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 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package dk.statsbiblioteket.netarchivesuite.arctika.builder;

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class ArcFileNameParserTest extends TestCase {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ArcFileNameParserTest.class);

    public static final String ARC_TYPE_FIELD = "arc_type";
    public static final String HARVEST_TIME_FIELD = "arc_harvesttime";

    private static DateFormat arcDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
    private static DateFormat isoDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmZ");

    // Example 25666-33-20080221003533-00046-sb-prod-har-004.arc
    private static final Pattern arc_sb_Pattern = Pattern.compile(
    // Example 25666-33-20080221003533123-00046-sb-prod-har-004.arc
    private static final Pattern arc_sb_ms_Pattern = Pattern.compile(

    // Example
    private static final Pattern arc_kb1_Pattern = Pattern.compile(
    private static final Pattern arc_kb1_ms_Pattern = Pattern.compile(

    private static final Pattern arc_kb2_Pattern = Pattern.compile(
    private static final Pattern arc_kb2_ms_Pattern = Pattern.compile(

    //Example kb-pligtsystem-36861-20121018210245-00000.warc
    private static final Pattern arc_kb_pligt_Pattern = Pattern.compile(
    private static final Pattern arc_kb_pligt_ms_Pattern = Pattern.compile(

    //Example 1298-metadata-2.arc
    private static final Pattern arc_metadata_Pattern = Pattern

    private static final Pattern arc_archiveit_Pattern = Pattern.compile(
    private static final String SAMPLE_ARCHIVEIT = "ARCHIVEIT-4897-ONE_TIME-JOB270764-20170303033836937-00000.warc.gz";

    private static final String SB_RULES = arc_sb_Pattern + "\t" + ARC_TYPE_FIELD + ":sb" + "\t"
            + HARVEST_TIME_FIELD + ":$3-$4-$5T$6:$7:$8.000Z\n" + arc_sb_ms_Pattern + "\t" + ARC_TYPE_FIELD + ":sb"
            + "\t" + HARVEST_TIME_FIELD + ":$4-$5-$6T$7:$8:$9.$10Z\n" + arc_kb1_Pattern + "\t" + ARC_TYPE_FIELD
            + ":kb" + "\t" + HARVEST_TIME_FIELD + ":$3-$4-$5T$6:$7:$8.000Z\n" + arc_kb1_ms_Pattern + "\t"
            + ARC_TYPE_FIELD + ":kb" + "\t" + HARVEST_TIME_FIELD + ":$4-$5-$6T$7:$8:$9.$10Z\n" + arc_kb2_Pattern
            + "\t" + ARC_TYPE_FIELD + ":kb" + "\t" + HARVEST_TIME_FIELD + ":$3-$4-$5T$6:$7:$8.000Z\n"
            + arc_kb2_ms_Pattern + "\t" + ARC_TYPE_FIELD + ":kb" + "\t" + HARVEST_TIME_FIELD
            + ":$4-$5-$6T$7:$8:$9.$10Z\n" + arc_kb_pligt_Pattern + "\t" + ARC_TYPE_FIELD + ":kb" + "\t"
            + HARVEST_TIME_FIELD + ":$3-$4-$5T$6:$7:$8.000Z\n" + arc_kb_pligt_ms_Pattern + "\t" + ARC_TYPE_FIELD
            + ":kb" + "\t" + HARVEST_TIME_FIELD + ":$4-$5-$6T$7:$8:$9.$10Z\n" + arc_archiveit_Pattern + "\t"
            + ARC_TYPE_FIELD + ":archiveit" + "\t" + HARVEST_TIME_FIELD + ":$4-$5-$6T$7:$8:$9.$10Z\n"
            + arc_metadata_Pattern + "\t" + ARC_TYPE_FIELD + ":metadata\n" + "^.*$" + "\t" + ARC_TYPE_FIELD
            + ":unknown\n";

    public void testSpecific() {
        // (?:.*[^\\d])?([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})-([0-9]+)-(sb-prod-har)-([0-9]{1,3}).(||||arc.gz|arc)
        String path = "/netarkiv/0212/filedir/";
        String match = getMatch(path);
        assertNotNull("There should be a match for '" + path + "'", match);"Match: " + match);

    // Iterates known patterns. The first match is returned in the form of output $1 $2 $3...
    // If no pattern matches, null is returned
    private String getMatch(String path) {
        List<Pattern> patterns = Arrays.asList(arc_sb_Pattern, arc_sb_ms_Pattern, arc_kb1_Pattern,
                arc_kb1_ms_Pattern, arc_kb2_Pattern, arc_kb2_ms_Pattern, arc_kb_pligt_Pattern,
                arc_kb_pligt_ms_Pattern, arc_metadata_Pattern, arc_archiveit_Pattern);
        for (Pattern pattern : patterns) {
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(path);
            if (matcher.matches()) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
                    if (sb.length() > 0) {
                        sb.append(" ");
                return sb.toString();
        return null;

    public void testArchiveITMatch() {
        assertTrue("The ArchiveIT pattern should match the sample",

    public void testSBMSMatch() {
        final String SAMPLE_SB_MS = "25666-33-20080221003533123-00046-sb-prod-har-004.arc";
        assertTrue("The 'sb' pattern should match the sample", arc_sb_ms_Pattern.matcher(SAMPLE_SB_MS).matches());
        String result = getMatch(SAMPLE_SB_MS);

    public void testSBRules() {
        ArcFileNameParser parser = new ArcFileNameParser(SB_RULES);
        for (String test[] : new String[][] {
                { "[arc_type:sb, arc_harvesttime:2008-02-21T00:35:33.000Z]",
                        "25666-33-20080221003533-00046-sb-prod-har-004.arc" },
                { "[arc_type:sb, arc_harvesttime:2008-02-21T00:35:33.123Z]",
                        "25666-33-20080221003533123-00046-sb-prod-har-004.arc" },
                { "[arc_type:sb, arc_harvesttime:2008-02-21T00:35:33.000Z]",
                        "25666-33-20080221003533-00046-sb-prod-har-004.arc.gz" },
                { "[arc_type:kb, arc_harvesttime:2007-04-18T16:37:59.000Z]",
                        "" },
                { "[arc_type:kb, arc_harvesttime:2007-04-18T16:37:59.000Z]",
                        "" },
                { "[arc_type:kb, arc_harvesttime:2007-04-18T16:37:59.123Z]",
                        "" },
                { "[arc_type:kb, arc_harvesttime:2013-11-11T17:55:47.000Z]",
                        "" },
                { "[arc_type:kb, arc_harvesttime:2013-11-11T17:55:47.000Z]",
                        "" },
                { "[arc_type:kb, arc_harvesttime:2013-11-11T17:55:47.321Z]",
                        "" },
                { "[arc_type:kb, arc_harvesttime:2012-10-18T21:02:45.000Z]",
                        "kb-pligtsystem-36861-20121018210245-00000.warc" },
                { "[arc_type:kb, arc_harvesttime:2012-10-18T21:02:45.000Z]",
                        "kb-pligtsystem-36861-20121018210245-00000.warc.gz" },
                { "[arc_type:archiveit, arc_harvesttime:2017-03-03T03:38:36.937Z]", SAMPLE_ARCHIVEIT }, // Always gz
                { "[arc_type:metadata]", "1298-metadata-2.arc" }, { "[arc_type:unknown]", "ksjvksjfvsk" } }) {
            assertEquals("Input " + test[1], test[0], parser.expandFilename(test[1]).toString());

    public static class ArcMetaData {

        public static enum ARC_TYPE {

        private ARC_TYPE type;
        private String harvestTimeIsoDate;

        public ARC_TYPE getType() {
            return type;

        public void setType(ARC_TYPE type) {
            this.type = type;

        public String getHarvestTimeIsoDate() {
            return harvestTimeIsoDate;

        public void setHarvestTimeIsoDate(String harvestTimeIsoDate) {
            this.harvestTimeIsoDate = harvestTimeIsoDate;

        public String toString() {
            return "ArcMetaData [type=" + type + ", harvestTimeIsoDate=" + harvestTimeIsoDate + "]";
