gm) throws SQLException { // System.out.println("DomainViewAccess(" + domainID + ")"); Hashtable<Integer, String> res = new Hashtable<Integer, String>(); Hashtable<Integer, ObjectAccess> da = getAccessForDomain(domainID); // debug //for(Integer gid : da.keySet()) { // System.out.println("da[" + gid + "] = " + da.get(gid)); //} // end-debug //PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("SELECT groupid FROM dm.dm_usersingroup WHERE userid=?"); //stmt.setInt(1, m_userID); //ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); //while ( { // for (Integer domaingroupid : da.keySet()) { // if (domaingroupid == rs.getInt(1)) //<=== This won't work!!! // { // ObjectAccess oa = da.get(domaingroupid); // if (oa.isViewable()) { // res.put(domaingroupid,"Y"); // } // } // } //} for (Integer gid : gm) { ObjectAccess oa = da.get(gid); if ((oa != null) && oa.isViewable()) { res.put(gid, "Y"); } } //rs.close(); //stmt.close(); // debug //StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); //for(Integer gid : res.keySet()) { // if(temp.length() > 0) temp.append(", "); // temp.append(gid + "=" + res.get(gid)); //} //System.out.println("DomainViewAccess returning: " + temp); // end-debug return res; } private List<Integer> GetGroupMembership() { // Returns a list of usergroup ids of which the user is a member List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>(); res.add(UserGroup.EVERYONE_ID); // Everyone group - implicit membership try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT groupid FROM dm.dm_usersingroup WHERE userid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, getUserID()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { res.add(rs.getInt(1)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve user groups from database"); } public List<TreeObject> getTreeObjects(ObjectType ot, int domainID, int catid) { System.out.println("getTreeObjects, ot=" + ot); List<TreeObject> ret = new ArrayList<TreeObject>(); String sql = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; String sql_access = ""; String sql_hasaccess = ""; boolean newQuery = false; try { List<Integer> gm = GetGroupMembership(); Hashtable<Integer, String> vag = DomainViewAccess((domainID > 0) ? domainID : m_userDomain, gm); // view access groups Hashtable<Integer, String> vagc = new Hashtable<Integer, String>(); // This will take a copy of the access groups switch (ot) { case APPLICATION: sql = "select, from dm.dm_application a where a.domainid=? and a.predecessorid is null and a.status='N' and a.isRelease <> 'Y'"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_applicationaccess where appid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_applicationaccess where appid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case RELEASE: sql = "select, from dm.dm_application a where a.domainid=? and a.predecessorid is null and a.status='N' and a.isRelease='Y'"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_applicationaccess where appid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_applicationaccess where appid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case RELVERSION: sql = "select, from dm.dm_application a where a.isRelease='Y' and a.status='N' and a.domainid=? and " + "exists (select from dm.dm_application x where and x.domainid <> a.domainid) order by name"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_applicationaccess where appid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_applicationaccess where appid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case APPVERSION: sql = "select, from dm.dm_application a where a.isRelease<> 'Y' and a.status='N' and a.domainid=? and " + "exists (select from dm.dm_application x where and x.domainid <> a.domainid and x.status='N') order by name"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_applicationaccess where appid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_applicationaccess where appid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case COMPONENT: if (catid != -1) { // Category set. if (domainID == 0) { // Any Domain up from our home domain sql = "select,,b.usrgrpid,b.viewaccess " + "from dm.dm_component a " + "left outer join dm.dm_componentaccess b on " + "inner join dm.dm_component_categories c on " + " where a.status='N' and c.categoryid=? and a.domainid in (" + m_parentdomains + ") and predecessorid is null order by "; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, catid); } else { // Specific Domain sql = "select,,b.usrgrpid,b.viewaccess " + "from dm.dm_component a " + "left outer join dm.dm_componentaccess b on " + "inner join dm.dm_component_categories c on " + " where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? and c.categoryid=? and predecessorid is null order by "; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); stmt.setInt(2, catid); } } else { // Any Category. if (domainID == 0) { // Any Domain sql = "select,,b.usrgrpid,b.viewaccess " + "from dm.dm_component a " + "left outer join dm.dm_componentaccess b on " + " where a.status='N' and a.domainid in (" + m_parentdomains + ") and predecessorid is null order by "; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); } else { // Specific Domain sql = "select,,b.usrgrpid,b.viewaccess " + "from dm.dm_component a " + "left outer join dm.dm_componentaccess b on " + " where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? and predecessorid is null order by "; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); } } newQuery = true; break; case COMPVERSION: sql = "select,,b.usrgrpid,b.viewaccess " + "from dm.dm_component a " + "left outer join dm.dm_componentaccess b on " + " where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? and predecessorid >= 0 order by "; // sql = "select id,name from dm.dm_component where status='N' and domainid=? and predecessorid >= 0 order by name"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_componentaccess where compid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_componentaccess where compid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); newQuery = true; break; case CREDENTIALS: sql = "select id,name from dm.dm_credentials where status='N' and domainid=? order by name"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_credentialsaccess where credid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_credentialsaccess where credid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case ACTION: // Graphical actions sql = "select, from dm.dm_action a,dm.dm_action_categories b, dm.dm_category c where status='N' and = and b.categoryid = and a.domainid=? and and a.kind=" + ActionKind.GRAPHICAL.value() + " order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); stmt.setInt(2, catid); break; case SERVERCOMPTYPE: sql = "select id,name from dm.dm_type where status='N' and domainid=? order by name"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_typeaccess where comptypeid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_typeaccess where comptypeid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case PROCEDURE: case FUNCTION: // sql = "select id,name,kind from dm.dm_action where status='N' and domainid=? and NOT kind="+ActionKind.GRAPHICAL.value()+" and function=? order by name"; // sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; // sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; System.out.println("Opening category " + catid + " domain=" + domainID); sql = "select,,b.usrgrpid,b.viewaccess,a.kind " + "from dm.dm_action a " + "left outer join dm.dm_actionaccess b on " + "inner join dm.dm_fragments f on in (f.actionid,f.functionid) " + "inner join dm.dm_fragment_categories c on " + "where a.status='N' " + "and a.domainid=? and c.categoryid=? " + "and a.kind != " + ActionKind.GRAPHICAL.value() + " " + "and a.function=? order by "; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); stmt.setInt(2, catid); stmt.setString(3, (ot == ObjectType.FUNCTION) ? "Y" : "N"); newQuery = true; break; case COMP_CATEGORY: System.out.println("Retrieving COMP_CATEGORY for domain " + domainID); sql = "select distinct, from dm.dm_component a, dm.dm_component_categories b, dm.dm_category c where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? and predecessorid is null and = and b.categoryid = order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_componentaccess where compid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_componentaccess where compid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case ACTION_CATEGORY: sql = "select distinct, from dm.dm_action a, dm.dm_action_categories b, dm.dm_category c where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? and kind=" + ActionKind.GRAPHICAL.value() + " and = and b.categoryid = order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case PROCFUNC_CATEGORY: // was action_categories // sql = "select distinct, from dm.dm_action a, dm.dm_fragment_categories b, dm.dm_category c where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? and NOT kind="+ActionKind.GRAPHICAL.value()+" and = and b.categoryid = order by"; sql = "select distinct, from dm.dm_fragments f, dm.dm_action a, dm.dm_fragment_categories b, dm.dm_category c where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? and a.kind != " + ActionKind.GRAPHICAL.value() + " and in (f.actionid,f.functionid) and = and b.categoryid = order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case FRAGMENT: sql = "select distinct,, a.actionid,a.functionid from dm.dm_fragments a, dm.dm_fragment_categories b where = and b.categoryid = ? order by name"; // sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; // sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionaccess where actionid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, catid); break; case ENVIRONMENT: sql = "select,,b.usrgrpid,b.viewaccess " + "from dm.dm_environment a " + "left outer join dm.dm_environmentaccess b on " + " where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? order by "; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); newQuery = true; break; case USERGROUP: sql = "select, from dm.dm_usergroup a where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_usergroupaccess where usergroupid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_usergroupaccess where usergroupid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case USER: sql = "select, from dm.dm_user a where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_useraccess where userid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_useraccess where userid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case DATASOURCE: sql = "select, from dm.dm_datasource a where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_datasourceaccess where datasourceid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_datasourceaccess where datasourceid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case DOMAIN: if (domainID > 0) { Domain d = getDomain(domainID); String ordClause = d != null ? (d.getLifecycle()) ? "position" : "name" : "name"; sql = "select,,b.usrgrpid,b.viewaccess " + "from dm.dm_domain a " + "left outer join dm.dm_domainaccess b on " + "where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? order by a." + ordClause; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); } else if (domainID == 0) { sql = "select,,b.usrgrpid,b.viewaccess " + "from dm.dm_domain a " + "left outer join dm.dm_domainaccess b on " + "where a.status='N' and order by"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, m_userDomain); } else { // domainID is < 0 - must be the "inherited" domain. No subdomains here stmt = null; } newQuery = true; break; case NOTIFY: sql = "select, from dm.dm_notify a where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_notifyaccess where notifyid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_notifyaccess where notifyid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case REPOSITORY: sql = "select, from dm.dm_repository a where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_repositoryaccess where repositoryid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_repositoryaccess where repositoryid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case SERVER: sql = "select, from dm.dm_server a where a.status='N' and a.domainid=? order by"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_serveraccess where serverid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_serveraccess where serverid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; case BUILDER: sql = "select id,name from dm.dm_buildengine where status='N' and domainid=? order by name"; sql_access = "select count(*) from dm.dm_buildengineaccess where builderid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'N'"; sql_hasaccess = "select count(*) from dm.dm_buildengineaccess where builderid = ? and usrgrpid = ? and viewaccess = 'Y'"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainID); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled object type " + ot + " when getting tree objects"); } if (newQuery) { ArrayList<Integer> dups = new ArrayList<Integer>(); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); // System.out.println("***** START ********"); if (stmt == null) return ret; // nothing to retrieve. ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); vagc.clear(); for (Integer gid : vag.keySet()) { vagc.put(gid, vag.get(gid)); } int lastid = -1; int objid = 0; int lastkind = 0; String objname = null; String lastobjname = null; int kind = 0; while ( { objid = rs.getInt(1); objname = rs.getString(2); int objGroupID = rs.getInt(3); String yorn = rs.getString(4); // Y or N (allow or deny view access) boolean inherit = rs.wasNull(); // if not set then inherit from parent domain kind = (ot == ObjectType.PROCEDURE || ot == ObjectType.FUNCTION) ? rs.getInt(5) : 0; System.out.println("xx) objid=" + objid + " objname=[" + objname + "] kind=" + kind); // System.out.println("Row: id:"+objid+" name:"+objname+" groupid:"+objGroupID+" yorn:"+yorn+" inherit:"+inherit); boolean Allow = false; if (objid != lastid && lastid != -1) { // End of entries for this object // We need at least one group of which we're a member with view access to allow us to view the object // System.out.println("Testing access for " + ot + " "+lastid); if (m_OverrideAccessControl) { // System.out.println("1) User is SUPERUSER"); // Ignore the access control TreeObject treeObject = new TreeObject(lastid, lastobjname); treeObject.SetObjectType(ot); if (lastkind > 0) treeObject.SetObjectKind(lastkind); if (!dups.contains(lastid)) { dups.add(new Integer(lastid)); System.out.println("1) Adding new TreeObject(" + lastid + ",\"" + lastobjname + "\") lastkind=" + lastkind); ret.add(treeObject); } } else { for (Integer u : gm) { if (vagc.containsKey(u) && vagc.get(u).equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { // found a "Y" - we're allowed to view, add it and move on. // System.out.println("found u="+u+" in vagc, adding object "+lastid+"objname="+lastobjname); TreeObject treeObject = new TreeObject(lastid, lastobjname); treeObject.SetObjectType(ot); if (lastkind > 0) treeObject.SetObjectKind(lastkind); if (!dups.contains(lastid)) { dups.add(new Integer(lastid)); System.out.println("2) Adding new TreeObject(" + lastid + ",\"" + lastobjname + "\") lastkind=" + lastkind); ret.add(treeObject); } break; } } } vagc.clear(); for (Integer gid : vag.keySet()) { vagc.put(gid, vag.get(gid)); } } if (!inherit) { Allow = yorn.equalsIgnoreCase("y"); // System.out.println("Adding group "+objGroupID+" to list (Allow="+Allow+") yorn="+yorn); vagc.put(objGroupID, (Allow ? "Y" : "N")); } lastid = objid; lastobjname = objname; lastkind = kind; } // End of list System.out.println("End of list, objid=" + objid + " lastid=" + lastid + " objname=" + objname + " lastobjname=" + lastobjname + " lastkind=" + lastkind); if (lastid != -1) { // System.out.println("Testing access for " + ot + " "+lastid); if (m_OverrideAccessControl) { // System.out.println("2) User is SUPERUSER"); // Ignore the access control TreeObject treeObject = new TreeObject(lastid, lastobjname); treeObject.SetObjectType(ot); if (lastkind > 0) treeObject.SetObjectKind(lastkind); if (!dups.contains(lastid)) { dups.add(new Integer(lastid)); System.out.println("Adding new TreeObject(" + lastid + ",\"" + lastobjname + "\") lastkind=" + lastkind); ret.add(treeObject); } } else { for (Integer u : gm) { // System.out.println("Checking group "+u); if (vagc.containsKey(u) && vagc.get(u).equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { // found a "Y" - we're allowed to view, add it and move on. TreeObject treeObject = new TreeObject(lastid, lastobjname); treeObject.SetObjectType(ot); if (lastkind > 0) treeObject.SetObjectKind(lastkind); if (!dups.contains(lastid)) { dups.add(new Integer(lastid)); System.out.println("Adding new TreeObject(" + lastid + ",\"" + lastobjname + "\") lastkind=" + lastkind); ret.add(treeObject); } break; } } } long endTime = System.nanoTime(); System.out.println("**** Time Taken " + (endTime - startTime) + " nanosecs"); } rs.close(); // System.out.println("******* END *******"); } else { // old code for other objects (temp) // System.out.println(""; ArrayList<Integer> dups = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { int hasDeny = 0; int hasAllow = 0; if (sql_access.length() > 0) { PreparedStatement stmt_access = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql_access); PreparedStatement stmt_hasaccess = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql_hasaccess); for (Integer u : gm) { stmt_access.setInt(1, rs.getInt(1)); stmt_access.setInt(2, u); ResultSet rs2 = stmt_access.executeQuery(); while ( { hasDeny += rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); stmt_hasaccess.setInt(1, rs.getInt(1)); stmt_hasaccess.setInt(2, u); ResultSet rs3 = stmt_hasaccess.executeQuery(); while ( { hasAllow += rs3.getInt(1); } rs3.close(); } stmt_access.close(); stmt_hasaccess.close(); } if (hasAllow >= 1 || getAclOverride()) { // found a group with explicit view permission - add it and move on. TreeObject treeObject = new TreeObject(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); treeObject.SetObjectType(ot); if (ot == ObjectType.PROCEDURE || ot == ObjectType.FUNCTION) { treeObject.SetObjectKind(rs.getInt(3)); } else if (ot == ObjectType.FRAGMENT) { int actionid = rs.getInt(3); int functionid = rs.getInt(4); ObjectType t = ot; if (actionid > 0) t = ObjectType.FRAGMENTPROC; else if (functionid > 0) t = ObjectType.FRAGMENTFUNC; System.out.println("a) [" + rs.getString(2) + "] objecttype=" + t); treeObject.SetObjectType(t); } ret.add(treeObject); } else if (hasDeny == 0) { // No explicit view access and no explicit deny - check domain access for (Integer u : gm) { if (vag.containsKey(u) && vag.get(u).equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { // found a "Y" - we're allowed to view, add it and move on. TreeObject treeObject = new TreeObject(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); if (ot == ObjectType.FRAGMENT) { int actionid = rs.getInt(3); int functionid = rs.getInt(4); ObjectType t = ot; if (actionid > 0) t = ObjectType.FRAGMENTPROC; else if (functionid > 0) t = ObjectType.FRAGMENTFUNC; System.out.println("b) objecttype=" + t); treeObject.SetObjectType(t); } else { System.out.println("c) objecttype=" + ot); treeObject.SetObjectType(ot); } if (!dups.contains(rs.getInt(1))) { dups.add(new Integer(rs.getInt(1))); ret.add(treeObject); } break; } } } } rs.close(); } stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve object from database"); } /* private void AddCategories2ProcFunc(TreeObject treeObj, int id, String name) { Category c = new Category(id, name); if (treeObj.GetCategories() == null) { treeObj.SetCategories(new ArrayList<Category>()); } ArrayList<Category> res = treeObj.GetCategories(); res.add(c); } */ public List<TreeObject> getInheritedTreeObjects(ObjectType ot, int domainID) { // moves up from the specified domain and finds objects of the specified type in each // parent/grandparent etc List<TreeObject> ret = new ArrayList<TreeObject>(); Domain dom = getDomain(domainID); dom = dom.getDomain(); // parent domain while (dom != null) { ret.addAll(getTreeObjects(ot, dom.getId(), -1)); dom = dom.getDomain(); // parent domain } return ret; } public String getParentDomainsForObject(String otid) { System.out.println("getParentDomainsForObject(" + otid + ")"); String res = ""; String sep = "do"; DMObject go = null; if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("co") || otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("cv")) { // Component / Component Version Component comp = getComponent(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2)), true); Category cat = comp.getCategory(); if (comp.getParentId() > 0) { // This is a component version - add the parent version Component parcomp = getComponent(comp.getParentId(), false); res += "co" + parcomp.getId(); if (cat != null) { res += " cc" + cat.getId() + "-" + comp.getDomainId(); } sep = " do"; go = parcomp; } else { if (cat != null) { res += "cc" + cat.getId() + "-" + comp.getDomainId(); sep = " do"; } go = comp; } } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("ap") || otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("av") || otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("rl")) { // Application / Application Version / Release Application app = getApplication(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2)), false); boolean isRelease = false; if (app.getIsRelease().equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // This is a release isRelease = true; } if (app.getParentId() > 0) { // This is a application version - if the parent is not in a lifecycle domain then the // version will be under the parent in the tree view Application parapp = getApplication(app.getParentId(), false); if (parapp.getDomain().getLifecycle() == false) { res += isRelease ? "rl" : "ap" + parapp.getId(); sep = " do"; go = parapp; } else { go = app; } } else { go = app; } } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("ac")) { // Action Action action = getAction(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2)), true); Category cat = action.getCategory(); if (action.getParentId() > 0) { // This is an archived action - will be a child of the parent res += "ac" + action.getParentId(); if (cat != null) { res += " cy" + cat.getId() + "-" + action.getDomainId(); } sep = " do"; Action paraction = getAction(action.getParentId(), false); go = paraction; } else { if (cat != null) { res += "cy" + cat.getId() + "-" + action.getDomainId(); sep = " do"; } go = action; } System.out.println("res initially " + res); } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("te")) { // Notifiers NotifyTemplate template = getTemplate(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2))); int notifierid = template.getNotifierId(); Notify notifier = this.getNotify(notifierid, false); if (notifier != null) { res += "no" + notifier.getId(); sep = " do"; go = notifier; } else { go = template; } } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("se")) { // Server Server server = getServer(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2)), false); go = server; } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("en")) { // Environment Environment env = getEnvironment(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2)), false); go = env; } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("pr") || otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("fn")) { // Procedure/Function String kind = otid.substring(2).replaceAll("^.*-", ""); String id = otid.substring(2).replaceAll("-.*$", ""); Action action = getAction(Integer.parseInt(id), true); System.out.println("action is " + action.getName() + " id " + action.getId()); Category cat = action.getCategory(); System.out.println("category is " + cat.getName() + " id " + cat.getId()); if (action.getParentId() > 0) { // This is an archived action - will be a child of the parent res += otid.substring(0, 2) + action.getParentId() + "-" + kind; if (cat != null) { res += " cp" + cat.getId() + "-" + action.getDomainId(); } sep = " do"; Action paraction = getAction(action.getParentId(), false); go = paraction; } else { if (cat != null) { res += "cp" + cat.getId() + "-" + action.getDomainId(); sep = " do"; } go = action; } } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("do")) { // Domain String id = otid.substring(2); Domain domain = getDomain(Integer.parseInt(id)); go = domain; } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("ds")) { // Datasource String id = otid.substring(2); Datasource ds = this.getDatasource(Integer.parseInt(id), true); res += "ds" + ds.getId(); go = ds; } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("be")) { // Build Engine Builder builder = getBuilder(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2))); go = builder; } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("bj")) { // Build Job BuildJob buildjob = getBuildJob(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2))); int builderid = buildjob.getBuilderId(); Builder builder = getBuilder(builderid); if (builder != null) { res += "be" + builder.getId(); sep = " do"; go = builder; } else { go = buildjob; } } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("us")) { // User User user = getUser(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2))); go = user; } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("gr")) { // User UserGroup group = getGroup(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2))); go = group; } else if (otid.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("re")) { // Repository Repository repo = getRepository(Integer.parseInt(otid.substring(2)), false); go = repo; } Domain dom = go.getDomain(); System.out.println("dom=" + dom.getId()); while (dom != null) { res = res + sep + dom.getId(); sep = " do"; if (dom.getId() == m_userDomain) break; // reached top of hierarchy dom = dom.getDomain(); System.out.println("dom=" + dom.getId()); } System.out.println("returning " + res); return res; } public List<DMObject> getDMObjects(ObjectType ot, boolean subdomains) { // Returns a list of DMObjects that are in the user's domain (or subdomains if flag is set) List<DMObject> ret = new ArrayList<DMObject>(); String domains = subdomains ? m_domainlist : Integer.toString(m_userDomain); try { System.out.println("ObjectType=[" + ot + "]"); /* PreparedStatement stmt; switch(ot) { case APPLICATION: sql = "select from dm.dm_application a where a.status='N' and a.domainid in ("+domains+") and " + "(a.predecessorid is null or exists " + "(select from dm.dm_application x where and x.domainid <> a.domainid)) order by name"; stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql); break; case COMPONENT: sql = "select id from dm.dm_component where status='N' domainid in ("+domains+") order by name"; stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql); default: sql = "select id from dm.dm_"+ot.toString()+" where status='N' and domainid in ("+domains+") order by name"; stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql); } */ String sql = "SELECT id FROM dm.dm_" + ot.toString() + " WHERE status='N' and domainid in (" + domains + ") order by name"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { switch (ot) { case APPLICATION: Application app = getApplication(rs.getInt(1), true); ret.add(app); break; case COMPONENT: Component comp = getComponent(rs.getInt(1), true); ret.add(comp); break; case ENVIRONMENT: Environment env = getEnvironment(rs.getInt(1), true); ret.add(env); break; case SERVER: Server server = getServer(rs.getInt(1), true); ret.add(server); break; default: break; } } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve object " + ot.toString() + " from database"); } public List<Server> getServersInEnvironment(int EnvironmentID) { List<Server> ret = new ArrayList<Server>(); String sql = "select,,a.summary,a.hostname,b.xpos,b.ypos from dm.dm_server a,dm.dm_serversinenv b where b.envid=? and and a.status = 'N' order by name"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, EnvironmentID); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Server dmobject = new Server(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); dmobject.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); dmobject.setHostName(rs.getString(4)); dmobject.setXpos(rs.getInt(5)); dmobject.setYpos(rs.getInt(6)); ret.add(dmobject); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve object servers for environment from database"); } List<ComponentLink> getComponentLinks(int appid) { List<ComponentLink> ret = new ArrayList<ComponentLink>(); String sql = "SELECT appid,objfrom,objto FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE appid=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, appid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ComponentLink cl = new ComponentLink(); cl.setAppId(rs.getInt(1)); cl.setObjFrom(rs.getInt(2)); cl.setObjTo(rs.getInt(3)); ret.add(cl); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve object component links for application from database"); } public List<Component> getComponents(ObjectType objtype, int id, boolean isRelease) { List<Component> ret = new ArrayList<Component>(); String sql = ""; int cols = 0; switch (objtype) { case SERVER: sql = "SELECT,, a.domainid, a.summary, a.parentid, a.rollup, a.rollback, a.filteritems, a.lastbuildnumber, a.buildjobid " + "FROM dm.dm_component a,dm.dm_compsallowedonserv b " + "where a.status = 'N' and = b.compid and b.serverid=?"; cols = 10; break; case ENVIRONMENT: sql = ""; break; case DOMAIN: sql = "select,, a.domainid, a.summary, a.parentid, a.rollup, a.rollback, a.filteritems, a.lastbuildnumber, a.buildjobid " + "FROM dm.dm_component a where a.status = 'N' and a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ")"; cols = 10; break; case APPLICATION: if (isRelease) sql = "select,, a.domainid, a.summary, a.parentid, 0, 0, 'N',0,0," + "b.xpos, b.ypos FROM dm.dm_application a, dm.dm_applicationcomponent b " + "where a.status = 'N' and b.appid=? and = b.childappid"; else sql = "select,, a.domainid, a.summary, a.parentid, a.rollup, a.rollback, a.filteritems, a.lastbuildnumber, a.buildjobid, " + "b.xpos, b.ypos FROM dm.dm_component a, dm.dm_applicationcomponent b " + "where a.status = 'N' and b.appid=? and = b.compid"; cols = 12; break; default: break; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Component comp = new Component(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); comp.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); comp.setSummary(rs.getString(4)); comp.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 5, 0)); comp.setRollup(ComponentFilter.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 6, 0))); comp.setRollback(ComponentFilter.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 7, 0))); comp.setFilterItems(getBoolean(rs, 8)); comp.setLastBuildNumber(rs.getInt(9)); int buildjobid = getInteger(rs, 10, 0); if (buildjobid > 0) { BuildJob buildjob = getBuildJob(buildjobid); comp.setBuildJob(buildjob); } if (cols > 10) { comp.setXpos(rs.getInt(11)); comp.setYpos(rs.getInt(12)); } ret.add(comp); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve object components for server from database"); } public TableDataSet getComponentsOnServer(Server server) { String sql = " SELECT,,,, a2.predecessorid, a2.parentid, " + " ai.deploymentid, d.exitcode, d.finished, " + " a1.modifierid,, u.realname, " + " ai.modified,ai.buildnumber " + " FROM dm.dm_compsonserv ai " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_deployment d ON d.deploymentid = ai.deploymentid " + " LEFT JOIN dm.dm_component a2 ON = ai.compid " + " LEFT JOIN dm.dm_component a1 ON in (,a2.parentid) " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user u ON = ai.modifierid " + " WHERE ai.serverid = ? and a1.parentid is null " + " AND a1.status<>'D' " + " AND a2.status<>'D' " + " ORDER BY 2 "; System.out.println(sql); System.out.println("serverid=" + server.getId()); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, server.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); TableDataSet ret = new TableDataSet(5); int row = 0; while ( { ret.put(row, 0, new JSONBoolean(false)); ret.put(row, 1, new Component(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)).getLinkJSON()); int avid = getInteger(rs, 3, 0); if (avid != 0) { Component comp = new Component(this, avid, rs.getString(4)); comp.setPredecessorId(getInteger(rs, 5, 0)); comp.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 6, 0)); ret.put(row, 2, comp.getLinkJSON()); int deploymentid = getInteger(rs, 7, 0); if (deploymentid != 0) { Deployment d = new Deployment(this, deploymentid, rs.getInt(8)); d.setFinished(rs.getInt(9)); ret.put(row, 3, d.getLinkJSON()); } else { ret.put(row, 3, new CreatedModifiedField(formatDateToUserLocale(rs.getInt(13)), new User(this, rs.getInt(10), rs.getString(11), rs.getString(12)))); } int buildno = getInteger(rs, 14, 0); ret.put(row, 4, buildno); } row++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve component version info for server '" + server.getName() + "' from database"); } public ArrayList<Component> getComponentsOnServerList(Server server) { String sql = " SELECT,,,, a2.predecessorid, a2.parentid, " + " ai.deploymentid, d.exitcode, d.finished, " + " a1.modifierid,, u.realname, " + " a1.modified,ai.buildnumber " + " FROM dm.dm_compsonserv ai " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_deployment d ON d.deploymentid = ai.deploymentid " + " LEFT JOIN dm.dm_component a2 ON = ai.compid " + " LEFT JOIN dm.dm_component a1 ON in (,a2.parentid) " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user u ON = a2.modifierid " + " WHERE ai.serverid = ? and a1.parentid is null " + " AND a1.status<>'D' " + " AND a2.status<>'D' " + " ORDER BY 2 "; ArrayList<Component> ret = new ArrayList<Component>(); System.out.println(sql); System.out.println("serverid=" + server.getId()); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, server.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { // ret.add(new Component(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2))); int avid = getInteger(rs, 3, 0); if (avid != 0) { Component comp = new Component(this, avid, rs.getString(4)); comp.setPredecessorId(getInteger(rs, 5, 0)); comp.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 6, 0)); ret.add(comp); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return ret; } public List<Application> getAppsForComponent(Component comp) { List<Application> res = new ArrayList<Application>(); String sql = "SELECT a.appid FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent a,dm.dm_application b WHERE a.compid=? AND and b.status='N'"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, comp.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Application app = getApplication(rs.getInt(1), true); res.add(app); } rs.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve associated applications for component '" + comp.getName() + "' from database"); } public TableDataSet getBuildsForComponent(Component comp) { System.out.println("Getting builds for component " + comp.getId()); String sql; if (comp.getParentId() == 0) { // This is a base version - include all versions of component sql = "SELECT a.buildjobid,,a.compid,,c.parentid,a.buildnumber,a.timestamp,a.success " + "FROM dm.dm_buildhistory a,dm_buildjob b,dm_component c WHERE a.compid IN " + "(SELECT FROM dm.dm_component x WHERE x.parentid = ? " + "UNION SELECT FROM dm.dm_component y WHERE = ?) " + "AND AND = a.compid AND c.status='N' ORDER BY buildnumber DESC"; } else { // Specific Component Version - just include this version sql = "SELECT a.buildjobid,,a.compid,,c.parentid,a.buildnumber,a.timestamp,a.success " + "FROM dm.dm_buildhistory a,dm_buildjob b, dm_component c WHERE a.compid=? " + "AND AND = a.compid AND c.status='N' ORDER BY buildnumber DESC"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, comp.getId()); if (comp.getParentId() == 0) stmt.setInt(2, comp.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); TableDataSet ret = new TableDataSet(5); int row = 0; while ( { System.out.println("*** buildno=" + rs.getInt(5) + " success=" + rs.getString(7)); ret.put(row, 0, new BuildJob(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)).getLinkJSON()); Component c = new Component(this, rs.getInt(3), rs.getString(4)); c.setParentId(rs.getInt(5)); ret.put(row, 1, c.getLinkJSON()); ret.put(row, 2, rs.getInt(6)); ret.put(row, 3, formatDateToUserLocale(rs.getInt(7))); ret.put(row, 4, rs.getString(8)); row++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve component build history for component '" + comp.getName() + "' from database"); } public TableDataSet getComponentLocations(Component comp, String t, boolean isRelease) { String sql = ""; int parentid = comp.getParentId(); // boolean cv = (parentid>0); System.out.println("In getComponentLocations, t=" + t); boolean bServers = false; if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("S")) { // Finding components on servers bServers = true; //String col=cv?"parentid":"id"; System.out.println("Doing components for servers id=" + comp.getId() + " parentid=" + parentid); sql = "SELECT,,,,,,d.parentid, " + " cos.deploymentid, p.exitcode, cos.buildnumber, p.finished, " + " cos.modifierid,, u.realname, d.modified " + " FROM dm.dm_component c, " + " dm.dm_server s " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_compsonserv cos ON cos.serverid = " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_component d ON = cos.compid AND ( in (select from dm.dm_component q where q.parentid=?) or or in (select distinct q.parentid from dm.dm_component q where " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_serversinenv sie ON sie.serverid = " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_environment e ON = sie.envid " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_deployment p ON p.deploymentid = cos.deploymentid " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user u ON = cos.modifierid " + " WHERE ? in (c.parentid, " + " AND " + " ORDER BY 2,4"; } else { // finding components associated with applications System.out.println("Doing components for apps componentid=" + comp.getId()); if (isRelease) sql = "SELECT,,a.parentid,,,c.parentid " + "FROM dm.dm_component c, " + "dm.dm_application a, " + "dm.dm_applicationcomponent x " + "WHERE a.status = 'N' and c.status = 'N' and ? in (,c.parentid) " + "AND " + "AND " + "order by 2,4"; else sql = "SELECT,,a.parentid,,,c.parentid " + "FROM dm.dm_component c, " + "dm.dm_application a, " + "dm.dm_applicationcomponent x " + "WHERE a.status = 'N' and c.status = 'N' and ? in (,c.parentid) " + "AND " + "AND " + "order by 2,4"; } try { System.out.println(sql); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); if (bServers) { stmt.setInt(1, comp.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, comp.getId()); stmt.setInt(3, comp.getId()); stmt.setInt(4, comp.getId()); } else { stmt.setInt(1, comp.getId()); } ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); TableDataSet ret = new TableDataSet(5); int row = 0; while ( { if (bServers) { // Creating table for components on servers System.out.println("Outputting table data for servers"); ret.put(row, 0, new Environment(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)).getLinkJSON()); int servid = getInteger(rs, 3, 0); if (servid != 0) { Server s = new Server(this, servid, rs.getString(4)); ret.put(row, 1, s.getLinkJSON()); Component c = new Component(this, rs.getInt(5), rs.getString(6)); c.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 7, 0)); ret.put(row, 2, c.getLinkJSON()); int deploymentid = getInteger(rs, 8, 0); if (deploymentid != 0) { Deployment d = new Deployment(this, deploymentid, rs.getInt(9)); d.setFinished(rs.getInt(11)); ret.put(row, 3, d.getLinkJSON()); } else { int dt = getInteger(rs, 15, 0); System.out.println("dt=" + dt); if (dt > 0) { ret.put(row, 3, new CreatedModifiedField(formatDateToUserLocale(rs.getInt(15)), new User(this, rs.getInt(12), rs.getString(13), rs.getString(14)))); } } int buildnumber = getInteger(rs, 10, 0); ret.put(row, 4, buildnumber); } } else { System.out.println("Outputting table data for apps"); Application a = new Application(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); a.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); ret.put(row, 0, a.getLinkJSON()); Component c = new Component(this, rs.getInt(4), rs.getString(5)); c.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 6, 0)); ret.put(row, 1, c.getLinkJSON()); } row++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve component location info for component '" + comp.getName() + "' from database"); } private void AddAttribute(List<DMAttribute> ret, String Name, String Value) { DMAttribute dmattribute = new DMAttribute(); dmattribute.setName(Name); dmattribute.setValue(Value); ret.add(dmattribute); } // TODO: This is Summary data - it has been replaced with getSummaryJSON on DMObject public List<DMAttribute> getAttributes(String ObjectType, int id) { List<DMAttribute> ret = new ArrayList<DMAttribute>(); try { if (ObjectType.compareToIgnoreCase("app") == 0) { // Getting details for an application String sql = "select name,summary,actionid,ownerid,ogrpid from dm.dm_application where id=?"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { AddAttribute(ret, "Name", rs.getString(1)); AddAttribute(ret, "Summary", rs.getString(2)); } rs.close(); return ret; } else if (ObjectType.compareToIgnoreCase("comp") == 0) { // Getting details for a component String sql = "select name,summary from dm.dm_component where id=?"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { AddAttribute(ret, "Name", rs.getString(1)); AddAttribute(ret, "Summary", rs.getString(2)); } rs.close(); return ret; } else if (ObjectType.compareToIgnoreCase("compitem") == 0) { // Getting details for a component item String sql = "select from dm.dm_componentitem a,dm.dm_repository b where and"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { AddAttribute(ret, "Repository Name", rs.getString(1)); } rs.close(); // // Now the variable attributes (overrides based on repository type) // System.out.println("second sql"); String sql2 = "SELECT name,value FROM dm.dm_compitemprops WHERE compitemid=?"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); while ( { AddAttribute(ret, rs2.getString(1), rs2.getString(2)); } rs.close(); return ret; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve object " + ObjectType + " from database"); } public List<ComponentItem> getComponentItems(int compid) { List<ComponentItem> ret = new ArrayList<ComponentItem>(); try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT,,, a.xpos, a.ypos, a.predecessorid, a.summary, a.rollup, a.rollback " + "FROM dm.dm_componentitem a " + "WHERE a.compid=" + compid); while ( { ComponentItem ci = new ComponentItem(); ci.setId(rs.getInt(1)); ci.setName(rs.getString(2)); ci.setTargetDir(rs.getString(3)); ci.setXpos(rs.getInt(4)); ci.setYpos(rs.getInt(5)); ci.setPredecessorId(rs.getInt(6)); ci.setSummary(rs.getString(7)); ci.setRollup(ComponentFilter.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 8, 0))); ci.setRollback(ComponentFilter.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 9, 0))); ret.add(ci); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve component items from database"); } public boolean isReadable(int ObjectType) { return true; } public boolean isWriteable(int ObjectType) { return true; } public boolean isCreateable(int ObjectType) { String Create = ""; String sql = "SELECT a.cperm " + "FROM dm_privileges " + "WHERE object_type=? " + "AND userid=? "; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, ObjectType); stmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // found a result - ignore the group Create = rs.getString(1); } else { // Didn't get anything for user - try group sql = "SELECT a.cperm " + "FROM dm_privileges a, " + " dm_usersingroup b, " + " dm_user c " + "WHERE a.object_type=? " + "AND a.groupid = b.groupid " + "AND b.userid = ? "; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt2.setInt(1, ObjectType); stmt2.setInt(2, getUserID()); ResultSet rs2 = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // found a result - ignore the group Create = rs2.getString(1); } stmt2.close(); } stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return (Create.charAt(0) == 'Y' || Create.charAt(0) == 'y'); } public boolean userOwnsEnvironment(int envid) { Environment env = getEnvironment(envid, true); boolean envowner = false; DMObject owner = env.getOwner(); if (owner != null) { System.out.println("Environment has an owner"); // Environment has an owner if (owner.getObjectType() == ObjectType.USERGROUP) { System.out.println("Owner is a usergroup"); // Owner is a group - we're the "owner" if we're a member of this group UserList users = getUsersInGroup(owner.getId()); for (User user : users) { if (user.getId() == getUserID()) { envowner = true; break; } } } else { // Owner must be a user System.out.println("Owner is a user m_userID=" + getUserID() + " owner.getId()=" + owner.getId()); envowner = (getUserID() == owner.getId()); } } else { System.out.println("No owner - setting envowner to true"); // No owner - just allow people to create entries envowner = true; } return envowner; } public void AddRequestEntry(int id, int appid, String Description, boolean cal) { String sql; if (cal) { sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_request(id,userid," + whencol + ",note,calendarid,appid,status) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,'N')"; } else { sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_request(id,userid," + whencol + ",note,taskid,appid,status) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,'N')"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, getID("request")); stmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); stmt.setLong(3, timeNow()); stmt.setString(4, Description); stmt.setInt(5, id); stmt.setInt(6, appid); stmt.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void AddPendingRequest(int id, int appid, String Description) { AddRequestEntry(id, appid, Description, true); } public int AddEvent(DMCalendarEvent e) { // // TO DO : Check Permissions // TO DO: If insert is "P"ending then also put an entry into the requests table. String sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_calendar(id,envid,eventname,eventtype,starttime,endtime,allday,status,appid,description,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified) " + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; try { boolean envowner = userOwnsEnvironment(e.getEnvID()); System.out.println("In AddEvent, envowner=" + envowner); String status = envowner ? "N" : "P"; // Normal (we are the environment owner) or Pending PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); int id = getID("calendar"); long t = timeNow(); String EventType = e.getEventTypeString().toString(); EventType = Character.toUpperCase(EventType.charAt(0)) + EventType.substring(1).toLowerCase(); System.out.println("EventType=" + EventType); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setInt(2, e.getEnvID()); stmt.setString(3, e.getEventTitle()); stmt.setString(4, EventType); stmt.setInt(5, e.getStart()); stmt.setInt(6, e.getEnd()); stmt.setString(7, e.getAllDayEvent() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(8, status); int appid = e.getAppID(); if (appid != 0) { stmt.setInt(9, appid); } else { stmt.setNull(9, Types.INTEGER); } stmt.setString(10, e.getEventDesc()); System.out.println("getEventDesc=" + e.getEventDesc()); stmt.setInt(11, e.getCreatorID()); stmt.setLong(12, t); stmt.setInt(13, e.getCreatorID()); stmt.setLong(14, t); boolean res = stmt.execute(); System.out.println("res=" + (res ? "true" : "false")); stmt.close(); Environment env = getEnvironment(e.getEnvID(), false); RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Calendar Entry <a href='javascript:SwitchToCalendar(" + id + ");'>\"" + e.getEventTitle() + (status.equalsIgnoreCase("p") ? "\"</a> Requested" : "\"</a> Created")); getDBConnection().commit(); return id; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return 0; } public int DeleteEvent(int eventid) { // // TO DO: Check Permissions // String sql1 = "UPDATE dm.dm_calendar SET status='D' WHERE id=?"; String sql2 = "UPDATE dm.dm_request SET status='C', completed=? where calendarid=?"; String sql3 = "SELECT envid,eventname FROM dm.dm_calendar WHERE id=?"; try { int res = 0; PreparedStatement stmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt3.setInt(1, eventid); ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery(); if ( { Environment env = getEnvironment(rs3.getInt(1), false); PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, eventid); stmt1.execute(); res = stmt1.getUpdateCount(); stmt1.close(); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setLong(1, timeNow()); stmt2.setInt(2, eventid); stmt2.execute(); RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Event \"" + rs3.getString(2) + "\" Deleted"); getDBConnection().commit(); } return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return -1; } private DMEventType getEventType(String et) { if (et.equalsIgnoreCase("reserved")) return DMEventType.RESERVED; if (et.equalsIgnoreCase("unavailable")) return DMEventType.UNAVAILABLE; if (et.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) return DMEventType.AUTO; System.out.println("Returning NoEvent"); return DMEventType.NOEVENT; } public DMCalendarEvent getCalendarEvent(int eventid) { DMCalendarEvent ret = new DMCalendarEvent(); ret.setID(eventid); String sql = "SELECT envid,eventname,rtrim(eventtype),starttime,endtime, " + "appid,description,allday,status " + "FROM dm.dm_calendar WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, eventid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.setEnvID(rs.getInt(1)); ret.setEventTitle(rs.getString(2)); System.out.println("event type = " + rs.getString(3)); ret.setEventType(getEventType(rs.getString(3))); DMEventType t = getEventType(rs.getString(3)); System.out.println("event type stored = " + ret.getEventTypeString() + " or " + t.toString()); ret.setStart(rs.getInt(4)); ret.setEnd(rs.getInt(5)); ret.setAppID(rs.getInt(6)); ret.setEventDesc(rs.getString(7)); ret.setAllDayEvent(rs.getString(8).equalsIgnoreCase("y")); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public int ModifyEvent(DMCalendarEvent ce) { // // TO DO: Check Permissions // String sql = "UPDATE dm.dm_calendar SET eventname=?, eventtype=?,starttime=?, endtime=?, appid=?, description=?, allday=?, modifierid=?, modified=? WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, ce.getEventTitle()); stmt.setString(2, ce.getEventTypeString()); stmt.setInt(3, ce.getStart()); stmt.setInt(4, ce.getEnd()); stmt.setInt(5, ce.getAppID()); stmt.setString(6, ce.getEventDesc()); stmt.setString(7, ce.getAllDayEvent() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setInt(8, getUserID()); stmt.setLong(9, timeNow()); stmt.setInt(10, ce.getID()); System.out.println("id to update = " + ce.getID()); stmt.execute(); int res = stmt.getUpdateCount(); System.out.println( "UpdateCount=" + stmt.getUpdateCount() + " ce.getEventTitle=[" + ce.getEventTitle() + "]"); stmt.close(); Environment env = getEnvironment(ce.getEnvID(), false); this.RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Calendar Entry \"" + ce.getEventTitle() + "\" Changed"); getDBConnection().commit(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return -1; } public int ApproveEvent(int eventid) { // // TO DO: Check Permissions // String sql1 = "UPDATE dm.dm_calendar SET status='N' where id=?"; String sql2 = "UPDATE dm.dm_request SET status='C', completed=? where calendarid=?"; String sql3 = "SELECT envid,eventname FROM dm.dm_calendar WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, eventid); stmt1.execute(); int res = stmt1.getUpdateCount(); System.out.println("UpdateCount=" + stmt1.getUpdateCount()); stmt1.close(); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setLong(1, timeNow()); stmt2.setInt(2, eventid); stmt2.execute(); PreparedStatement stmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt3.setInt(1, eventid); ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery(); if ( { Environment env = getEnvironment(rs3.getInt(1), false); this.RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Calendar Event \"" + rs3.getString(2) + "\" Approved"); } rs3.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return -1; } public List<DMCalendarEvent> getEvents(Environment env, Application app, long starttime, long endtime) { // Called from API - list all events List<DMCalendarEvent> ret = new ArrayList<DMCalendarEvent>(); String sql1 = "SELECT,c.envid,c.eventname,rtrim(c.eventtype),c.starttime,c.endtime, " + "c.allday,c.status,c.appid,c.description,c.creatorid,c.created,c.modifierid,c.modified, " + "r.completed, r.completedby " + "FROM dm.dm_calendar c " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_request r ON r.calendarid = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_environment e on = c.envid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a on = c.appid " + "WHERE c.status<>'D' AND e.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") " + "AND a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") AND starttime>=?"; int ebv = 0, abv = 0, tbv = 0; int nbv = 2; if (env != null) { sql1 = sql1 + " AND c.envid=?"; ebv = nbv++; } if (app != null) { sql1 = sql1 + " AND c.appid=?"; abv = nbv++; } if (endtime > 0) { sql1 = sql1 + " AND c.endtime<=?"; tbv = nbv++; } // String sql2 = "SELECT envid,unavailstart,unavailend FROM dm.dm_availability WHERE envid=?"; String sql3 = "SELECT deploymentid,userid,exitcode,exitstatus,appid,started,finished FROM dm.dm_deployment " + "WHERE started>=? AND finished<=?"; if (env != null) sql3 = sql3 + " AND envid=?"; if (app != null) sql3 = sql3 + " AND appid=?"; try { System.out.println("sql1=" + sql1); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt.setLong(1, starttime); if (env != null) stmt.setInt(ebv, env.getId()); if (app != null) stmt.setInt(abv, app.getId()); if (endtime > 0) stmt.setLong(tbv, endtime); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { DMCalendarEvent ce = new DMCalendarEvent(); String status = rs.getString(8); String EventType = rs.getString(4); // TODO: This needs to be used! if (status != null && status.equalsIgnoreCase("p")) { // Pending event ce.setPending(true); } else { ce.setPending(false); } if (EventType.equalsIgnoreCase("reserved")) ce.setEventType(DMEventType.RESERVED); else if (EventType.equalsIgnoreCase("unavailable")) ce.setEventType(DMEventType.UNAVAILABLE); else if (EventType.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) ce.setEventType(DMEventType.AUTO); ce.setID(rs.getInt(1)); ce.setEnvID(rs.getInt(2)); ce.setEventTitle(getString(rs, 3, "")); int eventStart = rs.getInt(5); int eventEnd = rs.getInt(6); ce.setStart(eventStart); if (eventEnd < eventStart + 900) { eventEnd = eventEnd + (eventEnd % 900); } ce.setEnd(eventEnd); ce.setAllDayEvent(getBoolean(rs, 7, false)); ce.setAppID(rs.getInt(9)); ce.setEventDesc(getString(rs, 10, "")); ce.setCreatorID(rs.getInt(11)); ce.setCreated(rs.getInt(12)); ce.setModifierID(rs.getInt(13)); ce.setModified(rs.getInt(14)); ce.setApproved(getInteger(rs, 15, 0)); ce.setApprover(getInteger(rs, 16, 0)); ret.add(ce); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve calendar events from database"); } List<DMCalendarEvent> getCalendarEvents(int envid, int start, int end) { List<DMCalendarEvent> ret = new ArrayList<DMCalendarEvent>(); String sql1 = "SELECT,c.envid,c.eventname,rtrim(c.eventtype),c.starttime,c.endtime, " + "c.allday,c.status,c.appid,c.description,c.creatorid,c.created,c.modifierid,c.modified, " + "r.completed, r.completedby " + "FROM dm.dm_calendar c " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_request r ON r.calendarid = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a ON = c.appid " + "WHERE ((starttime>=? AND starttime<=?) OR (endtime>=? AND endtime<=?)) AND envid=? AND c.status <>'D' AND (a.status is null or a.status='N')"; String sql2 = "SELECT envid,unavailstart,unavailend FROM dm.dm_availability WHERE envid=?"; String sql3 = "SELECT d.deploymentid,d.userid,d.exitcode,d.exitstatus,d.appid,d.started,d.finished FROM dm.dm_deployment d,dm.dm_application a " + "WHERE d.started>=? AND d.finished<=? AND d.envid=? AND AND a.status='N'"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt.setInt(1, start); stmt.setInt(2, end); stmt.setInt(3, start); stmt.setInt(4, end); stmt.setInt(5, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { DMCalendarEvent ce = new DMCalendarEvent(); String status = rs.getString(8); String EventType = rs.getString(4); // TODO: This needs to be used! if (status != null && status.equalsIgnoreCase("p")) { // Pending event ce.setPending(true); } else { ce.setPending(false); } if (EventType.equalsIgnoreCase("reserved")) ce.setEventType(DMEventType.RESERVED); else if (EventType.equalsIgnoreCase("unavailable")) ce.setEventType(DMEventType.UNAVAILABLE); else if (EventType.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) ce.setEventType(DMEventType.AUTO); ce.setID(rs.getInt(1)); ce.setEnvID(rs.getInt(2)); ce.setEventTitle(getString(rs, 3, "")); int eventStart = rs.getInt(5); int eventEnd = rs.getInt(6); ce.setStart(eventStart); if (eventEnd < eventStart + 900) { eventEnd = eventEnd + (eventEnd % 900); } ce.setEnd(eventEnd); ce.setAllDayEvent(getBoolean(rs, 7, false)); ce.setAppID(rs.getInt(9)); ce.setEventDesc(getString(rs, 10, "")); ce.setCreatorID(rs.getInt(11)); ce.setCreated(rs.getInt(12)); ce.setModifierID(rs.getInt(13)); ce.setModified(rs.getInt(14)); ce.setApproved(getInteger(rs, 15, 0)); ce.setApprover(getInteger(rs, 16, 0)); ret.add(ce); } rs.close(); // // Now overlay the availability events from the weekly availability calendar // PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); int x = 1; while ( { DMCalendarEvent ce = new DMCalendarEvent(); ce.setAllDayEvent(false); ce.setID(-1 - x); // negative id = weekly "unavailable" event ce.setEnvID(rs2.getInt(1)); ce.setEventTitle("Unavailable"); ce.setStart(rs2.getInt(2) + start); // Start is start of week ce.setEnd(rs2.getInt(3) + start); ce.setAppID(0); ce.setEventDesc(""); ce.setEventType(DMEventType.UNAVAILABLE); ret.add(ce); x++; } rs2.close(); // // Now do any historic deployments // PreparedStatement stmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt3.setInt(1, start); stmt3.setInt(2, end); stmt3.setInt(3, envid); ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery(); while ( { DMCalendarEvent ce = new DMCalendarEvent(); ce.setAllDayEvent(false); ce.setID(rs3.getInt(1)); // need to differentiate this from normal calendar events ce.setEnvID(envid); ce.setEventTitle("Deployed"); int depStart = rs3.getInt(6); int depEnd = rs3.getInt(7); int interval = depEnd - depStart; System.out.println("depstart=" + depStart + " depend=" + depEnd + " interval=" + interval); ce.setStart(depStart); if (interval < 900) { // interval between start & end should be at LEAST 900 secs (15 mins) and end on a 15 minute boundary interval = 900 + (interval % 900); System.out.println("Adding " + interval + " to depEnd"); depEnd = depEnd + interval; System.out.println("depEnd now " + depEnd); } ce.setEnd(depEnd); ce.setAppID(rs3.getInt(5)); ce.setEventDesc(rs3.getString(4)); ce.setEventType(DMEventType.DEPLOYMENT); ce.setDeployID(rs3.getInt(1)); ret.add(ce); x++; } rs3.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve calendar events from database"); } List<DMCalendarEvent> getWeeklySchedule(int envid) { List<DMCalendarEvent> ret = new ArrayList<DMCalendarEvent>(); String sql = "SELECT unavailstart,unavailend FROM dm.dm_availability WHERE envid=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); int x = 1; while ( { DMCalendarEvent ce = new DMCalendarEvent(); ce.setAllDayEvent(false); ce.setID(0 - x); ce.setEnvID(rs.getInt(1)); ce.setEventTitle("Unavailable"); ce.setEventType(DMEventType.UNAVAILABLE); ce.setStart(rs.getInt(1) + 345600); ce.setEnd(rs.getInt(2) + 345600); ret.add(ce); x++; } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve availability events from database"); } public void DeleteAllAvailability(int envid) { String sql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_availability WHERE envid=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to delete availability events from database"); } private void UpdateCalendarAttributes(int envid, String colname, int t, String newval) { String sql = "UPDATE dm.dm_environment SET " + colname + "=? WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); if (t == 1) { stmt.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(newval)); } else { stmt.setString(1, newval); } stmt.setInt(2, envid); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to update calendar attributes colname=" + colname + " newval=" + newval); } public void setCalendarStartTime(int envid, int timeinmins) { UpdateCalendarAttributes(envid, "calstart", 1, Integer.toString(timeinmins)); } public void setCalendarEndTime(int envid, int timeinmins) { UpdateCalendarAttributes(envid, "calend", 1, Integer.toString(timeinmins)); } public void setCalendarAvailability(int envid, String na) { UpdateCalendarAttributes(envid, "calusage", 2, na); } public void AddAvailability(int envid, int start, int end) { String sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_availability(envid,unavailstart,unavailend) VALUES(?,?,?)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); stmt.setInt(2, start); stmt.setInt(3, end); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to insert availability event into database"); } public String GetApplicationNameFromID(int appid) { String ret = ""; String sql = "SELECT name FROM dm.dm_application WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, appid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { ret = rs.getString(1); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve application name from database"); } //public boolean approveApplication(Application app, Domain tgtdomain, boolean approve, String note) //{ // if(approve) { // System.out.println("Approving application "+app.getId()+" for domain "+tgtdomain.getId()); // } else { // System.out.println("Rejecting application "+app.getId()+" for domain "+tgtdomain.getId()); // } // int id = getID("Approval"); // if(id == 0) { // return false; // } // // String sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_approval(id, appid, \"when\", userid, approved, note) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // try { // PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql); // stmt.setInt(1, id); // stmt.setInt(2, app.getId()); // stmt.setLong(3, timeNow()); // stmt.setInt(4, m_userID); // stmt.setString(5, (approve ? "Y" : "N")); // stmt.setString(6, note); // stmt.execute(); // stmt.close(); // m_conn.commit(); // return true; // } catch(SQLException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // rollback(); // } // return false; //} public List<Application> GetApplicationsInEnvironment(int envid, boolean isRelease) { List<Application> ret = new ArrayList<Application>(); Environment env = this.getEnvironment(envid, true); String domainlist = ""; Domain lifeCycleDomain = null; domainlist += env.getDomainId() + ","; Domain d = env.getDomain(); while (d != null) { domainlist += d.getDomainId() + ","; int id = d.getDomainId(); d = getDomain(id); if (d != null && d.getLifecycle()) lifeCycleDomain = d; } if (lifeCycleDomain != null) { // Need to add sibling domains List<Domain> children = getChildDomains(lifeCycleDomain); for (Domain cd : children) { domainlist += cd.getId() + ","; } } domainlist = domainlist.replaceAll(",$", ""); System.out.println("domainlist=" + domainlist); String sql; if (isRelease) { sql = "SELECT,,a.domainid FROM dm.dm_application a " + "WHERE a.isRelease = 'Y' and a.domainid in (" + domainlist + ") AND a.status='N' ORDER BY 2"; } else { sql = "SELECT,,a.domainid FROM dm.dm_application a, dm.dm_appsallowedinenv b " + "WHERE b.envid=? AND ( OR a.parentid=b.appid) AND a.isRelease <> 'Y' and a.domainid in (" + domainlist + ") AND a.status='N' ORDER BY 2"; } System.out.println("sql=" + sql); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); if (!isRelease) stmt.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Application app = getApplication(rs.getInt(1), true); System.out.println("got app " + app.getName()); //ce.setId(rs.getInt(1)); //ce.setName(rs.getString(2)); //Domain d2 = getDomain(rs.getInt(3)); //ce.setDomain(d2); ret.add(app); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve applications in environment from database"); } // Build Engine public Builder getBuilder(int builderid) { if (builderid < 0) { Builder ret = new Builder(this, builderid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); return ret; } String sql = "SELECT,b.summary,b.domainid,b.status,b.credid, " + ",, uc.realname, b.created, " + ",, um.realname, b.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,, " + "FROM dm.dm_buildengine b " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON b.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON b.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON b.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON b.ogrpid = " // owner group + "WHERE"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, builderid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Builder ret = null; if ( { ret = new Builder(this, builderid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); int credid = getInteger(rs, 5, 0); if (credid != 0) { Credential cred = getCredential(credid, false); ret.setCredential(cred); } getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 6, ret); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; // throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve builder " + builderid + " from database"); } // Build Job public BuildJob getBuildJob(int buildjobid) { if (buildjobid < 0) { BuildJob ret = new BuildJob(this, buildjobid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); return ret; } String sql = "SELECT,b.summary,b.builderid,b.status,b.projectname, " + ",, uc.realname, b.created, " + ",, um.realname, b.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_buildjob b " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON b.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON b.modifierid = " // modifier + "WHERE"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, buildjobid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); BuildJob ret = null; if ( { ret = new BuildJob(this, buildjobid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setBuilderId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); ret.setProjectName(rs.getString(5)); getCreatorModifier(rs, 6, ret); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve build job " + buildjobid + " from database"); } // Environment public Environment getEnvironment(int envid, boolean detailed) { if (envid < 0) { Environment ret = new Environment(this, envid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); return ret; } String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, e.summary, e.domainid, e.status, e.calstart, e.calend, e.calusage, " + ",, uc.realname, e.created, " + ",, um.realname, e.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,, " + "FROM dm.dm_environment e " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON e.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON e.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON e.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON e.ogrpid = " // owner group + "WHERE = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, e.summary, e.domainid, e.status, e.calstart, e.calend, e.calusage " + "FROM dm.dm_environment e WHERE = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Environment ret = null; if ( { ret = new Environment(this, envid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); ret.setCalStart(getInteger(rs, 5, 0)); ret.setCalEnd(getInteger(rs, 6, 1440)); // 00:00 in mins (1,440 mins = full day) ret.setCalUsage(getString(rs, 7, "E")); // (E)xcept for Calendar Usage if (detailed) { getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 8, ret); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve environment " + envid + " from database"); } // Used by API only private int getDomainID2(String DomainName, int parent) { // // Domain ID can be fully qualified. (DOMAIN.DOMAIN.DOMAIN...) // Since individual domain names need not be unique (UAT can exist in // more than one parent domain for example) then we need to make sure // that we return an error if more than one is found. // System.out.println("getDomainID2(\"" + DomainName + "\"," + parent + ")"); int domid = DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND; int dot = DomainName.indexOf('.'); if (dot >= 0) { System.out.println("dot=" + dot); // DomainName is full qualified String dn1 = DomainName.substring(0, dot); String dn2 = DomainName.substring(dot + 1); System.out.println("dn1=[" + dn1 + "] dn2=[" + dn2 + "]"); int p2 = getDomainID2(dn1, parent); // This should return the ID of the first bit if (p2 >= 0) { // So far, so good... if (dn2.length() > 0) { domid = getDomainID2(dn2, p2); if (domid < 0) { // There's been an error - bail out return domid; } } } else { return p2; } } else { String sql = "SELECT id from dm.dm_domain where id in (" + m_domainlist + ") and name=?"; if (parent > 0) { sql = sql + " AND domainid=?"; } try { System.out.println("sql=" + sql); System.out.println("DomainName=[" + DomainName + "]"); System.out.println("parent=" + parent); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, DomainName); if (parent > 0) stmt.setInt(2, parent); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // got at least one row. domid = rs.getInt(1); // Check we're unique if ( { // Not unique domid = DOMAIN_OBJECT_AMBIGUOUS; } } else { // No row returned - cannot find this domain domid = DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve domain from database"); } } return domid; } public int getDomainID(String DomainName) { return getDomainID2(DomainName, 0); } private int getObjectDomainId(String objName) { int dot = objName.lastIndexOf('.'); int domainid = DOMAIN_NOT_SPECIFIED; if (dot > 0) { String dn = objName.substring(0, dot); System.out.println("dn=" + dn); domainid = getDomainID(dn); switch (domainid) { case DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND: throw new RuntimeException("Domain " + dn + " Not Found or No Access"); case DOMAIN_OBJECT_AMBIGUOUS: throw new RuntimeException("Domain " + dn + " is Ambiguous"); } } return domainid; } private DMObject getObjectByName(ObjectType ot, String name) { String table_name = "dm_" + ot.toString().toLowerCase(); String sql; int domainid = getObjectDomainId(name); if (domainid == DOMAIN_NOT_SPECIFIED) { if (ot == ObjectType.TEMPLATE) { // Templates don't have domains of their own sql = "SELECT FROM dm.dm_template t,dm_notify n WHERE AND n.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and = ? AND t.status='N'"; } else if (ot == ObjectType.BUILDJOB) { // Build Jobs don't have domains of their own sql = "SELECT FROM dm.dm_buildengine b,dm_buildjob j WHERE AND b.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and = ? AND j.status='N'"; } else { if (m_domainlist == "") { sql = "SELECT id FROM dm." + table_name + " WHERE name = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT id FROM dm." + table_name + " WHERE domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and name = ?"; } System.out.println("sql=" + sql); } } else { if (ot == ObjectType.TEMPLATE) { // Templates don't have domains of their own sql = "SELECT FROM dm.dm_template t,dm_notify n WHERE AND = ? AND n.domainid=? AND t.status='N'"; } else if (ot == ObjectType.BUILDJOB) { // Build Jobs don't have domains of their own sql = "SELECT FROM dm.dm_buildengine b,dm_buildjob j WHERE AND = ? AND b.domainid=? AND t.status='N'"; } else { sql = "SELECT id FROM dm." + table_name + " WHERE name = ? AND domainid=?"; } name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } try { if (ot != ObjectType.TEMPLATE && ot != ObjectType.TASK) { sql = sql + "AND status='N'"; } PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, name); if (domainid != DOMAIN_NOT_SPECIFIED) stmt.setInt(2, domainid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); DMObject ret = null; String d = ot.toString(); String desc = d.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + d.substring(1).toLowerCase(); if ( { // Check this name is unique int id = rs.getInt(1); if ( { // not unique rs.close(); stmt.close(); throw new RuntimeException(desc + " " + name + " is Ambiguous"); } switch (ot) { case ENVIRONMENT: ret = getEnvironment(id, true); break; case SERVER: ret = getServer(id, true); break; case USER: ret = getUser(id); break; case DATASOURCE: ret = getDatasource(id, true); break; case COMPONENT: ret = getComponent(id, true); break; case TASK: ret = getTask(id, true); break; case APPLICATION: ret = getApplication(id, true); break; case DOMAIN: ret = getDomain(id); break; case CREDENTIALS: ret = getCredential(id, true); break; case TEMPLATE: ret = getTemplate(id); break; case USERGROUP: ret = getGroup(id); break; case REPOSITORY: ret = getRepository(id, true); break; default: break; } } else { // not found rs.close(); stmt.close(); throw new RuntimeException(desc + " " + name + " Not Found or No Access"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve object '" + name + "' from database"); } public Environment getEnvironmentByName(String envName) { return (Environment) getObjectByName(ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT, envName); } public Server getServerByName(String serverName) { return (Server) getObjectByName(ObjectType.SERVER, serverName); } public User getUserByName(String userName) { return (User) getObjectByName(ObjectType.USER, userName); } public Datasource getDatasourceByName(String dsName) { return (Datasource) getObjectByName(ObjectType.DATASOURCE, dsName); } public Category getCompCategoryByName(String categoryName) { String sql = "select id from dm.dm_category where name = ?"; int catid = 0; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, categoryName); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { catid = rs.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } Category cat = new Category(catid, categoryName); return cat; } public Component getComponentByName(String componentName) { return (Component) getObjectByName(ObjectType.COMPONENT, componentName); } public Task getTaskByName(String taskName) { Task t = (Task) getObjectByName(ObjectType.TASK, taskName); // Now check we have execute access to the task, otherwise throw exception String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_taskaccess a,dm.dm_usersingroup b WHERE a.taskid=? and b.userid=? and a.usrgrpid in (b.groupid,1)"; try { System.out.println("checking execute permissions for task " + t.getId() + " for user " + getUserID()); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, t.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println("count is " + rs.getInt(1)); if (rs.getInt(1) == 0) throw new RuntimeException("Task " + taskName + " Not Found or No Access"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } return t; } public Application getApplicationByName(String appName) { return (Application) getObjectByName(ObjectType.APPLICATION, appName); } public Domain getDomainByName(String domainName) { if (domainName.equalsIgnoreCase("GLOBAL")) return getDomain(1); return (Domain) getObjectByName(ObjectType.DOMAIN, domainName); } public Credential getCredentialByName(String credName) { return (Credential) getObjectByName(ObjectType.CREDENTIALS, credName); } public NotifyTemplate getTemplateByName(String tempName) { return (NotifyTemplate) getObjectByName(ObjectType.TEMPLATE, tempName); } public UserGroup getGroupByName(String groupName) { return (UserGroup) getObjectByName(ObjectType.USERGROUP, groupName); } public Repository getRepositoryByName(String repoName) { return (Repository) getObjectByName(ObjectType.REPOSITORY, repoName); } public Action getActionByName(String actionName) { return (Action) getObjectByName(ObjectType.ACTION, actionName); } public Task getTaskByType(Domain domain, TaskType type) { Task t = null; String tt = type.getTaskTypeString(); System.out.println("getTaskByType tt=" + tt); String sql1 = "SELECT id FROM dm.dm_tasktypes WHERE name=?"; String sql2 = "SELECT id,subdomains FROM dm.dm_task WHERE typeid=? AND domainid=?"; String sql3 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dm.dm_taskaccess a,dm.dm_usersingroup b WHERE a.taskid=? AND b.userid=? and a.usrgrpid in (b.groupid,1)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); PreparedStatement stmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt1.setString(1, tt); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { // Got the task type System.out.println("looking for task of type " + rs1.getInt(1) + " in domain " + domain.getId()); boolean checkInheritence = false; stmt2.setInt(1, rs1.getInt(1)); do { stmt2.setInt(2, domain.getId()); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); while ( { // Task of the correct type found in this domain. Do we have access? System.out.println("found task " + rs2.getInt(1) + " checking access"); stmt3.setInt(1, rs2.getInt(1)); if (!checkInheritence || (checkInheritence && getString(rs2, 2, "N").equalsIgnoreCase("y"))) { stmt3.setInt(2, getUserID()); ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs3.getInt(1) > 0) { System.out .println("** count for task " + rs2.getInt(1) + " is " + rs3.getInt(1)); // Found a task of the correct type and with execute rights t = this.getTask(rs2.getInt(1), false); } } rs3.close(); } if (t != null) break; // found the first task with execute rights } rs2.close(); if (t == null) { // Didn't find a task in this domain - go up a domain and check for // inherited tasks domain = domain.getDomain(); if (domain == null) break; // bail out checkInheritence = true; } } while (t == null); } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); if (t != null) System.out.println("found task " + t.getName()); return t; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve task by type"); } public TableDataSet getPreRequisitiesForApp(Application app) { String sql1 = "SELECT a.depappid,,a.option,a.notes FROM dm.dm_prerequisities a, dm.dm_application b WHERE a.appid=? AND AND a.deptype in ('APP','AV')"; String sql2 = "SELECT a.compid,,a.option,a.notes FROM dm.dm_prerequisities a, dm.dm_component b WHERE a.appid=? AND AND a.deptype='COMP'"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt.setInt(1, app.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); TableDataSet ret = new TableDataSet(5); int row = 0; while ( { ret.put(row, 0, (Integer) rs.getInt(1)); ret.put(row, 1, "A"); ret.put(row, 2, new Application(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)).getLinkJSON()); String opt = rs.getString(3); if (opt == null) opt = "Abort"; // Default ret.put(row, 3, opt); opt = rs.getString(4); if (opt == null) opt = ""; ret.put(row, 4, opt); row++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, app.getId()); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.put(row, 0, (Integer) rs2.getInt(1)); ret.put(row, 1, "C"); ret.put(row, 2, new Component(this, rs2.getInt(1), rs2.getString(2)).getLinkJSON()); String opt = rs2.getString(3); if (opt == null) opt = "Abort"; // Default ret.put(row, 3, opt); opt = rs2.getString(4); if (opt == null) opt = ""; ret.put(row, 4, opt); row++; } rs2.close(); stmt2.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve prereqs for application '" + app.getName() + "' from database"); } // For API public List<DeployedApplication> getDeployedApplicationsInEnvironment(int envid) { String sql = "SELECT ai.appid,,,, a2.predecessorid, " + " vi2.deploymentid, d.exitcode, d.finished, " + " vi2.modifierid,, u.realname, vi2.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_appsallowedinenv ai " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a1 ON = ai.appid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a2 ON ( = ai.appid OR a2.parentid = ai.appid) AND IN (" + " SELECT vi.appid FROM dm.dm_appsinenv vi WHERE vi.envid = ai.envid)" + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_appsinenv vi2 ON vi2.envid = ai.envid AND vi2.appid = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_deployment d ON d.deploymentid = vi2.deploymentid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user u ON = vi2.modifierid " + "WHERE ai.envid = ? ORDER BY 2"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<DeployedApplication> dal = new ArrayList<DeployedApplication>(); while ( { DeployedApplication da = new DeployedApplication(); da.setApplicationID(rs.getInt(1)); // id of application da.setApplicationName(rs.getString(2)); // name of application da.setVersionID(rs.getInt(3)); // id of application version (NULL if not deployed) da.setVersionName(rs.getString(4)); // name of application version (NULL if not deployed) da.setPredecessorID(rs.getInt(5)); // predecessor id of application version (NULL if no application version) da.setDeploymentID(rs.getInt(6)); // deployment id (NULL if not deployed) da.setExitCode(rs.getInt(7)); // exit code (NULL if not deployed) // da.setCompletedDate(new Date(rs.getLong(8)*1000)); // Completion Date/Time (NULL if not deployed) dal.add(da); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return dal; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployed application version info for environment '" + envid + "' from database"); } public TableDataSet getAppVersInEnvData(Environment env) { String sql = "SELECT ai.appid,,,, a2.predecessorid, " + " vi2.deploymentid, d.exitcode, d.finished, " + " vi2.modifierid,, u.realname, vi2.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_appsallowedinenv ai " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a1 ON = ai.appid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a2 ON ( = ai.appid OR a2.parentid = ai.appid) AND IN (" + " SELECT vi.appid FROM dm.dm_appsinenv vi WHERE vi.envid = ai.envid)" + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_appsinenv vi2 ON vi2.envid = ai.envid AND vi2.appid = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_deployment d ON d.deploymentid = vi2.deploymentid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user u ON = vi2.modifierid " + "WHERE ai.envid = ? ORDER BY 2"; // + "WHERE ai.envid = ? AND a1.parentid IS NULL ORDER BY 2"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, env.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); TableDataSet ret = new TableDataSet(4); int row = 0; while ( { ret.put(row, 0, new JSONBoolean(false)); ret.put(row, 1, new Application(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)).getLinkJSON()); int avid = getInteger(rs, 3, 0); if (avid != 0) { Application app = new Application(this, avid, rs.getString(4)); app.setPredecessorId(getInteger(rs, 5, 0)); ret.put(row, 2, app.getLinkJSON()); int deploymentid = getInteger(rs, 6, 0); if (deploymentid != 0) { Deployment d = new Deployment(this, deploymentid, rs.getInt(7)); d.setFinished(rs.getInt(8)); ret.put(row, 3, d.getLinkJSON()); } else { ret.put(row, 3, new CreatedModifiedField(formatDateToUserLocale(rs.getInt(12)), new User(this, rs.getInt(9), rs.getString(10), rs.getString(11)))); } } row++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve application version info for environment '" + env.getName() + "' from database"); } public TableDataSet envListToTableData(List<Environment> envs) { Object envlist[] = envs.toArray(); TableDataSet ret = new TableDataSet(4); for (int i = 0; i < envs.size(); i++) { Environment env = (Environment) envlist[i]; ret.put(i, 0, new JSONBoolean(false)); ret.put(i, 1, env.getLinkJSON()); } return ret; } public TableDataSet getAppVersInEnvData(Application app) { String sql; int parentid = app.getParentId(); if (parentid > 0) { // this is an application version sql = "SELECT ai.envid,,,, a2.predecessorid, " + " vi2.deploymentid, d.exitcode, d.finished, " + " vi2.modifierid,, u.realname, vi2.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_appsallowedinenv ai " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_environment e ON = ai.envid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a2 ON ( = ai.appid OR a2.parentid = ai.appid) AND IN (" + " SELECT vi.appid FROM dm.dm_appsinenv vi WHERE vi.envid = ai.envid)" + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_appsinenv vi2 ON vi2.envid = ai.envid AND vi2.appid = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_deployment d ON d.deploymentid = vi2.deploymentid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user u ON = vi2.modifierid " + "WHERE ai.appid = ? AND = ? ORDER BY 2"; } else { // this is an application sql = "SELECT ai.envid,,,, a2.predecessorid, " + " vi2.deploymentid, d.exitcode, d.finished, " + " vi2.modifierid,, u.realname, vi2.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_appsallowedinenv ai " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_environment e ON = ai.envid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a2 ON ( = ai.appid OR a2.parentid = ai.appid) AND IN (" + " SELECT vi.appid FROM dm.dm_appsinenv vi WHERE vi.envid = ai.envid)" + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_appsinenv vi2 ON vi2.envid = ai.envid AND vi2.appid = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_deployment d ON d.deploymentid = vi2.deploymentid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user u ON = vi2.modifierid " + "WHERE ai.appid = ? ORDER BY 2"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, parentid > 0 ? parentid : app.getId()); if (parentid > 0) stmt.setInt(2, app.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); TableDataSet ret = new TableDataSet(4); int row = 0; while ( { ret.put(row, 0, new JSONBoolean(false)); ret.put(row, 1, new Environment(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)).getLinkJSON()); int avid = getInteger(rs, 3, 0); if (avid != 0) { Application av = new Application(this, avid, rs.getString(4)); av.setPredecessorId(getInteger(rs, 5, 0)); ret.put(row, 2, av.getLinkJSON()); int deploymentid = getInteger(rs, 6, 0); if (deploymentid != 0) { Deployment d = new Deployment(this, deploymentid, rs.getInt(7)); d.setFinished(rs.getInt(8)); ret.put(row, 3, d.getLinkJSON()); } else { ret.put(row, 3, new CreatedModifiedField(formatDateToUserLocale(rs.getInt(12)), new User(this, rs.getInt(9), rs.getString(10), rs.getString(11)))); } } row++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve application version info for environment '" + app.getName() + "' from database"); } public TableDataSet getPendingEnvData(Environment env) { long cutoff = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) - 864000; // 10 days ago String sql = "SELECT,,c.parentid,,,,,a.starttime,a.endtime,a.eventname, " + "FROM dm.dm_calendar a, " + " dm.dm_environment b, " + " dm.dm_application c, " + " dm.dm_domain d " + "WHERE a.envid = " + "AND a.appid = " + "AND b.domainid = " + "AND a.envid=? " + "AND a.status <> 'D' " + "AND a.endtime > ? " + "ORDER BY"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, env.getId()); stmt.setLong(2, cutoff); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); TableDataSet ret = new TableDataSet(8); int row = 0; while ( { ret.put(row, 0, rs.getInt(8)); ret.put(row, 1, rs.getInt(9)); Application app = new Application(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); app.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); System.out.println("id=" + app.getId() + " parentid=" + app.getParentId()); ret.put(row, 2, app.getLinkJSON()); ret.put(row, 3, rs.getInt(6)); ret.put(row, 4, rs.getString(7)); ret.put(row, 5, new Environment(this, rs.getInt(4), rs.getString(5)).getLinkJSON()); ret.put(row, 6, rs.getString(10)); ret.put(row, 7, rs.getInt(11)); row++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve pending application info for environment '" + env.getName() + "' from database"); } public TableDataSet getPendingEnvData(Application app) { System.out.println("getPendingEnvData for app " + app.getId()); String col = (app.getParentId() > 0) ? "" : "c.parentid"; String sql; boolean isRelease = (app.getIsRelease().equalsIgnoreCase("y")); System.out.println("isRelease=" + isRelease); if (isRelease) { sql = "SELECT,,x.parentid,0,'',0,'',0 starttime,0,'',0,0,'Y' " + "FROM dm.dm_application x " + "WHERE " + "AND NOT EXISTS ( " + "SELECT 'Y' FROM dm.dm_calendar t WHERE t.appid=? " + ") " + "UNION " + "SELECT,,c.parentid,,,,,a.starttime,a.endtime,a.description,,d.position,c.isrelease " + "FROM dm.dm_calendar a, " + " dm.dm_environment b, " + " dm.dm_application c, " + " dm.dm_domain d " + "WHERE a.envid = " + "AND a.appid = " + "AND b.domainid = " + "AND a.status <> 'D' " + "AND c.status <> 'D' " + "AND IN " + "(SELECT objfrom FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows x WHERE x.appid=? " + "UNION " + "SELECT objto FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows y WHERE y.appid=?) " + "UNION " + "SELECT,,c.parentid,,,,,a.starttime,a.endtime,a.description,,d.position,c.isrelease " + "FROM dm.dm_calendar a, " + " dm.dm_environment b, " + " dm.dm_application c, " + " dm.dm_domain d " + "WHERE a.envid = " + "AND a.appid = " + "AND b.domainid = " + "AND (" + col + "=? or " + "AND a.status <> 'D' " + "AND c.status <> 'D' " + "UNION " + "SELECT,,x2.parentid,0,'',0,'',0,0,'',,0,'N' " + "FROM dm.dm_application x2 " + "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'Y' FROM dm.dm_calendar z WHERE " + "AND IN " + "(SELECT objfrom FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows x1 WHERE x1.appid=? " + "UNION " + "SELECT objto FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows y1 WHERE y1.appid=?) " + "ORDER BY 13 desc,starttime"; } else { sql = "SELECT,,c.parentid,,,,,a.starttime,a.endtime,a.description,,d.position,c.isrelease " + "FROM dm.dm_calendar a, " + " dm.dm_environment b, " + " dm.dm_application c, " + " dm.dm_domain d " + "WHERE a.envid = " + "AND a.appid = " + "AND b.domainid = " + "AND (" + col + "=? or " + "AND a.status <> 'D' " + "AND c.status <> 'D' " + "UNION " + "SELECT,,c.parentid,,,,,a.starttime,a.endtime,a.description,,d.position,c.isrelease " + "FROM dm.dm_calendar a, " + " dm.dm_environment b, " + " dm.dm_application c, " + " dm.dm_domain d " + "WHERE a.envid = " + "AND a.appid = " + "AND b.domainid = " + "AND c.isrelease='Y' " + "AND IN ( " + "SELECT appid FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE (objfrom IN ( " + "SELECT id FROM dm.dm_application WHERE (id=? or parentid=?) and status<>'D' " + ") OR objto IN (select id from dm.dm_application where (id=? or parentid=?) and status<>'D') " + ")) " + "AND a.status <> 'D' " + "AND c.status <> 'D' " + "ORDER BY starttime"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, app.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, app.getId()); stmt.setInt(3, app.getId()); stmt.setInt(4, app.getId()); stmt.setInt(5, app.getId()); stmt.setInt(6, app.getId()); if (isRelease) { stmt.setInt(7, app.getId()); stmt.setInt(8, app.getId()); } ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); TableDataSet ret = new TableDataSet(12); int row = 0; long now = timeNow(); System.out.println("timeNow=" + now); String csql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_appsinenv WHERE envid=? AND appid=?"; PreparedStatement cstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); while ( { System.out.println(row + ") got application " + rs.getString(2) + " (id " + rs.getInt(1) + ")"); ret.put(row, 0, rs.getInt(8)); // start time ret.put(row, 1, rs.getInt(9)); // end time Application a = new Application(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); a.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); ret.put(row, 2, a.getLinkJSON()); // Application ret.put(row, 3, rs.getInt(6)); // Domain ID ret.put(row, 4, rs.getString(7)); // Domain Name ret.put(row, 5, new Environment(this, rs.getInt(4), rs.getString(5)).getLinkJSON()); ret.put(row, 6, rs.getString(10)); // Description ret.put(row, 7, rs.getInt(11)); // Calendar Event ID ret.put(row, 8, rs.getInt(1)); // Application ID (for release grouping) ret.put(row, 9, rs.getString(2)); // Application Name (for release grouping) ret.put(row, 10, rs.getInt(12)); // Domain Order (for sub grouping releases) String status = ""; boolean rel = rs.getString(13).equalsIgnoreCase("y"); if (now > rs.getInt(8)) { System.out.println( "time has passed for app " + rs.getString(2) + " " + now + " > " + rs.getInt(8)); // Start time has passed - check the app is present on the environment cstmt.setInt(1, rs.getInt(4)); // envid cstmt.setInt(2, rs.getInt(1)); // appid ResultSet crs = cstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int cnt = crs.getInt(1); if (cnt > 0) { // Application is present in Environment - was it late? status = "inenv"; } else { // Application is not present in Environment status = "absent"; } } } else { status = rel ? "release" : ""; } System.out.println("putting row for appid " + rs.getInt(1)); ret.put(row, 11, status); row++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve pending environment info for application '" + app.getName() + "' from database"); } public boolean addToPrerequisities(Application app, Component comp) { int parentid = comp.getParentId(); System.out.println("addToPrerequisities - " + app.getId() + ", " + comp.getId()); String sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_prerequisities(appid, deptype, compid) VALUES(?,'COMP',?)"; try { boolean ret = false; ; String updsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_prerequisities SET compid=? WHERE appid=? AND (compid IN (SELECT id FROM dm.dm_component WHERE parentid=?) OR compid=?)"; PreparedStatement updstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql); updstmt.setInt(1, comp.getId()); updstmt.setInt(2, app.getId()); updstmt.setInt(3, parentid > 0 ? parentid : comp.getId()); updstmt.setInt(4, parentid); updstmt.execute(); int updcount = updstmt.getUpdateCount(); updstmt.close(); System.out.println("upcount=" + updcount); if (updcount == 0) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, app.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, comp.getId()); stmt.execute(); System.out.println(stmt.getUpdateCount() + " rows inserted"); ret = (stmt.getUpdateCount() == 1); stmt.close(); } else { ret = true; } getDBConnection().commit(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean addToPrerequisities(Application app, Application depapp) { int parentid = depapp.getParentId(); System.out.println("addToPrerequisities - " + app.getId() + ", " + depapp.getId()); String sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_prerequisities(appid, deptype, depappid) VALUES(?,?,?)"; try { // // boolean ret = false; ; String updsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_prerequisities SET depappid=? WHERE appid=? AND (depappid IN (SELECT id FROM dm.dm_application WHERE parentid=?) OR depappid=?)"; PreparedStatement updstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql); updstmt.setInt(1, depapp.getId()); updstmt.setInt(2, app.getId()); updstmt.setInt(3, parentid > 0 ? parentid : depapp.getId()); updstmt.setInt(4, parentid); updstmt.execute(); int updcount = updstmt.getUpdateCount(); updstmt.close(); if (updcount == 0) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, app.getId()); stmt.setString(2, parentid > 0 ? "AV" : "APP"); stmt.setInt(3, depapp.getId()); stmt.execute(); System.out.println(stmt.getUpdateCount() + " rows inserted"); ret = (stmt.getUpdateCount() == 1); stmt.close(); } else { ret = true; } getDBConnection().commit(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean ChangePrerequisite(Application app, ObjectType t, int id, String coltype, String colval) { System.out.println( "" + app.getId() + " t=" + t + " id=" + id + " coltype=" + coltype + " colval=" + colval); String keycol = (t == ObjectType.COMPONENT) ? "compid" : "depappid"; String colname = (coltype.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) ? "option" : "notes"; String sql = "UPDATE dm.dm_prerequisities SET " + colname + "=? WHERE appid=? AND " + keycol + "=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, colval); stmt.setInt(2, app.getId()); stmt.setInt(3, id); stmt.execute(); System.out.println(stmt.getUpdateCount() + " rows updated"); boolean ret = (stmt.getUpdateCount() == 1); getDBConnection().commit(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean addToAppsAllowedInEnv(Environment env, Application app) { System.out.println("addToAppsAllowedInEnv - " + env.getId() + ", " + app.getId()); int pappid = app.getParentId(); String sql1 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_appsallowedinenv WHERE envid=? AND appid=?"; String sql2 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_appsallowedinenv(envid, appid) VALUES(?,?)"; boolean ret = false; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt1.setInt(1, env.getId()); stmt1.setInt(2, pappid > 0 ? pappid : app.getId()); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { int c = rs1.getInt(1); if (c == 0) { stmt2.setInt(1, env.getId()); stmt2.setInt(2, pappid > 0 ? pappid : app.getId()); stmt2.execute(); System.out.println(stmt2.getUpdateCount() + " rows inserted"); ret = (stmt2.getUpdateCount() == 1); if (ret == true) { // Row added - record the fact for both the app and env String pf = (pappid > 0) ? "av" : "ap"; String linkval = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"" + pf + app.getId() + "\");'><b>" + app.getName() + "</b></a>"; String linkval2 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"en" + env.getId() + "\");'><b>" + env.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(app, "Associated with Environment " + linkval2, env.getId()); RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Application " + linkval + " Associated", app.getId()); } getDBConnection().commit(); stmt2.close(); } else { ret = true; } } return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean removeFromAppsAllowedInEnv(Environment env, Application app) { System.out.println("removeFromAppsAllowedInEnv - " + env.getId() + ", " + app.getId()); int pappid = app.getParentId(); String sql1 = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_appsallowedinenv WHERE envid = ? AND appid = ?"; String sql2 = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_appsinenv WHERE envid = ? AND appid IN " + "(select id FROM dm.dm_application WHERE parentid=?)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, env.getId()); stmt1.setInt(2, pappid > 0 ? pappid : app.getId()); stmt1.execute(); System.out.println(stmt1.getUpdateCount() + " rows deleted"); boolean ret1 = (stmt1.getUpdateCount() == 1); // // Now remove any entry in appsinenv // PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, env.getId()); stmt2.setInt(2, pappid > 0 ? pappid : app.getId()); stmt2.execute(); System.out.println(stmt2.getUpdateCount() + " rows deleted"); String pf = (pappid > 0) ? "av" : "ap"; String linkval = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"" + pf + app.getId() + "\");'><b>" + app.getName() + "</b></a>"; String linkval2 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"en" + env.getId() + "\");'><b>" + env.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(app, "Disassociated from Environment " + linkval2, env.getId()); RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Application " + linkval + " Disassociated", app.getId()); getDBConnection().commit(); stmt2.close(); return ret1; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean setAppInEnv(Environment env, Application app, String note) { System.out.println("in setAppInEnv"); System.out.println("setAppInEnv - " + env.getId() + ", " + app.getId() + ", " + note); String usql = "UPDATE dm.dm_appsinenv SET deploymentid = null, appid = ?, modifierid = ?, modified = ?, note = ? " + "WHERE envid = ? AND appid IN (SELECT FROM dm.dm_application a, dm.dm_application b " + "WHERE (a.parentid = b.parentid OR = b.parentid OR a.parentid = OR = AND = ?)"; String isql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_appsinenv(envid, appid, modifierid, modified, note) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"; String msql = "SELECT coalesce(min(deploymentid),-1) FROM dm.dm_deployment WHERE deploymentid < 0"; String isql2 = "insert into dm.dm_deployment(deploymentid,userid,startts,appid,envid,started) values(?,?,now(),?,?,?)"; try { long t = timeNow(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); stmt.setInt(1, app.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); stmt.setLong(3, t); stmt.setString(4, note); stmt.setInt(5, env.getId()); stmt.setInt(6, app.getId()); stmt.execute(); System.out.println(stmt.getUpdateCount() + " rows updated"); if (stmt.getUpdateCount() == 0) { PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(isql); stmt2.setInt(1, env.getId()); stmt2.setInt(2, app.getId()); stmt2.setInt(3, getUserID()); stmt2.setLong(4, t); stmt2.setString(5, note); stmt2.execute(); System.out.println(stmt.getUpdateCount() + " rows inserted"); stmt2.close(); } // insert a "dummy" deployment row to indicate manual update Statement mstmt = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rsm = mstmt.executeQuery(msql); if ( { PreparedStatement dstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(isql2); dstmt.setInt(1, rsm.getInt(1) - 1); dstmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); dstmt.setInt(3, app.getId()); dstmt.setInt(4, env.getId()); dstmt.setLong(5, t); dstmt.execute(); System.out.println(dstmt.getUpdateCount() + " rows inserted"); dstmt.close(); } mstmt.close(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean clearAppInEnv(Environment env, Application app) { System.out.println("clearAppInEnv - " + env.getId() + ", " + app.getId()); String usql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_appsinenv WHERE envid = ? AND appid IN " + "(SELECT FROM dm.dm_application a, dm.dm_application b " + "WHERE (a.parentid = b.parentid OR = b.parentid OR a.parentid = OR = AND = ?)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); stmt.setInt(1, env.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, app.getId()); stmt.execute(); System.out.println(stmt.getUpdateCount() + " rows updated"); boolean ret = (stmt.getUpdateCount() == 1); getDBConnection().commit(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public ReportDataSet getDeploymentsPerUserForEnvironment(int envid) { String sql = "SELECT, (" + "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE AND d.envid=? AND d.exitcode = 0" + ") as success, (" + "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE AND d.envid=? AND d.exitcode <> 0" + ") as failed " + "FROM dm.dm_user u ORDER BY"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); stmt.setInt(2, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs); rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve user deployments report from database"); } public ReportDataSet getDeploymentsPerApplicationForEnvironment(int envid) { String sql = "SELECT, (" + "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.appid = AND d.envid=? AND d.exitcode = 0" + ") as success, (" + "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.appid = AND d.envid=? AND d.exitcode <> 0" + ") as failed " + "FROM dm.dm_application a, dm.dm_appsallowedinenv aie WHERE = aie.appid AND aie.envid=? " + "ORDER BY"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); stmt.setInt(2, envid); stmt.setInt(3, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs); rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve application deployments report from database"); } // Application private String getParentLabel(int t, int appid) { String tablename = (t == 0) ? "dm_application" : "dm_component"; try { if (appid > 0) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT a.branch,a.predecessorid FROM dm." + tablename + " a WHERE = ?"); stmt.setInt(1, appid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { String BranchLabel = getString(rs, 1, ""); int parent = getInteger(rs, 2, 0); rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (BranchLabel.length() > 0) { return BranchLabel; } else { return getParentLabel(t, parent); } } return ""; } else { return ""; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get parentlabel for application " + appid + " from database"); } /* public String getBranchName(int appid) { // Returns the branch name for the specified application. If the app has no branch the code // checks the parent and so on up the tree until it finds a branch id. try { String branchname = null; int predecessorid=0; PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("select branch,predecessorid from dm_application where id= ?"); stmt.setInt(1, appid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { branchname = rs.getString(1); if (rs.wasNull()) branchname = null; predecessorid = rs.getInt(2); if (rs.wasNull()) predecessorid = 0; } rs.close(); return (branchname != null)?branchname:(predecessorid>0)?getBranchName(predecessorid):null; } catch(SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve application " + appid + " from database"); } */ public Application getApplication(int appid, boolean detailed) { if (appid < 0) { Application ret = new Application(this, appid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); ret.setPreAction(new Action(this, 0, "")); ret.setPostAction(new Action(this, 0, "")); ret.setCustomAction(new Action(this, 0, "")); ret.setSuccessTemplate(new NotifyTemplate(this, 0, "")); ret.setFailureTemplate(new NotifyTemplate(this, 0, "")); return ret; } String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, a.summary, a.predecessorid, a.parentid, a.domainid, a.branch, a.status, a.isrelease, a.datasourceid, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " // 10 - 13 + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " // 14 - 17 + ",, uo.realname,,, " // 18 - 22 + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid,,, a3.domainid, " // 23 -31 + " a.xpos, a.ypos, a.startx, b.domainid, " // 32 - 35 + ", " // 36 - 37 + "FROM dm.dm_application a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON a.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON a.ogrpid = " // owner group + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a3 ON a.actionid = " // custom action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application b ON a.parentid = " // base application (if this is a version) + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_template t1 ON a.successtemplateid = " // success notification template + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_template t2 ON a.failuretemplateid = " // failure notification template + "WHERE = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, a.summary, a.predecessorid, a.parentid, a.domainid, a.branch, a.status, a.isrelease, a.datasourceid " + "FROM dm.dm_application a WHERE = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, appid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Application ret = null; if ( { ret = new Application(this, appid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setPredecessorId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); ret.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 4, 0)); int domainId = getInteger(rs, 5, 0); ret.setDomainId(domainId); String thislabel = getString(rs, 6, ""); ret.setLabel(thislabel); if (thislabel.length() == 0) { // No label for this version String ParentLabel = getParentLabel(0, getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); ret.setParentLabel(ParentLabel); } getStatus(rs, 7, ret); ret.setIsRelease(getString(rs, 8, "N")); int dsid = getInteger(rs, 9, 0); if (dsid > 0) { Datasource ds = this.getDatasource(dsid, true); ret.setDatasource(ds); } if (detailed) { getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 10, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 23, ret); int custactionid = getInteger(rs, 29, 0); if (custactionid != 0) { ret.setCustomAction(new Action(this, custactionid, rs.getString(30), rs.getInt(31))); } ret.setXpos(getInteger(rs, 32, 0)); ret.setYpos(getInteger(rs, 33, 0)); ret.setStartX(getInteger(rs, 34, 300)); // 300 is default start x position (start window for components) ret.setBaseDomain(getInteger(rs, 35, domainId)); // domainid of parent (if version) or this domain (if base) int stid = getInteger(rs, 36, 0); int ftid = getInteger(rs, 37, 0); NotifyTemplate st = stid > 0 ? getTemplate(stid) : null; NotifyTemplate ft = ftid > 0 ? getTemplate(ftid) : null; ret.setSuccessTemplate(st); ret.setFailureTemplate(ft); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve application " + appid + " from database"); } public Application getLatestVersion(Application app, String branch) { try { int lvid = 0; if (branch != null) { // Branch id specified String sql = "select max(id) from dm_application where parentid=? and branch=? and status<>'D'"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, app.getId()); stmt.setString(2, branch); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; int id = rs.getInt(1); if (rs.wasNull()) id = 0; rs.close(); while (id > 0) { lvid = id; // Descend this branch until there's no more versions String sql2 = "select max(id) from dm_application where predecessorid=? and status<>'D'"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery();; id = rs2.getInt(1); if (rs2.wasNull()) id = 0; rs2.close(); } } else { // No branch - just get latest version String sql = "select max(id) from dm_application where parentid=? and status<>'D'"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, app.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; lvid = rs.getInt(1); if (rs.wasNull()) lvid = app.getId(); // no children so "latest" is this version rs.close(); } return (lvid > 0) ? getApplication(lvid, true) : null; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve latest version of application " + app.getName() + " from database"); } public String getApprovalStatus(int appid) { // Returns "Y" if the specified application is approved for domains later in the lifecycle // than its current lifecycle position, "N" if it is rejected, null if there is no record. Used // by lifecycle summary page to indicate approved/rejected applications at each stage. // String sql = "SELECT a.approved FROM dm_approval a,dm_application x,dm_domain b, dm_domain c " + "WHERE a.appid=? AND AND = x.domainid AND = a.domainid AND " + "b.domainid = c.domainid AND c.position > b.position ORDER BY DESC"; String ret = null; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, appid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { String approved = rs.getString(1); System.out.println("Approved is " + approved); if (approved.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { ret = "Y"; } else { ret = "N"; } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); System.out.println("returning " + ret); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get approval status for application " + appid); } public List<Domain> getApprovalDomains(int appid) { System.out.println("getApprovalDomains(" + appid + ")"); List<Domain> ret = new ArrayList<Domain>(); try { String sql = "SELECT approved,domainid FROM dm_approval WHERE appid=? ORDER BY id DESC"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, appid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { String approved = rs.getString(1); System.out.println("approved is " + approved); if (approved.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { Domain domain = getDomain(rs.getInt(2)); ret.add(domain); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); System.out.println("returning size " + ret.size()); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get approval status for application " + appid); } public Component getLatestVersion(Component comp, String branch) { try { int lvid = 0; if (branch != null) { // Branch id specified String sql = "select max(id) from dm_component where parentid=? and branch=? and status='N'"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, comp.getId()); stmt.setString(2, branch); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; int id = rs.getInt(1); if (rs.wasNull()) id = 0; rs.close(); while (id > 0) { lvid = id; // Descend this branch until there's no more versions String sql2 = "select max(id) from dm_component where predecessorid=? and branch is null and status='N'"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery();; id = rs2.getInt(1); if (rs2.wasNull()) id = 0; rs2.close(); } } else { // No branch - just get latest version String sql = "select max(id) from dm_component where parentid=? and status='N'"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, comp.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; lvid = rs.getInt(1); if (rs.wasNull()) lvid = comp.getId(); // If no version, return original base version. rs.close(); } return (lvid > 0) ? getComponent(lvid, true) : null; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve latest version of component " + comp.getName() + " from database"); } public JSONObject applicationApprovalDomains(Application app) { JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); JSONArray a1 = new JSONArray(); // approvals JSONArray a2 = new JSONArray(); // rejections try { String sql = "select a.approved, a.domainid,,, a.note, a." + whencol + " from dm_approval a, dm_domain d, dm_user u " + "where in (select max( from dm_approval b " + "where b.appid = ? AND b.domainid = a.domainid) and = a.domainid and = a.userid"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, app.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { JSONObject d = new JSONObject(); d.add("domain", rs.getString(3)); d.add("user", rs.getString(4)); d.add("note", rs.getString(5)); d.add("timestamp", rs.getInt(6)); String status = rs.getString(1); if (status != null && status.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { a1.add(d); } else { a2.add(d); } } rs.close(); ret.add("approvals", a1); ret.add("rejections", a2); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve approvals for application " + app.getName() + " from database"); } private boolean updateObjectSummaryField(Object obj, DynamicQueryBuilder update, SummaryField field, SummaryChangeSet changes) { switch (field) { case NAME: { String name = (String) changes.get(field); if (name.replaceAll("[-A-Za-z0-9_(); ]", "").length() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Object Name"); } if ((name != null) && (name.length() > 0)) { if (obj instanceof Domain) { Domain dom = (Domain) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("domain", dom.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException("A Domain with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } else if (obj instanceof User) { User user = (User) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("user", user.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException("A User with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } else if (obj instanceof UserGroup) { UserGroup group = (UserGroup) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("usergroup", group.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException("A User Group with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } else if (obj instanceof Environment) { Environment env = (Environment) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("environment", env.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException( "An Environment with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } else if (obj instanceof Server) { Server serv = (Server) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("server", serv.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException("A Server with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } else if (obj instanceof Repository) { Repository rep = (Repository) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("repository", rep.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException("A Repository with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } else if (obj instanceof Datasource) { Datasource ds = (Datasource) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("datasource", ds.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException( "A Data Source with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } else if (obj instanceof Credential) { Credential cred = (Credential) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("credentials", cred.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException("A Credential with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } else if (obj instanceof Action) { Action act = (Action) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("action", act.getId(), name)) { // // Special processing - we need to find what "kind" the other object is // and report that. Otherwise, it could be very confusing... // try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM dm.dm_action WHERE domainid=? AND name=?"); st.setInt(1, act.getDomainId()); st.setString(2, name); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { int otherid = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); Action otheract = getAction(otherid, true); if (otheract.isFunction()) throw new RuntimeException( "A function with that name already exists in the same domain"); if (otheract.getKind() == ActionKind.GRAPHICAL) throw new RuntimeException( "An action with that name already exists in the same domain"); throw new RuntimeException( "A procedure with that name already exists in the same domain"); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } throw new RuntimeException("An object with that name already exists in the same domain"); // should never hit here, but just in case... } } else if (obj instanceof Notify) { Notify notify = (Notify) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("notify", notify.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException("A Notifier with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } if (obj instanceof NotifyTemplate) { NotifyTemplate template = (NotifyTemplate) obj; Notify notify = getNotify(template.getNotifierId(), true); int domainid = notify.getDomainId(); String sql = "SELECT t.notifierid FROM dm.dm_template t WHERE AND<>? AND t.notifierid IN (SELECT FROM dm.dm_notify x WHERE x.domainid=?)"; try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); st.setString(1, name); st.setInt(2, template.getId()); st.setInt(3, domainid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { int notifierid = rs.getInt(1); Notify other = getNotify(notifierid, false); rs.close(); st.close(); if (other != null) { throw new RuntimeException("A template with that name already exists on notifier '" + other.getName() + "' in the same domain"); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "A template with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } else if (obj instanceof Application) { Application app = (Application) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("application", app.getId(), name)) { // // Special processing - an application can also be a release // try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT id FROM dm.dm_application WHERE domainid=? AND name=?"); st.setInt(1, app.getDomainId()); st.setString(2, name); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { int otherid = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); Application otherapp = getApplication(otherid, true); if (otherapp.getIsRelease().equalsIgnoreCase("y")) throw new RuntimeException( "A Release with that name already exists in the same domain"); throw new RuntimeException( "An Application with that name already exists in the same domain"); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } throw new RuntimeException( "An Application with that name already exists in the same domain"); // should never hit this but be safe... } } else if (obj instanceof Component) { Component comp = (Component) obj; if (CheckIfObjectExists("component", comp.getId(), name)) { throw new RuntimeException("A Component with that name already exists in the same domain"); } } update.add(", name = ?", name); return true; } } throw new RuntimeException("Name field is mandatory - please enter a value"); case SUMMARY: update.add(", summary = ?", changes.get(field)); return true; case OWNER: { DMObject owner = (DMObject) changes.get(field); if (owner != null) { switch (owner.getObjectType()) { case USER: update.add(", ownerid = ?, ogrpid = ?", owner.getId(), Null.INT); return true; case USERGROUP: update.add(", ownerid = ?, ogrpid = ?", Null.INT, owner.getId()); return true; default: break; // This will have been checked earlier } } else { update.add(", ownerid = ?, ogrpid = ?", Null.INT, Null.INT); return true; } } break; case ENGINE_HOSTNAME: { if (obj instanceof Domain) { Domain dom = (Domain) obj; Engine engine = getEngine4Domain(dom.getId()); if (engine == null) { String name = (String) changes.get(field); engine = createEngine(dom.getId(), name); } engine.updateSummary(changes); } } break; default: System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled object summary field " + field); break; } return false; } public boolean updateApplication(Application app, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_application "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case PRE_ACTION: { DMObject action = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", preactionid = ?", (action != null) ? action.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case POST_ACTION: { DMObject action = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", postactionid = ?", (action != null) ? action.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case CUSTOM_ACTION: { DMObject action = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", actionid = ?", (action != null) ? action.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case SUCCESS_TEMPLATE: { DMObject template = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", successtemplateid = ?", (template != null) ? template.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case FAILURE_TEMPLATE: { DMObject template = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", failuretemplateid = ?", (template != null) ? template.getId() : Null.INT); } break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(app, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", app.getId()); try { update.execute(); RecordObjectUpdate(app, changes); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateBuilder(Builder builder, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_buildengine "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(builder, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", builder.getId()); try { update.execute(); // RecordObjectUpdate(builder,changes); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public Component getComponent(int compid, boolean detailed) { if (compid < 0) { Component ret = new Component(this, compid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); ret.setRollup(ComponentFilter.OFF); ret.setRollback(ComponentFilter.OFF); ret.setAlwaysDeploy(false); ret.setDeploySequentially(false); ret.setBaseDirectory(""); ret.setFilterItems(true); ret.setPreAction(new Action(this, 0, "")); ret.setPostAction(new Action(this, 0, "")); ret.setCustomAction(new Action(this, 0, "")); ret.setLastBuildNumber(0); return ret; } String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, a.summary, a.predecessorid, a.parentid, a.domainid, a.branch, a.status, " + " a.rollup, a.rollback, a.filteritems, a.deployalways,a.deploysequentially, a.basedir, a.datasourceid, a.buildjobid, a.lastbuildnumber, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " // 17 - 20 + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " // 21 - 24 + ",, uo.realname,,, " // 25 - 29 + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid, " // 30 - 35 + ",, a3.domainid, " // 36 - 38 + " a.xpos, a.ypos,,, " // 39 - 42 + ", " + "FROM dm.dm_component a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON a.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON a.ogrpid = " // owner group + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a3 ON a.actionid = " // custom action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_type t ON = a.comptypeid " // Component Types + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_component_categories fc on = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_category c ON = fc.categoryid " // category + "WHERE a.status = 'N' and = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, a.summary, a.predecessorid, a.parentid, a.domainid, a.branch, a.status, " + " a.rollup, a.rollback, a.filteritems, a.deployalways, a.deploysequentially, a.basedir, a.datasourceid, a.buildjobid, a.lastbuildnumber " + "FROM dm.dm_component a WHERE a.status = 'N' and = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, compid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Component ret = null; if ( { ret = new Component(this, compid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(getString(rs, 2, "")); ret.setPredecessorId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); ret.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 4, 0)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 5, 0)); String thislabel = getString(rs, 6, ""); ret.setLabel(thislabel); if (thislabel.length() == 0) { // No label for this version String ParentLabel = getParentLabel(1, getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); ret.setParentLabel(ParentLabel); } getStatus(rs, 7, ret); ret.setRollup(ComponentFilter.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 8, 0))); ret.setRollback(ComponentFilter.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 9, 0))); ret.setFilterItems(getBoolean(rs, 10, false)); ret.setAlwaysDeploy(getBoolean(rs, 11, false)); ret.setDeploySequentially(getBoolean(rs, 12, false)); ret.setBaseDirectory(getString(rs, 13, "")); int dsid = getInteger(rs, 14, 0); if (dsid > 0) { Datasource ds = getDatasource(dsid, true); ret.setDatasource(ds); } int bjid = getInteger(rs, 15, 0); if (bjid > 0) { BuildJob bj = getBuildJob(bjid); ret.setBuildJob(bj); } int lastbuildid = getInteger(rs, 16, 0); ret.setLastBuildNumber(lastbuildid); if (detailed) { getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 17, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 30, ret); int custactionid = getInteger(rs, 36, 0); if (custactionid != 0) { Action ca = getAction(custactionid, true); ret.setCustomAction(ca); } ret.setXpos(getInteger(rs, 39, 0)); ret.setYpos(getInteger(rs, 40, 0)); ret.setComptypeId(getInteger(rs, 41, 0)); ret.setComptype(getString(rs, 42, "")); Category cat = new Category(getInteger(rs, 43, 0), getString(rs, 44, "")); ret.setCategory(cat); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } // throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve component " + compid + " from database"); return null; } public boolean updateComponent(Component comp, SummaryChangeSet changes) { Category cat = null; DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_component "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case PRE_ACTION: { DMObject action = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", preactionid = ?", (action != null) ? action.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case POST_ACTION: { DMObject action = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", postactionid = ?", (action != null) ? action.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case CUSTOM_ACTION: { DMObject action = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", actionid = ?", (action != null) ? action.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case ACTION_CATEGORY: cat = (Category) changes.get(field); break; case COMPTYPE: { String tmp = (String) changes.get(field); Integer comptype = null; if (tmp != null) comptype = new Integer(tmp); update.add(", comptypeid = ?", (comptype != null) ? comptype.intValue() : Null.INT); } break; case FILTER_ITEMS: { boolean fi = false; String sfi = (String) changes.get(field); if (sfi != null) { fi = sfi.equalsIgnoreCase("Items"); } update.add(", filteritems = ?", (fi ? "Y" : "N")); } break; case ROLLUP: case ROLLBACK: { ComponentFilter cf = ComponentFilter.OFF; String scf = (String) changes.get(field); if (scf != null) { if (scf.equalsIgnoreCase("ON")) { cf = ComponentFilter.ON; } else if (scf.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) { cf = ComponentFilter.ALL; } } if (field == SummaryField.ROLLUP) { update.add(", rollup = ?", cf.value()); } else { update.add(", rollback = ?", cf.value()); } } break; case DEPLOY_ALWAYS: update.add(", deployalways = ?", changes.getBoolean(field)); break; case DEPLOY_SEQUENTIALLY: update.add(", deploysequentially = ?", changes.getBoolean(field)); break; case BASE_DIRECTORY: update.add(", basedir = ?", (String) changes.get(field)); break; case COMP_BUILDJOB: BuildJob bj = (BuildJob) changes.get(field); update.add(", buildjobid = ?", (bj != null) ? bj.getId() : Null.INT); break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(comp, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", comp.getId()); try { update.execute(); if (cat != null) { String sql1 = "DELETE from dm.dm_component_categories where id = ?"; // only allow 1 category at this time PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt.setInt(1, comp.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); addToCategory(cat.getId(), comp.getOtid()); } RecordObjectUpdate(comp, changes); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateTask(Task task, SummaryChangeSet changes) { System.out.println("updateTask start"); DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_task "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { System.out.println("field=" + field); switch (field) { case PRE_ACTION: { DMObject action = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", preactionid = ?", (action != null) ? action.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case POST_ACTION: { DMObject action = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", postactionid = ?", (action != null) ? action.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case TASK_SHOWOUTPUT: { Boolean logOutput = (Boolean) changes.get(field); update.add(", logoutput = ?", ((logOutput != null) && logOutput.booleanValue()) ? "Y" : "N"); } break; case TASK_AVAILABLE_TO_SUBDOMAINS: { Boolean subDomains = (Boolean) changes.get(field); update.add(", subdomains = ?", ((subDomains != null) && subDomains.booleanValue()) ? "Y" : "N"); } break; case SUCCESS_TEMPLATE: { DMObject template = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", successtemplateid = ?", (template != null) ? template.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case FAILURE_TEMPLATE: { DMObject template = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", failuretemplateid = ?", (template != null) ? template.getId() : Null.INT); } break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(task, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: ** Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", task.getId()); try { update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } System.out.println("updateTask end"); return false; } public ComponentItem getComponentItem(int ciid, boolean detailed) { String sql = null; System.out.println("getComponentItem, ciid=" + ciid); // +" compid="+compid if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, a.summary, b.domainid, a.rollup, a.rollback, a.predecessorid, a.status, " + " a.compid, a.repositoryid,, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + " a.xpos, a.ypos " + "FROM dm.dm_componentitem a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_component b ON " // domain + "WHERE = ?"; // AND a.compid=? } else { sql = "SELECT, a.summary, b.domainid, a.rollup, a.rollback, a.predecessorid, a.status " + "FROM dm.dm_componentitem a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_component b ON " // domain + "WHERE = ?"; // AND a.compid=? } System.out.println("sql=" + sql); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, ciid); //stmt.setInt(2, compid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ComponentItem ret = null; if ( { ret = new ComponentItem(this, ciid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); ret.setRollup(ComponentFilter.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 4, 0))); ret.setRollback(ComponentFilter.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 5, 0))); ret.setPredecessorId(getInteger(rs, 6, 0)); getStatus(rs, 7, ret); if (detailed) { int compid = getInteger(rs, 8, 0); if (compid != 0) { ret.setParent(getComponent(compid, false)); } int repoid = getInteger(rs, 9, 0); if (repoid != 0) { ret.setRepository(getRepository(repoid, false)); } ret.setTargetDir(rs.getString(10)); getCreatorModifier(rs, 11, ret); ret.setXpos(getInteger(rs, 19, 0)); ret.setYpos(getInteger(rs, 20, 0)); } } else { System.out.println("No rows retrieved"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve component item " + ciid + " from database"); } public void updateComponentAction(Component comp) { try { String sql = "update dm.dm_component set preactionid = ?, postactionid = ?, actionid = ? where id = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql); if (comp.getPreAction() == null) stmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER); else stmt.setInt(1, comp.getPreAction().getId()); if (comp.getPostAction() == null) stmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); else stmt.setInt(2, comp.getPostAction().getId()); if (comp.getCustomAction() == null) stmt.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER); else stmt.setInt(3, comp.getCustomAction().getId()); stmt.setInt(4, comp.getId()); stmt.execute(); m_conn.commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void updateApplicationAction(Application app) { try { String sql = "update dm.dm_application set preactionid = ?, postactionid = ?, actionid = ? where id = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql); if (app.getPreAction() == null) stmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER); else stmt.setInt(1, app.getPreAction().getId()); if (app.getPostAction() == null) stmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); else stmt.setInt(2, app.getPostAction().getId()); if (app.getCustomAction() == null) stmt.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER); else stmt.setInt(3, app.getCustomAction().getId()); stmt.setInt(4, app.getId()); stmt.execute(); m_conn.commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public boolean updateComponentItemSummary(ComponentItem ci, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_componentitem "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case ROLLUP: case ROLLBACK: { ComponentFilter cf = ComponentFilter.OFF; String scf = (String) changes.get(field); if (scf != null) { if (scf.equalsIgnoreCase("ON")) { cf = ComponentFilter.ON; } else if (scf.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) { cf = ComponentFilter.ALL; } } if (field == SummaryField.ROLLUP) { update.add(", rollup = ?", cf.value()); } else { update.add(", rollback = ?", cf.value()); } } break; case ITEM_REPOSITORY: { DMObject repo = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", repositoryid = ?", (repo != null) ? repo.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case ITEM_TARGETDIR: { String targetDir = (String) changes.get(field); update.add(", target = ?", (targetDir != null) ? targetDir : Null.STRING); } break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(ci, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", ci.getId()); try { update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public List<DMProperty> getPropertiesForComponentItem(ComponentItem ci) { String sql = "SELECT, p.value, p.encrypted, p.overridable, p.appendable " + "FROM dm.dm_compitemprops p WHERE p.compitemid = ? ORDER BY 1"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, ci.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<DMProperty> ret = new ArrayList<DMProperty>(); while ( { ret.add(new DMProperty(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2), getBoolean(rs, 3), getBoolean(rs, 4), getBoolean(rs, 5))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve properties for ComponentItem " + ci.getId() + " from database"); } public boolean updateComponentItemProperties(ComponentItem ci, ACDChangeSet<DMProperty> changes) { return internalUpdateProperties("dm_compitem", "compitemid", ci.getId(), ci.getDomain(), changes); } private void addApplicationVersions(Application app, List<Application> applist) { String sql = "SELECT id, isRelease FROM dm.dm_application WHERE predecessorid=? and status='N'"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, app.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Application a = getApplication(rs.getInt(1), true); a.setIsRelease(getString(rs, 2, "N")); applist.add(a); // Recurse addApplicationVersions(a, applist); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve application versions for app " + app.getId() + " from database"); } public List<Application> getApplicationVersions(Application app) { List<Application> ret = new ArrayList<Application>(); addApplicationVersions(app, ret); return ret; } private void addComponentVersions(Component comp, List<Component> complist) { String sql = "SELECT id FROM dm.dm_component WHERE predecessorid=? and status='N' ORDER BY id"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, comp.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Component c = getComponent(rs.getInt(1), true); complist.add(c); // Recurse addComponentVersions(c, complist); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve component versions for comp " + comp.getId() + " from database"); } private void addActionVersions(Action action, List<Action> actionlist) { String sql = "SELECT id FROM dm.dm_action WHERE parentid=? and status='A' ORDER BY id"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, action.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Action a = getAction(rs.getInt(1), true); actionlist.add(a); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve action versions for action " + action.getId() + " from database"); } public List<Component> getComponentVersions(Component comp) { List<Component> ret = new ArrayList<Component>(); addComponentVersions(comp, ret); return ret; } public List<Action> getActionVersions(Action action) { List<Action> ret = new ArrayList<Action>(); addActionVersions(action, ret); return ret; } public List<Environment> getEnvironmentsForServer(Server server) { List<Environment> res = new ArrayList<Environment>(); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT envid FROM dm.dm_serversinenv WHERE serverid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, server.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Environment env = getEnvironment(rs.getInt(1), true); res.add(env); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("Failed selecting environments for server " + server.getId()); return null; } } // Used by both the deploy dialog and the API for deployments public List<Environment> getEnvironmentsForApplication(Application app, Domain dom) { // The distinct is necessary as it is possible to put both the // application and appver into appsallowedinenv, even though the UI // only lets you enter applications String DomainList = ((Integer) dom.getId()).toString(); boolean isRelease = (app.getObjectType() == ObjectType.RELVERSION || app.getObjectType() == ObjectType.RELEASE); try { // // We only want to list environments which are either in the same domain as the // task being executed or in one of its sub-domains OR (new requirement) one of // the environments in domains PRIOR to this one (if we're in a lifecycle) // boolean inLifecycle = false; int pdid = 0; Domain parentDomain = dom.getDomain(); System.out.println("ourDomain=[" + dom.getName() + "]"); if (parentDomain != null) System.out.println("parentDomain=[" + parentDomain.getName() + "]"); if (parentDomain != null && parentDomain.getLifecycle()) { // Yes we're in a lifecycle System.out.println("In lifecycle"); inLifecycle = true; pdid = parentDomain.getId(); } // // Find any sub-domains for the task domainand add those to the domain list // Map<Integer, String> mapsub = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); GetSubDomains(mapsub, dom.getId()); Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> it = mapsub.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Integer, String> pairs =; DomainList = DomainList + "," + pairs.getKey(); } if (inLifecycle) { // Now add any sibling domains that are prior to this one String sqld = "SELECT id FROM dm_domain WHERE domainid=? AND position<" + "(select position FROM dm.dm_domain WHERE id=?)"; PreparedStatement psd = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sqld); System.out.println(sqld); System.out.println("pdid=" + pdid); System.out.println("taskdomain=" + dom.getId()); psd.setInt(1, pdid); psd.setInt(2, dom.getId()); ResultSet rsd = psd.executeQuery(); System.out.println("About to loop"); while ( { System.out.println("got " + rsd.getInt(1)); DomainList = DomainList + "," + rsd.getInt(1); } System.out.println("done looping"); rsd.close(); } int numApplications = 0; // for releases String sqlc = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE appid=?"; String sql2; if (!isRelease) { sql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT,, e.summary " + "FROM dm.dm_environment e, dm.dm_appsallowedinenv aie, dm.dm_application a " + "WHERE = ? AND (aie.appid = OR aie.appid = a.parentid) " + "AND = aie.envid AND e.status = 'N' AND e.domainid IN (" + DomainList + ")"; } else { System.out.println("isRelease"); sql2 = "SELECT,,e.summary " + "FROM dm.dm_environment e, dm.dm_appsallowedinenv aie, dm.dm_application a " + "WHERE = aie.envid AND e.status='N' " + "AND in " + "( " + "SELECT objto FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE appid=? " + "UNION " + "SELECT objfrom FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE appid=? " + ") " + "AND (aie.appid = OR aie.appid= a.parentid) " + "GROUP BY,,e.summary HAVING count(*)=?"; } PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, app.getId()); if (isRelease) { stmt2.setInt(2, app.getId()); PreparedStatement stmtc = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sqlc); stmtc.setInt(1, app.getId()); ResultSet rsc = stmtc.executeQuery(); if ( { numApplications = rsc.getInt(1); } rsc.close(); stmtc.close(); System.out.println("numApplications=" + numApplications); stmt2.setInt(3, numApplications); } ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); List<Environment> ret = new ArrayList<Environment>(); while ( { Environment env = getEnvironment(rs2.getInt(1), true); System.out.println("*************************"); System.out.println("env=" + env.getName()); System.out.println("isWriteable=" + env.isWriteable()); System.out.println("*************************"); if (env.isWriteable()) { env.setSummary(rs2.getString(3)); ret.add(env); } } rs2.close(); stmt2.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve environment " + app.getId() + " from database"); } public List<Environment> getEnvironmentsForApplication(Application app, int taskid) { String sql1 = "SELECT domainid FROM dm.dm_task WHERE id=?"; List<Environment> ret = null; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, taskid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { int taskdomain = rs1.getInt(1); // // Check if this is part of a lifecycle by checking the parent domain // Domain ourDomain = getDomain(taskdomain); ret = getEnvironmentsForApplication(app, ourDomain); } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve environment " + app.getId() + " from database"); } public List<Environment> getDeployedEnvironmentsForApplication(Application app, int taskid) { // The distinct is necessary as it is possible to put both the // application and appver into appsallowedinenv, even though the UI // only lets you enter applications String DomainList = ""; Integer taskdomain = 0; try { // // We only want to list environments which are either in the same domain as the // task being executed or in one of its sub-domains. // String sql1 = "SELECT domainid FROM dm.dm_task WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, taskid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { taskdomain = rs1.getInt(1); DomainList = taskdomain.toString(); } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); // // Find any sub-domains for the task domainand add those to the domain list // Map<Integer, String> mapsub = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); GetSubDomains(mapsub, taskdomain); Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> it = mapsub.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Integer, String> pairs =; DomainList = DomainList + "," + pairs.getKey(); } String sql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT,, e.summary " + "FROM dm.dm_environment e,dm.dm_appsinenv aie " + "WHERE aie.appid in (SELECT FROM dm.dm_application x where ? in (,x.parentid)) " + "AND = aie.envid " + "AND e.status = 'N' " + "AND e.domainid IN (" + DomainList + ")"; System.out.println("sql2=" + sql2); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, app.getId()); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); List<Environment> ret = new ArrayList<Environment>(); while ( { Environment env = getEnvironment(rs2.getInt(1), true); System.out.println("*************************"); System.out.println("env=" + env.getName()); System.out.println("isWriteable=" + env.isWriteable()); System.out.println("*************************"); if (env.isWriteable()) { env.setSummary(rs2.getString(3)); ret.add(env); } } rs2.close(); stmt2.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve environment " + app.getId() + " from database"); } public boolean updateEnvironment(Environment env, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_environment "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case AVAILABILITY: update.add(", calusage = ?", (String) changes.get(field)); break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(env, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhanddled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", env.getId()); try { RecordObjectUpdate(env, changes); update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public ReportDataSet getTimeToDeployForApplication(int appid) { String sql = "SELECT d.deploymentid, d.finished - d.started " + "FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.appid = ? order by d.deploymentid desc"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, appid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs, 10); rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment time report from database"); } public ReportDataSet getTimeToDeployForServer(int servid) { String sql = "SELECT st.deploymentid,sum(st.finished-st.started) " + "FROM dm.dm_deploymentstep st, " + " dm.dm_deploymentxfer xf " + "WHERE st.deploymentid = xf.deploymentid " + "AND st.stepid = xf.stepid " + "AND xf.serverid = ? " + "GROUP BY st.deploymentid " + "ORDER BY st.deploymentid DESC"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, servid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs, 10); rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment time report from database"); } public ReportDataSet getTimeToDeployForEnvironment(int envid) { String sql = "SELECT d.deploymentid, d.finished - d.started " + "FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.envid = ? order by d.deploymentid desc"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs, 10); rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment time report from database"); } public JSONObject getTimelineForEnvironment(int envid) { long now = timeNow(); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); Environment env = getEnvironment(envid, true); String sql = "select a.appid,,coalesce(b.parentid,,a.started, " + "from dm.dm_deployment a, " + " dm.dm_application b, " + " dm.dm_application c " + " where a.envid=? " + " and " + " and, " + " order by 3,4"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); int lastappid = -1; String lastappname = ""; int lastparentid = -1; JSONArray groups = new JSONArray(); JSONArray items = new JSONArray(); long st = 0; while ( { long et = 0; int appid = rs.getInt(1); String appname = rs.getString(2); int parentid = rs.getInt(3); long t = rs.getLong(4); String groupname = rs.getString(5); // Parent app (for grouping) et = t; if (appid != lastappid) { if (parentid != lastparentid) { // New Base Application - create a group for this base application JSONObject group = new JSONObject(); group.add("id", parentid); group.add("name", groupname); groups.add(group); et = now; } if (lastappid != -1) { JSONObject appobj = new JSONObject(); appobj.add("id", lastappid); appobj.add("name", lastappname); appobj.add("from", st); appobj.add("to", et); appobj.add("group", lastparentid); items.add(appobj); // st = t; } st = t; lastparentid = parentid; lastappid = appid; lastappname = appname; } } // last item needs a final entry to take it to current date/time JSONObject appobj = new JSONObject(); appobj.add("id", lastappid); appobj.add("name", lastappname); appobj.add("from", st); appobj.add("to", now); appobj.add("group", lastparentid); items.add(appobj); ret.add("created", env.getCreated()); ret.add("groups", groups); ret.add("items", items); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve environment timeline from database"); } public JSONObject getTimelineForServer(int servid) { long now = timeNow(); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); Server serv = getServer(servid, true); String sql = "select distinct d.componentid,,coalesce(b.parentid,,a.started, " + "from dm.dm_deployment a, " + " dm.dm_component b, " + " dm.dm_component c, " + " dm.dm_deploymentxfer d " + "where d.serverid=? " + "and d.deploymentid=a.deploymentid " + "and " + "and, " + "order by 3,4"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, servid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); int lastcompid = -1; String lastcompname = ""; int lastparentid = -1; JSONArray groups = new JSONArray(); JSONArray items = new JSONArray(); long st = 0; while ( { long et = 0; int compid = rs.getInt(1); String compname = rs.getString(2); int parentid = rs.getInt(3); long t = rs.getLong(4); String groupname = rs.getString(5); // Parent app (for grouping) et = t; if (compid != lastcompid) { if (parentid != lastparentid) { // New Base Application - create a group for this base application JSONObject group = new JSONObject(); group.add("id", parentid); group.add("name", groupname); groups.add(group); et = now; } if (lastcompid != -1) { JSONObject appobj = new JSONObject(); appobj.add("id", lastcompid); appobj.add("name", lastcompname); appobj.add("from", st); appobj.add("to", et); appobj.add("group", lastparentid); items.add(appobj); // st = t; } st = t; lastparentid = parentid; lastcompid = compid; lastcompname = compname; } } // last item needs a final entry to take it to current date/time JSONObject appobj = new JSONObject(); appobj.add("id", lastcompid); appobj.add("name", lastcompname); appobj.add("from", st); appobj.add("to", now); appobj.add("group", lastparentid); items.add(appobj); ret.add("created", serv.getCreated()); ret.add("groups", groups); ret.add("items", items); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve server timeline from database"); } public ReportDataSet getSuccessFailureForApplication(int appid) { String sql = "SELECT 'success', count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.appid = ? AND d.exitcode = 0 " + "UNION SELECT 'failure', count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.appid = ? AND d.exitcode <> 0 " + "ORDER BY 1 DESC"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, appid); stmt.setInt(2, appid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs); rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve success failure report from database"); } public ReportDataSet getSuccessFailureForEnvironment(int envid) { String sql = "SELECT 'success', count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.envid = ? AND d.exitcode = 0 " + "UNION SELECT 'failure', count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.envid = ? AND d.exitcode <> 0 " + "ORDER BY 1 DESC"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, envid); stmt.setInt(2, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs); rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve success failure report from database"); } // Server public ReportDataSet getSuccessFailureForServer(int servid) { String sql = "SELECT 'success', count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.exitcode = 0 AND d.deploymentid IN (SELECT x.deploymentid FROM dm.dm_deploymentxfer x WHERE x.serverid=?) " + "UNION " + "SELECT 'failure', count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.exitcode <> 0 AND d.deploymentid IN (SELECT x.deploymentid FROM dm.dm_deploymentxfer x WHERE x.serverid=?) " + "ORDER BY 1 DESC"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, servid); stmt.setInt(2, servid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs); rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve success failure report from database"); } public CompType getServerCompTypeDetail(int comptypeid) { if (comptypeid < 0) { CompType ret = new CompType(this, comptypeid, "", "N", "N", 1); return ret; } String sql = null; sql = "SELECT, s.database, s.deletedir, s.domainid, s.status " + "FROM dm.dm_type s WHERE = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, comptypeid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); CompType ret = null; if ( { ret = new CompType(this, comptypeid, rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getInt(4)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve comptypeid " + comptypeid + " from database"); } public Server getServer(int serverid, boolean detailed) { if (serverid < 0) { Server ret = new Server(this, serverid, ""); ret.setSummary(""); ret.setHostName(""); ret.setProtocol(""); ret.setBaseDir(""); ret.setSSHPort(22); // default ret.setServerType(new ServerType(0, "", LineEndFormat.fromInt(0), "")); ret.setCredential(new Credential(this, 0, "")); return ret; } String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, s.summary, s.domainid, s.status, " + " s.hostname, s.protocol, s.basedir, " + " s.typeid,, t.lineends, t.pathformat, " + " s.credid,, " + ",, uc.realname, s.created, " + ",, um.realname, s.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,,, c.domainid, " + " s.sshport " + "FROM dm.dm_server s " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_serverstatus ss ON = ss.serverid " // server status + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_servertype t ON s.typeid = " // server type + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_credentials c ON s.credid = " // credential + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON s.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON s.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON s.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON s.ogrpid = " // owner group + "WHERE = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, s.summary, s.domainid, s.status " + "FROM dm.dm_server s WHERE = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, serverid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Server ret = null; if ( { ret = new Server(this, serverid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); if (detailed) { ret.setHostName(rs.getString(5)); ret.setProtocol(rs.getString(6)); ret.setBaseDir(rs.getString(7)); ret.setServerType(new ServerType(rs.getInt(8), rs.getString(9), LineEndFormat.fromInt(rs.getInt(10)), rs.getString(11))); int credid = getInteger(rs, 12, 0); if (credid != 0) { ret.setCredential(new Credential(this, credid, rs.getString(13), rs.getInt(27))); } getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 14, ret); /* String ap = rs.getString(28); String amd5 = rs.getString(29); ret.setAutoPing(ap!=null?ap.equalsIgnoreCase("y"):false); ret.setAutoMD5(amd5!=null?amd5.equalsIgnoreCase("y"):false); ret.setPingInterval(rs.getInt(30)); ret.setPingStart(rs.getInt(31)); ret.setPingEnd(rs.getInt(32)); int pingtid = getInteger(rs,33,0); int md5tid = getInteger(rs,34,0); */ int sshport = getInteger(rs, 28, 22); ret.setSSHPort(sshport); /* NotifyTemplate pingt = pingtid>0?getTemplate(pingtid):null; NotifyTemplate md5t = md5tid>0?getTemplate(md5tid):null; ret.setPingTemplate(pingt); ret.setMD5Template(md5t); */ ret.setServerCompType(getServerCompType(serverid)); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve server " + serverid + " from database"); } public boolean updateServer(Server srv, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_server "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); String servercomptype = ""; ServerType st = srv.getServerType(); boolean basedirChanged = false; boolean serverTypeChanged = false; boolean serverProtocolChanged = false; int portnum = 0; for (SummaryField field : changes) { System.out.println("field = " + field.toString()); switch (field) { case SERVER_TYPE: { ServerType type = (ServerType) changes.get(field); update.add(", typeid = ?", (type != null) ? type.getId() : Null.INT); if (type.getId() != st.getId()) { // Server type has changed st = type; serverTypeChanged = true; } } break; case SERVER_HOSTNAME: update.add(", hostname = ?", changes.get(field)); break; case SERVER_PROTOCOL: update.add(", protocol = ?", changes.get(field)); serverProtocolChanged = true; break; case SERVER_BASEDIR: String basedir = (String) changes.get(field); if (st.getPathFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("windows")) { // Ensure slashes are the right way round for windows basedir = basedir.replace('/', '\\'); } else { // Ensure slashes are the right way round for Unix/Linux etc basedir = basedir.replace('\\', '/'); } basedirChanged = true; update.add(", basedir = ?", basedir); break; case SERVER_CRED: { DMObject cred = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", credid = ?", (cred != null) ? cred.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case SERVER_COMPTYPE: System.out.println("servercomptype, field = " + changes.get(field)); servercomptype = (String) changes.get(field); break; case SERVER_SSHPORT: portnum = (Integer.parseInt((String) changes.get(field))); update.add(", sshport = ?", portnum); break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(srv, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } if (serverTypeChanged && !basedirChanged) { // Server type has changed but not the base directory - base directory may // need to change to reflect the new server type. String basedir = srv.getBaseDir(); if (basedir != null) { if (st.getPathFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("windows")) { // Ensure slashes are the right way round for windows basedir = basedir.replace('/', '\\'); } else { // Ensure slashes are the right way round for Unix/Linux etc basedir = basedir.replace('\\', '/'); } update.add(", basedir = ?", basedir); } } if (serverTypeChanged && !serverProtocolChanged) { // Server type has changed but not the protocol. If the server type is NOT windows, // make sure the protocol is not windows. System.out.println("server type is " + st.getName()); if (!(st.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("windows"))) { // Not windows - if protocol is windows, change it System.out.println("srv.getProtocol()=" + srv.getProtocol()); if (srv.getProtocol() == null) { update.add(", protocol = ?", "sftp"); } else { if (srv.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("win")) { update.add(", protocol = ?", "sftp"); } } } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", srv.getId()); try { System.out.println("Updating main table"); update.execute(); if (servercomptype.length() > 0) { if (!servercomptype.contains(";")) servercomptype += ";"; String parts[] = servercomptype.split(";"); if (parts != null) { String dsql = "DELETE from dm.dm_servercomptype where serverid = ?"; PreparedStatement dstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsql); dstmt.setInt(1, srv.getId()); dstmt.execute(); dstmt.close(); for (int k = 0; k < parts.length; k++) { String tmp = ""; if (parts[k].length() > 2) tmp = parts[k].substring(2); else tmp = parts[k]; String ins = "insert into dm.dm_servercomptype(comptypeid,serverid) values (?,?)"; PreparedStatement insstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(ins); insstmt.setInt(1, new Integer(tmp).intValue()); insstmt.setInt(2, srv.getId()); insstmt.execute(); insstmt.close(); } } } RecordObjectUpdate(srv, changes); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateCompType(CompType comptype, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_type "); update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_type "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { System.out.println("field = " + field.toString()); switch (field) { case DATABASE: update.add(", database = ?", changes.getBoolean(field)); break; case DELETEDIR: update.add(", deletedir = ?", changes.getBoolean(field)); break; case NAME: update.add(", name = ?", changes.get(field)); break; default: break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", comptype.getId()); try { System.out.println("Updating main table"); update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateTemplate(NotifyTemplate t, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_template "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(t, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", t.getId()); try { update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateBuildJob(BuildJob t, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_buildjob "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case PROJECTNAME: update.add(", projectname = ?", (String) changes.get(field)); break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(t, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", t.getId()); try { update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public ServerType getServerType(int typeid) { String sql = "SELECT, t.lineends, t.pathformat FROM dm.dm_servertype t WHERE = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, typeid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ServerType ret = null; if ( { ret = new ServerType(typeid, rs.getString(1), LineEndFormat.fromInt(rs.getInt(2)), getString(rs, 3, null)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve End Point Type " + typeid + " from database"); } public List<ServerType> getServerTypes() { String sql = "SELECT,, t.lineends, t.pathformat FROM dm.dm_servertype t ORDER BY 2"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<ServerType> ret = new ArrayList<ServerType>(); while ( { ret.add(new ServerType(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), LineEndFormat.fromInt(rs.getInt(3)), getString(rs, 4, null))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve End Point Types from database"); } public ServerStatus getServerStatus(int serverid) { ServerStatus ret = null; String sql = "SELECT nameresolution,ping,connection,basedir,ipaddr,pingtime,lasterror,lasttime " + "FROM dm.dm_serverstatus WHERE serverid=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, serverid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { ret = new ServerStatus(); String NameResolution = rs.getString(1); String PingStatus = rs.getString(2); String ConnectionStatus = rs.getString(3); String BaseDirStatus = rs.getString(4); ret.setNameResolution( NameResolution != null ? NameResolution.equalsIgnoreCase("y") ? "Okay" : "Failed" : ""); ret.setPingStatus(PingStatus != null ? PingStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("y") ? "Okay" : "Failed" : ""); ret.setConnectionStatus( ConnectionStatus != null ? ConnectionStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("y") ? "Okay" : "Failed" : ""); ret.setBaseDirStatus( BaseDirStatus != null ? BaseDirStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("y") ? "Okay" : "Failed" : ""); ret.setIPAddress(rs.getString(5)); ret.setPingTime(rs.getInt(6)); ret.setLastError(rs.getString(7)); ret.setLastTime(rs.getInt(8)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve server status date for server " + serverid + " from database"); } public ArrayList<CompType> getServerCompType(int serverid) { ArrayList<CompType> comptype = new ArrayList<CompType>(); String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT,, a.database, a.deletedir, a.domainid from dm.dm_type a, dm.dm_servercomptype b WHERE b.serverid=? and b.comptypeid ="; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, serverid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { CompType t = new CompType(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getString(4), rs.getInt(5)); comptype.add(t); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return comptype; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve End Point component type for " + serverid + " from database"); } public List<CompType> getCompTypes() { String sql = "SELECT id, name, database, deletedir, domainid FROM dm.dm_type t ORDER BY 2"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<CompType> ret = new ArrayList<CompType>(); while ( { CompType ct = new CompType(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getString(4), rs.getInt(5)); System.out.println("got component type " + ct.getName()); if (ct.isViewable(true)) { System.out.println("isViewable returns true"); ret.add(ct); } else System.out.println("isViewable returns false"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve End Point Types from database"); } public Task getTask(int taskid, boolean detailed) { String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, t.domainid,, t.logoutput, t.subdomains, t.successtemplateid, t.failuretemplateid, " + ",, uc.realname, t.created, " + ",, um.realname, t.modified, " + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_task t " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_tasktypes tt ON t.typeid = " // task type + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON t.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON t.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON t.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON t.postactionid = " // post-action + "WHERE = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, t.domainid, FROM dm.dm_task t, dm.dm_tasktypes tt WHERE = ? AND t.typeid ="; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, taskid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Task ret = null; if ( { ret = new Task(this, taskid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 2, 0)); ret.setTaskType(rs.getString(3)); if (detailed) { System.out.println("id=" + taskid + " subdomains=" + getBoolean(rs, 5, false)); ret.setShowOutput(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); ret.setSubDomains(getBoolean(rs, 5, false)); int stid = getInteger(rs, 6, 0); int ftid = getInteger(rs, 7, 0); System.out.println("stid=" + stid + " ftid=" + ftid); NotifyTemplate nt = stid > 0 ? getTemplate(stid) : null; NotifyTemplate rt = ftid > 0 ? getTemplate(ftid) : null; ret.setSuccessTemplate(nt); ret.setFailureTemplate(rt); getCreatorModifier(rs, 8, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 16, ret); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve task " + taskid + " from database"); } public ReportDataSet getDeploymentsPerApplicationForServer(int serverid) { String sql = "SELECT, (" + "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.appid = AND d.envid=sie.envid AND d.exitcode = 0" + ") as success, (" + "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.appid = AND d.envid=sie.envid AND d.exitcode <> 0" + ") as failed " + "FROM dm.dm_application a, dm.dm_appsallowedinenv aie, dm.dm_serversinenv sie WHERE = aie.appid AND sie.envid = aie.envid AND sie.serverid=? " + "ORDER BY"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, serverid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs); rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve application deployments report from database"); } // Object private String getDeploymentQuery(boolean hasApp, boolean hasEnv, String from, String where) { // TODO: Check the subscribed logic - surely needs to include env as well /* return "SELECT 'de', d.started, d.deploymentid, d.exitcode, " + (hasApp ? "d.appid," : "0, ''") + ", " + (hasEnv ? "d.envid," : "0, ''") + ", " + "d.userid,, u.realname, d.eventid||'', '', " + " (SELECT max(z.startwhen) FROM (" + " SELECT d2.started AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_deployment d2 WHERE d2.deploymentid=d.deploymentid " + " UNION " + " SELECT c2.when AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_historycomment c2 WHERE = d.deploymentid AND c2.kind = " + ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value() + ") AS z), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = d.deploymentid AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = d.deploymentid AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = d.deploymentid AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_deployment d, " + (hasApp ? "dm.dm_application a, " : "") + (hasEnv ? "dm.dm_environment e, " : "") + ((from != null) ? (from + ", ") : "") + "dm.dm_user u WHERE " + where + " " + (hasApp ? "AND d.appid = " : "") + (hasEnv ? "AND d.envid = " : "") + "AND d.userid = "; */ // Reworked to be compatible with Postgres and Oracle return "SELECT 'de', d.started, d.deploymentid, d.exitcode, " + (hasApp ? "d.appid," : "0, ''") + ", " + (hasEnv ? "d.envid," : "0, ''") + ", " + "d.userid,, u.realname, d.eventid||'', '', " + "( " + " SELECT GREATEST(max(d2.started),max(c2." + whencol + ")) " + " FROM dm.dm_deployment d2, " + " dm.dm_historycomment c2 " + " WHERE d2.deploymentid=d.deploymentid " + " AND = d.deploymentid " + " AND c2.kind = " + ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value() + " ), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = d.deploymentid AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = d.deploymentid AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = d.deploymentid AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_deployment d, " + (hasApp ? "dm.dm_application a, " : "") + (hasEnv ? "dm.dm_environment e, " : "") + ((from != null) ? (from + ", ") : "") + "dm.dm_user u WHERE " + where + " " + (hasApp ? "AND d.appid = " : "") + (hasEnv ? "AND d.envid = " : "") + "AND d.userid = "; } private String getApprovalQuery(boolean calcSubs, String from, String where) { /* return "SELECT 'ae', n.when,, " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + ", " + "n.appid,, n.domainid,, " + "n.userid,, u.realname, n.note, n.approved, " + " (SELECT max(y.startwhen) FROM (" + " SELECT n2.when AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_approval n2 WHERE = " + " UNION " + " SELECT c2.when AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_historycomment c2 WHERE = AND c2.kind = " + ObjectType.APPROVAL.value() + ") AS y), " + (calcSubs ? " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = n.appid AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + "), " : "1, ") + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.APPROVAL.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.APPROVAL.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_approval n, dm.dm_application a2, dm.dm_domain ad, " + ((from != null) ? (from + ", ") : "") + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE " + where + " " + "AND n.appid = AND n.domainid = AND n.userid = "; */ // Reworked to be compatible with Postgres and Oracle return "SELECT 'ae', n." + whencol + ",, " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + ", " + "n.appid,, n.domainid,, " + "n.userid,, u.realname, n.note, n.approved, " + "( " + " SELECT GREATEST(max(n2." + whencol + "),max(c2." + whencol + ")) " + " FROM dm.dm_approval n2, " + " dm.dm_historycomment c2 " + " WHERE = " + " AND = " + " AND c2.kind =" + ObjectType.APPROVAL.value() + "), " + (calcSubs ? " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = n.appid AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + "), " : "1, ") + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.APPROVAL.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.APPROVAL.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_approval n, dm.dm_application a2, dm.dm_domain ad, " + ((from != null) ? (from + ", ") : "") + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE " + where + " " + "AND n.appid = AND n.domainid = AND n.userid = "; } private String getRequestQuery(boolean calcSubs, String from, String where) { /* return "SELECT 'rq', n.when,, " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + ", " + "n.appid,,,, " + "n.userid,, u.realname, n.note, '', " + " (SELECT max(y.startwhen) FROM (" + " SELECT n2.when AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_request n2 WHERE = " + " UNION " + " SELECT c2.when AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_historycomment c2 WHERE = AND c2.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + ") AS y), " + (calcSubs ? " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = n.appid AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + "), " : "1, ") + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_request n, dm.dm_application a2, dm.dm_task t, " + ((from != null) ? (from + ", ") : "") + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE " + where + " " + "AND n.appid = AND n.userid = and = n.taskid "; */ // Reworked to be compatible with Postgres and Oracle return "SELECT 'rq', n." + whencol + ",, " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + ", " + "n.appid,,,, " + "n.userid,, u.realname, n.note, '', " + "( " + " SELECT GREATEST(max(n2." + whencol + "),max(c2." + whencol + ")) " + " FROM dm.dm_request n2, " + " dm.dm_historycomment c2 " + " WHERE = " + " AND = " + " AND c2.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + "), " + (calcSubs ? " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = n.appid AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + "), " : "1, ") + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_request n, dm.dm_application a2, dm.dm_task t, " + ((from != null) ? (from + ", ") : "") + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE " + where + " " + "AND n.appid = AND n.userid = and = n.taskid "; } private String getNotesQuery(String objCol, String objCol2, boolean calcSubs, String from, String where) { System.out.println("getNotesQuery where=" + where); /* return "SELECT 'hn', n.when,, n.kind, n.objid, " + ((objCol != null) ? objCol : "''") + ", " + "0, " + ((objCol2 != null) ? objCol2 : "''") + ", " + "n.userid,, u.realname, n.note, n.icon, " + " (SELECT max(y.startwhen) FROM (" + " SELECT n2.when AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_historynote n2 WHERE = " + " UNION " + " SELECT c2.when AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_historycomment c2 WHERE = AND c2.kind = " + ObjectType.HISTORY_NOTE.value() + ") AS y), " + (calcSubs ? " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = n.objid AND s.kind = n.kind), " : "1, ") + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.HISTORY_NOTE.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.HISTORY_NOTE.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_historynote n, " + ((from != null) ? (from + ", ") : "") + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE " + where + " " + "AND n.userid = "; */ // Reworked to be compatible with Postgres and Oracle return "SELECT 'hn', n." + whencol + ",, n.kind, n.objid, " + ((objCol != null) ? objCol : "''") + ", " + "0, " + ((objCol2 != null) ? objCol2 : "''") + ", " + "n.userid,, u.realname, n.note, n.icon, " + "( " + " SELECT GREATEST(max(n2." + whencol + "),max(c2." + whencol + ")) " + " FROM dm.dm_historynote n2, " + " dm.dm_historycomment c2 " + " WHERE = " + " AND = " + " AND c2.kind = " + ObjectType.HISTORY_NOTE.value() + "), " + (calcSubs ? " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = n.objid AND s.kind = n.kind), " : "1, ") + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.HISTORY_NOTE.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.HISTORY_NOTE.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_historynote n, " + ((from != null) ? (from + ", ") : "") + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE " + where + " " + "AND n.userid = "; } private String getCreationQuery(ObjectTypeAndId otid, String table, String icon, String text, boolean calcSubs, String from, String where) { int kind = otid.getObjectType().value(); return "SELECT 'no', o.created, 0, " + kind + ",,, 0, '', " + "o.creatorid,, u.realname, '" + text + "', '" + icon + "', o.created, " + (calcSubs ? " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = AND s.kind = " + kind + "), " : "1, ") + "0, 0 " + "FROM dm.dm_" + table + " o, " + ((from != null) ? (from + ", ") : "") + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE " + where + " AND o.created > 0 AND o.creatorid = "; } private String getBuildQuery(int compid) { if (dbdriver.toLowerCase().contains("oracle")) { return "SELECT 'bu', a.timestamp, a.buildnumber, " + ObjectType.BUILDJOB.value() + ", a.buildnumber, '', a.compid, '', " + "a.userid,, u.realname, 'Build', decode(a.success,'Y','blue','red'), a.timestamp, " + " 0, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = a.compid AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.BUILDID.value() + " AND c.subid=a.buildnumber), " + " 0" + "FROM dm.dm_buildhistory a, " + " dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE a.compid=" + compid + " " + " AND"; } else { return "SELECT 'bu', a.timestamp, a.buildnumber, " + ObjectType.BUILDJOB.value() + ", a.buildnumber, '', a.compid, '', " + "a.userid,, u.realname, 'Build', (CASE WHEN a.success='Y' THEN 'blue' ELSE 'red' END), a.timestamp, " + " 0, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = a.compid AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.BUILDID.value() + " AND c.subid=a.buildnumber), " + " 0" // attachment count + "FROM dm.dm_buildhistory a, " + " dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE a.compid=" + compid + " " + " AND"; } } private String getCreatedObjectsQuery(int userid) { // Environments return "SELECT 'no', o.created, 0, " + ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT.value() + ",,, 0, '', " + "o.creatorid,, u.realname, '" + "Created" + "', '" + "environment" + "', o.created, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT.value() + "), " + "0, 0 " + "FROM dm.dm_environment o, " + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE o.status='N' AND o.creatorid=" + userid + " AND o.created > 0 AND o.creatorid = " + "UNION " // Servers + "SELECT 'no', o.created, 0, " + ObjectType.SERVER.value() + ",,, 0, '', " + "o.creatorid,, u.realname, '" + "Created" + "', '" + "server" + "', o.created, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.SERVER.value() + "), " + "0, 0 " + "FROM dm.dm_server o, " + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE o.status='N' AND o.creatorid=" + userid + " AND o.created > 0 AND o.creatorid = " + "UNION " // BASE Applications + "SELECT 'no', o.created, 0, " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + ",,, 0, '', " + "o.creatorid,, u.realname, '" + "Created" + "', '" + "application" + "', o.created, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + "), " + "0, 0 " + "FROM dm.dm_application o, " + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE o.status='N' AND o.creatorid=" + userid + " AND o.parentid is null and o.isrelease='N' and o.created > 0 AND o.creatorid = " + "UNION " // BASE Components + "SELECT 'no', o.created, 0, " + ObjectType.COMPONENT.value() + ",,, 0, '', " + "o.creatorid,, u.realname, '" + "Created" + "', '" + "component" + "', o.created, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.COMPONENT.value() + "), " + "0, 0 " + "FROM dm.dm_component o, " + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE o.status='N' AND o.creatorid=" + userid + " AND o.parentid is null and o.created > 0 AND o.creatorid = " + "UNION " // Application Versions + "SELECT 'no', o.created, 0, " + ObjectType.APPVERSION.value() + ",,, 0, '', " + "o.creatorid,, u.realname, '" + "Created" + "', '" + "appversion" + "', o.created, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.APPVERSION.value() + "), " + "0, 0 " + "FROM dm.dm_application o, " + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE o.status='N' AND o.creatorid=" + userid + " AND o.parentid is not null and o.isrelease='N' and o.created > 0 AND o.creatorid = " + "UNION " // Component Versions + "SELECT 'no', o.created, 0, " + ObjectType.COMPONENT.value() + ",,, 0, '', " + "o.creatorid,, u.realname, '" + "Created" + "', '" + "component_ver" + "', o.created, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.COMPONENT.value() + "), " + "0, 0 " + "FROM dm.dm_component o, " + "dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE o.status='N' AND o.creatorid=" + userid + " AND o.parentid is not null and o.created > 0 AND o.creatorid = "; } public NewsFeedDataSet getNewsForObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid) { return getHistoryNewsForObject(otid, 0, 0); } public NewsFeedDataSet getHistoryNewsForObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid, int from, int to) { boolean isObjectNewsFeed = (otid != null); DynamicQueryBuilder query = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), ""); System.out.println("getHistoryNewsForObject"); String sinceClause1 = ""; String sinceClause2 = ""; String sinceClause3 = ""; if (from != 0) { sinceClause1 += "AND d.started > " + from + " "; sinceClause2 += "AND n." + whencol + " > " + from + " "; sinceClause3 += "AND o.created > " + from + " "; } if (to != 0) { sinceClause1 += "AND d.started < " + to + " "; sinceClause2 += "AND n." + whencol + " < " + to + " "; sinceClause3 += "AND o.created < " + to + " "; } /** * Columns are: * NAME DEPLOYMENT NOTE * 1: kind - 'd' for deployment 'n' for note * 2: when - seconds since 1/1/1970 when deployment took place or when note was added * 3: id - deploymentid noteid * 4: exitcode objtype * 5: not used or appid objid * 6: not used or appname not used or objname * 7: not used or envid not used * 8: not used or envname not used * 9: userid * 10: username * 11: userrealname * 12: eventid (auto deploy) text * 13: not used icon * 14: sortwhen - the max between the item and its comments * 15: subscribed - subscription count * 16: cmntcnt - comment count * 17: attachcnt - attachment count */ // DEPLOYMENTS if (isObjectNewsFeed) { switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case ENVIRONMENT: System.out.println("History for ENVIRONMENT"); query.add(getDeploymentQuery(true, false, null, "d.envid=?") + sinceClause1, otid.getId()); break; case APPLICATION: case RELEASE: case RELVERSION: case APPVERSION: query.add(getDeploymentQuery(false, true, null, "d.appid=?") + sinceClause1, otid.getId()); //TODO: Add deployments of child appvers for application - needs result code changing to handle // query.add("UNION " + getDeploymentQuery(true, true, null, "a.parentid=?") + sinceClause1, otid.getId()); break; case COMPONENT: case COMPVERSION: query.add(getDeploymentQuery(false, true, null, "d.deploymentid in (select distinct x.deploymentid FROM dm.dm_deploymentxfer x where x.componentid=?)") + sinceClause1, otid.getId()); break; case SERVER: query.add(getDeploymentQuery(true, true, "dm.dm_deploymentxfer x", "x.serverid=? AND d.deploymentid = x.deploymentid") + sinceClause1, otid.getId()); break; case REPOSITORY: query.add(getDeploymentQuery(true, true, "dm.dm_deploymentxfer x", "x.repoid=? AND d.deploymentid = x.deploymentid") + sinceClause1, otid.getId()); break; case USER: query.add(getDeploymentQuery(true, true, null, "d.userid=?") + sinceClause1, otid.getId()); break; case PROCEDURE: case FUNCTION: case ACTION: query.add(getDeploymentQuery(true, true, "dm.dm_deploymentactions x", "x.actionid=? AND d.deploymentid=x.deploymentid") + sinceClause1, otid.getId()); break; case USERGROUP: // A user group doesn't really have anything to do with deployment but we need SOMETHING // for the queries below to UNION to.. so do a dummy here query.add(getDeploymentQuery(false, false, null, "d.userid=-1") + sinceClause1); break; default: throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve history for " + otid.getObjectType() + " from database"); } } else { // Show only subscribed items // TODO: Add deployments involving a repository - need to look in deploymentxfer for this query.add(getDeploymentQuery(true, true, "dm.dm_historysubs s", "((d.appid = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + ") " + " OR (d.envid = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT.value() + ") " + " OR (d.deploymentid = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value() + ") " + " OR (d.userid = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.USER.value() + ")) AND s.userid = ? ") + sinceClause1, getUserID()); } // APPROVALS if (isObjectNewsFeed) { switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case RELEASE: case RELVERSION: case APPLICATION: case APPVERSION: query.add(" UNION " + getApprovalQuery(true, null, "n.appid=?") + sinceClause2, otid.getId()); break; case USER: query.add(" UNION " + getApprovalQuery(true, null, "n.userid=?") + sinceClause2, otid.getId()); break; default: break; } } else { // Show only subscribed items query.add( " UNION " + getApprovalQuery(false, "dm.dm_historysubs s", " AND s.kind = ? AND s.userid = ?") + sinceClause2, ObjectType.APPLICATION.value(), getUserID()); } // REQUESTS if (isObjectNewsFeed) { switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case RELEASE: case RELVERSION: case APPLICATION: case APPVERSION: query.add("UNION " + getRequestQuery(true, null, "n.appid=?") + sinceClause2, otid.getId()); break; case USER: query.add("UNION " + getRequestQuery(true, null, "n.userid=?") + sinceClause2, otid.getId()); break; default: break; } } else { // Show only subscribed items query.add( " UNION " + getRequestQuery(false, "dm.dm_historysubs s", " AND s.kind = ? AND s.userid = ?") + sinceClause2, ObjectType.APPLICATION.value(), getUserID()); } // NOTES System.out.println("Doing notes, isObjectNewsFeed=" + isObjectNewsFeed); if (isObjectNewsFeed) { // Object itself if (otid.getObjectType() == ObjectType.APPLICATION || otid.getObjectType() == ObjectType.APPVERSION) { // Bug fix - move domain entries in dm_historynote can have APPLICATION rather than APPVERSION. Take either option for safety System.out.println("Taking either app or appversion"); query.add( " UNION " + getNotesQuery(null, null, true, null, "n.objid=? AND n.kind in (?,?)") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.APPLICATION.value(), ObjectType.APPVERSION.value()); } else { System.out.println("Taking object type " + otid.getObjectType() + " id1=" + otid.getId() + " id2=" + otid.getObjectType().value()); query.add( " UNION " + getNotesQuery(null, null, true, null, "n.objid=? AND n.kind=?") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), otid.getObjectType().value()); } System.out.println("query is " + query.getQueryString()); // Related objects - TODO: Make this optional switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case ENVIRONMENT: // Server notes for servers in this environment query.add(" UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_serversinenv sie, dm.dm_server s", "COALESCE(n.linkid,0) <> sie.envid AND n.objid = sie.serverid AND sie.envid=? AND n.kind=? AND = sie.serverid") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.SERVER.value()); // Applications notes for applications in this environment query.add(" UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_appsallowedinenv aie, dm.dm_application a", "COALESCE(n.linkid,0) <> aie.envid AND n.objid = aie.appid AND aie.envid=? AND n.kind=? AND = aie.appid") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.APPLICATION.value()); break; case RELEASE: case RELVERSION: case APPLICATION: case APPVERSION: // Environment notes for environments this application can be deployed to query.add(" UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_appsallowedinenv aie, dm.dm_environment e", "COALESCE(n.linkid,0) <> aie.appid AND n.objid = aie.envid AND aie.appid=? AND n.kind=? AND = aie.envid") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT.value()); // Server notes for servers in environments this application can be deployed to query.add(" UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_appsallowedinenv aie, dm.dm_serversinenv sie, dm.dm_server s", "COALESCE(n.linkid,0) <> aie.appid AND n.objid = sie.serverid AND aie.appid=? AND n.kind=? AND sie.envid = aie.envid AND = sie.serverid") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.SERVER.value()); break; case SERVER: // Environment notes for environments this server is a part of query.add(" UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_serversinenv sie, dm.dm_environment e", "COALESCE(n.linkid,0) <> sie.serverid AND n.objid = sie.envid AND sie.serverid=? AND n.kind=? AND = sie.envid") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT.value()); // Application notes for applications in environments this server is a part of query.add(" UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_serversinenv sie, dm.dm_appsallowedinenv aie, dm.dm_application a", "COALESCE(n.linkid,0) <> sie.serverid AND n.objid = aie.appid AND sie.serverid=? AND n.kind=? AND aie.envid = sie.envid AND = aie.appid") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.APPLICATION.value()); break; case REPOSITORY: // Nothing to add for repository break; case USER: // Any notes on applications query.add( " UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_application a", "n.userid = ? AND n.kind = ? AND n.objid =") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.APPLICATION.value()); // Any notes on environments query.add( " UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_environment e", "n.userid = ? AND n.kind = ? AND n.objid =") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT.value()); // Any notes on servers query.add( " UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_server s", "n.userid = ? AND n.kind = ? AND n.objid =") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.SERVER.value()); // Any notes on repositories query.add( " UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, true, "dm.dm_repository r", "n.userid = ? AND n.kind = ? AND n.objid =") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.REPOSITORY.value()); // Any notes on other users - notes on this user have been done query.add(" UNION " + getNotesQuery("", "u2.realname", true, "dm.dm_user u2", "n.userid = ? AND n.kind = ? AND n.objid = AND NOT n.objid = n.userid") + sinceClause2, otid.getId(), ObjectType.USER.value()); // TODO: any comments added by this user break; case USERGROUP: break; default: System.out.println("No notes query added for " + otid.getObjectType()); break; } } else { // Applications query.add(" UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, false, "dm.dm_historysubs s, dm.dm_application a2", " AND n.kind=s.kind AND n.kind = ? AND n.objid = AND s.userid = ?") + sinceClause2, ObjectType.APPLICATION.value(), getUserID()); // Environments query.add(" UNION " + getNotesQuery("", null, false, "dm.dm_historysubs s, dm.dm_environment e2", " AND n.kind=s.kind AND n.kind = ? AND n.objid = AND s.userid = ?") + sinceClause2, ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT.value(), getUserID()); // Other - not application or environment - we won't retrieve the name for this object query.add( " UNION " + getNotesQuery(null, null, false, "dm.dm_historysubs s", " AND n.kind=s.kind AND n.kind NOT IN (" + ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT.value() + "," + ObjectType.APPLICATION.value() + ") AND s.userid = ?") + sinceClause2, getUserID()); } // Creation events if (isObjectNewsFeed) { switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case RELEASE: case APPLICATION: query.add(" UNION " + getCreationQuery(otid, "application", "newapp", "Created", true, null, " = ?") + sinceClause3, otid.getId()); query.add( " UNION " + getCreationQuery(otid, "application", "newappver", "Created new version", true, "dm.dm_application po", " = ? AND o.parentid =") + sinceClause3, otid.getId()); break; case RELVERSION: case APPVERSION: query.add(" UNION " + getCreationQuery(otid, "application", "newappver", "Created", true, null, " = ?") + sinceClause3, otid.getId()); break; case COMPONENT: query.add(" UNION " + getCreationQuery(otid, "component", "newcomp", "Created", true, null, " = ?") + sinceClause3, otid.getId()); query.add( " UNION " + getCreationQuery(otid, "component", "newcompver", "Created new version", true, "dm.dm_component po", " = ? AND o.parentid =") + sinceClause3, otid.getId()); break; case COMPVERSION: query.add(" UNION " + getCreationQuery(otid, "component", "newcompver", "Created", true, null, " = ?") + sinceClause3, otid.getId()); break; case ENVIRONMENT: query.add(" UNION " + getCreationQuery(otid, "environment", "environment", "Created", true, null, " = ?") + sinceClause3, otid.getId()); break; case SERVER: query.add(" UNION " + getCreationQuery(otid, "server", "server", "Created", true, null, " = ?") + sinceClause3, otid.getId()); case USER: query.add(" UNION " + getCreationQuery(otid, "user", "user", "Created", true, null, " = ?") + sinceClause3, otid.getId()); query.add(" UNION " + getCreatedObjectsQuery(otid.getId())); break; case USERGROUP: break; default: break; } } else { } // BUILDS if (isObjectNewsFeed) { switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case COMPONENT: case COMPVERSION: query.add(" UNION " + getBuildQuery(otid.getId())); break; default: break; } } System.out.println("here"); query.add(" ORDER BY 2, 14"); try { ResultSet rs = query.executeQuery(); NewsFeedDataSet ret = new NewsFeedDataSet(); while ( { PropertyDataSet item = new PropertyDataSet(); String mykind = rs.getString(1); System.out.println("otid=" + otid + "mykind=" + mykind); item.addProperty("kind", mykind); // 'de', 'hn' or 'ae' int when = rs.getInt(2); item.addProperty("when", when); item.addProperty("whenstr", formatDateToUserLocale(when)); item.addProperty("id", rs.getInt(3)); if (mykind.equals("de")) { //item.addProperty("objkind", ObjectType.DEPLOYMENT.value()); item.addProperty("icon", (rs.getInt(4) == 0) ? "deploy" : "deployfail"); if ((otid == null) || (otid.getObjectType() != ObjectType.APPLICATION)) { int itemid = rs.getInt(5); Application app = (itemid > 0) ? getApplication(rs.getInt(5), true) : new Application(this, itemid, rs.getString(6)); item.addProperty("app", app.getLinkJSON()); } if ((otid == null) || (otid.getObjectType() != ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT)) { item.addProperty("env", new Environment(this, rs.getInt(7), rs.getString(8)).getLinkJSON()); } item.addProperty("eventid", rs.getString(12)); } else if (mykind.equals("hn") || mykind.equals("no")) { int myobjkind = rs.getInt(4); int objid = rs.getInt(5); //item.addProperty("objkind", myobjkind); item.addProperty("text", rs.getString(12)); String myicon = rs.getString(13); if (myicon != null) { item.addProperty("icon", myicon); } ObjectType ot = ObjectType.fromInt(myobjkind); if ((ot != null) && (!isObjectNewsFeed || (ot != otid.getObjectType()) || (objid != otid.getId()))) { switch (ot) { case RELEASE: item.addProperty("obj", new Application(this, objid, rs.getString(6)).getLinkJSON()); break; case APPLICATION: case APPVERSION: Application app = getApplication(objid, false); item.addProperty("obj", app.getLinkJSON()); break; case COMPONENT: case COMPVERSION: Component comp = getComponent(objid, false); if (comp != null) item.addProperty("obj", comp.getLinkJSON()); break; case ENVIRONMENT: item.addProperty("obj", new Environment(this, objid, rs.getString(6)).getLinkJSON()); break; case SERVER: item.addProperty("obj", new Server(this, objid, rs.getString(6)).getLinkJSON()); break; case REPOSITORY: item.addProperty("obj", new Repository(this, objid, rs.getString(6)).getLinkJSON()); break; case USER: item.addProperty("obj", new User(this, objid, rs.getString(6), rs.getString(8)).getLinkJSON()); break; default: System.out.println("Unhandled object type " + ot); break; } } } else if (mykind.equals("ae")) { int appid = rs.getInt(5); int domid = getInteger(rs, 7, 0); //item.addProperty("objkind", myobjkind); String text = getString(rs, 12, null); String myicon = rs.getString(13); boolean approved = myicon.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"); //text = "Application has been " + (approved ? "approved" : "rejected") + ((text != null) ? ("<br>" + text) : ""); if (text != null) { item.addProperty("text", text); } if (myicon != null) { item.addProperty("icon", (approved ? "approved" : "rejected")); } if (!isObjectNewsFeed || (appid != otid.getId())) { item.addProperty("app", new Application(this, appid, rs.getString(6)).getLinkJSON()); } if (domid != 0) { item.addProperty("dom", new Domain(this, domid, rs.getString(8)).getLinkJSON()); } } else if (mykind.equals("rq")) { // Request for task (for an app) int taskid = rs.getInt(7); item.addProperty("obj", new Task(this, taskid, rs.getString(8)).getLinkJSON()); String text = getString(rs, 12, null); if (text != null) { item.addProperty("text", text); } item.addProperty("icon", "request"); } else if (mykind.equals("bu")) { // int myobjkind = rs.getInt(4); // int buildnumber = rs.getInt(5); int buildjobid = rs.getInt(7); //item.addProperty("objkind", myobjkind); item.addProperty("text", rs.getString(12)); item.addProperty("buildjobid", buildjobid); String myicon = rs.getString(13); if (myicon != null) { item.addProperty("icon", myicon); } } else { System.err.println("Unexpected history item type: " + mykind); } item.addProperty("user", new User(this, rs.getInt(9), rs.getString(10), rs.getString(11)).getLinkJSON()); item.addProperty("subs", (rs.getInt(15) > 0) ? "true" : "false"); item.addProperty("cmnt", rs.getInt(16)); item.addProperty("attach", rs.getInt(17)); int x = rs.getInt(3); boolean tasks = (x == 2); // TODO: Replace this with some real code! if (tasks) { item.addProperty("tasks", 1); } ret.addItem(item); } rs.close(); query.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve history from database"); } public NewsFeedDataSet getPendingNewsForObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid, int from, int to) { if (m_userID == 0) return new NewsFeedDataSet(); // Sometimes can get called from a background thread before login DynamicQueryBuilder query = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), ""); System.out.println("1) query string=" + query.getQueryString()); /* query.add("SELECT 'rq', r.\"when\",, r.note, r.taskid,, r.appid,, " + " r.calendarid, c.eventname, r.userid,, u.realname, " + " c.envid,, " + " (SELECT max(z.startwhen) FROM (" + " SELECT r2.\"when\" AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_request r2 WHERE " + " UNION " + " SELECT c2.\"when\" AS startwhen FROM dm.dm_historycomment c2 WHERE = AND c2.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + ")) AS z, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_request r " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_task t ON = r.taskid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a ON = r.appid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_calendar c ON = r.calendarid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user u ON = r.userid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_environment e ON = c.envid " + "WHERE r.status = 'N' AND (r.taskid IS NULL OR t.domainid IN (" + m_domainlist + "))"); */ // Reworked to be compatible with Postgres and Oracle query.add("SELECT 'rq', r." + whencol + ",, r.note, r.taskid,, r.appid,, a.parentid, " + " r.calendarid, c.eventname, r.userid,, u.realname, " + ",, " + " (" + " SELECT GREATEST(max(r2." + whencol + "),max(c2." + whencol + ")) " + " FROM dm.dm_request r2, " + " dm.dm_historycomment c2 " + " WHERE = " + " AND = " + " AND c2.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + " )," + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = AND s.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historycomment c WHERE = AND c.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + "), " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a WHERE a.objid = AND a.kind = " + ObjectType.REQUEST.value() + ") " + "FROM dm.dm_request r " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_task t ON = r.taskid AND IN (SELECT taskid FROM dm.dm_taskaccess ta,dm.dm_usersingroup ug WHERE ug.userid=" + getUserID() + " AND ta.usrgrpid = ug.groupid) " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application a ON = r.appid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_calendar c ON = r.calendarid AND c.endtime > " + timeNow() + " " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user u ON = r.userid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_environment e ON = c.envid AND (e.ownerid = " + getUserID() + " OR e.ogrpid IN (SELECT groupid FROM dm.dm_usersingroup WHERE userid=" + getUserID() + "))" + "WHERE r.status = 'N' AND (r.taskid IS NULL OR t.domainid IN (" + m_domainlist + "))"); query.add(" ORDER BY 2,16"); System.out.println("2) query string=" + query.getQueryString()); try { System.out.println("About to execute query"); ResultSet rs = query.executeQuery(); NewsFeedDataSet ret = new NewsFeedDataSet(); while ( { int taskid = getInteger(rs, 5, 0); int envid = getInteger(rs, 15, 0); System.out.println("event=" + rs.getString(11) + " taskid=" + taskid + " envid=" + envid); if (envid == 0 && taskid == 0) continue; // Not for us! PropertyDataSet item = new PropertyDataSet(); String mykind = rs.getString(1); item.addProperty("kind", mykind); // 'rq' int when = rs.getInt(2); item.addProperty("when", when); item.addProperty("whenstr", formatDateToUserLocale(when)); item.addProperty("id", rs.getInt(3)); if (mykind.equals("rq")) { item.addProperty("text", rs.getString(4)); if (taskid != 0) { item.addProperty("obj", new Task(this, taskid, rs.getString(6)).getLinkJSON()); int appid = getInteger(rs, 7, 0); if (appid != 0) { Application app = new Application(this, appid, rs.getString(8)); app.setParentId(rs.getInt(9)); item.addProperty("app", app.getLinkJSON()); } item.addProperty("icon", "request"); } else { int calid = getInteger(rs, 10, 0); if (calid != 0) { DMCalendarEvent evt = new DMCalendarEvent(); evt.setID(calid); evt.setEventTitle(rs.getString(11)); item.addProperty("obj", evt.getLinkJSON()); item.addProperty("icon", "calendar"); } } } else { // Other parts of a future union will go here } item.addProperty("user", new User(this, rs.getInt(12), rs.getString(13), rs.getString(14)).getLinkJSON()); if (envid != 0) { item.addProperty("env", new Environment(this, envid, rs.getString(16)).getLinkJSON()); } item.addProperty("subs", (rs.getInt(18) > 0) ? "true" : "false"); item.addProperty("cmnt", rs.getInt(19)); item.addProperty("attach", rs.getInt(20)); ret.addItem(item); } rs.close(); query.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve pending news from database"); } public NewsFeedDataSet getCommentsForObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid) { if (otid == null) { throw new RuntimeException("otid must not be null"); } String sql; switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case REQUEST: case HISTORY_NOTE: case APPROVAL: case DEPLOYMENT: sql = "SELECT c." + whencol + ", c.note, c.userid,, u.realname " + "FROM dm.dm_historycomment c, dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE = ? AND c.kind = ? AND c.userid = " + "ORDER BY c." + whencol + " DESC"; break; case BUILDID: sql = "SELECT c." + whencol + ", c.note, c.userid,, u.realname " + "FROM dm.dm_historycomment c, dm.dm_user u " + "WHERE = ? AND c.kind = ? AND c.subid = ? AND c.userid = " + "ORDER BY c." + whencol + " DESC"; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Object type " + otid.getObjectType() + " cannot have comments"); } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, otid.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, otid.getObjectType().value()); if (otid.getObjectType() == ObjectType.BUILDID) stmt.setInt(3, otid.getSubId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); NewsFeedDataSet ret = new NewsFeedDataSet(); while ( { PropertyDataSet item = new PropertyDataSet(); item.addProperty("when", rs.getInt(1)); item.addProperty("text", rs.getString(2)); item.addProperty("user", new User(this, rs.getInt(3), rs.getString(4), rs.getString(5)).getLinkJSON()); ret.addItem(item); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve comments from database"); } public List<Attachment> getAttachmentsForObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid) { if (otid == null) { throw new RuntimeException("otid must not be null"); } String sql; switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case ENVIRONMENT: case APPLICATION: case APPVERSION: case RELEASE: case RELVERSION: case REQUEST: case HISTORY_NOTE: case DEPLOYMENT: sql = "SELECT, a.filename, a." + sizecol + " " + "FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a " + "WHERE a.objid = ? AND a.kind = ?"; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Object type " + otid.getObjectType() + " cannot have attachments"); } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, otid.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, otid.getObjectType().value()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Attachment> ret = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); while ( { Attachment attach = new Attachment(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); attach.setSize(rs.getInt(3)); ret.add(attach); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve attachments from database"); } public Attachment getAttachment(int attachid) { String sql = "SELECT a.filename, a." + sizecol + " " + "FROM dm.dm_historyattachment a " + "WHERE = ?"; ; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, attachid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Attachment ret = null; if ( { ret = new Attachment(this, attachid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSize(rs.getInt(2)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve attachments from database"); } public InputStream getAttachmentStream(int attachid) { try { InputStream res = null; if (dbdriver.toLowerCase().contains("oracle")) { // ORACLE version PreparedStatement ps = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT fileoid FROM dm.dm_attachments WHERE attachmentid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, attachid); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { res = rs.getBinaryStream(1); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } else { // POSTGRES version LargeObjectManager lobj = ((org.postgresql.PGConnection) getDBConnection()).getLargeObjectAPI(); PreparedStatement ps = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT fileoid FROM dm.dm_attachments WHERE attachmentid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, attachid); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { // Open the large object for reading long oid = rs.getLong(1); LargeObject obj =, LargeObjectManager.READ); res = obj.getInputStream(); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve attachment stream from database"); } public PropertyDataSet addNewsToObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid, String text, String icon) { if (otid == null) { throw new RuntimeException("otid must not be null"); } switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case ENVIRONMENT: case APPLICATION: case APPVERSION: case SERVER: case REPOSITORY: case USER: case RELEASE: case RELVERSION: case COMPONENT: case COMPVERSION: case ACTION: case PROCEDURE: case FUNCTION: case USERGROUP: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Object type " + otid.getObjectType() + " cannot have news items"); } int when = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); int id = this.getID("HistoryNote"); if (id == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to allocate id for HistoryNote"); } String sql; if (icon != null) { sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_historynote(id, objid, kind, " + whencol + ", note, userid, icon) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } else { sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_historynote(id, objid, kind, " + whencol + ", note, userid) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setInt(2, otid.getId()); stmt.setInt(3, otid.getObjectType().value()); stmt.setInt(4, when); stmt.setString(5, text); stmt.setInt(6, this.GetUserID()); if (icon != null) { stmt.setString(7, icon); } stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); // Check if we are subscribed boolean subs = false; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs s WHERE = ? AND s.kind = ? and s.userid = ?"); stmt2.setInt(1, otid.getId()); stmt2.setInt(2, otid.getObjectType().value()); stmt2.setInt(3, this.GetUserID()); ResultSet rs = stmt2.executeQuery(); if ( { subs = (rs.getInt(1) > 0); } PropertyDataSet ret = new PropertyDataSet(); ret.setNewObject(new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.HISTORY_NOTE, id)); ret.addProperty("kind", ObjectType.HISTORY_NOTE.getTypeString()); ret.addProperty("when", when); ret.addProperty("whenstr", formatDateToUserLocale(when)); ret.addProperty("id", id); ret.addProperty("objkind", otid.getObjectType().value()); ret.addProperty("text", text); if (icon != null) { ret.addProperty("icon", icon); } // TODO: Need real name for user ret.addProperty("user", new User(this, this.GetUserID(), this.GetUserName()).getLinkJSON()); ret.addProperty("subs", "" + subs); ret.addProperty("cmnt", 0); ret.addProperty("attach", 0); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public PropertyDataSet addCommentToObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid, String text) { String sql; switch (otid.getObjectType()) { case REQUEST: case HISTORY_NOTE: case DEPLOYMENT: case APPROVAL: sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_historycomment(id, kind, note, userid, " + whencol + ") VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; break; case BUILDID: sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_historycomment(id, kind, note, userid, " + whencol + ", subid) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Object type " + otid.getObjectType() + " cannot have comments"); } int when = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, otid.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, otid.getObjectType().value()); stmt.setString(3, text); stmt.setInt(4, this.GetUserID()); stmt.setInt(5, when); if (otid.getObjectType() == ObjectType.BUILDID) { stmt.setInt(6, otid.getSubId()); } stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); PropertyDataSet ret = new PropertyDataSet(); ret.addProperty("when", when); ret.addProperty("text", text); // TODO: Need real name for user ret.addProperty("user", new User(this, this.GetUserID(), this.GetUserName()).getLinkJSON()); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } /** * Associates an attachment with an object. * * @param otid - type and id of the object the attachment is associated with * @param filename - leaf filename which will be displayed * @param size - file size for display purposes * @return The id of the new attachment */ public int addAttachmentToObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid, String filename, int size, InputStream is) { int id = getID("HistoryAttachment"); if (id == 0) { return 0; } try { System.out.println("dbdriver (a)=" + dbdriver); if (dbdriver.toLowerCase().contains("oracle")) { // ORACLE version PreparedStatement ps = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_attachments (attachmentid, fileoid) VALUES (?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.setBinaryStream(2, is, size); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); is.close(); } else { // POSTGRES version LargeObjectManager lobj = ((org.postgresql.PGConnection) getDBConnection()).getLargeObjectAPI(); long oid = lobj.createLO(LargeObjectManager.READ | LargeObjectManager.WRITE); LargeObject obj =, LargeObjectManager.WRITE); // Copy the data from the InputStream to the large object byte buf[] = new byte[2048]; int s; // int tl = 0; while ((s =, 0, 2048)) > 0) { obj.write(buf, 0, s); // tl += s; } PreparedStatement ps = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_attachments (attachmentid, fileoid) VALUES (?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.setLong(2, oid); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); is.close(); // Close the large object obj.close(); } String sqlstr; if (dbdriver.toLowerCase().contains("oracle")) { sqlstr = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_historyattachment (id, objid, kind, filename, \"SIZE\") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"; } else { sqlstr = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_historyattachment (id, objid, kind, filename, size) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"; } PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sqlstr); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setInt(2, otid.getId()); stmt.setInt(3, otid.getObjectType().value()); stmt.setString(4, filename); stmt.setInt(5, size); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return id; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } public void newsSubscribeObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid) { // TODO: Be prepared that the entry may already be present String sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_historysubs (id, kind, userid) VALUES (?,?,?)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, otid.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, otid.getObjectType().value()); stmt.setInt(3, this.GetUserID()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void newsUnsubscribeObject(ObjectTypeAndId otid) { String sql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_historysubs WHERE id = ? AND kind = ? AND userid = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, otid.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, otid.getObjectType().value()); stmt.setInt(3, this.GetUserID()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } // Action public Action getAction(int actionid, boolean detailed) { return getAction(actionid, detailed, ObjectType.ACTION); } public Action getAction(int actionid, boolean detailed, ObjectType objtype) { System.out.println("getAction(" + actionid + "," + detailed + " ObjectType=" + objtype); if (actionid < 0) { Action ret = new Action(this, actionid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); ActionKind actkind = ActionKind.UNCONFIGURED; if (objtype == ObjectType.ACTION) actkind = ActionKind.GRAPHICAL; ret.setKind(actkind); ret.setFunction(false); ret.setCategory(new Category(10, "General")); ret.setFragmentName(""); ret.setRepository(new Repository(this, 0, "")); ret.setFilepath(""); ret.setResultIsExpr(false); ret.setCopyToRemote(false); ret.setUseTTY(false); return ret; } String sql = null; if (detailed) { if (objtype == ObjectType.ACTION) { sql = "SELECT, a.summary, a.domainid, a.kind, a.status, a.function, a.parentid, a.usetty, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,,, " + ",,, a.repositoryid,, " + " a.filepath, a.resultisexpr, a.copy, a.interpreter " + "FROM dm.dm_action a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON a.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON a.ogrpid = " // owner group + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_fragments f ON in (f.actionid,f.functionid) " // fragment + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action_categories fc on = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_category c ON = fc.categoryid " // category + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_repository r ON = a.repositoryid " // repository + "WHERE = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, a.summary, a.domainid, a.kind, a.status, a.function, a.parentid, a.usetty, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,,, " + ",,, a.repositoryid,, " + " a.filepath, a.resultisexpr, a.copy, a.interpreter " + "FROM dm.dm_action a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON a.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON a.ogrpid = " // owner group // + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_fragments f ON f.actionid = " // fragment + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_fragments f ON in (f.actionid,f.functionid) " // fragment + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_fragment_categories fc on = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_category c ON = fc.categoryid " // category + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_repository r ON = a.repositoryid " // repository + "WHERE = ?"; } } else { sql = "SELECT, a.summary, a.domainid, a.kind, a.status, a.function, a.parentid, a.usetty " + "FROM dm.dm_action a WHERE = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, actionid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Action ret = null; if ( { ret = new Action(this, actionid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(getString(rs, 2, "")); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); ActionKind actkind = ActionKind.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 4, 0)); ret.setKind(actkind); getStatus(rs, 5, ret); ret.setFunction(getBoolean(rs, 6, false)); ret.setParentId(getInteger(rs, 7, 0)); // for versioned/archived actions ret.setUseTTY(getBoolean(rs, 8, false)); if (detailed) { getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 9, ret); int catid = getInteger(rs, 22, 0); System.out.println("catid=" + catid); if (catid != 0) { System.out.println("new category, name=" + rs.getString(23)); ret.setCategory(new Category(catid, rs.getString(23))); } String fragname = rs.getString(24); if (fragname != null) { ret.setFragmentName(fragname); } int repoid = getInteger(rs, 25, 0); if (repoid != 0) { ret.setRepository(new Repository(this, repoid, rs.getString(26))); } ret.setFilepath(rs.getString(27)); ret.setResultIsExpr(getBoolean(rs, 28, false)); ret.setCopyToRemote(getBoolean(rs, 29, false)); ret.setInterpreter(rs.getString(30)); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve action " + actionid + " from database"); } private void AddActionText(int textid) { try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_actiontext(id) VALUES(?)"); stmt.setInt(1, textid); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } private void DeleteActionText(int actionid) { String sql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_actiontext WHERE id = (SELECT textid FROM dm.dm_action WHERE id=?)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, actionid); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } private void insertUpdateRecord(DMObject obj, String message, int linkid) { // Inserts a record into dm_historynote. Note, the "linkid" is used // by the timeline code - it is used when entries are made in "linked" // items. For example, when a server is added to an environment a record // is made in both the server's and the environment's timeline. In this // case, the "Server" historynote has a linkid pointing to the environment. // This prevents the environment timeline from displaying "linked" history // items whilst still displaying modifications for servers in the environment. // System.out.println("insertUpdateRecord, obj.getObjectType=" + obj.getObjectType()); String icon = null; switch (obj.getObjectType()) { case ACTION: icon = "actionedit"; break; case FUNCTION: icon = "funcedit"; break; case PROCEDURE: icon = "procedit"; break; case COMPONENT: case COMPVERSION: icon = "compedit"; break; case APPLICATION: case APPVERSION: case RELEASE: icon = "appedit"; break; case SERVER: icon = "servedit"; break; case ENVIRONMENT: icon = "envedit"; break; case USER: icon = "useredit"; break; case USERGROUP: icon = "usergroupedit"; default: break; } String updsql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_historynote(objid,kind,\"WHEN\",note,userid,icon,id,linkid) VAlUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; try { long t = timeNow(); int hnid = getID("HistoryNote"); System.out.println("got hnid=" + hnid); PreparedStatement updstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql); updstmt.setInt(1, obj.getId()); updstmt.setInt(2, obj.getObjectType().value()); updstmt.setLong(3, t); updstmt.setString(4, message); updstmt.setInt(5, getUserID()); if (icon != null) { updstmt.setString(6, icon); } else { updstmt.setNull(6, Type.CHAR); } updstmt.setInt(7, hnid); if (linkid > 0) { updstmt.setInt(8, linkid); } else { updstmt.setNull(8, Type.INT); } System.out.println("inserting id " + hnid); updstmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } private void RecordObjectUpdate(DMObject obj, SummaryChangeSet changes) { // Put an entry into the history table recording that the object has // been modified and (more pertinently) WHAT has been changed System.out.println("RecordObjectUpdate: timeNow()" + timeNow()); System.out.println("obj.getCreated()=" + obj.getCreated()); if ((timeNow() - obj.getCreated()) >= 2) { // Creation time was more than 2 seconds ago. System.out.println("more than 2 secs since object creation"); String fieldlist = ""; String sep = ""; for (SummaryField field : changes) { if (field.fieldname() != null) { if (fieldlist.length() + field.fieldname().length() < 2000) { fieldlist = fieldlist + sep + field.fieldname(); } sep = ", "; } } insertUpdateRecord(obj, "Modified: " + fieldlist, 0); } } private void RecordObjectUpdate(DMObject obj, String desc, int linkid, boolean allowMultipleRecords) { // Put an entry into the history table recording that the object has // been modified. This gets a bit complicated when deleting and adding // nodes because multiple calls are made in succession to delete the flow // and then the object or add the object and then the flow. System.out.println("RecordObjectUpdate for " + obj.getName() + " desc:" + desc); String chksql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historynote WHERE objid=? AND kind=? and userid=? and \"WHEN\" > ?"; try { boolean secondInSuccession = false; long t = timeNow(); PreparedStatement chkstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(chksql); chkstmt.setInt(1, obj.getId()); chkstmt.setInt(2, obj.getObjectType().value()); chkstmt.setInt(3, getUserID()); chkstmt.setLong(4, t - 2); // Within 2 seconds of the same object and the same user ResultSet chkrs = chkstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int c = chkrs.getInt(1); System.out.println("c=" + c); if (c > 0) secondInSuccession = true; } chkrs.close(); chkstmt.close(); System.out.println( "secondInSuccession=" + secondInSuccession + " allowMultipleRecords=" + allowMultipleRecords); if (!secondInSuccession || allowMultipleRecords) { // Not a second update in quick succession - record it insertUpdateRecord(obj, desc, linkid); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } private void RecordObjectUpdate(DMObject obj, String desc) { RecordObjectUpdate(obj, desc, 0, false); } public void RecordObjectUpdateMultiple(DMObject obj, String desc) { RecordObjectUpdate(obj, desc, 0, true); } private void RecordObjectUpdate(DMObject obj, String desc, int linkid) { RecordObjectUpdate(obj, desc, linkid, false); } public boolean updateAction(Action act, SummaryChangeSet changes) { Category cat = null; String fragname = null; String fragsumm = null; long t = timeNow(); System.out.println("updateAction"); ArchiveAction(act); DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_action "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", t, getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case ACTION_KIND: { ActionKind kind = (ActionKind) changes.get(field); update.add(", kind = ?", (kind != null) ? kind.value() : ActionKind.UNCONFIGURED.value()); if (kind == ActionKind.IN_DB) { int textid = getID("actiontext"); update.add(", textid = ?", textid); AddActionText(textid); } else { // We need to delete the old action text if we're changing from an action // that was stored in the database. DeleteActionText(act.getId()); } } break; case ACTION_CATEGORY: cat = (Category) changes.get(field); break; case ACTION_FRAGNAME: fragname = (String) changes.get(field); break; case ACTION_REPO: { DMObject repo = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", repositoryid = ?", (repo != null) ? repo.getId() : Null.INT); } break; case ACTION_FILEPATH: update.add(", filepath = ?", (String) changes.get(field)); break; case ACTION_INTERPRETER: update.add(", interpreter = ?", (String) changes.get(field)); break; case ACTION_RESISEXPR: update.add(", resultisexpr = ?", changes.getBoolean(field)); break; case ACTION_COPYTOREM: update.add(", copy = ?", changes.getBoolean(field)); break; case ACTION_USETTY: update.add(", usetty = ?", changes.getBoolean(field)); break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { if (field == SummaryField.SUMMARY) { fragsumm = (String) changes.get(field); } updateObjectSummaryField(act, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", act.getId()); try { update.execute(); Category oldcat = act.getCategory(); if (cat != null) System.out.println("cat is " + cat.getId()); else System.out.println("cat is null"); if (oldcat != null) System.out.println("oldcat is " + oldcat.getId()); else System.out.println("oldcat is null"); if (cat == null) { // Category was not passed (because it wasn't changed). cat = oldcat; if (cat == null) { cat = new Category(10, "General"); } else { if (cat.getId() == 0) { // No category - set to general cat = new Category(10, "General"); } } } System.out.println("after override"); if (cat != null) System.out.println("cat is now " + cat.getId()); if (((cat == null) && (oldcat != null) && (oldcat.getId() != 0)) || ((cat != null) && (cat.getId() != 0))) { // Category is set, so ensure that we have a fragment row for this action System.out.println("Category set - attempting update (cat is " + cat); DynamicQueryBuilder update2 = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_fragments "); update2.add("SET modifierid = ?, modified = ?", getUserID(), timeNow()); if (fragname != null) { update2.add(", name = ?", fragname); } if (fragsumm != null) { update2.add(", summary = ?", fragsumm); } update2.add(" WHERE ? IN (actionid,functionid)", act.getId()); update2.execute(); int updcount = update2.getUpdateCount(); update2.close(); if (cat != null) { String sql1 = "DELETE from dm.dm_fragment_categories a where in (select from dm.dm_fragments b where ? in (b.actionid,b.functionid))"; // only allow 1 category at this time String sql2 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragment_categories select, ? from dm.dm_fragments b where ? in (b.actionid,b.functionid)"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt.setInt(1, act.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt.setInt(1, cat.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, act.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); sql1 = "DELETE from dm.dm_action_categories where id = ?"; // only allow 1 category at this time sql2 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action_categories (id,categoryid) VALUES(?,?)"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt.setInt(1, act.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt.setInt(1, act.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, cat.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } if (updcount == 0) { // TODO: Possibly add drilldown for graphical actions System.out.println( "Category set - attempting insert of " + (act.isFunction() ? "FUNCTION" : "ACTION")); int newid = getID("fragments"); if (newid > 0) { String sql1 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragments(id,name,summary,categoryid,exitpoints,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,actionid) VALUES(?,?,?,?,1,?,?,?,?,?)"; String sql2 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragments(id,name,summary,categoryid,exitpoints,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,functionid) VALUES(?,?,?,?,1,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(act.isFunction() ? sql2 : sql1); stmt.setInt(1, newid); stmt.setString(2, (fragname != null) ? fragname : act.getName()); stmt.setString(3, (fragsumm != null) ? fragsumm : act.getSummary()); stmt.setInt(4, (cat != null) ? cat.getId() : oldcat.getId()); stmt.setInt(5, getUserID()); stmt.setLong(6, t); stmt.setInt(7, getUserID()); stmt.setLong(8, t); stmt.setInt(9, act.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); // ObjectType ot=(act.getKind() == ActionKind.GRAPHICAL)?ObjectType.ACTION:ObjectType.FRAGMENT; // ObjectTypeAndId otid = new ObjectTypeAndId(ot,newid); // addToCategory(cat != null ? cat.getId() : oldcat.getId(),otid); if (act.getKind() == ActionKind.GRAPHICAL) sql1 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action_categories values (?,?)"; else sql1 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragment_categories values (?,?)"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt.setInt(1, newid); stmt.setInt(2, (cat != null) ? cat.getId() : oldcat.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); // Now add the fragmentattrs System.out.println("Inserting into fragmentattrs for actionid=" + act.getId()); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragmentattrs(id,typeid,atname,attype,atorder,required) " + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"); // Loop through the arguments list, adding any that are not "A" (always) PreparedStatement qst = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT name,type,inpos,required FROM dm.dm_actionarg WHERE actionid=? AND (switchmode is null or switchmode<>'A') order by inpos, name"); qst.setInt(1, act.getId()); ResultSet rs = qst.executeQuery(); int maxorder = 0; String plist = ""; while ( { int fragid = getID("fragmentattrs"); stmt2.setInt(1, fragid); stmt2.setInt(2, newid); String pname = rs.getString(1); if (plist.length() > 0) plist = plist + ","; plist = plist + "@" + pname.toLowerCase() + "@"; stmt2.setString(3, pname); stmt2.setString(4, rs.getString(2)); int atorder = rs.getInt(3); if (atorder > maxorder) maxorder = atorder; stmt2.setInt(5, atorder); stmt2.setString(6, rs.getString(4)); stmt2.execute(); } rs.close(); qst.close(); if (act.isFunction()) { System.out.println("act is a function, inserting result field"); // Add the "result" into fragmentattrs PreparedStatement rst = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragmentattrs(id,typeid,atname,attype,atorder,inherit,required) " + "VALUES(?,?,'result','entry',?,'R','Y')"); int fragid = getID("fragmentattrs"); rst.setInt(1, fragid); rst.setInt(2, newid); rst.setInt(3, maxorder + 1); rst.execute(); // And add the function text into fragmentattrs String ft = "set @result@ = " + act.getName() + "(" + plist + ");"; PreparedStatement fst = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragmenttext(fragmentid,data,type) values(?,?,0)"); fst.setInt(1, newid); fst.setString(2, ft); fst.execute(); fst.close(); } } } } else { // Category is not set, so remove any fragment row for this action System.out.println("Category not set - attempting delete"); String dsql[] = new String[4]; dsql[0] = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_fragmenttext WHERE fragmentid IN (SELECT id FROM dm.dm_fragments WHERE ? in (functionid,actionid))"; dsql[1] = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_fragmentattrs WHERE typeid IN (SELECT id FROM dm.dm_fragments WHERE ? in (functionid,actionid))"; dsql[2] = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_fragments WHERE ? in (functionid,actionid)"; dsql[3] = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_fragment_categories WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM dm.dm_fragments WHERE ? in (functionid,actionid))"; for (int i = 0; i < dsql.length; i++) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsql[i]); System.out.println("executing " + dsql[i]); stmt.setInt(1, act.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } } RecordObjectUpdate(act, changes); System.out.println("Committing"); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } System.out.println("Something somewhere went badly wrong"); return false; } public void updateOrder(Action action, ArrayList<String> updates) { ArchiveAction(action); updateModTime(action); RecordObjectUpdate(action, "Argument Order Changed"); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_actionarg set outpos = null where actionid = " + action.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); for (int i = 0; i < updates.size(); i++) { String key = updates.get(i); String usql = "UPDATE dm.dm_actionarg set outpos = " + (i + 1) + " where actionid = " + action.getId() + " and name = '" + key + "'"; System.out.println(usql); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); } getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void updateInputOrder(Action action, HashMap<String, String> updates) { ArchiveAction(action); updateModTime(action); RecordObjectUpdate(action, "Argument Order Changed 2"); Category cat = action.getCategory(); boolean hasCategory = (cat != null) && (cat.getId() != 0); try { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : updates.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); String usql1 = "UPDATE dm.dm_actionarg set inpos = " + value + " where actionid = " + action.getId() + " and name = '" + key + "'"; String usql2 = "UPDATE dm.dm_fragmentattrs set atorder = " + value + "where atname = '" + key + "' and typeid = " + " (SELECT id FROM dm.dm_fragments x WHERE " + action.getId() + " in (x.actionid,x.functionid))"; PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql1); stmt1.execute(); stmt1.close(); if (hasCategory) { PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql2); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); } } if (action.isFunction()) { PreparedStatement ts = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM dm.dm_fragments WHERE ? IN (actionid,functionid)"); ts.setInt(1, action.getId()); ResultSet rs = ts.executeQuery(); if ( { int typeid = rs.getInt(1); UpdateFunctionFragmentText(action, typeid); } rs.close(); ts.close(); } getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void removeArg(int id, String name) { String usql = "UPDATE dm.dm_actionarg set outpos = null where actionid = " + id + " and name = '" + name + "'"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); stmt.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void updateSwitch(int id, String name, String flag) { String usql = "UPDATE dm.dm_actionarg set switch = ? where actionid = " + id + " and name = '" + name + "'"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); stmt.setString(1, flag); stmt.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void addSwitch(int id, String name, String flag) { String usql = "insert into dm.dm_actionarg values (?,?,'false',null,'N',?,'N',null,'A',null)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setString(2, name); if (flag.trim().length() == 0) stmt.setNull(3, java.sql.Types.CHAR); else stmt.setString(3, flag); stmt.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public String SaveProcBody(int actionid, String procbody) { System.out.println("SaveProcBody actionid=" + actionid); Action action = getAction(actionid, true); Domain dom = action.getDomain(); Engine eng = (dom != null) ? dom.findNearestEngine() : null; if (eng == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: Could not find engine to encrypt data"); return "ERROR: Could not find engine to Parse Body"; } String parseResult = eng.ParseProcedure("action " + action.getName() + "{" + procbody + "}"); System.out.println("parseResult = " + parseResult); if (parseResult.contains("parsed ok")) { parseResult = ""; String usql = "UPDATE dm.dm_actiontext SET data=? WHERE id=(SELECT b.textid FROM dm.dm_action b where"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); stmt.setString(1, procbody); stmt.setInt(2, actionid); stmt.execute(); int uc = stmt.getUpdateCount(); System.out.println("UpdateCount = " + uc); updateModTime(action); RecordObjectUpdate(action, "DMScript Body Changed"); getDBConnection().commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } return parseResult; } public boolean updateActionArgs(Action act, ACDChangeSet<Action.ActionArg> changes) { ArchiveAction(act); updateModTime(act); RecordObjectUpdate(act, "Input Arguments Changed"); System.out.println("updateActionArgs"); String dsql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_actionarg aa WHERE aa.actionid = ? AND = ?"; String asql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionarg(actionid,name,inpos,outpos,required,pad,switchmode,switch,negswitch,type) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String csql = "UPDATE dm.dm_actionarg aa SET name = ?, inpos = ?, outpos = ?," + " required = ?, pad = ?, switchmode = ?, switch = ?, negswitch = ?, type=? WHERE aa.actionid = ? AND = ?"; String fqsql = "SELECT FROM dm.dm_fragments f WHERE ? in (f.actionid,f.functionid)"; String fdsql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_fragmentattrs fa WHERE fa.typeid = ? AND fa.atname = ?"; String fasql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragmentattrs(id,typeid,attype,atname,atorder,required) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String fcsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_fragmentattrs fa SET atname = ?, attype = ?, required = ? WHERE fa.typeid = ? AND fa.atname = ?"; try { Category cat = act.getCategory(); boolean hasCategory = (cat != null) && (cat.getId() != 0); int fragmentId = 0; System.out.println("hasCategory=" + hasCategory); PreparedStatement stmt = null; if (hasCategory) { stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(fqsql); stmt.setInt(1, act.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { fragmentId = rs.getInt(1); } if (fragmentId == 0) { System.out.println("ERROR: Failed to find fragment for action " + act.getId() + " '" + act.getName() + "'"); hasCategory = false; } } stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsql); for (Action.ActionArg a : changes.deleted()) { System.out.println("Deleting " + act.getId() + " '" + a.getId() + "' from actionarg"); stmt.setInt(1, act.getId()); stmt.setString(2, a.getId()); // This is the old name stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); if (hasCategory) { stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(fdsql); for (Action.ActionArg a : changes.deleted()) { System.out.println("Deleting " + fragmentId + " '" + a.getId() + "' from fragmentattrs"); stmt.setInt(1, fragmentId); stmt.setString(2, a.getId()); // This is the old name stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); } PreparedStatement maxinpos = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select max(inpos) from dm.dm_actionarg where actionid = " + act.getId()); ResultSet rs1 = maxinpos.executeQuery(); int inpos = 1; if ( { inpos = rs1.getInt(1) + 1; } rs1.close(); maxinpos.close(); stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(asql); for (Action.ActionArg a : changes.added()) { System.out.println("Inserting " + act.getId() + " '" + a.getName() + "' into actionarg"); stmt.setInt(1, act.getId()); stmt.setString(2, a.getName()); // This is the new name setIntegerIfGreaterThanZero(stmt, 3, inpos); setIntegerIfGreaterThanZero(stmt, 4, a.getOutputPosition()); stmt.setString(5, a.isRequired() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(6, a.isPad() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(7, a.getSwitchMode().value()); if (a.getSwitch().trim().length() == 0) stmt.setNull(8, java.sql.Types.CHAR); else stmt.setString(8, a.getSwitch()); if (a.getNegSwitch().trim().length() == 0) stmt.setNull(9, java.sql.Types.CHAR); else stmt.setString(9, a.getNegSwitch()); stmt.setString(10, a.getType()); stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); if (hasCategory) { // String fasql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragmentattrs(id,typeid,attype,atname,atorder,required) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(fasql); for (Action.ActionArg a : changes.added()) { SwitchMode sm = a.getSwitchMode(); if (!(sm != null && sm.value() != null && sm.value().equalsIgnoreCase("A"))) { // Not an "always" flag type System.out.println("Inserting " + fragmentId + " '" + a.getName() + "' into fragmentattrs"); int newid = getID("fragmentattrs"); stmt.setInt(1, newid); stmt.setInt(2, fragmentId); stmt.setString(3, a.getType()); stmt.setString(4, a.getName()); stmt.setInt(5, a.getInputPosition()); stmt.setString(6, a.isRequired() ? "Y" : "N"); System.out.println("name=" + a.getName() + " inpos=" + a.getInputPosition() + " outpos=" + a.getOutputPosition()); stmt.execute(); } } stmt.close(); } stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); for (Action.ActionArg a : changes.changed()) { System.out.println("Updating " + act.getId() + " '" + a.getId() + "' in actionarg"); stmt.setString(1, a.getName()); setIntegerIfGreaterThanZero(stmt, 2, a.getInputPosition()); setIntegerIfGreaterThanZero(stmt, 3, a.getOutputPosition()); stmt.setString(4, a.isRequired() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(5, a.isPad() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(6, a.getSwitchMode().value()); String sm = a.getSwitch(); if (sm.trim().length() > 0) { stmt.setString(7, sm); } else { stmt.setNull(7, Type.CHAR); } String nsm = a.getNegSwitch(); if (nsm.trim().length() > 0) { stmt.setString(8, nsm); } else { stmt.setNull(8, Type.CHAR); } stmt.setString(9, a.getType()); stmt.setInt(10, act.getId()); stmt.setString(11, a.getId()); // This is the old name stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); if (hasCategory) { // String fcsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_fragmentattrs fa SET atname = ?, attype = ?, required = ? WHERE fa.typeid = ? AND fa.atname = ?"; stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(fcsql); for (Action.ActionArg a : changes.changed()) { PreparedStatement s2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT attype FROM dm.dm_fragmentattrs WHERE typeid=? AND atname=?"); s2.setInt(1, fragmentId); s2.setString(2, a.getId()); ResultSet rs2 = s2.executeQuery();; String origattype = rs2.getString(1); rs2.close(); s2.close(); System.out.println("Changes to argument '" + a.getId() + "'"); System.out.println("Switchmode=" + a.getSwitchMode().value()); SwitchMode sm = a.getSwitchMode(); if (sm != null && sm.value() != null && sm.value().equalsIgnoreCase("A")) { System.out.println("Deleting from fragmentattrs where typeid=" + fragmentId + " and atname=" + a.getId()); // // Delete any fragmentattrs relating to switches which are now "always" type flags // String dafsql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_fragmentattrs WHERE typeid=? AND atname=?"; PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dafsql); stmt1.setInt(1, fragmentId); stmt1.setString(2, a.getId()); // This is the old name stmt1.execute(); System.out.println("DELETE FROM dm.dm_fragmentattrs WHERE typeid=" + fragmentId + " AND atname='" + a.getId() + "'"); System.out.println("update count = " + stmt1.getUpdateCount()); stmt1.close(); } else { System.out.println("Updating " + fragmentId + " '" + a.getId() + "' in fragmentattrs"); stmt.setString(1, a.getName()); // This is the new name if (origattype.equalsIgnoreCase("dropdown")) { // If the fragment attribute has been set to dropdown then don't change it stmt.setString(2, "dropdown"); } else { stmt.setString(2, a.getType()); // This is the new type } stmt.setString(3, a.isRequired() ? "Y" : "N"); // Required flag stmt.setInt(4, fragmentId); stmt.setString(5, a.getId()); // This is the old name stmt.execute(); if (stmt.getUpdateCount() == 0) { // Didn't find a row to update - insert it System.out.println( "Inserting missing " + fragmentId + " '" + a.getId() + "' in fragmentattrs"); // String fasql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragmentattrs(id,typeid,attype,atname,atorder,required) VALUES(?,?,?,?,1,?)"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(fasql); int newid = getID("fragmentattrs"); stmt2.setInt(1, newid); stmt2.setInt(2, fragmentId); stmt2.setString(3, a.getType()); stmt2.setString(4, a.getName()); // This is the new name stmt2.setString(5, a.isRequired() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt2.execute(); } } } stmt.close(); if (act.isFunction()) { UpdateFunctionFragmentText(act, fragmentId); } } getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } private void UpdateFunctionFragmentText(Action act, int fragmentid) { try { // result field has inherit set to "R" PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT atname,atorder FROM dm.dm_fragmentattrs WHERE inherit IS NULL AND typeid=? ORDER BY atorder"); stmt.setInt(1, fragmentid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); String plist = ""; String sep = ""; int maxorder = 0; while ( { plist = plist + sep + "@" + rs.getString(1).toLowerCase() + "@"; sep = ","; int atorder = rs.getInt(2); if (atorder > maxorder) maxorder = atorder; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); int resorder = maxorder + 1; String ft = "set @result@ = " + act.getName() + "(" + plist + ");"; PreparedStatement fst = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_fragmenttext SET data=? WHERE fragmentid=?"); fst.setString(1, ft); fst.setInt(2, fragmentid); fst.execute(); fst.close(); // Now update result position PreparedStatement rst = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_fragmentattrs SET atorder=? WHERE typeid=? AND inherit='R'"); rst.setInt(1, resorder); rst.setInt(2, fragmentid); rst.execute(); rst.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public List<ActionArg> getActionArgsForInput(Action action) { String sql = "SELECT, aa.required, aa.pad, aa.inpos, aa.outpos," + " aa.switchmode, aa.switch, aa.negswitch, aa.type FROM dm.dm_actionarg aa " + "WHERE aa.actionid = ? ORDER BY aa.inpos,"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, action.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<ActionArg> ret = new ArrayList<ActionArg>(); while ( { String name = rs.getString(1); String type = rs.getString(9); ret.add( ActionArg(name, name, type, getBoolean(rs, 2, false), getBoolean(rs, 3, false), getInteger(rs, 4, 0), getInteger(rs, 5, 0), Action.SwitchMode.fromString(rs.getString(6)), rs.getString(7), rs.getString(8))); System.out.println(name + "=" + getInteger(rs, 5, 0)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve action args for action " + action.getId() + " from database"); } public List<ActionArg> getActionArgsForPalette(Action action) { String sql = "SELECT, aa.required FROM dm.dm_actionarg aa " + "WHERE aa.actionid = ? AND aa.outpos IS NULL AND (aa.switchmode IS NULL OR aa.switchmode <> 'A') ORDER BY aa.inpos,"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, action.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<ActionArg> ret = new ArrayList<ActionArg>(); while ( { String name = rs.getString(1); String type = "entry"; ret.add( ActionArg(name, name, type, getBoolean(rs, 2, false))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve action args for action " + action.getId() + " from database"); } public List<ActionArg> getActionArgsForOutput(Action action) { String sql = "SELECT, aa.required, aa.pad, aa.inpos, aa.outpos," + " aa.switchmode, aa.switch, aa.negswitch FROM dm.dm_actionarg aa " + "WHERE aa.actionid = ? AND aa.outpos IS NOT NULL ORDER BY aa.outpos"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, action.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<ActionArg> ret = new ArrayList<ActionArg>(); while ( { String name = rs.getString(1); String type = "entry"; ret.add( ActionArg(name, name, type, getBoolean(rs, 2, false), getBoolean(rs, 3, false), getInteger(rs, 4, 0), getInteger(rs, 5, 0), Action.SwitchMode.fromString(rs.getString(6)), rs.getString(7), rs.getString(8))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve action args for action " + action.getId() + " from database"); } public String getActionText(Action action) { String sql = "SELECT FROM dm.dm_action a, dm.dm_actiontext t WHERE = a.textid AND = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, action.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); String ret = ""; if ( { ret = rs.getString(1); if (rs.wasNull()) ret = ""; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); System.out.println("getActionText returns [" + ret + "]"); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve action text for action " + action.getId() + " from database"); } public List<Action> getAccessibleActions(String objid, int domainid) { System.out.println("getAccessibleActions(" + objid + "," + domainid + ")"); if (objid.startsWith("task")) { objid = "ta" + objid.substring(4); } ObjectTypeAndId x = new ObjectTypeAndId(objid); Domain d = null; if (x.getId() > 0) { // Get domain from object DMObject obj = this.getObject(x.getObjectType(), x.getId()); System.out.println("obj = " + obj.getName()); d = obj.getDomain(); } else { // New object - get domain from tree d = getDomain(domainid); } Hashtable<Integer, char[]> accessRights = new Hashtable<Integer, char[]>(); try { System.out.println("getting tasks for domain " + d.getId()); String sql1 = "select,b.viewaccess,b.writeaccess " + "from dm.dm_action a, " + " dm.dm_actionaccess b, " + " dm.dm_usersingroup c " + "where c.userid=? " + "and c.groupid=b.usrgrpid " + "and " + "and a.domainid=? " + "union " + "select,e.viewaccess,e.writeaccess " + "from dm.dm_action d, " + " dm.dm_actionaccess e " + "where e.usrgrpid=1 " // user group 1 = Everyone + "and " + "and d.domainid=? "; String sql2 = "SELECT,, a.kind, a.function, a.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_action a WHERE a.domainid = ? AND a.status = 'N' AND a.pluginid IS NULL ORDER BY 2"; List<Action> ret = new ArrayList<Action>(); PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); while (d != null && d.getId() >= 1) { System.out.println("domain is " + d.getName() + ") read=" + d.isReadable(true) + " write=" + d.isWriteable(true) + " update=" + d.isUpdatable(true) + " view=" + d.isViewable(true)); if (!m_OverrideAccessControl) { // Get a list of actions in this domain with non-default access permissions System.out.println("no override access, getting list of overrides userid=" + getUserID() + " domainid=" + d.getId()); stmt1.setInt(1, getUserID()); stmt1.setInt(2, d.getId()); stmt1.setInt(3, d.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { char[] ar = new char[2]; ar[0] = getString(rs, 2, "-").charAt(0); ar[1] = getString(rs, 3, "-").charAt(0); System.out.println("id=" + rs.getInt(1) + " ar[0]=" + ar[0] + " ar[1]=" + ar[1]); accessRights.put(rs.getInt(1), ar); } rs.close(); } stmt2.setInt(1, d.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt2.executeQuery(); while ( { boolean include = false; Action act = new Action(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); if (!m_OverrideAccessControl) { // Need to check permissions on this action. Only include it if it's both // viewable and writable (execute rights) char[] ar = accessRights.get(act.getId()); if (ar != null) { System.out.println("ar[0]=" + ar[0] + " ar[1]=" + ar[1]); boolean viewable = (ar[0] == 'Y') ? true : (ar[0] == '-') ? d.isViewable(true) : false; boolean executable = (ar[1] == 'Y') ? true : (ar[1] == '-') ? d.isWriteable(true) : false; System.out.println("viewable=" + viewable + " executable=" + executable); if (viewable && executable) include = true; } else { // No override record System.out.println("no override record for " + act.getId() + " (" + act.getName() + "), taking domain permissions d.isViewable(true)=" + d.isViewable(true) + " d.isWriteable(true)=" + d.isWriteable(true)); include = (d.isViewable(true) && d.isWriteable(true)); } } else { include = true; // override access control } if (include) { ActionKind actkind = ActionKind.fromInt(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); String isfunc = rs.getString(4); if (isfunc.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) act.setFunction(true); act.setDomainId(rs.getInt(5)); act.setKind(actkind); ret.add(act); } else { // debug System.out.println("Not adding action " + act.getName()); } } rs.close(); d = d.getDomain(); } stmt2.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve actions from database"); } public List<ActionParameter> getActionParameters(Action action) { // // Returns the action parameter list for a given action // (parameter name and type) // try { List<ActionParameter> ret = new ArrayList<ActionParameter>(); String sql = "SELECT a.atname,a.attype,a.required " + "FROM dm.dm_fragmentattrs a, " + " dm.dm_fragments b " + "WHERE b.actionid=? " + "AND " + "ORDER BY a.atorder "; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, action.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String reqd = rs.getString(3); boolean rqd = (reqd != null && reqd.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")); ActionParameter p = new ActionParameter(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2), rqd); ret.add(p); } return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve action parameter list from database"); } // Deployment public boolean validateDeploymentId(int deployid) { boolean ret = false; try { String sql = "select count(*) from dm.dm_deployment where deploymentid=?"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, deployid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int c = rs.getInt(1); ret = (c > 0); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment " + deployid + " from database"); } public Deployment getDeployment(int deployid, boolean detailed) { String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT d.exitcode, d.finished, d.appid,, d.envid,, d.userid,, u.realname, d.started, d.exitstatus " + "FROM dm.dm_deployment d, dm.dm_application a, dm.dm_environment e, dm.dm_user u WHERE d.deploymentid = ? " + "AND d.appid = AND d.envid = AND d.userid ="; } else { sql = "SELECT d.exitcode, d.finished FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.deploymentid = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, deployid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Deployment ret = null; if ( { ret = new Deployment(this, deployid, rs.getInt(1)); ret.setFinished(rs.getInt(2)); if (detailed) { ret.setApplication(new Application(this, rs.getInt(3), rs.getString(4))); ret.setEnvironment(new Environment(this, rs.getInt(5), rs.getString(6))); User user = new User(this, rs.getInt(7), rs.getString(8)); user.setRealName(rs.getString(9)); ret.setUser(user); ret.setStarted(rs.getInt(10)); ret.setExitStatus(rs.getString(11)); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment " + deployid + " from database"); } /** * Look for a deployment associated with the current session. Keep looking * for "timeout" seconds. Returns null if not found. * @param sessionid * @param timeout * @return */ public Deployment getDeploymentBySessionId(TaskDeploy taskDeploy, int timeout) { String sessionid = taskDeploy.getDeploymentSessionId(); String sql = "SELECT d.deploymentid, d.exitcode, d.finished FROM dm.dm_deployment d WHERE d.sessionid = ?"; boolean EngineStopped = false; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, sessionid); Deployment ret = null; while ((ret == null) && (timeout > 0)) { ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { ret = new Deployment(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getInt(2)); ret.setFinished(rs.getInt(3)); } rs.close(); if (ret == null) { timeout--; try { if (!EngineStopped) { Thread.sleep(1000); } if (!taskDeploy.engineRunning()) { EngineStopped = true; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } if (EngineStopped && ret == null) { System.out.println("Engine has ended!"); ret = new Deployment(this, -1, 1); ret.setFinished((int) timeNow()); // taskDeploy.getErrorText(); ret.setSummary(taskDeploy.getLastOutputLine()); } stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public List<Deployment.DeploymentLogEntry> getDeploymentLog(Deployment dep) { // TODO: remove l.runtime once lineno is working properly String sql = "SELECT l.lineno,, l.thread, l.line FROM dm.dm_deploymentlog l WHERE l.deploymentid = ? ORDER BY l.lineno, l.runtime"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, dep.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Deployment.DeploymentLogEntry> ret = new ArrayList<Deployment.DeploymentLogEntry>(); while ( { ret.add( DeploymentLogEntry(rs.getInt(1), rs.getInt(2), rs.getInt(3), rs.getString(4))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment log " + dep.getId() + " from database"); } public List<Deployment.DeploymentLogEntry> getDeploymentLogSinceLine(Deployment dep, int lineno) { String sql = "SELECT l.lineno,, l.thread, l.line FROM dm.dm_deploymentlog l WHERE l.deploymentid = ? AND l.lineno > ? ORDER BY l.lineno"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, dep.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, lineno); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Deployment.DeploymentLogEntry> ret = new ArrayList<Deployment.DeploymentLogEntry>(); while ( { ret.add( DeploymentLogEntry(rs.getInt(1), rs.getInt(2), rs.getInt(3), rs.getString(4))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment log " + dep.getId() + " from database"); } public List<Deployment.DeploymentXfer> getDeploymentXfers(Deployment dep) { String sql = "SELECT x.stepid, x.repoid, x.reponame, x.repoinstanceid, x.repopath, x.repover, " + "x.componentid, x.componentname, x.serverid, x.servername, x.targetfilename, x.checksum2, x.buildnumber " + "FROM dm.dm_deploymentxfer x WHERE x.deploymentid = ? ORDER BY x.stepid, x.repopath"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, dep.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Deployment.DeploymentXfer> ret = new ArrayList<Deployment.DeploymentXfer>(); while ( { Component comp = null; int compid = getInteger(rs, 7, 0); if (compid != 0) { comp = new Component(this, compid, rs.getString(8)); } ret.add( DeploymentXfer(rs.getInt(1), new Repository(this, rs.getInt(2), rs.getString(3)), rs.getInt(4), rs.getString(5), rs.getString(6), comp, new Server(this, rs.getInt(9), rs.getString(10)), rs.getString(11), rs.getString(12), getInteger(rs, 13, 0))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment xfers " + dep.getId() + " from database"); } public List<Deployment.DeploymentScript> getDeploymentScripts(Deployment dep) { String sql = "SELECT stepid,actionid FROM dm.dm_deploymentactions WHERE deploymentid = ? ORDER BY stepid"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, dep.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Deployment.DeploymentScript> ret = new ArrayList<Deployment.DeploymentScript>(); while ( { Action action = null; int actionid = getInteger(rs, 2, 0); if (actionid != 0) { action = getAction(actionid, true); } ret.add( DeploymentScript(rs.getInt(1), action)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment xfers " + dep.getId() + " from database"); } public PropertyDataSet getDeploymentProps(Deployment dep, int stepid, int instid) { String sql = "SELECT, p.value FROM dm.dm_deploymentprops p " + "WHERE p.deploymentid = ? AND p.stepid = ? AND p.instanceid = ? ORDER BY 1"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, dep.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, stepid); stmt.setInt(3, instid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); PropertyDataSet ret = new PropertyDataSet(); while ( { ret.addProperty(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment props " + dep.getId() + ":" + stepid + ":" + instid + " from database"); } public ReportDataSet getTimePerStepForDeployment(int deployid) { String sql = "SELECT 'Step '||s.stepid||': '||s.type||' ('||concat(s.finished - s.started,' secs')||')', (s.finished - s.started) + 1 FROM dm.dm_deploymentstep s WHERE s.deploymentid = ? ORDER BY s.stepid DESC"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, deployid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ReportDataSet ret = new ReportDataSet(rs); rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment time report from database"); } public GanttDataSet getDeploymentStepsGantt(int deployid) { GanttDataSet ret = new GanttDataSet(); String sql = "SELECT s.stepId, s.type, s.started, s.finished FROM dm.dm_deploymentstep s WHERE s.deploymentid = ? ORDER BY s.stepid"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, deployid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.addStep(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getInt(3), rs.getInt(4)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment step gantt from database"); } String sql2 = "SELECT s.stepId, c.serverid, c.servername, s.started, s.finished FROM dm.dm_deploymentscript c, dm.dm_deploymentstep s " + "WHERE s.deploymentid = ? AND c.deploymentid = s.deploymentid AND c.stepid = s.stepid ORDER BY s.stepid"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt.setInt(1, deployid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.addServerStep(rs.getInt(1), rs.getInt(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getInt(4), rs.getInt(5)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment step gantt from database"); } String sql3 = "SELECT DISTINCT s.stepId, x.serverid, x.servername, s.started, s.finished FROM dm.dm_deploymentxfer x, dm.dm_deploymentstep s " + "WHERE s.deploymentid = ? AND x.deploymentid = s.deploymentid AND x.stepid = s.stepid ORDER BY s.stepid"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt.setInt(1, deployid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.addServerStep(rs.getInt(1), rs.getInt(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getInt(4), rs.getInt(5)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve deployment step gantt from database"); } return ret; } // Object public DMObject getObject(ObjectType objtype, int id) { return getObject(objtype, id, false); } public DMObject getDetailedObject(ObjectType objtype, int id) { return getObject(objtype, id, true); } private DMObject getObject(ObjectType objtype, int id, boolean detailed) { switch (objtype) { case USER: System.out.println("getObject returning USER"); return getUser(id); case USERGROUP: System.out.println("getObject returning USERGROUP"); return getGroup(id); case DOMAIN: System.out.println("getObject returning DOMAIN"); return getDomain(id); case RELEASE: case APPLICATION: case APPVERSION: case RELVERSION: return getApplication(id, detailed); case COMPONENT: case COMPVERSION: return getComponent(id, detailed); case COMPONENTITEM: return getComponentItem(id, detailed); case CREDENTIALS: return getCredential(id, detailed); case ACTION: case FUNCTION: case PROCEDURE: return getAction(id, detailed, objtype); case DEPLOYMENT: return getDeployment(id, detailed); case ENVIRONMENT: return getEnvironment(id, detailed); case SERVER: return getServer(id, detailed); case TASK: return getTask(id, detailed); case ENGINE: return getEngine(id); case REPOSITORY: case DATASOURCE: case NOTIFY: return getProviderObject(objtype, id, detailed); case SERVERCOMPTYPE: return getServerCompTypeDetail(id); case TEMPLATE: return getTemplate(id); case BUILDER: return getBuilder(id); case BUILDJOB: return getBuildJob(id); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown provider object type " + objtype); } } public boolean isValidDomainForObject(DMObject obj, boolean inherit) { String sql = null; if (obj.getId() < 0) return true; if (obj.getObjectType() == ObjectType.TEMPLATE) { // Templates don't have domains - but their parent notify process does sql = "SELECT a.domainid FROM dm.dm_notify a,dm.dm_template b WHERE = b.notifierid AND"; } else if (obj.getObjectType() == ObjectType.BUILDJOB) { // Build Jobs don't have domains - but their parent build engine does sql = "SELECT a.domainid FROM dm.dm_buildengine a,dm.dm_buildjob b WHERE = b.builderid AND"; } else { sql = "SELECT o.domainid FROM dm." + obj.getDatabaseTable() + " o WHERE = ?"; } try { System.out.println("isValidDomainForObject, sql=" + sql + " id=" + obj.getId()); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, obj.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); boolean ret = false; if ( { int domainid = getInteger(rs, 1, 0); System.out.println("object domain is " + domainid); if (obj.getObjectType() == ObjectType.DOMAIN) { // our home domain is always valid if (obj.getId() == m_userDomain) { ret = true; } else { ret = (domainid != 0) ? ValidDomain(domainid, inherit) : true; // top-level domain is always true } } else { ret = (domainid != 0) ? ValidDomain(domainid, inherit) : true; // top-level domain is always true } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve domain for " + obj.getClass().getName() + " " + obj.getId() + " from database"); } public boolean isValidDomainForObject(DMObject obj) { return isValidDomainForObject(obj, false); } private void addAccessForDomain(int domainid, boolean recursing, Hashtable<Integer, ObjectAccess> ia) { // // Create HashList of Group, ObjectAccess // all "inherit" flags to false // recurse to: // a) Grab list of groups and access flags from domaininherit table // b) Look up corresponding group in hash table // c) If present in hash then set any flag with the inherit flag false and set the flag to true // If NOT present, add a new entry to the hash table, inherit flag true for actual values, false for NULL values // d) Recurse to (a) with parent domain // // System.out.println("**** addAccessForDomain("+domainid+")"); // Need to change this because domaininherit is no longer populated // String sql = "SELECT a.usrgrpid, a.viewaccess, a.updateaccess,a.readaccess,a.writeaccess,b.domainid " // + "FROM dm.dm_domaininherit a,dm.dm_domain b WHERE a.domainid=? AND"; String sql = "SELECT a.usrgrpid, a.viewaccess, a.updateaccess,a.readaccess,a.writeaccess,b.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_domainaccess a, dm.dm_domain b WHERE a.domainid=? AND"; try { // System.out.println("sql="+sql); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); int parentdomain = 0; int rows = 0; while ( { // System.out.println("got a row"); rows++; int groupid = rs.getInt(1); parentdomain = getInteger(rs, 6, 0); // System.out.println("groupid="+groupid+" parentdomain="+parentdomain); if (ia.containsKey(groupid)) { // This group already exists - set the access for all non-null values //System.out.println("Group "+groupid+" already exists in hash"); ObjectAccess eoa = ia.get(groupid); //eoa.SetAccess(rs,2,true,recursing); if (recursing) { // recursing being false indicates displaying inherited permissions tab on domain eoa.addDomainAccess(getString(rs, 2, null), getString(rs, 3, null), getString(rs, 4, null), getString(rs, 5, null)); } else { eoa.addObjectAccess(getString(rs, 2, null), getString(rs, 3, null), getString(rs, 4, null), getString(rs, 5, null)); } //ia.put(groupid,eoa); - RHT - this is unnecessary - get does not remove the entry } else { // New group //System.out.println("New group"); ObjectAccess oa = new ObjectAccess(); //oa.SetAccess(rs,2,true,recursing); if (recursing) { // recursing being false indicates displaying inherited permissions tab on domain oa.addDomainAccess(getString(rs, 2, null), getString(rs, 3, null), getString(rs, 4, null), getString(rs, 5, null)); } else { oa.addObjectAccess(getString(rs, 2, null), getString(rs, 3, null), getString(rs, 4, null), getString(rs, 5, null)); } ia.put(groupid, oa); // debug //System.out.println("added new group, hashtable content:"); //Enumeration<Integer> enumKey = ia.keys(); //while (enumKey.hasMoreElements()) { // Integer gid = enumKey.nextElement(); // ObjectAccess oax = ia.get(gid); // System.out.println("Group "+gid+" "+(oax.isReadable()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oax.isWriteable()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oax.isViewable()?"Y":"N")+ " " + (oax.isUpdatable()?"Y":"N")); // System.out.println("INHER "+gid+" "+(oax.isReadInherited()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oax.isWriteInherited()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oax.isViewInherited()?"Y":"N")+ " " + (oax.isUpdateInherited()?"Y":"N")); //} // end-debug } } if (rows == 0) { // Nothing was retrieved - parentid will not be set. Retrieve it here String psql = "SELECT domainid FROM dm.dm_domain WHERE id =?"; PreparedStatement pstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(psql); pstmt.setInt(1, domainid); ResultSet prs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { parentdomain = prs.getInt(1); } prs.close(); pstmt.close(); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); // Okay, now recurse up to the parent domain if (parentdomain > 0) { // System.out.println("Recursing..."); addAccessForDomain(parentdomain, true, ia); } // debug //System.out.println("About to exit, hashtable content:"); //Enumeration<Integer> enumKey = ia.keys(); //while (enumKey.hasMoreElements()) { // Integer groupid = enumKey.nextElement(); // ObjectAccess oa = ia.get(groupid); // System.out.println("Group "+groupid+" "+(oa.isReadable()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isWriteable()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isViewable()?"Y":"N")+ " " + (oa.isUpdatable()?"Y":"N")); // System.out.println(" "+groupid+" "+(oa.isReadInherited()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isWriteInherited()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isViewInherited()?"Y":"N")+ " " + (oa.isUpdateInherited()?"Y":"N")); //} //System.out.println("**** exit addAccessForDomain"); // end-debug return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve inheritance access control list for domain " + domainid + " from database"); } public Hashtable<Integer, ObjectAccess> getAccessForDomain(int domainid) { Hashtable<Integer, ObjectAccess> ret = new Hashtable<Integer, ObjectAccess>(); addAccessForDomain(domainid, false, ret); return ret; } public Hashtable<Integer, ObjectAccess> getAccessForObject(DMObject obj, boolean forDisplay) { String sql; if (obj.getObjectType() == ObjectType.TEMPLATE) { sql = "SELECT a.usrgrpid, a.viewaccess, a.updateaccess,a.readaccess,a.writeaccess " + "FROM dm.dm_notifyaccess a,dm.dm_template b WHERE a.notifyid = b.notifierid AND = ?"; } else if (obj.getObjectType() == ObjectType.BUILDJOB) { sql = "SELECT a.usrgrpid, a.viewaccess, a.updateaccess,a.readaccess,a.writeaccess " + "FROM dm.dm_buildengineaccess a,dm.dm_buildjob b WHERE a.builderid = b.builderid AND = ?"; } else { if (obj.hasReadWrite()) { sql = "SELECT a.usrgrpid, a.viewaccess, a.updateaccess,a.readaccess,a.writeaccess " + "FROM dm." + obj.getDatabaseTable() + "access a WHERE a." + obj.getForeignKey() + " = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT a.usrgrpid, a.viewaccess, a.updateaccess " + "FROM dm." + obj.getDatabaseTable() + "access a WHERE a." + obj.getForeignKey() + " = ?"; } } System.out.println("getAccessForObject(" + obj.getName() + "," + forDisplay + ")"); System.out.println("SQL=" + sql); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, obj.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Hashtable<Integer, ObjectAccess> ret = new Hashtable<Integer, ObjectAccess>(); while ( { System.out.println("Got a row"); if (obj.hasReadWrite()) { ObjectAccess oa = new ObjectAccess(); //oa.SetAccess(rs,2,true,false); oa.addObjectAccess(getString(rs, 2, null), getString(rs, 3, null), getString(rs, 4, null), getString(rs, 5, null)); ret.put(rs.getInt(1), oa); } else { ObjectAccess oa = new ObjectAccess(); oa.addObjectAccess(getString(rs, 2, null), getString(rs, 3, null)); //oa.SetAccess(rs,2,false,false); ret.put(rs.getInt(1), oa); } } // System.out.println("End of object permission read - hashtable is:"); addAccessForDomain(obj.getDomainId(), true, ret); /* Enumeration<Integer> enumKey = ret.keys(); while (enumKey.hasMoreElements()) { Integer groupid = enumKey.nextElement(); ObjectAccess oa = ret.get(groupid); System.out.println("Group "+groupid+" "+(oa.isReadable()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isWriteable()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isViewable()?"Y":"N")+ " " + (oa.isUpdatable()?"Y":"N")); System.out.println(" "+groupid+" "+(oa.isReadInherited()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isWriteInherited()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isViewInherited()?"Y":"N")+ " " + (oa.isUpdateInherited()?"Y":"N")); System.out.println(" "+groupid+" "+(oa.isReadDenied()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isWriteDenied()?"Y":"N") + " " + (oa.isViewDenied()?"Y":"N")+ " " + (oa.isUpdateDenied()?"Y":"N")); } */ rs.close(); stmt.close(); // This bit gives super-users access to change everything within the domains they can see if (!forDisplay && m_OverrideAccessControl) { ObjectAccess oa = ret.get(UserGroup.EVERYONE_ID); if (oa != null) { System.out.println("User is SUPERUSER - attempting to grant access by modifying EVERYONE"); System.out.println("Writeable is " + oa.isWriteable()); oa.addObjectAccess("Y", "Y", (oa.isReadable() ? "Y" : "N"), (oa.isWriteable() ? "Y" : "N")); } else { System.out.println("User is SUPERUSER - attempting to grant access by adding EVERYONE"); oa = new ObjectAccess(); oa.addObjectAccess("Y", "Y"); // only view and update - still can't read and write ret.put(UserGroup.EVERYONE_ID, oa); } return ret; } return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve access control list for " + obj.getClass().getName() + " " + obj.getId() + " from database"); } public List<DMAttribute> getAttributesForObject(DMObject obj) { String sql = "SELECT, v.value, v.arrayid, v.nocase " + "FROM dm." + obj.getDatabaseTable() + "vars v WHERE v." + obj.getForeignKey() + " = ? ORDER BY 1"; System.out.println("In getAttributesForObject - sql = " + sql); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, obj.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<DMAttribute> ret = new ArrayList<DMAttribute>(); while ( { System.out.println("Got a row, name=" + rs.getString(1) + " val=" + rs.getString(2)); int arrayid = rs.getInt(3); String name = rs.getString(1); if (arrayid > 0) { String sql2 = "select name, value from dm.dm_arrayvalues where id = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, arrayid); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.add(new DMAttribute(name, arrayid, rs2.getString(1), rs2.getString(2))); } rs2.close(); stmt2.close(); } else { ret.add(new DMAttribute(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2))); } } System.out.println("Finished retrieving rows"); rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve attributes for " + obj.getClass().getName() + " " + obj.getId() + " from database"); } public List<DMAttribute> getArrayAttributes(int arrid) { String sql = "SELECT, a.value FROM dm.dm_arrayvalues a WHERE = ? ORDER BY 1"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, arrid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<DMAttribute> ret = new ArrayList<DMAttribute>(); while ( { ret.add(new DMAttribute(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve array values for array " + arrid + " from database"); } /* private boolean internalUpdateArray(int dataid, int arrayid, AttributeChangeSet changes) throws SQLException { System.out.println("internalUpdateArray - " + dataid + "; " + arrayid); String dsql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_arrayvalues av WHERE = ? AND = ?"; String asql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_arrayvalues(id,name,value) VALUES(?,?,?)"; String csql = "UPDATE dm.dm_arrayvalues av SET value = ? WHERE = ? AND = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(dsql); for(DMAttribute a : changes.deletedElements(dataid)) { System.out.println("Deleting '" + a.getName() + "' from array " + arrayid); stmt.setInt(1, arrayid); stmt.setString(2, a.getName()); stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(asql); for(DMAttribute a : changes.addedElements(dataid)) { System.out.println("Inserting '" + a.getName() + "' into array " + arrayid); stmt.setInt(1, arrayid); stmt.setString(2, a.getName()); stmt.setString(3, a.getValue()); stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(csql); for(DMAttribute a : changes.changedElements(dataid)) { System.out.println("Updating '" + a.getName() + "' in array " + arrayid); stmt.setString(1, a.getValue()); stmt.setInt(2, arrayid); stmt.setString(3, a.getName()); stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); return true; } */ private boolean internalUpdateAttributes(String table, String fk, int id, AttributeChangeSet changes) { //TODO: Need to update nocase column as well System.out.println("internalUpdateAttributes - " + table); String dsqla = "DELETE FROM dm." + table + "vars v WHERE v." + fk + " = ? AND = ?"; String dsqlb = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_arrayvalues av WHERE = ? and = ?"; String asql1 = "INSERT INTO dm." + table + "vars(" + fk + ",name,value) VALUES(?,?,?)"; String asql2 = "INSERT INTO dm." + table + "vars(" + fk + ",name,arrayid) VALUES(?,?,?)"; String csql1 = "UPDATE dm." + table + "vars v SET name = ?, value = ? WHERE v." + fk + " = ? AND = ?"; try { for (DMAttribute a : changes.deleted()) { System.out.println("Deleting " + id + " '" + a.getName() + "' from " + table + "vars"); if (a.isArray()) { // Delete any array values associated with this variable PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsqlb); stmt2.setInt(1, a.getArrayId()); stmt2.setString(2, a.getKey()); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st .executeQuery("SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_arrayvalues where id =" + a.getArrayId());; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); st.close(); if (c == 0) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsqla); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setString(2, a.getName()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } } else { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsqla); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setString(2, a.getName()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } } for (DMAttribute a : changes.changed()) { System.out.println("Updating " + id + " '" + a.getName() + "' in " + table + "vars"); if (a.isArray()) { String updateStr = "UPDATE dm.dm_arrayvalues set name = ?, value = ? where id = ? and name = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updateStr); stmt2.setString(1, a.getKey()); stmt2.setString(2, a.getValue()); stmt2.setInt(3, a.getArrayId()); stmt2.setString(4, a.getKey()); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); } PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql1); stmt2.setString(1, a.getName()); stmt2.setString(2, a.getValue()); stmt2.setInt(3, id); stmt2.setString(4, a.getName()); stmt2.execute(); if (stmt2.getUpdateCount() == 0) { // Nothing was updated - add to "add" list changes.addAdded(a); } stmt2.close(); } for (DMAttribute a : changes.added()) { System.out.println("Inserting " + id + " '" + a.getName() + "' into " + table + "vars"); String cntStr = "SELECT arrayid from dm." + table + "vars where " + fk + " = ? and name = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(cntStr); stmt2.setInt(1, id); stmt2.setString(2, a.getName()); int arrayid = -1; ResultSet rs = stmt2.executeQuery(); if ( { arrayid = rs.getInt(1); if (arrayid == 0) arrayid = -1; } rs.close(); stmt2.close(); if (arrayid == -1) { if (a.isArray()) { arrayid = getID("arrayvalues"); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(asql2); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setString(2, a.getName()); stmt.setInt(3, arrayid); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT into dm.dm_arrayvalues(id,name,value) values(?,?,?)"); stmt.setInt(1, arrayid); stmt.setString(2, a.getKey()); stmt.setString(3, a.getValue()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } else { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(asql1); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setString(2, a.getName()); stmt.setString(3, a.getValue()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } } else { if (a.isArray()) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT into dm.dm_arrayvalues(id,name,value) values(?,?,?)"); stmt.setInt(1, arrayid); stmt.setString(2, a.getKey()); stmt.setString(3, a.getValue()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } } } getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateAttributesForObject(DMObject obj, AttributeChangeSet changes) { updateModTime(obj); RecordObjectUpdate(obj, "Attributes Changed"); return internalUpdateAttributes(obj.getDatabaseTable(), obj.getForeignKey(), obj.getId(), changes); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ProviderObject public ProviderObject getProviderObject(ObjectType objtype, int id, boolean detailed) { switch (objtype) { case REPOSITORY: return getRepository(id, detailed); case DATASOURCE: return getDatasource(id, detailed); case NOTIFY: return getNotify(id, detailed); case BUILDER: return getBuilder(id); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown provider object type"); } } public boolean updateProviderObject(ProviderObject po, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm." + po.getDatabaseTable() + " "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case PROVIDER_TYPE: { if (po.getDef().getId() != ProviderDefinition.UNCONFIGURED_ID) { throw new RuntimeException("Provider type cannot be changed after creation"); } DMObject def = (DMObject) changes.get(field); if (def == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Provider type must be specified"); } update.add(", defid = ?", def.getId()); } break; case PROVIDER_CRED: { DMObject cred = (DMObject) changes.get(field); update.add(", credid = ?", (cred != null) ? cred.getId() : Null.INT); } break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(po, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", po.getId()); try { update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } /* private boolean getEncrypted(String PropertyTable,String fk,int id,String fieldName) throws SQLException { boolean res = false; PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("SELECT encrypted FROM dm."+PropertyTable+" WHERE "+fk+"=? AND name=?"); stmt.setInt(1,id); stmt.setString(2,fieldName); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { res = rs.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("y"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return res; } */ private boolean internalUpdateProperties(String table, String fk, int id, Domain dom, ACDChangeSet<DMProperty> changes) { System.out.println("internalUpdateProperties - " + table); boolean repchange = (table.equalsIgnoreCase("dm_repository")); String dsql = "DELETE FROM dm." + table + "props p WHERE p." + fk + " = ? AND = ?"; String asql = "INSERT INTO dm." + table + "props(" + fk + ",name,value,encrypted,overridable,appendable) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String csql = "UPDATE dm." + table + "props p SET value = ?, encrypted = ?, overridable = ?, appendable = ? WHERE p." + fk + " = ? AND = ?"; String isql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_compitemprops WHERE name=? AND compitemid in (SELECT id FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE repositoryid=?)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsql); for (DMProperty p : changes.deleted()) { System.out.println("Deleting " + id + " '" + p.getName() + "' from " + table + "props"); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setString(2, p.getName()); stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(asql); for (DMProperty p : changes.added()) { System.out.println("Inserting " + id + " '" + p.getName() + "' into " + table + "props"); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setString(2, p.getName()); if (p.isEncrypted()) { // Encrypted value - use engine to encrypt Engine eng = (dom != null) ? dom.findNearestEngine() : null; if (eng == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: Could not find engine to encrypt data"); } stmt.setString(3, eng.encryptValue(p.getValue(), GetUserName())); // throws runtime exception on failure } else { stmt.setString(3, p.getValue()); } stmt.setString(4, p.isEncrypted() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(5, p.isOverridable() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(6, p.isAppendable() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.execute(); if (repchange) { if (!p.isOverridable() && !p.isAppendable()) { // Not Overridable and not Appendable // Remove any component item property referencing this attribute PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(isql); stmt2.setString(1, p.getName()); stmt2.setInt(2, id); stmt2.execute(); } } } stmt.close(); stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); for (DMProperty p : changes.changed()) { System.out.println("Updating " + id + " '" + p.getName() + "' in " + table + "props, getValue()=" + p.getValue()); // boolean oldEncrypted = getEncrypted(table+"props",fk,id,p.getName()); if (p.isEncrypted()) { Engine eng = (dom != null) ? dom.findNearestEngine() : null; if (eng == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: Could not find engine to encrypt data"); } stmt.setString(1, eng.encryptValue(p.getValue(), GetUserName())); // throws runtime exception on failure } else { stmt.setString(1, p.getValue()); } stmt.setString(2, p.isEncrypted() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(3, p.isOverridable() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(4, p.isAppendable() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setInt(5, id); stmt.setString(6, p.getName()); stmt.execute(); if (repchange) { if (!p.isOverridable() && !p.isAppendable()) { // Not Overridable and not Appendable // Remove any component item property referencing this attribute PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(isql); stmt2.setString(1, p.getName()); stmt2.setInt(2, id); stmt2.execute(); } } } stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateProviderProperties(ProviderObject po, ACDChangeSet<DMProperty> changes) { return internalUpdateProperties(po.getDatabaseTable(), po.getForeignKey(), po.getId(), po.getDomain(), changes); } public ProviderDefinition getProviderDefForProviderObject(ProviderObject po) { String sql = "SELECT, FROM dm.dm_providerdef d, dm." + po.getDatabaseTable() + " p WHERE = ? AND = p.defid"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, po.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ProviderDefinition ret = null; if ( { ret = new ProviderDefinition(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve def for " + po.getClass().getName() + " " + po.getId() + " from database"); } public List<DMProperty> getPropertiesForProviderObject(ProviderObject po) { String sql = "SELECT, p.value, p.encrypted, p.overridable, p.appendable " + "FROM dm." + po.getDatabaseTable() + "props p WHERE p." + po.getForeignKey() + " = ? ORDER BY 1"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, po.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<DMProperty> ret = new ArrayList<DMProperty>(); while ( { ret.add(new DMProperty(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2), getBoolean(rs, 3), getBoolean(rs, 4), getBoolean(rs, 5))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve properties for " + po.getClass().getName() + " " + po.getId() + " from database"); } // ProviderDefinition public ProviderDefinition getProviderDefinition(int defid) { String sql = "SELECT,, pd.kind FROM dm.dm_providerdef pd WHERE = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, defid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ProviderDefinition ret = null; if ( { ret = new ProviderDefinition(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setKind(ObjectType.fromInt(rs.getInt(3))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve provider definition " + defid + " from database"); } public List<ProviderDefinition> getProviderDefinitionsOfType(ObjectType type) { String sql = "SELECT, FROM dm.dm_providerdef pd WHERE pd.kind = ? ORDER BY 2"; System.out.println("getProviderDefinitionsOfType type=" + type.value()); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, type.value()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<ProviderDefinition> ret = new ArrayList<ProviderDefinition>(); while ( { ProviderDefinition pd = new ProviderDefinition(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); pd.setKind(type); ret.add(pd); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve provider definitions of type " + type + " from database"); } private List<Datasource> internalGetDataSource(String sql2, int domid) { System.out.println("internalGetDataSource(domid=" + domid + ")"); Domain d = getDomain(domid); List<Datasource> ret = new ArrayList<Datasource>(); Hashtable<Integer, char[]> accessRights = new Hashtable<Integer, char[]>(); try { String sql1 = "select,b.viewaccess,b.readaccess " + "from dm.dm_datasource a, " + " dm.dm_datasourceaccess b, " + " dm.dm_usersingroup c " + "where c.userid=? " + "and c.groupid=b.usrgrpid " + "and " + "and a.domainid=? " + "union " + "select,e.viewaccess,e.readaccess " + "from dm.dm_datasource d, " + " dm.dm_datasourceaccess e " + "where e.usrgrpid=1 " // user group 1 = Everyone + "and " + "and d.domainid=? "; PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); while (d != null && d.getId() >= 1) { System.out.println("domain is " + d.getName() + ") read=" + d.isReadable(true) + " write=" + d.isWriteable(true) + " update=" + d.isUpdatable(true) + " view=" + d.isViewable(true)); if (!m_OverrideAccessControl) { // Get a list of actions in this domain with non-default access permissions System.out.println("no override access, getting list of overrides userid=" + getUserID() + " domainid=" + d.getId()); stmt1.setInt(1, getUserID()); stmt1.setInt(2, d.getId()); stmt1.setInt(3, d.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { char[] ar = new char[2]; ar[0] = getString(rs, 2, "-").charAt(0); ar[1] = getString(rs, 3, "-").charAt(0); System.out.println("id=" + rs.getInt(1) + " ar[0]=" + ar[0] + " ar[1]=" + ar[1]); accessRights.put(rs.getInt(1), ar); } rs.close(); } stmt2.setInt(1, d.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt2.executeQuery(); while ( { boolean include = false; Datasource ds = new Datasource(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ds.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); if (!m_OverrideAccessControl) { // Need to check permissions on this datasource. Only include it if it's both // viewable and readable char[] ar = accessRights.get(ds.getId()); if (ar != null) { System.out.println("ar[0]=" + ar[0] + " ar[1]=" + ar[1]); boolean viewable = (ar[0] == 'Y') ? true : (ar[0] == '-') ? d.isViewable(true) : false; boolean readable = (ar[1] == 'Y') ? true : (ar[1] == '-') ? d.isReadable(true) : false; System.out.println("viewable=" + viewable + " readable=" + readable); if (viewable && readable) include = true; } else { // No override record System.out.println("no override record for " + ds.getId() + " (" + ds.getName() + "), taking domain permissions d.isViewable(true)=" + d.isViewable(true) + " d.isReadable(true)=" + d.isReadable(true)); include = (d.isViewable(true) && d.isReadable(true)); } } else { include = true; // override access control } if (include) { ret.add(ds); } else { // debug System.out.println("Not adding action " + ds.getName()); } } rs.close(); d = d.getDomain(); } stmt2.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve datasources from database"); } public List<Datasource> getLDAPDataSources(int domid) { String sql = "select,,a.domainid from dm.dm_datasource a,dm_providerdef b where and'ldap' and a.domainid=?"; return internalGetDataSource(sql, domid); } public List<Datasource> getBugTrackerDataSources(int domid) { String sql = "select,,a.domainid from dm.dm_datasource a,dm_providerdef b where and not in ('odbc','ldap') and a.domainid=?"; return internalGetDataSource(sql, domid); } public PropertyDataSet getProviderDefDetails(ProviderDefinition def, Engine engine) { String sql = "SELECT, p.value FROM dm.dm_providerdefprops p " + "WHERE p.defid = ? AND p.engineid = ? ORDER BY 1"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, def.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, engine.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); PropertyDataSet ret = new PropertyDataSet(); while ( { ret.addProperty(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve provider def props " + def.getId() + " from database"); } public List<DMPropertyDef> getPropertyDefsForProviderDef(ProviderDefinition pd) { String sql = "SELECT, p.required, p.appendable " + "FROM dm.dm_propertydef p WHERE p.defid = ? ORDER BY 1"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, pd.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<DMPropertyDef> ret = new ArrayList<DMPropertyDef>(); while ( { ret.add(new DMPropertyDef(rs.getString(1), getBoolean(rs, 2), getBoolean(rs, 3))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve property defs for provider def " + pd.getName() + " " + pd.getId() + " from database"); } public List<DMPropertyDef> getPropertyDefs(int defid) { String sql = "SELECT, p.required, p.appendable " + "FROM dm.dm_propertydef p WHERE p.defid = ? ORDER BY 1"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, defid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<DMPropertyDef> ret = new ArrayList<DMPropertyDef>(); while ( { ret.add(new DMPropertyDef(rs.getString(1), getBoolean(rs, 2), getBoolean(rs, 3))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } // Repository public Repository getRepository(int repid, boolean detailed) { if (repid <= 0) { Repository ret = new Repository(this, repid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setDef(new ProviderDefinition(this, 0, "")); ret.setSummary(""); ret.setCredential(new Credential(this, 0, "")); return ret; } String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, r.summary, r.domainid, r.status, " + " r.credid,, " + ",, uc.realname, r.created, " + ",, um.realname, r.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,,, c.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_repository r " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_credentials c ON r.credid = " // credential + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON r.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON r.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON r.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON r.ogrpid = " // owner group + "WHERE = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, r.summary, r.domainid, r.status FROM dm.dm_repository r WHERE = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, repid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Repository ret = null; if ( { ret = new Repository(this, repid, rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(3)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); if (detailed) { int credid = getInteger(rs, 5, 0); if (credid != 0) { ret.setCredential(new Credential(this, credid, rs.getString(6), rs.getInt(20))); } getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 7, ret); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve repository " + repid + " from database"); } public List<Repository> getAccessibleRepositories(String objid, int domainid) { System.out.println("getAccessibleRepositories(" + objid + "," + domainid + ")"); if (objid.startsWith("task")) { objid = "ta" + objid.substring(4); } ObjectTypeAndId x = new ObjectTypeAndId(objid); Domain d = null; if (x.getId() > 0) { // Get domain from object DMObject obj = this.getObject(x.getObjectType(), x.getId()); System.out.println("obj = " + obj.getName()); d = obj.getDomain(); } else { // New object - get domain from tree d = getDomain(domainid); } Hashtable<Integer, char[]> accessRights = new Hashtable<Integer, char[]>(); String sql1 = "select,b.viewaccess,b.readaccess " + "from dm.dm_repository a, " + " dm.dm_repositoryaccess b, " + " dm.dm_usersingroup c " + "where c.userid=? " + "and c.groupid=b.usrgrpid " + "and " + "and a.domainid=? " + "union " + "select,e.viewaccess,e.readaccess " + "from dm.dm_repository d, " + " dm.dm_repositoryaccess e " + "where e.usrgrpid=1 " // user group 1 = Everyone + "and " + "and d.domainid=? "; String sql2 = "SELECT,, r.summary, r.domainid, r.status " + "FROM dm.dm_repository r " + "WHERE r.domainid = ? AND r.status = 'N' ORDER BY 2"; List<Repository> ret = new ArrayList<Repository>(); try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); while (d != null && d.getId() >= 1) { System.out.println("domain is " + d.getName() + ") read=" + d.isReadable(true) + " write=" + d.isWriteable(true) + " update=" + d.isUpdatable(true) + " view=" + d.isViewable(true)); if (!m_OverrideAccessControl) { // Get a list of actions in this domain with non-default access permissions System.out.println("no override access, getting list of overrides userid=" + getUserID() + " domainid=" + d.getId()); stmt1.setInt(1, getUserID()); stmt1.setInt(2, d.getId()); stmt1.setInt(3, d.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { char[] ar = new char[2]; ar[0] = getString(rs, 2, "-").charAt(0); ar[1] = getString(rs, 3, "-").charAt(0); System.out.println("id=" + rs.getInt(1) + " ar[0]=" + ar[0] + " ar[1]=" + ar[1]); accessRights.put(rs.getInt(1), ar); } rs.close(); } stmt2.setInt(1, d.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt2.executeQuery(); while ( { boolean include = false; Repository rep = new Repository(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); if (!m_OverrideAccessControl) { // Need to check permissions on this action. Only include it if it's both // viewable and readable char[] ar = accessRights.get(rep.getId()); if (ar != null) { System.out.println("ar[0]=" + ar[0] + " ar[1]=" + ar[1]); boolean viewable = (ar[0] == 'Y') ? true : (ar[0] == '-') ? d.isViewable(true) : false; boolean readable = (ar[1] == 'Y') ? true : (ar[1] == '-') ? d.isReadable(true) : false; System.out.println("viewable=" + viewable + " readable=" + readable); if (viewable && readable) include = true; } else { // No override record System.out.println("no override record for " + rep.getId() + " (" + rep.getName() + "), taking domain permissions d.isViewable(true)=" + d.isViewable(true) + " d.isReadable(true)=" + d.isReadable(true)); include = (d.isViewable(true) && d.isReadable(true)); } } else { include = true; // override access control } if (include) { rep.setDomainId(rs.getInt(4)); rep.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); ret.add(rep); } else { // debug System.out.println("Not adding repository " + rep.getName()); } } rs.close(); d = d.getDomain(); } stmt2.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve accessible repositories from database"); } public List<Repository.TextPattern> getRepositoryTextPatterns(Repository repo) { String sql = "SELECT p.path, p.pattern, p.istext " + "FROM dm.dm_repositorytextpattern p " + "WHERE p.repositoryid = ? ORDER BY 1, 2"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, repo.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Repository.TextPattern> ret = new ArrayList<Repository.TextPattern>(); while ( { Repository.TextPattern pattern = TextPattern(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2), getBoolean(rs, 3)); ret.add(pattern); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve accessible repositories from database"); } public boolean updateRepositoryTextPatterns(Repository repo, ACDChangeSet<Repository.TextPattern> changes) { System.out.println("updateRepositoryTextPatterns"); String dsql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_repositorytextpattern p WHERE p.repositoryid = ? AND p.path = ? AND p.pattern = ?"; String asql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_repositorytextpattern(repositoryid,path,pattern,istext) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"; String csql = "UPDATE dm.dm_repositorytextpattern p SET istext = ?, path = ?, pattern = ? WHERE p.repositoryid = ? AND p.path = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsql); for (Repository.TextPattern p : changes.deleted()) { System.out.println("Deleting " + repo.getId() + " '" + p.getPath() + "' '" + p.getPattern() + "' from repositorytextpattern"); stmt.setInt(1, repo.getId()); stmt.setString(2, p.getPath()); stmt.setString(3, p.getPattern()); stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(asql); for (Repository.TextPattern p : changes.added()) { System.out.println("Inserting " + repo.getId() + " '" + p.getPath() + "' '" + p.getPattern() + "' into repositorytextpattern"); stmt.setInt(1, repo.getId()); stmt.setString(2, p.getPath()); stmt.setString(3, p.getPattern()); stmt.setString(4, p.isText() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); for (Repository.TextPattern p : changes.changed()) { System.out.println("Updating " + repo.getId() + " '" + p.getPath() + "' '" + p.getPattern() + "' in repositorytextpattern"); stmt.setString(1, p.isText() ? "Y" : "N"); stmt.setString(2, p.getPath()); stmt.setString(3, p.getPattern()); stmt.setInt(4, repo.getId()); stmt.setString(5, p.getKey()); stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } // Datasource public Datasource getDatasource(int dsid, boolean detailed) { if (dsid < 0) { Datasource ret = new Datasource(this, dsid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setDef(new ProviderDefinition(this, 0, "")); ret.setSummary(""); return ret; } String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, d.summary, d.domainid, d.status, d.credid,, c.domainid, " + ",, uc.realname, d.created, " + ",, um.realname, d.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,, " + "FROM dm.dm_datasource d " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_credentials c ON d.credid = " // credential + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON d.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON d.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON d.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON d.ogrpid = " // owner group + "WHERE = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, d.summary, d.domainid, d.status, d.credid,, c.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_datasource d " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_credentials c ON d.credid = " // credential + " WHERE = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, dsid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Datasource ret = null; if ( { ret = new Datasource(this, dsid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); int credid = getInteger(rs, 5, 0); if (credid != 0) { ret.setCredential(new Credential(this, credid, rs.getString(6), rs.getInt(7))); } if (detailed) { getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 8, ret); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve datasource " + dsid + " from database"); } // Notify public Notify getNotify(int nfyid, boolean detailed) { if (nfyid < 0) { Notify ret = new Notify(this, nfyid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); ret.setCredential(new Credential(this, 0, "")); ret.setDef(new ProviderDefinition(this, 0, "")); return ret; } String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, n.summary, n.domainid, n.status, n.credid,, c.domainid, " + ",, uc.realname, n.created, " + ",, um.realname, n.modified, " + ",, uo.realname,, " + "FROM dm.dm_notify n " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_credentials c ON n.credid = " // credential + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON n.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON n.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uo ON n.ownerid = " // owner user + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_usergroup g ON n.ogrpid = " // owner group + "WHERE = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, n.summary, n.domainid, n.status, n.credid,, c.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_notify n " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_credentials c ON n.credid = " // credential + "WHERE = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, nfyid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Notify ret = null; if ( { ret = new Notify(this, nfyid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); int credid = getInteger(rs, 5, 0); if (credid != 0) { ret.setCredential(new Credential(this, credid, rs.getString(6), rs.getInt(7))); } if (detailed) { getCreatorModifierOwner(rs, 8, ret); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve notify " + nfyid + " from database"); } // Notify public NotifyTemplate getTemplate(int templateid) { if (templateid < 0) { NotifyTemplate ret = new NotifyTemplate(this, templateid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); return ret; } String sql = "SELECT, n.notifierid, n.summary, n.status, n.subject, n.body, " + ",, uc.realname, n.created, " + ",, um.realname, n.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_template n " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON n.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON n.modifierid = " // modifier + "WHERE = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, templateid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); NotifyTemplate ret = null; if ( { int notifierid = rs.getInt(2); if (!rs.wasNull() && notifierid > 0) { // Get the domain from the linked notifier String sql2 = "SELECT domainid FROM dm.dm_notify WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, notifierid); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); if ( { ret = new NotifyTemplate(this, templateid, rs.getString(1), rs2.getInt(1)); ret.setNotifierId(notifierid); } else { ret = new NotifyTemplate(this, templateid, rs.getString(1)); } rs2.close(); } else { ret = new NotifyTemplate(this, templateid, rs.getString(1)); } ret.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); ret.setSubject(rs.getString(5)); ret.setBody(rs.getString(6)); getCreatorModifier(rs, 7, ret); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve template " + templateid + " from database"); } public List<NotifyTemplate> getTemplates(Notify notify) { String sql = "SELECT,, n.summary, n.status, " + ",, uc.realname, n.created, " + ",, um.realname, n.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_template n " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON n.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON n.modifierid = " // modifier + "WHERE n.notifierid = ?"; List<NotifyTemplate> res = new ArrayList<NotifyTemplate>(); ; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, notify.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); NotifyTemplate ret = null; while ( { ret = new NotifyTemplate(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); getCreatorModifier(rs, 5, ret); res.add(ret); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve templates for notification process " + notify.getId()); } public List<BuildJob> getBuildJobs(Builder builder) { String sql = "SELECT,, b.summary, b.status, " + ",, uc.realname, b.created, " + ",, um.realname, b.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_buildjob b " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON b.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON b.modifierid = " // modifier + "WHERE b.builderid = ?"; List<BuildJob> res = new ArrayList<BuildJob>(); ; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, builder.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); BuildJob ret = null; while ( { ret = new BuildJob(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); getCreatorModifier(rs, 5, ret); res.add(ret); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve build jobs for buildengine " + builder.getId()); } // Credential public Credential getCredential(int credid, boolean detailed) { if (credid < 0) { Credential ret = new Credential(this, credid, ""); ret.setName(""); ret.setSummary(""); CredentialKind kind = CredentialKind.UNCONFIGURED; ret.setKind(kind); ret.setVarUsername(""); ret.setVarPassword(""); return ret; } String sql = null; if (detailed) { sql = "SELECT, c.summary, c.domainid, c.kind, c.status, c.ownerid, c.ogrpid, " + " c.encusername, c.encpassword, c.filename, " + ",, uc.realname, c.created, " + ",, um.realname, c.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_credentials c " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON c.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON c.modifierid = " // modifier + "WHERE = ?"; } else { sql = "SELECT, c.summary, c.domainid, c.kind, c.status, c.ownerid, c.ogrpid FROM dm.dm_credentials c WHERE = ?"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, credid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Credential ret = null; if ( { ret = new Credential(this, credid, rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(3)); ret.setSummary(rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(getInteger(rs, 3, 0)); CredentialKind kind = CredentialKind.fromInt(rs.getInt(4)); ret.setKind(kind); getStatus(rs, 5, ret); int owner = rs.getInt(6); boolean credowner = false; if (rs.wasNull()) { System.out.println("user was null - setting group"); UserGroup grp = getGroup(getInteger(rs, 7, 0)); if (grp != null) { ret.setOwner(grp); UserList users = getUsersInGroup(grp.getId()); for (User user : users) { if (user.getId() == getUserID()) { credowner = true; break; } } } } else { // Owner must be a user System.out.println("Owner is a user m_userID=" + getUserID() + " owner=" + owner); credowner = (getUserID() == owner); System.out.println("about to getUser"); User user = getUser(owner); System.out.println("Returned from getUser"); ret.setOwner(user); } System.out.println("credowner=" + credowner + " kind=" + kind); if (detailed) { switch (kind) { case IN_DATABASE: System.out.println("username is in database"); if (credowner) { System.out.println("we own credential - decrypt the username"); String un = getString(rs, 8, ""); System.out.println("un=" + un); if (un.length() > 0) { byte[] dun = Decrypt3DES(un, m_passphrase); String dstr = new String(dun); System.out.println("dstr=[" + dstr + "]"); ret.setPlainUsername(dstr); } } break; case FROM_VARS: System.out.println("from vars"); ret.setVarUsername(getString(rs, 8, "")); ret.setVarPassword(getString(rs, 9, "")); break; case PPK: ret.setVarUsername(getString(rs, 8, "")); // deliberate drop-through... case RTI3_DFO_IN_FILESYSTEM: case HARVEST_DFO_IN_FILESYSTEM: ret.setFilename(getString(rs, 10, "")); default: break; } getCreatorModifier(rs, 11, ret); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve credential " + credid + " from database"); } public boolean updateCredential(Credential cred, SummaryChangeSet changes) { System.out.println("updateCredential"); DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_credentials "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); int dup = 0; for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case CRED_ENCUSERNAME: case CRED_VARUSERNAME: case CRED_USERNAME: { dup++; } break; default: break; } } for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case CRED_KIND: { System.out.println("CRED_KIND"); if (cred.getKind() != CredentialKind.UNCONFIGURED) { throw new RuntimeException("Credential kind cannot be changed after creation"); } CredentialKind kind = (CredentialKind) changes.get(field); if (kind == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Credential kind must be specified"); } update.add(", kind = ?", kind.value()); } break; case CRED_ENCUSERNAME: case CRED_VARUSERNAME: case CRED_USERNAME: { if (dup <= 1 || (dup > 1 && field == SummaryField.CRED_ENCUSERNAME)) // fix dup encusername being passed to query { System.out.println("CRED_ENCUSERNAME/CRED_USERNAME/CRED_VARUSERNAME"); String username = (String) changes.get(field); System.out.println("username=" + username); update.add(", encusername = ?", (username != null) ? username : Null.STRING); } } break; case CRED_ENCPASSWORD: case CRED_VARPASSWORD: { System.out.println("CRED_ENCPASSWORD/CRED_VARPASSWORD"); String passwd = (String) changes.get(field); System.out.println("password=" + passwd); update.add(", encpassword = ?", (passwd != null) ? passwd : Null.STRING); } break; case CRED_FILENAME: { System.out.println("CREDFILENAME"); String filename = (String) changes.get(field); update.add(", filename = ?", (filename != null) ? filename : Null.STRING); } break; default: System.out.println("default: field.value=" + field.value()); if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(cred, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", cred.getId()); try { update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public List<Credential> getCredentials() { String sql = "SELECT,, c.domainid FROM dm.dm_credentials c " + "WHERE c.status = 'N' AND c.kind <> 0 AND c.domainid IN (" + m_domainlist + ") ORDER BY 2"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Credential> ret = new ArrayList<Credential>(); while ( { ret.add(new Credential(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getInt(3))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve credentials from database"); } // Transfer public List<Transfer> getTransfers() { String sql = "SELECT, FROM dm.dm_providerdef p WHERE p.kind = " + ObjectType.TRANSFER.value() + " ORDER BY 2"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Transfer> ret = new ArrayList<Transfer>(); while ( { ret.add(new Transfer(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve plugins for transfers from database"); } // Engine public Engine getEngine(int engineid) { String sql = "SELECT, e.hostname, e.status, " + ",, uc.realname, e.created, " + ",, um.realname, e.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_engine e " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON e.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON e.modifierid = " // modifier + "WHERE = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, engineid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Engine ret = null; if ( { ret = new Engine(this, engineid, rs.getString(1)); ret.setHostname(rs.getString(2)); getStatus(rs, 3, ret); getCreatorModifier(rs, 4, ret); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve engine " + engineid + " from database"); } public Engine getEngine4Domain(int domainid) { String sql = "SELECT,, e.hostname, e.status, " + ",, uc.realname, e.created, " + ",, um.realname, e.modified " + "FROM dm.dm_engine e " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON e.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON e.modifierid = " // modifier + "WHERE e.domainid = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Engine ret = null; if ( { ret = new Engine(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setHostname(rs.getString(3)); getStatus(rs, 4, ret); getCreatorModifier(rs, 5, ret); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve engine " + domainid + " from database"); } public boolean updateEngine(Engine eng, SummaryChangeSet changes) { DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_engine "); update.add("SET modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); for (SummaryField field : changes) { switch (field) { case ENGINE_HOSTNAME: update.add(", hostname = ?", changes.get(field)); update.add(", name = ?", changes.get(field)); break; default: if (field.value() <= SummaryField.OBJECT_MAX) { updateObjectSummaryField(eng, update, field, changes); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unhandled summary field " + field); } break; } } update.add(" WHERE id = ?", eng.getId()); try { update.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); update.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public List<Plugin> getPluginsForEngine(Engine engine) { String sql = "SELECT, p.library, p.version FROM dm.dm_plugin p ORDER BY 2"; //WHERE p.engineid = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); //stmt.setInt(1, engine.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Plugin> ret = new ArrayList<Plugin>(); while ( { Plugin p = new Plugin(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); p.setVersion(rs.getString(3)); ret.add(p); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve plugins for engine " + engine.getId() + " from database"); } public List<Engine.ConfigEntry> getConfigForEngine(Engine engine) { String sql = "SELECT, c.value FROM dm.dm_engineconfig c WHERE c.engineid = ? ORDER BY 1"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, engine.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<Engine.ConfigEntry> ret = new ArrayList<Engine.ConfigEntry>(); while ( { ret.add( ConfigEntry(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve plugins for engine " + engine.getId() + " from database"); } public List<ProviderDefinition> getProviderDefsForEngine(Engine engine) { String sql = "SELECT,, pd.kind FROM dm.dm_providerdef pd WHERE NOT = 0 ORDER BY 2"; //WHERE pd.engineid = ?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); //stmt.setInt(1, engine.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<ProviderDefinition> ret = new ArrayList<ProviderDefinition>(); while ( { ProviderDefinition pd = new ProviderDefinition(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); pd.setKind(ObjectType.fromInt(rs.getInt(3))); ret.add(pd); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to retrieve provider definitions for engine " + engine.getId() + " from database"); } private static boolean getBoolean(ResultSet rs, int col) { String str; try { str = rs.getString(col); return (str != null) ? str.equalsIgnoreCase("Y") : false; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public DMActionEditInfo GetActionEditInfo(int actionid) { try { Statement st1 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs1 = st1 .executeQuery("SELECT editid,userid FROM dm.dm_actionedit WHERE actionid=" + actionid); if ( { DMActionEditInfo aei = new DMActionEditInfo(); aei.setEditID(rs1.getInt(1)); aei.setUserID(rs1.getInt(2)); return aei; } else { return null; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve action edit info from database"); } public List<DMActionNode> GetActionNodes(int actionid, int windowid) { List<DMActionNode> ret = new ArrayList<DMActionNode>(); String q1 = "SELECT a.windowid,a.xpos,a.ypos,a.typeid,a.title,a.summary,,b.exitpoints,b.drilldown,b.actionid,b.functionid FROM dm.dm_actionfrags a,dm.dm_fragments b WHERE a.actionid=" + actionid + " AND AND a.windowid>0 AND a.parentwindowid=" + windowid + " ORDER BY a.windowid"; String q2 = "SELECT a.windowid,a.xpos,a.ypos,a.typeid,a.title,a.summary,,b.exitpoints,b.drilldown,b.actionid,b.functionid FROM dm.dm_actionfrags a,dm.dm_fragments b WHERE a.actionid=" + actionid + " AND AND a.windowid>0 AND a.parentwindowid IS NULL ORDER BY a.windowid"; try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(windowid > 0 ? q1 : q2); while ( { DMActionNode an = new DMActionNode(); an.setNodeID(rs.getInt(1)); an.setDescriptor(rs.getString(7)); an.setXpos(rs.getInt(2)); an.setYpos(rs.getInt(3)); int typeid = rs.getInt(4); an.setTypeID(typeid); an.setTitle(rs.getString(5)); if (rs.wasNull()) an.setTitle(""); an.setSummary(rs.getString(6)); if (rs.wasNull()) an.setSummary(""); an.setExitPoints(rs.getInt(8)); an.setDrillDown(rs.getString(9)); int procid = getInteger(rs, 10, 0); int funcid = getInteger(rs, 11, 0); an.setProcedureID(procid); an.setFunctionID(funcid); if (procid > 0 || funcid > 0) { PreparedStatement kindstmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT kind FROM dm.dm_action WHERE id=?"); kindstmt.setInt(1, procid > 0 ? procid : funcid); ResultSet kindrs = kindstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { an.setKind(kindrs.getInt(1)); } kindrs.close(); kindstmt.close(); } ret.add(an); } rs.close(); st.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve action nodes from database"); } public List<DMActionLink> GetActionLinks(int actionid, int windowid) { List<DMActionLink> ret = new ArrayList<DMActionLink>(); String q1 = "SELECT distinct a.flowid,a.nodefrom,a.nodeto,a.pos FROM dm.dm_actionflows a,dm.dm_actionfrags b where a.nodeto=b.windowid AND b.parentwindowid is null and b.actionid=a.actionid and a.actionid=" + actionid; String q2 = "SELECT distinct a.flowid,a.nodefrom,a.nodeto,a.pos FROM dm.dm_actionflows a,dm.dm_actionfrags b where a.nodeto=b.windowid AND b.parentwindowid=" + windowid + " and b.actionid=a.actionid and a.actionid=" + actionid; try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(windowid > 0 ? q2 : q1); while ( { DMActionLink an = new DMActionLink(); an.setFlowID(rs.getInt(1)); an.setNodeFrom(rs.getInt(2)); an.setNodeTo(rs.getInt(3)); an.setPos(rs.getInt(4)); ret.add(an); } rs.close(); st.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve action links from database"); } public int getStartXPosition(int actionid, int pw) { String q1 = "SELECT xpos FROM dm.dm_actionfrags WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " AND windowid=0 AND parentwindowid IS NULL"; String q2 = "SELECT xpos FROM dm.dm_actionfrags WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " AND windowid=0 AND parentwindowid=" + pw; try { int ret = 0; // client side to use default position Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(pw > 0 ? q2 : q1); if ( { ret = rs.getInt(1); } rs.close(); st.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to start window position from database"); } public FragmentDetails getFragmentDetails(int actionid, int windowid) { try { String sql = "SELECT,a.summary,a.exitpoints,a.drilldown,b.title,b.summary,b.parentwindowid,a.actionid " + "FROM dm.dm_fragments a,dm.dm_actionfrags b " + "where = b.typeid and b.actionid=? and b.windowid=? "; FragmentDetails res = new FragmentDetails(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, actionid); stmt.setInt(2, windowid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { res.setTypeName(rs.getString(1)); res.setTypeSummary(rs.getString(2)); res.setExitPoints(rs.getInt(3)); res.setDrilldown(getString(rs, 4, "N").equalsIgnoreCase("Y")); res.setFragmentName(getString(rs, 5, "")); res.setFragmentSummary(getString(rs, 6, "")); res.setParentWindow(getInteger(rs, 7, 0)); res.setFragmentAction(getInteger(rs, 8, 0)); res.setActionId(actionid); res.setWindowId(windowid); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get Fragment Details from database"); } private String getDomainHeirarchy(int domainid) { System.out.println("getDomainHeirarchy(" + domainid + ")"); // Returns a list of domains which are parents of the specified domain String res = ""; String sep = ""; Domain domain = getDomain(domainid); while (domain != null) { res += sep + String.valueOf(domain.getId()); sep = ","; domain = domain.getDomain(); } System.out.println("getDomainHeirarchy returns " + res); return res; } /* private String getFQDN(int domainid) { System.out.println("getFQDN("+domainid+")"); // Returns a list of domains which are parents of the specified domain String res=""; String sep=""; Domain domain = getDomain(domainid); while (domain != null) { res=domain.getName()+sep+res; if (domain.getId()==m_userDomain) break; sep="."; domain = domain.getDomain(); } System.out.println("getFQDN returns "+res); return res; } */ public List<FragmentAttributes> getFragmentAttributes(int actionid, int windowid, int pwid) { System.out.println("getFragmentAttes,actionid=" + actionid); Action action = getAction(actionid, true); System.out.println("Domain is " + action.getDomainId()); List<FragmentAttributes> res = new ArrayList<FragmentAttributes>(); ; try { // String sql = "select,a.attype,a.atname,a.tablename,a.inherit,c.value, d.inpos from dm.dm_fragmentattrs a left outer join dm.dm_actionfrags b on a.typeid=b.typeid left outer join dm.dm_actionfragattrs c on c.windowid=b.windowid and c.actionid=b.actionid and left outer join dm.dm_actionarg d on a.atname = where b.actionid=? and b.windowid=? order by d.inpos"; String sql = "select,a.attype,a.atname,a.tablename,a.inherit,c.value,a.required, a.default_value " + "from dm.dm_fragmentattrs a " + "left outer join dm.dm_actionfrags b on a.typeid=b.typeid " + "left outer join dm.dm_actionfragattrs c on c.windowid=b.windowid and c.actionid=b.actionid and " + "where b.actionid=? " + "and b.windowid=? " + ((pwid > 0) ? "and b.parentwindowid=? " : "and b.parentwindowid is null ") + "order by a.atorder"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, actionid); stmt.setInt(2, windowid); if (pwid > 0) stmt.setInt(3, pwid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { FragmentAttributes fa = new FragmentAttributes(); fa.setAttrId(rs.getInt(1)); fa.setAttrType(rs.getString(2)); fa.setAttrName(rs.getString(3)); fa.setTableName(rs.getString(4)); String inherit = rs.getString(5); fa.setInherit(rs.wasNull() ? false : inherit.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")); fa.setAttrVal(getString(rs, 6, "")); String required = rs.getString(7); fa.setRequired(rs.wasNull() ? false : required.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")); fa.setDefaultValue(rs.getString(8)); if (fa.getAttrType().equalsIgnoreCase("dropdown")) { // Add the value list from the appropriate table List<FragmentListValues> flvs = new ArrayList<FragmentListValues>(); String tabname = fa.getTableName(); if (tabname.equalsIgnoreCase("dm_component") || tabname.equalsIgnoreCase("dm_server") || tabname.equalsIgnoreCase("dm_application")) { // add var name as an option on the drop down FragmentListValues f = new FragmentListValues(); f.setId(0); String vname = "${" + tabname.substring(3) + ".name}"; f.setName(vname); f.setSelected(vname.compareToIgnoreCase(fa.getAttrVal()) == 0); flvs.add(f); } String domainlist = getDomainHeirarchy(action.getDomainId()); Statement st2 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs2 = st2.executeQuery(fa.getInherit() ? "SELECT id,name,domainid FROM dm." + tabname + " WHERE domainid IN (" + domainlist + ")" : "SELECT id,name,domainid FROM dm." + tabname + " WHERE domainid=" + action.getDomainId()); while ( { FragmentListValues flv = new FragmentListValues(); boolean selected = false; int domainid = rs2.getInt(3); if (ValidDomain(domainid, fa.getInherit())) { String name; if (tabname.equalsIgnoreCase("dm_task")) { name = getDomain(domainid).getFullDomain() + "." + rs2.getString(2); // name = getFQDN(domainid)+"."+rs2.getString(2); } else { name = rs2.getString(2); } if (name.compareToIgnoreCase(fa.getAttrVal()) == 0) selected = true; flv.setName(name); flv.setId(rs2.getInt(1)); flv.setSelected(selected); flvs.add(flv); } } rs2.close(); st2.close(); fa.setFragmentListValues(flvs); } res.add(fa); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get fragment attributes from database"); } public ExplorerTabsList getExplorerTabs(int id) { System.out.println("in getExplorerTabs(" + id + ")"); ExplorerTabsList ret = new ExplorerTabsList(); switch (id) { case HOME_TAB_WORKBENCH: ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW, id, "Applications", "workflow", "N")); ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_WORKBENCH_ENVIRONMENTS, id, "Environments", "environments", "N")); break; case HOME_TAB_ENDPOINTS_AND_CREDENTIALS: ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_ENDPOINTS_AND_CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINTS, id, "EndPoints", "endpoints", "Y")); ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_ENDPOINTS_AND_CREDENTIALS_SERVERS, id, "Servers", "servers", "Y")); ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_ENDPOINTS_AND_CREDENTIALS_CREDENTIALS, id, "Credentials", "credentials", "Y")); break; case HOME_TAB_APPLICATIONS_AND_COMPONENTS: ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_APPLICATIONS_AND_COMPONENTS_APPLICATIONS, id, "Applications", "applications", "Y")); ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_APPLICATIONS_AND_COMPONENTS_COMPONENTS, id, "Components", "components", "Y")); break; case HOME_TAB_ACTIONS_AND_PROCEDURES: ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_ACTIONS_AND_PROCEDURES_ACTIONS, id, "Actions", "actions", "Y")); ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_ACTIONS_AND_PROCEDURES_PROCEDURES, id, "Procedures", "procedures", "Y")); ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_ACTIONS_AND_PROCEDURES_FUNCTIONS, id, "Functions", "functions", "Y")); break; case HOME_TAB_PROVIDERS: ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_PROVIDERS_DATASOURCES, id, "DataSources", "datasources", "Y")); ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_PROVIDERS_NOTIFIERS, id, "Notifiers", "notifiers", "Y")); break; case HOME_TAB_USERS_AND_GROUPS: ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_USERS_AND_GROUPS_USERS, id, "Users", "users", "Y")); ret.add(new ExplorerTabs(EXPLORER_TAB_USERS_AND_GROUPS_GROUPS, id, "Groups", "groups", "Y")); break; } return ret; } public PanelTabsList getTabsForPanel(String panelType, String admin) { System.out.println("getTabsForPanel(" + panelType + ")"); PanelTabsList ret = new PanelTabsList(); boolean AdminMode = (admin != null) && admin.equalsIgnoreCase("y"); System.out.println("AdminMode=" + AdminMode); if (panelType.equalsIgnoreCase("env")) { if (AdminMode) ret.add(new PanelTabs("General", "general")); ret.add(new PanelTabs("Calendar", "calendar")); // calendar is rendered in page ret.add(new PanelTabs("Servers", "servers")); if (AdminMode) { ret.add(new PanelTabs("Attributes", "atts")); ret.add(new PanelTabs("Access", "access")); ret.add(new PanelTabs("Reports", "reports")); ret.add(new PanelTabs("Availability", "avail")); } ret.add(new PanelTabs("Applications", "apps")); ret.add(new PanelTabs("History", "history")); } return ret; } public HomeTabsList getHomeTabs() { HomeTabsList ret = new HomeTabsList(); ret.add(new HomeTabs(HOME_TAB_WORKBENCH, false, "workbench-icon", "Workbench")); if (m_EndPointsTab) { ret.add(new HomeTabs(HOME_TAB_ENDPOINTS_AND_CREDENTIALS, true, "endpoints-icon", "Endpoints &<br>Credentials")); } if (m_ApplicationsTab) { ret.add(new HomeTabs(HOME_TAB_APPLICATIONS_AND_COMPONENTS, true, "applications-icon", "Applications &<br>Components")); } if (m_ActionsTab) { ret.add(new HomeTabs(HOME_TAB_ACTIONS_AND_PROCEDURES, true, "actions-icon", "Actions &<br>Procedures")); } if (m_ProvidersTab) { ret.add(new HomeTabs(HOME_TAB_PROVIDERS, true, "providers-icon", "Providers")); } if (m_UsersTab) { ret.add(new HomeTabs(HOME_TAB_USERS_AND_GROUPS, true, "users-icon", "Users &<br>Groups")); } return ret; } private int parseInt(String s) { try { int ret = Integer.parseInt(s); return ret; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return 0; } } public void UpdateFragAttrs(Map<String, String> keyvals) { String title = ""; String summary = ""; int actionid = -1; int windowid = -1; //int n=0; ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> it = keyvals.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, String> pairs =; String key = pairs.getKey(); String val = pairs.getValue(); System.out.println("UpdateFragAttrs) key=[" + key + "] val=[" + val + "]"); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("title")) { title = val; /*n++;*/} if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("summary")) { summary = val; /*n++;*/} if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { actionid = parseInt(val); /*n++;*/} if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("w")) { windowid = parseInt(val); /*n++;*/} if (key.charAt(0) == 'f') { int attrid = parseInt(key.substring(1)); if (attrid > 0) { // f<attrid> .. add to update list ids.add(new Integer(attrid)); vals.add(val); } } } try { Action action = getAction(actionid, false); ArchiveAction(action); updateModTime(action); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_actionfrags SET title=?,summary=? WHERE actionid=? AND windowid=?"); st.setString(1, title); st.setString(2, summary); st.setInt(3, actionid); st.setInt(4, windowid); st.execute(); st.close(); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_actionfragattrs WHERE actionid=? AND windowid=?"); st2.setInt(1, actionid); st2.setInt(2, windowid); st2.execute(); PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionfragattrs(actionid,windowid,attrid,value) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"); st3.setInt(1, actionid); st3.setInt(2, windowid); for (int t = 0; t < ids.size(); t++) { st3.setInt(3, ids.get(t)); st3.setString(4, vals.get(t)); st3.execute(); } st3.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Update Step Attributes in Database"); } public String getFragmentType(int actionid, int windowid) { String res = ""; try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT FROM dm.dm_fragments a,dm.dm_actionfrags b WHERE AND b.actionid=? AND b.windowid=?"); st.setInt(1, actionid); st.setInt(2, windowid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();; res = rs.getString(1); rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Retrieve fragment type from database"); } public void AddFlow(int actionid, String fn, String tn, int pos) { try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_actionflows WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " AND nodefrom=" + fn + " AND nodeto=" + tn);; int c = rs.getInt(1); if (c == 0) { // // This must be a new connection flowid and pos set to 1 for now // Action action = getAction(actionid, false); ArchiveAction(action); updateModTime(action); RecordObjectUpdate(action, "Connection Added"); String flowid = "1"; st.execute("INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionflows(actionid,flowid,nodefrom,nodeto,pos) VALUES(" + actionid + "," + flowid + "," + fn + "," + tn + "," + pos + ")"); getDBConnection().commit(); } return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add Flow to database"); } public void DeleteFlow(int actionid, String fn, String tn) { Action action = getAction(actionid, false); ArchiveAction(action); updateModTime(action); RecordObjectUpdate(action, "Connection Removed"); try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); st.execute("DELETE FROM dm.dm_actionflows WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " AND nodefrom=" + fn + " AND nodeto=" + tn); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add Flow to database"); } private void internalDeleteNode(Action action, int windowid) throws SQLException { ArchiveAction(action); updateModTime(action); System.out.println("DeleteNode(" + action.getId() + "," + windowid + ")"); PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT windowid FROM dm.dm_actionfrags WHERE actionid=? AND parentwindowid=?"); st1.setInt(1, action.getId()); st1.setInt(2, windowid); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); while ( { // Recurse internalDeleteNode(action, rs1.getInt(1)); } rs1.close(); st1.close(); Statement st2 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); st2.execute( "DELETE FROM dm.dm_actionfragattrs WHERE actionid=" + action.getId() + " AND windowid=" + windowid); st2.execute("DELETE FROM dm.dm_actionfrags WHERE actionid=" + action.getId() + " AND windowid=" + windowid); // // delete any flows to this node (do this as two statements since OR sometimes causes long query) // st2.execute("DELETE FROM dm.dm_actionflows WHERE actionid=" + action.getId() + " AND nodefrom=" + windowid); st2.execute("DELETE FROM dm.dm_actionflows WHERE actionid=" + action.getId() + " AND nodeto=" + windowid); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } public void DeleteNode(int actionid, int windowid) { System.out.println("Delete Node actionid=" + actionid + " windowid=" + windowid); Action action = getAction(actionid, false); String sql = "select from dm.dm_actionfrags a,dm.dm_fragments b where a.actionid=? and a.windowid=? and"; try { PreparedStatement ps = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ps.setInt(1, actionid); ps.setInt(2, windowid); ResultSet rsx = ps.executeQuery(); System.out.println(sql); if ( { System.out.println("got a row"); RecordObjectUpdate(action, "Activity \"" + rsx.getString(1) + "\" Deleted from Workflow"); } rsx.close(); ps.close(); internalDeleteNode(action, windowid); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Delete Node from database"); } } public String MoveNode(int actionid, int windowid, int pw, int xpos, int ypos, int typeid) { String qs1 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_actionfrags WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " AND windowid=" + windowid + " AND parentwindowid is NULL"; String qs2 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_actionfrags WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " AND windowid=" + windowid + " AND parentwindowid=" + pw; String us1 = "UPDATE dm.dm_actionfrags SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + ", typeid = " + typeid + " WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " AND windowid=" + windowid + " AND parentwindowid is NULL"; String us2 = "UPDATE dm.dm_actionfrags SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + ", typeid = " + typeid + " WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " AND windowid=" + windowid + " AND parentwindowid=" + pw; String otid = ""; try { System.out.println("moving window"); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(pw > 0 ? qs2 : qs1);; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("actionid=" + actionid + " windowid=" + windowid + " pw=" + pw + " c=" + c); if (c > 0) { // This action fragment already exists System.out.println("Updating position"); st.execute(pw > 0 ? us2 : us1); } else { // New action fragment Action action = getAction(actionid, false); ArchiveAction(action); updateModTime(action); PreparedStatement ps = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT name FROM dm.dm_fragments WHERE id=?"); ps.setInt(1, typeid); ResultSet rs1 = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { RecordObjectUpdate(action, "Activity \"" + rs1.getString(1) + "\" added to Workflow"); } rs1.close(); ps.close(); System.out.println("Inserting new windowid=" + windowid + " pw=" + pw); st.execute( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionfrags(actionid,windowid,xpos,ypos,typeid,parentwindowid) VALUES(" + actionid + "," + windowid + "," + xpos + "," + ypos + "," + typeid + "," + (pw > 0 ? pw : "NULL") + ")"); String getactsql = "SELECT actionid,functionid FROM dm.dm_fragments WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement actstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(getactsql); actstmt.setInt(1, typeid); ResultSet actrs = actstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int kind = 0; int procid = getInteger(actrs, 1, 0); int funcid = getInteger(actrs, 2, 0); if (procid > 0 || funcid > 0) { // Need to get the kind for the otid PreparedStatement kindstmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT kind FROM dm.dm_action WHERE id=?"); kindstmt.setInt(1, procid > 0 ? procid : funcid); ResultSet kindrs = kindstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { kind = kindrs.getInt(1); } kindrs.close(); kindstmt.close(); } if (procid > 0) otid = "pr" + procid + "-" + kind; else if (funcid > 0) otid = "fn" + funcid + "-" + kind; } actrs.close(); actstmt.close(); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return otid; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add Flow to database"); } public void MoveAppComponentStart(int appid, int xpos) { try { System.out.println("moving component start window"); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_application SET startx=" + xpos + " where id=" + appid); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to move component start window in database"); } public void MoveServer(int envid, int serverid, int xpos, int ypos) { try { System.out.println("moving server"); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_serversinenv WHERE envid=" + envid + " AND serverid=" + serverid);; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("envid=" + envid + " serverid=" + serverid + " c=" + c); if (c > 0) { // This server already already exists System.out.println("Updating position"); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_serversinenv SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE envid=" + envid + " AND serverid=" + serverid); } else { // New server in environment System.out.println("Inserting new server"); st.execute("INSERT INTO dm.dm_serversinenv(envid,serverid,xpos,ypos) VALUES(" + envid + "," + serverid + "," + xpos + "," + ypos + ")"); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_environment SET modifierid=" + getUserID() + ", modified=" + timeNow() + " WHERE id=" + envid); // Environment env = getEnvironment(envid,false); // Server server = getServer(serverid,false); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add End Point to database"); } public void NotifyServersAddedToEnvironment(int envid, String sl) { // ServerList (sl) passed in from UpdateAttrs in format id,id,id... System.out.println("NotifyServersAddedToEnvironment(envid=" + envid + ", sl=" + sl); Environment env = getEnvironment(envid, false); System.out.println("envid=" + envid + " sl=" + sl); String[] servers = sl.split("x"); String ServerList = ""; System.out.println("servers.length=" + servers.length); int singleid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { int servid = Integer.parseInt(servers[i]); Server server = getServer(servid, false); System.out.println("" + server.getName()); // Add notification to server timeline String linkval2 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"en" + env.getId() + "\");'><b>" + env.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(server, "Added to Environment " + linkval2, envid); String linkval = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"se" + server.getId() + "\");'><b>" + server.getName() + "</b></a>"; if (i > 0) ServerList = ServerList + ", "; ServerList = ServerList + linkval; singleid = server.getId(); } System.out.println("ServerList=" + ServerList); // Now update the environment's timeline if (servers.length > 1) { RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Servers " + ServerList + " Added to Environment"); } else { RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Server " + ServerList + " Added to Environment", singleid); } try { getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void applicationMoveVersion(int appid, int verid, int xpos, int ypos) { try { System.out.println("moving version"); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_application WHERE parentid=" + appid + " AND id=" + verid);; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("verid=" + verid + " appid=" + appid + " c=" + c); if (c > 0) { // This version already exists System.out.println("Updating position"); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_application SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE parentid=" + appid + " AND id=" + verid); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add End Point to database"); } private void AddComponents(long t, int appid, int predecessorid, boolean isRelease) throws SQLException { String sql1 = null; if (isRelease) sql1 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_applicationcomponent(appid,childappid,xpos,ypos) " + "SELECT ?,childappid,xpos,ypos " + "FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent " + "WHERE appid=?"; else sql1 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_applicationcomponent(appid,compid,xpos,ypos) " + "SELECT ?,compid,xpos,ypos " + "FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent " + "WHERE appid=?"; String sql2 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows(appid,objfrom,objto) " + "SELECT ?,objfrom,objto " + "FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows " + "WHERE appid=?"; PreparedStatement psx = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); psx.setInt(1, appid); psx.setInt(2, predecessorid); psx.execute(); psx.close(); PreparedStatement psy = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); psy.setInt(1, appid); psy.setInt(2, predecessorid); psy.execute(); psy.close(); } public int applicationNewVersion(int appid, int xpos, int ypos, boolean isRelease) { try { System.out.println("applicationNewVersion(" + appid + ")"); long t = timeNow(); System.out.println("new version"); Application app = getApplication(appid, true); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_application WHERE parentid=" + appid + " AND status='N'");; int c = rs.getInt(1) + 1; System.out.println("c=" + c); rs.close(); String NewName = app.getName() + ";" + c; System.out.println("NewName=" + NewName); int newid = getID("application"); int domainid = app.getDomainId(); if (isRelease) CreateNewObject("relversion", NewName, domainid, appid, newid, ""); else CreateNewObject("appversion", NewName, domainid, appid, newid, ""); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_application SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE parentid=" + appid + " AND id=" + newid); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_application SET modified=" + t + ",modifierid=" + getUserID() + " WHERE id=" + newid); Datasource ds = app.getDatasource(); if (ds != null) { st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_application SET datasourceid=" + ds.getId() + " WHERE id=" + newid); } st.close(); // // When first created, the components should be copied from the "base" application. When the predecessor is changed // through the editor, the compoments should be erased and copied from the new predecessor. // AddComponents(t, newid, appid, isRelease); Application newapp = getApplication(newid, true); AddApplicationAttribs(t, newapp, app); getDBConnection().commit(); return newid; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create New Version in database"); } public void AddApplicationAttribs(long t, Application newapp, Application app) { List<DMAttribute> attribs = getAttributesForObject(app); AttributeChangeSet changes = new AttributeChangeSet(); for (DMAttribute a : attribs) { // changes.addAdded(new DMAttribute(a.getName(), a.getValue())); changes.addAdded(a); } newapp.updateAttributes(changes); } public void componentMoveVersion(int compid, int verid, int xpos, int ypos) { try { System.out.println("moving component version"); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=" + verid);; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("verid=" + verid + " compid=" + compid + " c=" + c); if (c > 0) { // This version already exists System.out.println("Updating position"); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE id=" + verid); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Move Component Position in database"); } public void componentItemMoveItem(int compid, int itemid, int xpos, int ypos) { try { System.out.println("moving component item compid=" + compid + " itemid=" + itemid); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE compid=" + compid + " AND id=" + itemid);; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("c=" + c); if (c > 0) { // This version already exists System.out.println("Updating position of component item xpos=" + xpos + " ypos=" + ypos); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_componentitem SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE compid=" + compid + " AND id=" + itemid); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Move Component Item Position in database"); } /* public void componentApplicationMoveItem(int compid,int appid,int xpos,int ypos) { try { System.out.println("moving component for application compid="+compid+" appid="+appid); Statement st = m_conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE compid="+compid+" AND appid="+appid);; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("c="+c); if (c>0) { // This version already exists System.out.println("Updating position of component for application xpos="+xpos+" ypos="+ypos); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_applicationcomponent SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE compid="+compid+" AND appid="+appid); } st.close(); m_conn.commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Move Component Position for Application in database"); } */ public void addComponentToServer(int servid, int compid) { try { // If this is a component VERSION add the component BASE Statement st1 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery("SELECT parentid FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=" + compid);; int parentid = getInteger(rs1, 1, 0); if (parentid > 0) compid = parentid; rs1.close(); System.out.println("adding component compid=" + compid + " to server servid=" + servid); Statement st2 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs2 = st2.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsallowedonserv WHERE compid=" + compid + " AND serverid=" + servid);; int c = rs2.getInt(1); rs2.close(); System.out.println("c=" + c); if (c == 0) { // New component on this server System.out.println("adding component to server"); PreparedStatement ps = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_compsallowedonserv(serverid,compid) VALUES(?,?)"); ps.setInt(1, servid); ps.setInt(2, compid); ps.execute(); ps.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } st2.close(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add Component for Server in database"); } public void addComponentVersionToServer(int servid, int compid) { try { // Component comp = getComponent(compid,true); // int parentid = comp.getParentId(); System.out.println("adding component version compid=" + compid + " to server servid=" + servid); // addComponentToServer(servid,compid); // Add component BASE to components allowed on server Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsonserv WHERE compid=" + compid + " AND serverid=" + servid);; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("c=" + c); if (c == 0) { // This component VERSION is not present on this server long t = timeNow(); String updsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_compsonserv SET compid=?,deploymentid=NULL,modifierid=?,modified=? WHERE serverid=? AND (compid IN (SELECT parentid FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=?) OR compid=?)"; PreparedStatement updstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql); updstmt.setInt(1, compid); updstmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); updstmt.setLong(3, t); updstmt.setInt(4, servid); updstmt.setInt(5, compid); updstmt.setInt(6, compid); updstmt.execute(); int updcount = updstmt.getUpdateCount(); updstmt.close(); System.out.println("upcount=" + updcount); if (updcount == 0) { // New component version on this server System.out.println("adding component version to server"); PreparedStatement ps2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_compsonserv(compid,serverid,modifierid,modified) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); ps2.setInt(1, compid); ps2.setInt(2, servid); ps2.setInt(3, getUserID()); ps2.setLong(4, t); ps2.execute(); ps2.close(); } getDBConnection().commit(); } st.close(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add Component Version to Server in database"); } public void addComponentToApplication(int appid, int compid, int xpos, int ypos, boolean isRelease) { Application app = getApplication(appid, true); try { System.out.println("adding component compid=" + compid + " to application appid=" + appid); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = null; if (isRelease) { rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE childappid=" + compid + " AND appid=" + appid); } else { rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE compid=" + compid + " AND appid=" + appid); }; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("c=" + c); if (c > 0) { // This component already exists - just update the x and y co-ordinates System.out.println("Updating position of component for application xpos=" + xpos + " ypos=" + ypos); if (isRelease) { st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_applicationcomponent SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE childappid=" + compid + " AND appid=" + appid); } else { st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_applicationcomponent SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE compid=" + compid + " AND appid=" + appid); } } else { // New component for this application System.out.println("adding component to application"); PreparedStatement ps = null; if (isRelease) { Application childapp = getApplication(compid, true); String at = (childapp.getParentId() > 0) ? "av" : "ap"; String linkval = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"rl" + app.getId() + "\");'><b>" + app.getName() + "</b></a>"; String linkval2 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"" + at + childapp.getId() + "\");'><b>" + childapp.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(childapp, "Added to Release " + linkval, appid); RecordObjectUpdate(app, "Added Application " + linkval2, compid); ps = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_applicationcomponent(appid,childappid,xpos,ypos) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); } else { Component comp = getComponent(compid, true); String at = (app.getParentId() > 0) ? "av" : "ap"; String ct = (comp.getParentId() > 0) ? "cv" : "co"; String linkval = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"" + at + app.getId() + "\");'><b>" + app.getName() + "</b></a>"; String linkval2 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"" + ct + comp.getId() + "\");'><b>" + comp.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(comp, "Added to Application " + linkval, appid); RecordObjectUpdate(app, "Added Component " + linkval2, compid); ps = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_applicationcomponent(appid,compid,xpos,ypos) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); } ps.setInt(1, appid); ps.setInt(2, compid); ps.setInt(3, xpos); ps.setInt(4, ypos); ps.execute(); ps.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Move Component Position for Application in database"); } /* public void componentServerMoveItem(int compid,int servid,int xpos,int ypos) { try { System.out.println("moving component for server compid="+compid+" servid="+servid); Statement st = m_conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsallowedonserv WHERE compid="+compid+" AND serverid="+servid);; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("c="+c); if (c>0) { // This version already exists System.out.println("Updating position of component for server xpos="+xpos+" ypos="+ypos); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_compsallowedonserv SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE compid="+compid+" AND serverid="+servid); } st.close(); m_conn.commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Move Component Position for Server in database"); } */ public void DeleteComponentItems(int compid) throws SQLException { System.out.println("DeleteComponentItems from compid=" + compid); PreparedStatement psx = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM dm.dm_compitemprops WHERE compitemid in (SELECT id FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE compid=?)"); psx.setInt(1, compid); psx.execute(); psx.close(); PreparedStatement psy = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE compid=?"); psy.setInt(1, compid); psy.execute(); psy.close(); } private void DeleteComponentAttribs(int compid) throws SQLException { System.out.println("DeleteComponentAttribs from compid=" + compid); PreparedStatement psx = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_componentvars WHERE compid=?"); psx.setInt(1, compid); psx.execute(); psx.close(); } public void AddComponentItems(long t, int compid, int predecessorid) throws SQLException { List<ComponentItem> cis = getComponentItems(predecessorid); // original component items System.out.println("cis.size()=" + cis.size()); HashMap<Integer, Integer> idmap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(cis.size()); int n = getID("componentitem"); // Create a mapping table from old id to new id for (ComponentItem ci : cis) { System.out.println("Mapping " + ci.getId() + " to " + n); idmap.put(ci.getId(), n); n++; } for (ComponentItem ci : cis) { String sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_componentitem(id,name,summary,compid,repositoryid,target," + "predecessorid,xpos,ypos,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,status,rollup,rollback) " + "SELECT ?,name,summary,?,repositoryid,target," + "?,xpos,ypos,?,?,?,?,'N', rollup, rollback " + "FROM dm.dm_componentitem " + "WHERE id=? AND status='N'"; PreparedStatement psx = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); psx.setInt(1, idmap.get(ci.getId())); psx.setInt(2, compid); int pi = ci.getPredecessorId(); if (pi > 0) psx.setInt(3, idmap.get(pi)); else psx.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER); psx.setInt(4, getUserID()); psx.setLong(5, t); psx.setInt(6, getUserID()); psx.setLong(7, t); psx.setInt(8, ci.getId()); psx.execute(); psx.close(); } for (ComponentItem ci : cis) { String sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_compitemprops(compitemid,name,value,encrypted) " + "SELECT ?,name,value,encrypted " + "FROM dm.dm_compitemprops " + "WHERE compitemid=?"; PreparedStatement psy = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); psy.setInt(1, idmap.get(ci.getId())); psy.setInt(2, ci.getId()); psy.execute(); psy.close(); } setID("componentitem", n); getDBConnection().commit(); } public int componentNewVersion(int compid, int xpos, int ypos) { try { long t = timeNow(); System.out.println("new version"); Component comp = getComponent(compid, true); Component basecomp = null; int parentid; if (comp.getParentId() > 0) { // This is a component version - get the parent basecomp = getComponent(comp.getParentId(), true); parentid = basecomp.getId(); } else { parentid = compid; } Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st .executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_component WHERE status='N' AND parentid=" + parentid);; int c = rs.getInt(1) + 1; rs.close(); String NewName = (basecomp != null) ? (basecomp.getName() + ";" + c) : (comp.getName() + ";" + c); int newid = getID("component"); int domainid = comp.getDomainId(); CreateNewObject("component", NewName, domainid, compid, newid, ""); System.out.println("Updating dm_component where id=" + newid); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET predecessorid=" + compid + ", parentid=" + parentid + ", xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE id=" + newid); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET modified=" + t + ",modifierid=" + getUserID() + " WHERE id=" + compid); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET comptypeid=" + comp.getComptypeId() + " WHERE id=" + newid); if (comp.getPreAction() != null) st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET preactionid=" + comp.getPreAction().getId() + " WHERE id=" + newid); if (comp.getPostAction() != null) st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET postactionid=" + comp.getPostAction().getId() + " WHERE id=" + newid); if (comp.getCustomAction() != null) st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET actionid=" + comp.getCustomAction().getId() + " WHERE id=" + newid); if (comp.getBaseDirectory() != null) st.execute( "UPDATE dm.dm_component SET basedir='" + comp.getBaseDirectory() + "' WHERE id=" + newid); if (comp.getBuildJob() != null) st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET buildjobid=" + comp.getBuildJob().getId() + ",lastbuildnumber=" + comp.getLastBuildNumber() + " WHERE id=" + newid); if (comp.getDatasource() != null) st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET datasourceid=" + comp.getDatasource().getId() + " WHERE id=" + newid); // // When first created, the component items should be copied from the "base" component. When the predecessor is changed // through the editor, the compoment items should be erased and copied from the new predecessor. // AddComponentItems(t, newid, compid); Component newcomp = getComponent(newid, true); AddComponentAttribs(newcomp, comp); st.execute("INSERT INTO dm.dm_component_categories(id,categoryid) SELECT " + newid + ",categoryid FROM dm_component_categories WHERE id=" + compid); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return newid; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create New Component Version in database"); } public void AddComponentAttribs(Component newcomp, Component comp) { List<DMAttribute> attribs = getAttributesForObject(comp); AttributeChangeSet changes = new AttributeChangeSet(); for (DMAttribute a : attribs) { // changes.addAdded(new DMAttribute(a.getName(), a.getValue())); changes.addAdded(a); } newcomp.updateAttributes(changes); } public int componentItemNewItem(int compid, int xpos, int ypos) { try { int pred = -1; System.out.println("new component item"); Component comp = getComponent(compid, true); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE compid=" + compid);; int c = rs.getInt(1) + 1; rs.close(); String comptype = null; Statement st2 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs2 = st2.executeQuery( "SELECT database FROM dm.dm_component a, dm.dm_type b WHERE a.comptypeid = and" + compid); while ( { comptype = rs2.getString(1); } rs2.close(); if (comptype == null) { comptype = "Item " + c; } else { if (comptype.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { if (c == 1) { comptype = "Roll Forward"; String NewName = comptype; int itemid = getID("componentitem"); int domainid = comp.getDomainId(); CreateNewObject("componentitem", NewName, domainid, compid, itemid, ""); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_componentitem SET rollup=1, xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE compid=" + compid + " AND id=" + itemid); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET modified=" + timeNow() + ",modifierid=" + getUserID() + " WHERE id=" + compid); pred = itemid; comptype = "Rollback"; NewName = comptype; itemid = getID("componentitem"); domainid = comp.getDomainId(); ypos += 200; CreateNewObject("componentitem", NewName, domainid, compid, itemid, ""); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_componentitem SET rollback=1, predecessorid=" + pred + ", xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE compid=" + compid + " AND id=" + itemid); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET modified=" + timeNow() + ",modifierid=" + getUserID() + " WHERE id=" + compid); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return pred; } else { comptype = "Database " + c; } } else { comptype = "Item " + c; } } String NewName = comptype; int itemid = getID("componentitem"); int domainid = comp.getDomainId(); CreateNewObject("componentitem", NewName, domainid, compid, itemid, ""); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_componentitem SET xpos=" + xpos + ", ypos=" + ypos + " WHERE compid=" + compid + " AND id=" + itemid); st.execute("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET modified=" + timeNow() + ",modifierid=" + getUserID() + " WHERE id=" + compid); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return itemid; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create New Component Item in database"); } public int applicationNewComponent(int appid, int xpos, int ypos, boolean isRelease) { try { System.out.println("new component in application"); Application app = getApplication(appid, true); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE appid=" + appid);; int c = rs.getInt(1) + 1; rs.close(); String NewName = "Component " + c; int compid = getID("component"); int domainid = app.getDomainId(); CreateNewObject("component", NewName, domainid, 0, compid, ""); // 06/01/2014 - always run from diagram background menu, so predecessor is never known - removed predecessorid and ? and setInt(3,appid); PreparedStatement ps = null; if (isRelease) ps = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_applicationcomponent(appid,childappid,xpos,ypos) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); else ps = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_applicationcomponent(appid,compid,xpos,ypos) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setInt(1, appid); ps.setInt(2, compid); ps.setInt(3, xpos); ps.setInt(4, ypos); ps.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return compid; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create New Component Item in database"); } public int serverNewComponent(int servid, int xpos, int ypos) { try { System.out.println("new component in server"); Server serv = getServer(servid, true); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st .executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_compsallowedonserv WHERE serverid=" + servid);; int c = rs.getInt(1) + 1; rs.close(); String NewName = "Component " + c; int compid = getID("component"); int domainid = serv.getDomainId(); CreateNewObject("component", NewName, domainid, 0, compid, ""); // 06/01/2014 - always run from diagram background menu, so predecessor is never known - removed predecessorid and ? and setInt(3,appid); PreparedStatement ps = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_compsallowedonserv(compid,serverid,xpos,ypos) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setInt(1, compid); ps.setInt(2, servid); ps.setInt(3, xpos); ps.setInt(4, ypos); ps.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return compid; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create New Component Item in database"); } public void RemoveServerFromEnvironment(int envid, int serverid) { try { System.out.println("removing server from environment"); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_serversinenv WHERE envid=? AND serverid=?"); st.setInt(1, envid); st.setInt(2, serverid); st.execute(); st.close(); Server server = getServer(serverid, false); Environment env = getEnvironment(envid, false); String linkval = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"se" + server.getId() + "\");'><b>" + server.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(env, "Server " + linkval + " Removed from Environment", serverid); String linkval2 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"en" + env.getId() + "\");'><b>" + env.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(server, "Removed from Environment " + linkval2, envid); updateModTime(env); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Removed Server from Environment"); } public void applicationRemoveVersion(int appid, int verid) { try { System.out.println("removing version from application"); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE appid=?"); st.setInt(1, verid); st.execute(); st.close(); PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE appid=?"); st1.setInt(1, verid); st1.execute(); st1.close(); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_applicationvars WHERE appid=?"); st2.setInt(1, verid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_approval WHERE appid=?"); st3.setInt(1, verid); st3.execute(); st3.close(); PreparedStatement st4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_appsinenv WHERE appid=?"); st4.setInt(1, verid); st4.execute(); st4.close(); PreparedStatement st5 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_request WHERE appid=?"); st5.setInt(1, verid); st5.execute(); st5.close(); PreparedStatement st6 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_calendar WHERE appid=?"); st6.setInt(1, verid); st6.execute(); st6.close(); PreparedStatement st7 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_application SET status='D' WHERE id=? AND parentid=?"); st7.setInt(1, verid); st7.setInt(2, appid); st7.execute(); st7.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Remove Version from Application"); } public void componentRemoveVersion(int parentcompid, int verid) { try { System.out.println("removing version from component item's props"); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM dm.dm_compitemprops a WHERE a.compitemid in (select id from dm.dm_componentitem b where b.compid=?)"); st.setInt(1, verid); st.execute(); st.close(); System.out.println("removing compnent vars from component"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_componentvars WHERE compid=?"); st.setInt(1, verid); st.execute(); st.close(); System.out.println("removing version from component items"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE compid=?"); st.setInt(1, verid); st.execute(); st.close(); System.out.println("removing version from component"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=? AND parentid=?"); st.setInt(1, verid); st.setInt(2, parentcompid); st.execute(); st.close(); System.out.println("removing from category"); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_component_categories WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, verid); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Remove Version from Component"); } public void componentItemRemoveItem(int compid, int itemid) { try { System.out.println("removing version from component"); PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_compitemprops WHERE compitemid=?"); st1.setInt(1, itemid); st1.execute(); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE id=? AND compid=?"); st2.setInt(1, itemid); st2.setInt(2, compid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); st1.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Remove Item Component"); } public void applicationRemoveComponent(int appid, int compid, boolean isRelease) { Application app = getApplication(appid, true); try { System.out.println("removing component " + compid + " from application " + appid); PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE appid=? AND (objfrom=? OR objto=?)"); st1.setInt(1, appid); st1.setInt(2, compid); st1.setInt(3, compid); st1.execute(); st1.close(); PreparedStatement st2 = null; if (isRelease) { Application childapp = getApplication(compid, true); String at = (childapp.getParentId() > 0) ? "av" : "ap"; String linkval = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"rl" + app.getId() + "\");'><b>" + app.getName() + "</b></a>"; String linkval2 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"" + at + childapp.getId() + "\");'><b>" + childapp.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(childapp, "Removed from Release " + linkval, appid); RecordObjectUpdate(app, "Removed Application " + linkval2, compid); st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE appid=? AND childappid=?"); } else { Component comp = getComponent(compid, true); String at = (app.getParentId() > 0) ? "av" : "ap"; String ct = (comp.getParentId() > 0) ? "cv" : "co"; String linkval = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"" + at + app.getId() + "\");'><b>" + app.getName() + "</b></a>"; String linkval2 = "<a href='javascript:SwitchDisplay(\"" + ct + comp.getId() + "\");'><b>" + comp.getName() + "</b></a>"; RecordObjectUpdate(comp, "Removed from Application " + linkval, appid); RecordObjectUpdate(app, "Removed Component " + linkval2, compid); st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponent WHERE appid=? AND compid=?"); } st2.setInt(1, appid); st2.setInt(2, compid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Remove Component from Application"); } public void serverRemoveComponent(int servid, int compid) { try { System.out.println("removing component " + compid + " from server " + servid); PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_compsallowedonserv WHERE serverid=? AND compid=?"); st1.setInt(1, servid); st1.setInt(2, compid); st1.execute(); st1.close(); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM dm.dm_compsonserv WHERE serverid=? AND (compid=? OR compid IN (select id FROM dm.dm_component WHERE parentid=?))"); st2.setInt(1, servid); st2.setInt(2, compid); st2.setInt(3, compid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Remove Component from Server"); } public void removeAppVersionFromEnv(int deploymentid) { try { PreparedStatement st2 = m_conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_appsinenv WHERE deploymentid=?"); st2.setInt(1, deploymentid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); m_conn.commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Application Deployment from Environment"); } public void AddConnector(int envid, int fromnode, int tonode, int fromside, int toside) { try { System.out.println("Adding connector envid=" + envid + " fromnode=" + fromnode + " tonode=" + tonode + " fromside=" + fromside + " toside=" + toside); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_server_connections WHERE envid=? AND serverfrom=? AND serverto=? AND serverfromedge=? AND servertoedge=?"); st.setInt(1, envid); st.setInt(2, fromnode); st.setInt(3, tonode); st.setInt(4, fromside); st.setInt(5, toside); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); System.out.println("c=" + c); if (c == 0) { // New connection PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_server_connections(envid,serverfrom,serverfromedge,serverto,servertoedge) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"); st2.setInt(1, envid); st2.setInt(2, fromnode); st2.setInt(3, fromside); st2.setInt(4, tonode); st2.setInt(5, toside); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add Connector in database"); } public void applicationAddVersionDependency(int appid, int fromnode, int tonode) { try { System.out.println("Adding version dependency"); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_application SET predecessorid=? WHERE id=? AND parentid=?"); st.setInt(1, fromnode); st.setInt(2, tonode); st.setInt(3, appid); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create Version Dependency in Database"); } public void componentAddVersionDependency(int compid, int fromnode, int tonode) { try { // Update the predecessor to create the dependency PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET predecessorid=? WHERE id=? AND parentid=?"); st.setInt(1, fromnode); st.setInt(2, tonode); st.setInt(3, compid); st.execute(); st.close(); DeleteComponentItems(tonode); // Remove the old component items AddComponentItems(timeNow(), tonode, fromnode); // add copy the new component items from the predecessor Component newcomp = getComponent(tonode, false); Component comp = getComponent(fromnode, false); DeleteComponentAttribs(tonode); AddComponentAttribs(newcomp, comp); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create Version Dependency in Database"); } public void componentItemAddLink(int compid, int fromnode, int tonode) { try { System.out.println("Adding component item link"); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_componentitem SET predecessorid=? WHERE id=? AND compid=?"); st.setInt(1, fromnode); if (tonode > 0) st.setInt(2, tonode); else st.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); st.setInt(3, compid); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create Component Item Link in Database"); } public void applicationComponentAddLink(int appid, int fromnode, int tonode) { try { System.out.println("Adding link between components for application"); PreparedStatement stc = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE appid=? AND objfrom=? AND objto=?"); stc.setInt(1, appid); stc.setInt(2, fromnode); stc.setInt(3, tonode); ResultSet rsc = stc.executeQuery(); int c = 0; if ( { c = rsc.getInt(1); } rsc.close(); stc.close(); if (c == 0) { // This flow does not exist PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows(appid,objfrom,objto) VALUES(?,?,?)"); st.setInt(1, appid); if (fromnode > 0) { st.setInt(2, fromnode); } else { st.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); } if (tonode > 0) { st.setInt(3, tonode); } else { st.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER); } st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create Link between components for application in Database"); } public void applicationComponentDeleteLink(int appid, int fromnode, int tonode) { try { System.out.println("Deleting link between components for application"); System.out.println("appid=" + appid + " fromnode=" + fromnode + " tonode (compid)=" + tonode); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE appid=? AND objto=?"); st.setInt(1, appid); st.setInt(2, tonode); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create Link between components for application in Database"); } public Component applicationReplaceComponent(int appid, int oldcompid, int newcompid, boolean isRelease) { try { System.out.println( "Replacing component " + oldcompid + " with " + newcompid + " for application " + appid); PreparedStatement st = null; if (isRelease) st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_applicationcomponent SET childappid=? WHERE appid=? AND childappid=?"); else st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_applicationcomponent SET compid=? WHERE appid=? AND compid=?"); st.setInt(1, newcompid); st.setInt(2, appid); st.setInt(3, oldcompid); st.execute(); st.close(); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows SET objto=? WHERE appid=? AND objto=?"); st2.setInt(1, newcompid); st2.setInt(2, appid); st2.setInt(3, oldcompid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_applicationcomponentflows SET objfrom=? WHERE appid=? AND objfrom=?"); st3.setInt(1, newcompid); st3.setInt(2, appid); st3.setInt(3, oldcompid); st3.execute(); st3.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); Component comp = getComponent(newcompid, true); return comp; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Create Link between components for application in Database"); } public void DeleteConnector(int envid, int fromnode, int tonode, int fromside, int toside) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM dm.dm_server_connections WHERE envid=? AND serverfrom=? AND serverfromedge=? AND serverto=? AND servertoedge=?"); st.setInt(1, envid); st.setInt(2, fromnode); st.setInt(3, fromside); st.setInt(4, tonode); st.setInt(5, toside); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Delete Connector from database"); } public void applicationDeleteVersionDependency(int appid, int fromnode, int tonode) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_application SET predecessorid=? WHERE id=? AND parentid=? AND predecessorid=?"); st.setInt(1, appid); st.setInt(2, tonode); st.setInt(3, appid); st.setInt(4, fromnode); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Delete Version Dependency from database"); } public void componentDeleteVersionDependency(int compid, int fromnode, int tonode) { try { // Delete the old component item list PreparedStatement s1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM dm.dm_compitemprops WHERE compitemid in (SELECT id FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE compid=?)"); s1.setInt(1, tonode); s1.execute(); s1.close(); PreparedStatement s2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE compid=?"); s2.setInt(1, tonode); s2.execute(); s2.close(); // Update the predecessor to create the dependency PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_component SET predecessorid=? WHERE id=? AND parentid=? AND predecessorid=?"); st.setInt(1, compid); st.setInt(2, tonode); st.setInt(3, compid); st.setInt(4, fromnode); st.execute(); st.close(); // AddComponentItems(timeNow(),tonode,compid); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Delete Component Version Dependency from database"); } public void componentItemDeleteLink(int compid, int fromnode, int tonode) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_componentitem SET predecessorid=null WHERE id=? AND compid=? AND predecessorid=?"); st.setInt(1, tonode); st.setInt(2, compid); st.setInt(3, fromnode); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Delete Component Item Link from database"); } public void applicationModifyVersion(int appid, String Name, String Summary) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_application SET name=?, summary=? WHERE id=?"); st.setString(1, Name); st.setString(2, Summary); st.setInt(3, appid); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Modify Version in database"); } public void componentModifyVersion(int compid, String Name, String Summary) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_component SET name=?, summary=? WHERE id=?"); st.setString(1, Name); st.setString(2, Summary); st.setInt(3, compid); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Modify Component Version in database"); } public void componentItemModifyItem(int ccid, String Name, String Summary) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_componentitem SET name=?, summary=? WHERE id=?"); st.setString(1, Name); st.setString(2, Summary); st.setInt(3, ccid); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Modify Component Item in database"); } public void serverSaveSummary(int servid, String Name, String Summary) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_server SET name=?, summary=? WHERE id=?"); st.setString(1, Name); st.setString(2, Summary); st.setInt(3, servid); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Modify Server in database"); } public List<Server> getServers(int envid, boolean unallocated) { String sql; if (envid >= 0) { if (unallocated) { // Only list servers which have got no entry in dm_serversinenv sql = "select,,a.summary from dm.dm_server a where a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and not exists (select 'Y' from dm.dm_serversinenv b where b.serverid ="; } else { // List all servers apart from those which are already allocated to the specified environment sql = "select,,a.summary from dm.dm_server a where a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and not in (select b.serverid from dm.dm_serversinenv b where b.envid = " + envid + ")"; } } else { // Only list servers which have got no entry in dm_serversinenv sql = "select,,a.summary from dm.dm_server a where a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") order by 2"; } try { List<Server> ret = new ArrayList<Server>(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Server s = new Server(); s.setId(rs.getInt(1)); s.setName(rs.getString(2)); s.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); ret.add(s); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve Servers from database"); } public List<ServerLink> GetServerLinks(int envid) { try { List<ServerLink> ret = new ArrayList<ServerLink>(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT serverfrom,serverfromedge,serverto,servertoedge,label,style FROM dm.dm_server_connections WHERE envid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ServerLink sl = new ServerLink(rs.getInt(1), rs.getInt(3), rs.getInt(2), rs.getInt(4)); sl.setLabel(rs.getString(5)); sl.setStyle(rs.getString(6)); ret.add(sl); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve Server Links from database"); } public List<Component> getComponentsInEnvironment(int envid) { try { List<Component> ret = new ArrayList<Component>(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT,,a.summary FROM dm.dm_component a," + "dm.dm_compsallowedonserv b, " + "dm.dm_serversinenv c " + "WHERE = b.compid " + "AND b.serverid=c.serverid " + "AND c.envid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Component c = new Component(); c.setId(rs.getInt(1)); c.setName(rs.getString(2)); c.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); ret.add(c); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve Components for environment from database"); } public List<Server> GetServersWithComponents(int envid, int compid) { try { List<Server> ret = new ArrayList<Server>(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,,a.summary FROM dm.dm_server a," + "dm.dm_compsallowedonserv b, " + "dm.dm_serversinenv c " + "WHERE = b.serverid " + "AND b.compid=? " + "AND b.serverid=c.serverid " + "AND c.envid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, compid); stmt.setInt(2, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Server s = new Server(); s.setId(rs.getInt(1)); s.setName(rs.getString(2)); s.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); ret.add(s); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve Servers containing components from database"); } public List<Server> GetServersWithComponentsDeployed(int envid, int compid) { try { List<Server> ret = new ArrayList<Server>(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT,,a.summary FROM dm.dm_server a," + "dm.dm_compsonserv b, " + "dm.dm_serversinenv c " + "WHERE = b.serverid " + "AND b.compid=? " + "AND b.serverid=c.serverid " + "AND c.envid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, compid); stmt.setInt(2, envid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Server s = new Server(); s.setId(rs.getInt(1)); s.setName(rs.getString(2)); s.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); ret.add(s); } rs.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve Servers containing components from database"); } public void EnterEditMode(int actionid) { try { // Entering edit mode // // Need to check if anyone else is editing this // Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_actionedit WHERE actionid=" + actionid);; int c = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); if (c > 0) { // already being edited } else { // FOR NOW // --------- st.execute("INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionedit(actionid,editid,userid) VALUES (" + actionid + "," + actionid + "," + GetUserID() + ")"); } getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add Flow to database"); } public void LeaveEditMode(int actionid) { try { // Leaving edit mode // // Need to do all the copy back at this point // Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); st.execute("DELETE FROM dm.dm_actionedit WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " AND userid=" + GetUserID()); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Add Flow to database"); } public static boolean getBoolean(ResultSet rs, int col, boolean defaultValue) throws SQLException { String val = rs.getString(col); return (!rs.wasNull() && (val != null)) ? val.equalsIgnoreCase("Y") : defaultValue; } public static int getInteger(ResultSet rs, int col, int defaultValue) throws SQLException { int val = rs.getInt(col); return !rs.wasNull() ? val : defaultValue; } public static long getLong(ResultSet rs, int col, int defaultValue) throws SQLException { long val = rs.getLong(col); return !rs.wasNull() ? val : defaultValue; } public void setIntegerIfGreaterThanZero(PreparedStatement stmt, int col, int value) throws SQLException { if (value > 0) { stmt.setInt(col, value); } else { stmt.setNull(col, Types.INTEGER); } } public static String getString(ResultSet rs, int col, String defaultValue) throws SQLException { String val = rs.getString(col); return (!rs.wasNull() && (val != null)) ? val : defaultValue; } public void getCreatorModifier(ResultSet rs, int startcol, DMObject obj) throws SQLException { int creatorid = getInteger(rs, startcol, 0); if (creatorid != 0) { obj.setCreator(new User(this, creatorid, rs.getString(startcol + 1), rs.getString(startcol + 2))); } obj.setCreated(getInteger(rs, startcol + 3, 0)); int modifierid = getInteger(rs, startcol + 4, 0); if (modifierid != 0) { obj.setModifier(new User(this, modifierid, rs.getString(startcol + 5), rs.getString(startcol + 6))); } obj.setModified(getInteger(rs, startcol + 7, 0)); } private void getCreatorModifierOwner(ResultSet rs, int startcol, DMObject obj) throws SQLException { getCreatorModifier(rs, startcol, obj); int ownerid = getInteger(rs, startcol + 8, 0); if (ownerid != 0) { obj.setOwner(new User(this, ownerid, rs.getString(startcol + 9), rs.getString(startcol + 10))); } else { int groupid = getInteger(rs, startcol + 11, 0); if (groupid != 0) { obj.setOwner(new UserGroup(this, groupid, rs.getString(startcol + 12))); } } } public void getStatus(ResultSet rs, int col, DMObject obj) throws SQLException { String status = rs.getString(col); obj.setDeleted(status.equalsIgnoreCase("D")); obj.setUnconfigured(status.equalsIgnoreCase("U")); } private void getPreAndPostActions(ResultSet rs, int col, IPrePostAction obj) throws SQLException { int preactionid = getInteger(rs, col, 0); if (preactionid != 0) { Action preaction = getAction(preactionid, false); obj.setPreAction(preaction); } int postactionid = getInteger(rs, col + 3, 0); if (postactionid != 0) { Action postaction = getAction(postactionid, false); obj.setPostAction(postaction); } } public String formatDateToUserLocale(int when) { // TODO: Lookup User's locale and format string System.out.println("df = " + m_datefmt + " " + m_timefmt); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(m_datefmt + " " + m_timefmt); return sdf.format(new java.util.Date(1000 * (long) when)); } public Category createNewCategory(String name) { int count = -1; try { String csql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_category WHERE name=?"; PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); st1.setString(1, name); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); if ( { count = rs1.getInt(1); if (count == 0) { int newid = getID("category"); if (newid > 0) { String isql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_category(id,name) VALUES(?,?)"; PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(isql); st2.setInt(1, newid); st2.setString(2, name); st2.execute(); st2.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return new Category(newid, name); } } } rs1.close(); st1.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } if (count > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Category name already exists"); } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create category"); } public Engine createEngine(int domainid, String name) { int count = -1; try { String csql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_engine WHERE name=?"; PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); st1.setString(1, name); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); if ( { count = rs1.getInt(1); if (count == 0) { int newid = getID("engine"); if (newid > 0) { String isql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_engine(id,domainid,name,status) VALUES(?,?,?,'N')"; PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(isql); st2.setInt(1, newid); st2.setInt(2, domainid); st2.setString(3, name); st2.execute(); st2.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return new Engine(this, newid, name); } } } rs1.close(); st1.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } if (count > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Engine name already exists"); } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create engine"); } public Category getCategory(int id) { if (id == 0) { return Category.NO_CATEGORY; } try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT, FROM dm.dm_category c WHERE = ?"); st.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); Category ret = null; if ( { ret = new Category(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); } rs.close(); st.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Category " + id + " from Database"); } public List<Category> GetCategories() { try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id,name FROM dm.dm_category ORDER BY name"); List<Category> res = new ArrayList<Category>(); while ( { Category c = new Category(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); res.add(c); } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Categories from Database"); } public List<TreeObject> GetCategoriesAsTree() { try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id,name FROM dm.dm_category ORDER BY name"); List<TreeObject> res = new ArrayList<TreeObject>(); while ( { TreeObject c = new TreeObject(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); c.SetObjectType(ObjectType.ACTION_CATEGORY); res.add(c); } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Categories from Database"); } public List<Category> GetFragmentsAndCategories() { try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id,name FROM dm.dm_category ORDER BY name"); List<Category> res = new ArrayList<Category>(); while ( { Category c = new Category(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); Statement st2 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs2 = st2.executeQuery( "SELECT,,a.summary,a.exitpoints,a.drilldown, a.actionid FROM dm.dm_fragments a, dm.dm_fragment_categories b WHERE = and b.categoryid=" + c.getId() + " ORDER BY"); List<Fragment> Fragments = new ArrayList<Fragment>(); while ( { // id name summary exitpoints Fragments.add(new Fragment(rs2.getInt(1), rs2.getString(2), rs2.getString(3), rs2.getInt(4), rs2.getString(5), rs2.getInt(6))); } rs2.close(); st2.close(); c.setFragments(Fragments); res.add(c); } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Fragments and Categories from Database"); } public int getMaxWindowID(int actionid) { try { int res = 0; Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st .executeQuery("SELECT max(windowid) FROM dm.dm_actionfrags WHERE actionid=" + actionid); if ( { res = rs.getInt(1); } else { res = 0; } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Max Window ID from Database"); } public List<FragmentDetails> GetParentFragments(int actionid, int windowid) { List<FragmentDetails> res = new ArrayList<FragmentDetails>(); FragmentDetails fd = getFragmentDetails(actionid, windowid); if (fd.getFragmentName().length() == 0) fd.setFragmentName(fd.getTypeName()); res.add(fd); while (fd.getParentWindow() > 0) { fd = getFragmentDetails(actionid, fd.getParentWindow()); if (fd.getFragmentName().length() == 0) fd.setFragmentName(fd.getTypeName()); res.add(fd); } List<FragmentDetails> invertedList = new ArrayList<FragmentDetails>(); for (int i = res.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { invertedList.add(res.get(i)); } return invertedList; } public List<Component> getComponentsInDomain(boolean IncludeVersions) { try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs; if (IncludeVersions) { rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id,name,summary,parentid FROM dm.dm_component WHERE domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and status = 'N' ORDER BY name,parentid"); } else { rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id,name,summary,parentid FROM dm.dm_component WHERE domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") AND parentid IS NULL and status = 'N' ORDER BY name,parentid"); } List<Component> res = new ArrayList<Component>(); while ( { int parentid = rs.getInt(4); if (rs.wasNull()) { // Parent Component res.add(new Component(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3))); } else { // child (version) component - add these to the appropriate version for (Component c : res) { if (c.getId() == parentid) { // Found it Component childversion = new Component(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3)); List<Component> vl = c.getVersions(); if (vl == null) vl = new ArrayList<Component>(); vl.add(childversion); c.setVersions(vl); break; } } } } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Components and Versions from Database"); } public List<Application> getApplicationsInDomain(int domainid) { try { List<Application> res = new ArrayList<Application>(); Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs; rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id FROM dm.dm_application WHERE domainid=" + domainid + " AND status='N' ORDER BY name"); while ( { Application app = getApplication(rs.getInt(1), true); res.add(app); } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Applications in Domain from Database"); } public List<Application> getApplicationsInDomain(boolean IncludeVersions, boolean IncludeReleases) { System.out.println("getApplicationsInDomain(" + IncludeVersions + "," + IncludeReleases + ")"); try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs; if (IncludeVersions) { rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT id,name,summary,parentid, isrelease FROM dm.dm_application WHERE domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") AND status='N' ORDER BY name"); } else { rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT id,name,summary,parentid, isrelease FROM dm.dm_application WHERE domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") AND status='N' AND parentid IS NULL ORDER BY name,parentid"); } List<Application> res = new ArrayList<Application>(); while ( { String rel = getString(rs, 5, "N"); if (IncludeReleases || (!IncludeReleases && rel.equalsIgnoreCase("N"))) { int parentid = rs.getInt(4); if (rs.wasNull()) { // Parent Component Application a = new Application(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); a.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); a.setIsRelease(rel); res.add(a); } else { // child (version) application - add these to the appropriate version for (Application a : res) { if (a.getId() == parentid) { // Found it Application childversion = new Application(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); childversion.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); childversion.setIsRelease(rel); List<Application> vl = a.getVersions(); if (vl == null) vl = new ArrayList<Application>(); vl.add(childversion); a.setVersions(vl); break; } } } } } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Applications and Versions from Database"); } public List<Application> getDeployableApplicationsInDomain(Domain domain, Domain parent_domain, boolean IncludeVersions, boolean IncludeReleases) { System.out.println("getApplicationsInDomain(" + IncludeVersions + "," + IncludeReleases + ")"); try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs; String domlist = ""; String domquery = "domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") AND "; ResultSet rs2 = st.executeQuery("select id, position from dm.dm_domain where domainid = " + parent_domain.getId() + " and position >= (select position from dm.dm_domain where id = " + domain.getId() + ") order by position asc"); while ( { domlist += "," + rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); if (domlist.length() > 1) { domquery = "domainid in (" + domlist.substring(1) + ") AND "; } st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); if (IncludeVersions) { rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id,name,summary,parentid, isrelease FROM dm.dm_application WHERE " + domquery + " status='N' ORDER BY name"); } else { rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id,name,summary,parentid, isrelease FROM dm.dm_application WHERE " + domquery + " status='N' AND parentid IS NULL ORDER BY name,parentid"); } List<Application> res = new ArrayList<Application>(); while ( { String rel = getString(rs, 5, "N"); if (IncludeReleases || (!IncludeReleases && rel.equalsIgnoreCase("N"))) { int parentid = rs.getInt(4); if (!rs.wasNull()) { int k = 0; Statement st3 = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs3 = st3.executeQuery("select count(*) from dm.dm_application where id = " + parentid + " and status = 'N'"); while ( { k = rs3.getInt(1); } rs3.close(); st3.close(); if (k > 0) { Application a = new Application(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); a.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); a.setIsRelease(rel); res.add(a); } } else { Application a = new Application(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); a.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); a.setIsRelease(rel); res.add(a); } } } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Applications and Versions from Database"); } public List<Application> getChildApplicationVersions(Application app) { List<Application> ret = new ArrayList<Application>(); try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT id FROM dm.dm_application WHERE domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") AND status='N' AND parentid=" + app.getId() + " ORDER BY name"); while ( { Application ca = getApplication(rs.getInt(1), true); ret.add(ca); } rs.close(); st.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Child Applications from Database"); } public List<Environment> getEnvironmentsInDomain() { try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT,, e.summary,e.domainid FROM dm.dm_environment e " + "WHERE e.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") AND status='N' ORDER BY e.domainid,"); List<Environment> res = new ArrayList<Environment>(); while ( { Environment e = new Environment(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); e.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); e.setDomainId(rs.getInt(4)); res.add(e); } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get Environments from database"); } public List<Environment> getEnvironmentsInDomain(Domain mydomain) { try { Statement st = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT,, e.summary,e.domainid FROM dm.dm_environment e " + "WHERE e.domainid in (" + mydomain.getId() + ") AND status='N' ORDER BY e.domainid,"); List<Environment> res = new ArrayList<Environment>(); while ( { Environment e = new Environment(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); e.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); e.setDomainId(rs.getInt(4)); res.add(e); } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get Environments from database"); } // TODO: Phil is this used? RHT 31/01/2014 // int getBaseDomainForApplication(int appid) // { // // // // Given an application, returns the domain in which it currently resides. Given an // // application *version*, returns the domain of the "base" application. Used for // // Copy/Move tasks to prevent the application version being moved above the parent. // // // try // { // PreparedStatement ps = m_conn.prepareStatement( // "SELECT a.domainid,b.domainid " // + "FROM dm.dm_application a " // + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_application b ON a.parentid = " // + "WHERE"); // ps.setInt(1,appid); // ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); // if ( // { // int domainid=rs.getInt(1); // int parentdomainid = rs.getInt(2); // int res = rs.wasNull()?domainid:parentdomainid; // rs.close(); // ps.close(); // return res; // } // } // catch (SQLException ex) // { // ex.printStackTrace(); // rollback(); // } // throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Base Domain of Application from Database"); // } // // Task Stuff // ---------- // public TaskApprove getTaskApprove(int tid) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,, a.domainid, a.logoutput, a.subdomains, b.approvaldomain, a.successtemplateid, a.failuretemplateid, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_task a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_taskapprove b ON = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "WHERE"); st.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println("Getting new TaskApprove object"); TaskApprove ret = new TaskApprove(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); ret.setShowOutput(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); ret.setSubDomains(getBoolean(rs, 5, false)); Domain appdomain = getDomain(rs.getInt(6)); ret.setApprovalDomain(appdomain); int stid = getInteger(rs, 7, 0); int ftid = getInteger(rs, 8, 0); System.out.println("stid=" + stid + " ftid=" + ftid); NotifyTemplate nt = stid > 0 ? getTemplate(stid) : null; NotifyTemplate rt = ftid > 0 ? getTemplate(ftid) : null; ret.setSuccessTemplate(nt); ret.setFailureTemplate(rt); getCreatorModifier(rs, 9, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 17, ret); return ret; } else { // No row found - error throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Task Approve from Database"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public String getTaskAudit(String home, int serverid) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.add("serverid", serverid); TaskAudit audit = new TaskAudit(this, home, serverid);; obj.add("showoutput", audit.getShowOutput()); String ret = obj.getJSON(); return ret; } public String getTaskAudit(String home, int envid, boolean isEnv) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.add("envid", envid); String output = ""; try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT a.serverid WHERE a.envid=?"); st.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { int serverid = rs.getInt(1); TaskAudit audit = new TaskAudit(this, home, serverid);; output += audit.getShowOutput() + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } obj.add("showoutput", output); String ret = obj.getJSON(); return ret; } public TaskMove getTaskMove(int tid) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,, a.domainid, a.logoutput, a.subdomains, b.targetdomain, a.successtemplateid, a.failuretemplateid, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_task a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_taskmove b ON = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "WHERE"); st.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { TaskMove ret = new TaskMove(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); ret.setShowOutput(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); ret.setSubDomains(getBoolean(rs, 5, false)); Domain domain = getDomain(rs.getInt(6)); ret.setTargetDomain(domain); int stid = getInteger(rs, 7, 0); int ftid = getInteger(rs, 8, 0); System.out.println("stid=" + stid + " ftid=" + ftid); NotifyTemplate nt = stid > 0 ? getTemplate(stid) : null; NotifyTemplate rt = ftid > 0 ? getTemplate(ftid) : null; ret.setSuccessTemplate(nt); ret.setFailureTemplate(rt); getCreatorModifier(rs, 9, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 17, ret); return ret; } else { // No row found - error throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Task Move from Database"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public TaskRemove getTaskRemove(int tid) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT,, a.domainid, a.logoutput, a.subdomains, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_task a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "WHERE"); st.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { TaskRemove ret = new TaskRemove(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); ret.setShowOutput(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); ret.setSubDomains(getBoolean(rs, 5, false)); getCreatorModifier(rs, 6, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 14, ret); return ret; } else { // No row found - error throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Task Remove from Database"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public TaskDeploy getTaskDeploy(int tid) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,, a.domainid, a.logoutput, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_task a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "WHERE"); st.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { TaskDeploy ret = new TaskDeploy(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); ret.setShowOutput(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); getCreatorModifier(rs, 5, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 13, ret); return ret; } else { // No row found - error throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Task Deploy from Database"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public TaskAction getTaskAction(int tid) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,, a.domainid, a.logoutput, a.subdomains, b.actionid, a.successtemplateid, a.failuretemplateid, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_task a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_taskaction b ON = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "WHERE"); st.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { TaskAction ret = new TaskAction(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); ret.setShowOutput(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); ret.setSubDomains(getBoolean(rs, 5, false)); int actionid = getInteger(rs, 6, 0); if (actionid > 0) { Action action = getAction(actionid, true); ret.setAction(action); } int stid = getInteger(rs, 7, 0); int ftid = getInteger(rs, 8, 0); NotifyTemplate nt = stid > 0 ? getTemplate(stid) : null; NotifyTemplate ft = ftid > 0 ? getTemplate(ftid) : null; ret.setSuccessTemplate(nt); ret.setFailureTemplate(ft); getCreatorModifier(rs, 9, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 17, ret); return ret; } else { // No row found - error throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Task Action from Database"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public TaskRequest getTaskRequest(int tid) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,, a.domainid, a.logoutput, a.subdomains, b.linkedtaskid, a.successtemplateid, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_task a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_taskrequest b ON = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "WHERE"); st.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { TaskRequest ret = new TaskRequest(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); ret.setShowOutput(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); ret.setSubDomains(getBoolean(rs, 5, false)); int linkedtask = rs.getInt(6); if (!rs.wasNull() && (linkedtask > 0)) { Task linkedTask = getTask(linkedtask, false); ret.setLinkedTask(linkedTask); } int stid = getInteger(rs, 7, 0); NotifyTemplate nt = stid > 0 ? getTemplate(stid) : null; ret.setSuccessTemplate(nt); getCreatorModifier(rs, 8, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 16, ret); return ret; } else { // No row found - error throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Task Request from Database"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public TaskCreateVersion getTaskCreateVersion(int tid) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,, a.domainid, a.logoutput, a.subdomains, b.targetdomain, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_task a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_taskcreateversion b ON = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "WHERE"); st.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { TaskCreateVersion ret = new TaskCreateVersion(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); ret.setShowOutput(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); ret.setSubDomains(getBoolean(rs, 5, false)); Domain domain = getDomain(rs.getInt(6)); ret.setTargetDomain(domain); getCreatorModifier(rs, 7, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 15, ret); return ret; } else { // No row found - error throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Task Create Version from Database"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public TaskUserDefined getTaskUserDefined(int tid) { try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT,, a.domainid, a.logoutput, " + ",, uc.realname, a.created, " + ",, um.realname, a.modified, " + ",, a1.domainid,,, a2.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_task a " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user uc ON a.creatorid = " // creator + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_user um ON a.modifierid = " // modifier + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a1 ON a.preactionid = " // pre-action + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_action a2 ON a.postactionid = " // post-action + "WHERE"); st.setInt(1, tid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { TaskUserDefined ret = new TaskUserDefined(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setDomainId(rs.getInt(3)); ret.setShowOutput(getBoolean(rs, 4, false)); getCreatorModifier(rs, 5, ret); getPreAndPostActions(rs, 13, ret); return ret; } else { // No row found - error throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Get Task User Defined from Database"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } public boolean updateTaskCopy(int taskid, int tgtdomainid) { System.out.println("so.updateTaskCopy, taskid=" + taskid + " tgtdomainid=" + tgtdomainid); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_taskcopy SET targetdomain=? WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, tgtdomainid); st.setInt(2, taskid); st.execute(); if (st.getUpdateCount() == 0) { PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_taskcopy(id,targetdomain) VALUES(?,?)"); st2.setInt(1, taskid); st2.setInt(2, tgtdomainid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateTaskMove(int taskid, int tgtdomainid) { System.out.println("so.updateTaskMove, taskid=" + taskid + " tgtdomainid=" + tgtdomainid); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_taskmove SET targetdomain=? WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, tgtdomainid); st.setInt(2, taskid); st.execute(); if (st.getUpdateCount() == 0) { PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_taskmove(id,targetdomain) VALUES(?,?)"); st2.setInt(1, taskid); st2.setInt(2, tgtdomainid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateTaskApprove(int taskid, int appdomainid) { System.out.println("so.updateTaskApprove, taskid=" + taskid + " tgtdomainid=" + appdomainid); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_taskapprove SET approvaldomain=? WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, appdomainid); st.setInt(2, taskid); st.execute(); if (st.getUpdateCount() == 0) { PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_taskapprove(id,approvaldomain) VALUES(?,?)"); st2.setInt(1, taskid); st2.setInt(2, appdomainid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateTaskRequest(int taskid, int linkedtaskid) { System.out.println("so.updateTaskRequest, taskid=" + taskid + " linkedtaskid=" + linkedtaskid); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_taskrequest SET linkedtaskid=? WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, linkedtaskid); st.setInt(2, taskid); st.execute(); if (st.getUpdateCount() == 0) { PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_taskrequest(id,linkedtaskid) VALUES(?,?)"); st2.setInt(1, taskid); st2.setInt(2, linkedtaskid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateTaskAction(int taskid, int actionid) { System.out.println("so.updateTaskAction, taskid=" + taskid + " actionid=" + actionid); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_taskaction SET actionid=? WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, actionid); st.setInt(2, taskid); st.execute(); if (st.getUpdateCount() == 0) { PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_taskaction(id,actionid) VALUES(?,?)"); st2.setInt(1, taskid); st2.setInt(2, actionid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateTaskCreateVersion(int taskid, int tgtdomainid) { System.out.println("so.updateTaskCreateVersion, taskid=" + taskid + " tgtdomainid=" + tgtdomainid); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_taskcreateversion SET targetdomain=? WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, tgtdomainid); st.setInt(2, taskid); st.execute(); if (st.getUpdateCount() == 0) { PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_taskcreateversion(id,targetdomain) VALUES(?,?)"); st2.setInt(1, taskid); st2.setInt(2, tgtdomainid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); } st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateBranchLabel(int id, String objtype, String BranchName) { System.out.println( "so.updateBranchLabel, objtype=" + objtype + " appverid=" + id + " BranchName=" + BranchName); String tabname = (objtype.equalsIgnoreCase("cv")) ? "dm_component" : "dm_application"; try { if (BranchName == null || BranchName.length() == 0) { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm." + tabname + " SET branch=null WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, id); st.execute(); st.close(); } else { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm." + tabname + " SET branch=? WHERE id=?"); st.setString(1, BranchName); st.setInt(2, id); st.execute(); st.close(); } getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean updateServerLabel(int envid, int fromid, int toid, int fromside, int toside, String LabelName) { System.out.println("so.updateBranchLabel, fromid=" + fromid + " toid=" + toid + " fromside=" + fromside + " toside=" + toside + " LabelName=" + LabelName); try { if (LabelName == null || LabelName.length() == 0) { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_server_connections SET label=null WHERE envid=? AND serverfrom=? AND serverto=? AND serverfromedge=? AND servertoedge=?"); st.setInt(1, envid); st.setInt(2, fromid); st.setInt(3, toid); st.setInt(4, fromside); st.setInt(5, toside); st.execute(); st.close(); } else { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "UPDATE dm.dm_server_connections SET label=? WHERE envid=? AND serverfrom=? AND serverto=? AND serverfromedge=? AND servertoedge=?"); st.setString(1, LabelName); st.setInt(2, envid); st.setInt(3, fromid); st.setInt(4, toid); st.setInt(5, fromside); st.setInt(6, toside); st.execute(); st.close(); } getDBConnection().commit(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } // public boolean copyApplication(Application application,Domain domain) // { // System.out.println("in dmsesssion, copy application id="+application.getId()+""+domain.getId()); // try // { // // // // This is a move strictly speaking. At the moment an application version can only exist in one domain // // at a time. Need to change this... // // // PreparedStatement st = m_conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_application SET domainid=? WHERE id=?"); // st.setInt(1,domain.getId()); // st.setInt(2,application.getId()); // st.execute(); // st.close(); // m_conn.commit(); // return true; // } // catch (SQLException ex) // { // ex.printStackTrace(); // rollback(); // } // return false; // } // // Access Control // public boolean AddAccess(DMObject obj, String t, int gid, String st, boolean DomainInheritance) { // domaininherit no longer separate table - just use domainaccess // String TableName=DomainInheritance?"dm_domaininherit":obj.getDatabaseTable()+"access"; String TableName = DomainInheritance ? "dm_domainaccess" : obj.getDatabaseTable() + "access"; String KeyCol = obj.getForeignKey(); String AccessCol = ""; int ycol = 0; boolean added = false; String yname = null; if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("va")) { AccessCol = "viewaccess"; ycol = 3; yname = "View Access"; } // View Access (all objects) else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("ua")) { AccessCol = "updateaccess"; ycol = 4; yname = "Change Access"; } // Update Access (all objects) else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("ra")) { AccessCol = "readaccess"; ycol = 5; yname = obj.getReadTitle(); } // Read Access (some objects) else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("wa")) { AccessCol = "writeaccess"; ycol = 6; yname = obj.getWriteTitle(); } // Write Access (some objects) else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("vx")) { AccessCol = "viewaccess"; ycol = 3; yname = "View Access"; } // View Access (for inheritance) else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("ux")) { AccessCol = "updateaccess"; ycol = 4; yname = "Change Access"; } // Update Access (for inheritance) else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("rx")) { AccessCol = "readaccess"; ycol = 5; yname = obj.getReadTitle(); } // Read Access (for inheritance) else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("wx")) { AccessCol = "writeaccess"; ycol = 6; yname = obj.getWriteTitle(); } // Write Access (for inheritance) int id = obj.getId(); System.out.println("Adding Group to object objtype=" + obj.getObjectTypeAsInt() + " objid=" + id + " t=" + t + " gid=" + gid); String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm." + TableName + " WHERE " + KeyCol + "=" + id + " AND usrgrpid=?"; System.out.println("sql=" + sql); try { PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); st1.setInt(1, gid); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); if ( { int c = rs1.getInt(1); System.out.println("c=" + c); if (c > 0) { // Row already exists for this group/object String updSQL = "UPDATE dm." + TableName + " SET " + AccessCol + "=? WHERE " + KeyCol + "=? AND usrgrpid=?"; System.out.println("updSQL=" + updSQL); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updSQL); st2.setString(1, st); st2.setInt(2, id); st2.setInt(3, gid); st2.execute(); added = (st2.getUpdateCount() > 0); st2.close(); } else { // Row does not exist for this group/object - add it String insSQL; int lc; if (obj.hasReadWrite()) { insSQL = "INSERT INTO dm." + TableName + "(" + KeyCol + ",usrgrpid,viewaccess,updateaccess,readaccess,writeaccess) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; lc = 6; } else { insSQL = "INSERT INTO dm." + TableName + "(" + KeyCol + ",usrgrpid,viewaccess,updateaccess) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"; lc = 4; } System.out.println("insSQL=" + insSQL); PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(insSQL); st3.setInt(1, id); st3.setInt(2, gid); for (int i = 3; i <= lc; i++) { if (i == ycol) { st3.setString(i, st); } else { st3.setNull(i, Types.VARCHAR); } } st3.execute(); added = (st3.getUpdateCount() > 0); st3.close(); } // Record Change in object's timeline UserGroup grp = getGroup(gid); if (grp != null && yname != null) { // use insertUpdateRecord rather than recordObjectUpdate since this ignores 2 updates in close succession and if // a group has been dragged from one access group to another there are two updates // one after another (one for remove, one for add) insertUpdateRecord(obj, "Group " + grp.getName() + " added to " + yname, 0); } } st1.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return added; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } private void RemoveAccessInternal(DMObject obj, String t, int gid, boolean DomainInheritance) { // domaininherit no longer separate table - just use domainaccess // String TableName=DomainInheritance?"dm_domaininherit":obj.getDatabaseTable()+"access"; String TableName = DomainInheritance ? "dm_domainaccess" : obj.getDatabaseTable() + "access"; String KeyCol = obj.getForeignKey(); String AccessCol = ""; String yname = null; boolean inherited = false; Hashtable<Integer, ObjectAccess> acl = getAccessForDomain(obj.getDomainId()); ObjectAccess oa = acl.get(gid); if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("va")) { AccessCol = "viewaccess"; yname = "View Access"; inherited = (oa != null) ? oa.isViewable() : false; } else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("ua")) { AccessCol = "updateaccess"; yname = "Change Access"; inherited = (oa != null) ? oa.isUpdatable() : false; } else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("wa")) { AccessCol = "writeaccess"; yname = obj.getWriteTitle(); inherited = (oa != null) ? oa.isWriteable() : false; } else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("ra")) { AccessCol = "readaccess"; yname = obj.getReadTitle(); inherited = (oa != null) ? oa.isReadable() : false; } else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("vx")) { AccessCol = "viewaccess"; yname = "View Access"; inherited = (oa != null) ? oa.isViewable() : false; } else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("ux")) { AccessCol = "updateaccess"; yname = "Change Access"; inherited = (oa != null) ? oa.isUpdatable() : false; } else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("wx")) { AccessCol = "writeaccess"; yname = obj.getWriteTitle(); inherited = (oa != null) ? oa.isWriteable() : false; } else if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("rx")) { AccessCol = "readaccess"; yname = obj.getReadTitle(); inherited = (oa != null) ? oa.isReadable() : false; } int id = obj.getId(); System.out.println("Removing Group from object objtype=" + obj.getObjectTypeAsInt() + " objid=" + id + " t=" + t + " gid=" + gid); System.out.println("inherited=" + inherited); String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm." + TableName + " WHERE " + KeyCol + "=? AND usrgrpid=? AND " + AccessCol + " is not null"; System.out.println("sql=" + sql); try { PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); st1.setInt(1, id); st1.setInt(2, gid); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); if ( { int c = rs1.getInt(1); System.out.println("c=" + c); if (c > 0) { // Row exists for this group/object/accesstype String chkSQL = "SELECT " + AccessCol + " FROM dm." + TableName + " WHERE " + KeyCol + "=? AND usrgrpid=?"; System.out.println("chkSQL=" + chkSQL); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(chkSQL); st2.setInt(1, id); st2.setInt(2, gid); ResultSet rs2 = st2.executeQuery(); if ( { String oldAccess = rs2.getString(1); System.out.println("oldAccess=" + oldAccess); } rs2.close(); st2.close(); String updSQL = "UPDATE dm." + TableName + " SET " + AccessCol + "=null WHERE " + KeyCol + "=? AND usrgrpid=?"; System.out.println("updSQL=" + updSQL); PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updSQL); st3.setInt(1, id); st3.setInt(2, gid); st3.execute(); st3.close(); // // Remove the row if there are no more significant values left // String delSQL; if (obj.hasReadWrite()) { delSQL = "DELETE FROM dm." + TableName + " WHERE " + KeyCol + "=? AND usrgrpid=? AND viewaccess is null AND updateaccess is null AND writeaccess is null AND readaccess is null"; } else { delSQL = "DELETE FROM dm." + TableName + " WHERE " + KeyCol + "=? AND usrgrpid=? AND viewaccess is null AND updateaccess is null"; } PreparedStatement st4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(delSQL); st4.setInt(1, id); st4.setInt(2, gid); st4.execute(); st4.close(); // Record to the object's timeline UserGroup grp = getGroup(gid); if (grp != null && yname != null) { if (inherited) { // use insertUpdateRecord rather than recordObjectUpdate since this ignores 2 updates in close succession and if // a group has been dragged from one access group to another there are two updates // one after another (one for remove, one for add) insertUpdateRecord(obj, "Inherited " + yname + " restored to Group " + grp.getName(), 0); } else { insertUpdateRecord(obj, "Group " + grp.getName() + " removed from " + yname, 0); } } } else { // Row not found - since it was clearly there when the screen was displayed then either (a) the row has been deleted // by someone else or (b) this is an inherited permission. If it's an inherited permission then we need to insert a // row here with a "N" flag in the appropriate place since the user presumably wants to override the inherited permission // and remove access // String cSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm." + TableName + " WHERE " + KeyCol + "=? AND usrgrpid=?"; System.out.println(cSQL); System.out.println("id=" + id + " gid=" + gid); PreparedStatement st4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(cSQL); st4.setInt(1, id); st4.setInt(2, gid); ResultSet rs4 = st4.executeQuery(); if ( { int c2 = rs4.getInt(1); System.out.println("c2=" + c2); if (c2 > 0) { // Row already exists for this object and group - set the access type to N String uSQL = "UPDATE dm." + TableName + " set " + AccessCol + "='N' WHERE " + KeyCol + "=? AND usrgrpid=?"; PreparedStatement st5 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(uSQL); st5.setInt(1, id); st5.setInt(2, gid); st5.execute(); st5.close(); // Record to the object's timeline UserGroup grp = getGroup(gid); if (grp != null && yname != null) { if (inherited) { insertUpdateRecord(obj, "Inherited " + yname + " denied to group " + grp.getName(), 0); } else { insertUpdateRecord(obj, "Group " + grp.getName() + " removed from " + yname, 0); } } } else { String iSQL = "INSERT INTO dm." + TableName + "(" + KeyCol + ",usrgrpid," + AccessCol + ") VALUES(?,?,'N')"; PreparedStatement st6 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(iSQL); st6.setInt(1, id); st6.setInt(2, gid); st6.execute(); st6.close(); // Record to the object's timeline UserGroup grp = getGroup(gid); if (grp != null && yname != null) { if (inherited) { insertUpdateRecord(obj, "Inherited " + yname + " denied to group " + grp.getName(), 0); } else { insertUpdateRecord(obj, "Group " + grp.getName() + " removed from " + yname, 0); } } } } rs4.close(); st4.close(); } } st1.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void RemoveAccess(DMObject obj, String t, int gid, boolean DomainInheritance) { RemoveAccessInternal(obj, t, gid, DomainInheritance); } public void RemoveDenyAccess(DMObject obj, String t, int gid, boolean DomainInheritance) { RemoveAccessInternal(obj, t, gid, DomainInheritance); } public void setUserPermissions(int groupid, UserPermissions up) { if (groupid > 0) { try { // Setting permissions for a specific group PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT cobjtype FROM dm.dm_privileges WHERE groupid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, groupid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ObjectType x = ObjectType.fromInt(rs.getInt(1)); if (x != null) { switch (x) { case USER: up.setCreateUsers(true); break; case USERGROUP: up.setCreateGroups(true); break; case DOMAIN: up.setCreateDomains(true); break; case ENVIRONMENT: up.setCreateEnvs(true); break; case SERVER: up.setCreateServers(true); break; case REPOSITORY: up.setCreateRepos(true); break; case APPLICATION: up.setCreateApps(true); break; case APPVERSION: up.setCreateAppvers(true); break; case COMPONENT: up.setCreateComps(true); break; case CREDENTIALS: up.setCreateCreds(true); break; case ACTION: up.setCreateActions(true); break; case PROCEDURE: up.setCreateProcs(true); break; case DATASOURCE: up.setCreateDatasrc(true); break; case NOTIFY: up.setCreateNotifiers(true); break; case BUILDER: up.setCreateEngines(true); break; default: break; } } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } } public boolean getCreatePermission(ObjectType objtype) { try { boolean res = false; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_privileges a,dm.dm_usersingroup b WHERE a.groupid=b.groupid AND a.cobjtype=? AND b.userid=?"); System.out.println("Looking for object type " + objtype.value() + " with userid=" + getUserID()); stmt.setInt(1, objtype.value()); stmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int count = rs.getInt(1); System.out.println("count=" + count); if (count > 0) res = true; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); System.out.println("returning res=" + res); return res; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public void setPermissionsForGroup(int groupid, UserPermissions up) { try { System.out.println("setPermissionsForGroup - enter"); List<ObjectType> ots = new ArrayList<ObjectType>(); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dm.dm_privileges WHERE groupid=?"); stmt.setInt(1, groupid); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_privileges(groupid,cobjtype) VALUES(?,?)"); stmt.setInt(1, groupid); if (up.getCreateUsers()) ots.add(ObjectType.USER); if (up.getCreateGroups()) ots.add(ObjectType.USERGROUP); if (up.getCreateDomains()) ots.add(ObjectType.DOMAIN); if (up.getCreateEnvs()) ots.add(ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT); if (up.getCreateServers()) ots.add(ObjectType.SERVER); if (up.getCreateRepos()) ots.add(ObjectType.REPOSITORY); if (up.getCreateComps()) ots.add(ObjectType.COMPONENT); if (up.getCreateCreds()) ots.add(ObjectType.CREDENTIALS); if (up.getCreateApps()) ots.add(ObjectType.APPLICATION); if (up.getCreateAppvers()) ots.add(ObjectType.APPVERSION); if (up.getCreateActions()) ots.add(ObjectType.ACTION); if (up.getCreateProcs()) ots.add(ObjectType.PROCEDURE); if (up.getCreateDatasrc()) ots.add(ObjectType.DATASOURCE); if (up.getCreateNotifiers()) ots.add(ObjectType.NOTIFY); if (up.getCreateEngines()) ots.add(ObjectType.BUILDER); for (ObjectType ot : ots) { System.out.println("adding " + + " value " + ot.value()); stmt.setInt(2, ot.value()); stmt.execute(); } stmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } System.out.println("Set permissions for group - exit"); } public void setGroupTabAccess(int groupid, String AclOverride, String endpoints, String applications, String actions, String providers, String users) { DynamicQueryBuilder query = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_usergroup SET "); query.add("modified = ?, modifierid = ?", timeNow(), getUserID()); if (AclOverride != null) { query.add(", acloverride=?", AclOverride); } if (endpoints != null) { query.add(", tabendpoints=?", endpoints); } if (applications != null) { query.add(", tabapplications=?", applications); } if (actions != null) { query.add(", tabactions=?", actions); } if (providers != null) { query.add(", tabproviders=?", providers); } if (users != null) { query.add(", tabusers=?", users); } query.add(" WHERE id = ?", groupid); try { query.execute(); getDBConnection().commit(); query.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } // Notifier Templates public List<UserGroup> getGroupsForTemplate(int templateid, boolean inTemplate) { List<UserGroup> ret = new ArrayList<UserGroup>(); String sql = null; ; if (!inTemplate) { sql = "SELECT, FROM dm.dm_usergroup a WHERE a.status<>'D' AND a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and not exists (select b.usrgrpid from dm.dm_templaterecipients b where b.templateid=? AND AND b.usrgrpid is not null) order by"; } else { sql = "SELECT, FROM dm.dm_usergroup a,dm.dm_templaterecipients b where a.status<>'D' AND and b.templateid=? order by"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, templateid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { UserGroup ug = new UserGroup(); ug.setId(rs.getInt(1)); ug.setName(rs.getString(2)); ret.add(ug); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } public List<User> getUsersForTemplate(int templateid, boolean inTemplate) { String[] sdesc = new String[3]; int[] special = new int[3]; sdesc[0] = "${server.owner}"; sdesc[1] = "${application.owner}"; sdesc[2] = "${environment.owner}"; List<User> ret = new ArrayList<User>(); String sql; String sqlx = "SELECT ownertype FROM dm.dm_templaterecipients WHERE templateid=? AND ownertype IS NOT NULL"; if (!inTemplate) { sql = "SELECT, FROM dm.dm_user a WHERE a.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") and not exists (select b.userid from dm.dm_templaterecipients b where b.templateid=? and and b.userid is not null) ORDER BY name"; } else { sql = "SELECT, FROM dm.dm_user a,dm.dm_templaterecipients b where and b.templateid=? order by"; } try { PreparedStatement stmtx = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sqlx); stmtx.setInt(1, templateid); ResultSet rsx = stmtx.executeQuery(); while ( { int sid = rsx.getInt(1); special[sid - 1] = 1; if (inTemplate) { User t = new User(); t.setId(0 - sid); t.setName(sdesc[sid - 1]); ret.add(t); } } rsx.close(); stmtx.close(); if (!inTemplate) { // add the specials that are not being used by the template for (int i = 0; i < sdesc.length; i++) { if (special[i] == 0) { User t = new User(); t.setId(0 - (i + 1)); t.setName(sdesc[i]); ret.add(t); } } } PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, templateid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { User u = new User(); u.setId(rs.getInt(1)); u.setName(rs.getString(2)); ret.add(u); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } private void addRecipientToTemplate(String colname, int templateid, int id) { try { String csql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_templaterecipients WHERE " + colname + "=? AND templateid=?"; String isql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_templaterecipients(templateid," + colname + ") VALUES (?,?)"; String usql = "UPDATE dm.dm_template set modified=?, modifierid=? WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement cstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); cstmt.setInt(1, id); cstmt.setInt(2, templateid); ResultSet crs = cstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // got the count (should never fail) - if > 0 already there, otherwise we insert if (crs.getInt(1) == 0) { // not already there PreparedStatement istmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(isql); istmt.setInt(1, templateid); istmt.setInt(2, id); istmt.execute(); if (istmt.getUpdateCount() > 0) { // Updated - change the last modified time of the template PreparedStatement ustmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); ustmt.setLong(1, timeNow()); ustmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); ustmt.setInt(3, templateid); ustmt.execute(); ustmt.close(); } getDBConnection().commit(); istmt.close(); } } crs.close(); cstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void removeRecipientFromTemplate(String colname, int templateid, int id) { try { String dsql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_templaterecipients WHERE templateid=? AND " + colname + "=?"; PreparedStatement dstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsql); dstmt.setInt(1, templateid); dstmt.setInt(2, id); dstmt.execute(); dstmt.close(); String usql = "UPDATE dm.dm_template set modified=?, modifierid=? WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement ustmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); ustmt.setLong(1, timeNow()); ustmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); ustmt.setInt(3, templateid); ustmt.execute(); ustmt.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void addUserToTemplate(int templateid, int userid) { addRecipientToTemplate("userid", templateid, userid); } public void addGroupToTemplate(int templateid, int groupid) { addRecipientToTemplate("usrgrpid", templateid, groupid); } public void addSpecialToTemplate(int templateid, int specialid) { addRecipientToTemplate("ownertype", templateid, specialid); } public void removeUserFromTemplate(int templateid, int userid) { removeRecipientFromTemplate("userid", templateid, userid); } public void removeGroupFromTemplate(int templateid, int groupid) { removeRecipientFromTemplate("usrgrpid", templateid, groupid); } public void removeSpecialFromTemplate(int templateid, int specialid) { removeRecipientFromTemplate("ownertype", templateid, specialid); } public void saveTemplateBody(int templateid, String subject, String body) { try { long t = timeNow(); String usql = "UPDATE dm.dm_template set modified=?, modifierid=?, subject=?,body=? WHERE id=?"; System.out.println("usql=" + usql + " templateid=" + templateid); PreparedStatement ustmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(usql); ustmt.setLong(1, t); ustmt.setInt(2, getUserID()); ustmt.setString(3, subject); ustmt.setString(4, body); ustmt.setInt(5, templateid); ustmt.execute(); System.out.println("update count=" + ustmt.getUpdateCount()); getDBConnection().commit(); ustmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public List<NotifyTemplate> getAccessibleTemplates(String objid, int domainid) { System.out.println("getAccessibleTemplates(" + objid + "," + domainid + ")"); if (objid.startsWith("task")) { objid = "ta" + objid.substring(4); } ObjectTypeAndId x = new ObjectTypeAndId(objid); Domain d = null; if (x.getId() > 0) { // Get domain from object DMObject obj = this.getObject(x.getObjectType(), x.getId()); System.out.println("obj = " + obj.getName()); d = obj.getDomain(); } else { // New object - get domain from tree d = getDomain(domainid); } Hashtable<Integer, char[]> accessRights = new Hashtable<Integer, char[]>(); try { System.out.println("getting templates for domain " + d.getId()); String sql1 = "select,b.viewaccess,b.readaccess " + "from dm.dm_notify a, " + " dm.dm_notifyaccess b, " + " dm.dm_usersingroup c " + "where c.userid=? " + "and c.groupid=b.usrgrpid " + "and " + "and a.domainid=? " + "union " + "select,e.viewaccess,e.readaccess " + "from dm.dm_notify d, " + " dm.dm_notifyaccess e " + "where e.usrgrpid=1 " // user group 1 = Everyone + "and " + "and d.domainid=? "; String sql2 = "SELECT,,, n.domainid " + "FROM dm.dm_template t,dm.dm_notify n WHERE n.domainid =? AND n.status = 'N' " + "AND t.status = 'N' AND t.notifierid = ORDER BY 2"; List<NotifyTemplate> ret = new ArrayList<NotifyTemplate>(); PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); while (d != null && d.getId() >= 1) { System.out.println("domain is " + d.getName() + ") read=" + d.isReadable(true) + " write=" + d.isWriteable(true) + " update=" + d.isUpdatable(true) + " view=" + d.isViewable(true)); if (!m_OverrideAccessControl) { // Get a list of actions in this domain with non-default access permissions System.out.println("no override access, getting list of overrides userid=" + getUserID() + " domainid=" + d.getId()); stmt1.setInt(1, getUserID()); stmt1.setInt(2, d.getId()); stmt1.setInt(3, d.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { char[] ar = new char[2]; ar[0] = getString(rs, 2, "-").charAt(0); ar[1] = getString(rs, 3, "-").charAt(0); System.out.println( "notifyaccess) id=" + rs.getInt(1) + " ar[0]=" + ar[0] + " ar[1]=" + ar[1]); accessRights.put(rs.getInt(1), ar); } rs.close(); } stmt2.setInt(1, d.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt2.executeQuery(); while ( { boolean include = false; int notifierid = rs.getInt(1); NotifyTemplate t = new NotifyTemplate(this, rs.getInt(2), rs.getString(3)); if (!m_OverrideAccessControl) { // Need to check permissions on this notifier. Only include it if it's both // viewable and readable (send rights) char[] ar = accessRights.get(notifierid); if (ar != null) { System.out.println(t.getId() + ") ar[0]=" + ar[0] + " ar[1]=" + ar[1]); boolean viewable = (ar[0] == 'Y') ? true : (ar[0] == '-') ? d.isViewable(true) : false; boolean sendable = (ar[1] == 'Y') ? true : (ar[1] == '-') ? d.isReadable(true) : false; System.out.println("viewable=" + viewable + " sendable=" + sendable); if (viewable && sendable) include = true; } else { // No override record System.out.println("no override record for " + t.getId() + " (" + t.getName() + "), taking domain permissions d.isViewable(true)=" + d.isViewable(true) + " d.isReadable(true)=" + d.isReadable(true)); include = (d.isViewable(true) && d.isReadable(true)); } } else { include = true; // override access control } if (include) { t.setDomainId(rs.getInt(4)); ret.add(t); } else { // debug System.out.println("Not adding template " + t.getName()); } } rs.close(); d = d.getDomain(); } stmt2.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve templates from database"); /* String sql = "SELECT, " + "FROM dm.dm_template t,dm.dm_notify n WHERE n.domainid in (" + m_domainlist + ") AND n.status = 'N' " + "AND t.status = 'N' AND t.notifierid = ORDER BY 2"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<NotifyTemplate> ret = new ArrayList<NotifyTemplate>(); while( { NotifyTemplate t = new NotifyTemplate(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.add(t); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch(SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve templates from database"); */ } // // Task Validatation // public class TaskValidateException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; String m_issue; public TaskValidateException(String message) { m_issue = message; } public String getIssue() { return m_issue; } } private String ValidateDeployPermission(int appid, int envid) { Environment env = getEnvironment(envid, false); Application app = getApplication(appid, false); if (!app.isWriteable()) return "You do not have permission to deploy this application"; if (!env.isReadable()) return "You do not have permission to deploy to this environment"; return null; } String ValidateDeploy(int appid, int envid) { String sql1 = "SELECT calusage FROM dm.dm_environment WHERE id=?"; String sql2 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_availability WHERE envid=? AND unavailstart <= ? AND unavailend >= ?"; String sql3 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_calendar WHERE status <> 'D' AND envid=? AND appid=? AND starttime <= ? AND endtime >=?"; String sql3a = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_calendar WHERE status <> 'D' AND envid=? AND starttime <= ? AND endtime >=? AND appid = (SELECT parentid FROM dm.dm_application WHERE id=?);"; String sql4 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_calendar WHERE status <> 'D' AND envid=? AND starttime <= ? AND endtime >=?"; Environment env = getEnvironment(envid, false); // Application app = getApplication(appid,false); try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, envid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { String calusage = rs1.getString(1); if (rs1.wasNull()) calusage = "e"; rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); if (calusage.equalsIgnoreCase("x")) { // Environment has been marked as "unavailable" throw new TaskValidateException("Cannot deploy to environment \"" + env.getName() + "\": environment has been marked as \"unavailable\"."); } else { // Check if there's an "unavailable" slot occupying current time Calendar sow = new GregorianCalendar(); int dow = sow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); // Day of Week 1 (Sun) to 7 (Sat) int dom = 0; switch (dow) { case Calendar.SUNDAY: dom = 11; // Sun 11th Jan 1970 break; case Calendar.MONDAY: dom = 5; // Mon 5th Jan 1970 break; case Calendar.TUESDAY: dom = 6; // Tue 6th Jan 1970 break; case Calendar.WEDNESDAY: dom = 7; // Wed 7th Jan 1970 break; case Calendar.THURSDAY: dom = 8; // Thu 8th Jan 1970 break; case Calendar.FRIDAY: dom = 9; // Fri 9th Jan 1970 break; case Calendar.SATURDAY: dom = 10; // Sat 10th Jan 1970 break; } sow.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JANUARY); sow.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1970); sow.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dom); sow.set(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET, 0); // 345600 is num of secs from 1/1/1970 to 5/1/1970 (start of calendar) long fromsow = (sow.getTimeInMillis() / 1000) - 345600; // this calcs offset in seconds from midnight on Monday PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, envid); stmt2.setLong(2, fromsow); stmt2.setLong(3, fromsow); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); int c = 0; if ( c = rs2.getInt(1); rs2.close(); stmt2.close(); if (c > 0) throw new TaskValidateException( "Environment \"" + env.getName() + "\" is currently unavailable"); // // Check to see if there's currently a calendar event for this application // long now = timeNow(); PreparedStatement stmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt3.setInt(1, envid); stmt3.setInt(2, appid); stmt3.setLong(3, now); stmt3.setLong(4, now); ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery(); c = 0; if ( c = rs3.getInt(1); rs3.close(); stmt3.close(); if (c > 0) return ValidateDeployPermission(appid, envid); // No error (there's an entry in the calendar for this app) // // Check if the application in the calendar is an app and not a version. If so, allow any // application version of that app to be deployed // System.out.println("Didn't find exact match - checking envid=" + envid + " appid=" + appid + " now=" + now); PreparedStatement stmt3a = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3a); stmt3a.setInt(1, envid); stmt3a.setLong(2, now); stmt3a.setLong(3, now); stmt3a.setInt(4, appid); ResultSet rs3a = stmt3a.executeQuery(); c = 0; if ( c = rs3a.getInt(1); rs3a.close(); stmt3a.close(); System.out.println("c is " + c); if (c > 0) return ValidateDeployPermission(appid, envid); // No error (there's an entry in the calendar for this app) if (calusage.equalsIgnoreCase("o")) { // Environment is always available except when calendar entries say otherwise PreparedStatement stmt4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql4); stmt4.setInt(1, envid); stmt4.setLong(2, now); stmt4.setLong(3, now); ResultSet rs4 = stmt4.executeQuery(); c = 0; if ( c = rs4.getInt(1); rs4.close(); stmt4.close(); if (c > 0) throw new TaskValidateException("Cannot deploy to environment \"" + env.getName() + "\": The environment is reserved for a different application package or version"); } else if (calusage.equalsIgnoreCase("e")) { // Environment is only available for deployment when there's a calendar entry giving us permission throw new TaskValidateException("Cannot deploy to environment \"" + env.getName() + "\": There is no entry in the calendar for this application package or version"); } // success return ValidateDeployPermission(appid, envid); } } else { rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); throw new TaskValidateException("Failed to find calusage for envid " + envid); } } catch (TaskValidateException ex) { return ex.getIssue(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to ValidateDeploy"); } String ValidateMove(int appid, int tgtid, int srcid) { Application app = getApplication(appid, false); Domain tgt = getDomain(tgtid); System.out.println("Checking appid=" + appid + " source domain=" + srcid + " target domain=" + tgtid); String sql1 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_task a,dm.dm_tasktypes b WHERE a.domainid=? AND and'Approve'"; String sql2 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_approval WHERE appid=? AND approved='Y' AND domainid=? AND " + whencol + " = " + "(SELECT max(" + whencol + ") FROM dm.dm_approval WHERE appid=? AND domainid=?)"; try { PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, srcid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); int c = 0; if ( c = rs1.getInt(1); rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); if (c == 0) return null; // There is no approve task in this domain - allow to run // // Check for approval // PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, appid); stmt2.setInt(2, tgtid); stmt2.setInt(3, appid); stmt2.setInt(4, tgtid); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); if ( { c = rs2.getInt(1); if (c == 0) { rs2.close(); stmt2.close(); throw new TaskValidateException( "Cannot move " + app.getName() + ": it is not approved for domain " + tgt.getName()); } } rs2.close(); stmt2.close(); return null; } catch (TaskValidateException ex) { return ex.getIssue(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to ValidateMove"); } boolean isTaskInDomain(int domainid, TaskType tt) { System.out.println( "domainid=" + domainid + " tt=" + tt.toString().replace("_", "") + " userid=" + getUserID()); String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_task a, " + "dm.dm_tasktypes b, " + "dm.dm_taskaccess c, " + "dm_usersingroup d " + "WHERE a.domainid=? " + "AND and lower( " + "AND AND c.usrgrpid in (d.groupid,1) " + "AND d.userid=?"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, domainid); stmt.setString(2, tt.toString().replace("_", "")); stmt.setInt(3, getUserID()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println("createversion count=" + rs.getInt(1)); return rs.getInt(1) > 0; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } boolean CheckSubscription(String ot, int id) { ObjectType kind = ObjectType.DOMAIN; if (ot.equalsIgnoreCase("environment")) kind = ObjectType.ENVIRONMENT; else if (ot.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) kind = ObjectType.APPLICATION; else if (ot.equalsIgnoreCase("appversion")) kind = ObjectType.APPVERSION; else if (ot.equalsIgnoreCase("release")) kind = ObjectType.RELEASE; else if (ot.equalsIgnoreCase("relversion")) kind = ObjectType.RELVERSION; try { String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_historysubs WHERE id=? AND kind=? AND userid=?"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); System.out.println("Checking id=" + id + " kind=" + kind.value() + " userid=" + getUserID()); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setInt(2, kind.value()); stmt.setInt(3, getUserID()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println("count=" + rs.getInt(1)); return rs.getInt(1) > 0; } return false; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } String ChangePassword(String oldpass, String newpass) { // // Changing the password for the logged in user. If the user is changing the password because // "forcechange" is set, then we don't need the old password (since we'll have just logged in) // String res = null; String hash = null; try { System.out.println("Verifying old password (" + oldpass + ")"); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT passhash FROM dm.dm_user where id = ?"); st.setInt(1, getUserID()); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if (! { res = "Failed to get password from DB"; } else { hash = rs.getString(1); if (oldpass != null) { String base64pw = encryptPassword(oldpass); // Compare the encrypted passwords if ((hash == null) || (!base64pw.equals(hash))) { res = "Old password incorrect - please try again"; } } } rs.close(); st.close(); if (res == null) { // old password has been verified or was not needed if (newpass.length() < 4) { res = "Password must be at least 4 characters long"; } else { // Try encoding it String newbase64pw = encryptPassword(newpass); if (hash != null && newbase64pw.equals(hash)) { res = "New password cannot be the same as existing password"; } else { // New password is encrypted and is different to original - update password. PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("UPDATE dm.dm_user SET passhash=?,forcechange='N' WHERE id = ?"); st2.setString(1, newbase64pw); st2.setInt(2, getUserID()); st2.execute(); if (st2.getUpdateCount() < 1) { res = "Failed to update password in database"; } else { getDBConnection().commit(); } st2.close(); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return res; } // Copy/Paste public void CopyObject(String objtype, int id) { setCopyObjType(objtype); setCopyId(id); } public String getPasteObjectType() { return getCopyObjType(); } public int getPasteObjectId() { return getCopyId(); } public boolean CopyAttributes(String TableName, String foreignkey, int oldid, int newid) { System.out.println("CopyAttributes(\"" + TableName + "\",\"" + foreignkey + "\"," + oldid + "," + newid); try { String arrsql = "SELECT arrayid FROM " + TableName + " WHERE arrayid IS NOT NULL AND " + foreignkey + "=?"; PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(arrsql); st1.setInt(1, oldid); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); while ( { // Take a copy of the array int newarrid = getID("arrayvalues"); String coparr = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_arrayvalues(id,name,value) SELECT ?,name,value FROM dm.dm_arrayvalues WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement sta = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(coparr); sta.setInt(1, newarrid); sta.setInt(2, rs1.getInt(1)); sta.execute(); } rs1.close(); String varsql = "INSERT INTO " + TableName + "(" + foreignkey + ",name,value,arrayid,nocase) SELECT ?,name,value,arrayid,nocase FROM " + TableName + " WHERE " + foreignkey + "=?"; PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(varsql); st2.setInt(1, newid); st2.setInt(2, oldid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean CopyServerAttributes(int oldid, int newid) { System.out.println("CopyServerAttributes"); try { String selsql = "SELECT hostname,protocol,notes,basedir,typeid,uname FROM dm.dm_server WHERE id=?"; String updsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_server SET hostname=?, protocol=?, notes=?, basedir=?,typeid=?,uname=? WHERE id=?"; String cpysql1 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_servercomptype(serverid,comptypeid) SELECT ?,comptypeid FROM dm.dm_servercomptype WHERE serverid=?"; PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(selsql); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql); PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(cpysql1); st1.setInt(1, oldid); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); while ( { st2.setString(1, rs1.getString(1)); st2.setString(2, rs1.getString(2)); st2.setString(3, rs1.getString(3)); st2.setString(4, rs1.getString(4)); st2.setInt(5, rs1.getInt(5)); st2.setString(6, rs1.getString(6)); st2.setInt(7, newid); st2.execute(); } rs1.close(); st1.close(); st2.close(); st3.setInt(1, newid); st3.setInt(2, oldid); st3.execute(); return CopyAttributes("dm.dm_servervars", "serverid", oldid, newid); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean CopyBuilderAttributes(int oldid, int newid) { System.out.println("CopyBuilderAttributes"); /* try { String selsql = "SELECT hostname,protocol,notes,basedir,typeid,uname FROM dm.dm_server WHERE id=?"; String updsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_server SET hostname=?, protocol=?, notes=?, basedir=?,typeid=?,uname=? WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement st1 = m_conn.prepareStatement(selsql); PreparedStatement st2 = m_conn.prepareStatement(updsql); PreparedStatement st3 = m_conn.prepareStatement(cpysql1); PreparedStatement st4 = m_conn.prepareStatement(cpysql2); st1.setInt(1,oldid); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); while ( { st2.setString(1,rs1.getString(1)); st2.setString(2,rs1.getString(2)); st2.setString(3,rs1.getString(3)); st2.setString(4,rs1.getString(4)); st2.setInt(5,rs1.getInt(5)); st2.setString(6,rs1.getString(6)); st2.setInt(7,newid); st2.execute(); } rs1.close(); st1.close(); st2.close(); st3.setInt(1,newid); st3.setInt(2,oldid); st3.execute(); st4.setInt(1,newid); st4.setInt(2,oldid); st4.execute(); return CopyAttributes("dm.dm_servervars","serverid",oldid,newid); } catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; */ return true; } private boolean CopyComponentAttributes(int oldid, int newid) { try { // Copy Component Items HashMap<Integer, Integer> predmap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> ci1map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> ci2map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); String dasql[] = { "UPDATE dm.dm_component SET deployalways=(SELECT deployalways FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=?) WHERE id=?", "UPDATE dm.dm_component SET preactionid=(SELECT preactionid FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=?) WHERE id=?", "UPDATE dm.dm_component SET postactionid=(SELECT postactionid FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=?) WHERE id=?", "UPDATE dm.dm_component SET actionid=(SELECT actionid FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=?) WHERE id=?", "UPDATE dm.dm_component SET comptypeid=(SELECT comptypeid FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=?) WHERE id=?" }; String compsql = "SELECT id,repositoryid,target,name,summary,predecessorid,xpos,ypos,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,status,rollup,rollback FROM dm.dm_componentitem WHERE compid=?"; String inssql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_componentitem(id,compid,repositoryid,target,name,summary,xpos,ypos,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,status,rollup,rollback) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String propsql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_compitemprops(compitemid,name,value,encrypted,overridable,appendable) SELECT ?,name,value,encrypted,overridable,appendable FROM dm.dm_compitemprops WHERE compitemid=?"; String catsql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_component_categories(id,categoryid) SELECT ?,categoryid FROM dm.dm_component_categories WHERE id=?"; String updsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_componentitem SET predecessorid=? WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(compsql); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(inssql); PreparedStatement st3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(propsql); // PreparedStatement st4 = m_conn.prepareStatement(dasql); PreparedStatement st5 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(catsql); PreparedStatement st6 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql); st1.setInt(1, oldid); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); while ( { int id = getID("componentitem"); st2.setInt(1, id); st2.setInt(2, newid); int oldcompitemid = rs1.getInt(1); // id // Two way mapping ci1map.put(id, oldcompitemid); ci2map.put(oldcompitemid, id); int repid = getInteger(rs1, 2, 0); if (repid > 0) { st2.setInt(3, repid); // Repository } else { st2.setNull(3, Type.INT); } st2.setString(4, rs1.getString(3)); // Target st2.setString(5, rs1.getString(4)); // Name st2.setString(6, rs1.getString(5)); // Summary int predecessorid = getInteger(rs1, 6, 0); System.out.println("putting " + predecessorid + " into hash against oldcompitemid" + oldcompitemid); predmap.put(oldcompitemid, predecessorid); st2.setInt(7, rs1.getInt(7)); // xpos st2.setInt(8, rs1.getInt(8)); // ypos st2.setInt(9, rs1.getInt(9)); // creatorid st2.setInt(10, rs1.getInt(10)); // creator st2.setInt(11, rs1.getInt(11)); // modifierid st2.setInt(12, rs1.getInt(12)); // modified st2.setString(13, rs1.getString(13)); // Status st2.setInt(14, rs1.getInt(14)); // rollup st2.setInt(15, rs1.getInt(15)); // rollback st2.execute(); st3.setInt(1, id); st3.setInt(2, oldcompitemid); st3.execute(); } st2.close(); st1.close(); // Now fix the predecessors for each new component item based on the hashmap of the original // predecessors Iterator<Entry<Integer, Integer>> it = ci1map.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> pair = (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>); int mapid = pair.getKey(); // original id int origid = pair.getValue(); // new id System.out.println("mapid=" + mapid + " origid=" + origid); int predid = predmap.get(origid); System.out.println("predid=" + predid); if (predid > 0) { int newpredid = ci2map.get(predmap.get(origid)); System.out.println("Updating compitemid " + mapid + " to have predecessor " + newpredid); st6.setInt(1, newpredid); st6.setInt(2, mapid); st6.execute(); } } st6.close(); // // Now set the deployalway, component type and action flags to be the same as the original // for (int i = 0; i < dasql.length; i++) { PreparedStatement st4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dasql[i]); st4.setInt(1, oldid); st4.setInt(2, newid); st4.execute(); st4.close(); } dumpCategories("a1", newid); System.out.println(catsql); System.out.println("newid=" + newid + " oldid=" + oldid); st5.setInt(1, newid); st5.setInt(2, oldid); st5.execute(); st5.close(); dumpCategories("a2", newid); return CopyAttributes("dm.dm_componentvars", "compid", oldid, newid); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean CopyApplicationAttributes(int oldid, int newid) { try { String getsql = "SELECT summary,actionid,preactionid,postactionid,successtemplateid,failuretemplateid FROM dm.dm_application WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(getsql); st1.setInt(1, oldid); ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); if ( { boolean c = false; DynamicQueryBuilder update = new DynamicQueryBuilder(getDBConnection(), "UPDATE dm.dm_application SET "); String summary = rs1.getString(1); if (!rs1.wasNull()) { update.add("summary = ?", summary); c = true; } int actionid = rs1.getInt(2); if (!rs1.wasNull()) { if (c) update.add(","); update.add("actionid = ?", actionid); c = true; } int preactionid = rs1.getInt(3); if (!rs1.wasNull()) { if (c) update.add(","); update.add("preactionid = ?", preactionid); c = true; } int postactionid = rs1.getInt(4); if (!rs1.wasNull()) { if (c) update.add(","); update.add("postactionid = ?", postactionid); c = true; } int successtemplateid = rs1.getInt(5); if (!rs1.wasNull()) { if (c) update.add(","); update.add("successtemplateid = ?", successtemplateid); c = true; } int failuretemplateid = rs1.getInt(6); if (!rs1.wasNull()) { if (c) update.add(","); update.add("failuretemplateid = ?", failuretemplateid); c = true; } if (c) { // Update to make update.add(" WHERE id=?", newid); update.execute(); update.close(); } } // Now we need to copy the components associated with the app. String updsql1 = "INSERT INTO dm_applicationcomponent(appid,compid,xpos,ypos)" + " SELECT ?,compid,xpos,ypos from dm_applicationcomponent WHERE appid=?"; System.out.println(updsql1); System.out.println("newid=" + newid); System.out.println("oldid=" + oldid); PreparedStatement updstmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql1); updstmt1.setInt(1, newid); updstmt1.setInt(2, oldid); updstmt1.execute(); updstmt1.close(); String updsql2 = "INSERT INTO dm_applicationcomponentflows(appid,objfrom,objto)" + " SELECT ?,objfrom,objto from dm_applicationcomponentflows WHERE appid=?"; PreparedStatement updstmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql2); updstmt2.setInt(1, newid); updstmt2.setInt(2, oldid); updstmt2.execute(); updstmt2.close(); // Duplicate the application access String updsql3 = "INSERT INTO dm_applicationaccess(appid,usrgrpid,readaccess,writeaccess,viewaccess,updateaccess)" + " SELECT ?,usrgrpid,readaccess,writeaccess,viewaccess,updateaccess from dm_applicationaccess WHERE appid=?"; PreparedStatement updstmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql3); updstmt3.setInt(1, newid); updstmt3.setInt(2, oldid); updstmt3.execute(); updstmt3.close(); // Finally copy all the attributes (variables) return CopyAttributes("dm.dm_applicationvars", "appid", oldid, newid); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public boolean CopyServers(int envid, int domainid) { System.out.println("Copying servers from env " + getCopyId() + " to new env " + envid); Map<Integer, Integer> serverids = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); try { long t = timeNow(); String csql = "select count(*) from dm.dm_server where name=? and domainid=?"; String sql = "SELECT,a.serverid,a.xpos,a.ypos FROM dm.dm_serversinenv a,dm.dm_server b WHERE a.envid=? AND"; String inssql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_serversinenv(envid,serverid,xpos,ypos) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"; String copsql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_server(id,name,hostname,ownerid,protocol,ogrpid,credid,summary,notes,domainid,basedir,typeid,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,status) " + "SELECT ?,?,hostname,ownerid,protocol,ogrpid,credid,summary,notes,?,basedir,typeid,?,?,?,?,'N' FROM dm.dm_server WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); st.setInt(1, getCopyId()); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { String newname = rs.getString(1) + " - Copy"; PreparedStatement cst = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); // Check to see if there's already a server with this name in the target domain int c = 0; int n = 1; do { System.out.println("in loop, checking " + newname); cst.setString(1, newname); cst.setInt(2, domainid); ResultSet crs = cst.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println("got a row"); c = crs.getInt(1); System.out.println("c=" + c); if (c > 0) { n++; newname = rs.getString(1) + " - Copy (" + n + ")"; } } System.out.println("closing result set"); crs.close(); } while (c > 0); System.out.println("closing cst"); cst.close(); int oldid = rs.getInt(2); int newid = getID("Server"); // // Copy all the information from the source server to this new server // System.out.println("Copying the server details (oldid=" + rs.getInt(2) + ", newid=" + newid); PreparedStatement stc = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(copsql); stc.setInt(1, newid); stc.setString(2, newname); stc.setInt(3, domainid); stc.setInt(4, getUserID()); stc.setLong(5, t); stc.setInt(6, getUserID()); stc.setLong(7, t); stc.setInt(8, oldid); stc.execute(); stc.close(); // // Now map this new server to the new environment // PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(inssql); st2.setInt(1, envid); st2.setInt(2, newid); st2.setInt(3, rs.getInt(3)); st2.setInt(4, rs.getInt(4)); st2.execute(); st2.close(); // // Copy the component mapping // CopyServerAttributes(oldid, newid); System.out.println("INSERT INTO dm.dm_serversinenv(envid,serverid,xpos,ypos) VALUES(" + envid + "," + newid + "," + rs.getInt(2) + "," + rs.getInt(3) + ")"); // // Record the server ids - old and new values into hashmap // serverids.put(oldid, newid); } rs.close(); st.close(); // // Get the connections between the servers // PreparedStatement st4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "SELECT serverfrom,serverfromedge,serverto,servertoedge,label,style FROM dm.dm_server_connections WHERE envid=?"); PreparedStatement st5 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_server_connections(envid,serverfrom,serverfromedge,serverto,servertoedge,label,style) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); st4.setInt(1, getCopyId()); ResultSet rs4 = st4.executeQuery(); while ( { st5.setInt(1, envid); st5.setInt(2, serverids.get(rs4.getInt(1))); st5.setInt(3, rs4.getInt(2)); st5.setInt(4, serverids.get(rs4.getInt(3))); st5.setInt(5, rs4.getInt(4)); st5.setString(6, rs4.getString(5)); st5.setString(7, rs4.getString(6)); st5.execute(); } rs4.close(); st4.close(); st5.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public String VerifyCompTargetDomain(int compid, int tgtdomain) { Hashtable<Integer, String> domlist = new Hashtable<Integer, String>(); Component comp = getComponent(compid, true); System.out.println("Domain List:"); domlist.put(tgtdomain, "Y"); Domain dom = getDomain(tgtdomain); do { domlist.put(dom.getId(), "Y"); dom = dom.getDomain(); // go to parent domain } while (dom != null); Action preAction = comp.getPreAction(); Action postAction = comp.getPostAction(); if (preAction != null && domlist.containsKey(preAction.getDomainId()) == false) { return "Action " + preAction.getName(); } if (postAction != null && domlist.containsKey(postAction.getDomainId()) == false) { return "Action " + postAction.getName(); } List<ComponentItem> items = getComponentItems(compid); for (ComponentItem i : items) { Repository repos = i.getRepository(); if (repos != null && domlist.containsKey(repos.getDomainId()) == false) { return "Repository " + repos.getName(); } } int typeid = comp.getComptypeId(); // Check if this component type is declared in one of the target domain's ancestors String getsql = "SELECT domainid,name FROM dm.dm_type WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(getsql); st.setInt(1, typeid); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { if (domlist.containsKey(rs.getInt(1)) == false) { String name = rs.getString(2); rs.close(); st.close(); return "Component Type " + name; } } rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); return "Failed checking component type"; } return null; } public String VerifyAppTargetDomain(int appid, int tgtdomain) { // // Finds the domain heirachy of the specified app and checks that it will "fit" // in the specified target domain. It does this by ensuring that none of the // objects referenced from the specified application are outside of the new // domain heirarchy // Hashtable<Integer, String> domlist = new Hashtable<Integer, String>(); Application app = getApplication(appid, true); Domain dom = getDomain(tgtdomain); do { domlist.put(dom.getId(), "Y"); dom = dom.getDomain(); // go to parent domain } while (dom != null); Action customAction = app.getCustomAction(); Action preAction = app.getPreAction(); Action postAction = app.getPostAction(); if (customAction != null && domlist.containsKey(customAction.getDomainId()) == false) { return "Action " + customAction.getName(); } if (preAction != null && domlist.containsKey(preAction.getDomainId()) == false) { return "Action " + preAction.getName(); } if (postAction != null && domlist.containsKey(postAction.getDomainId()) == false) { return "Action " + postAction.getName(); } NotifyTemplate successTemplate = app.getSuccessTemplate(); NotifyTemplate failureTemplate = app.getFailureTemplate(); if (successTemplate != null && domlist.containsKey(successTemplate.getDomainId()) == false) { return "Template " + successTemplate.getName(); } if (failureTemplate != null && domlist.containsKey(failureTemplate.getDomainId()) == false) { return "Template " + failureTemplate.getName(); } // Check Components List<Component> comp = getComponents(ObjectType.APPLICATION, appid, false); for (Component x : comp) { if (domlist.containsKey(x.getDomainId()) == false) return "Component " + x.getName(); } return null; } public boolean CopyTemplate(int oldid, int notifierid, int newid, String newname) { try { long t = timeNow(); String copysql1 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_template(id,name,summary,notifierid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status,subject,body) SELECT ?,?,summary,?,?,?,?,?,status,subject,body FROM dm.dm_template WHERE id=?"; String copysql2 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_templaterecipients(templateid,usrgrpid,userid,ownertype) SELECT ?,usrgrpid,userid,ownertype FROM dm.dm_templaterecipients WHERE templateid=?"; PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(copysql1); st1.setInt(1, newid); st1.setString(2, newname); st1.setInt(3, notifierid); st1.setInt(4, getUserID()); st1.setInt(5, getUserID()); st1.setLong(6, t); st1.setLong(7, t); st1.setInt(8, oldid); st1.execute(); st1.close(); PreparedStatement st2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(copysql2); st2.setInt(1, newid); st2.setInt(2, oldid); st2.execute(); st2.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return false; } public String GetPasteName(String Type, int domainid, String oldname) { boolean Exists = true; try { if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("lifecycle")) Type = "domain"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("appversion")) Type = "application"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("procedure")) Type = "action"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("function")) Type = "action"; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("builder")) Type = "buildengine"; String TestName; if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) { // Actions/Procedures/Functions cannot contain spaces TestName = oldname + "_Copy"; } else { TestName = oldname + " - Copy"; } int n = 2; String sql1 = "SELECT id,name FROM dm.dm_" + Type + " where name=? AND domainid=?"; String sql2 = "SELECT, FROM dm.dm_template a,dm.dm_notify b where AND AND b.domainid=?"; PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement(Type.equalsIgnoreCase("template") ? sql2 : sql1); System.out.println("SELECT id,name FROM dm.dm_" + Type + " where name='" + TestName + "' AND domainid=" + domainid); while (Exists) { st.setString(1, TestName); st.setInt(2, domainid); System.out.println("Testing TestName=" + TestName + " against domainid " + domainid + " (table dm.dm_" + Type + ")"); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println("Already exists.."); // An object with this name already exists in this domain if (Type.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) { TestName = oldname + "_Copy" + n; } else { TestName = oldname + " - Copy (" + n + ")"; } System.out.println("TestName now " + TestName); n++; } else { Exists = false; } rs.close(); } st.close(); System.out.println("Returning " + TestName); return TestName; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return oldname + " Copy"; } public void CommitPaste(boolean commit) { System.out.println("CommitPaste(" + commit + ")"); if (commit) { try { getDBConnection().commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } } public void SetPasteError(String errtext) { m_PasteError = errtext; } public String GetPasteError() { return m_PasteError; } public boolean CopyAction(int newid, String newname, int domainid, int origid) { System.out.println("CopyAction(\"" + newname + "\", domainid=" + domainid + " origid=" + origid); try { long t = timeNow(); String sql1 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action(id,name,filepath,summary,domainid,function, " + "graphical,ownerid,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified," + "ogrpid,status,copy,kind,categoryid,interpreter) " + "SELECT ?,?,filepath,summary,?,function, " + "graphical,ownerid,?,?,?,?, " + "ogrpid,status,copy,kind,categoryid,interpreter " + "FROM dm.dm_action WHERE id=?"; String childsql[] = { "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionfrags(actionid,windowid,xpos,ypos,typeid,title,summary,parentwindowid) " + "SELECT ?,windowid,xpos,ypos,typeid,title,summary,parentwindowid FROM dm.dm_actionfrags WHERE actionid=?", "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionflows(actionid,flowid,nodefrom,nodeto,pos) " + "SELECT ?,flowid,nodefrom,nodeto,pos FROM dm.dm_actionflows WHERE actionid=?", "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionfragattrs(actionid,windowid,attrid,value) " + "SELECT ?,windowid,attrid,value FROM dm.dm_actionfragattrs WHERE actionid=?", "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionarg(actionid,name,type,outpos,required,switch,pad,inpos,switchmode,negswitch) " + "SELECT ?,name,type,outpos,required,switch,pad,inpos,switchmode,negswitch FROM dm.dm_actionarg WHERE actionid=?", "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionaccess(actionid,usrgrpid,readaccess,writeaccess,viewaccess,updateaccess) " + "SELECT ?,usrgrpid,readaccess,writeaccess,viewaccess,updateaccess FROM dm.dm_actionaccess WHERE actionid=?", "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action_categories(id,categoryid) " + "SELECT ?,categoryid FROM dm.dm_action_categories WHERE id=?" }; PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, newid); stmt1.setString(2, newname); stmt1.setInt(3, domainid); stmt1.setInt(4, getUserID()); stmt1.setLong(5, t); stmt1.setInt(6, getUserID()); stmt1.setLong(7, t); stmt1.setInt(8, origid); stmt1.execute(); if (stmt1.getUpdateCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < childsql.length; i++) { PreparedStatement cstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(childsql[i]); cstmt.setInt(1, newid); cstmt.setInt(2, origid); cstmt.execute(); cstmt.close(); } } stmt1.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); return false; } return true; } public boolean CopyFunction(int newid, String newname, int domainid, int origid) { System.out.println("CopyFunction(\"" + newname + "\", domainid=" + domainid + " origid=" + origid); try { int newtextid = 0; boolean isFunction = false; long t = timeNow(); String sql1 = "SELECT textid,function FROM dm.dm_action WHERE id=?"; String sql2 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actiontext(id,data) SELECT ?,data FROM dm.dm_actiontext WHERE id=?"; String sql3 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action(id,name,filepath,summary,domainid,textid,repositoryid, " + "function,pluginid,resultisexpr,remote,graphical,ownerid,creatorid,created, " + "modifierid,modified,ogrpid,status,copy,kind,categoryid,interpreter) " + "SELECT ?,?,filepath,summary,?,?,repositoryid, " + "function,pluginid,resultisexpr,remote,graphical,ownerid,?,?, " + "?,?,ogrpid,status,copy,kind,categoryid,interpreter " + "FROM dm.dm_action WHERE id=?"; String sql4 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionaccess(actionid,usrgrpid,readaccess,writeaccess,viewaccess,updateaccess) " + "SELECT ?,usrgrpid,readaccess,writeaccess,viewaccess,updateaccess FROM dm.dm_actionaccess WHERE actionid=?"; String sql5 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionarg(actionid,name,type,outpos,required,switch,pad,inpos,switchmode,negswitch) " + "SELECT ?,name,type,outpos,required,switch,pad,inpos,switchmode,negswitch FROM dm.dm_actionarg WHERE actionid=?"; String sql6 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action_categories(id,categoryid) SELECT ?,categoryid FROM dm.dm_action_categories WHERE id=?"; String sql7 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragments(id,name,summary,categoryid,exitpoints,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,drilldown,actionid,functionid) SELECT ?,?,summary,categoryid,exitpoints,?,?,?,?,drilldown,?,? FROM dm.dm_fragments WHERE ? in (actionid,functionid)"; String sql8 = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragment_categories(id,categoryid) SELECT ?,categoryid FROM dm.dm_action_categories WHERE id=?"; // deliberate - take category from action for fragment PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, origid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { int textid = getInteger(rs1, 1, 0); isFunction = getBoolean(rs1, 2, false); if (textid > 0) { // This is a procedure or function with DMScript stored in the database // Duplicate the DMScript text body. newtextid = getID("actiontext"); PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, newtextid); stmt2.setInt(2, textid); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); } } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); PreparedStatement stmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt3.setInt(1, newid); stmt3.setString(2, newname); stmt3.setInt(3, domainid); if (newtextid > 0) { stmt3.setInt(4, newtextid); } else { stmt3.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER); } stmt3.setInt(5, getUserID()); stmt3.setLong(6, t); stmt3.setInt(7, getUserID()); stmt3.setLong(8, t); stmt3.setInt(9, origid); stmt3.execute(); stmt3.close(); // Duplicate the access control PreparedStatement stmt4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql4); stmt4.setInt(1, newid); stmt4.setInt(2, origid); stmt4.execute(); stmt4.close(); // Now duplicate all the arguments PreparedStatement stmt5 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql5); stmt5.setInt(1, newid); stmt5.setInt(2, origid); stmt5.execute(); stmt5.close(); // Now set the new function/procedure into the appropriate categories PreparedStatement stmt6 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql6); stmt6.setInt(1, newid); stmt6.setInt(2, origid); stmt6.execute(); stmt6.close(); // Now create the matching fragment PreparedStatement stmt7 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql7); int newfragid = this.getID("fragments"); stmt7.setInt(1, newfragid); stmt7.setString(2, newname); stmt7.setInt(3, getUserID()); stmt7.setLong(4, t); stmt7.setInt(5, getUserID()); stmt7.setLong(6, t); if (isFunction) { stmt7.setNull(7, Types.INTEGER); // Action ID stmt7.setInt(8, newid); // Function ID } else { stmt7.setInt(7, newid); // Action ID stmt7.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER); // Function ID } stmt7.setInt(9, origid); stmt7.execute(); // Now add the fragment to the fragment category PreparedStatement stmt8 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql8); stmt8.setInt(1, newfragid); stmt8.setInt(2, origid); stmt8.execute(); stmt8.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); return false; } return true; } public void CopyComponentVersions(Component oldComp, Component newComp) { // On a paste operation, copies all the child versions, giving each of them the same "new name" as the parent. String copysql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_component(id,name,domainid,summary,ownerid,creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,parentid," + "predecessorid,xpos,ypos,ogrpid,preactionid,postactionid,actionid,status,rollup,rollback,filteritems,deployalways,basedir," + "comptypeid,branch) " + "SELECT ?,?,?,summary,ownerid,?,?,?,?,?," + "?,xpos,ypos,ogrpid,preactionid,postactionid,actionid,status,rollup,rollback,filteritems,deployalways,basedir," + "comptypeid,branch " + "FROM dm.dm_component WHERE id=?"; String oldName = oldComp.getName(); String newName = newComp.getName(); // On a paste operation this should be something like xxx - Copy;n System.out.println("oldName=[" + oldName + "]"); System.out.println("newName=[" + newName + "]"); System.out.println("newName.lastIndexOf('-')=" + newName.lastIndexOf('-')); String postFix = newName.substring(newName.lastIndexOf('-')); System.out.println("postFix=" + postFix); long t = timeNow(); try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(copysql); List<Component> children = oldComp.getVersions(); System.out.println("children.size()=" + children.size()); HashMap<Integer, Integer> idmap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(children.size() + 1); int n = getID("component"); // Create a mapping table from old id to new id System.out.println("Mapping " + oldComp.getId() + " to " + newComp.getId()); idmap.put(oldComp.getId(), newComp.getId()); for (Component c : children) { System.out.println("Mapping " + c.getId() + " to " + n); idmap.put(c.getId(), n); n++; } for (Component cc : children) { System.out.println("Copy child component " + cc.getName()); st.setInt(1, idmap.get(cc.getId())); st.setString(2, cc.getName() + postFix); st.setInt(3, newComp.getDomainId()); st.setInt(4, getUserID()); st.setLong(5, t); st.setInt(6, getUserID()); st.setLong(7, t); st.setInt(8, newComp.getId()); int pi = cc.getPredecessorId(); System.out.println("predecessorid=" + pi); if (pi > 0) st.setInt(9, idmap.get(pi)); else st.setNull(9, Types.INTEGER); st.setInt(10, cc.getId()); st.execute(); CopyComponentAttributes(cc.getId(), idmap.get(cc.getId())); } setID("component", n); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } public void dumpCategories(String p, int id) { // debug - print out categories System.out.println("dumpCategories (" + p + ") id=" + id); try { String sql = "select id,categoryid from dm.dm_component_categories where id=" + id; Statement stmt = getDBConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { System.out.println("id=" + rs.getInt(1) + ", categoryid=" + rs.getInt(2)); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public DMObject PasteObject(int domainid, int parentid, int xpos, int ypos, boolean pie, boolean commit) { DMObject ret = null; ObjectType oot = null; Category cat = null; // for objects in categories System.out.println("PasteObject m_copyobjtype=" + getCopyObjType() + " domainid=" + domainid + " parentid=" + parentid + " commit=" + commit); if (getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("environment")) { parentid = domainid; Environment env = getEnvironment(getCopyId(), false); ret = env; } else if (getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("server")) { Server server = getServer(getCopyId(), false); ret = server; } else if (getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("builder")) { Builder builder = getBuilder(getCopyId()); ret = builder; } else if (getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("template")) { NotifyTemplate template = getTemplate(getCopyId()); ret = template; } else if (getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("appversion") || getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("application")) { Application app = getApplication(getCopyId(), false); ret = app; } else if (getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("component") || getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("compversion")) { Component component = getComponent(getCopyId(), true); setCopyObjType("component"); cat = component.getCategory(); System.out.println("in PasteObject, type is component cat is " + cat); if (cat != null) System.out.println("cat name is " + cat.getName()); ret = component; } else if (getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("procedure") || getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("function") || getCopyObjType().equalsIgnoreCase("action")) { Action action = getAction(getCopyId(), false); cat = action.getCategory(); if (action.getKind() != ActionKind.GRAPHICAL) { // Not an action, must be procedure or function if (action.isFunction()) oot = ObjectType.FUNCTION; else oot = ObjectType.PROCEDURE; } ret = action; } int newid = getID(getCopyObjType()); if (ret != null) { String errtext = null; String newname = GetPasteName(getCopyObjType(), domainid, ret.getName()); ret.setName(newname); ret.setId(newid); System.out.println("ret.getObjectType()=" + ret.getObjectType()); switch ((oot != null) ? oot : ret.getObjectType()) { case ENVIRONMENT: CreateNewObject(getCopyObjType(), newname, domainid, parentid, newid, xpos, ypos, "", commit); // Create copies of the servers System.out.println("Copying servers"); if (CopyServers(newid, domainid)) { if (CopyAttributes("dm.dm_environmentvars", "envid", getCopyId(), newid)) { CommitPaste(commit); } } break; case COMPONENT: case COMPVERSION: // // Pasting a component version into a domain automatically makes it a BASE version // errtext = VerifyCompTargetDomain(getCopyId(), domainid); if (errtext == null) { CreateNewObject(getCopyObjType(), newname, domainid, parentid, newid, xpos, ypos, "", commit); Component oldComp = getComponent(getCopyId(), true); Component newComp = getComponent(newid, true); // CopyComponentAttributes duplicates the category entries. //if (cat != null) { // System.out.println("Adding new component "+newid+" to category "+cat.getId()); // addToCategory(cat.getId(), newComp.getOtid()); //} System.out.println("About to CopyComponentAttributes"); dumpCategories("a", newid); if (CopyComponentAttributes(getCopyId(), newid)) { dumpCategories("b", newid); // If the source component was a BASE version, copy all the versions System.out.println("CopyComponentAttributes returns, parentid=" + oldComp.getParentId()); if (oldComp.getParentId() == 0) { System.out.println("Copying all versions..."); CopyComponentVersions(oldComp, newComp); } dumpCategories("c", newid); CommitPaste(commit); } } else { // // Cannot paste the app into this domain - at least one of its dependents (components, // templates, action etc) lies outside the target domain // SetPasteError(errtext); ret = null; } break; case BUILDER: System.out.println("Pasting BUILDER"); CreateNewObject("buildengine", newname, domainid, parentid, newid, xpos, ypos, "builders", commit); System.out.println("Calling CopyBuilderAttributes, m_copyid=" + getCopyId() + " newid=" + newid); if (CopyBuilderAttributes(getCopyId(), newid)) CommitPaste(commit); break; case SERVER: System.out.println("Pasting SERVER pie=" + pie); String treeid = pie ? "environments" : "servers"; CreateNewObject(getCopyObjType(), newname, domainid, parentid, newid, xpos, ypos, treeid, commit); System.out.println("Calling CopyServerAttributes, m_copyid=" + getCopyId() + " newid=" + newid); if (CopyServerAttributes(getCopyId(), newid)) CommitPaste(commit); break; case TEMPLATE: if (CopyTemplate(getCopyId(), parentid, newid, newname)) CommitPaste(commit); break; case APPLICATION: case APPVERSION: System.out.println("Creating new object of type " + getCopyObjType() + " newname=" + newname + " domainid=" + domainid + " parentid=" + parentid); // // Pasting an application version into a domain automatically makes it a BASE version // errtext = VerifyAppTargetDomain(getCopyId(), domainid); if (errtext == null) { ObjectTypeAndId otid = CreateNewObject("application", newname, domainid, 0, newid, xpos, ypos, "", commit); System.out.println("otid id=" + otid.getId()); System.out.println("otid object type = " + otid.getObjectType()); System.out.println("newid=" + newid); System.out.println("m_copyid=" + getCopyId()); if (CopyApplicationAttributes(getCopyId(), newid)) CommitPaste(commit); } else { // // Cannot paste the app into this domain - at least one of its dependents (components, // templates, action etc) lies outside the target domain // SetPasteError(errtext); ret = null; } break; case PROCEDURE: case FUNCTION: System.out.println("Creating new function/procedure of type " + getCopyObjType() + " newname=" + newname + " domainid=" + domainid); if (cat != null) { Action newAction = getAction(newid, true); addToCategory(cat.getId(), newAction.getOtid()); } if (CopyFunction(newid, newname, domainid, getCopyId())) CommitPaste(commit); break; case ACTION: System.out.println("Creating new action newname=" + newname + " domainid=" + domainid); /* * CopyAction copies the category if (cat != null) { Action newAction = getAction(newid,true); addToCategory(cat.getId(),newAction.getOtid()); } */ if (CopyAction(newid, newname, domainid, getCopyId())) CommitPaste(commit); break; default: break; } } else { System.out.println("m_copyobjtype=" + getCopyObjType() + " not yet supported"); } return ret; } public DMObject PasteObject(int domainid, int parentid, int xpos, int ypos, boolean commit) { return PasteObject(domainid, parentid, xpos, ypos, false, commit); } public DMObject PasteObject(int domainid, int parentid, int xpos, int ypos) { return PasteObject(domainid, parentid, xpos, ypos, true); } public DMObject PasteObject(int domainid, int parentid) { return PasteObject(domainid, parentid, -1, -1, true); } public DMObject PasteObject(int domainid, int parentid, boolean commit) { return PasteObject(domainid, parentid, -1, -1, commit); } public void ArchiveAction(Action action) { // // Called every time a procedure/function or action is modified in such a way as // to change its operation. When called, this function checks to see if the action // has ever been used during a deployment (by checking in dm_deploymentactions). If // it HAS then the action is "archived" by ... // a) copying it to the same domain with a new name and a parentid of the original action // b) the new action id replaces the original action id in dm_deploymentactions. That // way, the deployment links to the original action used and we can click on it and // go to the archived version. // boolean needsArchiving = false; String sql1 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_deploymentactions WHERE actionid=?"; try { int origid = action.getId(); int domainid = action.getDomainId(); PreparedStatement stmt1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql1); stmt1.setInt(1, origid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { int c = rs1.getInt(1); if (c > 0) needsArchiving = true; } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); if (needsArchiving) { // This action/procedure/function has been used in a deployment // Take a copy, mark it as archived and update dm_deploymentactions int newid = this.getID("action"); String newname = action.getName() + "_Archived"; // // Check to see if this name already exists. If so, append a number and try again // String sql2 = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE name=? AND domainid=?"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(2, domainid); int cv = 0; int n = 1; do { stmt2.setString(1, newname); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); if ( { cv = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); if (cv > 0) newname = action.getName() + "_Archived_" + n; n++; } while (cv > 0); stmt2.close(); if (action.getKind() == ActionKind.GRAPHICAL) { CopyAction(newid, newname, domainid, origid); } else { CopyFunction(newid, newname, domainid, origid); } // // Set the parent and archived flags for the newly created action/procedure/function // String sql3 = "UPDATE dm.dm_action SET parentid=?, status='A' WHERE id=?"; PreparedStatement stmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt3.setInt(1, origid); stmt3.setInt(2, newid); stmt3.execute(); stmt3.close(); // // Now update the action referenced in the deploymentactions table to point to the // archived action // String sql4 = "UPDATE dm.dm_deploymentactions SET actionid=? WHERE actionid=?"; PreparedStatement stmt4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql4); stmt4.setInt(1, newid); stmt4.setInt(2, origid); stmt4.execute(); stmt4.close(); // // Finally, put an entry in the history table so we know when we were archived // String updsql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_historynote(objid,kind,\"WHEN\",note,userid,id) VAlUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; long t = timeNow(); PreparedStatement updstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql); // // Original (archived) Action // -------------------------- // int hnid = getID("HistoryNote"); updstmt.setInt(1, newid); updstmt.setInt(2, action.getObjectType().value()); updstmt.setLong(3, t); updstmt.setString(4, "Archived due to Modification"); updstmt.setInt(5, getUserID()); updstmt.setInt(6, hnid); updstmt.execute(); // // New (Modified) Action // --------------------- // hnid = getID("HistoryNote"); updstmt.setInt(1, origid); updstmt.setInt(2, action.getObjectType().value()); updstmt.setLong(3, t); updstmt.setString(4, "Created Archived Version " + newname); updstmt.setInt(5, getUserID()); updstmt.setInt(6, hnid); updstmt.execute(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } } // // Search // /* public List<SearchResult> SearchForObjects(String ss) { List<SearchResult> res = new ArrayList<SearchResult>(); String iconnames[] = { "user-large.png" }; String sql[] = { "SELECT id,name,realname FROM dm.dm_user WHERE status='N' AND domainid in ("+m_domainlist+") AND name=? " }; try { for (int i=0;i<sql.length;i++) { PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql[i]); stmt.setString(1,ss); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { SearchResult x = new SearchResult(); x.setId(rs.getInt(1)); x.setName(rs.getString(2)); x.setSummary(rs.getString(3)); x.setIconName(iconnames[i]); res.add(x); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } return res; } catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return null; } */ public void rollback() { try { if (getDBConnection() != null) getDBConnection().rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void DeleteProperties(ComponentItem componentItem) { try { String dsql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_compitemprops WHERE compitemid = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(dsql); stmt.setInt(1, componentItem.getId()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public JSONArray getFileAuditReport(String loc) { String sql = "Select a.deploymentid As Deployment, b.startts As DeployedAt, As userName, As Application, As Environment, a.componentname As Component, a.servername As Server, a.targetfilename As File From dm.dm_deploymentxfer a, dm.dm_deployment b, dm.dm_application c, dm.dm_environment d, dm.dm_user e Where a.deploymentid = b.deploymentid And = b.appid And = b.envid And = b.userid And a.deploymentid In (Select Max(a.deploymentid) From dm.dm_deploymentxfer a, dm.dm_deployment b, dm.dm_application c, dm.dm_environment d Where a.deploymentid = b.deploymentid And = b.appid And = b.envid And a.checksum2 = ? Group By,, a.componentname, a.servername) And a.checksum2 = ? Order By 1 Desc, 5, 7"; JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, loc); stmt.setString(2, loc); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { JSONObject obj = null; obj = new JSONObject().add("deployment", rs.getInt(1)) .add("deployedat", (rs.getTimestamp(2) == null) ? "" : rs.getTimestamp(2).toString()) .add("username", rs.getString(3)).add("application", rs.getString(4)) .add("environment", rs.getString(5)).add("component", rs.getString(6)) .add("server", rs.getString(7)).add("file", rs.getString(8)); ret.add(obj); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } public JSONArray getSuccess4EnvReport() { String sql = "Select dm.dm_deployment.deploymentid As Deployment, dm.dm_deployment.exitcode As Exit, dm.dm_deployment.exitstatus As Message, As Environment, As Application, dm.dm_deployment.startts As deploytimestamp, dm.dm_deploymentxfer.componentname As Component, dm.dm_deploymentxfer.servername As Server, dm.dm_deploymentxfer.targetfilename As File, dm.dm_deploymentxfer.reponame As Repository, As username From dm.dm_deployment, dm.dm_deploymentxfer, dm.dm_environment, dm.dm_user, dm.dm_application Where dm.dm_deployment.deploymentid = dm.dm_deploymentxfer.deploymentid And dm.dm_deployment.envid = And dm.dm_deployment.userid = And = dm.dm_deployment.appid Order By Deployment Desc, Server, File"; JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { JSONObject obj = null; obj = new JSONObject().add("deployment", rs.getInt(1)) .add("exit", (rs.getInt(2) == 0) ? "Success" : "Failed").add("message", rs.getString(3)) .add("environment", rs.getString(4)).add("application", rs.getString(5)) .add("deploytimestamp", (rs.getTimestamp(6) == null) ? "" : rs.getTimestamp(6).toString()) .add("component", rs.getString(7)).add("server", rs.getString(8)) .add("file", rs.getString(9)).add("repository", rs.getString(10)) .add("username", rs.getString(11)); ret.add(obj); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } public JSONArray getServerAuditReport() { String sql = "Select 'Identical' as Result, dm.dm_discovery.servername, dm.dm_discovery.targetfilename, TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + dm.dm_discovery.discovery_time * INTERVAL '1 second' discovery_time From dm.dm_discovery where dm.dm_discovery.detectedmd5 = dm.dm_discovery.deployedmd5 union Select 'Changed', dm.dm_discovery.servername, dm.dm_discovery.targetfilename, TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + dm.dm_discovery.discovery_time * INTERVAL '1 second' discovery_time From dm.dm_discovery where dm.dm_discovery.detectedmd5 <> dm.dm_discovery.deployedmd5 order by 2,3,1"; JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { JSONObject obj = null; obj = new JSONObject().add("result", rs.getString(1)).add("servername", rs.getString(2)) .add("targetfilename", rs.getString(3)) .add("discovery_time", (rs.getTimestamp(4) == null) ? "" : rs.getTimestamp(4).toString()); ret.add(obj); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } public JSONArray getServerInventoryReport() { String sql = "Select a.deploymentid As Deployment, b.startts As DeployedAt, As userName, As Application, As Environment, a.componentname As Component, a.servername As Server, a.targetfilename As File From dm.dm_deploymentxfer a, dm.dm_deployment b, dm.dm_application c, dm.dm_environment d, dm.dm_user e Where a.deploymentid = b.deploymentid And = b.appid And = b.envid And = b.userid And a.deploymentid In (Select Max(a.deploymentid) From dm.dm_deploymentxfer a, dm.dm_deployment b, dm.dm_application c, dm.dm_environment d Where a.deploymentid = b.deploymentid And = b.appid And = b.envid Group By,, a.componentname, a.servername) Order By 1 desc,7,8 asc,6"; JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { JSONObject obj = null; obj = new JSONObject().add("deployment", rs.getInt(1)) .add("deploytimestamp", (rs.getTimestamp(2) == null) ? "" : rs.getTimestamp(2).toString()) .add("username", rs.getString(3)).add("application", rs.getString(4)) .add("environment", rs.getString(5)).add("component", rs.getString(6)) .add("server", rs.getString(7)).add("file", rs.getString(8)); ret.add(obj); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } public String getDMHome() { return m_context.getInitParameter("DMHOME"); } private boolean ValidateArguments(int actionid, Element root) throws Exception { boolean res = false; System.out.println("ValidateArguments for orig id=" + actionid); NodeList arglist = root.getElementsByTagName("arguments"); if (arglist.getLength() == 0) arglist = root.getElementsByTagName("cmdline"); if (arglist.getLength() == 0) throw (new Exception("no arguments/cmdline attribute found")); if (arglist.getLength() != 1) throw (new Exception("multiple arguments attributes found")); Element arguments = (Element) arglist.item(0); NodeList args = arguments.getElementsByTagName("argument"); // Check the argument count is the same String csql = "select count(*) from dm.dm_actionarg where actionid=? and type in ('entry','checkbox')"; PreparedStatement cstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(csql); cstmt.setInt(1, actionid); ResultSet crs = cstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // got the count - is the same as the number of arguments in the XML file? System.out.println("Original argument count= " + crs.getInt(1)); System.out.println("Arguments in XML file = " + args.getLength()); res = (crs.getInt(1) != args.getLength()); // res = true if argument count mismatch } crs.close(); cstmt.close(); System.out.println("about to loop res=" + res); for (int i = 0; !res && i < args.getLength(); i++) { // Loop will not enter is res is set (argument count mismatch) Node nNode = args.item(i); if (nNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; Element nElement = (Element) nNode; String argname = nElement.getAttribute("name"); String argtype = nElement.getAttribute("type"); String reqdtext = nElement.getAttribute("required"); if (reqdtext.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) reqdtext = "N"; else if (reqdtext.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) reqdtext = "Y"; // // Check what's in the DB for this argument name. If everything matches, we're good to continue. If // anything differs, bail out and set the return flag to indicate that this is a new interface and // we need to rename the original action. // String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_actionarg WHERE actionid=? AND name=? AND type=? AND required=?"; PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, actionid); stmt.setString(2, argname); stmt.setString(3, argtype); stmt.setString(4, reqdtext); System.out.println("select count(*) from dm.dm_actionarg WHERE actionid=" + actionid + " and name='" + argname + "' and type='" + argtype + "' and required='" + reqdtext + "'"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // We should always get one row - what's the count? int c = rs.getInt(1); System.out.println("name=[" + argname + "] c=" + c); if (c == 0) { // This argument did not match what's currently in the DB. Need to rename original action System.out.println("argument type mismatch - bailing"); res = true; } } } System.out.println("ValidateArguments returning " + res); return res; } private void RenameFragment(int actionid) { String selsql = "SELECT id,name FROM dm.dm_fragments WHERE ? IN (actionid,functionid)"; String updsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_fragments set name=? WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement selstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(selsql); selstmt.setInt(1, actionid); ResultSet rs = selstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // Fragment exists linked to this action. Rename it. String chksql = "SELECT count(*) from dm.dm_fragments WHERE name=?"; PreparedStatement chkstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(chksql); int id = rs.getInt(1); String origname = rs.getString(2); boolean retry = true; int lv = 1; String newName = origname; while (retry) { newName = origname + "_orig_" + lv; chkstmt.setString(1, newName); ResultSet chkrs = chkstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { if (chkrs.getInt(1) == 0) retry = false; // This name is unique } chkrs.close(); lv++; } chkstmt.close(); // // newName is the new name for the fragment // PreparedStatement updstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql); updstmt.setString(1, newName); updstmt.setInt(2, id); updstmt.execute(); updstmt.close(); } rs.close(); selstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void RenameAction(int actionid, int domainid, String origname) { String selsql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action WHERE name=? AND domainid=?"; String updsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_action set name=? WHERE id=?"; try { PreparedStatement selstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(selsql); selstmt.setInt(2, domainid); boolean retry = true; int lv = 1; String newName = origname; while (retry) { newName = origname + "_orig_" + lv; selstmt.setString(1, newName); ResultSet selrs = selstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { if (selrs.getInt(1) == 0) retry = false; // This name is unique } selrs.close(); lv++; } selstmt.close(); // // Update the name // PreparedStatement updstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(updsql); updstmt.setString(1, newName); updstmt.setInt(2, actionid); updstmt.execute(); // // Now change any mapped fragment name // RenameFragment(actionid); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public JSONObject ImportFunction(int domainid, String filepath) { JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); File inputFile = new File(filepath); try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = dBuilder.parse(inputFile); // Or can be String in which case it's a URI doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); String RootNodeName = root.getNodeName(); if (!(RootNodeName.equals("action") || RootNodeName.equals("function"))) { throw (new Exception("RootNode should be \"action\" or \"function\"")); } boolean isFunction = (RootNodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("function")); String actionname = root.getAttribute("name"); if (actionname == null || actionname.length() == 0) throw (new Exception("No action name")); String summary = root.getAttribute("summary"); String grph = root.getAttribute("isGraphical"); boolean isGraphical = (grph != null) ? grph.equalsIgnoreCase("Y") : false; String category = root.getAttribute("category"); // Category may not actually be set int categoryid = 0; if (category != null && category.length() > 0) { // Look up the category id based on the category name PreparedStatement stc = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM dm.dm_category WHERE name=?"); stc.setString(1, category); ResultSet rsc = stc.executeQuery(); if ( { categoryid = rsc.getInt(1); } rsc.close(); stc.close(); if (categoryid == 0) { // No such category yet exists - create it categoryid = getID("category"); PreparedStatement ci = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_category(id,name) VALUES(?,?)"); ci.setInt(1, categoryid); ci.setString(2, category); ci.execute(); if (ci.getUpdateCount() == 0) { throw (new Exception("Failed to insert row into category table")); } ci.close(); } } NodeList kindlist = root.getElementsByTagName("kind"); if (kindlist.getLength() == 0) throw (new Exception("no kind attribute found")); if (kindlist.getLength() != 1) throw (new Exception("multiple kind attributes found")); Element kind = (Element) kindlist.item(0); int nKind = Integer.parseInt(kind.getTextContent()); // // Check to see if an action with this name already exists // String actsql = "SELECT id,kind,function,graphical,textid FROM dm.dm_action WHERE name=? AND domainid=?"; PreparedStatement astmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(actsql); astmt.setString(1, actionname); astmt.setInt(2, domainid); ResultSet ars = astmt.executeQuery(); boolean alreadyExists = false; int origId = 0; int origTextId = 0; if ( { System.out.println("Matching name already in this domain"); // A procedure/function or action with this name already exists in this domain. // What we do now depends on the kind. // if the "kind" is the same and it's a procedure/function/graphical like the existing // action then we'll check to see if this action has been referenced anywhere. If not, // then we'll simply overwrite the existing action. If it HAS been referenced anywhere // then we'll create a new action with a new name (to avoid breaking existing flows). // If the kind differs or the old one was a function and this is a procedure (or something) // then we'll throw an error. User can always amend the XML if required. // origId = ars.getInt(1); int origKind = ars.getInt(2); boolean origfunc = getBoolean(ars, 3, false); boolean origgraphical = getBoolean(ars, 4, false); origTextId = getInteger(ars, 5, 0); String origtype = "Action"; if (!origgraphical) { origtype = (origfunc) ? "function" : "procedure"; } if (isGraphical != origgraphical || origfunc != isFunction) throw (new Exception( "Cannot import - " + origtype + " with the same name already exists in domain")); if (origKind != nKind) throw (new Exception("Cannot import - " + origtype + " kinds differ")); // // Okay, if we get here then the imported procedure/function as the same name as an existing // function/procedure in the domain but the types and kind are the same. Let's mark that we // need to check the parameters. // alreadyExists = true; } ars.close(); astmt.close(); NodeList interpreterlist = root.getElementsByTagName("interpreter"); String interpreter = null; if (interpreterlist.getLength() == 1) { // There is an interpreter tag Element interp = (Element) interpreterlist.item(0); interpreter = interp.getTextContent(); } if (interpreterlist.getLength() > 1) throw (new Exception("multiple kind attributes found")); if (nKind < 0 || nKind > 6) throw (new Exception("Invalid kind value")); int actionid; if (alreadyExists) { boolean changeOrigName = ValidateArguments(origId, root); if (changeOrigName) { // // Argument types differ - we only need to rename the original if the // original action is being used somewhere. // System.out.println("changeOrigName is true"); RenameAction(origId, domainid, actionname); actionid = getID("Action"); } else { // Argument types are the same - keep the same interface but change // command line/DMScript or back-end script actionid = origId; } } else { // New function/procedure actionid = getID("Action"); } String otid = (isFunction ? "fn" : "pr") + actionid + "-" + nKind; long t = timeNow(); String sql = null; switch (nKind) { case 1: // DMSCRIPT in repository break; case 2: // DMSCRIPT in database sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action( " + "id,name,kind,summary,domainid,ownerid, " + "creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,status, " + "textid,function,resultisexpr,graphical,categoryid) " + "VALUES( ?,?,?,?,?,?, " + " ?,?,?,?,?, " + " ?,?,?,?,?) "; int textid; if (actionid != origId) { textid = getID("actiontext"); } else { textid = origTextId; } PreparedStatement st1 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); st1.setInt(1, actionid); // id st1.setString(2, actionname); // name st1.setInt(3, nKind); // kind st1.setString(4, summary); // summary st1.setInt(5, domainid); // domainid st1.setInt(6, getUserID()); // ownerid st1.setInt(7, getUserID()); // creatorid st1.setLong(8, t); // created st1.setInt(9, getUserID()); // modifierid st1.setLong(10, t); // modified st1.setString(11, "N"); // status st1.setInt(12, textid); st1.setString(13, isFunction ? "Y" : "N"); if (isFunction) { // This is a function - is the result a DMScript expression? String expr = root.getAttribute("isExpr"); if (expr == null) expr = "N"; st1.setString(14, expr); } else { // Not a function - resultisexpr is NULL st1.setNull(14, Types.VARCHAR); } st1.setString(15, "N"); // Graphical (N) st1.setInt(16, categoryid); // Need to insert text before we insert the record into dm_action. String sinsql; if (actionid == origId) { // Changing existing DMScript with same interface. System.out.println("Updating dm.dm_actiontext (actionid == origId)"); sinsql = "UPDATE dm.dm_actiontext SET data=? WHERE id=?"; } else { System.out.println("Inserting into dm.dm_actiontext (actionid != origId)"); sinsql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actiontext(data,id) VALUES(?,?)"; } NodeList dmscriptlist = root.getElementsByTagName("dmscript"); if (kindlist.getLength() == 0) throw (new Exception("no dmscript attribute found")); if (kindlist.getLength() != 1) throw (new Exception("multiple dmscript attributes found")); Element eDMscript = (Element) dmscriptlist.item(0); String dmscript = eDMscript.getTextContent(); // BASE64 encoded DMScript byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(dmscript); String decodedScript = new String(decodedBytes); PreparedStatement sin = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sinsql); System.out.println("decodedScript"); System.out.println("-------------"); System.out.println(decodedScript); sin.setString(1, decodedScript); sin.setInt(2, textid); System.out.println("textid=" + textid); boolean v = sin.execute(); System.out.println( "Execute of " + sinsql + " returns " + v + " (update count=" + sin.getUpdateCount() + ")"); sin.close(); if (actionid != origId) { // now do the insert into dm_action st1.execute(); st1.close(); addToCategory(categoryid, new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.ACTION, actionid)); /* st1 = m_conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_action_categories values (?,?)"); st1.setInt(1,actionid); st1.setInt(2,categoryid); st1.execute(); */ // // Now do the arguments // NodeList arglist = root.getElementsByTagName("arguments"); if (arglist.getLength() == 0) throw (new Exception("no arguments attribute found")); if (arglist.getLength() != 1) throw (new Exception("multiple arguments attributes found")); Element arguments = (Element) arglist.item(0); NodeList args = arguments.getElementsByTagName("argument"); for (int i = 0; i < args.getLength(); i++) { Node nNode = args.item(i); if (nNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; Element nElement = (Element) nNode; String argname = nElement.getAttribute("name"); String argtype = nElement.getAttribute("type"); String inpos = nElement.getAttribute("inpos"); String switchmode = nElement.getAttribute("switchmode"); String switchname = nElement.getAttribute("switch"); String negswitch = nElement.getAttribute("negswitch"); String padtext = nElement.getAttribute("pad"); String pad = (padtext != null) ? padtext.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? "Y" : "N" : "N"; String reqdtext = nElement.getAttribute("required"); String reqd = (reqdtext != null) ? reqdtext.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? "Y" : "N" : "N"; String inssql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionarg(actionid,name,type,required,switch,negswitch,pad,switchmode,inpos) " + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement aa = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(inssql); aa.setInt(1, actionid); aa.setString(2, argname); aa.setString(3, argtype); aa.setString(4, reqd); aa.setString(5, switchname); aa.setString(6, negswitch); aa.setString(7, pad); aa.setString(8, switchmode); aa.setInt(9, Integer.parseInt(inpos)); aa.execute(); } } st1.close(); break; case 3: case 4: // LOCAL or REMOTE script sql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action( " + "id,name,kind,summary,domainid,ownerid, " + "creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,status, " + "filepath,function,resultisexpr,graphical,copy,categoryid,interpreter) " + "VALUES( ?,?,?,?,?,?, " + " ?,?,?,?,?, " + " ?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "; NodeList cmdlist = root.getElementsByTagName("cmdline"); if (cmdlist.getLength() == 0) throw (new Exception("no cmdline attribute found")); if (cmdlist.getLength() != 1) throw (new Exception("multiple cmdline attributes found")); Element cmdline = (Element) cmdlist.item(0); String scriptname = null; NodeList attlist = cmdline.getElementsByTagName("*"); int outpos = 1; for (int i = 0; i < attlist.getLength(); i++) { Node nNode = attlist.item(i); String nodename = nNode.getNodeName(); if (nNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element nElement = (Element) nNode; if (nodename.equalsIgnoreCase("script")) { if (scriptname != null) throw (new Exception("multiple scriptname attributes found")); scriptname = nElement.getAttribute("name"); // // Okay, we should be good to start inserting data // PreparedStatement st11 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); st11.setInt(1, actionid); // id st11.setString(2, actionname); // name st11.setInt(3, nKind); // kind st11.setString(4, summary); // summary st11.setInt(5, domainid); // domainid st11.setInt(6, getUserID()); // ownerid st11.setInt(7, getUserID()); // creatorid st11.setLong(8, t); // created st11.setInt(9, getUserID()); // modifierid st11.setLong(10, t); // modified st11.setString(11, "N"); // status st11.setString(12, scriptname); st11.setString(13, isFunction ? "Y" : "N"); if (isFunction) { // This is a function - is the result a DMScript expression? String expr = root.getAttribute("isExpr"); if (expr == null) expr = "N"; st11.setString(14, expr); } else { // Not a function - resultisexpr is NULL st11.setNull(14, Types.VARCHAR); } st11.setString(15, "N"); // Graphical (N) if (nKind == 4) { // Copy is only significant for REMOTE scripts String copy = kind.getAttribute("copy"); if (copy == null) copy = "N"; st11.setString(16, copy); } else { // For LOCAL scripts, set COPY to null st11.setNull(16, Types.VARCHAR); } st11.setInt(17, categoryid); st11.setString(18, interpreter); // Got everything necessary for our "script" - insert the row into dm_action if (actionid != origId) { // Only insert the row if the action is new. st11.execute(); st11.close(); addToCategory(categoryid, new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.ACTION, actionid)); /* st11 = m_conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_action_categories values (?,?)"); st11.setInt(1,actionid); st11.setInt(2,categoryid); st11.execute(); */ } else { // We're updating the original action. We know that the arguments must be // the same (we've already checked this). But the flags and the command line // (and, indeed, the backend script) may be different. So let's delete all the // command line flags and let the import recreate them. // String delsql = "DELETE FROM dm.dm_actionarg WHERE actionid=? AND type='false'"; PreparedStatement delstmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(delsql); delstmt.setInt(1, actionid); delstmt.execute(); } st11.close(); } else if (nodename.equalsIgnoreCase("flag")) { if (actionid == 0) throw (new Exception("flag/argument before script tag")); String flagname = nElement.getAttribute("name"); String switchname = nElement.getAttribute("switch"); String padtext = nElement.getAttribute("pad"); String pad = (padtext != null) ? padtext.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? "Y" : "N" : "N"; // System.out.println("flag=["+flagname+"] switchname=["+switchname+"] pad=["+pad+"]"); // Insert into dm_actionarg String inssql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionarg(actionid,name,type,required,switch,pad,switchmode,outpos) " + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement aa = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(inssql); aa.setInt(1, actionid); aa.setString(2, flagname); aa.setString(3, "false"); aa.setString(4, "N"); aa.setString(5, switchname); aa.setString(6, pad); aa.setString(7, "A"); aa.setInt(8, outpos); aa.execute(); outpos++; } else if (nodename.equalsIgnoreCase("argument")) { if (actionid != origId) { // Only insert argument if this is a new action String argname = nElement.getAttribute("name"); String argtype = nElement.getAttribute("type"); String inpos = nElement.getAttribute("inpos"); String switchmode = nElement.getAttribute("switchmode"); String switchname = nElement.getAttribute("switch"); String negswitch = nElement.getAttribute("negswitch"); String padtext = nElement.getAttribute("pad"); String pad = (padtext != null) ? padtext.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? "Y" : "N" : "N"; String reqdtext = nElement.getAttribute("required"); String reqd = (reqdtext != null) ? reqdtext.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? "Y" : "N" : "N"; String inssql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_actionarg(actionid,name,type,required,switch,negswitch,pad,switchmode,inpos,outpos) " + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement aa = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(inssql); aa.setInt(1, actionid); aa.setString(2, argname); aa.setString(3, argtype); aa.setString(4, reqd); aa.setString(5, switchname); aa.setString(6, negswitch); aa.setString(7, pad); aa.setString(8, switchmode); aa.setInt(9, Integer.parseInt(inpos)); aa.setInt(10, outpos); aa.execute(); outpos++; } } else throw (new Exception("Unknown type \"" + nodename + "\"")); } } // Okay, if we've got here without any problems then the DB is all inserted. Tell // the engine to create the script in its scripts directory. // NOTE: We need to check if we really need to create a script. For Ansible, we may // just be creating a command line... // Domain domain = getDomain(domainid); Engine engine = (domain != null) ? domain.findNearestEngine() : null; if (engine == null) { throw (new Exception("Could not locate engine for domain")); } CommandLine m_cmd = engine.doCreateScript(); System.out.println("Reading file " + filepath); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filepath); String scriptBody = ""; byte[] b = new byte[4096]; while ( > 0) { scriptBody += new String(b); } fis.close(); System.out.println("************************************"); System.out.println(scriptBody); System.out.println("************************************"); try {, scriptBody + "\n", true); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } break; case 5: // PLUGIN (will this ever be exported?) break; case 6: // GRAPHICAL flow break; } // Is there a fragment? Fragments are optional NodeList fraglist = root.getElementsByTagName("fragment"); if (fraglist.getLength() > 1) throw (new Exception("multiple fragment attributes found")); if (fraglist.getLength() == 1) { // There is a fragment Element fragment = (Element) fraglist.item(0); String fragname = fragment.getAttribute("name"); String fragsumm = fragment.getAttribute("summary"); // System.out.println("fragment name=["+fragname+"] summary=["+fragsumm+"]"); String fraginssql = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragments(id,name,summary,categoryid,exitpoints," + "creatorid,created,modifierid,modified,drilldown,actionid,functionid) " + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement fragins = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(fraginssql); int fragid = getID("fragments"); fragins.setInt(1, fragid); fragins.setString(2, fragname); fragins.setString(3, fragsumm); fragins.setInt(4, categoryid); fragins.setInt(5, 1); fragins.setInt(6, getUserID()); fragins.setLong(7, t); fragins.setInt(8, getUserID()); fragins.setLong(9, t); fragins.setString(10, "N"); // No drilldown if (isFunction) { fragins.setNull(11, Types.INTEGER); // actionid fragins.setInt(12, actionid); // functionid } else { fragins.setInt(11, actionid); // actionid fragins.setNull(12, Types.INTEGER); // functionid } fragins.execute(); fragins.close(); /* fragins = m_conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragment_categories values (?,?)"); fragins.setInt(1,fragid); fragins.setInt(2,categoryid); fragins.execute(); fragins.close(); */ addToCategory(categoryid, new ObjectTypeAndId(ObjectType.FRAGMENT, fragid)); // Now the fragment parameters (if any) String fragattins = "INSERT INTO dm.dm_fragmentattrs(" + "id,typeid,attype,atname,tablename,inherit,atorder,required, default_value) " + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement fai = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(fragattins); NodeList plist = fragment.getElementsByTagName("parameter"); for (int p = 0; p < plist.getLength(); p++) { String tablename = null; String inherit = null; Node param = plist.item(p); if (param.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element eParam = (Element) param; NodeList tablist = eParam.getElementsByTagName("tablename"); if (tablist.getLength() == 1) { // There is a table record associated with this parameter Element eTable = (Element) tablist.item(0); tablename = eTable.getTextContent(); inherit = eTable.getAttribute("inherit"); if (inherit == null) inherit = "N"; } String paramname = eParam.getAttribute("name"); String paramtype = eParam.getAttribute("type"); String reqd = eParam.getAttribute("required"); String default_value_param = eParam.getAttribute("default_value"); String default_value = (default_value_param == null) ? "" : default_value_param; // System.out.println("paramname=["+paramname+"] paramtype=["+paramtype+"] reqd=["+reqd+"]"); int fragintid = getID("fragmentattrs"); fai.setInt(1, fragintid); fai.setInt(2, fragid); fai.setString(3, paramtype); fai.setString(4, paramname); if (tablename != null) { fai.setString(5, tablename); fai.setString(6, inherit); } else { // No table - both tablename and inherit should be NULL fai.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR); fai.setNull(6, Types.VARCHAR); } fai.setInt(7, p + 1); fai.setString(8, reqd); fai.setString(9, default_value); fai.execute(); } } } System.out.println("COMMIT"); getDBConnection().commit(); res.add("result", true); res.add("otid", otid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("message is : " + e.getMessage()); res.add("result", false); res.add("error", e.getMessage()); System.out.println("res is " + res); rollback(); } return res; } public void ExportFunction(int actionid, PrintWriter out) { // Exports the specified function as an XML file String sql = "SELECT, " + " a.filepath, " + " a.summary, " + " a.domainid, " + ", " + ", " + " a.function, " + " a.resultisexpr, " + " a.graphical, " + " a.copy, " + " a.kind, " + " f.categoryid, " + " a.interpreter, " + " a.repositoryid " + "FROM dm.dm_action a " + "LEFT JOIN dm.dm_domain d ON = a.domainid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_actiontext at ON = a.textid " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dm.dm_fragments f ON in (f.actionid,f.functionid) " + "WHERE"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, actionid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { // got the action String name = getString(rs, 1, ""); String filepath = getString(rs, 2, ""); String summary = getString(rs, 3, ""); int domainid = getInteger(rs, 4, 0); String DMScriptData = getString(rs, 6, null); boolean isFunction = getBoolean(rs, 7, false); boolean isExpr = getBoolean(rs, 8, false); boolean isGraphical = getBoolean(rs, 9, false); boolean isCopy = getBoolean(rs, 10, false); int kind = rs.getInt(11); int categoryid = getInteger(rs, 12, 0); String category = ""; if (categoryid > 0) { PreparedStatement c = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT name FROM dm.dm_category WHERE id=?"); c.setInt(1, categoryid); ResultSet cr = c.executeQuery(); if ( { category = cr.getString(1); } cr.close(); c.close(); } String interpreter = rs.getString(13); int repository = getInteger(rs, 14, 0); if (isFunction) { out.println("<function name=\"" + name + "\" summary=\"" + summary + "\" isExpr=\"" + (isExpr ? "Y" : "N") + "\" category=\"" + category + "\">"); } else { out.println("<action name=\"" + name + "\" summary=\"" + summary + "\" isGraphical=\"" + (isGraphical ? "Y" : "N") + "\" category=\"" + category + "\">"); } out.println("<kind copy=\"" + (isCopy ? "Y" : "N") + "\">" + kind + "</kind>"); if (interpreter != null) { out.println("<interpreter>" + interpreter + "</interpreter>"); } if (kind == 2) { if (DMScriptData != null) { // DMScript stored in database out.println("<dmscript>"); byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.encodeBase64(DMScriptData.getBytes()); out.println(new String(encodedBytes)); out.println("</dmscript>"); } else { // DMScript stored in repository out.println("<dmscript>"); out.println("In Repository " + repository); out.println("</dmscript>"); } } else if (kind == 4) { // External Script - need to get this from engine. Domain d = getDomain(domainid); if (d != null) { Engine engine = d.findNearestEngine(); String res = engine.dumpScript(actionid); out.println(res); } } if (kind == 3 || kind == 4) { // LOCAL and REMOTE scripts have a cmdline out.println("<cmdline>"); out.println("<script name=\"" + filepath + "\" />"); } else { out.println("<arguments>"); } if (kind >= 1 && kind <= 5) { // Arguments for everything other than Graphical Flows String sql4 = " SELECT name, " + " type, " + " required, " + " switch, " + " pad, " + " inpos, " + " switchmode, " + " negswitch " + " FROM dm.dm_actionarg " + " WHERE actionid=? " + " ORDER BY outpos"; PreparedStatement stmt4 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql4); stmt4.setInt(1, actionid); ResultSet rs4 = stmt4.executeQuery(); while ( { String argname = getString(rs4, 1, ""); String argtype = getString(rs4, 2, ""); boolean reqd = getBoolean(rs4, 3, false); String switchtext = getString(rs4, 4, ""); boolean pad = getBoolean(rs4, 5, false); int inpos = getInteger(rs4, 6, 0); String switchmode = getString(rs4, 7, ""); String negswitch = getString(rs4, 8, ""); if (switchmode.equalsIgnoreCase("A")) { out.println("<flag name=\"" + argname + "\" switch=\"" + switchtext + "\" pad=\"" + pad + "\" />"); } else { out.println("<argument name=\"" + argname + "\" type=\"" + argtype + "\" inpos=\"" + inpos + "\" switchmode=\"" + switchmode + "\" switch=\"" + switchtext + "\" negswitch=\"" + negswitch + "\" pad=\"" + pad + "\" required=\"" + reqd + "\" />"); } } } if (kind == 3 || kind == 4) { out.println("</cmdline>"); } else { out.println("</arguments>"); } // // Check if there is a fragment wrapping this action/function // String sql2 = " SELECT id, " + " name, " + " summary " + " FROM dm.dm_fragments " + " WHERE ? in (actionid,functionid)"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql2); stmt2.setInt(1, actionid); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); while ( { int typeid = rs2.getInt(1); String fname = getString(rs2, 2, ""); String fsumm = getString(rs2, 3, ""); out.println("<fragment name=\"" + fname + "\" summary=\"" + fsumm + "\">"); // // Now get the fragment attributes // String sql3 = " SELECT atname, " + " attype, " + " tablename, " + " inherit, " + " required " + " FROM dm.dm_fragmentattrs " + " WHERE typeid=? " + " ORDER BY atorder"; PreparedStatement stmt3 = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); stmt3.setInt(1, typeid); ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery(); while ( { String atname = getString(rs3, 1, ""); String attype = getString(rs3, 2, ""); String tablename = getString(rs3, 3, null); String inherit = getString(rs3, 4, "N"); if (inherit.equalsIgnoreCase("r")) { // This is the result field out.println("<result name=\"" + atname + "\" />"); } else { boolean required = getBoolean(rs3, 5, false); out.print("<parameter name=\"" + atname + "\" type=\"" + attype + "\" required=\"" + (required ? "Y" : "N") + "\""); if (tablename != null) { out.println(">"); out.println("<tablename inherit=\"" + inherit + "\">" + tablename + "</tablename>"); out.println("</parameter>"); } else { out.println("/>"); } } } rs3.close(); out.println("</fragment>"); } rs2.close(); if (isFunction) { out.println("</function>"); } else { out.println("</action>"); } } /* else { // action not found } */ rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void ExportGraphAsProcedure(int actionid, PrintWriter out) { // Exports the specified graphical action as a procedure. // To do this, we call the engine to convert the graph to DMScript. // Then we wrap that with the appropriate XML to recreate it as a // DMScript procedure (kind = 2) // Action action = getAction(actionid, true); if (action != null) { Domain d = action.getDomain(); if (d != null) { Engine engine = d.findNearestEngine(); CommandLine cmd = engine.showDMScript(action); int res =, null, true); if (res == 0) { // Engine converted action ok - create output String DMScript = cmd.getOutput(); out.println("<action name=\"" + action.getName() + "_converted\" summary=\"" + action.getSummary() + "\" isGraphical=\"N\" category=\"\">"); out.println("<kind copy=\"N\">2</kind>"); out.println("<dmscript>"); byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.encodeBase64(DMScript.getBytes()); out.println(new String(encodedBytes)); out.println("</dmscript>"); // A Graphical flow can have no arguments (at least for now) out.println("<arguments>"); out.println("</arguments>"); out.println("</action>"); } } } } public boolean CategoryInDomain(int id, int catid, int domainid, int t) { // Returns "true" if a component (t=1), action (t=2) or procedure/function (t=3) exists in the specified // category in the specified domain. Called by GetNewID when creating a new object so that it can construct // the tree properly. System.out.println("CategoryInDomain(" + id + "," + catid + "," + domainid + "," + t); String sql = ""; switch (t) { case 1: System.out.println( "Checking how many categories are in domain " + domainid + " catid=" + catid + " id=" + id); sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_component a,dm.dm_component_categories b WHERE ? NOT IN (,coalesce(a.parentid, AND = AND b.categoryid=? AND a.domainid=?"; System.out.println(sql); System.out.println(id + " " + catid + " " + domainid); break; case 2: System.out.println( "Checking how many categories are in domain " + domainid + " catid=" + catid + " id=" + id); sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM dm.dm_action a,dm.dm_action_categories b WHERE != ? AND = AND b.categoryid=? AND a.domainid=? AND a.graphical='Y'"; System.out.println(sql); System.out.println(id + " " + catid + " " + domainid); break; case 3: System.out.println( "Checking how many categories are in domain " + domainid + " catid=" + catid + " id=" + id); sql = "SELECT count(*) " + "FROM dm.dm_action a, " + " dm.dm_fragment_categories b, " + " dm.dm_fragments c " + "WHERE != ? " + "AND b.categoryid=? " + "AND a.domainid=? " + "AND a.graphical<>'Y' " + "AND in (c.actionid,c.functionid) " + "AND ="; System.out.println(sql); System.out.println(id + " " + catid + " " + domainid); break; default: break; } boolean res = false; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.setInt(2, catid); stmt.setInt(3, domainid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { System.out.println("result is " + rs.getInt(1)); res = (rs.getInt(1) > 0); } rs.close(); System.out.println("returning res=" + res); return res; } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public JSONObject GetActionReferences(int actionid) { // Looks for actions, tasks, applications or components that reference the supplied // action and returns JSON link for each one JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); String sql[] = { "select 1,id,'Pre Action on Base Component' from dm.dm_component where preactionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 1,id,'Post Action on Base Component' from dm.dm_component where postactionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 1,id,'Custom Action on Base Component' from dm.dm_component where actionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 1,id,'Pre Action on Component Version' from dm.dm_component where preactionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is not null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 1,id,'Post Action on Component Version' from dm.dm_component where postactionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is not null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 1,id,'Custom Action on Component Version' from dm.dm_component where actionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is not null and status<>'D' " + "order by id", // Applications "select 2,id,'Pre Action on Base Application' from dm.dm_application where preactionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 2,id,'Post Action on Base Application' from dm.dm_application where postactionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 2,id,'Custom Action on Base Application' from dm.dm_application where actionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 2,id,'Pre Action on Application Version' from dm.dm_application where preactionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is not null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 2,id,'Post Action on Application Version' from dm.dm_application where postactionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is not null and status<>'D' " + "union " + "select 2,id,'Custom Action on Application Version' from dm.dm_application where actionid=" + actionid + " and parentid is not null and status<>'D' " + "order by id", // Stand-Alone Actions "select 3,a.domainid,'ActionTask \"'||||'\" in Domain' from dm.dm_task a, dm.dm_taskaction b where and b.actionid=" + actionid, "select 3,domainid, 'PreLink to Task \"'||name||'\" in Domain' from dm.dm_task where preactionid=" + actionid + " " + "union " + "select 3,domainid, 'PostLink to Task \"'||name||'\" in Domain' from dm.dm_task where postactionid=" + actionid, "select 4,a.actionid, 'Used in Action' from dm.dm_actionfrags a,dm.dm_fragments b where and " + actionid + " in (b.actionid,b.functionid)" }; try { Action action = getAction(actionid, false); ret.add("name", action.getName()); JSONArray res = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < sql.length; i++) { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql[i]); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); int type = rs.getInt(1); int id = rs.getInt(2); String desc = rs.getString(3); switch (type) { case 1: { Component comp = getComponent(id, true); if (comp != null) { obj.add("desc", desc); obj.add("data", comp.getLinkJSON()); res.add(obj); } } break; case 2: { Application app = getApplication(id, true); if (app != null) { obj.add("desc", desc); obj.add("data", app.getLinkJSON()); res.add(obj); } } break; case 3: { Domain dom = getDomain(id); if (dom != null) { obj.add("desc", desc); obj.add("data", dom.getLinkJSON()); res.add(obj); } } break; case 4: { Action a = getAction(id, false); if (a != null) { obj.add("desc", desc); obj.add("data", a.getLinkJSON()); res.add(obj); } } break; default: break; } } rs.close(); } ret.add("refs", res); return ret; } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public String getJSONFromServer(String url, Credential cred) { // CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); // Basic Auth setup // System.out.println("getJSONFromServer: url="+url); String credUsername = ""; String credPassword = ""; byte[] credentials = null; if (cred != null) { try { //System.out.println("Credential "+cred.getName()+" found"); PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select encusername,encpassword from dm.dm_credentials where id=?"); stmt.setInt(1, cred.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { String un = rs.getString(1); String up = rs.getString(2); byte[] dun = Decrypt3DES(un, m_passphrase); byte[] dup = Decrypt3DES(up, m_passphrase); credUsername = new String(dun); credPassword = new String(dup); /* System.out.println( "credUsername=["+ ((credUsername!=null)?credUsername:"null")+ "] credPassword=["+ ((credPassword!=null)?credPassword:"null")+ "]"); */ if (credUsername != null && credPassword != null) { // System.out.println("Setting credentials"); credentials = Base64 .encodeBase64((credUsername + ":" + credPassword).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { } } // else System.out.println("no credential"); final PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(); connManager.setMaxTotal(200); connManager.setDefaultMaxPerRoute(20); RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setSocketTimeout(30000).build(); CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.custom().setConnectionManager(connManager) .setDefaultRequestConfig(requestConfig).build(); CloseableHttpResponse response1 = null; String resString = ""; try { HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url); if (credentials != null) { httpGet.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + new String(credentials, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } response1 = httpclient.execute(httpGet); StatusLine sl = response1.getStatusLine(); int statusCode = 0; if (sl != null) { statusCode = sl.getStatusCode(); } else { System.out.println("*** could not get status line"); } if (statusCode == 401) { resString = "Could not connect to '" + url + "' using credentials '" + credentials + "' '" + credUsername + ":" + credPassword + "'\n" + sl.toString(); } if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode <= 299) { // In valid range // System.out.println(response1.getStatusLine()); HttpEntity entity1 = response1.getEntity(); InputStream content = entity1.getContent(); // Consume all the result data, converting it to a string byte d[] = new byte[2048]; int bytesRead =; while (bytesRead != -1) { String block = new String(d, 0, bytesRead); resString += block; bytesRead =; } while ( != -1) ; EntityUtils.consume(entity1); } else { System.out.println("Connecting to URL [" + url + "] returns Status Code " + statusCode); } } catch (HttpHostConnectException ex) { // Failed to connect to the target server - it may be down. System.out.println("Failed to connect to " + url + ": " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception of type " + ex.toString() + " thrown"); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (response1 != null) response1.close(); httpclient.close(); if (response1 == null) { resString = "Could not connect to '" + url + "' using credentials '" + credentials + "' '" + credUsername + ":" + credPassword + "'"; } } catch (IOException ex) { // shrugs } } return resString; } public String getDataSourceAttribute(int dsid, String attname) { String sql = "select value,encrypted from dm.dm_datasourceprops where datasourceid=? and name=?"; String res = null; try { PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); st.setInt(1, dsid); st.setString(2, attname); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { // found the attribute res = rs.getString(1); if (rs.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // Attribute is encrypted res = new String(Decrypt3DES(res, m_passphrase)); } } rs.close(); st.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { return null; } } public void internalLogin(ServletContext context) { // Sets up internal login to run as "admin" setUserID(1); connectToDatabase(context); GetDomains(1); } JSONObject getBuildHistoryJenkins(int builderid, int buildjobid) { System.out.println("getBuildHistoryJenkins builderid=" + builderid + " buildjobid=" + buildjobid); String sql2 = "select projectname from dm.dm_buildjob where id=?"; String sql3 = "select a.buildnumber,,,b.parentid from dm.dm_buildhistory a,dm.dm_component b where and a.buildjobid=? order by buildnumber desc"; JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); try { Builder builder = getBuilder(builderid); Credential cred = builder.getCredential(); PreparedStatement stmt2 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql2); PreparedStatement stmt3 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql3); stmt2.setInt(1, buildjobid); stmt3.setInt(1, buildjobid); String serverURL = getBuildServerURL(builderid); if (serverURL != null) { System.out.println("Server URL=" + serverURL); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); if ( { String jobname = rs2.getString(1).replaceAll(" ", "%20"); if (jobname.length() > 0) { // // Get all the builds we know about for this build job and assemble the // JSON Array of components associated with each build number // Hashtable<Integer, JSONArray> complist = new Hashtable<Integer, JSONArray>(); ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery(); while ( { int buildno = rs3.getInt(1); // Have we seen this build before? JSONArray ja = complist.get(buildno); if (ja == null) ja = new JSONArray(); // new build int compid = rs3.getInt(2); String compname = rs3.getString(3); int parentid = getInteger(rs3, 4, 0); JSONObject compdetails = new JSONObject(); compdetails.add("id", compid); compdetails.add("name", compname); compdetails.add("type", (parentid > 0) ? "cv" : "co"); ja.add(compdetails); complist.put(buildno, ja); } rs3.close(); // // Now get "all" the builds from the build server. Not all of these will // relate to builds in DeployHub // boolean commit = false; if (jobname.contains("/")) jobname = jobname.replace("/", "/job/"); String res = getJSONFromServer(serverURL + "/job/" + jobname + "/api/json?tree=builds[number,timestamp,result,duration]", cred); System.out.println(res); JsonObject returnedjson = new JsonParser().parse(res).getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray builds = returnedjson.getAsJsonArray("builds"); JSONArray retBuilds = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < builds.size(); i++) { JsonObject jsonJob = builds.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); int buildid = jsonJob.get("number").getAsInt(); int duration = jsonJob.get("duration").getAsInt(); String result = jsonJob.get("result").getAsString(); long timestamp = jsonJob.get("timestamp").getAsLong(); System.out.println("buildid=" + buildid + " timestamp=" + timestamp); JSONObject buildobj = new JSONObject(); buildobj.add("id", buildid); buildobj.add("result", result); buildobj.add("timestamp", formatDateToUserLocale((int) (timestamp / 1000))); buildobj.add("duration", duration); JSONArray recomps = complist.get(buildid); if (recomps == null) recomps = new JSONArray(); buildobj.add("components", recomps); retBuilds.add(buildobj); } ret.add("builds", retBuilds); if (commit) m_conn.commit(); } else { ret.add("error", "Cannot retrieve Builds - Project Name is not set"); } } else { ret.add("error", "Could not retrieve Project Name from build job"); } rs2.close(); } else { // Couldn't find server URL - stick an error into the return object ret.add("error", "Build Engine has no Server URL defined"); } stmt2.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); ret.add("error", "SQL Failed running getProjectsFromJenkins"); } return ret; } JSONObject getBuildHistoryBamboo(int builderid, int buildjobid) { System.out.println("getBuildHistoryBamboo builderid=" + builderid + " buildjobid=" + buildjobid); String sql1 = "select value,encrypted from dm.dm_buildengineprops where name='Server URL' and builderid = ?"; String sql2 = "select projectname from dm.dm_buildjob where id=?"; String sql3 = "select a.buildnumber,,,b.parentid from dm.dm_buildhistory a,dm.dm_component b where and a.buildjobid=? order by buildnumber desc"; JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); try { Builder builder = getBuilder(builderid); Credential cred = builder.getCredential(); PreparedStatement stmt1 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql1); PreparedStatement stmt2 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql2); PreparedStatement stmt3 = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql3); stmt1.setInt(1, builderid); stmt2.setInt(1, buildjobid); stmt3.setInt(1, buildjobid); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { // Got the Server URL String serverURL = rs1.getString(1); String encrypted = rs1.getString(2); System.out.println("Server URL=" + serverURL); if (encrypted != null && encrypted.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { serverURL = new String(Decrypt3DES(serverURL, m_passphrase)); System.out.println("Decrypted server URL=" + serverURL); } ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); if ( { String jobname = rs2.getString(1).replaceAll(" ", "%20"); if (jobname.length() > 0) { // // Get all the builds we know about for this build job and assemble the // JSON Array of components associated with each build number // Hashtable<Integer, JSONArray> complist = new Hashtable<Integer, JSONArray>(); ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery(); while ( { int buildno = rs3.getInt(1); // Have we seen this build before? JSONArray ja = complist.get(buildno); if (ja == null) ja = new JSONArray(); // new build int compid = rs3.getInt(2); String compname = rs3.getString(3); int parentid = getInteger(rs3, 4, 0); JSONObject compdetails = new JSONObject(); compdetails.add("id", compid); compdetails.add("name", compname); compdetails.add("type", (parentid > 0) ? "cv" : "co"); ja.add(compdetails); complist.put(buildno, ja); } rs3.close(); // // Now get "all" the builds from the build server. Not all of these will // relate to builds in DeployHub // boolean commit = false; String res = getJSONFromServer(serverURL + "/rest/api/latest/job/" + jobname + "/api/json?tree=builds[number,timestamp,result,duration]", cred); JsonObject returnedjson = new JsonParser().parse(res).getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray builds = returnedjson.getAsJsonArray("builds"); JSONArray retBuilds = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < builds.size(); i++) { JsonObject jsonJob = builds.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); int buildid = jsonJob.get("number").getAsInt(); int duration = jsonJob.get("duration").getAsInt(); String result = jsonJob.get("result").getAsString(); long timestamp = jsonJob.get("timestamp").getAsLong(); System.out.println("buildid=" + buildid + " timestamp=" + timestamp); JSONObject buildobj = new JSONObject(); buildobj.add("id", buildid); buildobj.add("result", result); buildobj.add("timestamp", formatDateToUserLocale((int) (timestamp / 1000))); buildobj.add("duration", duration); JSONArray recomps = complist.get(buildid); if (recomps == null) recomps = new JSONArray(); buildobj.add("components", recomps); retBuilds.add(buildobj); } ret.add("builds", retBuilds); if (commit) m_conn.commit(); } else { ret.add("error", "Cannot retrieve Builds - Project Name is not set"); } } else { ret.add("error", "Could not retrieve Project Name from build job"); } rs2.close(); } else { // Couldn't find server URL - stick an error into the return object ret.add("error", "Build Engine has no Server URL defined"); } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); stmt2.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); ret.add("error", "SQL Failed running getProjectsFromBamboo"); } return ret; } JSONObject getProjectsFromJenkins(int builderid) { System.out.println("getProjectsFromJenkins"); JSONArray retJobs = new JSONArray(); String serverURL = getBuildServerURL(builderid); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); Builder builder = getBuilder(builderid); Credential cred = builder.getCredential(); if (serverURL != null) { // Got the Server URL System.out.println("Server URL=" + serverURL); ArrayList<String> jobs = new ArrayList<String>(); String res = recurseProjectsFromJenkins(serverURL, "", cred, jobs); if (res.startsWith("Could not connect")) { ret.add("error", res); } else { if (jobs.size() == 0) { ret.add("error", "No Projects found on Jenkins Server " + serverURL); } for (int i = 0; i < jobs.size(); i++) { JSONObject jobobj = new JSONObject(); jobobj.add("name", jobs.get(i)); retJobs.add(jobobj); } ret.add("jobs", retJobs); } } else { // Couldn't find server URL - stick an error into the return object ret.add("error", "Build Engine has no Server URL defined"); } return ret; } String recurseProjectsFromJenkins(String ServerURL, String currentFolder, Credential cred, ArrayList<String> jobList) { System.out.println("recurseProjectsFromJenkins"); String encFolder = currentFolder.replaceAll(" ", "%20") + "/api/json"; String res = getJSONFromServer(ServerURL + encFolder, cred); System.out.println("Server URL=" + ServerURL + encFolder); if (res.startsWith("Could not connect")) { return res; } else { JsonObject returnedjson = new JsonParser().parse(res).getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray jobs = returnedjson.getAsJsonArray("jobs"); JSONArray retJobs = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < jobs.size(); i++) { JsonObject jsonJob = jobs.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); if (!jsonJob.get("_class").getAsString().contains("Folder")) { String name = currentFolder + "/" + jsonJob.get("name").getAsString(); name = name.replaceAll("\\/job\\/", "/").substring(1); jobList.add(name); } else { String newFolder = currentFolder + "/job/" + jsonJob.get("name").getAsString(); recurseProjectsFromJenkins(ServerURL, newFolder, cred, jobList); } } } return ""; } JSONObject getProjectsFromBamboo(int builderid) { System.out.println("getProjectsFromBamboo"); String sql = "select value,encrypted from dm.dm_buildengineprops where name='Server URL' and builderid = ?"; JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); try { Builder builder = getBuilder(builderid); Credential cred = builder.getCredential(); PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, builderid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // Got the Server URL String serverURL = rs.getString(1); if (rs.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // Server URL is encrypted serverURL = new String(Decrypt3DES(serverURL, m_passphrase)); } System.out.println("Server URL=" + serverURL); String res = getJSONFromServer(serverURL + "/rest/api/latest/plan.json", cred); if (res.startsWith("Could not connect")) { ret.add("error", res); } else { JsonObject returnedjson = new JsonParser().parse(res).getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject plans = returnedjson.getAsJsonObject("plans"); JsonArray plan = plans.getAsJsonArray("plan"); JSONArray retJobs = new JSONArray(); if (plan.size() == 0) { ret.add("error", "No Projects found on Bamboo Server " + serverURL); } for (int i = 0; i < plan.size(); i++) { JsonObject jsonPlan = plan.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); String planname = jsonPlan.get("shortName").getAsString(); JSONObject jobobj = new JSONObject(); jobobj.add("name", planname); retJobs.add(jobobj); } ret.add("jobs", retJobs); } } else { // Couldn't find server URL - stick an error into the return object ret.add("error", "Build Engine has no Server URL defined"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); ret.add("error", "SQL Failed running getProjectsFromBamboo"); } return ret; } JSONObject getBuildHistory(int buildjobid) { System.out.println("getBuildHistory buildjobid=" + buildjobid); String sql = "select, " + "from dm.dm_providerdef a, " + " dm.dm_buildengine b, " + " dm.dm_buildjob c " + "where " + "and " + "and"; try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, buildjobid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // Got the provider name (this should always work) String providerName = rs.getString(1); int builderid = rs.getInt(2); System.out.println("ProviderName=" + providerName + " builderid=" + builderid); if (providerName.equalsIgnoreCase("jenkins")) { rs.close(); stmt.close(); return getBuildHistoryJenkins(builderid, buildjobid); } if (providerName.equalsIgnoreCase("bamboo")) { rs.close(); stmt.close(); return getBuildHistoryBamboo(builderid, buildjobid); } else { // did not recognize provider rs.close(); stmt.close(); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); ret.add("error", "Provider Name \"" + providerName + "\" not recognized"); return ret; } } else { // Couldn't find provider - disaster rs.close(); stmt.close(); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); ret.add("error", "Could not find build engine provider name"); return ret; } } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } JSONObject getProjectsFromBuilder(int buildjobid, int buildengineid) { System.out.println("getProjectsFromBuilder buildjobid=" + buildjobid); String sql; if (buildjobid != -1) { sql = "select, " + "from dm.dm_providerdef a, " + " dm.dm_buildengine b, " + " dm.dm_buildjob c " + "where " + "and " + "and"; } else { sql = "select, " + "from dm.dm_providerdef a, " + " dm.dm_buildengine b " + "where " + "and"; } try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, (buildjobid != -1) ? buildjobid : buildengineid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // Got the provider name (this should always work) String providerName = rs.getString(1); int builderid = rs.getInt(2); System.out.println("ProviderName=" + providerName + " builderid=" + builderid); if (providerName.equalsIgnoreCase("jenkins")) { rs.close(); stmt.close(); return getProjectsFromJenkins(builderid); } else if (providerName.equalsIgnoreCase("bamboo")) { rs.close(); stmt.close(); return getProjectsFromBamboo(builderid); } else { // did not recognize provider rs.close(); stmt.close(); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); ret.add("error", "Provider Name \"" + providerName + "\" not recognized"); return ret; } } else { // Couldn't find provider - disaster rs.close(); stmt.close(); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); ret.add("error", "Could not find build engine provider name"); return ret; } } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } List<BuildJob> getBuildJobsForComponent(Component comp, int domid) { System.out.println("getBuildJobsForComponent id=" + comp.getId()); Domain d = null; if (comp.getId() < 0) { // New Component d = getDomain(domid); } else { // Get the domain for this component d = comp.getDomain(); } String domainList = ""; String sep = ""; while (d != null) { domainList += sep + d.getId(); d = d.getDomain(); sep = ","; } System.out.println("Domain List = " + domainList); String sql = "SELECT,, " + "FROM dm.dm_buildjob a, " + " dm.dm_buildengine b " + "WHERE " + "AND b.domainid IN (" + domainList + ") " + "AND b.status='N'"; List<BuildJob> res = new ArrayList<BuildJob>(); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); BuildJob ret = null; while ( { ret = new BuildJob(this, rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); ret.setBuilderId(rs.getInt(3)); res.add(ret); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return res; } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve build jobs for component " + comp.getId()); } // Moved SyncAnsible (and associated methods) into DMSession since it's better here. @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String readUrl(String urlString) throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = null; try { URL url = new URL(urlString); try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8")); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (reader != null) reader.close(); return ""; } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); char[] chars = new char[1024]; int read; while ((read = != -1) { buffer.append(chars, 0, read); } String str = buffer.toString(); return str; } finally { if (reader != null) reader.close(); } } private String capitalize(String original) { if ((original == null) || (original.length() == 0)) { return original; } String[] parts = original.split("_"); if ((parts == null) || (parts.length == 1)) { return original.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + original.substring(1); } original = ""; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (parts[i].length() > 1) original = original + parts[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + parts[i].substring(1); else original = original + parts[i].toUpperCase(); } return original; } private static JsonObject convertToJson(String yamlString) { if ((yamlString == null) || (yamlString.trim().length() == 0)) { return new JsonObject(); } Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); Gson gson = new Gson(); Object obj = yaml.load(yamlString); String jo = gson.toJson(obj); try { JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse(jo).getAsJsonObject(); return jsonObject; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } return new JsonObject(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void SyncAnsible(ServletContext context) { internalLogin(context); int domainid = -1; try { PreparedStatement st; st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("select id from dm.dm_domain where name = 'Infrastructure'"); ResultSet rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { domainid = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (domainid == -1) { try { PreparedStatement st; st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "insert into dm.dm_domain (id,name,domainid,ownerid,status) (select max(id)+1,'Infrastructure', 1, 1,'N' from dm.dm_domain)"); st.execute(); st.close(); st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select id from dm.dm_domain where name = 'Infrastructure'"); ResultSet rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { domainid = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } if (domainid == -1) domainid = 1; int download_filter = 120; // Number of downloads before we consider it worthy of import String om_filter = System.getenv("OM_ANSIBLE_DOWNLOAD_FILTER"); if (om_filter != null) { try { download_filter = Integer.parseInt(om_filter); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Invalid value " + om_filter + " for OM_ANSIBLE_DOWNLOAD_FILTER value"); } } int numpages = 0; try { String json = readUrl(""); JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonElement je = jp.parse(json); JsonObject ansible = je.getAsJsonObject(); numpages = ansible.get("num_pages").getAsInt(); } catch (Exception localException1) { } File tempdir = new File("temp/roles"); tempdir.mkdirs(); System.out.println("ROLES=" + tempdir.getAbsoluteFile()); // Base64 b64 = new Base64(); for (int page = 1; page < numpages; page++) { try { String json = readUrl("" + page + "&format=json"); JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonElement je = jp.parse(json); JsonObject ansible = je.getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray results = (JsonArray) ansible.get("results"); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { JsonObject role = results.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); String name = role.get("name").getAsString(); String namespace = role.get("namespace").getAsString(); String fullName = namespace + "." + name; String actionName = name.replaceAll(" ", "_"); actionName = actionName.replaceAll("-", "_"); String user = role.get("github_user").getAsString(); String repo = role.get("github_repo").getAsString(); String summ = role.get("description").getAsString(); int dlcnt = role.get("download_count").getAsInt(); if (dlcnt >= download_filter) { summ = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(summ); JsonObject summfields = role.getAsJsonObject("summary_fields"); JsonArray tags = summfields.get("tags").getAsJsonArray(); String category = "General"; try { JsonObject tag = tags.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); category = tag.get("name").getAsString(); category = capitalize(category); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException localIndexOutOfBoundsException) { } String default_vars_str = readUrl("" + user + "/" + repo + "/master/defaults/main.yml"); JsonObject default_vars_json = convertToJson(default_vars_str); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("temp/roles/" + user + "_" + repo + ".xml"); writer.println("<action name=\"ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_") + "\" summary=\"" + summ + "\" isGraphical=\"N\" category=\"" + category + "\">"); writer.println("<kind copy=\"N\">3</kind>"); writer.println("<scripts>"); writer.println("<scriptbody filename=\"\">"); writer.println("</scriptbody>"); writer.println("</scripts>"); writer.println("<cmdline>"); writer.println("<script name=\"${DMHOME}/scripts/\" />"); writer.println("<flag name=\"Target\" switch=\"--ansible_target\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println("<flag name=\"TargetArg\" switch=\"${server.hostname}\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println("<flag name=\"GalaxyRole\" switch=\"--galaxy_role\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println("<flag name=\"GalaxyRoleArg\" switch=\"" + fullName + "\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println( "<flag name=\"AnsibleSshUser\" switch=\"--ansible_ssh_user\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println( "<flag name=\"AnsibleSshUserArg\" switch=\"'${AnsibleSshUser}'\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println( "<flag name=\"AnsibleSshPassword\" switch=\"--ansible_ssh_pass\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println( "<flag name=\"AnsibleSshPasswordArg\" switch=\"'${AnsibleSshPassword}'\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println( "<flag name=\"AnsibleSudoPassword\" switch=\"--ansible_sudo_pass\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println( "<flag name=\"AnsibleSudoPasswordArg\" switch=\"'${AnsibleSudoPassword}'\" pad=\"false\" />"); writer.println( "<argument name=\"AnsibleVariableFile\" type=\"Entry\" inpos=\"0\" switchmode=\"S\" switch=\"--ansible_variable_file\" negswitch=\"\" pad=\"false\" required=\"false\" />"); if (default_vars_json.isJsonObject()) { Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> ens = default_vars_json.entrySet(); if (ens != null) { for (Iterator<Entry<String, JsonElement>> iterator = ens.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Entry<String, JsonElement> en =; if (!((JsonElement) en.getValue()).isJsonPrimitive()) continue; writer.println("<argument name=\"" + capitalize((String) en.getKey()) + "\" type=\"Entry\" inpos=\"0\" switchmode=\"S\" switch=\"--" + (String) en.getKey() + "\" negswitch=\"\" pad=\"false\" required=\"false\" />"); } } } writer.println("</cmdline>"); writer.println("<fragment name=\"ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_") + "_role\" summary=\"" + summ + "\">"); writer.println( "<parameter name=\"AnsibleVariableFile\" type=\"Entry\" required=\"N\" default_value=\"${ansible_variable_file}\"/>"); HashMap<String, String> defaultvars = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (default_vars_json.isJsonObject()) { Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> ens = default_vars_json.entrySet(); if (ens != null) { for (Iterator<Entry<String, JsonElement>> iterator = ens.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Entry<String, JsonElement> en =; if (!((JsonElement) en.getValue()).isJsonPrimitive()) continue; defaultvars.put((String) en.getKey(), ((JsonElement) en.getValue()).toString().replaceAll("^\"|\"$", "")); writer.println("<parameter name=\"" + capitalize((String) en.getKey()) + "\" type=\"Entry\" required=\"N\" default_value=\"${" + (String) en.getKey() + "}\" />"); } } } writer.println("</fragment>"); writer.println(" </action>"); writer.close(); int existingdomain = -1; try { PreparedStatement st; st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select domainid from dm.dm_action where name = ?"); st.setString(1, "ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_")); ResultSet rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { existingdomain = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (existingdomain == -1) existingdomain = domainid; System.out.println("Import Domain=" + existingdomain); ImportFunction(existingdomain, new File("temp/roles/" + user + "_" + repo + ".xml").getAbsolutePath()); long t = timeNow(); PreparedStatement st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select id from dm.dm_action where name = ?"); st.setString(1, "ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_") + "_action"); int actionid = 0; ResultSet rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { actionid = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); existingdomain = -1; try { st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select domainid from dm.dm_action where name = ?"); st.setString(1, "ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_") + "_action"); rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { existingdomain = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (existingdomain == -1) existingdomain = domainid; int x; if (actionid == 0) { st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action (id,name,domainid,function,graphical,ownerid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status,kind) VALUES(?,?,?,'N','Y',?,?,?,?,?,'N',6)"); actionid = getID("action"); st.setInt(1, actionid); st.setString(2, "ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_") + "_action"); st.setInt(3, existingdomain); st.setInt(4, 1); st.setInt(5, 1); st.setInt(6, 1); st.setLong(7, t); st.setLong(8, t); st.execute(); st.close(); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("select id from dm.dm_category where name = ?"); st.setString(1, category); int categoryid = 0; rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { categoryid = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_action_categories (id,categoryid) VALUES(?,?)"); st.setInt(1, actionid); st.setInt(2, categoryid); st.execute(); st.close(); int procfuncid = 0; int setcredid = 0; st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select id from dm.dm_fragments where name = ?"); st.setString(1, "ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_") + "_role"); rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { procfuncid = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); // // Check if ansible_set_credentials is set and add it before each // call to the action if present. // st.setString(1, "ansible_set_credentials"); rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { setcredid = rs2.getInt(1); if (rs2.wasNull()) setcredid = 0; } rs2.close(); st.close(); int windowid = 1; if (setcredid > 0) { // ansible_set_credentials is present MoveNode(actionid, 1, 0, 400, 160, setcredid); AddFlow(actionid, "0", "1", 1); MoveNode(actionid, 2, 0, 400, 360, procfuncid); AddFlow(actionid, "1", "2", 1); windowid = 2; } else { // ansible_set_credentials not present MoveNode(actionid, 1, 0, 400, 160, procfuncid); AddFlow(actionid, "0", "1", 1); windowid = 1; } List<FragmentAttributes> fields = getFragmentAttributes(actionid, windowid, 0); Map<String, String> keyvals = new HashMap<String, String>(); // dm.UpdateFragAttrs(keyvals); // // fields = dm.getFragmentAttributes(actionid, windowid, 0); keyvals = new HashMap<String, String>(); keyvals.put("a", new Integer(actionid).toString()); keyvals.put("w", Integer.toString(windowid)); if (fields != null) { for (x = 0; x < fields.size(); x++) { FragmentAttributes fa = (FragmentAttributes) fields.get(x); String key = "f" + fa.getAttrId(); keyvals.put(key, fa.getDefaultValue()); } } UpdateFragAttrs(keyvals); } st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select count(*) from dm.dm_component where name = ?"); st.setString(1, "ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_")); int compcnt = 0; rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { compcnt = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); existingdomain = -1; try { st = getDBConnection() .prepareStatement("select domainid from dm.dm_action where name = ?"); st.setString(1, "ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_") + "_action"); rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { existingdomain = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (existingdomain == -1) existingdomain = domainid; if (compcnt != 0) continue; st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement("select id from dm.dm_category where name = ?"); st.setString(1, category); int categoryid = 0; rs2 = st.executeQuery(); while ( { categoryid = rs2.getInt(1); } rs2.close(); st.close(); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_component (id,name,domainid,ownerid,creatorid,modifierid,created,modified,status,filteritems,deployalways,actionid,comptypeid) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'N','Y','N',?,6)"); int compid = getID("component"); st.setInt(1, compid); st.setString(2, "ansible_" + actionName + "_" + user.replaceAll("-", "_")); st.setInt(3, existingdomain); st.setInt(4, 1); st.setInt(5, 1); st.setInt(6, 1); st.setLong(7, t); st.setLong(8, t); st.setLong(9, actionid); st.execute(); st.close(); st = getDBConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO dm.dm_component_categories (id,categoryid) VALUES(?,?)"); st.setInt(1, compid); st.setInt(2, categoryid); st.execute(); st.close(); getDBConnection().commit(); AttributeChangeSet changes = new AttributeChangeSet(); for (Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = defaultvars.entrySet().iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Entry<String, String> entry =; String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); changes.addAdded(new DMAttribute(key, value)); } DMObject dmobj = getObject(ObjectType.COMPONENT, compid); dmobj.updateAttributes(changes); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public JSONObject getDeploymentDepsNodesEdges(int deployid) { JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); JSONArray nodes = new JSONArray(); JSONArray edges = new JSONArray(); ArrayList<String> added = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> edges_added = new ArrayList<String>(); Deployment d = getDeployment(deployid, true); // add app if (!added.contains(d.getApplication().getOtid().toString())) { added.add(d.getApplication().getOtid().toString()); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode(d.getApplication().getOtid().toString(), d.getApplication().getName()) .getJSON()); } // add env to app if (!added.contains(d.getEnvironment().getOtid().toString())) { added.add(d.getEnvironment().getOtid().toString()); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode(d.getEnvironment().getOtid().toString(), d.getEnvironment().getName()) .getJSON()); } edges_added.add(d.getApplication().getOtid().toString() + "-" + d.getEnvironment().getOtid().toString()); edges.add( new DeployDepsEdge(d.getApplication().getOtid().toString(), d.getEnvironment().getOtid().toString()) .getJSON()); List<Server> servers = getServersInEnvironment(d.getEnvironment().getId()); for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) { // add server to env Server srv = servers.get(i); if (!added.contains(srv.getOtid().toString())) { added.add(srv.getOtid().toString()); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode(srv.getOtid().toString(), srv.getName()).getJSON()); } edges_added.add(d.getEnvironment().getOtid().toString() + "-" + srv.getOtid().toString()); edges.add(new DeployDepsEdge(d.getEnvironment().getOtid().toString(), srv.getOtid().toString()) .getJSON()); } boolean isRelease = false; if (d.getApplication().getIsRelease().compareToIgnoreCase("Y") == 0) isRelease = true; List<Component> comps = getComponents(ObjectType.APPLICATION, d.getApplication().getId(), isRelease); for (int i = 0; i < comps.size(); i++) { // add components to app Component comp = getComponent(comps.get(i).getId(), true); if (!added.contains(comp.getOtid().toString())) { added.add(comp.getOtid().toString()); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode(comp.getOtid().toString(), comp.getName()).getJSON()); } edges_added.add(comp.getOtid().toString() + "-" + d.getApplication().getOtid().toString()); edges.add(new DeployDepsEdge(comp.getOtid().toString(), d.getApplication().getOtid().toString()) .getJSON()); List<Server> srvlist = GetServersWithComponentsDeployed(d.getEnvironment().getId(), comp.getId()); for (int k = 0; k < srvlist.size(); k++) { // add components to server Server s = srvlist.get(k); edges_added.add(s.getOtid() + "-" + comp.getOtid()); edges.add(new DeployDepsEdge(comp.getOtid().toString(), s.getOtid().toString()).getJSON()); } if (comp.getLastBuildNumber() > 0 && comp.getBuildJob() != null) { // add build number BuildJob bj = comp.getBuildJob(); if (!added.contains(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber())) { added.add(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber()); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber(), "Build #" + comp.getLastBuildNumber()).getJSON()); } edges_added.add(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber() + "-" + comp.getOtid().toString()); edges.add(new DeployDepsEdge(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber(), comp.getOtid().toString()).getJSON()); if (bj.getBuildCommitID(comp.getLastBuildNumber()) != null) { ArrayList<Integer> builds = getPreviousBuildNumbers(comp.getId(), d.getEnvironment().getId(), d.getId()); for (int j = 0; j < builds.size(); j++) { int bldnum = builds.get(j); if (bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum) != null) { // add commits for build number (from last deployment's build to this one) if (!added.contains("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum))) { added.add("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum)); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum), "Commit #\n" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum)).getJSON()); } edges_added.add("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum) + "-" + bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber()); edges.add(new DeployDepsEdge("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum), bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber()).getJSON()); ArrayList<String> files = getBuildFilesList(comp.getBuildJob().getId(), bldnum); for (int x = 0; x < files.size(); x++) { // add files to commit if (!added.contains("sr" + files.get(x))) { added.add("sr" + files.get(x)); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode("sr" + files.get(x), files.get(x)).getJSON()); } edges_added.add("sr" + files.get(x) + "-" + "cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum)); edges.add( new DeployDepsEdge("sr" + files.get(x), "cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum)) .getJSON()); } } } } } } // Now handle other components on the servers for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) { comps = this.getComponentsOnServerList(servers.get(i)); for (int k = 0; k < comps.size(); k++) { // add other components to servers Component comp = comps.get(k); if (!added.contains(comp.getOtid().toString())) { added.add(comp.getOtid().toString()); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode(comp.getOtid().toString(), comp.getName()).getJSON()); } if (!edges_added.contains(servers.get(i).getOtid() + "-" + comp.getOtid())) edges.add( new DeployDepsEdge(comp.getOtid().toString(), servers.get(i).getOtid().toString(), true) .getJSON()); comp = getComponent(comp.getId(), true); if (comp.getLastBuildNumber() > 0 && comp.getBuildJob() != null) { // add build number BuildJob bj = comp.getBuildJob(); if (!added.contains(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber())) { added.add(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber()); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber(), "Build #" + comp.getLastBuildNumber()).getJSON()); } if (!edges_added.contains(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber() + "-" + comp.getOtid().toString())) edges.add(new DeployDepsEdge(bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber(), comp.getOtid().toString(), true).getJSON()); if (bj.getBuildCommitID(comp.getLastBuildNumber()) != null) { ArrayList<Integer> builds = getPreviousBuildNumbers(comp.getId(), d.getEnvironment().getId(), d.getId()); for (int j = 0; j < builds.size(); j++) { int bldnum = builds.get(j); if (bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum) != null) { // add commits for build number (from last deployment's build to this one) if (!added.contains("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum))) { added.add("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum)); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum), "Commit #\n" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum)).getJSON()); } if (!edges_added.contains("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum) + "-" + bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber())) edges.add(new DeployDepsEdge("cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum), bj.getOtid().toString() + "_" + comp.getLastBuildNumber(), true) .getJSON()); ArrayList<String> files = getBuildFilesList(comp.getBuildJob().getId(), bldnum); for (int x = 0; x < files.size(); x++) { // add files to commit if (!added.contains("sr" + files.get(x))) { added.add("sr" + files.get(x)); nodes.add(new DeployDepsNode("sr" + files.get(x), files.get(x)).getJSON()); } if (!edges_added.contains( "sr" + files.get(x) + "-" + "cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum))) edges.add(new DeployDepsEdge("sr" + files.get(x), "cm" + bj.getBuildCommitID(bldnum), true).getJSON()); } } } } } } } data.add("nodes", nodes); data.add("edges", edges); return data; } public ArrayList<Integer> getPreviousBuildNumbers(int compid, int envid, int logid) { String sql = "select distinct a.buildnumber from dm.dm_deploymentxfer a, dm.dm_serversinenv b where a.componentid = ? and a.serverid = b.serverid and b.envid = ? and deploymentid <= ? order by 1 desc"; ArrayList<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<Integer>(); try { PreparedStatement stmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, compid); stmt.setInt(2, envid); stmt.setInt(3, logid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.add(new Integer(rs.getInt(1))); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rollback(); } return ret; } public Connection getDBConnection() { return m_conn; } public void setDBConnection(Connection m_conn) { this.m_conn = m_conn; } public Hashtable<Integer, int[]> getPollhash() { return m_pollhash; } public void setPollhash(Hashtable<Integer, int[]> m_pollhash) { this.m_pollhash = m_pollhash; } public int getUserID() { return m_userID; } public void setUserID(int m_userID) { this.m_userID = m_userID; } public String getCopyObjType() { return m_copyobjtype; } public void setCopyObjType(String m_copyobjtype) { this.m_copyobjtype = m_copyobjtype; } public int getCopyId() { return m_copyid; } public void setCopyId(int m_copyid) { this.m_copyid = m_copyid; } public String firstInstall() { System.out.println("firstInstall"); String initialInstall = "N"; LoginException res = connectToDatabase(m_httpSession.getServletContext()); if (res == null) { // successful connection try { PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("SELECT lastlogin FROM dm.dm_user WHERE id=1"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; rs.getTimestamp(1); if (rs.wasNull()) { // admin user has not yet logged in. initialInstall = "Y"; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("firstInstall check encountered DB error:" + ex.getMessage()); initialInstall = "Y"; // if DB error then it's likely we're still initialising database } } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to DB"); } System.out.println("Returning initialInstall=" + initialInstall); return initialInstall; } public String getDomainList() { return m_domainlist; } public void processField(DMSession so, SummaryField field, String value, SummaryChangeSet changes) { ObjectType type = field.type(); if (type == null) { // Simple string changes.add(field, value); return; } if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) { // Null value changes.add(field, null); return; } switch (type) { case COMPONENT_FILTER: // Simple string "OFF", "ON", "ALL" changes.add(field, value); return; default: break; } // Parse out the oid (from "u123") and lookup the object - we guarantee that we will pass an object that exists String prefix = type.getTypeString(); if (value.startsWith(prefix)) { String soid = value.substring(prefix.length()); try { int oid = Integer.parseInt(soid); Object obj = so.getObject(type, oid); if (obj != null) { changes.add(field, obj); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Object " + type + " " + oid + " not found"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Incorrect object type for field " + field + " (expecting " + type + ")"); } } public DMProperty processProperty(String prop, String pval) { //if(pval.length() < 3) { // throw new RuntimeException("Invalid property value: too short"); //} //char encr = pval.charAt(0); //char over = pval.charAt(1); //char apnd = pval.charAt(2); //String value = pval.substring(3); //return new DMProperty(prop, value, (encr == 'Y'), (over == 'Y'), (apnd == 'Y')); return new DMProperty(prop, pval, false, false, false); } public void checkConnection(ServletContext context) { } @Override public void close() { if (m_conn != null) { try { m_conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } m_conn = null; } } private String streamToString(InputStream inputStream) { Scanner s = new Scanner(inputStream, "UTF-8"); String text = s.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); s.close(); return text; } public String jsonGetRequest(String access_token, String provider) { try { String urlQueryString = "" + provider + "/me"; URL url = new URL(urlQueryString); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("oauthio", "k=gBLM5pHlNyuYUYqV6IWBmWe3wcU&access_token=" + access_token); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("charset", "utf-8"); connection.connect(); InputStream inStream = connection.getInputStream(); return streamToString(inStream); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } }