Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package dk.netdesign.common.osgi.config; import dk.netdesign.common.osgi.config.service.TypeFilter; import dk.netdesign.common.osgi.config.annotation.Property; import dk.netdesign.common.osgi.config.exception.InvalidMethodException; import dk.netdesign.common.osgi.config.exception.InvalidTypeException; import dk.netdesign.common.osgi.config.exception.TypeFilterException; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This class is what binds a method to a configuration item. * This is a description of a configuration attribute as well as the settings selected by the method annotations. * It is the applications one-stop-shop for all information about the parsed Methods, including input and output of the method, filters and descriptions. * @author mnn */ public class Attribute implements Serializable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Attribute.class); private String id; private Class methodReturnType; private Class inputType; private String name; private String description; private String[] defValue; private String[] optionalLabels; private String[] optionalValues; //private Class outputType; private Class<? extends TypeFilter> filter; Property.Cardinality cardinalityDef; private boolean hidden; private boolean recentlyUpdated = true; private String setterName; private String getterName; /** * Default Constructor. This is the only non-deprecated constructor. It will create an AD from a method. * The constructor is an all-in-one operation; the setter methods available should not need to be used. During the construction of the AD * a fair amount of validation is going on. The constructor will fail if called on a method which is not annotated with @Property. * In general, if there are any restrictions or missing data in the @Property annotation, or the method itself, it will be caught when * creating the AD. * @param method The @Property annotated method to create an AD for. * @param defaultFilters If the input and output classes of this attribute are not compatible, and no filter in set, a filter from this * list will be used. * @throws TypeFilterException Thrown if there is a problem with the filter defined for this method * @throws InvalidTypeException Thrown if there is a problem with the type of the input or output of the method, combined with the @Property * @throws InvalidMethodException Thrown if there is a problem with anything but the type, or filter. This could be missing information, invalid combinations, * or a missing @Property annotation. */ protected Attribute(Method method, Map<FilterReference, Class<? extends TypeFilter>> defaultFilters) throws TypeFilterException, InvalidTypeException, InvalidMethodException { Property methodProperty = ManagedPropertiesController.getMethodAnnotation(method); name = getAttributeName(method); id = name; methodReturnType = getMethodReturnType(method); cardinalityDef = methodProperty.cardinality(); if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) { cardinalityDef = Property.Cardinality.List; } inputType = getMethodReturnType(method); if (methodProperty.type() != void.class) { inputType = methodProperty.type(); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Found @Property on " + method.getName() + "[" + methodReturnType + "]"); } if (! { id =; } Class<? extends TypeFilter> filterFromAnnotation = methodProperty.typeMapper(); checkCardinality(method); filter = getFilters(filterFromAnnotation, defaultFilters, method); logger.debug("Determined filter: " + filter); if (filter != null) { Method parseMethod; try { parseMethod = filter.getDeclaredMethod("parse", new Class[] { inputType }); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw new TypeFilterException( "Could not add filter. An exception occured while examining the parse method. Make sure that the filters parse " + "method and the input type are the same type", ex); } if (!cardinalityDef.equals(cardinalityDef.List) && !methodReturnType.isAssignableFrom(parseMethod.getReturnType())) { throw new TypeFilterException("Could not use Filter type " + filter.getName() + " with the method " + parseMethod.getName() + " The output of the configuration method '" + methodReturnType + "' must be assignable to the return of the filter parse method '" + parseMethod.getReturnType() + "'"); } } else { if (!cardinalityDef.equals(cardinalityDef.List) && !method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(inputType)) { throw new InvalidTypeException("Could not create attribute " + name + "[" + id + "] because the methods returntype " + method.getReturnType().getCanonicalName() + " is not compatible with the inputtype " + inputType.getCanonicalName() + " and no filter was defined. If no filter is defined, the inputtype " + "must be a subclass, or the same class as the methods returntype"); } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Building AttributeDefinition with attributeID '" + id + "' inputType '" + inputType + "' cardinality '" + cardinalityDef + "'"); } if (methodProperty.defaultValue().length == 0) { defValue = null; } else { defValue = methodProperty.defaultValue(); } description = methodProperty.description(); optionalLabels = methodProperty.optionLabels(); optionalValues = methodProperty.optionValues(); hidden = methodProperty.hidden(); getterName = method.getName(); if (!methodProperty.setMethodName().equals(Property.SetterName)) { setterName = methodProperty.setMethodName(); } else if (getterName.startsWith("get")) { setterName = getterName.replaceFirst("get", "set"); } else { setterName = null; }"Built attribute: " + this); } private void checkCardinality(Method method) throws InvalidMethodException { if (cardinalityDef.equals(cardinalityDef.List)) { if (!List.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) { throw new InvalidMethodException("Could not create handler for method " + method.getName() + ". Methods with list cardinality must return a list"); } if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(inputType)) { throw new InvalidMethodException("Could not create handler for method " + method.getName() + ". Methods with list must define a property type"); } } } private Class<? extends TypeFilter> getFilters(Class<? extends TypeFilter> filterFromAnnotation, Map<FilterReference, Class<? extends TypeFilter>> defaultFilters, Method method) throws InvalidMethodException { logger.debug("Getting filter for " + name + "[" + id + "]: " + filterFromAnnotation); Class methodReturnType = getMethodReturnType(method); if (!isFilterSetByUser(filterFromAnnotation)) { if (!cardinalityDef.equals(cardinalityDef.List)) { FilterReference ref = new FilterReference(inputType, methodReturnType); logger.debug("Attempting to get default filter for " + ref + " from " + defaultFilters.keySet()); return defaultFilters.get(ref); } else { return null; } } else { return filterFromAnnotation; } } private boolean isFilterSetByUser(Class<? extends TypeFilter> filterFromAnnotation) { return filterFromAnnotation != TypeFilter.class; } private static String getAttributeName(Method classMethod) { String attributeName = classMethod.getName().replaceAll("^get", ""); if (classMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Property.class)) { Property methodProperty = classMethod.getAnnotation(Property.class); if (! { attributeName =; } } return attributeName; } private static Class getMethodReturnType(Method classMethod) throws InvalidMethodException { Class methodReturnType = classMethod.getReturnType(); if (classMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Property.class)) { Property methodProperty = classMethod.getAnnotation(Property.class); if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(methodReturnType) && methodProperty.type() == void.class) { throw new InvalidMethodException("Could not create handler for method " + classMethod.getName() + ". Lists must be accompanied by a returnType"); } } return methodReturnType; } /** * The default value of this method * @return The possible default values for this configuration item defined by this method, returned as MetaType information */ public String[] getDefaultValue() { return defValue; } /** * The description of this method * @return The description for the configuration item defined by this method */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * The configurationID for this method * @return The ID for the configuration item. */ public String getID() { return id; } /** * The display name for this method * @return The name for the configuration item */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * The option labels for this method * @return The Option labels for the configuration item */ public String[] getOptionLabels() { return optionalLabels; } /** * The option values for this method * @return The option values for this configuration item */ public String[] getOptionValues() { return optionalValues; } protected void setOptionLabels(String[] labels) { optionalLabels = labels; } protected void setOptionValues(String[] values) { optionalValues = values; } protected void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } protected void setName(String name) { = name; } protected void setDefaultValue(String[] defValue) { this.defValue = defValue; } public Class getInputType() { return inputType; } protected void setInputType(Class inputType) { this.inputType = inputType; } public Class getMethodReturnType() { return methodReturnType; } protected void setMethodReturnType(Class methodReturnType) { this.methodReturnType = methodReturnType; } public boolean isHidden() { return hidden; } /** * The filter defined for this method, if any * @return Returns the filter defined for this method, or null if no filter is defined. */ public Class<? extends TypeFilter> getFilter() { return filter; } public void setFilter(Class<? extends TypeFilter> filter) { this.filter = filter; } /** * Returns the @Property defined cardinality. This is parsed into the cardinality required by the MetaTypeProvider * @return The cardinality of the method */ public Property.Cardinality getCardinalityDef() { return cardinalityDef; } public void setCardinalityDef(Property.Cardinality cardinalityDef) { this.cardinalityDef = cardinalityDef; } public boolean isRecentlyUpdated() { return recentlyUpdated; } public void setRecentlyUpdated(boolean newlyRequested) { this.recentlyUpdated = newlyRequested; } public String getSetterName() { return setterName; } public String getGetterName() { return getterName; } @Override public String toString() { ToStringBuilder builder = new ToStringBuilder(this); builder.append("id", id).append("name", name).append("description", description) .append("defValue", defValue).append("optionalLabels", optionalLabels) .append("optionalValues", optionalValues).append("filter", filter).append("getterName", getterName) .append("setterName", setterName); return builder.toString(); } }