Java tutorial
/* File: $Id$ * Revision: $Revision$ * Author: $Author$ * Date: $Date$ * * The Netarchive Suite - Software to harvest and preserve websites * Copyright 2004-2012 The Royal Danish Library, the Danish State and * University Library, the National Library of France and the Austrian * National Library. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.ArgumentNotValid; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IllegalState; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.NotImplementedException; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.PermissionDenied; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.UnknownID; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.DBUtils; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.ExceptionUtils; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.FilterIterator; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.StringUtils; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedField; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedFieldDAO; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedFieldDefaultValue; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedFieldTypes; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedFieldValue; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedFieldValueDAO; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedFieldValueDBDAO; import dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface.HarvestStatusQuery; /** * A database-oriented implementation of the HarvestDefinitionDAO. * * The statements to create the tables are located in: * <ul> * <li><em>Derby:</em> scripts/sql/createfullhddb.sql</li> * <li><em>MySQL:</em> scripts/sql/createfullhddb.mysql</li> * <li><em>PostgreSQL:</em> scripts/postgresql/netarchivesuite_init.sql</li> * </ul> * */ public class HarvestDefinitionDBDAO extends HarvestDefinitionDAO { /** The logger. */ private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); /** * Comparator used for sorting the UI list of * {@link SparseDomainConfiguration}s. Sorts first by domain name * alphabetical order, next by configuration name. * */ private static class SparseDomainConfigurationComparator implements Comparator<SparseDomainConfiguration> { @Override public int compare(SparseDomainConfiguration sdc1, SparseDomainConfiguration sdc2) { int domComp = sdc1.getDomainName().compareTo(sdc2.getDomainName()); if (0 == domComp) { return sdc1.getConfigurationName().compareTo(sdc2.getConfigurationName()); } return domComp; } } /** Create a new HarvestDefinitionDAO using database. */ HarvestDefinitionDBDAO() { Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.FULLHARVESTS); HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.HARVESTDEFINITIONS); HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.PARTIALHARVESTS); HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.HARVESTCONFIGS); HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.EXTENDEDFIELDTYPE); HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.EXTENDEDFIELD); HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.EXTENDEDFIELDVALUE); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } /** * Create a harvest definition in Database. The harvest definition object * should not have its ID set unless we are in the middle of migrating. * * @param harvestDefinition * A new harvest definition to store in the database. * @return The harvestId for the just created harvest definition. * @see HarvestDefinitionDAO#create(HarvestDefinition) */ @Override public synchronized Long create(HarvestDefinition harvestDefinition) { Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { Long id = harvestDefinition.getOid(); if (id == null) { id = generateNextID(connection); } connection.setAutoCommit(false); s = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO harvestdefinitions " + "( harvest_id, name, comments, numevents, submitted," + " isactive, edition, audience ) " + "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,? )"); s.setLong(1, id); DBUtils.setName(s, 2, harvestDefinition, Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE); DBUtils.setComments(s, 3, harvestDefinition, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE); s.setLong(4, harvestDefinition.getNumEvents()); Date submissiondate = new Date(); // Don't set on object, as we may yet rollback s.setTimestamp(5, new Timestamp(submissiondate.getTime())); s.setBoolean(6, harvestDefinition.getActive()); final int edition = 1; s.setLong(7, edition); s.setString(8, harvestDefinition.getAudience()); s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); if (harvestDefinition instanceof FullHarvest) { FullHarvest fh = (FullHarvest) harvestDefinition; s = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO fullharvests " + "( harvest_id, maxobjects, maxbytes," + " maxjobrunningtime, previoushd, isindexready)" + "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )"); s.setLong(1, id); s.setLong(2, fh.getMaxCountObjects()); s.setLong(3, fh.getMaxBytes()); s.setLong(4, fh.getMaxJobRunningTime()); if (fh.getPreviousHarvestDefinition() != null) { s.setLong(5, fh.getPreviousHarvestDefinition().getOid()); } else { s.setNull(5, Types.BIGINT); } s.setBoolean(6, fh.getIndexReady()); s.executeUpdate(); } else if (harvestDefinition instanceof PartialHarvest) { PartialHarvest ph = (PartialHarvest) harvestDefinition; // Get schedule id long scheduleId = DBUtils.selectLongValue(connection, "SELECT schedule_id FROM schedules WHERE name = ?", ph.getSchedule().getName()); s = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO partialharvests " + "( harvest_id, schedule_id, nextdate ) " + "VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )"); s.setLong(1, id); s.setLong(2, scheduleId); DBUtils.setDateMaybeNull(s, 3, ph.getNextDate()); s.executeUpdate(); createHarvestConfigsEntries(connection, ph, id); } else { String message = "Harvest definition " + harvestDefinition + " is of unknown class " + harvestDefinition.getClass(); log.warn(message); throw new ArgumentNotValid(message); } connection.commit(); // Now that we have committed, set new data on object. harvestDefinition.setSubmissionDate(submissiondate); harvestDefinition.setEdition(edition); harvestDefinition.setOid(id); // saving after receiving id saveExtendedFieldValues(connection, harvestDefinition); return id; } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error creating harvest definition " + harvestDefinition + " in database" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(connection, "creating", harvestDefinition); HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } /** * Create the entries in the harvest_configs table that connect * PartialHarvests and their configurations. * * @param c * harvest definition DB connection * @param ph * The harvest to insert entries for. * @param id * The id of the harvest -- this may not yet be set on ph * @throws SQLException * If a database error occurs during the create process. */ private void createHarvestConfigsEntries(Connection c, PartialHarvest ph, long id) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM harvest_configs " + "WHERE harvest_id = ?"); s.setLong(1, id); s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO harvest_configs " + "( harvest_id, config_id ) " + "SELECT ?, config_id FROM configurations, domains " + "WHERE = ? AND = ?" + " AND domains.domain_id = configurations.domain_id"); Iterator<DomainConfiguration> dcs = ph.getDomainConfigurations(); while (dcs.hasNext()) { DomainConfiguration dc =; s.setLong(1, id); s.setString(2, dc.getDomainName()); s.setString(3, dc.getName()); s.executeUpdate(); } } /** * Generates the next id of a harvest definition. this implementation * retrieves the maximum value of harvest_id in the DB, and returns this * value + 1. * * @param c * An open connection to the harvestDatabase * @return The next available ID */ private Long generateNextID(Connection c) { Long maxVal = DBUtils.selectLongValue(c, "SELECT max(harvest_id) FROM harvestdefinitions"); if (maxVal == null) { maxVal = 0L; } return maxVal + 1L; } /** * Read the stored harvest definition for the given ID. * * @see HarvestDefinitionDAO#read(Long) * @param harvestDefinitionID * An ID number for a harvest definition * @return A harvest definition that has been read from persistent storage. * @throws UnknownID * if no entry with that ID exists in the database * @throws IOFailure * If DB-failure occurs? */ @Override public synchronized HarvestDefinition read(Long harvestDefinitionID) throws UnknownID, IOFailure { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { return read(c, harvestDefinitionID); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Read the stored harvest definition for the given ID. * * @see HarvestDefinitionDAO#read(Long) * @param c * The used database connection * @param harvestDefinitionID * An ID number for a harvest definition * @return A harvest definition that has been read from persistent storage. * @throws UnknownID * if no entry with that ID exists in the database * @throws IOFailure * If DB-failure occurs? */ private HarvestDefinition read(Connection c, Long harvestDefinitionID) throws UnknownID, IOFailure { if (!exists(c, harvestDefinitionID)) { String message = "Unknown harvest definition " + harvestDefinitionID; log.debug(message); throw new UnknownID(message); } log.debug("Reading harvestdefinition w/ id " + harvestDefinitionID); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement( "SELECT name, comments, numevents, submitted, " + "previoushd, maxobjects, maxbytes, " + "maxjobrunningtime, isindexready, isactive, edition, audience " + "FROM harvestdefinitions, fullharvests " + "WHERE harvestdefinitions.harvest_id = ?" + " AND harvestdefinitions.harvest_id " + " = fullharvests.harvest_id"); s.setLong(1, harvestDefinitionID); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); if ( { // Found full harvest log.debug("fullharvest found w/id " + harvestDefinitionID); final String name = res.getString(1); final String comments = res.getString(2); final int numEvents = res.getInt(3); final Date submissionDate = new Date(res.getTimestamp(4).getTime()); final long maxObjects = res.getLong(6); final long maxBytes = res.getLong(7); final long maxJobRunningtime = res.getLong(8); final boolean isIndexReady = res.getBoolean(9); FullHarvest fh; final long prevhd = res.getLong(5); if (!res.wasNull()) { fh = new FullHarvest(name, comments, prevhd, maxObjects, maxBytes, maxJobRunningtime, isIndexReady); } else { fh = new FullHarvest(name, comments, null, maxObjects, maxBytes, maxJobRunningtime, isIndexReady); } fh.setSubmissionDate(submissionDate); fh.setNumEvents(numEvents); fh.setActive(res.getBoolean(10)); fh.setOid(harvestDefinitionID); fh.setEdition(res.getLong(11)); fh.setAudience(res.getString(12)); readExtendedFieldValues(fh); // We found a FullHarvest object, just return it. log.debug("Returned FullHarvest object w/ id " + harvestDefinitionID); return fh; } s.close(); // No full harvest with that ID, try selective harvest s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT," + " harvestdefinitions.comments," + " harvestdefinitions.numevents," + " harvestdefinitions.submitted," + " harvestdefinitions.isactive," + " harvestdefinitions.edition," + " harvestdefinitions.audience," + "," + " partialharvests.nextdate, " + " harvestdefinitions.channel_id " + "FROM harvestdefinitions, partialharvests, schedules" + " WHERE harvestdefinitions.harvest_id = ?" + " AND harvestdefinitions.harvest_id " + "= partialharvests.harvest_id" + " AND schedules.schedule_id " + "= partialharvests.schedule_id"); s.setLong(1, harvestDefinitionID); res = s.executeQuery(); boolean foundPartialHarvest =; if (foundPartialHarvest) { log.debug("Partialharvest found w/ id " + harvestDefinitionID); // Have to get configs before creating object, so storing data // here. final String name = res.getString(1); final String comments = res.getString(2); final int numEvents = res.getInt(3); final Date submissionDate = new Date(res.getTimestamp(4).getTime()); final boolean active = res.getBoolean(5); final long edition = res.getLong(6); final String audience = res.getString(7); final String scheduleName = res.getString(8); final Date nextDate = DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 9); final Long channelId = DBUtils.getLongMaybeNull(res, 10); s.close(); // Found partial harvest -- have to find configurations. // To avoid holding on to the readlock while getting domains, // we grab the strings first, then look up domains and configs. final DomainDAO domainDao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); List<SparseDomainConfiguration> configs = new ArrayList<SparseDomainConfiguration>(); s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT, " + "FROM domains, configurations, harvest_configs " + "WHERE harvest_id = ?" + " AND configurations.config_id " + "= harvest_configs.config_id" + " AND configurations.domain_id = domains.domain_id"); s.setLong(1, harvestDefinitionID); res = s.executeQuery(); while ( { configs.add(new SparseDomainConfiguration(res.getString(1), res.getString(2))); } s.close(); List<DomainConfiguration> configurations = new ArrayList<DomainConfiguration>(); for (SparseDomainConfiguration domainConfig : configs) { configurations.add(domainDao.getDomainConfiguration(domainConfig.getDomainName(), domainConfig.getConfigurationName())); } Schedule schedule = ScheduleDAO.getInstance().read(scheduleName); PartialHarvest ph = new PartialHarvest(configurations, schedule, name, comments, audience); ph.setNumEvents(numEvents); ph.setSubmissionDate(submissionDate); ph.setActive(active); ph.setEdition(edition); ph.setNextDate(nextDate); ph.setOid(harvestDefinitionID); if (channelId != null) { ph.setChannelId(channelId); } readExtendedFieldValues(ph); return ph; } else { throw new IllegalState( "No entries in fullharvests or " + "partialharvests found for id " + harvestDefinitionID); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("SQL Error while reading harvest definition " + harvestDefinitionID + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } } /** * Update an existing harvest definition with new info. * * @param hd * An updated harvest definition * @see HarvestDefinitionDAO#update(HarvestDefinition) */ public synchronized void update(HarvestDefinition hd) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(hd, "HarvestDefinition hd"); if (hd.getOid() == null || !exists(hd.getOid())) { final String message = "Cannot update non-existing " + "harvestdefinition '" + hd.getName() + "'"; log.debug(message); throw new PermissionDenied(message); } HarvestDefinition preHD = null; if (hd instanceof FullHarvest) { preHD = ((FullHarvest) hd).getPreviousHarvestDefinition(); } Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { c.setAutoCommit(false); s = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE harvestdefinitions SET " + "name = ?, " + "comments = ?, " + "numevents = ?, " + "submitted = ?," + "isactive = ?," + "edition = ?, audience = ? " + "WHERE harvest_id = ? AND edition = ?"); DBUtils.setName(s, 1, hd, Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE); DBUtils.setComments(s, 2, hd, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE); s.setInt(3, hd.getNumEvents()); s.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(hd.getSubmissionDate().getTime())); s.setBoolean(5, hd.getActive()); long nextEdition = hd.getEdition() + 1; s.setLong(6, nextEdition); s.setString(7, hd.getAudience()); s.setLong(8, hd.getOid()); s.setLong(9, hd.getEdition()); int rows = s.executeUpdate(); // Since the HD exists, no rows indicates bad edition if (rows == 0) { String message = "Somebody else must have updated " + hd + " since edition " + hd.getEdition() + ", not updating"; log.debug(message); throw new PermissionDenied(message); } s.close(); if (hd instanceof FullHarvest) { FullHarvest fh = (FullHarvest) hd; s = c.prepareStatement( "UPDATE fullharvests SET " + "previoushd = ?, " + "maxobjects = ?, " + "maxbytes = ?, " + "maxjobrunningtime = ?, " + "isindexready = ? " + "WHERE harvest_id = ?"); if (preHD != null) { s.setLong(1, preHD.getOid()); } else { s.setNull(1, Types.BIGINT); } s.setLong(2, fh.getMaxCountObjects()); s.setLong(3, fh.getMaxBytes()); s.setLong(4, fh.getMaxJobRunningTime()); s.setBoolean(5, fh.getIndexReady()); s.setLong(6, fh.getOid()); rows = s.executeUpdate(); log.debug(rows + " fullharvests records updated"); } else if (hd instanceof PartialHarvest) { PartialHarvest ph = (PartialHarvest) hd; s = c.prepareStatement( "UPDATE partialharvests SET " + "schedule_id = " + " (SELECT schedule_id FROM schedules " + "WHERE = ?), " + "nextdate = ? " + "WHERE harvest_id = ?"); s.setString(1, ph.getSchedule().getName()); DBUtils.setDateMaybeNull(s, 2, ph.getNextDate()); s.setLong(3, ph.getOid()); rows = s.executeUpdate(); log.debug(rows + " partialharvests records updated"); s.close(); // FIXME The updates to harvest_configs table should be done // in method removeDomainConfiguration(), and not here. // The following deletes ALL harvest_configs entries for // this PartialHarvest, and creates the entries for the // PartialHarvest again!! createHarvestConfigsEntries(c, ph, ph.getOid()); } else { String message = "Harvest definition " + hd + " has unknown class " + hd.getClass(); log.warn(message); throw new ArgumentNotValid(message); } saveExtendedFieldValues(c, hd); c.commit(); hd.setEdition(nextEdition); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("SQL error while updating harvest definition " + hd + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(c, "updating", hd); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Activates or deactivates a partial harvest definition. This method is * actually to be used not to have to read from the DB big harvest * definitions and optimize the activation / deactivation, it is sort of a * lightweight version of update. * * @param harvestDefinition * the harvest definition object. */ @Override public synchronized void flipActive(SparsePartialHarvest harvestDefinition) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(harvestDefinition, "HarvestDefinition harvestDefinition"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { if (harvestDefinition.getOid() == null || !exists(c, harvestDefinition.getOid())) { final String message = "Cannot update non-existing " + "harvestdefinition '" + harvestDefinition.getName() + "'"; log.debug(message); throw new PermissionDenied(message); } c.setAutoCommit(false); s = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE harvestdefinitions SET " + "name = ?, " + "comments = ?, " + "numevents = ?, " + "submitted = ?," + "isactive = ?," + "edition = ?, audience = ? " + "WHERE harvest_id = ? AND edition = ?"); DBUtils.setName(s, 1, harvestDefinition, Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE); DBUtils.setComments(s, 2, harvestDefinition, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE); s.setInt(3, harvestDefinition.getNumEvents()); s.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(harvestDefinition.getSubmissionDate().getTime())); s.setBoolean(5, !harvestDefinition.isActive()); long nextEdition = harvestDefinition.getEdition() + 1; s.setLong(6, nextEdition); s.setString(7, harvestDefinition.getAudience()); s.setLong(8, harvestDefinition.getOid()); s.setLong(9, harvestDefinition.getEdition()); int rows = s.executeUpdate(); // Since the HD exists, no rows indicates bad edition if (rows == 0) { String message = "Somebody else must have updated " + harvestDefinition + " since edition " + harvestDefinition.getEdition() + ", not updating"; log.debug(message); throw new PermissionDenied(message); } s.close(); // Now pull more strings s = c.prepareStatement( "UPDATE partialharvests SET " + "schedule_id = " + " (SELECT schedule_id FROM schedules " + "WHERE = ?), " + "nextdate = ? " + "WHERE harvest_id = ?"); s.setString(1, harvestDefinition.getScheduleName()); DBUtils.setDateMaybeNull(s, 2, harvestDefinition.getNextDate()); s.setLong(3, harvestDefinition.getOid()); rows = s.executeUpdate(); log.debug(rows + " partialharvests records updated"); s.close(); c.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("SQL error while updating harvest definition " + harvestDefinition + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(c, "updating", harvestDefinition); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } @Override public synchronized boolean exists(String name) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(name, "String name"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { return 1 == DBUtils.selectIntValue(c, "SELECT COUNT(harvest_id) " + "FROM harvestdefinitions WHERE name = ?", name); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } @Override public synchronized boolean exists(Long oid) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(oid, "Long oid"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { return exists(c, oid); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Check if a harvestdefinition exists with the given id. * * @param c * An open connection to the harvestDatabase * @param oid * A potential identifier for a harvestdefinition * @return true If a harvestdefinition exists with the given id. * @see HarvestDefinitionDAO#exists(Long) */ private boolean exists(Connection c, Long oid) { return 1 == DBUtils.selectIntValue(c, "SELECT COUNT(harvest_id) " + "FROM harvestdefinitions WHERE harvest_id = ?", oid); } /** * Get a list of all existing harvest definitions ordered by name. * * @return An iterator that give the existing harvest definitions in turn */ @Override public synchronized Iterator<HarvestDefinition> getAllHarvestDefinitions() { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { List<Long> hds = DBUtils.selectLongList(c, "SELECT harvest_id FROM harvestdefinitions " + "ORDER BY name"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Getting an iterator for all stored " + "harvestdefinitions."); } List<HarvestDefinition> orderedList = new LinkedList<HarvestDefinition>(); for (Long id : hds) { orderedList.add(read(c, id)); } return orderedList.iterator(); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Gets default configurations for all domains that are not aliases. * * This method currently gives an iterator that reads in all domains, * although only on demand, that is: when calling "hasNext". * * @return Iterator containing the default DomainConfiguration for all * domains that are not aliases */ @Override public synchronized Iterator<DomainConfiguration> getSnapShotConfigurations() { return new FilterIterator<Domain, DomainConfiguration>( DomainDAO.getInstance().getAllDomainsInSnapshotHarvestOrder()) { public DomainConfiguration filter(Domain domain) { if (domain.getAliasInfo() == null || domain.getAliasInfo().isExpired()) { return domain.getDefaultConfiguration(); } else { return null; } } }; } /** * Returns a list of IDs of harvest definitions that are ready to be * scheduled. * * @param now * The current date * @return List of ready harvest definitions. No check is performed for * whether these are already in the middle of being scheduled. */ @Override public Iterable<Long> getReadyHarvestDefinitions(Date now) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(now, "Date now"); Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { List<Long> ids = DBUtils.selectLongList(connection, "SELECT fullharvests.harvest_id" + " FROM fullharvests, harvestdefinitions" + " WHERE harvestdefinitions.harvest_id " + "= fullharvests.harvest_id" + " AND isactive = ? " + " AND numevents < 1 " + " AND isindexready = ?", true, true); ids.addAll(DBUtils.selectLongList(connection, "SELECT partialharvests.harvest_id" + " FROM partialharvests, harvestdefinitions" + " WHERE harvestdefinitions.harvest_id " + "= partialharvests.harvest_id" + " AND isactive = ?" + " AND nextdate IS NOT NULL" + " AND nextdate < ?", true, now)); return ids; } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } /** * Get the harvest definition that has the given name, if any. * * @param name * The name of a harvest definition. * @return The HarvestDefinition object with that name, or null if none has * that name. */ @Override public synchronized HarvestDefinition getHarvestDefinition(String name) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(name, "String name"); log.debug("Reading harvestdefinition w/ name '" + name + "'"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT harvest_id FROM harvestdefinitions " + "WHERE name = ?"); s.setString(1, name); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); if ( { long harvestDefinitionID = res.getLong(1); s.close(); return read(c, harvestDefinitionID); } return null; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure( "SQL error while getting HD by name" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } @Override public List<HarvestRunInfo> getHarvestRunInfo(long harvestID) { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { ResultSet res = null; Map<Integer, HarvestRunInfo> runInfos = new HashMap<Integer, HarvestRunInfo>(); List<HarvestRunInfo> infoList = new ArrayList<HarvestRunInfo>(); // Select dates and counts for all different statues // for each run s = c.prepareStatement( "SELECT name, harvest_num, status, " + " MIN(startdate), MAX(enddate), COUNT(job_id)" + " FROM jobs, harvestdefinitions" + " WHERE harvestdefinitions.harvest_id = ?" + " AND jobs.harvest_id " + "= harvestdefinitions.harvest_id" + " GROUP BY name, harvest_num, status" + " ORDER BY harvest_num DESC"); s.setLong(1, harvestID); res = s.executeQuery(); while ( { int runNr = res.getInt(2); HarvestRunInfo info = runInfos.get(runNr); if (info == null) { String name = res.getString(1); info = new HarvestRunInfo(harvestID, name, runNr); // Put into hash for easy access when updating. runInfos.put(runNr, info); // Add to return list in order given by DB infoList.add(info); } JobStatus status = JobStatus.fromOrdinal(res.getInt(3)); // For started states, check start date if (status != JobStatus.NEW && status != JobStatus.SUBMITTED && status != JobStatus.RESUBMITTED) { Date startDate = DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 4); if (info.getStartDate() == null || (startDate != null && startDate.before(info.getStartDate()))) { info.setStartDate(startDate); } } // For finished jobs, check end date if (status == JobStatus.DONE || status == JobStatus.FAILED) { Date endDate = DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 5); if (info.getEndDate() == null || (endDate != null && endDate.after(info.getEndDate()))) { info.setEndDate(endDate); } } int count = res.getInt(6); info.setStatusCount(status, count); } s.close(); s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT jobs.harvest_num," + "SUM(historyinfo.bytecount), " + "SUM(historyinfo.objectcount)," + "COUNT(jobs.status)" + " FROM jobs, historyinfo " + " WHERE jobs.harvest_id = ? " + " AND historyinfo.job_id = jobs.job_id" + " GROUP BY jobs.harvest_num" + " ORDER BY jobs.harvest_num"); s.setLong(1, harvestID); res = s.executeQuery(); while ( { final int harvestNum = res.getInt(1); HarvestRunInfo info = runInfos.get(harvestNum); if (info != null) { info.setBytesHarvested(res.getLong(2)); info.setDocsHarvested(res.getLong(3)); } else { log.debug("Harvestnum " + harvestNum + " for harvestID " + harvestID + " is skipped. Must have arrived between selects"); } } // Make sure that jobs that aren't really done don't have end date. for (HarvestRunInfo info : infoList) { if (info.getJobCount(JobStatus.STARTED) != 0 || info.getJobCount(JobStatus.NEW) != 0 || info.getJobCount(JobStatus.SUBMITTED) != 0) { info.setEndDate(null); } } return infoList; } catch (SQLException e) { String message = "SQL error asking for harvest run info on " + harvestID + " in database" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e); log.warn(message, e); throw new IOFailure(message, e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Get all domain,configuration pairs for a harvest definition in sparse * version for GUI purposes. * * @param harvestDefinitionID * The ID of the harvest definition. * @return Domain,configuration pairs for that HD. Returns an empty iterable * for unknown harvest definitions. * @throws ArgumentNotValid * on null argument. */ @Override public List<SparseDomainConfiguration> getSparseDomainConfigurations(Long harvestDefinitionID) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(harvestDefinitionID, "harvestDefinitionID"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { return getSparseDomainConfigurations(c, harvestDefinitionID); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Get all domain,configuration pairs for a harvest definition in sparse * version. * * @param c * a connection to the harvest database * @param harvestDefinitionID * The ID of the harvest definition. * @return Domain,configuration pairs for that HD. Returns an empty iterable * for unknown harvest definitions. */ private List<SparseDomainConfiguration> getSparseDomainConfigurations(Connection c, Long harvestDefinitionID) { PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT, " + "FROM domains, configurations," + " harvest_configs " + "WHERE harvest_id = ?" + " AND configurations.config_id " + " = harvest_configs.config_id" + " AND configurations.domain_id " + " = domains.domain_id"); s.setLong(1, harvestDefinitionID); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); List<SparseDomainConfiguration> resultList = new ArrayList<SparseDomainConfiguration>(); while ( { SparseDomainConfiguration sdc = new SparseDomainConfiguration(res.getString(1), res.getString(2)); resultList.add(sdc); } Collections.sort(resultList, new SparseDomainConfigurationComparator()); return resultList; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("SQL error getting sparse domains" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } } /** * Get all sparse versions of partial harvests for GUI purposes ordered by * name. * * @return An iterable (possibly empty) of SparsePartialHarvests */ public Iterable<SparsePartialHarvest> getSparsePartialHarvestDefinitions(boolean excludeInactive) { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; String query = "SELECT harvestdefinitions.harvest_id," + "," + " harvestdefinitions.comments," + " harvestdefinitions.numevents," + " harvestdefinitions.submitted," + " harvestdefinitions.isactive," + " harvestdefinitions.edition," + "," + " partialharvests.nextdate, " + " harvestdefinitions.audience, " + " harvestdefinitions.channel_id " + "FROM harvestdefinitions, partialharvests, schedules" + " WHERE harvestdefinitions.harvest_id " + " = partialharvests.harvest_id" + " AND (harvestdefinitions.isactive " + " = ?" // This linie is duplicated to allow to select both active // and inactive HD's. + " OR harvestdefinitions" + ".isactive " + " = ?)" + " AND schedules.schedule_id " + " = partialharvests.schedule_id " + "ORDER BY"; try { s = DBUtils.prepareStatement(c, query, true, excludeInactive); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); List<SparsePartialHarvest> harvests = new ArrayList<SparsePartialHarvest>(); while ( { SparsePartialHarvest sph = new SparsePartialHarvest(res.getLong(1), res.getString(2), res.getString(3), res.getInt(4), new Date(res.getTimestamp(5).getTime()), res.getBoolean(6), res.getLong(7), res.getString(8), DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 9), res.getString(10), DBUtils.getLongMaybeNull(res, 11)); harvests.add(sph); } return harvests; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("SQL error getting sparse harvests" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Get a sparse version of a partial harvest for GUI purposes. * * @param harvestName * Name of harvest definition. * @return Sparse version of partial harvest or null for none. * @throws ArgumentNotValid * on null or empty name. */ @Override public SparsePartialHarvest getSparsePartialHarvest(String harvestName) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(harvestName, "harvestName"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT harvestdefinitions.harvest_id," + " harvestdefinitions.comments," + " harvestdefinitions.numevents," + " harvestdefinitions.submitted," + " harvestdefinitions.isactive," + " harvestdefinitions.edition," + "," + " partialharvests.nextdate, " + " harvestdefinitions.audience, " + " harvestdefinitions.channel_id " + "FROM harvestdefinitions, partialharvests, schedules" + " WHERE = ?" + " AND harvestdefinitions.harvest_id " + "= partialharvests.harvest_id" + " AND schedules.schedule_id " + "= partialharvests.schedule_id"); s.setString(1, harvestName); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); if ( { SparsePartialHarvest sph = new SparsePartialHarvest(res.getLong(1), harvestName, res.getString(2), res.getInt(3), new Date(res.getTimestamp(4).getTime()), res.getBoolean(5), res.getLong(6), res.getString(7), DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 8), res.getString(9), DBUtils.getLongMaybeNull(res, 10)); sph.setExtendedFieldValues(getExtendedFieldValues(sph.getOid())); return sph; } else { return null; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("SQL error getting sparse harvest" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Get all sparse versions of full harvests for GUI purposes. * * @return An iterable (possibly empty) of SparseFullHarvests */ public Iterable<SparseFullHarvest> getAllSparseFullHarvestDefinitions() { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT harvestdefinitions.harvest_id," + "," + " harvestdefinitions.comments," + " harvestdefinitions.numevents," + " harvestdefinitions.isactive," + " harvestdefinitions.edition," + " fullharvests.maxobjects," + " fullharvests.maxbytes," + " fullharvests.maxjobrunningtime," + " fullharvests.previoushd, " + " harvestdefinitions.channel_id " + "FROM harvestdefinitions, fullharvests" + " WHERE harvestdefinitions.harvest_id " + " = fullharvests.harvest_id"); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); List<SparseFullHarvest> harvests = new ArrayList<SparseFullHarvest>(); while ( { SparseFullHarvest sfh = new SparseFullHarvest(res.getLong(1), res.getString(2), res.getString(3), res.getInt(4), res.getBoolean(5), res.getLong(6), res.getLong(7), res.getLong(8), res.getLong(9), DBUtils.getLongMaybeNull(res, 10), DBUtils.getLongMaybeNull(res, 11)); harvests.add(sfh); } return harvests; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("SQL error getting sparse harvests" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Get the name of a harvest given its ID. * * @param harvestDefinitionID * The ID of a harvest * * @return The name of the given harvest. * * @throws ArgumentNotValid * on null argument * @throws UnknownID * if no harvest has the given ID. * @throws IOFailure * on any other error talking to the database */ @Override public String getHarvestName(Long harvestDefinitionID) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(harvestDefinitionID, "harvestDefinitionID"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT name FROM harvestdefinitions WHERE harvest_id = ?"); s.setLong(1, harvestDefinitionID); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); String name = null; while ( { if (name != null) { throw new IOFailure("Found more than one name for harvest" + " definition " + harvestDefinitionID + ": '" + name + "' and '" + res.getString(1) + "'"); } name = res.getString(1); } if (name == null) { throw new UnknownID("No name found for harvest definition " + harvestDefinitionID); } return name; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("An error occurred finding the name for " + "harvest definition " + harvestDefinitionID + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Get whether a given harvest is a snapshot or selective harvest. * * @param harvestDefinitionID * ID of a harvest * * @return True if the given harvest is a snapshot harvest, false otherwise. * * @throws ArgumentNotValid * on null argument * @throws UnknownID * if no harvest has the given ID. */ @Override public boolean isSnapshot(Long harvestDefinitionID) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(harvestDefinitionID, "harvestDefinitionID"); Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { boolean isSnapshot = DBUtils.selectAny(connection, "SELECT harvest_id FROM fullharvests WHERE harvest_id = ?", harvestDefinitionID); if (isSnapshot) { return true; } boolean isSelective = DBUtils.selectAny(connection, "SELECT harvest_id FROM partialharvests " + "WHERE harvest_id = ?", harvestDefinitionID); if (isSelective) { return false; } throw new UnknownID("Failed to find harvest definition with id " + harvestDefinitionID); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } /** * Get a sparse version of a full harvest for GUI purposes. * * @param harvestName * Name of harvest definition. * @return Sparse version of full harvest or null for none. * @throws ArgumentNotValid * on null or empty name. * @throws UnknownID * if no harvest has the given ID. * @throws IOFailure * on any other error talking to the database */ @Override public SparseFullHarvest getSparseFullHarvest(String harvestName) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(harvestName, "harvestName"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT harvestdefinitions.harvest_id," + " harvestdefinitions.comments," + " harvestdefinitions.numevents," + " harvestdefinitions.isactive," + " harvestdefinitions.edition," + " fullharvests.maxobjects," + " fullharvests.maxbytes," + " fullharvests.maxjobrunningtime," + " fullharvests.previoushd, " + " harvestdefinitions.channel_id " + "FROM harvestdefinitions, fullharvests" + " WHERE = ?" + " AND harvestdefinitions.harvest_id " + " = fullharvests.harvest_id"); s.setString(1, harvestName); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); if ( { SparseFullHarvest sfh = new SparseFullHarvest(res.getLong(1), harvestName, res.getString(2), res.getInt(3), res.getBoolean(4), res.getLong(5), res.getLong(6), res.getLong(7), res.getLong(8), DBUtils.getLongMaybeNull(res, 9), DBUtils.getLongMaybeNull(res, 10)); sfh.setExtendedFieldValues(getExtendedFieldValues(sfh.getOid())); return sfh; } else { return null; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("SQL error getting sparse harvest" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Get a sorted list of all domain names of a HarvestDefinition. * * @param harvestName * of HarvestDefinition * @return List of all domains of the HarvestDefinition. */ @Override public List<String> getListOfDomainsOfHarvestDefinition(String harvestName) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(harvestName, "harvestName"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement( // Note: the DISTINCT below is put in deliberately to fix // bug 1878: Seeds for domain is shown twice on page // History/Harveststatus-seeds.jsp "SELECT DISTINCT" + " FROM domains," + " configurations," + " harvest_configs," + " harvestdefinitions" + " WHERE configurations.domain_id = domains.domain_id" + " AND harvest_configs.config_id = " + "configurations.config_id" + " AND harvest_configs.harvest_id = " + "harvestdefinitions.harvest_id" + " AND = ?" + " ORDER BY"); s.setString(1, harvestName); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); List<String> domains = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { domains.add(res.getString(1)); } return domains; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure("SQL error getting seeds of a domain of a " + "harvest definition" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } /** * Get a sorted list of all seeds of a Domain in a HarvestDefinition. * * @param harvestName * of HarvestDefinition * @param domainName * of Domain * @return List of all seeds of the Domain in the HarvestDefinition. */ @Override public List<String> getListOfSeedsOfDomainOfHarvestDefinition(String harvestName, String domainName) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(harvestName, "harvestName"); ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(domainName, "domainName"); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT seedlists.seeds" + " FROM configurations," + " harvest_configs," + " harvestdefinitions," + " seedlists," + " config_seedlists," + " domains" + " WHERE config_seedlists.seedlist_id " + "= seedlists.seedlist_id" + " AND configurations.config_id " + "= config_seedlists.config_id" + " AND configurations.config_id " + "= harvest_configs.config_id" + " AND harvest_configs.harvest_id " + "= harvestdefinitions.harvest_id" + " AND configurations.domain_id = domains.domain_id" + " AND = ?" + " AND = ?"); s.setString(1, domainName); s.setString(2, harvestName); ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(); List<String> seeds = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { String seedsOfDomain = res.getString(1); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(seedsOfDomain, "\n"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String seed = st.nextToken(); boolean isDuplicate = false; for (String entry : seeds) { if (entry.equals(seed)) { isDuplicate = true; break; } } if (!isDuplicate) { // duplicates will not be added seeds.add(seed); } } } Collections.sort(seeds, Collator.getInstance()); return seeds; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOFailure( "SQL error getting seeds of a domain" + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } @Override public Set<Long> getJobIdsForSnapshotDeduplicationIndex(Long harvestId) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(harvestId, "Long harvestId"); Set<Long> jobIds = new HashSet<Long>(); if (!isSnapshot(harvestId)) { throw new NotImplementedException("This functionality only works for snapshot harvests"); } List<Long> harvestDefinitions = getPreviousFullHarvests(harvestId); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { List<Long> jobs = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (!harvestDefinitions.isEmpty()) { // Select all jobs from a given list of harvest definitions jobs.addAll(DBUtils.selectLongList(c, "SELECT jobs.job_id FROM jobs" + " WHERE jobs.harvest_id IN (" + StringUtils.conjoin(",", harvestDefinitions) + ")")); } jobIds.addAll(jobs); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } return jobIds; } /** * Get list of harvests previous to this one. * @param thisHarvest The id of this harvestdefinition * @return a list of IDs belonging to harvests previous to this one. */ private List<Long> getPreviousFullHarvests(Long thisHarvest) { List<Long> results = new ArrayList<Long>(); Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); // Follow the chain of originating IDs back for (Long originatingHarvest = thisHarvest; originatingHarvest != null; // Compute next originatingHarvest originatingHarvest = DBUtils.selectFirstLongValueIfAny(c, "SELECT previoushd FROM fullharvests" + " WHERE fullharvests.harvest_id=?", originatingHarvest)) { if (!originatingHarvest.equals(thisHarvest)) { results.add(originatingHarvest); } } // Find the first harvest in the chain (but last in the list). Long firstHarvest = thisHarvest; if (!results.isEmpty()) { firstHarvest = results.get(results.size() - 1); } // Find the last harvest in the chain before Long olderHarvest = DBUtils.selectFirstLongValueIfAny(c, "SELECT fullharvests.harvest_id" + " FROM fullharvests, harvestdefinitions," + " harvestdefinitions AS currenthd" + " WHERE currenthd.harvest_id=?" + " AND fullharvests.harvest_id " + "= harvestdefinitions.harvest_id" + " AND harvestdefinitions.submitted " + "< currenthd.submitted" + " ORDER BY harvestdefinitions.submitted " +, firstHarvest); // Follow the chain of originating IDs back for (Long originatingHarvest = olderHarvest; originatingHarvest != null; originatingHarvest = DBUtils .selectFirstLongValueIfAny(c, "SELECT previoushd FROM fullharvests" + " WHERE fullharvests.harvest_id=?", originatingHarvest)) { results.add(originatingHarvest); } return results; } @Override public void setIndexIsReady(Long harvestId, boolean newValue) { if (!isSnapshot(harvestId)) { throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented for non snapshot harvests"); } else { Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get(); String sql = "UPDATE fullharvests SET isindexready=? " + "WHERE harvest_id=?"; PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = c.prepareStatement(sql); s.setBoolean(1, newValue); s.setLong(2, harvestId); int rows = s.executeUpdate(); log.debug(rows + " entries of table fullharvests updated"); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Exception thrown while updating " + "fullharvests.isindexready field: " + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); HarvestDBConnection.release(c); } } } /* * Removes the entry in harvest_configs, that binds a certain * domainconfiguration to this PartialHarvest. * TODO maybe update the edition as well. */ @Override public void removeDomainConfiguration(Long harvestId, SparseDomainConfiguration key) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(key, "DomainConfigurationKey key"); if (harvestId == null) { // Don't need to do anything, if PartialHarvest is not // yet stored in database log.warn("No removal of domainConfiguration, " + "as harvestId is null"); return; } Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM harvest_configs WHERE harvest_id = ? " + "AND config_id = (SELECT config_id " + " FROM configurations, domains " + "WHERE = ? AND = ?" + " AND domains.domain_id = configurations.domain_id)"); s.setLong(1, harvestId); s.setString(2, key.getDomainName()); s.setString(3, key.getConfigurationName()); s.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Exception thrown while removing " + " domainconfiguration: " + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(connection, "removing DomainConfiguration from harvest w/id " + harvestId + " failed", harvestId); HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } @Override public void updateNextdate(long harvestId, Date nextdate) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(harvestId, "Long harvest ID"); ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(nextdate, "Date nextdate"); if (harvestId < 0) { // Don't need to do anything, if PartialHarvest is not // yet stored in database return; } Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); s = connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE partialharvests SET " + "nextdate = ? " + "WHERE harvest_id = ?"); DBUtils.setDateMaybeNull(s, 1, nextdate); s.setLong(2, harvestId); s.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Exception thrown while updating " + " nextdate: " + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s); DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(connection, "Updating nextdate from", harvestId); HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } @Override public void addDomainConfiguration(PartialHarvest ph, SparseDomainConfiguration dcKey) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(ph, "PartialHarvest ph"); ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(dcKey, "DomainConfigurationKey dcKey"); Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO harvest_configs " + "( harvest_id, config_id ) " + "SELECT ?, config_id FROM configurations, domains " + "WHERE = ? AND = ?" + " AND domains.domain_id = configurations.domain_id"); s.setLong(1, ph.getOid()); s.setString(2, dcKey.getDomainName()); s.setString(3, dcKey.getConfigurationName()); s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Exception thrown while adding domainConfiguration: " + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } @Override public void resetDomainConfigurations(PartialHarvest ph, List<DomainConfiguration> dcList) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(ph, "PartialHarvest ph"); ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(dcList, "List<DomainConfiguration> dcList"); Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); try { createHarvestConfigsEntries(connection, ph, ph.getOid()); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Exception thrown while resetting domainConfigurations: " + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } @Override public void mapToHarvestChannel(long harvestDefinitionId, HarvestChannel channel) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(channel, "HarvestChannel channel"); Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE harvestdefinitions " + "SET channel_id=? WHERE harvest_id=?"); s.setLong(1, channel.getId()); s.setLong(2, harvestDefinitionId); if (s.executeUpdate() != 1) { throw new IOFailure("Could not map harvest channel " + channel.getId() + " to harvest definition " + harvestDefinitionId); } s.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Exception thrown while mapping to harvest channel: " + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e), e); } finally { HarvestDBConnection.release(connection); } } /** * Saves all extended Field values for a HarvestDefinition in the Database. * @param c Connection to Database * @param h HarvestDefinition where loaded extended Field Values will be set * * @throws SQLException * If database errors occur. */ private void saveExtendedFieldValues(Connection c, HarvestDefinition h) throws SQLException { List<ExtendedFieldValue> list = h.getExtendedFieldValues(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ExtendedFieldValue efv = list.get(i); efv.setInstanceID(h.getOid()); ExtendedFieldValueDBDAO dao = (ExtendedFieldValueDBDAO) ExtendedFieldValueDAO.getInstance(); if (efv.getExtendedFieldValueID() != null) { dao.update(c, efv, false); } else { dao.create(c, efv, false); } } } /** * Reads all extended Field values from the database for a HarvestDefinition. * @param h HarvestDefinition where loaded extended Field Values will be set * * @throws SQLException * If database errors occur. * */ private void readExtendedFieldValues(HarvestDefinition h) throws SQLException { h.setExtendedFieldValues(getExtendedFieldValues(h.getOid())); } /** * Reads all extended Field values from the database for a HarvestDefinitionOid. * @param aOid HarvestDefinition where loaded extended Field Values will be set * @return a list of ExtendedFieldValues belonging to the given harvest oid * * @throws SQLException * If database errors occur. * */ private List<ExtendedFieldValue> getExtendedFieldValues(Long aOid) throws SQLException { List<ExtendedFieldValue> extendedFieldValues = new ArrayList<ExtendedFieldValue>(); ExtendedFieldDAO dao = ExtendedFieldDAO.getInstance(); List<ExtendedField> list = dao.getAll(ExtendedFieldTypes.HARVESTDEFINITION); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ExtendedField ef = list.get(i); ExtendedFieldValueDAO dao2 = ExtendedFieldValueDAO.getInstance(); ExtendedFieldValue efv =, aOid); if (efv == null) { efv = new ExtendedFieldValue(); efv.setExtendedFieldID(ef.getExtendedFieldID()); efv.setInstanceID(aOid); efv.setContent(new ExtendedFieldDefaultValue(ef.getDefaultValue(), ef.getFormattingPattern(), ef.getDatatype()).getDBValue()); } extendedFieldValues.add(efv); } return extendedFieldValues; } }