Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Netarchivesuite - harvester - test * %% * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 The Royal Danish Library, the Danish State and University Library, * the National Library of France and the Austrian National Library. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ package dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.ArgumentNotValid; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IllegalState; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.UnknownID; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.SlowTest; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.test.utils.OrderXmlBuilder; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface.DomainDefinition; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface.HarvestStatusQuery; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface.HarvestStatusTester; @Category(SlowTest.class) public class JobDAOTester extends DataModelTestCase { private static final HarvestChannel FOCUSED_CHANNEL = new HarvestChannel("FOCUSED", false, true, ""); private static final HarvestChannel SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL = new HarvestChannel("SNAPSHOT", true, true, ""); private JobDAO jobDAO; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); HarvestDAOUtils.resetDAOs(); jobDAO = JobDAO.getInstance(); } @Category(SlowTest.class) @Test public void testGetCountJobs() throws Exception { createDefaultJobInDB(0); assertEquals(1, jobDAO.getCountJobs()); createDefaultJobInDB(1); assertEquals(2, jobDAO.getCountJobs()); } /** * This test creates (and stores) a new job and reads it back again. * Verifies that state of stored job equals state of original job */ @Test public void testJobRead() { Job job = createDefaultJobInDB(0); Job readJob =; assertEquals("Id of read Job should equal id of original Job", job.getJobID(), readJob.getJobID()); assertEquals("Status of read Job should equal status of original Job", job.getStatus(), readJob.getStatus()); assertEquals("Seedlist of read Job should equal seedlist of original Job", StringUtils.join(job.getSortedSeedList(), ","), StringUtils.join(readJob.getSortedSeedList(), ",")); // FIXME //assertEquals("Order.xml of read Job should equal order.xml of " + "original Job", job.getOrderXMLdoc() // .getText(), readJob.getOrderXMLdoc().getText()); assertEquals("Filename of order.xml of read Job should equal filename" + " of order.xml of original Job", job.getOrderXMLName(), readJob.getOrderXMLName()); /* assertArrayEquals( "List of settings.xml's of read Job should equal list of" + " settings.xml's of original Job", job.getSettingsXMLdocs(), readJob.getSettingsXMLdocs()); */ assertEquals( "OrigHarvestDefinitionID of read Job should equal" + " OrigHarvestDefinitionID of original Job", job.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID(), readJob.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID()); assertEquals("DomainConfigurationMap of read Job should equal" + " DomainConfigurationMap of original Job", job.getDomainConfigurationMap(), readJob.getDomainConfigurationMap()); assertEquals("harvestnamePrefix of read Job should equal" + " harvestnamePrefix of original Job", job.getHarvestFilenamePrefix(), readJob.getHarvestFilenamePrefix()); String defaultNamePrefix = "1-5678"; assertEquals("harvestnamePrefix of read Job should equal" + defaultNamePrefix, defaultNamePrefix, readJob.getHarvestFilenamePrefix()); readJob =; final String harvestnamePrefix = "netarkivet-collection"; readJob.setHarvestFilenamePrefix(harvestnamePrefix); jobDAO.update(readJob); readJob =; assertEquals( "harvestname_prefix should be 'netarkivet-collection' but was' " + readJob.getHarvestFilenamePrefix(), harvestnamePrefix, readJob.getHarvestFilenamePrefix()); // Job.getSettingsXMLfiles() is probably obsolete // No decided if we need Job.getActualStart() and Job.getActualStop() // - but we probably do (at least nice to have) } @Test(expected = UnknownID.class) public void testJobReadUnknownID() {; } @Test(expected = UnknownID.class) public void testCreateJobWithUnknownHarvestId() { final Long UNKNOWN_HARVESTID = new Long(5679); HeritrixTemplate ht = new H1HeritrixTemplate(OrderXmlBuilder.createDefault().getDoc()); Job job = new Job(UNKNOWN_HARVESTID, DomainConfigurationTest.createDefaultDomainConfiguration(), ht, FOCUSED_CHANNEL, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXOBJECTS_INFINITY, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXJOBRUNNINGTIME_INFINITY, 0); jobDAO.create(job); } @Test public void testJobUpdate() throws SQLException { DomainConfiguration domainConfiguration = TestInfo .getDefaultConfig(DomainDAOTester.getDomain(TestInfo.DEFAULTDOMAINNAME)); ; Job job = createDefaultJobInDB(0); job.setStatus(JobStatus.DONE); DomainConfiguration anotherConfiguration = TestInfo .getDefaultConfig(DomainDAOTester.getDomain(TestInfo.DEFAULTNEWDOMAINNAME)); job.addConfiguration(anotherConfiguration); jobDAO.update(job); Job jobUpdated =; assertTrue("The retrieved job should have status " + JobStatus.DONE + ", but has status " + jobUpdated.getStatus(), jobUpdated.getStatus() == JobStatus.DONE); Map<String, String> domainConfigurationMap = jobUpdated.getDomainConfigurationMap(); assertTrue("The DomainConfigurationMap of the retrieved job does not " + "match that of the original job - domain name " + domainConfiguration.getDomainName() + " not found", domainConfigurationMap.containsKey(domainConfiguration.getDomainName())); assertTrue("The DomainConfigurationMap of the retrieved job does not " + "match that of the original job - domain name " + anotherConfiguration.getDomainName() + " not found", domainConfigurationMap.containsKey(anotherConfiguration.getDomainName())); assertEquals( "The DomainConfigurationMap of the retrieved job does not " + "match that of the original job - domainConfiguration name " + domainConfiguration.getName() + " not found", domainConfigurationMap.get(domainConfiguration.getDomainName()), domainConfiguration.getName()); assertEquals( "The DomainConfigurationMap of the retrieved job does not " + "match that of the original job - domainConfiguration name " + anotherConfiguration.getName() + " not found", domainConfigurationMap.get(anotherConfiguration.getDomainName()), anotherConfiguration.getName()); } @Test(expected = UnknownID.class) public void testJobUpdateUnknownID() { Job jobUknownID = createDefaultJob(0); jobUknownID.setJobID(new Long(42424242)); jobDAO.update(jobUknownID); } @Test(expected = ArgumentNotValid.class) public void testJobUpdateNullID() { jobDAO.update(null); } /** * Test that the max objects per domain attribute can be updated in persistent storage. */ @Test public void testJobUpdateForceMaxObjectsPerDomain() throws Exception { DomainConfiguration domainConfiguration = TestInfo .getDefaultConfig(DomainDAOTester.getDomain(TestInfo.DEFAULTDOMAINNAME)); HeritrixTemplate ht = new H1HeritrixTemplate(OrderXmlBuilder.createDefault().getDoc()); Job job = new Job(TestInfo.HARVESTID, domainConfiguration, ht, FOCUSED_CHANNEL, TestInfo.MAX_OBJECTS_PER_DOMAIN, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY, Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_JOB_RUNNING_TIME, 0); createJobInDB(job); // check that the modified job can be retrieved JobDAO jobDAO2 = JobDAO.getInstance(); Job jobUpdated =; long expectedCappedMaxObjects = domainConfiguration.getMaxObjects(); assertEquals( "The retrieved job should have max object per domain = " + expectedCappedMaxObjects + ", but it is equal to " + jobUpdated.getForceMaxObjectsPerDomain(), expectedCappedMaxObjects, jobUpdated.getForceMaxObjectsPerDomain()); // check that the job-specific order.xml is modified accordingly: //FIXME? this test assumes, that the template is Dom4j. /* final Document orderXMLdoc = jobUpdated.getOrderXMLdoc(); String xpath = "/crawl-order/controller/map[@name='pre-fetch-processors']" + "/newObject[@name='QuotaEnforcer']" + "/long[@name='group-max-fetch-successes']"; Node queueTotalBudgetNode = orderXMLdoc.selectSingleNode(xpath); assertEquals("OrderXML value should equals set value", expectedCappedMaxObjects, Integer.parseInt(queueTotalBudgetNode.getText())); */ } // /* // * Check that an appropriate number of jobs of various statuses are found with getAll() // */ // private void assertJobsFound(String msg, int c_new, int c_submitted, int c_started, int c_failed, int c_done) { // JobDAO jdao = JobDAO.getInstance(); // assertEquals(c_new + " jobs with status NEW should be present " + msg, c_new, // IteratorUtils.toList(jdao.getAll(JobStatus.NEW)).size()); // assertEquals(c_started + " jobs with status STARTED should be present " + msg, c_started, // IteratorUtils.toList(jdao.getAll(JobStatus.STARTED)).size()); // assertEquals(c_submitted + " jobs with status SUBMITTED should be present " + msg, c_submitted, IteratorUtils // .toList(jdao.getAll(JobStatus.SUBMITTED)).size()); // assertEquals(c_failed + " jobs with status FAILED should be present " + msg, c_failed, // IteratorUtils.toList(jdao.getAll(JobStatus.FAILED)).size()); // assertEquals((INITIAL_JOB_COUNT + c_done) + " jobs with status DONE should be present " + msg, // INITIAL_JOB_COUNT + c_done, IteratorUtils.toList(jdao.getAll(JobStatus.DONE)).size()); // } /** * Test getting jobs with various statuses */ @Test public void testGetAllWithStatus() { jobDAO = JobDAO.getInstance(); Job job = createDefaultJobInDB(0); /* FIXME JAVA 8 lambda needed just now Arrays.asList(JobStatus.values()).forEach(jobStatus -> { job.setStatus(jobStatus); jobDAO.update(job); Arrays.asList(JobStatus.values()).forEach(queryStatus -> { assertThat("Jobstatus: " + jobStatus + ", Querystatus: " + queryStatus, jobDAO.getAll(queryStatus).hasNext(), equalTo(jobStatus == queryStatus)); }); }); */ } @Test public void testPersistensOfHarvestChannel() throws SQLException { Job job0 = createDefaultJobInDB(0); assertEquals("The channel should be named highpriority", "FOCUSED", job0.getChannel()); Job job1 = createDefaultJobInDB(1); job1.setHarvestChannel(SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL); assertEquals("The channel should be named " + SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL.getName(), SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL.getName(), job1.getChannel()); jobDAO.update(job1); // read them again Job job2 =; Job job3 =; assertEquals("Jobs should preserve channel", job0.getChannel(), job2.getChannel()); assertEquals("Jobs should preserve channel", job1.getChannel(), job3.getChannel()); } /** * Verifies the functionality of the #getAllJobIds(JobStatus, HarvestChannel) */ @Test public void testGetAllJobIdsForStatusAndChannel() throws SQLException { Iterator<Long> idsForFocusedJobs = jobDAO.getAllJobIds(JobStatus.NEW, FOCUSED_CHANNEL); assertTrue("Initiel size of jobs with jobstatus " + JobStatus.NEW + " and channel FOCUSED_CHANNEL" + " larger than zero", !idsForFocusedJobs.hasNext()); Iterator<Long> idsForSnapshotJobs = jobDAO.getAllJobIds(JobStatus.NEW, SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL); assertTrue("Initiel size of jobs with jobstatus " + JobStatus.NEW + " and channel SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL" + " larger than zero", !idsForSnapshotJobs.hasNext()); // Create a high and a low priority job Job focusedJobID = createDefaultJobInDB(0); Job snapshotJobID = createDefaultJobInDB(1); snapshotJobID.setHarvestChannel(SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL); jobDAO.update(snapshotJobID); idsForFocusedJobs = jobDAO.getAllJobIds(JobStatus.NEW, FOCUSED_CHANNEL); assertTrue("No job with jobstatus " + JobStatus.NEW + " and channel HIGHPRIORITY" + " returned after creating job", idsForFocusedJobs.hasNext()); Job snapshotJob =; assertEquals("Job should have high priority", focusedJobID.getChannel(), snapshotJob.getChannel()); idsForSnapshotJobs = jobDAO.getAllJobIds(JobStatus.NEW, SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL); assertTrue( "No job with jobstatus " + JobStatus.NEW + " and channel SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL" + " returned after creating job", jobDAO.getAllJobIds(JobStatus.NEW, SNAPSHOT_CHANNEL).hasNext()); Job jobLowPriority =; assertEquals("Job should have low priority", snapshotJobID.getChannel(), jobLowPriority.getChannel()); } /** Test that the job error info is stored correctly. */ @Test public void testPersistenceOfJobErrors() throws Exception { Job j = createDefaultJobInDB(1); Job j2 =; assertNull("Should have no harvest error by default", j2.getHarvestErrors()); assertNull("Should have no harvest error details by default", j2.getHarvestErrorDetails()); assertNull("Should have no upload error by default", j2.getUploadErrors()); assertNull("Should have no upload error details by default", j2.getUploadErrorDetails()); j2.appendHarvestErrors("str1"); j2.appendHarvestErrorDetails("str2"); j2.appendUploadErrors("str3"); j2.appendUploadErrorDetails("str4"); jobDAO.update(j2); Job j3 =; assertEquals("Should have new harvest error string", "str1", j3.getHarvestErrors()); assertEquals("Should have new harvest error detail string", "str2", j3.getHarvestErrorDetails()); assertEquals("Should have new upload error string", "str3", j3.getUploadErrors()); assertEquals("Should have new upload error detail string", "str4", j3.getUploadErrorDetails()); } /** * Reset the job jobDAO. */ public static void resetDAO() { JobDAO.reset(); } /** * Test that we can get reasonable status info about jobs. */ @Test public void failingTestGetStatusInfo() throws Exception { Job job1 = createDefaultJob(0); job1.setStatus(JobStatus.DONE); createJobInDB(job1); List<JobStatusInfo> infos = jobDAO.getStatusInfo(new HarvestStatusQuery()).getJobStatusInfo(); assertEquals("Should get info for one job initially", 1, infos.size()); checkInfoCorrect(job1, infos.get(0)); Job job2 = createDefaultJobInDB(1); job2.appendUploadErrors("Bad stuff"); job2.appendHarvestErrors("Good harvest"); job2.setActualStart(new Date()); jobDAO.update(job2); infos = jobDAO.getStatusInfo(new HarvestStatusQuery()).getJobStatusInfo(); assertEquals("Should get info on two jobs", 2, infos.size()); Map<JobStatus, JobStatusInfo> jobStatusSet = new HashMap<>(); for (JobStatusInfo info : infos) { jobStatusSet.put(info.getStatus(), info); } checkInfoCorrect(job1, jobStatusSet.get(JobStatus.DONE)); checkInfoCorrect(job2, jobStatusSet.get(JobStatus.NEW)); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put(, new String[] { }); params.put(, new String[] { job2.getStatus().name() }); HarvestStatusQuery query = HarvestStatusTester.getTestQuery(params); infos = jobDAO.getStatusInfo(query).getJobStatusInfo(); assertEquals("Query returned wrong number of jobs", 1, infos.size()); assertThat("JobID of new Job", infos.get(0).getJobID(), equalTo(job2.getJobID())); checkInfoCorrect(job2, infos.get(0)); } /** * Test that we can get reasonable status info about jobs from specific harvest runs. */ @Test public void testGetStatusInfoForHarvest() throws Exception { Job job2 = createDefaultJobInDB(3); Job job3 = createDefaultJobInDB(4); Job job4 = createDefaultJobInDB(4); List<JobStatusInfo> infos = jobDAO.getStatusInfo(new HarvestStatusQuery(43L, 0)).getJobStatusInfo(); assertEquals("Should get info on no jobs", 0, infos.size()); infos = jobDAO.getStatusInfo(new HarvestStatusQuery(117L, 23)).getJobStatusInfo(); assertEquals("Should get info on no jobs", 0, infos.size()); infos = jobDAO.getStatusInfo(new HarvestStatusQuery(job2.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID(), 3)) .getJobStatusInfo(); assertEquals("Should get info on one job", 1, infos.size()); JobStatusInfo info = infos.get(0); checkInfoCorrect(job2, info); infos = jobDAO.getStatusInfo(new HarvestStatusQuery(job3.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID(), 4)) .getJobStatusInfo(); assertEquals("Should get info on two jobs", 2, infos.size()); info = infos.get(0); checkInfoCorrect(job3, info); info = infos.get(1); checkInfoCorrect(job4, info); } private void checkInfoCorrect(Job j, JobStatusInfo info) { HarvestDefinitionDAO hddao = HarvestDefinitionDAO.getInstance(); assertEquals("Info should be for job " + j.getJobID(), j.getJobID(), j.getJobID()); assertEquals("Status for job " + j.getJobID(), j.getStatus(), info.getStatus()); assertEquals("HarvestID for job " + j.getJobID(), (long) j.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID(), info.getHarvestDefinitionID()); assertEquals("HarvestNum for job " + j.getJobID(), j.getHarvestNum(), info.getHarvestNum()); assertEquals("HarvestName for job " + j.getJobID(),, info.getHarvestDefinition()); assertEquals("HarvestError for job " + j.getJobID(), j.getHarvestErrors(), info.getHarvestErrors()); assertEquals("UploadError for job " + j.getJobID(), j.getUploadErrors(), info.getUploadErrors()); assertEquals("OrderXML name for job " + j.getJobID(), j.getOrderXMLName(), info.getOrderXMLname()); assertEquals("Domain count for job " + j.getJobID(), j.getDomainConfigurationMap().size(), info.getConfigCount()); assertEquals("Start date for job " + j.getJobID(), j.getActualStart(), info.getStartDate()); assertEquals("End date for job " + j.getJobID(), j.getActualStop(), info.getEndDate()); } /** Check that start and end dates are created and stored correctly. */ @Test public void testSetDates() { //DomainDAO ddao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); Date startDate = new Date(); Job newJob1 = createDefaultJobInDB(2); newJob1.setStatus(JobStatus.SUBMITTED); jobDAO.update(newJob1); assertNull("Should have null start date at start, but was " + newJob1.getActualStart(), newJob1.getActualStart()); assertNull("Should have null stop date at start, but was " + newJob1.getActualStop(), newJob1.getActualStop()); newJob1.setStatus(JobStatus.STARTED); assertNotNull("Should have non-null start date after starting", newJob1.getActualStart()); assertFalse("Should have updated start date after starting (>= before)", startDate.after(newJob1.getActualStart())); assertFalse("Should have updated start date after starting (<= now)", new Date().before(newJob1.getActualStart())); assertNull("Should have null stop date after starting, but was " + newJob1.getActualStop(), newJob1.getActualStop()); jobDAO.update(newJob1); Job newJob2 =; assertNotNull("Should have non-null start date after rereading", newJob2.getActualStart()); assertEquals("Should have same start date after rereading", newJob1.getActualStart(), newJob2.getActualStart()); assertNull("Should have null stop date after rereading, but was " + newJob2.getActualStop(), newJob2.getActualStop()); try { // Make sure new time is different Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignored } Date stopDate = new Date(); newJob2.setStatus(JobStatus.DONE); assertNotNull("Should have non-null start date after finishing", newJob2.getActualStart()); assertEquals("Should have same start date after rereading", newJob1.getActualStart(), newJob2.getActualStart()); assertNotNull("Should have non-null stop date after finishing", newJob2.getActualStop()); assertFalse("Should have updated stop date after finishing (>= before)", stopDate.after(newJob2.getActualStop())); assertFalse("Should have updated stop date after finishing (<= now)", new Date().before(newJob2.getActualStop())); jobDAO.update(newJob2); Job newJob3 =; assertNotNull("Should have non-null start date after rerereading", newJob3.getActualStart()); assertEquals("Should have same start date after rereading", newJob2.getActualStart(), newJob3.getActualStart()); assertNotNull("Should have non-null stop date after rerereading", newJob3.getActualStop()); assertEquals("Should have same stop date after rereading", newJob2.getActualStop(), newJob3.getActualStop()); } /** * Tests the retrieval of jobs to use for duplicate reduction. * <p> * The following cases are tested: * <p> * Unknown job ID. Partial harvests with no previous harvest is present should return empty list. Partial harvests * with two previous harvests should return jobs from first harvest. Full harvest with no previous full harvests * should return empty list. Full harvest not based on anything but with previous chain should return that. Full * harvest based on something but with no previous chain should return that. Full harvest based on something AND * with previous chains should return that. */ @Test public void testGetJobIDsForDuplicateReduction() throws Exception { // Assume 1st job has id=2, and Last job has id 15 createTestJobs(1L, 14L); try { jobDAO.getJobIDsForDuplicateReduction(9999L); fail("Expected UnknownID on job ID not in database"); } catch (UnknownID e) { } List<Long> result; List<Long> expected; result = jobDAO.getJobIDsForDuplicateReduction(2L); assertEquals("Should get empty list on no previous harvest", 0, result.size()); result = jobDAO.getJobIDsForDuplicateReduction(7L); expected = Arrays.asList(new Long[] { 4L, 5L }); Collections.sort(result); Collections.sort(expected); //assertEquals("Should get previous harvests' job ids in list", expected, result); result = jobDAO.getJobIDsForDuplicateReduction(8L); assertEquals("Should get empty list on no previous harvest", 0, result.size()); result = jobDAO.getJobIDsForDuplicateReduction(10L); expected = Arrays.asList(new Long[] { 7L, 8L }); Collections.sort(result); Collections.sort(expected); assertEquals("Should get originating harvests' job ids in list", expected, result); result = jobDAO.getJobIDsForDuplicateReduction(12L); expected = Arrays.asList(new Long[] { 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L }); Collections.sort(result); Collections.sort(expected); assertEquals("Should get previous full harvests' job ids in list", expected, result); result = jobDAO.getJobIDsForDuplicateReduction(14L); expected = Arrays.asList(new Long[] { 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L }); Collections.sort(result); Collections.sort(expected); assertEquals("Should get previous full harvests' job ids in list", expected, result); } private void compareCopiedJob(Job oldJob1, Job newJob1, Long newID) { assertEquals("Should have same domain count", oldJob1.getCountDomains(), newJob1.getCountDomains()); assertEquals("Should have same domain config map", oldJob1.getDomainConfigurationMap(), newJob1.getDomainConfigurationMap()); assertEquals("Should have same forceMaxObjects", oldJob1.getForceMaxObjectsPerDomain(), newJob1.getForceMaxObjectsPerDomain()); assertEquals("Should have same max bytes", oldJob1.getMaxBytesPerDomain(), newJob1.getMaxBytesPerDomain()); assertEquals("Should have same max objects", oldJob1.getMaxObjectsPerDomain(), newJob1.getMaxObjectsPerDomain()); //FIXME //assertEquals("Should have same order.xml", oldJob1.getOrderXMLdoc().asXML(), newJob1.getOrderXMLdoc().asXML()); assertEquals("Should have same order xml name", oldJob1.getOrderXMLName(), newJob1.getOrderXMLName()); assertEquals("Should have same original harvest id", oldJob1.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID(), newJob1.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID()); assertEquals("Should have same channel", oldJob1.getChannel(), newJob1.getChannel()); assertEquals("Should have same seedlist", oldJob1.getSeedListAsString(), newJob1.getSeedListAsString()); /* assertArrayEquals("Should have same settingsxml docs", oldJob1.getSettingsXMLdocs(), newJob1.getSettingsXMLdocs()); */ assertArrayEquals("Should have same settingsxml files", oldJob1.getSettingsXMLfiles(), newJob1.getSettingsXMLfiles()); assertEquals("Should have new status", JobStatus.NEW, newJob1.getStatus()); assertEquals("Should have new edition", 1L, newJob1.getEdition()); assertEquals("Should have new ID", newID, newJob1.getJobID()); /* * assertNotSame("The harvestnamePrefixes should not be the same", oldJob1.getHarvestFilenamePrefix(), * newJob1.getHarvestFilenamePrefix()); */ } public static void changeStatus(long jobID, JobStatus newStatus) { PreparedStatement s = null; Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { s = c.prepareStatement("update jobs set status=? where job_id=?"); s.setLong(1, newStatus.ordinal()); s.setLong(2, jobID); s.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error changing job state for job with id=" + jobID + " in database"; throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Tests method in JobDBDAO.rescheduleJob Now verifies, that the new job has startdate and enddate set to null. */ @Test public void testRescheduleJob() { // Assume 1st job has id=2, and Last job has id 15 createTestJobs(1L, 14L); for (long i = 1; i < 15; i++) { Job oldJob =; if (oldJob.getStatus() != JobStatus.SUBMITTED && oldJob.getStatus() != JobStatus.FAILED) { try { jobDAO.rescheduleJob(i); fail("Should not have been able to resubmit job " + oldJob); } catch (IllegalState e) { // expected; } } } for (long i = 1; i < 15; i++) { changeStatus(i, i % 2 == 0 ? JobStatus.SUBMITTED : JobStatus.FAILED); long newJobID = jobDAO.rescheduleJob(i); Job oldJob =; Job newJob =; long newID = i + 14; compareCopiedJob(oldJob, newJob, newID); assertEquals("Old job should have resubmitted status", JobStatus.RESUBMITTED, oldJob.getStatus()); assertTrue("New job must have null startdate", newJob.getActualStart() == null); assertTrue("New job must have null enddate", newJob.getActualStop() == null); } try { jobDAO.rescheduleJob(42L); fail("Should not have been able to resubmit non-existing job"); } catch (UnknownID e) { // expected } } @Test public void testgetJobAliasInfo() { Job job = createDefaultJob(0); DomainConfiguration anotherConfig = TestInfo.getConfigurationNotDefault(TestInfo.getDomainNotDefault()); job.addConfiguration(anotherConfig); // domains in job: job.getDomainConfigurationMap().keySet(); DomainDAO ddao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); List<AliasInfo> aliases = jobDAO.getJobAliasInfo(job); // aliases equals #domains being skipped because a domain in job.getDomainConfigurationMap().keySet() // is the aliasFather for that domain assertTrue("No domains are skipped, as no aliases are defined", aliases.isEmpty()); DomainDefinition.createDomains("", "", ""); Domain d =""); DomainConfiguration dc1 = TestInfo.getConfig(d, "aliasKonfig"); d =""); DomainConfiguration dc2 = TestInfo.getConfig(d, "aliasKonfig2"); d =""); d.updateAlias(""); ddao.update(d); d =""); d.updateAlias(""); ddao.update(d); d =""); d.updateAlias(""); ddao.update(d); job = createDefaultJob(1); job.addConfiguration(dc1); job.addConfiguration(dc2); // this should give us a List of size 3: aliases = jobDAO.getJobAliasInfo(job); assertEquals("There should be 3 AliasInfo objects in the List returned", 3, aliases.size()); } @Test public void testMaxBytesBug652() throws Exception { DomainConfiguration defaultConfig = DomainConfigurationTest.createDefaultDomainConfiguration(); defaultConfig.setMaxBytes(-1); HeritrixTemplate ht = new H1HeritrixTemplate(OrderXmlBuilder.createDefault().getDoc()); Job job = new Job(TestInfo.HARVESTID, defaultConfig, ht, FOCUSED_CHANNEL, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXOBJECTS_INFINITY, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXJOBRUNNINGTIME_INFINITY, 0); ; // test default value of forceMaxObjectsPerDomain: assertEquals("No limit of value of forceMaxObjectsPerDomain expected", -1, job.getMaxBytesPerDomain()); JobDAO jDao = JobDAO.getInstance(); createJobInDB(job); Iterator<Job> jobIterator = jDao.getAll(); while (jobIterator.hasNext()) { Job j1 =; if (j1.getMaxBytesPerDomain() == 1) { fail("Maxbytes (-1) stored as (1)"); } } } private static Job createDefaultJob(int harvestNum) { HeritrixTemplate ht = new H1HeritrixTemplate(OrderXmlBuilder.createDefault().getDoc()); return new Job(TestInfo.HARVESTID, TestInfo.getDefaultConfig(DomainDAOTester.getDomain(TestInfo.DEFAULTDOMAINNAME)), ht, FOCUSED_CHANNEL, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXOBJECTS_INFINITY, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY, Constants.HERITRIX_MAXJOBRUNNINGTIME_INFINITY, harvestNum); } public static Job createDefaultJobInDB(int harvestNum) { return createJobInDB(createDefaultJob(harvestNum)); } /** Creates the job and any required secondary objects in the DB, like domains configurations etc. */ public static Job createJobInDB(Job job) { /* java 8 required job.getDomainConfigurationMap().keySet().forEach(domainName -> { TestInfo.getDefaultConfig(DomainDAOTester.getDomain(domainName)); }); */ for (String domainName : job.getDomainConfigurationMap().keySet()) { TestInfo.getDefaultConfig(DomainDAOTester.getDomain(domainName)); } HarvestDefinitionDAOTester.ensureHarvestDefinitionExists(job.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID()); JobDAO.getInstance().create(job); return job; } }