Java tutorial
/* File: $Id$ * Revision: $Revision$ * Date: $Date$ * Author: $Author$ * * The Netarchive Suite - Software to harvest and preserve websites * Copyright 2004-2012 The Royal Danish Library, the Danish State and * University Library, the National Library of France and the Austrian * National Library. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.ArgumentNotValid; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.UnknownID; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.DBUtils; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.ExceptionUtils; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.Settings; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.HarvesterSettings; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute.CrawlProgressMessage.CrawlStatus; import; import; import; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.monitor.StartedJobInfo; /** * Class implementing the persistence of running job infos. * */ public class RunningJobsInfoDBDAO extends RunningJobsInfoDAO { /** Max length of urls stored in tables. */ private static final int MAX_URL_LENGTH = 1000; /** * Defines the order of columns in the runningJobsMonitor table. * Used in SQL queries. */ private static enum HM_COLUMN { jobId, harvestName, elapsedSeconds, hostUrl, progress, queuedFilesCount, totalQueuesCount, activeQueuesCount, retiredQueuesCount, exhaustedQueuesCount, alertsCount, downloadedFilesCount, currentProcessedKBPerSec, processedKBPerSec, currentProcessedDocsPerSec, processedDocsPerSec, activeToeCount, status, tstamp; /** * Returns the rank in an SQL query (ordinal + 1). * @return ordinal() + 1 */ int rank() { return ordinal() + 1; } /** * Returns the SQL substring that lists columns according * to their ordinal. * @return the SQL substring that lists columns in proper order. */ static String getColumnsInOrder() { StringBuffer columns = new StringBuffer(); for (HM_COLUMN c : values()) { columns.append( + ", "); } return columns.substring(0, columns.lastIndexOf(",")); } } /** The logger. */ private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); /** * Date of last history record per job. */ private static Map<Long, Long> lastSampleDateByJobId = new HashMap<Long, Long>(); /** * Rate in milliseconds at which history records should be sampled * for a running job. */ private static final long HISTORY_SAMPLE_RATE = 1000 * Settings.getLong(HarvesterSettings.HARVEST_MONITOR_HISTORY_SAMPLE_RATE); /** * The constructor of RunningJobsInfoDBDAO. * Attempts to update/install the necessary database tables, * if they need to be updated. */ public RunningJobsInfoDBDAO() { Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { /** Update if necessary the current version of the tables * 'runningJobsHistory', * 'runningJobsMonitor' and 'frontierReportMonitor'. */ HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.RUNNINGJOBSHISTORY); HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.RUNNINGJOBSMONITOR); HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.FRONTIERREPORTMONITOR); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } /** * Stores a {@link StartedJobInfo} record to the persistent storage. * The record is stored in the monitor table, and if the elapsed time since * the last history sample is equal or superior to the history sample rate, * also to the history table. * @param startedJobInfo the record to store. */ @Override public synchronized void store(StartedJobInfo startedJobInfo) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(startedJobInfo, "StartedJobInfo startedJobInfo"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { PreparedStatement stm = null; // First is there a record in the monitor table? boolean update = false; try { stm = c.prepareStatement( "SELECT jobId FROM runningJobsMonitor" + " WHERE jobId=? AND harvestName=?"); stm.setLong(1, startedJobInfo.getJobId()); stm.setString(2, startedJobInfo.getHarvestName()); // One row expected, as per PK definition update = stm.executeQuery().next(); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error checking running jobs monitor table" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } try { // Update or insert latest progress information for this job c.setAutoCommit(false); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); if (update) { sql.append("UPDATE runningJobsMonitor SET "); StringBuffer columns = new StringBuffer(); for (HM_COLUMN setCol : HM_COLUMN.values()) { columns.append( + "=?, "); } sql.append(columns.substring(0, columns.lastIndexOf(","))); sql.append(" WHERE jobId=? AND harvestName=?"); } else { sql.append("INSERT INTO runningJobsMonitor ("); sql.append(HM_COLUMN.getColumnsInOrder()); sql.append(") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); } stm = c.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.jobId.rank(), startedJobInfo.getJobId()); stm.setString(HM_COLUMN.harvestName.rank(), startedJobInfo.getHarvestName()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.elapsedSeconds.rank(), startedJobInfo.getElapsedSeconds()); stm.setString(HM_COLUMN.hostUrl.rank(), startedJobInfo.getHostUrl()); stm.setDouble(HM_COLUMN.progress.rank(), startedJobInfo.getProgress()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.queuedFilesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getQueuedFilesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.totalQueuesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getTotalQueuesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.activeQueuesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getActiveQueuesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.retiredQueuesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getRetiredQueuesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.exhaustedQueuesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getExhaustedQueuesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.alertsCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getAlertsCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.downloadedFilesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getDownloadedFilesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedKBPerSec.rank(), startedJobInfo.getCurrentProcessedKBPerSec()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.processedKBPerSec.rank(), startedJobInfo.getProcessedKBPerSec()); stm.setDouble(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedDocsPerSec.rank(), startedJobInfo.getCurrentProcessedDocsPerSec()); stm.setDouble(HM_COLUMN.processedDocsPerSec.rank(), startedJobInfo.getProcessedDocsPerSec()); stm.setInt(HM_COLUMN.activeToeCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getActiveToeCount()); stm.setInt(HM_COLUMN.status.rank(), startedJobInfo.getStatus().ordinal()); stm.setTimestamp(HM_COLUMN.tstamp.rank(), new Timestamp(startedJobInfo.getTimestamp().getTime())); if (update) { stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.values().length + 1, startedJobInfo.getJobId()); stm.setString(HM_COLUMN.values().length + 2, startedJobInfo.getHarvestName()); } stm.executeUpdate(); c.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error storing started job info " + startedJobInfo + " in monitor table" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(c, "store started job info", startedJobInfo); } // Should we store an history record? Long lastHistoryStore = lastSampleDateByJobId.get(startedJobInfo.getJobId()); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean shouldSample = lastHistoryStore == null || time >= lastHistoryStore + HISTORY_SAMPLE_RATE; if (!shouldSample) { return; // we're done } try { c.setAutoCommit(false); stm = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO runningJobsHistory (" + HM_COLUMN.getColumnsInOrder() + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.jobId.rank(), startedJobInfo.getJobId()); stm.setString(HM_COLUMN.harvestName.rank(), startedJobInfo.getHarvestName()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.elapsedSeconds.rank(), startedJobInfo.getElapsedSeconds()); stm.setString(HM_COLUMN.hostUrl.rank(), startedJobInfo.getHostUrl()); stm.setDouble(HM_COLUMN.progress.rank(), startedJobInfo.getProgress()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.queuedFilesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getQueuedFilesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.totalQueuesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getTotalQueuesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.activeQueuesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getActiveQueuesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.retiredQueuesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getRetiredQueuesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.exhaustedQueuesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getExhaustedQueuesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.alertsCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getAlertsCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.downloadedFilesCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getDownloadedFilesCount()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedKBPerSec.rank(), startedJobInfo.getCurrentProcessedKBPerSec()); stm.setLong(HM_COLUMN.processedKBPerSec.rank(), startedJobInfo.getProcessedKBPerSec()); stm.setDouble(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedDocsPerSec.rank(), startedJobInfo.getCurrentProcessedDocsPerSec()); stm.setDouble(HM_COLUMN.processedDocsPerSec.rank(), startedJobInfo.getProcessedDocsPerSec()); stm.setInt(HM_COLUMN.activeToeCount.rank(), startedJobInfo.getActiveToeCount()); stm.setInt(HM_COLUMN.status.rank(), startedJobInfo.getStatus().ordinal()); stm.setTimestamp(HM_COLUMN.tstamp.rank(), new Timestamp(startedJobInfo.getTimestamp().getTime())); stm.executeUpdate(); c.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error storing started job info " + startedJobInfo + " in history table" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(c, "store started job info", startedJobInfo); } // Remember last sampling date lastSampleDateByJobId.put(startedJobInfo.getJobId(), time); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Returns an array of all progress records chronologically sorted for the * given job ID. * @param jobId the job id. * @return an array of all progress records chronologically sorted for the * given job ID. */ @Override public StartedJobInfo[] getFullJobHistory(long jobId) { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement stm = null; try { stm = c.prepareStatement("SELECT " + HM_COLUMN.getColumnsInOrder() + " FROM runningJobsHistory" + " WHERE jobId=?" + " ORDER BY elapsedSeconds ASC"); stm.setLong(1, jobId); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(); List<StartedJobInfo> infosForJob = listFromResultSet(rs); return (StartedJobInfo[]) infosForJob.toArray(new StartedJobInfo[infosForJob.size()]); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error querying runningJobsHistory for job ID " + jobId + " from database" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Returns the most recent record for every job, partitioned by harvest * definition name. * @return the full listing of started job information, partitioned by * harvest definition name. */ @Override public Map<String, List<StartedJobInfo>> getMostRecentByHarvestName() { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); Map<String, List<StartedJobInfo>> infoMap = new TreeMap<String, List<StartedJobInfo>>(); Statement stm = null; try { stm = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT " + HM_COLUMN.getColumnsInOrder() + " FROM runningJobsMonitor"); while ( { long jobId = rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.jobId.rank()); String harvestName = rs.getString(HM_COLUMN.harvestName.rank()); List<StartedJobInfo> infosForHarvest = infoMap.get(harvestName); if (infosForHarvest == null) { infosForHarvest = new LinkedList<StartedJobInfo>(); infoMap.put(harvestName, infosForHarvest); } StartedJobInfo sji = new StartedJobInfo(harvestName, jobId); sji.setElapsedSeconds(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.elapsedSeconds.rank())); sji.setHostUrl(rs.getString(HM_COLUMN.hostUrl.rank())); sji.setProgress(rs.getDouble(HM_COLUMN.progress.rank())); sji.setQueuedFilesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.queuedFilesCount.rank())); sji.setTotalQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.totalQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setActiveQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.activeQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setRetiredQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.retiredQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setExhaustedQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.exhaustedQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setAlertsCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.alertsCount.rank())); sji.setDownloadedFilesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.downloadedFilesCount.rank())); sji.setCurrentProcessedKBPerSec(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedKBPerSec.rank())); sji.setProcessedKBPerSec(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.processedKBPerSec.rank())); sji.setCurrentProcessedDocsPerSec(rs.getDouble(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedDocsPerSec.rank())); sji.setProcessedDocsPerSec(rs.getDouble(HM_COLUMN.processedDocsPerSec.rank())); sji.setActiveToeCount(rs.getInt(HM_COLUMN.activeToeCount.rank())); sji.setStatus(CrawlStatus.values()[rs.getInt(HM_COLUMN.status.rank())]); sji.setTimestamp(new Date(rs.getTimestamp(HM_COLUMN.tstamp.rank()).getTime())); infosForHarvest.add(sji); } return infoMap; } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error querying runningJobsMonitor" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Returns the ids of jobs for which history records exist as an * immutable set. * @return the ids of jobs for which history records exist. */ @Override public Set<Long> getHistoryRecordIds() { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); Set<Long> jobIds = new TreeSet<Long>(); Statement stm = null; try { stm = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT DISTINCT " + HM_COLUMN.jobId + " FROM runningJobsMonitor"); while ( { jobIds.add(rs.getLong(; } stm.close(); stm = c.createStatement(); rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT DISTINCT " + HM_COLUMN.jobId + " FROM runningJobsHistory"); while ( { jobIds.add(rs.getLong(; } stm.close(); stm = c.createStatement(); rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT DISTINCT " + HM_COLUMN.jobId + " FROM frontierReportMonitor"); while ( { jobIds.add(rs.getLong(; } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(jobIds); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error querying running jobs history" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Returns an array of chronologically sorted progress records for the * given job ID, starting at a given crawl time, and limited to a given * number of record. * @param jobId the job id. * @param startTime the crawl time (in seconds) to begin. * @param limit the maximum number of records to fetch. * @return an array of chronologically sorted progress records for the * given job ID, starting at a given crawl time, and limited to a given * number of record. */ @Override public StartedJobInfo[] getMostRecentByJobId(long jobId, long startTime, int limit) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(jobId, "jobId"); ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(startTime, "startTime"); ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(limit, "limit"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement stm = null; try { stm = c.prepareStatement("SELECT " + HM_COLUMN.getColumnsInOrder() + " FROM runningJobsHistory" + " WHERE jobId=? AND elapsedSeconds >= ?" + " ORDER BY elapsedSeconds DESC" + " " + DBSpecifics.getInstance().getOrderByLimitAndOffsetSubClause(limit, 0)); stm.setLong(1, jobId); stm.setLong(2, startTime); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(); List<StartedJobInfo> infosForJob = listFromResultSet(rs); return (StartedJobInfo[]) infosForJob.toArray(new StartedJobInfo[infosForJob.size()]); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error querying runningJobsHistory for job ID " + jobId + " from database" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Returns the most recent progress record for the given job ID. * @param jobId the job id. * @return the most recent progress record for the given job ID. */ @Override public StartedJobInfo getMostRecentByJobId(long jobId) { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); Statement stm = null; try { stm = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT " + HM_COLUMN.getColumnsInOrder() + " FROM runningJobsMonitor" + " WHERE jobId=" + jobId); if ( { String harvestName = rs.getString(HM_COLUMN.harvestName.rank()); StartedJobInfo sji = new StartedJobInfo(harvestName, jobId); sji.setElapsedSeconds(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.elapsedSeconds.rank())); sji.setHostUrl(rs.getString(HM_COLUMN.hostUrl.rank())); sji.setProgress(rs.getDouble(HM_COLUMN.progress.rank())); sji.setQueuedFilesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.queuedFilesCount.rank())); sji.setTotalQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.totalQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setActiveQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.activeQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setRetiredQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.retiredQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setExhaustedQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.exhaustedQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setAlertsCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.alertsCount.rank())); sji.setDownloadedFilesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.downloadedFilesCount.rank())); sji.setCurrentProcessedKBPerSec(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedKBPerSec.rank())); sji.setProcessedKBPerSec(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.processedKBPerSec.rank())); sji.setCurrentProcessedDocsPerSec(rs.getDouble(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedDocsPerSec.rank())); sji.setProcessedDocsPerSec(rs.getDouble(HM_COLUMN.processedDocsPerSec.rank())); sji.setActiveToeCount(rs.getInt(HM_COLUMN.activeToeCount.rank())); sji.setStatus(CrawlStatus.values()[rs.getInt(HM_COLUMN.status.rank())]); sji.setTimestamp(new Date(rs.getTimestamp(HM_COLUMN.tstamp.rank()).getTime())); return sji; } } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error querying runningJobsMonitor" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } throw new UnknownID("No running job with ID " + jobId); } /** * Removes all records pertaining to the given job ID from the persistent * storage. * @param jobId the job id. * @return the number of deleted records. */ @Override public int removeInfoForJob(long jobId) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(jobId, "jobId"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement stm = null; int deleteCount = 0; try { // Delete from monitor table c.setAutoCommit(false); stm = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM runningJobsMonitor WHERE jobId=?"); stm.setLong(1, jobId); deleteCount = stm.executeUpdate(); c.commit(); stm.close(); // Delete from history table c.setAutoCommit(false); stm = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM runningJobsHistory WHERE jobId=?"); stm.setLong(1, jobId); deleteCount += stm.executeUpdate(); c.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error deleting from history records for job ID " + jobId + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(c, "removeInfoForJob", jobId); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } return deleteCount; } /** Enum class containing all fields in the frontierReportMonitor * table. */ private static enum FR_COLUMN { jobId, filterId, tstamp, domainName, currentSize, totalEnqueues, sessionBalance, lastCost, averageCost, // See NAS-2168 Often contains the illegal value 4.9E-324 lastDequeueTime, wakeTime, totalSpend, totalBudget, errorCount, lastPeekUri, lastQueuedUri; /** * @return the rank of a member of the enum class. */ int rank() { return ordinal() + 1; } /** * Returns the SQL substring that lists columns according * to their ordinal. * @return the SQL substring that lists columns in proper order. */ static String getColumnsInOrder() { String columns = ""; for (FR_COLUMN c : values()) { columns += + ", "; } return columns.substring(0, columns.lastIndexOf(",")); } }; /** * Store frontier report data to the persistent storage. * @param report the report to store * @param filterId the id of the filter that produced the report * @param jobId The ID of the job responsible for this report * @return the update count */ public int storeFrontierReport(String filterId, InMemoryFrontierReport report, Long jobId) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(report, "report"); ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(jobId, "jobId"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement stm = null; try { // First drop existing rows try { c.setAutoCommit(false); stm = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM frontierReportMonitor" + " WHERE jobId=? AND filterId=?"); stm.setLong(1, jobId); stm.setString(2, filterId); stm.executeUpdate(); c.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error dropping records for job ID " + jobId + " and filterId " + filterId + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); return 0; } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(c, "storeFrontierReport delete", jobId); } // Now batch insert report lines try { c.setAutoCommit(false); stm = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO frontierReportMonitor(" + FR_COLUMN.getColumnsInOrder() + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); for (FrontierReportLine frl : report.getLines()) { stm.setLong(FR_COLUMN.jobId.rank(), jobId); stm.setString(FR_COLUMN.filterId.rank(), filterId); stm.setTimestamp(FR_COLUMN.tstamp.rank(), new Timestamp(report.getTimestamp())); stm.setString(FR_COLUMN.domainName.rank(), frl.getDomainName()); stm.setLong(FR_COLUMN.currentSize.rank(), frl.getCurrentSize()); stm.setLong(FR_COLUMN.totalEnqueues.rank(), frl.getTotalEnqueues()); stm.setLong(FR_COLUMN.sessionBalance.rank(), frl.getSessionBalance()); stm.setDouble(FR_COLUMN.lastCost.rank(), frl.getLastCost()); stm.setDouble(FR_COLUMN.averageCost.rank(), correctNumericIfIllegalAverageCost(frl.getAverageCost())); stm.setString(FR_COLUMN.lastDequeueTime.rank(), frl.getLastDequeueTime()); stm.setString(FR_COLUMN.wakeTime.rank(), frl.getWakeTime()); stm.setLong(FR_COLUMN.totalSpend.rank(), frl.getTotalSpend()); stm.setLong(FR_COLUMN.totalBudget.rank(), frl.getTotalBudget()); stm.setLong(FR_COLUMN.errorCount.rank(), frl.getErrorCount()); // URIs are to be truncated to 1000 characters // (see SQL scripts) DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(stm, FR_COLUMN.lastPeekUri.rank(), frl.getLastPeekUri(), MAX_URL_LENGTH, frl, "lastPeekUri"); DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(stm, FR_COLUMN.lastQueuedUri.rank(), frl.getLastQueuedUri(), MAX_URL_LENGTH, frl, "lastQueuedUri"); stm.addBatch(); } int[] updCounts = stm.executeBatch(); int updCountTotal = 0; for (int count : updCounts) { updCountTotal += count; } c.commit(); return updCountTotal; } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error writing records for job ID " + jobId + " and filterId " + filterId + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); return 0; } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(c, "storeFrontierReport insert", jobId); } } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Correct the given double if it is equal to 4.9E-324. * Part of fix for NAS-2168 * @param value A given double * @return 0.0 if value is 4.9E-324, otherwise the value as is */ private double correctNumericIfIllegalAverageCost(double value) { if (value == 4.9E-324) { log.warn("Found illegal double value '" + 4.9E-324 + "'. Changed it to 0.0"); return 0.0; } else { return value; } } /** * Returns the list of the available frontier report types. * @see FrontierReportFilter#getFilterId() * @return the list of the available frontier report types. */ public String[] getFrontierReportFilterTypes() { List<String> filterIds = new ArrayList<String>(); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement stm = null; try { stm = c.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT filterId FROM frontierReportMonitor"); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(); while ( { filterIds.add(rs.getString(1)); } } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error fetching filter IDs" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } return filterIds.toArray(new String[filterIds.size()]); } /** * Retrieve a frontier report from a job id and a given filter class. * @param jobId the job id * @param filterId the id of the filter that produced the report * @return a frontier report */ public InMemoryFrontierReport getFrontierReport(long jobId, String filterId) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(jobId, "jobId"); ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(filterId, "filterId"); InMemoryFrontierReport report = new InMemoryFrontierReport(Long.toString(jobId)); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement stm = null; try { stm = c.prepareStatement("SELECT " + FR_COLUMN.getColumnsInOrder() + " FROM frontierReportMonitor" + " WHERE jobId=? AND filterId=?"); stm.setLong(1, jobId); stm.setString(2, filterId); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(); // Process first line to get report timestamp if ( { report.setTimestamp(rs.getTimestamp(FR_COLUMN.tstamp.rank()).getTime()); report.addLine(getLine(rs)); while ( { report.addLine(getLine(rs)); } } } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error fetching report for job ID " + jobId + " and filterId " + filterId + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } return report; } /** * Deletes all frontier report data pertaining to the given job id from * the persistent storage. * @param jobId the job id * @return the update count */ public int deleteFrontierReports(long jobId) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(jobId, "jobId"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement stm = null; try { c.setAutoCommit(false); stm = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM frontierReportMonitor WHERE jobId=?"); stm.setLong(1, jobId); int delCount = stm.executeUpdate(); c.commit(); return delCount; } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error deleting report lines for job ID " + jobId + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); return 0; } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(stm); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(c, "deleteFrontierReports", jobId); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Get a frontierReportLine from the resultSet. * @param rs the resultset with data from table frontierReportMonitor * @return a frontierReportLine from the resultSet. * @throws SQLException If unable to get data from resultSet */ private FrontierReportLine getLine(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { FrontierReportLine line = new FrontierReportLine(); line.setAverageCost(rs.getDouble(FR_COLUMN.averageCost.rank())); line.setCurrentSize(rs.getLong(FR_COLUMN.currentSize.rank())); line.setDomainName(rs.getString(FR_COLUMN.domainName.rank())); line.setErrorCount(rs.getLong(FR_COLUMN.errorCount.rank())); line.setLastCost(rs.getDouble(FR_COLUMN.lastCost.rank())); line.setLastDequeueTime(rs.getString(FR_COLUMN.lastDequeueTime.rank())); line.setLastPeekUri(rs.getString(FR_COLUMN.lastPeekUri.rank())); line.setLastQueuedUri(rs.getString(FR_COLUMN.lastQueuedUri.rank())); line.setSessionBalance(rs.getLong(FR_COLUMN.sessionBalance.rank())); line.setTotalBudget(rs.getLong(FR_COLUMN.totalBudget.rank())); line.setTotalEnqueues(rs.getLong(FR_COLUMN.totalEnqueues.rank())); line.setTotalSpend(rs.getLong(FR_COLUMN.totalSpend.rank())); line.setWakeTime(rs.getString(FR_COLUMN.wakeTime.rank())); return line; } /** * Get a list of StartedJobInfo objects from a resultset of entries * from runningJobsHistory table. * @param rs a resultset with entries from table runningJobsHistory. * @return a list of StartedJobInfo objects from the resultset * @throws SQLException If any problems reading data from the resultset */ private List<StartedJobInfo> listFromResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { List<StartedJobInfo> list = new LinkedList<StartedJobInfo>(); while ( { StartedJobInfo sji = new StartedJobInfo(rs.getString(HM_COLUMN.harvestName.rank()), rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.jobId.rank())); sji.setElapsedSeconds(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.elapsedSeconds.rank())); sji.setHostUrl(rs.getString(HM_COLUMN.hostUrl.rank())); sji.setProgress(rs.getDouble(HM_COLUMN.progress.rank())); sji.setQueuedFilesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.queuedFilesCount.rank())); sji.setTotalQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.totalQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setActiveQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.activeQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setExhaustedQueuesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.exhaustedQueuesCount.rank())); sji.setAlertsCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.alertsCount.rank())); sji.setDownloadedFilesCount(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.downloadedFilesCount.rank())); sji.setCurrentProcessedKBPerSec(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedKBPerSec.rank())); sji.setProcessedKBPerSec(rs.getLong(HM_COLUMN.processedKBPerSec.rank())); sji.setCurrentProcessedDocsPerSec(rs.getDouble(HM_COLUMN.currentProcessedDocsPerSec.rank())); sji.setProcessedDocsPerSec(rs.getDouble(HM_COLUMN.processedDocsPerSec.rank())); sji.setActiveToeCount(rs.getInt(HM_COLUMN.activeToeCount.rank())); sji.setStatus(CrawlStatus.values()[rs.getInt(HM_COLUMN.status.rank())]); sji.setTimestamp(new Date(rs.getTimestamp(HM_COLUMN.tstamp.rank()).getTime())); list.add(sji); } return list; } }