Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Netarchivesuite - archive - test * %% * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 The Royal Danish Library, the Danish State and University Library, * the National Library of France and the Austrian National Library. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ package dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import dk.netarkivet.archive.ArchiveSettings; import dk.netarkivet.archive.distribute.ArchiveMessageHandler; import dk.netarkivet.common.CommonSettings; import dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.ChannelID; import dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.Channels; import dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.FTPRemoteFile; import dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.JMSConnection; import dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.JMSConnectionFactory; import dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.JMSConnectionMockupMQ; import dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.NetarkivetMessage; import dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.RemoteFile; import dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.RemoteFileFactory; import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.FileUtils; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.RememberNotifications; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.Settings; import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.batch.ChecksumJob; import dk.netarkivet.testutils.FileAsserts; import dk.netarkivet.testutils.TestFileUtils; import dk.netarkivet.testutils.TestMessageListener; import dk.netarkivet.testutils.preconfigured.ReloadSettings; /** * Test bitarchive client and server As a number of tests only succeed if both the client and server both operate * correctly, both are tested together. */ @Ignore("Needs to be run in deploy-test module according to junit 3 test suite.") public class IntegrityTests { // A named logger for this class is retrieved protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IntegrityTests.class); private static final String ARC_FILE_NAME = "Upload5.ARC"; private static final File TEST_DIR = new File("tests/dk/netarkivet/archive/bitarchive/distribute/data/"); private static final File ORIGINALS_DIR = new File(TEST_DIR, "originals"); private static final File WORKING_DIR = new File(TEST_DIR, "working"); private static final File BITARCHIVE_DIR = new File(WORKING_DIR, "bitarchive1"); private static final File SERVER_DIR = new File(WORKING_DIR, "server"); private static final File LOCAL_FILES_DIR = new File(WORKING_DIR, "local_files"); private static final File FILE_TO_UPLOAD = new File(LOCAL_FILES_DIR, ARC_FILE_NAME); static final String BITARCHIVE_CREDENTIALS = "42"; private static final int LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT = 10; private FTPClient theFTPClient; private ArrayList<String> upLoadedFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); private static final String FILENAME_TO_GET = "Upload4.ARC"; private static final File BASEDIR = new File("tests/dk/netarkivet/archive/bitarchive/distribute/data"); private static final File ORIGINALS = new File(BASEDIR, "originals"); private static final File WORKING = new File(BASEDIR, "working"); static final ChannelID THE_BAMON = Channels.getTheBamon(); private static final ChannelID ALL_BA = Channels.getAllBa(); private static final ChannelID ANY_BA = Channels.getAnyBa(); /* The client and server used for testing */ BitarchiveClient bac; BitarchiveServer bas; BitarchiveMonitorServer bam; ReloadSettings rs = new ReloadSettings(); @Before public void setUp() { rs.setUp(); // new UseTestRemoteFile().setUp(); Settings.set(ArchiveSettings.BITARCHIVE_BATCH_JOB_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(2000)); FileUtils.removeRecursively(WORKING); TestFileUtils.copyDirectoryNonCVS(ORIGINALS, WORKING); try { if (!TestInfo.UPLOADMESSAGE_TEMP_DIR.exists()) { TestInfo.UPLOADMESSAGE_TEMP_DIR.mkdirs(); } FileUtils.removeRecursively(TestInfo.UPLOADMESSAGE_TEMP_DIR); TestFileUtils.copyDirectoryNonCVS(TestInfo.UPLOADMESSAGE_ORIGINALS_DIR, TestInfo.UPLOADMESSAGE_TEMP_DIR); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Could not setup configuration:" + e); } /** Read ftp-related settings from settings.xml. */ final String ftpServerName = Settings.get(CommonSettings.FTP_SERVER_NAME); final int ftpServerPort = Integer.parseInt(Settings.get(CommonSettings.FTP_SERVER_PORT)); final String ftpUserName = Settings.get(CommonSettings.FTP_USER_NAME); final String ftpUserPassword = Settings.get(CommonSettings.FTP_USER_PASSWORD); /** Connect to test ftp-server. */ theFTPClient = new FTPClient(); /* * try { theFTPClient.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); } catch (IOException e) { throw new * IOFailure("Unable to set Transfer mode: " + e); } */ try { theFTPClient.connect(ftpServerName, ftpServerPort); theFTPClient.login(ftpUserName, ftpUserPassword); theFTPClient.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); } catch (SocketException e) { throw new IOFailure("Connect to " + ftpServerName + " failed", e.getCause()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOFailure("Connect to " + ftpServerName + " failed", e.getCause()); } JMSConnectionMockupMQ.useJMSConnectionMockupMQ(); TestFileUtils.copyDirectoryNonCVS(ORIGINALS_DIR, WORKING_DIR); bac = BitarchiveClient.getInstance(ALL_BA, ANY_BA, THE_BAMON); Settings.set(ArchiveSettings.BITARCHIVE_SERVER_FILEDIR, BITARCHIVE_DIR.getAbsolutePath()); Settings.set(CommonSettings.DIR_COMMONTEMPDIR, SERVER_DIR.getAbsolutePath()); bas = BitarchiveServer.getInstance(); bam = BitarchiveMonitorServer.getInstance(); /** Do not send notification by email. Print them to STDOUT. */ Settings.set(CommonSettings.NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS, RememberNotifications.class.getName()); } /** * After test is done, remove the "archive". */ @After public void tearDown() { FileUtils.removeRecursively(WORKING); /** delete all uploaded files on ftp-server and then disconnect. */ Iterator<String> fileIterator = upLoadedFiles.iterator(); try { while (fileIterator.hasNext()) { String currentUploadedFile = (String); if (currentUploadedFile != null) { if (!theFTPClient.deleteFile(currentUploadedFile)) { logger.warn("deleteFile operation failed on {}. Reply from ftpserver: {}", currentUploadedFile, theFTPClient.getReplyString()); } } } if (!theFTPClient.logout()) { logger.warn("logout operation failed. Reply from ftp-server: {}", theFTPClient.getReplyString()); } theFTPClient.disconnect(); } catch (IOException e) { // throw new IOFailure("disconnect failed", e.getCause()); e.printStackTrace(); } FileUtils.removeRecursively(TestInfo.UPLOADMESSAGE_TEMP_DIR); bas.close(); bac.close(); bam.close(); FileUtils.removeRecursively(WORKING_DIR); rs.tearDown(); } /** * Test that monitor can receive and aggregate data from more than one BitarchiveServer and aggregate the data and * upload it via FTPRemoteFile. */ @Test @Ignore("FIXME") // FIXME: test temporarily disabled public void testBatchEndedMessageAggregation() throws InterruptedException, IOException { Settings.set(CommonSettings.REMOTE_FILE_CLASS, FTPRemoteFile.class.getName()); bas.close(); JMSConnection con = JMSConnectionFactory.getInstance(); // Set up a listener on the reply queue for batch messages TestMessageListener listener = new TestMessageListener(); con.setListener(Channels.getTheRepos(), listener); con.setListener(Channels.getAllBa(), listener); // File for reply File output_file = new File(WORKING, "batch_output.txt"); // Create a batch message BatchMessage bm = new BatchMessage(Channels.getTheBamon(), Channels.getTheRepos(), new ChecksumJob(), Settings.get(CommonSettings.USE_REPLICA_ID)); JMSConnectionMockupMQ.updateMsgID(bm, "testmsgid0"); // Invent two BitarchiveServers and send heartbeats from them String baID1 = "BA1"; HeartBeatMessage hbm = new HeartBeatMessage(Channels.getTheBamon(), baID1); JMSConnectionMockupMQ.updateMsgID(hbm, "heartbeat1"); String baID2 = "BA2"; HeartBeatMessage hbm2 = new HeartBeatMessage(Channels.getTheBamon(), baID2); JMSConnectionMockupMQ.updateMsgID(hbm2, "heartbeat2"); bam.visit(hbm); bam.visit(hbm2); // Trigger the bams with the batch message bam.visit(bm); ((JMSConnectionMockupMQ) con).waitForConcurrentTasksToFinish(); // Now pick up the forwarded Batch message and get its ID String forwardedID = ((BatchMessage) listener.getAllReceived().get(0)).getID(); // Now invent two BatchEndedMessages from the two mythical // BitarchiveServers File data1 = new File(WORKING, "batch_output_1.txt"); File data2 = new File(WORKING, "batch_output_2.txt"); RemoteFile rf1 = RemoteFileFactory.getInstance(data1, true, false, true); BatchEndedMessage bem1 = new BatchEndedMessage(Channels.getTheBamon(), baID1, forwardedID, rf1); RemoteFile rf2 = RemoteFileFactory.getInstance(data2, true, false, true); BatchEndedMessage bem2 = new BatchEndedMessage(Channels.getTheBamon(), baID2, forwardedID, rf2); JMSConnectionMockupMQ.updateMsgID(bem1, "testmsgid1"); bam.visit(bem1); JMSConnectionMockupMQ.updateMsgID(bem2, "testmsgid2"); bam.visit(bem2); Thread.sleep(3000); ((JMSConnectionMockupMQ) con).waitForConcurrentTasksToFinish(); // Now there should also one BatchReplyMessage in the listener and the // monitor should have written the data to a remote file we can collect assertEquals("Should have received exactly two messages, but got " + listener.getAllReceived(), 2, listener.getNumReceived()); for (NetarkivetMessage message : listener.getAllReceived()) { if (message instanceof BatchReplyMessage) { ((BatchReplyMessage) message).getResultFile().copyTo(output_file); } } FileAsserts.assertFileNumberOfLines( "Aggregated file should have two " + "lines. Content is: " + FileUtils.readFile(output_file), output_file, 2); FileAsserts.assertFileContains("File contents not as expected", "1", output_file); FileAsserts.assertFileContains("File contents not as expected", "2", output_file); // To be extra careful, check that the file length in bytes is as // expected int expected_length = FileUtils.readBinaryFile(data1).length + FileUtils.readBinaryFile(data2).length; int actual_length = FileUtils.readBinaryFile(output_file).length; assertEquals("File length (in bytes) is not as expected", expected_length, actual_length); // Check that the remote files have been deleted on the server File a_file = new File(WORKING, "dummy.txt"); try { rf1.copyTo(a_file); fail("File should have been deleted from server: " + rf1.toString()); } catch (IOFailure e) { // expected } try { rf2.copyTo(a_file); fail("File should have been deleted from server: " + rf2.toString()); } catch (IOFailure e) { // expected } con.removeListener(Channels.getTheRepos(), listener); con.removeListener(Channels.getAllBa(), listener); } /** * Verify that multiple messages sent almost simultaneously works. */ @Test @Ignore("FIXME") // FIXME: test temporarily disabled public void testLotsOfMessages() { MessageTestHandler handler = new MessageTestHandler(); JMSConnectionFactory.getInstance().setListener(Channels.getTheRepos(), handler); JMSConnectionFactory.getInstance().setListener(Channels.getThisReposClient(), handler); assertTrue("File to upload must exist: " + FILE_TO_UPLOAD, FILE_TO_UPLOAD.exists()); int beforeCount = Thread.activeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT; ++i) { // System.out.println("Sending message #" + i); bac.get(FILENAME_TO_GET, 0); bac.sendUploadMessage(RemoteFileFactory.getInstance(FILE_TO_UPLOAD, true, false, true)); // only // first // upload // will // succeed BatchMessage bMsg = new BatchMessage(THE_BAMON, Channels.getThisReposClient(), new TestBatchJobRuns(), Settings.get(CommonSettings.USE_REPLICA_ID)); bac.sendBatchJob(bMsg); RemoveAndGetFileMessage rMsg = new RemoveAndGetFileMessage(Channels.getTheRepos(), Channels.getThisReposClient(), FILENAME_TO_GET, "ONE", "FFFF", "42"); bac.sendRemoveAndGetFileMessage(rMsg); } // System.out.println("Sending messages done"); System.out.println("Sleeping until active threads are equal to " + beforeCount); long maxAllowedExecutionTime = 300000; // Only run this test for max. 5 // minutes. long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (Thread.activeCount() > beforeCount && System.currentTimeMillis() < starttime + maxAllowedExecutionTime) { // System.out.println("Active count:" + Thread.activeCount()); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } if (Thread.activeCount() > beforeCount) { fail("Should only be " + beforeCount + ", but was " + Thread.activeCount()); } System.out.println("Waiting for concurrent tasks to finish.."); ((JMSConnectionMockupMQ) JMSConnectionFactory.getInstance()).waitForConcurrentTasksToFinish(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } System.out.println("Waiting for concurrent tasks to finish.."); ((JMSConnectionMockupMQ) JMSConnectionFactory.getInstance()).waitForConcurrentTasksToFinish(); // assertEquals("Number of messages received by the server", 4 * // LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT, bas.getCountMessages()); assertEquals("Expecting " + LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT + " get messages, but got " + handler.getMsg, LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT, handler.getMsg.size()); assertEquals("Expecting " + LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT + " upload messages, but got " + handler.uploadMsg, LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT, handler.uploadMsg.size()); assertEquals("Expecting " + LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT + " correct messages, but got " + handler.removeMsg, LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT, handler.removeMsg.size()); assertEquals("Expecting " + LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT + " batch reply messages, but got " + handler.batchReplyMsg, LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT, handler.batchReplyMsg.size()); assertEquals("Expecting to receive all messages", LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT * 4, handler.getTotalCount()); // all get's expected to succeed int countok = 0; for (int i = 0; i < LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT; ++i) { GetMessage msg = handler.getMsg.get(i); if (msg.isOk()) { ++countok; } } assertEquals("Expected number of correct get messages, but got " + handler.getMsg, LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT, countok); // one upload expected to succeed countok = 0; for (int i = 0; i < LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT; ++i) { UploadMessage msg = handler.uploadMsg.get(i); if (msg.isOk()) { ++countok; } } assertEquals("Expected number of correct upload messages, but got " + handler.uploadMsg, 1, countok); // all batches expected to succeed countok = 0; for (int i = 0; i < LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT; ++i) { BatchReplyMessage msg = handler.batchReplyMsg.get(i); if (msg.isOk()) { ++countok; } } assertEquals("Expected number of correct BatchReply messages, but got " + handler.batchReplyMsg, LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT, countok); // all correct's expected to fail countok = 0; for (int i = 0; i < LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT; ++i) { RemoveAndGetFileMessage msg = handler.removeMsg.get(i); if (!msg.isOk()) { ++countok; } } assertEquals("Expected number of failed remove messages, but got " + handler.removeMsg, LARGE_MESSAGE_COUNT, countok); } /** * Test construction of UploadMessage. */ @Test @Ignore("FIXME") // FIXME: test temporarily disabled public void testConstruction() { ChannelID to = Channels.getAllBa(); ChannelID reply = Channels.getThisReposClient(); File testARCFile = TestInfo.UPLOADMESSAGE_TESTFILE_1; long fileSize = testARCFile.length(); try { /** Upload testfile to ftp-server. */ InputStream in = new FileInputStream(testARCFile); assertTrue("Store operation failed", theFTPClient.storeFile(testARCFile.getName(), in)); in.close(); upLoadedFiles.add(testARCFile.getName()); logger.debug("testConstruction: Storing file '{}' on ftp-server", testARCFile.getName()); UploadMessage um = new UploadMessage(to, reply, RemoteFileFactory.getInstance(testARCFile, true, false, true)); assertTrue("uploadMessage should not be null", um != null); upLoadedFiles.add(testARCFile.getName()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOFailure("Creation of UploadMessage failed", e); } /** * test, if original ARC file still exists, and has the same size as before */ assertEquals("Test-file has been modified!!", fileSize, testARCFile.length()); } /* Receive and check messages */ public class MessageTestHandler extends ArchiveMessageHandler { public List<UploadMessage> uploadMsg = new ArrayList<UploadMessage>(); public List<GetMessage> getMsg = new ArrayList<GetMessage>(); public List<RemoveAndGetFileMessage> removeMsg = new ArrayList<RemoveAndGetFileMessage>(); public List<BatchMessage> batchMsg = new ArrayList<BatchMessage>(); public List<BatchReplyMessage> batchReplyMsg = new ArrayList<BatchReplyMessage>(); public List<GetFileMessage> getfileMsg = new ArrayList<GetFileMessage>(); public MessageTestHandler() { } synchronized public void visit(UploadMessage msg) { uploadMsg.add(msg); } synchronized public void visit(GetMessage msg) { getMsg.add(msg); } synchronized public void visit(GetFileMessage msg) { getfileMsg.add(msg); } synchronized public void visit(RemoveAndGetFileMessage msg) { removeMsg.add(msg); } synchronized public void visit(BatchMessage msg) { batchMsg.add(msg); } synchronized public void visit(BatchReplyMessage msg) { batchReplyMsg.add(msg); } synchronized public int getTotalCount() { return (uploadMsg.size() + getMsg.size() + removeMsg.size() + batchMsg.size() + getfileMsg.size() + batchReplyMsg.size()); } } }