Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2011 Danish Maritime Authority * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library. If not, see <>. */ package dk.dma.msiproxy.provider.dkmsi.service; import dk.dma.msiproxy.common.conf.TextResource; import dk.dma.msiproxy.common.provider.AbstractProviderService; import dk.dma.msiproxy.common.provider.MessageCache; import dk.dma.msiproxy.common.provider.Providers; import dk.dma.msiproxy.common.repo.RepositoryService; import dk.dma.msiproxy.common.settings.annotation.Setting; import dk.dma.msiproxy.common.util.TextUtils; import dk.dma.msiproxy.common.util.TimeUtils; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.Area; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.Category; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.Chart; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.Location; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.LocationType; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.Message; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.Point; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.SeriesIdType; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.SeriesIdentifier; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.Status; import dk.dma.msiproxy.model.msi.Type; import dk.dma.msiproxy.provider.dkmsi.conf.DkMsiDB; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.ejb.Lock; import javax.ejb.LockType; import javax.ejb.Schedule; import javax.ejb.Singleton; import javax.ejb.Startup; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * Provides a business interface for accessing Danish legacy MSI messages. * The resulting MSI list will be composed from two types of legacy messages: * <ul> * <li>MSI: The legacy MSI message</li> * <li>Firing Exercises: The legacy firing exercises</li> * </ul> * * Both types of data are read in from the legacy MSI-editor database, or rather, * an export of selected tables from the legacy database. The relevant export is * created thus: * <pre> * mysqldump -u DB_USER --password=DB_PWD DB_NAME \ * message priority msg_class msg_category msg_sub_category location locationtype main_area country point \ * firing_period, firing_area, firing_area_information, information, information_type, firing_area_position \ * | gzip -9 > oldmsi_backup.sql.gz * </pre> */ @Singleton @Lock(LockType.READ) @Startup public class DkMsiProviderService extends AbstractProviderService { public static final String PROVIDER_ID = "dkmsi"; public static final int PRIORITY = 200; public static final String[] LANGUAGES = { "da", "en" }; Pattern CHART_PATTERN_1 = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)"); Pattern CHART_PATTERN_2 = Pattern.compile("(\\d+) \\(INT (\\d+)\\)"); @Inject Logger log; @Inject Providers providers; @Inject MessageCache messageCache; @Inject RepositoryService repositoryService; @Inject @DkMsiDB EntityManager em; @Inject @Setting(value = "firingExercisesDays", defaultValue = "7") long firingExercisesDays; @Inject @TextResource("/sql/active_msi_and_firing_exercises.sql") String activeMessagesSql; @Inject @TextResource("/sql/msi_message_data.sql") String msiMessageDataSql; @Inject @TextResource("/sql/msi_location_data.sql") String msiLocationDataSql; @Inject @TextResource("/sql/firing_exercise_message_data.sql") String firingExerciseMessageDataSql; @Inject @TextResource("/sql/firing_exercise_location_data.sql") String firingExerciseLocationDataSql; /** * A snapshot of the the active messages last time it was checked */ List<ActiveMessage> lastActiveMessages = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getProviderId() { return PROVIDER_ID; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public MessageCache getMessageCache() { return messageCache; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public RepositoryService getRepositoryService() { return repositoryService; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int getPriority() { return PRIORITY; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String[] getLanguages() { return LANGUAGES; } /***************************************/ /** Life cycle methods **/ /***************************************/ /** * Called at start up. */ @PostConstruct public void init() { // Register with the providers service providers.registerProvider(this); // Load messages loadMessages(); } /***************************************/ /** Scheduling methods **/ /***************************************/ /** * Called every 5 minutes to update message list */ @Schedule(persistent = false, second = "38", minute = "*/5", hour = "*", dayOfWeek = "*", year = "*") protected void loadMessagesPeriodically() { loadMessages(); } /** * Called every hour to clean up the message repo folder */ @Schedule(persistent = false, second = "30", minute = "27", hour = "*/1", dayOfWeek = "*", year = "*") protected void cleanUpMessageRepoFolderPeriodically() { cleanUpMessageRepoFolder(); } /***************************************/ /** Message loading **/ /***************************************/ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<Message> loadMessages() { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // Load the list of active legacy MSI and firing exercises // An "ActiveMessage" contains a few attributes of a message, // such as ID, valid from- and to-dates and type. List<ActiveMessage> activeMessages = readActiveMessages(); // Check if there are any changes to the current list of messages if (isMessageListUnchanged(activeMessages)) { log.trace("Legacy MSI messages not changed"); return messages; } // Record the snapshot of active messages lastActiveMessages = activeMessages; // Read the message details from the DB one by one List<Message> result = new ArrayList<>(); activeMessages.forEach(msg -> { if (msg.isMsi()) { readMsiMessage(result, msg.getId()); } else { readFiringExerciseMessage(result, msg.getId()); } });"Loaded %d legacy MSI messages in %d ms", result.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)); setActiveMessages(result); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed loading legacy MSI messages: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return messages; } /** * Reads the list of active legacy MSI and firing exercises * * @return the list of active legacy MSI and firing exercises */ private List<ActiveMessage> readActiveMessages() { String sql = activeMessagesSql.replace(":days", String.valueOf(firingExercisesDays)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> activeMessages = em.createNativeQuery(sql).getResultList(); return; } /** * Checks if the list of active messages has changed * * @param activeMessages the active messages to compare the last list of active messages * @return if the list of active messages is unchanged */ private boolean isMessageListUnchanged(List<ActiveMessage> activeMessages) { if (activeMessages.size() == lastActiveMessages.size()) { // Check that the message ids and change dates of the two lists are identical for (int x = 0; x < lastActiveMessages.size(); x++) { ActiveMessage msg = lastActiveMessages.get(x); ActiveMessage activeMsg = activeMessages.get(x); if (!activeMsg.isUnchanged(msg)) { return false; } } // No changes return true; } return false; } /** * Reads the legacy MSI data for the given message and adds it to the message list. * * @param messages the message list to add the message to * @param id the ID of the MSI to read in * @return the resulting messages */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Message readMsiMessage(List<Message> messages, Integer id) { // First read the core MSI data Message message = readMsiMessageData(id); // Read the location data if (message != null) { message = readMsiLocationData(message); messages.add(message); } return message; } /** * Reads the legacy MSI data for the given message. * * @param id the ID of the MSI to read in * @return the resulting message */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Message readMsiMessageData(Integer id) { // Inject the id into the SQL String sql = msiMessageDataSql.replace(":id", id.toString()); // Execute the DB query @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> msiData = em.createNativeQuery(sql).getResultList(); if (msiData.size() == 0) { // Should never happen... return null; } Object[] row = msiData.get(0); int col = 0; Integer messageId = getInt(row, col++); Boolean statusDraft = getBoolean(row, col++); String navtexNo = getString(row, col++); String descriptionEn = getString(row, col++); String descriptionDa = getString(row, col++); String title = getString(row, col++); Date validFrom = getDate(row, col++); Date validTo = getDate(row, col++); Date created = getDate(row, col++); Date updated = getDate(row, col++); Date deleted = getDate(row, col++); Integer version = getInt(row, col++); String priority = getString(row, col++); String messageType = getString(row, col++); Integer category1Id = getInt(row, col++); String category1En = getString(row, col++); String category1Da = getString(row, col++); Integer category2Id = getInt(row, col++); String category2En = getString(row, col++); String category2Da = getString(row, col++); Integer area1Id = getInt(row, col++); String area1En = getString(row, col++); String area1Da = getString(row, col++); Integer area2Id = getInt(row, col++); String area2En = getString(row, col++); String area2Da = getString(row, col++); String area3En = getString(row, col++); String area3Da = getString(row, col++); String locationType = getString(row, col); Message message = new Message(); message.setId(id); message.setCreated(created); message.setUpdated(updated); message.setVersion(version); message.setValidFrom(validFrom); message.setValidTo(validTo); SeriesIdentifier identifier = new SeriesIdentifier(); message.setSeriesIdentifier(identifier); identifier.setMainType(SeriesIdType.MSI); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(navtexNo) && navtexNo.split("-").length == 3) { // Extract the series identifier from the navtext number String[] parts = navtexNo.split("-"); identifier.setAuthority(parts[0]); identifier.setNumber(Integer.valueOf(parts[1])); identifier.setYear(2000 + Integer.valueOf(parts[2])); } else { // Some legacy MSI do not have a navtex number. Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(validFrom); int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); identifier.setAuthority("DK"); identifier.setYear(year); } if ("Navtex".equals(messageType) || "Navwarning".equals(messageType)) { message.setType(Type.SUBAREA_WARNING); } else { message.setType(Type.COASTAL_WARNING); } // We only fetch published (active) messages message.setStatus(Status.PUBLISHED); // Message Desc String titleDa = title; String titleEn = null; if (title != null && title.indexOf('/') != -1) { // By convention, the "enctext" field is the Danish title. // However, if it contains a "/" character, it is the "Danish / English" title titleDa = title.substring(0, title.indexOf('/')).trim(); titleEn = title.substring(title.indexOf('/') + 1).trim(); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(titleEn) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(descriptionEn) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(area3En)) { Message.MessageDesc descEn = message.checkCreateDesc("en"); descEn.setTitle(titleEn); descEn.setDescription(TextUtils.txt2html(descriptionEn)); descEn.setVicinity(area3En); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(titleDa) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(descriptionDa) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(area3Da)) { Message.MessageDesc descDa = message.checkCreateDesc("da"); descDa.setTitle(titleDa); descDa.setDescription(TextUtils.txt2html(descriptionDa)); descDa.setVicinity(area3Da); } // Areas Area area = createAreaTemplate(area1Id, area1En, area1Da, null); // Annoyingly, legacy data has Danmark as a sub-area of Danmark if (!StringUtils.equals(area1En, area2En) || !StringUtils.equals(area1Da, area2Da)) { area = createAreaTemplate(area2Id, area2En, area2Da, area); } message.setArea(area); // Categories // NB: The category structure is not very usable and will be changed for MSI-NM Category category = createCategoryTemplate(category1Id, category1En, category1Da, null); category = createCategoryTemplate(category2Id, category2En, category2Da, category); if (category != null) { message.checkCreateCategories().add(category); } // Read the location type Location location = new Location(); message.checkCreateLocations().add(location); switch (locationType) { case "Point": location.setType(LocationType.POINT); break; case "Points": location.setType(LocationType.POINT); break; case "Polygon": location.setType(LocationType.POLYGON); break; case "Polyline": location.setType(LocationType.POLYLINE); break; default: location.setType(LocationType.POLYLINE); } return message; } /** * Reads the location for the legacy MSI message. * * @param message the message to read the location for * @return the updated message */ private Message readMsiLocationData(Message message) { // Inject the id into the SQL String sql = msiLocationDataSql.replace(":id", message.getId().toString()); // Execute the DB query @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> msiData = em.createNativeQuery(sql).getResultList(); // If there are no points, remove the location if (msiData.size() == 0) { message.setLocations(null); return message; } // Add the points to the message location Location location = message.getLocations().get(0); for (Object[] row : msiData) { // Read the location point data from the DB int col = 0; Integer pointIndex = getInt(row, col++); Double pointLatitude = getDouble(row, col++); Double pointLongitude = getDouble(row, col++); Integer pointRadius = getInt(row, col); // If the type of the location is POINT, there must only be one point per location if (location.getType() == LocationType.POINT && location.checkCreatePoints().size() > 0) { location = new Location(); location.setType(LocationType.POINT); message.getLocations().add(location); } location.setRadius(pointRadius); // Create the current point Point pt = new Point(); pt.setIndex(pointIndex); pt.setLat(pointLatitude); pt.setLon(pointLongitude); location.checkCreatePoints().add(pt); } // Check the location to make it valid if (message.getLocations() != null && message.getLocations().size() > 0) { Location loc = message.getLocations().get(0); if (loc != null && loc.getType() == LocationType.POLYGON && loc.getPoints().size() < 3) { loc.setType(LocationType.POLYLINE); } if (loc != null && loc.getType() == LocationType.POLYLINE && loc.getPoints().size() < 2) { loc.setType(LocationType.POINT); } } return message; } /** * Reads the firing exercises for the given ID and adds it to the list of messages * * @param messages the message list to add the message to * @param id the id of the firing exercise to read in * @return the firing exercise */ private Message readFiringExerciseMessage(List<Message> messages, Integer id) { // First read the core MSI data Message message = readFiringExerciseMessageData(id); // Read the location data if (message != null) { message = readFiringExerciseLocationData(message); // Check if the firing exercise should be merge with an existing firing exercise message = checkMergeFiringExercise(messages, message); } return message; } /** * If a firing exercise exists for the same area as the given firing exercise message, * merge the two. * * @param messages the list of messages to merge with message with * @param message the firing exercise message to merge with the message list * @return the resulting message */ private Message checkMergeFiringExercise(List<Message> messages, Message message) { if (message.getArea() != null) { Category cat = getDefaultFiringExerciseCategory(); // Look for an existing firing exercise with the same area Message firingExercise = .filter(msg -> msg.getCategories() != null && Objects.equals(msg.getCategories().get(0).getId(), cat.getId())) .filter(msg -> msg.getArea() != null && Objects.equals(msg.getArea().getId(), message.getArea().getId())) .findFirst().orElse(null); if (firingExercise != null) { // Update the dates of the existing firing exercise if (message.getUpdated().after(firingExercise.getUpdated())) { firingExercise.setUpdated(message.getUpdated()); } if (message.getValidFrom().before(firingExercise.getValidFrom())) { firingExercise.setValidFrom(message.getValidFrom()); } if (message.getValidTo() != null && firingExercise.getValidTo() != null && message.getValidTo().after(firingExercise.getValidTo())) { firingExercise.setValidTo(message.getValidTo()); } // Append the time to the existing firing exercise firingExercise.getDescs().stream().forEach(desc -> desc .setTime(desc.getTime() + "\n" + message.checkCreateDesc(desc.getLang()).getTime())); return firingExercise; } } // No firing exercise found for the same area - add it to the list messages.add(message); return message; } /** * Reads the legacy firing exercise data for the given message. * * @param id the ID of the firing exercise to read in * @return the resulting message */ private Message readFiringExerciseMessageData(Integer id) { // Inject the id into the SQL String sql = firingExerciseMessageDataSql.replace(":id", id.toString()); // Execute the DB query @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> feData = em.createNativeQuery(sql).getResultList(); if (feData.size() == 0) { // Should never happen... return null; } Message message = null; for (Object[] row : feData) { int col = 0; Date created = getDate(row, col++); Date updated = getDate(row, col++); Date validFrom = getDate(row, col++); Date validTo = getDate(row, col++); Integer area1Id = getInt(row, col++); String area1En = getString(row, col++); String area1Da = getString(row, col++); Integer area2Id = getInt(row, col++); String area2En = getString(row, col++); String area2Da = getString(row, col++); Integer area3Id = getInt(row, col++); String area3En = getString(row, col++); String area3Da = getString(row, col++); String descriptionEn = getString(row, col++); String descriptionDa = getString(row, col++); Integer infoType = getInt(row, col); // For the first row, create and initialize the message if (message == null) { message = new Message(); message.setId(id); message.setCreated(created); message.setUpdated(updated); message.setVersion(1); message.setType(Type.SUBAREA_WARNING); message.setStatus(Status.PUBLISHED); SeriesIdentifier identifier = new SeriesIdentifier(); message.setSeriesIdentifier(identifier); identifier.setMainType(SeriesIdType.MSI); identifier.setAuthority("DK"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(validFrom); int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); identifier.setYear(year); message.createDesc("da").setTitle("Skydevelser. Advarsel"); message.createDesc("en").setTitle("Firing Exercises. Warning"); message.setValidFrom(TimeUtils.resetSeconds(validFrom)); message.setValidTo(TimeUtils.resetSeconds(validTo)); formatFiringExerciseTime(message, "da"); formatFiringExerciseTime(message, "en"); // Areas Area area = createAreaTemplate(area1Id, area1En, area1Da, null); area = createAreaTemplate(area2Id, area2En, area2Da, area); area = createAreaTemplate(area3Id, area3En, area3Da, area); message.setArea(area); // Categories message.checkCreateCategories().add(getDefaultFiringExerciseCategory()); } // Copy various info types // Details if (infoType == 1) { // Details appendDescription(message, "da", null, descriptionDa); appendDescription(message, "en", null, descriptionEn); } else if (infoType == 2) { // Note message.getDesc("da").setNote(descriptionDa); message.getDesc("en").setNote(descriptionEn); } else if (infoType == 3) { // Charts String charts = descriptionDa.replaceAll("\\.", ""); for (String chartStr : charts.split(",")) { Matcher m1 = CHART_PATTERN_1.matcher(chartStr.trim()); Matcher m2 = CHART_PATTERN_2.matcher(chartStr.trim()); if (m1.matches()) { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.setChartNumber(; message.checkCreateCharts().add(chart); } else if (m2.matches()) { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.setChartNumber(; chart.setInternationalNumber(Integer.valueOf(; message.checkCreateCharts().add(chart); } } } else if (infoType == 4) { // Publication message.getDesc("da").setPublication(descriptionDa); message.getDesc("en").setPublication(descriptionEn); } else if (infoType == 5) { // Restriction appendDescription(message, "da", "Forbud", descriptionDa); appendDescription(message, "en", "Restriction", descriptionEn); } else if (infoType == 6) { // Signals appendDescription(message, "da", "Skydesignaler", descriptionDa); appendDescription(message, "en", "Signals", descriptionEn); } } return message; } /** * Reads the location for the legacy firing exercise. * * @param message the message to read the location for * @return the updated message */ private Message readFiringExerciseLocationData(Message message) { // Inject the id into the SQL String sql = firingExerciseLocationDataSql.replace(":id", message.getId().toString()); // Execute the DB query @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> feData = em.createNativeQuery(sql).getResultList(); // If there are no points, remove the location if (feData.size() == 0) { return message; } // Add the points to the message location Location location = new Location(); message.checkCreateLocations().add(location); location.setType(LocationType.POLYGON); for (Object[] row : feData) { // Read the location point data from the DB int col = 0; Integer latDeg = getInt(row, col++); Double latMin = getDouble(row, col++); Integer lonDeg = getInt(row, col++); Double lonMin = getDouble(row, col); double lat = latDeg.doubleValue() + latMin / 60.0; double lon = lonDeg.doubleValue() + lonMin / 60.0; // Create the current point Point pt = new Point(); pt.setIndex(location.checkCreatePoints().size() + 1); pt.setLat(lat); pt.setLon(lon); location.checkCreatePoints().add(pt); } return message; } /** * Formats the time interval for firing exercises * @param msg the message * @param lang the language */ private void formatFiringExerciseTime(Message msg, String lang) { try { String format = "da".equals(lang) ? "d MMMM yyyy, 'kl.' HH:mm" : "d MMMM yyyy, 'hours' HH:mm"; if (TimeUtils.sameDate(msg.getValidFrom(), msg.getValidTo())) { SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat(format, new Locale(lang)); SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); msg.getDesc(lang).setTime( String.format("%s - %s", sdf1.format(msg.getValidFrom()), sdf2.format(msg.getValidTo()))); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed formatting time for message " + msg + ": " + e); } } /** * Append the description to the message description field * @param msg the message * @param lang the language * @param subtitle an optional subtitle * @param description the description to append */ private void appendDescription(Message msg, String lang, String subtitle, String description) { String desc = StringUtils.defaultString(msg.getDesc(lang).getDescription()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(subtitle)) { desc += String.format("<p><i>%s</i></p>", subtitle); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(description)) { desc += String.format("<p>%s</p>", description); } msg.getDesc(lang).setDescription(desc); } /** * Creates an Area template based on the given Danish and English name * and optionally a parent Area * @param id the id of the area * @param nameEn English name * @param nameDa Danish name * @param parent parent area * @return the Area template, or null if the names are empty */ public static Area createAreaTemplate(Integer id, String nameEn, String nameDa, Area parent) { Area area = null; if (id != null && (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameEn) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameDa))) { area = new Area(); area.setId(id); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameEn)) { area.createDesc("en").setName(nameEn); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameDa)) { area.createDesc("da").setName(nameDa); } area.setParent(parent); } return area; } /** * Creates an Category template based on the given Danish and English name * and optionally a parent Category * @param id the id of the category * @param nameEn English name * @param nameDa Danish name * @param parent parent area * @return the Category template, or null if the names are empty */ public static Category createCategoryTemplate(Integer id, String nameEn, String nameDa, Category parent) { Category category = null; if (id != null && (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameEn) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameDa))) { category = new Category(); category.setId(id); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameEn)) { category.createDesc("en").setName(nameEn); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameDa)) { category.createDesc("da").setName(nameDa); } category.setParent(parent); } return category; } private String getString(Object[] row, int index) { return (String) row[index]; } private Integer getInt(Object[] row, int index) { return (row[index] != null && row[index] instanceof BigInteger) ? (Integer) ((BigInteger) row[index]).intValue() : (Integer) row[index]; } private Double getDouble(Object[] row, int index) { return (Double) row[index]; } private Date getDate(Object[] row, int index) { return (Date) row[index]; } private Boolean getBoolean(Object[] row, int index) { return (Boolean) row[index]; } }