Source code

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/* File:        $Id$
 * Revision:    $Revision$
 * Author:      $Author$
 * Date:        $Date$
 * The Netarchive Suite - Software to harvest and preserve websites
 * Copyright 2004-2012 The Royal Danish Library, the Danish State and
 * University Library, the National Library of France and the Austrian
 * National Library.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.ArgumentNotValid;
import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure;
import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.DBUtils;
import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.ExceptionUtils;

 * Derby-specific implementation of DB methods.
public abstract class DerbySpecifics extends DBSpecifics {
    Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DerbySpecifics.class);

    /** Get a temporary table for short-time use.  The table should be
     * disposed of with dropTemporaryTable.  The table has two columns
     * domain_name varchar(Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE)
     + config_name varchar(Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE)
     * All rows in the table must be deleted at commit or rollback.
     * @param c The DB connection to use.
     * @throws SQLException if there is a problem getting the table.
     * @return The name of the created table
    public String getJobConfigsTmpTable(Connection c) throws SQLException {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(c, "Connection c");
        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + "jobconfignames "
                + "( domain_name varchar(" + Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE + "), " + " config_name varchar("
        return "session.jobconfignames";

     * Dispose of a temporary table gotten with getTemporaryTable.  This can be
     * expected to be called from within a finally clause, so it mustn't throw
     * exceptions.
     * @param c The DB connection to use.
     * @param tableName The name of the temporary table
    public void dropJobConfigsTmpTable(Connection c, String tableName) {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(c, "Connection c");
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(tableName, "String tableName");
        PreparedStatement s = null;
        try {
            // Now drop the temporary table
            s = c.prepareStatement("DROP TABLE " + tableName);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.warn("Couldn't drop temporary table " + tableName + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getSQLExceptionCause(e),

    public String getOrderByLimitAndOffsetSubClause(long limit, long offset) {
        // LIMIT sub-clause supported by Derby 10.5.3
        // see
        return "OFFSET " + offset + " ROWS FETCH NEXT " + limit + " ROWS ONLY";

    public boolean supportsClob() {
        return true;

    /** Migrates the 'jobs' table from version 3 to version 4
     * consisting of a change of the field forcemaxbytes from int to bigint
     * and setting its default to -1.
     * Furthermore the default value for field num_configs is set to 0.
     * @throws IOFailure in case of problems in interacting with the database
    protected synchronized void migrateJobsv3tov4() {
        // Change the forcemaxbytes from 'int' to 'bigint'.
        // Procedure for changing the datatype of a derby table was found here:
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE jobs ADD COLUMN forcemaxbytes_new bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT -1",
                "UPDATE jobs SET forcemaxbytes_new = forcemaxbytes", "ALTER TABLE jobs DROP COLUMN forcemaxbytes",
                "RENAME COLUMN jobs.forcemaxbytes_new TO forcemaxbytes",
                "ALTER TABLE jobs ALTER COLUMN num_configs SET DEFAULT 0"

        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("jobs", 4, sqlStatements);

    /** Migrates the 'jobs' table from version 4 to version 5
     * consisting of adding new fields 'resubmitted_as_job' and 'submittedDate'.
     * @throws IOFailure in case of problems in interacting with the database
    protected synchronized void migrateJobsv4tov5() {
        // Update jobs table to version 5
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE jobs ADD COLUMN submitteddate timestamp",
                "ALTER TABLE jobs ADD COLUMN resubmitted_as_job bigint" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("jobs", 5, sqlStatements);

    /** Migrates the 'configurations' table from version 3 to version 4.
     * This consists of altering the default value of field 'maxbytes' to -1.
    protected synchronized void migrateConfigurationsv3ov4() {
        // Update configurations table to version 4
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE configurations ALTER maxbytes WITH DEFAULT -1" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("configurations", 4, sqlStatements);

    /** Migrates the 'fullharvests' table from version 2 to version 3.
     * This consists of altering the default value of field 'maxbytes' to -1.
    protected synchronized void migrateFullharvestsv2tov3() {
        // Update fullharvests table to version 3
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE fullharvests ALTER maxbytes WITH DEFAULT -1" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("fullharvests", 3, sqlStatements);

    protected void createGlobalCrawlerTrapLists() {
        String createStatement = "CREATE TABLE global_crawler_trap_lists(\n"
                + "  global_crawler_trap_list_id INT NOT NULL " + "GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,"
                + "  name VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE,  " + "  description VARCHAR(30000),"
                + "  isActive INT NOT NULL) ";
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("global_crawler_trap_lists", 1, createStatement);

    protected void createGlobalCrawlerTrapExpressions() {
        String createStatement = "CREATE TABLE global_crawler_trap_expressions("
                + "    crawler_trap_list_id INT NOT NULL, " + "" + "    trap_expression VARCHAR(1000),"
                + "    PRIMARY KEY (crawler_trap_list_id, " + "trap_expression))";
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("global_crawler_trap_expressions", 1, createStatement);

    public void createFrontierReportMonitorTable() {
        String createStatement = "CREATE TABLE frontierReportMonitor (" + " jobId bigint NOT NULL, "
                + "filterId varchar(200) NOT NULL," + "tstamp timestamp NOT NULL,"
                + "domainName varchar(300) NOT NULL," + "currentSize bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "totalEnqueues bigint NOT NULL," + "sessionBalance bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "lastCost numeric NOT NULL," + "averageCost numeric NOT NULL,"
                + "lastDequeueTime varchar(100) NOT NULL," + "wakeTime varchar(100) NOT NULL,"
                + "totalSpend bigint NOT NULL," + "totalBudget bigint NOT NULL," + "errorCount bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "lastPeekUri varchar(1000) NOT NULL," + "lastQueuedUri varchar(1000) NOT NULL,"
                + "UNIQUE (jobId, filterId, domainName)" + ")";
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("frontierreportmonitor", 1, createStatement);

    public void createRunningJobsHistoryTable() {
        String createStatement = "CREATE TABLE runningJobsHistory (" + "jobId bigint NOT NULL, "
                + "harvestName varchar(300) NOT NULL," + "hostUrl varchar(300) NOT NULL,"
                + "progress numeric NOT NULL," + "queuedFilesCount bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "totalQueuesCount bigint NOT NULL," + "activeQueuesCount bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "exhaustedQueuesCount bigint NOT NULL," + "elapsedSeconds bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "alertsCount bigint NOT NULL," + "downloadedFilesCount bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "currentProcessedKBPerSec int NOT NULL," + "processedKBPerSec int NOT NULL,"
                + "currentProcessedDocsPerSec numeric NOT NULL," + "processedDocsPerSec numeric NOT NULL,"
                + "activeToeCount integer NOT NULL," + "status int NOT NULL," + "tstamp timestamp NOT NULL,"
                + "PRIMARY KEY (jobId, harvestName, elapsedSeconds, tstamp)" + ")";
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("runningjobshistory", 1, createStatement);

        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
        try {
            DBUtils.executeSQL(c, "CREATE INDEX runningJobsHistoryCrawlJobId on runningJobsHistory (jobId)",
                    "CREATE INDEX runningJobsHistoryCrawlTime on runningJobsHistory (elapsedSeconds)",
                    "CREATE INDEX runningJobsHistoryHarvestName on runningJobsHistory (harvestName)");
        } finally {

    public void createRunningJobsMonitorTable() {
        String createStatement = "CREATE TABLE runningJobsMonitor (" + "jobId bigint NOT NULL, "
                + "harvestName varchar(300) NOT NULL," + "hostUrl varchar(300) NOT NULL,"
                + "progress numeric NOT NULL," + "queuedFilesCount bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "totalQueuesCount bigint NOT NULL," + "activeQueuesCount bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "exhaustedQueuesCount bigint NOT NULL," + "elapsedSeconds bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "alertsCount bigint NOT NULL," + "downloadedFilesCount bigint NOT NULL,"
                + "currentProcessedKBPerSec integer NOT NULL," + "processedKBPerSec integer NOT NULL,"
                + "currentProcessedDocsPerSec numeric NOT NULL," + "processedDocsPerSec numeric NOT NULL,"
                + "activeToeCount integer NOT NULL," + "status integer NOT NULL," + "tstamp timestamp NOT NULL, "
                + "PRIMARY KEY (jobId, harvestName)" + ")";
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("runningjobsmonitor", 1, createStatement);

        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
        try {
            DBUtils.executeSQL(c, "CREATE INDEX runningJobsMonitorJobId on runningJobsMonitor (jobId)",
                    "CREATE INDEX runningJobsMonitorHarvestName on runningJobsMonitor (harvestName)");
        } finally {

    // Below DB changes introduced with development release 3.15
    // with changes to tables 'runningjobshistory', 'runningjobsmonitor',
    // 'configurations', 'fullharvests', and 'jobs'.

     * Migrates the 'runningjobshistory' table from version 1 to version 2. This
     * consists of adding the new column 'retiredQueuesCount'.
    protected void migrateRunningJobsHistoryTableV1ToV2() {
        String[] sqlStatements = {
                "ALTER TABLE runningjobshistory " + "ADD COLUMN retiredQueuesCount bigint not null DEFAULT 0" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("runningjobshistory", 2, sqlStatements);

     * Migrates the 'runningjobsmonitor' table from version 1 to version 2. This
     * consists of adding the new column 'retiredQueuesCount'.
    protected void migrateRunningJobsMonitorTableV1ToV2() {
        String[] sqlStatements = {
                "ALTER TABLE runningjobsmonitor " + "ADD COLUMN retiredQueuesCount bigint not null DEFAULT 0" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("runningjobsmonitor", 2, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateConfigurationsv4tov5() {
        // Change the maxobjects from 'int' to 'bigint'.
        // Procedure for changing the datatype of a derby table was found here:
        String[] sqlStatements = {
                "ALTER TABLE configurations ADD COLUMN maxobjects_new bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT -1",
                "UPDATE configurations SET maxobjects_new = maxobjects",
                "ALTER TABLE configurations DROP COLUMN maxobjects",
                "RENAME COLUMN configurations.maxobjects_new TO maxobjects" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("configurations", 5, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateFullharvestsv3tov4() {
        // Add new bigint field maxjobrunningtime with default 0
        String[] sqlStatements = {
                "ALTER TABLE fullharvests ADD COLUMN maxjobrunningtime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("fullharvests", 4, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateJobsv5tov6() {
        // Add new bigint field with default 0
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE jobs ADD COLUMN forcemaxrunningtime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("jobs", 6, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateFullharvestsv4tov5() {
        // Add new bigint field isindexready (0 is not ready, 1 is ready).
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE fullharvests ADD COLUMN isindexready int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("fullharvests", 5, sqlStatements);

    protected void createExtendedFieldTypeTable() {
        String[] statements = new String[3];
        statements[0] = "" + "CREATE TABLE extendedfieldtype " + "  ( "
                + "     extendedfieldtype_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "
                + "     name             VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL " + "  )";

        statements[1] = "INSERT INTO extendedfieldtype ( extendedfieldtype_id, name )" + " VALUES ( 1, 'domains')";
        statements[2] = "INSERT INTO extendedfieldtype ( extendedfieldtype_id, name ) "
                + "VALUES ( 2, 'harvestdefinitions')";

        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("extendedfieldtype", 1, statements);

    protected void createExtendedFieldTable() {
        String createStatement = "" + "CREATE TABLE extendedfield " + "  ( "
                + "     extendedfield_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "
                + "     extendedfieldtype_id BIGINT NOT NULL, " + "     name             VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, "
                + "     format           VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, " + "     defaultvalue     VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, "
                + "     options          VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, " + "     datatype         INT NOT NULL, "
                + "     mandatory        INT NOT NULL, " + "     sequencenr       INT " + "  )";

        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("extendedfield", 1, createStatement);

    protected void createExtendedFieldValueTable() {
        String createStatement = "" + "CREATE TABLE extendedfieldvalue " + "  ( "
                + "     extendedfieldvalue_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "
                + "     extendedfield_id      BIGINT NOT NULL, " + "     instance_id           BIGINT NOT NULL, "
                + "     content               VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL " + "  )";

        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("extendedfieldvalue", 1, createStatement);

    protected synchronized void migrateJobsv6tov7() {
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE jobs ADD COLUMN continuationof BIGINT DEFAULT NULL" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("jobs", 7, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateDomainsv2tov3() {
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE domains ADD COLUMN NEW_COLUMN CLOB(64M)",
                "UPDATE domains SET NEW_COLUMN=crawlertraps", "ALTER TABLE domains DROP COLUMN crawlertraps",
                "RENAME COLUMN domains.NEW_COLUMN TO crawlertraps" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("domains", 3, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateJobsv7tov8() {
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE jobs ADD COLUMN creationdate TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("jobs", 8, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateJobsv8tov9() {
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE jobs ADD COLUMN harvestname_prefix VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("jobs", 9, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateHarvestdefinitionsv2tov3() {
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE harvestdefinitions ADD COLUMN audience VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("harvestdefinitions", 3, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateHarvestdefinitionsv3tov4() {
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE harvestdefinitions ADD COLUMN channel_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("harvestdefinitions", 4, sqlStatements);

    protected void migrateJobsv9tov10() {
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE jobs ADD COLUMN channel VARCHAR(300) DEFAULT NULL",
                "ALTER TABLE jobs ADD COLUMN snapshot BOOLEAN",
                "UPDATE jobs SET channel = 'snapshot' WHERE priority=0",
                "UPDATE jobs SET channel = 'focused' WHERE priority=1",
                "UPDATE jobs SET snapshot = true WHERE priority=0",
                "UPDATE jobs SET snapshot = false WHERE priority=1", "ALTER TABLE jobs DROP COLUMN priority" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("jobs", 10, sqlStatements);

    public void createHarvestChannelTable() {
        String createStatement = "CREATE TABLE harvestchannel ("
                + "name VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL UNIQUE," + "issnapshot BOOLEAN NOT NULL,"
                + "isdefault BOOLEAN NOT NULL," + "comments VARCHAR(30000)" + ")";
        String insertStatementOne = "INSERT INTO harvestchannel(name, issnapshot, isdefault, comments) "
                + "VALUES(\'SNAPSHOT\', true, true, \'Channel for snapshot harvests\')";
        String insertStatementTwo = "INSERT INTO harvestchannel(name, issnapshot, isdefault, comments) "
                + "VALUES(\'FOCUSED\', false, true, \'Channel for focused harvests\')";
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("harvestchannel", 1,
                new String[] { createStatement, insertStatementOne, insertStatementTwo });

     * Migrates the 'ExtendedFieldTable' from version 1 to version 2 consisting of adding
     * the maxlen field
    protected void migrateExtendedFieldTableV1toV2() {
        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE extendedfield ADD COLUMN maxlen INT",
                "ALTER TABLE extendedfield ALTER options SET DATA TYPE VARCHAR(1000)" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("extendedfield", 2, sqlStatements);

     * Migrates the 'ExtendedFieldValueTable' from version 1 to version 2 changing the maxlen of content to 30000
    protected void migrateExtendedFieldTableValueV1toV2() {

        String[] sqlStatements = { "ALTER TABLE extendedfieldvalue ALTER content SET DATA TYPE VARCHAR(30000)",
                "ALTER TABLE extendedfieldvalue ALTER content NOT NULL" };
        HarvestDBConnection.updateTable("extendedfieldvalue", 2, sqlStatements);