Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* $Id$
 * $Date$
 * $Revision$
 * $Author$
 * The Netarchive Suite - Software to harvest and preserve websites
 * Copyright 2004-2012 The Royal Danish Library, the Danish State and
 * University Library, the National Library of France and the Austrian
 * National Library.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
package dk.netarkivet.common.distribute;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.ExceptionListener;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
import javax.jms.MessageListener;
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
import javax.jms.ObjectMessage;
import javax.jms.Queue;
import javax.jms.QueueBrowser;
import javax.jms.QueueSession;
import javax.jms.Session;

import dk.netarkivet.common.CommonSettings;
import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.ArgumentNotValid;
import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure;
import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.PermissionDenied;
import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.CleanupHook;
import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.CleanupIF;
import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.Settings;
import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.TimeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Handles the communication with a JMS broker. Note on Thread-safety: the
 * methods and fields of JMSConnection are not accessed by multiple threads
 * (though JMSConnection itself creates threads). Thus no synchronization is
 * needed on methods and fields of JMSConnection. A shutdown hook is also added,
 * which closes the connection. Class JMSConnection is now also a
 * exceptionhandler for the JMS Connections
public abstract class JMSConnection implements ExceptionListener, CleanupIF {
    /** The log. */
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JMSConnection.class);

     * Separator used in the consumer key. Separates the ChannelName from the
     * MessageListener.toString().
    protected static final String CONSUMER_KEY_SEPARATOR = "##";

    /** The number to times to (re)try whenever a JMSException is thrown. */
    static final int JMS_MAXTRIES = Settings.getInt(CommonSettings.JMS_BROKER_RETRIES);

    /** The JMS Connection. */
    protected Connection connection;

     * The Session handling messages sent to / received from the NetarchiveSuite
     * queues and topics.
    protected Session session;

    /** Map for caching message producers. */
    protected final Map<String, MessageProducer> producers = Collections
            .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, MessageProducer>());

     * Map for caching message consumers (topic-subscribers and
     * queue-receivers).
    protected final Map<String, MessageConsumer> consumers = Collections
            .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, MessageConsumer>());

     * Map for caching message listeners (topic-subscribers and
     * queue-receivers).
    protected final Map<String, MessageListener> listeners = Collections
            .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, MessageListener>());

     * Lock for the connection. Locked for read on adding/removing listeners and
     * sending messages. Locked for write when connection, releasing and
     * reconnecting.
    protected final ReentrantReadWriteLock connectionLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

    /** Shutdown hook that closes the JMS connection. */
    protected Thread closeHook;
     * Singleton pattern is be used for this class. This is the one and only
     * instance.
    protected static JMSConnection instance;

     * Should be implemented according to a specific JMS broker.
     * @return QueueConnectionFactory
     * @throws JMSException If unable to get QueueConnectionFactory
    protected abstract ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() throws JMSException;

     * Should be implemented according to a specific JMS broker.
     * @param destinationName the name of the wanted Queue
     * @return The destination. Note that the implementation should make sure
     *         that this is a Queue or a Topic, as required by the
     *         NetarchiveSuite design. {@link Channels#isTopic(String)}
     * @throws JMSException If unable to get a destination.
    protected abstract Destination getDestination(String destinationName) throws JMSException;

     * Exceptionhandler for the JMSConnection. Implemented according to a
     * specific JMS broker. Should try to reconnect if at all possible.
     * @param e a JMSException
    public abstract void onException(JMSException e);

    /** Class constructor. */
    protected JMSConnection() {

     * Initializes the JMS connection. Creates and starts connection and
     * session. Adds a shutdown hook that closes down JMSConnection. Adds this
     * object as ExceptionListener for the connection.
     * @throws IOFailure if initialization fails.
    protected void initConnection() throws IOFailure {
        log.debug("Initializing a JMS connection " + getClass().getName());

        try {
            int tries = 0;
            JMSException lastException = null;
            boolean operationSuccessful = false;
            while (!operationSuccessful && tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
                try {
                    operationSuccessful = true;
                } catch (JMSException e) {
                    log.debug("Connect failed (try " + tries + ")", e);
                    lastException = e;
                    if (tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
                        log.debug("Will sleep a while before trying to" + " connect again");
                        TimeUtils.exponentialBackoffSleep(tries, Calendar.MINUTE);
            if (!operationSuccessful) {
                log.warn("Could not initialize JMS connection " + getClass(), lastException);
                throw new IOFailure("Could not initialize JMS connection " + getClass(), lastException);
            closeHook = new CleanupHook(this);
        } finally {

     * Submit an object to the destination queue. This method shouldn't be
     * overridden. Override the method sendMessage to change functionality.
     * @param msg The NetarkivetMessage to send to the destination queue (null
     *            not allowed)
     * @throws ArgumentNotValid if nMsg is null.
     * @throws IOFailure        if the operation failed.
    public void send(NetarkivetMessage msg) {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(msg, "msg");
        log.trace("Sending message (" + msg.toString() + ") to " + msg.getTo());
        sendMessage(msg, msg.getTo());

     * Sends a message msg to the channel defined by the parameter to - NOT the
     * channel defined in the message.
     * @param msg Message to be sent
     * @param to  The destination channel
    public final void resend(NetarkivetMessage msg, ChannelID to) {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(msg, "msg");
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(to, "to");
        log.trace("Resending message (" + msg.toString() + ") to " + to.getName());
        sendMessage(msg, to);

     * Submit an object to the reply queue.
     * @param msg The NetarkivetMessage to send to the reply queue (null not
     *            allowed)
     * @throws ArgumentNotValid if nMsg is null.
     * @throws PermissionDenied if message nMsg has not been sent yet.
     * @throws IOFailure        if unable to reply.
    public final void reply(NetarkivetMessage msg) {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(msg, "msg");
        log.trace("Reply on message (" + msg.toString() + ") to " + msg.getReplyTo().getName());
        if (!msg.hasBeenSent()) {
            throw new PermissionDenied("Message has not been sent yet");
        sendMessage(msg, msg.getReplyTo());

     * Method adds a listener to the given queue or topic.
     * @param mq the messagequeue to listen to
     * @param ml the messagelistener
     * @throws IOFailure if the operation failed.
    public void setListener(ChannelID mq, MessageListener ml) throws IOFailure {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(mq, "ChannelID mq");
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(ml, "MessageListener ml");
        setListener(mq.getName(), ml);

     * Removes the specified MessageListener from the given queue or topic.
     * @param mq the given queue or topic
     * @param ml a messagelistener
     * @throws IOFailure On network trouble
    public void removeListener(ChannelID mq, MessageListener ml) throws IOFailure {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(mq, "ChannelID mq");
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(ml, "MessageListener ml");
        removeListener(ml, mq.getName());

     * Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified
     * queue.
     * @param queueID The ChannelID for a specified queue.
     * @return A new QueueBrowser instance with access to the specified queue
     * @throws JMSException
     *             If unable to create the specified queue browser
    public QueueBrowser createQueueBrowser(ChannelID queueID) throws JMSException {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(queueID, "ChannelID queueID");
        Queue queue = getQueueSession().createQueue(queueID.getName());
        return getQueueSession().createBrowser(queue);

     * Provides a QueueSession instance. Functionality for retrieving a
     * <code>QueueSession</code> object isen't available on the generic
     * <code>JMSConnectionFactory</code>
     * @return A <code>QueueSession</code> object connected to the current JMS
     *         broker
     * @throws JMSException
     *             Failure to retrieve the <code>QueueBrowser</code> JMS
     *             Browser
    public abstract QueueSession getQueueSession() throws JMSException;

     * Clean up. Remove close connection, remove shutdown hook and null the
     * instance.
    public void cleanup() {
        try {
            //Remove shutdown hook
  "Starting cleanup");
            try {
                if (closeHook != null) {
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                //Okay, it just means we are already shutting down.
            closeHook = null;
            //Close session
            //Clear list of listeners
            instance = null;
  "Cleanup finished");
        } finally {

     * Close connection, session and listeners. Will ignore trouble, and simply
     * log it.
    private void closeConnection() {
        // Close terminates all pending message received on the
        // connection's session's consumers.
        if (connection != null) { // close connection
            try {
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                // Just ignore it
                log.warn("Error closing JMS Connection.", e);
        connection = null;
        session = null;

     * Unwraps a NetarkivetMessage from an ObjectMessage.
     * @param msg a javax.jms.ObjectMessage
     * @return a NetarkivetMessage
     * @throws ArgumentNotValid when msg in valid or format of JMS Object
     *                          message is invalid
    public static NetarkivetMessage unpack(Message msg) throws ArgumentNotValid {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(msg, "msg");

        ObjectMessage objMsg;
        try {
            objMsg = (ObjectMessage) msg;
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            log.warn("Invalid message type: " + msg.getClass());
            throw new ArgumentNotValid("Invalid message type: " + msg.getClass());

        NetarkivetMessage netMsg;
        String classname = "Unknown class"; // for error reporting purposes
        try {
            classname = objMsg.getObject().getClass().getName();
            netMsg = (NetarkivetMessage) objMsg.getObject();
            // Note: Id is only updated if the message does not already have an
            // id. On unpack, this means the first time the message is received.

            // FIXME Fix for NAS-2043 doesn't seem to work
            //String randomID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            log.warn("Invalid message type: " + classname, e);
            throw new ArgumentNotValid("Invalid message type: " + classname, e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = "Message invalid. Unable to unpack " + "message: " + classname;
            log.warn(message, e);
            throw new ArgumentNotValid(message, e);
        log.trace("Unpacked message '" + netMsg + "'");
        return netMsg;

     * Submit an ObjectMessage to the destination channel.
     * @param nMsg the NetarkivetMessage to be wrapped and send as an
     *             ObjectMessage
     * @param to   the destination channel
     * @throws IOFailure if message failed to be sent.
    protected void sendMessage(NetarkivetMessage nMsg, ChannelID to) throws IOFailure {
        Exception lastException = null;
        boolean operationSuccessful = false;
        int tries = 0;

        while (!operationSuccessful && tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
            try {
                doSend(nMsg, to);
                operationSuccessful = true;
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                log.debug("Send failed (try " + tries + ")", e);
                lastException = e;
                if (tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
                    log.debug("Will sleep a while before trying to send again");
                    TimeUtils.exponentialBackoffSleep(tries, Calendar.MINUTE);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.debug("Send failed (try " + tries + ")", e);
                lastException = e;
                if (tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
                    log.debug("Will sleep a while before trying to send again");
                    TimeUtils.exponentialBackoffSleep(tries, Calendar.MINUTE);
        if (!operationSuccessful) {
            log.warn("Send failed", lastException);
            throw new IOFailure("Send failed.", lastException);

     * Do a reconnect to the JMSbroker. Does absolutely nothing, if already in
     * the process of reconnecting.
    protected void reconnect() {
        if (!connectionLock.writeLock().tryLock()) {
            log.debug("Reconnection already in progress. Do nothing");
        try {
  "Trying to reconnect to jmsbroker");

            boolean operationSuccessful = false;
            Exception lastException = null;
            int tries = 0;
            while (!operationSuccessful && tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
                try {
                    operationSuccessful = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    lastException = e;
                    log.debug("Reconnect failed (try " + tries + ")", e);
                    if (tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
                        log.debug("Will sleep a while before trying to" + " reconnect again");
                        TimeUtils.exponentialBackoffSleep(tries, Calendar.MINUTE);
            if (!operationSuccessful) {
                log.warn("Reconnect to JMS broker failed", lastException);
        } finally {
            // Tell everybody, that we are not trying to reconnect any longer

     * Helper method for getting the right producer for a queue or topic.
     * @param queueName The name of the channel
     * @return The producer for that channel. A new one is created, if none
     *         exists.
     * @throws JMSException If a new producer cannot be created.
    private MessageProducer getProducer(String queueName) throws JMSException {
        // Check if producer is in cache
        // If it is not, it is created and stored in cache:
        MessageProducer producer = producers.get(queueName);
        if (producer == null) {
            producer = getSession().createProducer(getDestination(queueName));
            producers.put(queueName, producer);
        return producer;

     * Get the session. Will try reconnecting if session is null.
     * @return The session.
     * @throws IOFailure if no session is available, and reconnect does not
     *                   help.
    private Session getSession() {
        if (session == null) {
        if (session == null) {
            throw new IOFailure("Session not available");
        return session;

     * Helper method for getting the right consumer for a queue or topic, and
     * message listener.
     * @param channelName The name of the channel
     * @param ml          The message listener to add as listener to the
     *                    channel
     * @return The producer for that channel. A new one is created, if none
     *         exists.
     * @throws JMSException If a new producer cannot be created.
    private MessageConsumer getConsumer(String channelName, MessageListener ml) throws JMSException {
        String key = getConsumerKey(channelName, ml);
        MessageConsumer consumer = consumers.get(key);
        if (consumer == null) {
            consumer = getSession().createConsumer(getDestination(channelName));
            consumers.put(key, consumer);
            listeners.put(key, ml);
        return consumer;

     * Generate a consumerkey based on the given channel name and
     * messageListener.
     * @param channel         Channel name
     * @param messageListener a messageListener
     * @return the generated consumerkey.
    protected static String getConsumerKey(String channel, MessageListener messageListener) {
        return channel + CONSUMER_KEY_SEPARATOR + messageListener;

     * Get the channelName embedded in a consumerKey.
     * @param consumerKey a consumerKey
     * @return name of channel embedded in a consumerKey
    private static String getChannelName(String consumerKey) {
        //assumes argument consumerKey was created using metod getConsumerKey()
        return consumerKey.split(CONSUMER_KEY_SEPARATOR)[0];

     * Helper method to establish one Connection and associated Session.
     * @throws JMSException If some JMS error occurred during the creation of
     *                      the required JMS connection and session
    private void establishConnectionAndSession() throws JMSException {
        // Establish a queue connection and a session
        connection = getConnectionFactory().createConnection();
        session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

     * Sends an ObjectMessage on a queue destination.
     * @param msg the NetarkivetMessage to be wrapped and send as an
     *            ObjectMessage.
     * @param to  the destination topic.
     * @throws JMSException if message failed to be sent.
    private void doSend(NetarkivetMessage msg, ChannelID to) throws JMSException {
        try {
            ObjectMessage message = getSession().createObjectMessage(msg);
            synchronized (msg) {
                // Note: Id is only updated if the message does not already have
                // an id. This ensures that resent messages keep the same ID
                // TODO Is it always OK for resent messages to keep the same ID

                // FIXME Solution for NAS-2043 doesn't work; rolled back
                //String randomID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        } finally {
        log.trace("Sent message '" + msg.toString() + "'");

     * Method adds a listener to the given queue or topic.
     * @param channelName the messagequeue to listen to
     * @param ml          the messagelistener
     * @throws IOFailure if the operation failed.
    private void setListener(String channelName, MessageListener ml) {
        log.debug("Adding " + ml.toString() + " as listener to " + channelName);
        String errMsg = "JMS-error - could not add Listener to queue/topic: " + channelName;

        int tries = 0;
        boolean operationSuccessful = false;
        Exception lastException = null;
        while (!operationSuccessful && tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
            try {
                try {
                    getConsumer(channelName, ml).setMessageListener(ml);
                } finally {
                operationSuccessful = true;
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                lastException = e;
                log.debug("Set listener failed (try " + tries + ")", e);
                if (tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
                    log.debug("Will sleep a while before trying to set listener" + " again");
                    TimeUtils.exponentialBackoffSleep(tries, Calendar.MINUTE);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                lastException = e;
                log.debug("Set listener failed (try " + tries + ")", e);
                if (tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
                    log.debug("Will sleep a while before trying to set listener" + " again");
                    TimeUtils.exponentialBackoffSleep(tries, Calendar.MINUTE);

        if (!operationSuccessful) {
            log.warn(errMsg, lastException);
            throw new IOFailure(errMsg, lastException);

     * Remove a messagelistener from a channel (a queue or a topic).
     * @param ml          A specific MessageListener
     * @param channelName a channelname
    private void removeListener(MessageListener ml, String channelName) {
        String errMsg = "JMS-error - could not remove Listener from " + "queue/topic: " + channelName;
        int tries = 0;
        Exception lastException = null;
        boolean operationSuccessful = false;"Removing listener from channel '" + channelName + "'");
        while (!operationSuccessful && tries < JMS_MAXTRIES) {
            try {
                try {
                    MessageConsumer messageConsumer = getConsumer(channelName, ml);
                    consumers.remove(getConsumerKey(channelName, ml));
                    listeners.remove(getConsumerKey(channelName, ml));
                } finally {
                operationSuccessful = true;
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                lastException = e;
                log.debug("Remove  listener failed (try " + tries + ")", e);
                log.debug("Will and sleep a while before trying to remove" + " listener again");
                TimeUtils.exponentialBackoffSleep(tries, Calendar.MINUTE);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                lastException = e;
                log.debug("Remove  listener failed (try " + tries + ")", e);
                log.debug("Will and sleep a while before trying to remove" + " listener again");
                TimeUtils.exponentialBackoffSleep(tries, Calendar.MINUTE);
        if (!operationSuccessful) {
            log.warn(errMsg, lastException);
            throw new IOFailure(errMsg, lastException);

     * Reconnect to JMSBroker and reestablish session. Resets senders and
     * publishers.
     * @throws JMSException If unable to reconnect to JMSBroker and/or
     *                      reestablish sessions
    private void doReconnect() throws JMSException {
        // Add listeners already stored in the consumers map
        log.debug("Re-add listeners");
        for (Map.Entry<String, MessageListener> listener : listeners.entrySet()) {
            setListener(getChannelName(listener.getKey()), listener.getValue());
        }"Reconnect successful");