Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import org.omnifaces.cdi.Param; /** * * @author Gof */ @Named @ViewScoped public class RecipeView implements Serializable { private Recipe selectedRecipe = null; private int customServings; private boolean showInGram; private String groupName; @Inject @Param(name = "recipe") private int recipeId; /** * @return the selectedRecipe */ public Recipe getSelectedRecipe() { if (selectedRecipe == null) { if (recipeId != -1) { //We didnt have any recipe selectedRecipe = Recipe.get(recipeId); setCustomServings(selectedRecipe.getServings()); setShowInGram(false); } } else { if (recipeId != -1 && selectedRecipe.getId() != recipeId) { //We had a different recipe, update to new selectedRecipe = Recipe.get(recipeId); setCustomServings(selectedRecipe.getServings()); setShowInGram(false); } } return selectedRecipe; } public List<RecipeStep> getStepsSorted() { List<RecipeStep> sortedSteps = new LinkedList<>(); Set<RecipeStep> steps = getSelectedRecipe().getSteps(); sortedSteps.addAll(steps); Collections.sort(sortedSteps, (RecipeStep step1, RecipeStep step2) ->, step2.getSortOrder())); return sortedSteps; } public List<RecipeIngredient> getIngredientsSorted() { List<RecipeIngredient> sortedIngredients = new LinkedList<>(); for (RecipeIngredient ingredient : getSelectedRecipe().getIngredients()) { if (ingredient.getGroup() == null) { sortedIngredients.add(ingredient); } } Collections.sort(sortedIngredients, (RecipeIngredient ingredient1, RecipeIngredient ingredient2) -> { return ingredient1.getIngredient().getName().compareTo(ingredient2.getIngredient().getName()); }); return sortedIngredients; } public List<RecipeIngredientGroup> getIngredientGroupsSorted() { List<RecipeIngredientGroup> sortedGroups = new LinkedList<>(getSelectedRecipe().getIngredientGroups()); Collections.sort(sortedGroups, (RecipeIngredientGroup group1, RecipeIngredientGroup group2) -> { return group1.getName().compareTo(group2.getName()); }); return sortedGroups; } public void addStep() { RecipeStep step = new RecipeStep(); getSelectedRecipe().addStep(step); step.setSortOrder(getSelectedRecipe().getNextStepSortOrder()); Database.saveOrUpdate(getSelectedRecipe()); } private double getCaloriesPerServingDouble(RecipeIngredient ingredient) { double calories = ingredient.getEnergyInKiloJoules() * Constants.KCAL_PER_KILOJOULE; calories /= getSelectedRecipe().getServings(); return calories; } public int getCaloriesPerServing(RecipeIngredient ingredient) { return (int) Math.round(getCaloriesPerServingDouble(ingredient)); } public int getCaloriesPerServingForGroup(RecipeIngredientGroup group) { double calories = 0; for (RecipeIngredient ingredient : group.getIngredients()) { calories += getCaloriesPerServingDouble(ingredient); } return (int) Math.round(calories); } public double getScaledIngredientAmount(RecipeIngredient ingredient) { double amount = ingredient.getAmount(); if (showInGram) { amount = ingredient.getAmount(Measure.Weight.GRAM); } return amount * (getCustomServings() / (double) getSelectedRecipe().getServings()); } public String getScaledIngredientAmountFormatted(RecipeIngredient ingredient) { double value = getScaledIngredientAmount(ingredient); String formattedValue = String.format("%.1f", value); if (Math.floor(value) == value) { formattedValue = Integer.toString((int) value); } boolean doFraction = true; if (ingredient.getMeasure() == Measure.Weight.GRAM || ingredient.getMeasure() == Measure.Weight.KILOGRAM || ingredient.getMeasure() == Measure.Weight.MILLIGRAM || isShowInGram()) { doFraction = false; } if (doFraction) { if (isCloseTo(value, 0.25)) { formattedValue = "1/4"; } else if (isCloseTo(value, 0.5)) { formattedValue = "1/2"; } else if (isCloseTo(value, 0.75)) { formattedValue = "3/4"; } else if (isCloseTo(value, 0.66666666)) { formattedValue = "2/3"; } else if (isCloseTo(value, 0.33333333)) { formattedValue = "1/3"; } } return formattedValue; } public String getMeasureSymbol(RecipeIngredient ingredient) { if (showInGram) { return Measure.Weight.GRAM.getSymbol(); } else { return ingredient.getMeasure().getSymbol(); } } public String escapeTextWithLineBreaks(String s) { String escaped = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(s); return escaped.replace("\n", "<br />"); } public void deleteIngredient(RecipeIngredient ingredient) { getSelectedRecipe().removeIngredient(ingredient); Database.delete(ingredient); saveRecipe(); } public void inlineIngredientSave(RecipeIngredient ingredient) { Database.saveOrUpdate(ingredient); } public void inlineSaveRecipeStep(RecipeStep step) { Database.saveOrUpdate(step); } public void saveRecipe() { Database.saveOrUpdate(getSelectedRecipe()); } /** * @return the customServings */ public int getCustomServings() { return customServings; } /** * @param customServings the customServings to set */ public void setCustomServings(int customServings) { this.customServings = customServings; } public void cloneRecipe() { Recipe clonedRecipe = new Recipe(getSelectedRecipe().getName() + " copy", getSelectedRecipe().getServings()); for (RecipeStep step : getSelectedRecipe().getSteps()) { RecipeStep clonedStep = new RecipeStep(step.getDescription()); clonedStep.setSortOrder(step.getSortOrder()); clonedRecipe.addStep(clonedStep); Database.saveOrUpdate(clonedStep); } Map<Long, RecipeIngredientGroup> groupMap = new HashMap<>(); for (RecipeIngredient ingredient : getSelectedRecipe().getIngredients()) { RecipeIngredient clonedIngredient = new RecipeIngredient(ingredient.getIngredient(), ingredient.getAmount(), ingredient.getMeasure()); RecipeIngredientGroup group = ingredient.getGroup(); if (group != null) { RecipeIngredientGroup clonedGroup = groupMap.get(group.getId()); if (clonedGroup == null) { clonedGroup = new RecipeIngredientGroup(); clonedGroup.setName(group.getName()); Database.saveOrUpdate(clonedGroup); groupMap.put(group.getId(), clonedGroup); } clonedIngredient.setGroup(clonedGroup); clonedRecipe.addIngredientGroup(clonedGroup); } clonedRecipe.addIngredient(clonedIngredient); Database.saveOrUpdate(clonedIngredient); } Database.saveOrUpdate(clonedRecipe); try { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .redirect("recipe.xhtml?recipe=" + clonedRecipe.getId()); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RecipeView.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * @return the showInGram */ public boolean isShowInGram() { return showInGram; } /** * @param showInGram the showInGram to set */ public void setShowInGram(boolean showInGram) { this.showInGram = showInGram; } public void doDropIngredient() { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); int ingredientId = Integer.parseInt(params.get("ingredient")); int groupId = Integer.parseInt(params.get("group")); RecipeIngredient ingredient = RecipeIngredient.fromId(ingredientId); RecipeIngredientGroup group = null; if (groupId != -1) { group = RecipeIngredientGroup.fromId(groupId); ingredient.setGroup(group); } else { group = ingredient.getGroup(); ingredient.setGroup(null); } Database.saveOrUpdate(ingredient); Database.refresh(getSelectedRecipe()); if (group != null) { Database.refresh(group); } } public void doDropStep() { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); int fromId = Integer.parseInt(params.get("from")); int toId = Integer.parseInt(params.get("to")); RecipeStep fromStep = null; RecipeStep toStep = null; for (RecipeStep step : getSelectedRecipe().getSteps()) { if (step.getId() == fromId) { fromStep = step; } else if (step.getId() == toId) { toStep = step; } } if (fromStep != null && toStep != null) { int toOrder = toStep.getSortOrder(); int fromOrder = fromStep.getSortOrder(); if (toOrder < fromOrder) { //Move from up to to, and move all other down 1 for (RecipeStep step : getSelectedRecipe().getSteps()) { if (step.getSortOrder() >= toOrder && step.getId() != fromStep.getId()) { step.setSortOrder(step.getSortOrder() + 1); Database.saveOrUpdate(step); } } fromStep.setSortOrder(toOrder); Database.saveOrUpdate(fromStep); } else { //Move from down to to-1, and move all between from and to up 1 for (RecipeStep step : getSelectedRecipe().getSteps()) { if (step.getSortOrder() <= toOrder && step.getSortOrder() > fromOrder) { step.setSortOrder(step.getSortOrder() - 1); Database.saveOrUpdate(step); } } fromStep.setSortOrder(toOrder); Database.saveOrUpdate(fromStep); } } else { System.out.println("Error dragging, from or to was null!"); } } public List<Media> getMedias() { return new LinkedList<>(getSelectedRecipe().getMedias()); } private boolean isCloseTo(double value, double target) { double someSmallAmount = 0.0001; return value > (target - someSmallAmount) && value < (target + someSmallAmount); } /** * @return the groupName */ public String getGroupName() { return groupName; } /** * @param groupName the groupName to set */ public void setGroupName(String groupName) { this.groupName = groupName; } public void addRecipeGroup() { RecipeIngredientGroup group = new RecipeIngredientGroup(); group.setName(groupName); groupName = ""; Recipe recipe = getSelectedRecipe(); recipe.addIngredientGroup(group);; Database.saveOrUpdate(recipe); Database.refresh(recipe); } public void deleteRecipeGroup(RecipeIngredientGroup group) { Recipe recipe = getSelectedRecipe(); recipe.removeRecipeGroup(group); for (RecipeIngredient ingredient : group.getIngredients()) { ingredient.setGroup(null); Database.saveOrUpdate(ingredient); } Database.delete(group); Database.saveOrUpdate(recipe); Database.refresh(recipe); } }