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 * #%L
 * Netarchivesuite - harvester
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 The Royal Danish Library, the Danish State and University Library,
 *             the National Library of France and the Austrian National Library.
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * <>.
 * #L%
package dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.archive.crawler.Heritrix;
import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CoreAttributeConstants;
import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CrawlURI;
import org.archive.crawler.datamodel.FetchStatusCodes;
import org.archive.crawler.deciderules.recrawl.IdenticalDigestDecideRule;
import org.archive.crawler.event.CrawlStatusListener;
import org.archive.crawler.extractor.Link;
import org.archive.crawler.framework.WriterPoolProcessor;
import org.archive.crawler.settings.MapType;
import org.archive.crawler.settings.SimpleType;
import org.archive.crawler.settings.Type;
import org.archive.uid.GeneratorFactory;
import org.archive.util.ArchiveUtils;
import org.archive.util.XmlUtils;
import org.archive.util.anvl.ANVLRecord;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.H1HeritrixTemplate;

 * WARCWriterProcessor. Goes against the 0.18 version of the WARC specification (which is functionally identical to 0.17
 * except in the protocol identifier string). See
 * <p>
 * Based on the WARCWriterProcessor in package org.archive.crawler.writer With modifications to the WARC-info record..
 * @author stack
 * @author svc
 * // template for adding this metadata to a H1 template.
   <map name="metadata-items">
        <string name="harvestInfo.version">Vilhelm</string>
        <string name="harvestInfo.jobId">Caroline</string>
        <string name="">Login</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.harvestNum">ffff</string>                        
     <string name="harvestInfo.origHarvestDefinitionID">ffff</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.maxBytesPerDomain">ffff</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.maxObjectsPerDomain">ffff</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.orderXMLName">Default Orderxml</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.origHarvestDefinitionName">ddddd</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.scheduleName">Every Hour</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.harvestFilenamePrefix">1-1</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.jobSubmitDate">NOW</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.performer">performer</string>
     <string name="harvestInfo.audience">audience</string>
public class WARCWriterProcessor extends WriterPoolProcessor implements CoreAttributeConstants, CrawlStatusListener,
        WriterPoolSettings, FetchStatusCodes, WARCConstants {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WARCWriterProcessor.class.getName());

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -2006725968882994351L;

    public long getDefaultMaxFileSize() {
        return 1000000000L; // 1 SI giga-byte (109 bytes), per WARC appendix A

    /** Key for whether to write 'request' type records where possible */
    public static final String ATTR_WRITE_REQUESTS = "write-requests";

    /** Key for whether to write 'metadata' type records where possible */
    public static final String ATTR_WRITE_METADATA = "write-metadata";

     * Key for whether to write 'revisit' type records when consecutive identical digest
    public static final String ATTR_WRITE_REVISIT_FOR_IDENTICAL_DIGESTS = "write-revisit-for-identical-digests";

     * Key for whether to write 'revisit' type records for server "304 not modified" responses
    public static final String ATTR_WRITE_REVISIT_FOR_NOT_MODIFIED = "write-revisit-for-not-modified";
     * Key for metadata-items to include in the warcinfo.
    public static final String ATTR_METADATA_ITEMS = "metadata-items";

    /** Default path list. */
    private static final String[] DEFAULT_PATH = { "warcs" };

    protected String[] getDefaultPath() {
        return DEFAULT_PATH;

    private Map metadataMap;

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_VERSION = "harvestInfo.version";
    private static final String HARVESTINFO_JOBID = "harvestInfo.jobId";
    private static final String HARVESTINFO_CHANNEL = "";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_HARVESTNUM = "harvestInfo.harvestNum";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_ORIGHARVESTDEFINITIONID = "harvestInfo.origHarvestDefinitionID";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_MAXBYTESPERDOMAIN = "harvestInfo.maxBytesPerDomain";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_MAXOBJECTSPERDOMAIN = "harvestInfo.maxObjectsPerDomain";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_ORDERXMLNAME = "harvestInfo.orderXMLName";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_ORIGHARVESTDEFINITIONNAME = "harvestInfo.origHarvestDefinitionName";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_SCHEDULENAME = "harvestInfo.scheduleName";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_HARVESTFILENAMEPREFIX = "harvestInfo.harvestFilenamePrefix";
    private static final String HARVESTINFO_JOBSUBMITDATE = "harvestInfo.jobSubmitDate";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_PERFORMER = "harvestInfo.performer";

    private static final String HARVESTINFO_AUDIENCE = "harvestInfo.audience";

     * @param name Name of this writer.
    public WARCWriterProcessor(final String name) {
        super(name, "Netarchivesuite WARCWriter processor (Version 1.0");
        Type e = addElementToDefinition(new SimpleType(ATTR_WRITE_REQUESTS,
                "Whether to write 'request' type records. Default is true.", new Boolean(true)));
        e = addElementToDefinition(new SimpleType(ATTR_WRITE_METADATA,
                "Whether to write 'metadata' type records. Default is true.", new Boolean(true)));
        e = addElementToDefinition(new SimpleType(ATTR_WRITE_REVISIT_FOR_IDENTICAL_DIGESTS,
                "Whether to write 'revisit' type records when a URI's "
                        + "history indicates the previous fetch had an identical " + "content digest. "
                        + "Default is true.",
                new Boolean(true)));
        e = addElementToDefinition(new SimpleType(ATTR_WRITE_REVISIT_FOR_NOT_MODIFIED,
                "Whether to write 'revisit' type records when a "
                        + "304-Not Modified response is received. Default is true.",
                new Boolean(true)));

        // Add map setting to add NAS metadata to WarcInfo records. 
        e = addElementToDefinition(new MapType(ATTR_METADATA_ITEMS, "Metadata items.", String.class));

    protected void setupPool(final AtomicInteger serialNo) {
        setPool(new WARCWriterPool(serialNo, this, getPoolMaximumActive(), getPoolMaximumWait()));

     * Writes a CrawlURI and its associated data to store file.
     * <p>
     * Currently this method understands the following uri types: dns, http, and https.
     * @param curi CrawlURI to process.
    protected void innerProcess(CrawlURI curi) {
        // If failure, or we haven't fetched the resource yet, return
        if (curi.getFetchStatus() <= 0) {

        // If no recorded content at all, don't write record. Except FTP, which
        // can have empty content, since the "headers" don't count as content.
        String scheme = curi.getUURI().getScheme().toLowerCase();
        long recordLength = curi.getContentSize();
        if (recordLength <= 0 && !scheme.equals("ftp")) {
            // getContentSize() should be > 0 if any material (even just
            // HTTP headers with zero-length body) is available.

        try {
            if (shouldWrite(curi)) {
                write(scheme, curi);
            } else {
      "This writer does not write out scheme " + scheme + " content");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            curi.addLocalizedError(this.getName(), e, "WriteRecord: " + curi.toString());
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed write of Record: " + curi.toString(), e);

    protected void write(final String lowerCaseScheme, final CrawlURI curi) throws IOException {"writing warc record for " + curi);
        WriterPoolMember writer = getPool().borrowFile();
        long position = writer.getPosition();
        // See if we need to open a new file because we've exceeed maxBytes.
        // Call to checkFileSize will open new file if we're at maximum for
        // current file.
        if (writer.getPosition() != position) {
            // We just closed the file because it was larger than maxBytes.
            // Add to the totalBytesWritten the size of the first record
            // in the file, if any.
            setTotalBytesWritten(getTotalBytesWritten() + (writer.getPosition() - position));
            position = writer.getPosition();

        WARCWriter w = (WARCWriter) writer;
        try {
            // Write a request, response, and metadata all in the one
            // 'transaction'.
            final URI baseid = getRecordID();
            final String timestamp = ArchiveUtils.getLog14Date(curi.getLong(A_FETCH_BEGAN_TIME));
            if (lowerCaseScheme.startsWith("http")) {
                writeHttpRecords(w, curi, baseid, timestamp);
            } else if (lowerCaseScheme.equals("dns")) {
                writeDnsRecords(w, curi, baseid, timestamp);
            } else if (lowerCaseScheme.equals("ftp")) {
                writeFtpRecords(w, curi, baseid, timestamp);
            } else {
                logger.warning("No handler for scheme " + lowerCaseScheme);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Invalidate this file (It gets a '.invalid' suffix).
            // Set the writer to null otherwise the pool accounting
            // of how many active writers gets skewed if we subsequently
            // do a returnWriter call on this object in the finally block.
            writer = null;
            throw e;
        } finally {
            if (writer != null) {
                setTotalBytesWritten(getTotalBytesWritten() + (writer.getPosition() - position));

    private void writeFtpRecords(WARCWriter w, final CrawlURI curi, final URI baseid, final String timestamp)
            throws IOException {
        ANVLRecord headers = new ANVLRecord(3);
        headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_IP, getHostAddress(curi));
        String controlConversation = curi.getString(A_FTP_CONTROL_CONVERSATION);
        URI rid = writeFtpControlConversation(w, timestamp, baseid, curi, headers, controlConversation);

        if (curi.getContentDigest() != null) {
            headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_PAYLOAD_DIGEST, curi.getContentDigestSchemeString());

        if (curi.getHttpRecorder() != null) {
            if (IdenticalDigestDecideRule.hasIdenticalDigest(curi)
                    && ((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_WRITE_REVISIT_FOR_IDENTICAL_DIGESTS))) {
                rid = writeRevisitDigest(w, timestamp, null, baseid, curi, headers);
            } else {
                headers = new ANVLRecord(3);
                if (curi.isTruncatedFetch()) {
                    String value = curi.isTimeTruncatedFetch() ? NAMED_FIELD_TRUNCATED_VALUE_TIME
                            : curi.isLengthTruncatedFetch() ? NAMED_FIELD_TRUNCATED_VALUE_LENGTH
                                    : curi.isHeaderTruncatedFetch() ? NAMED_FIELD_TRUNCATED_VALUE_HEAD :
                                    // TODO: Add this to spec.
                    headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_TRUNCATED, value);
                if (curi.getContentDigest() != null) {
                    headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_PAYLOAD_DIGEST, curi.getContentDigestSchemeString());
                headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_CONCURRENT_TO, '<' + rid.toString() + '>');
                rid = writeResource(w, timestamp, curi.getContentType(), baseid, curi, headers);
        if (((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_WRITE_METADATA))) {
            headers = new ANVLRecord(1);
            headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_CONCURRENT_TO, '<' + rid.toString() + '>');
            writeMetadata(w, timestamp, baseid, curi, headers);

    private void writeDnsRecords(WARCWriter w, final CrawlURI curi, final URI baseid, final String timestamp)
            throws IOException {
        ANVLRecord headers = null;
        String ip = curi.getString(A_DNS_SERVER_IP_LABEL);
        if (ip != null && ip.length() > 0) {
            headers = new ANVLRecord(1);
            headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_IP, ip);
        writeResponse(w, timestamp, curi.getContentType(), baseid, curi, headers);

    private void writeHttpRecords(WARCWriter w, final CrawlURI curi, final URI baseid, final String timestamp)
            throws IOException {
        // Add named fields for ip, checksum, and relate the metadata
        // and request to the resource field.
        // TODO: Use other than ANVL (or rename ANVL as NameValue or
        // use RFC822 (commons-httpclient?).
        ANVLRecord headers = new ANVLRecord(5);
        if (curi.getContentDigest() != null) {
            headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_PAYLOAD_DIGEST, curi.getContentDigestSchemeString());
        headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_IP, getHostAddress(curi));
        URI rid;

        if (IdenticalDigestDecideRule.hasIdenticalDigest(curi)
                && ((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_WRITE_REVISIT_FOR_IDENTICAL_DIGESTS))) {
            rid = writeRevisitDigest(w, timestamp, HTTP_RESPONSE_MIMETYPE, baseid, curi, headers);
        } else if (curi.getFetchStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED
                && ((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_WRITE_REVISIT_FOR_NOT_MODIFIED))) {
            rid = writeRevisitNotModified(w, timestamp, baseid, curi, headers);
        } else {
            if (curi.isTruncatedFetch()) {
                String value = curi.isTimeTruncatedFetch() ? NAMED_FIELD_TRUNCATED_VALUE_TIME
                        : curi.isLengthTruncatedFetch() ? NAMED_FIELD_TRUNCATED_VALUE_LENGTH
                                : curi.isHeaderTruncatedFetch() ? NAMED_FIELD_TRUNCATED_VALUE_HEAD :
                                // TODO: Add this to spec.
                headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_TRUNCATED, value);
            rid = writeResponse(w, timestamp, HTTP_RESPONSE_MIMETYPE, baseid, curi, headers);

        headers = new ANVLRecord(1);
        headers.addLabelValue(HEADER_KEY_CONCURRENT_TO, '<' + rid.toString() + '>');

        if (((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_WRITE_REQUESTS))) {
            writeRequest(w, timestamp, HTTP_REQUEST_MIMETYPE, baseid, curi, headers);
        if (((Boolean) getUncheckedAttribute(curi, ATTR_WRITE_METADATA))) {
            writeMetadata(w, timestamp, baseid, curi, headers);

    protected URI writeFtpControlConversation(WARCWriter w, String timestamp, URI baseid, CrawlURI curi,
            ANVLRecord headers, String controlConversation) throws IOException {
        final URI uid = qualifyRecordID(baseid, TYPE, METADATA);
        byte[] b = controlConversation.getBytes("UTF-8");
        w.writeMetadataRecord(curi.toString(), timestamp, FTP_CONTROL_CONVERSATION_MIMETYPE, uid, headers,
                new ByteArrayInputStream(b), b.length);
        return uid;

    protected URI writeRequest(final WARCWriter w, final String timestamp, final String mimetype, final URI baseid,
            final CrawlURI curi, final ANVLRecord namedFields) throws IOException {
        final URI uid = qualifyRecordID(baseid, TYPE, REQUEST);
        ReplayInputStream ris = curi.getHttpRecorder().getRecordedOutput().getReplayInputStream();
        try {
            w.writeRequestRecord(curi.toString(), timestamp, mimetype, uid, namedFields, ris,
        } finally {
            if (ris != null) {
        return uid;

    protected URI writeResponse(final WARCWriter w, final String timestamp, final String mimetype, final URI baseid,
            final CrawlURI curi, final ANVLRecord namedFields) throws IOException {
        ReplayInputStream ris = curi.getHttpRecorder().getRecordedInput().getReplayInputStream();
        try {
            w.writeResponseRecord(curi.toString(), timestamp, mimetype, baseid, namedFields, ris,
        } finally {
            if (ris != null) {
        return baseid;

    protected URI writeResource(final WARCWriter w, final String timestamp, final String mimetype, final URI baseid,
            final CrawlURI curi, final ANVLRecord namedFields) throws IOException {
        ReplayInputStream ris = curi.getHttpRecorder().getRecordedInput().getReplayInputStream();
        try {
            w.writeResourceRecord(curi.toString(), timestamp, mimetype, baseid, namedFields, ris,
        } finally {
            if (ris != null) {
        return baseid;

    protected URI writeRevisitDigest(final WARCWriter w, final String timestamp, final String mimetype,
            final URI baseid, final CrawlURI curi, final ANVLRecord namedFields) throws IOException {

        ReplayInputStream ris = null;
        long revisedLength = 0;

        // null mimetype implies no payload
        if (mimetype != null) {
            ris = curi.getHttpRecorder().getRecordedInput().getReplayInputStream();
            revisedLength = curi.getHttpRecorder().getRecordedInput().getContentBegin();
            revisedLength = revisedLength > 0 ? revisedLength : curi.getHttpRecorder().getRecordedInput().getSize();

        try {
            w.writeRevisitRecord(curi.toString(), timestamp, mimetype, baseid, namedFields, ris, revisedLength);
        } finally {
            if (ris != null) {
        return baseid;

    protected URI writeRevisitNotModified(final WARCWriter w, final String timestamp, final URI baseid,
            final CrawlURI curi, final ANVLRecord namedFields) throws IOException {
        // save just enough context to understand basis of not-modified
        if (curi.containsKey(A_HTTP_TRANSACTION)) {
            HttpMethodBase method = (HttpMethodBase) curi.getObject(A_HTTP_TRANSACTION);
            saveHeader(A_ETAG_HEADER, method, namedFields, HEADER_KEY_ETAG);
            saveHeader(A_LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER, method, namedFields, HEADER_KEY_LAST_MODIFIED);
        // truncate to zero-length (all necessary info is above)
        ReplayInputStream ris = curi.getHttpRecorder().getRecordedInput().getReplayInputStream();
        try {
            w.writeRevisitRecord(curi.toString(), timestamp, null, baseid, namedFields, ris, 0);
        } finally {
            if (ris != null) {
        return baseid;

     * Save a header from the given HTTP operation into the provider headers under a new name
     * @param origName header name to get if present
     * @param method http operation containing headers
    protected void saveHeader(String origName, HttpMethodBase method, ANVLRecord headers, String newName) {
        Header header = method.getResponseHeader(origName);
        if (header != null) {
            headers.addLabelValue(newName, header.getValue());

    protected URI writeMetadata(final WARCWriter w, final String timestamp, final URI baseid, final CrawlURI curi,
            final ANVLRecord namedFields) throws IOException {
        final URI uid = qualifyRecordID(baseid, TYPE, METADATA);
        // Get some metadata from the curi.
        // TODO: Get all curi metadata.
        // TODO: Use other than ANVL (or rename ANVL as NameValue or use
        // RFC822 (commons-httpclient?).
        ANVLRecord r = new ANVLRecord();
        if (curi.isSeed()) {
        } else {
            if (curi.forceFetch()) {
            r.addLabelValue("via", curi.flattenVia());
            r.addLabelValue("hopsFromSeed", curi.getPathFromSeed());
            if (curi.containsKey(A_SOURCE_TAG)) {
                r.addLabelValue("sourceTag", curi.getString(A_SOURCE_TAG));
        long duration = curi.getFetchDuration();
        if (duration > -1) {
            r.addLabelValue("fetchTimeMs", Long.toString(duration));

        if (curi.containsKey(A_FTP_FETCH_STATUS)) {
            r.addLabelValue("ftpFetchStatus", curi.getString(A_FTP_FETCH_STATUS));

        // Add outlinks though they are effectively useless without anchor text.
        Collection<Link> links = curi.getOutLinks();
        if (links != null && links.size() > 0) {
            for (Link link : links) {
                r.addLabelValue("outlink", link.toString());

        // TODO: Other curi fields to write to metadata.
        // Credentials
        // fetch-began-time: 1154569278774
        // fetch-completed-time: 1154569281816
        // Annotations.

        byte[] b = r.getUTF8Bytes();
        w.writeMetadataRecord(curi.toString(), timestamp, ANVLRecord.MIMETYPE, uid, namedFields,
                new ByteArrayInputStream(b), b.length);
        return uid;

    protected URI getRecordID() throws IOException {
        URI result;
        try {
            result = GeneratorFactory.getFactory().getRecordID();
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new IOException(e.toString());
        return result;

    protected URI qualifyRecordID(final URI base, final String key, final String value) throws IOException {
        URI result;
        Map<String, String> qualifiers = new HashMap<String, String>(1);
        qualifiers.put(key, value);
        try {
            result = GeneratorFactory.getFactory().qualifyRecordID(base, qualifiers);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new IOException(e.toString());
        return result;

    protected String getFirstrecordStylesheet() {
        return "/warcinfobody.xsl";

     * Return relevant values as header-like fields (here ANVLRecord, but spec-defined "application/warc-fields" type
     * when written). Field names from from DCMI Terms and the WARC/0.17 specification.
     * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.WriterPoolProcessor#getFirstrecordBody(
    protected String getFirstrecordBody(File orderFile) {
        ANVLRecord record = new ANVLRecord(7);
        record.addLabelValue("software", "Heritrix/" + Heritrix.getVersion() + "");

        try {
            InetAddress host = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            record.addLabelValue("ip", host.getHostAddress());
            record.addLabelValue("hostname", host.getCanonicalHostName());
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unable top obtain local crawl engine host", e);

        // conforms to ISO 28500:2009 as of May 2009
        // as described at
        // latest draft as of November 2008
        record.addLabelValue("format", "WARC File Format 1.0");
        record.addLabelValue("conformsTo", "");

        // Get other values from order.xml
        try {
            Document doc = XmlUtils.getDocument(orderFile);
            addIfNotBlank(record, "operator", XmlUtils.xpathOrNull(doc, "//meta/operator"));
            addIfNotBlank(record, "publisher", XmlUtils.xpathOrNull(doc, "//meta/organization"));
            addIfNotBlank(record, "audience", XmlUtils.xpathOrNull(doc, "//meta/audience"));
            addIfNotBlank(record, "isPartOf", XmlUtils.xpathOrNull(doc, "//meta/name"));

            // disabling "created" field per HER-1634
            // though it's theoretically useful as a means of distinguishing
            // one crawl from another, the current usage/specification is too
            // vague... in particular a 'created' field in the 'warcinfo' is
            // reasonable to interpret as applying to the WARC-unit, rather
            // than the crawl-job-unit so we remove it and see if anyone
            // complains or makes a case for restoring it in a less-ambiguous
            // manner
            // String rawDate = XmlUtils.xpathOrNull(doc,"//meta/date");
            // if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(rawDate)) {
            // Date date;
            // try {
            // date = ArchiveUtils.parse14DigitDate(rawDate);
            // addIfNotBlank(record,"created",ArchiveUtils.getLog14Date(date));
            // } catch (ParseException e) {
            // logger.log(Level.WARNING,"obtaining warc created date",e);
            // }
            // }

            addIfNotBlank(record, "description", XmlUtils.xpathOrNull(doc, "//meta/description"));
            addIfNotBlank(record, "robots",
                    XmlUtils.xpathOrNull(doc, "//newObject[@name='robots-honoring-policy']/string[@name='type']"));
            addIfNotBlank(record, "http-header-user-agent",
                    XmlUtils.xpathOrNull(doc, "//map[@name='http-headers']/string[@name='user-agent']"));
            addIfNotBlank(record, "http-header-from",
                    XmlUtils.xpathOrNull(doc, "//map[@name='http-headers']/string[@name='from']"));
            if (metadataMap == null) {
                //metadataMap = getMetadataItems();
                XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
                XPath xpath = factory.newXPath();
                XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile(H1HeritrixTemplate.METADATA_ITEMS_XPATH);
                Node node = (Node) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODE);
                //NodeList nodeList = (NodeList) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                //Node node = nodeList.item(0);
                if (node != null) {
                    NodeList nodeList = node.getChildNodes();
                    if (nodeList != null) {
                        metadataMap = new HashMap();
                        for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); ++i) {
                            node = nodeList.item(i);
                            if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                String typeName = node.getNodeName();
                                if ("string".equals(typeName)) {
                                    Node attribute = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name");
                                    if (attribute != null && attribute.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
                                        String key = attribute.getNodeValue();
                                        if (key != null && key.length() > 0) {
                                            String value = node.getTextContent();
                                            metadataMap.put(key, value);
                                            // debug
                                            //System.out.println(key + "=" + value);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error obtaining warcinfo", e);
        } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error obtaining metadata items", e);

        // add fields from harvesInfo.xml version 0.4
         * <harvestInfo> <version>0.4</version> <jobId>1</jobId> <priority>HIGHPRIORITY</priority>
         * <harvestNum>0</harvestNum> <origHarvestDefinitionID>1</origHarvestDefinitionID>
         * <maxBytesPerDomain>500000000</maxBytesPerDomain> <maxObjectsPerDomain>2000</maxObjectsPerDomain>
         * <orderXMLName>default_orderxml</orderXMLName>
         * <origHarvestDefinitionName>netarkivet</origHarvestDefinitionName> <scheduleName>Once_a_week</scheduleName>
         * <harvestFilenamePrefix>1-1</harvestFilenamePrefix> <jobSubmitDate>Some date</jobSubmitDate>
         * <performer>undefined</performer> </harvestInfo>
        String netarchiveSuiteComment = "#added by NetarchiveSuite "
                + dk.netarkivet.common.Constants.getVersionString();
        ANVLRecord recordNAS = new ANVLRecord(7);

        if (metadataMap != null) {
            // Add the data from the metadataMap to the WarcInfoRecord.
            recordNAS.addLabelValue(HARVESTINFO_VERSION, (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_VERSION));
            recordNAS.addLabelValue(HARVESTINFO_JOBID, (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_JOBID));
            recordNAS.addLabelValue(HARVESTINFO_CHANNEL, (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_CHANNEL));
            recordNAS.addLabelValue(HARVESTINFO_HARVESTNUM, (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_HARVESTNUM));
                    (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_ORIGHARVESTDEFINITIONID));
                    (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_MAXBYTESPERDOMAIN));

                    (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_MAXOBJECTSPERDOMAIN));
            recordNAS.addLabelValue(HARVESTINFO_ORDERXMLNAME, (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_ORDERXMLNAME));
                    (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_ORIGHARVESTDEFINITIONNAME));

            if (metadataMap.containsKey((HARVESTINFO_SCHEDULENAME))) {
                        (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_SCHEDULENAME));
                    (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_HARVESTFILENAMEPREFIX));

            recordNAS.addLabelValue(HARVESTINFO_JOBSUBMITDATE, (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_JOBSUBMITDATE));

            if (metadataMap.containsKey(HARVESTINFO_PERFORMER)) {
                recordNAS.addLabelValue(HARVESTINFO_PERFORMER, (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_PERFORMER));

            if (metadataMap.containsKey(HARVESTINFO_AUDIENCE)) {
                recordNAS.addLabelValue(HARVESTINFO_AUDIENCE, (String) metadataMap.get(HARVESTINFO_AUDIENCE));
        } else {
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error missing metadata");

        // really ugly to return as string, when it may just be merged with
        // a couple other fields at write time, but changing would require
        // larger refactoring
        return record.toString() + netarchiveSuiteComment + "\n" + recordNAS.toString();

    protected void addIfNotBlank(ANVLRecord record, String label, String value) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
            record.addLabelValue(label, value);
