Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2011 Danish Maritime Authority * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library. If not, see <>. */ package dk.dma.msinm.service; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import dk.dma.msinm.common.MsiNmApp; import dk.dma.msinm.common.db.Sql; import dk.dma.msinm.common.model.DataFilter; import dk.dma.msinm.common.repo.RepoFileVo; import dk.dma.msinm.common.repo.RepositoryService; import dk.dma.msinm.common.sequence.DefaultSequence; import dk.dma.msinm.common.sequence.Sequence; import dk.dma.msinm.common.sequence.Sequences; import dk.dma.msinm.common.service.BaseService; import dk.dma.msinm.common.templates.TemplateContext; import dk.dma.msinm.common.templates.TemplateService; import dk.dma.msinm.common.templates.TemplateType; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Area; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Bookmark; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Category; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Chart; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Message; import dk.dma.msinm.model.MessageDesc; import dk.dma.msinm.model.MessageHistory; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Reference; import dk.dma.msinm.model.SeriesIdType; import dk.dma.msinm.model.SeriesIdentifier; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Status; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Type; import dk.dma.msinm.user.UserService; import dk.dma.msinm.vo.MessageHistoryVo; import dk.dma.msinm.vo.MessageVo; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.SecurityDomain; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import javax.annotation.Resource; import; import; import javax.ejb.SessionContext; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.jms.JMSContext; import javax.jms.Topic; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; /** * Business interface for accessing MSI-NM messages */ @Stateless @SecurityDomain("msinm-policy") @PermitAll public class MessageService extends BaseService { public static String MESSAGE_REPO_FOLDER = "messages"; public static final DataFilter CACHED_MESSAGE_DATA = DataFilter.get("Message.details", "Area.parent", "Category.parent"); @Inject Logger log; @Resource SessionContext ctx; @Inject JMSContext jmsContext; @Resource(mappedName = "java:/jms/topic/messageTopic") Topic messageTopic; @Inject MessageCache messageCache; @Inject BookmarkCache bookmarkCache; @Inject RepositoryService repositoryService; @Inject UserService userService; @Inject Sequences sequences; @Inject TemplateService templateService; @Inject PublishingService publishingService; @Inject MsiNmApp app; @Inject @Sql("/sql/active_messages.sql") String selectActiveSql; /** * Creates or updates a Message without generating a message history entity * * @param message the message to create or update * @return the persisted message */ public Message create(Message message) {"Creating message " + message); return saveEntity(message); } /** * Creates a new message template with a temporary repository path * * @return the new message template */ public MessageVo newTemplateMessage() { MessageVo messageVo = new MessageVo(); messageVo.setValidFrom(new Date()); messageVo.setLocations(new ArrayList<>()); SeriesIdentifier id = new SeriesIdentifier(); id.setAuthority(app.getOrganization()); id.setMainType(SeriesIdType.MSI); id.setYear(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)); messageVo.setSeriesIdentifier(id); messageVo.setType(Type.COASTAL_WARNING); messageVo.setRepoPath(repositoryService.getNewTempDir().getPath()); publishingService.newTemplateMessage(messageVo); return messageVo; } /** * Saves the message and evicts the message from the cache * * @param message the message to save * @return the saved message */ public Message saveMessage(Message message) { boolean wasPersisted = message.isPersisted(); // Save the message message = saveEntity(message); // If it is not a new message, evict it from the message cache if (wasPersisted) { evictCachedMessage(message); } // Save a MessageHistory entity for the message saveHistory(message); return message; } /** * Creates a new message as a draft message * * @param messageVo the template for the message to create * @return the new message */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public Message createMessage(MessageVo messageVo) throws Exception { Message message = messageVo.toEntity(); // Validate the message SeriesIdentifier id = message.getSeriesIdentifier(); if (message.getId() != null) { throw new Exception("Message already persisted"); } if (id.getMainType() == null) { throw new Exception("Message main type must be specified"); } if (message.getType() == null || message.getType().getSeriesIdType() != id.getMainType()) { throw new Exception("Missing or invalid Message type"); } if (message.getValidFrom() == null) { throw new Exception("Message validFrom must be specified"); } // Set default values if (StringUtils.isBlank(id.getAuthority())) { id.setAuthority(app.getOrganization()); } if (id.getYear() == null) { id.setYear(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)); } message.setStatus(Status.DRAFT); // Substitute the Area with a persisted one if (message.getArea() != null) { message.setArea(getByPrimaryKey(Area.class, message.getArea().getId())); } // Substitute the Categories with the persisted ones if (message.getCategories().size() > 0) { List<Category> categories = new ArrayList<>(); message.getCategories().forEach(cat -> categories.add(getByPrimaryKey(Category.class, cat.getId()))); message.setCategories(categories); } // Substitute the Charts with the persisted ones if (message.getCharts().size() > 0) { List<Chart> charts = new ArrayList<>(); message.getCharts().forEach(chart -> charts.add(getByPrimaryKey(Chart.class, chart.getId()))); message.setCharts(charts); } // Let publishers update the list of publications publishingService.createMessage(message); // Persist the message message = saveMessage(message);"Saved message " + message); // Move the temporary repo folder to the final destination if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(messageVo.getRepoPath())) { String repoPath = repositoryService.getRepoPath(getMessageRepoFolder(message));"Moving repo from " + messageVo.getRepoPath() + " to " + repoPath); boolean repoMoved = repositoryService.moveRepoFolder(messageVo.getRepoPath(), repoPath); // Update the description with the new path boolean descUpdated = false; if (repoMoved) { for (MessageDesc desc : message.getDescs()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(desc.getDescription()) && desc.getDescription().contains(messageVo.getRepoPath())) { desc.setDescription(desc.getDescription().replaceAll(messageVo.getRepoPath(), repoPath)); descUpdated = true; } } // Persist again if we have made any description changes if (descUpdated) { message = saveMessage(message); } } } em.flush(); return message; } /** * Updates the given message * * @param messageVo the template for the message to update * @return the updated message */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public Message updateMessage(MessageVo messageVo) throws Exception { Message message = messageVo.toEntity(); final Message original = getByPrimaryKey(Message.class, message.getId()); // Validate the message SeriesIdentifier id = message.getSeriesIdentifier(); if (message.getId() == null) { throw new Exception("Message not an existing message"); } if (message.getType().getSeriesIdType() != id.getMainType()) { throw new Exception("Invalid Message type"); } if (message.getValidFrom() == null) { throw new Exception("Message validFrom must be specified"); } original.setSeriesIdentifier(message.getSeriesIdentifier()); original.setType(message.getType()); original.setCancellationDate(message.getCancellationDate()); original.setHorizontalDatum(message.getHorizontalDatum()); original.setStatus(message.getStatus()); original.setOriginalInformation(message.isOriginalInformation()); original.setPriority(message.getPriority()); original.setValidFrom(message.getValidFrom()); original.setValidTo(message.getValidTo()); // Copy the area data original.copyDescsAndRemoveBlanks(message.getDescs()); // Add the locations original.getLocations().clear(); original.getLocations().addAll(message.getLocations()); // Add the light list numbers original.getLightsListNumbers().clear(); original.getLightsListNumbers().addAll(message.getLightsListNumbers()); // Add the references original.getReferences().clear(); message.getReferences().forEach(ref -> original.getReferences() .add(ref.isNew() ? ref : getByPrimaryKey(Reference.class, ref.getId()))); // Copy the Area original.setArea(null); if (message.getArea() != null) { original.setArea(getByPrimaryKey(Area.class, message.getArea().getId())); } // Copy the Categories original.getCategories().clear(); message.getCategories() .forEach(cat -> original.getCategories().add(getByPrimaryKey(Category.class, cat.getId()))); // Substitute the Charts with the persisted ones original.getCharts().clear(); message.getCharts().forEach(chart -> original.getCharts().add(getByPrimaryKey(Chart.class, chart.getId()))); // Update the publications final Message msg = message; original.getPublications().forEach(pub -> pub.copyData(msg.getPublication(pub.getType()))); // And let publishers have a say publishingService.updateMessage(message); // Persist the message message = saveMessage(original);"Updated message " + message); em.flush(); return message; } /** * Updates the status of the given message * * @param messageId the id of the message * @param status the status */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public Message setStatus(Integer messageId, Status status) { Message msg = getByPrimaryKey(Message.class, messageId); // TODO: Proper publishing if (msg.getStatus() == Status.DRAFT && status == Status.PUBLISHED) { int number = newSeriesIdentifierNumber(msg.getType(), msg.getSeriesIdentifier().getAuthority(), msg.getSeriesIdentifier().getYear()); msg.getSeriesIdentifier().setNumber(number); } msg.setStatus(status); // And let publishers have a say publishingService.setStatus(msg); msg = saveMessage(msg); // Broadcast the update sendStatusUpdate(msg); return msg; } /** * Broadcasts a JMS message to indicate that the message status has changed * @param message the message */ public void sendStatusUpdate(Message message) { Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<>(); body.put("ID", message.getId()); body.put("STATUS", message.getStatus().name()); try { jmsContext.createProducer().send(messageTopic, body); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed sending JMS: " + e, e); } } /** * Returns all messages * * @return all messages */ @RolesAllowed({ "user" }) public List<Message> getAll() { return getAll(Message.class); } /** * Returns all messages * * @return all messages */ @RolesAllowed({ "user" }) public List<Message> getActive() { return em.createQuery(selectActiveSql, Message.class).getResultList(); } /** * Returns the message with the given id * * @param id the id of the message * @return the message with the given id or null if not found */ public Message findById(Integer id) { return getByPrimaryKey(Message.class, id); } /** * Finds the message by the given message series values * * @param type the type * @param messageNumber the message number * @param messageYear the message year * @param messageAuthority the message authority * @return the message or null if not found */ public Message findBySeriesIdentifier(SeriesIdType type, int messageNumber, int messageYear, String messageAuthority) { // Execute and return the result try { return em.createNamedQuery("Message.findBySeriesIdentifier", Message.class).setParameter("type", type) .setParameter("number", messageNumber).setParameter("year", messageYear) .setParameter("authority", messageAuthority).getSingleResult(); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } /** * Finds the message by the given message series values * * @param seriesIdentifier the series id with the format type-authority-number-year * @return the message or null if not found */ public Message findBySeriesIdentifier(String seriesIdentifier) { try { String[] parts = seriesIdentifier.split("-"); return findBySeriesIdentifier(SeriesIdType.valueOf(parts[0].toUpperCase()), Integer.parseInt(parts[2]), 2000 + Integer.parseInt(parts[3]), parts[1]); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Returns the last updated time of messages that has been published at any point of time * @return the last updated time */ public Date findLastUpdated() { try { return em.createNamedQuery("Message.findLastUpdatedWithStatus", Date.class) .setParameter("statusList", EnumSet.of(Status.PUBLISHED, Status.CANCELLED, Status.EXPIRED)) .getSingleResult(); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Creates a new series identifier number specific for the given type, authority and year * * @param type the message type * @param authority the authority * @param year the year * @return the new series identifier number */ public int newSeriesIdentifierNumber(Type type, String authority, int year) { Sequence sequence = new DefaultSequence( "MESSAGE_SERIES_ID_" + type.getPrefix() + "_" + authority + "_" + year, 1); return (int) sequences.getNextValue(sequence); } /** * Creates a new series identifier specific for the given type, authority and year * * @param type the message type * @param authority the authority * @param year the year * @return the new series identifier */ public SeriesIdentifier newSeriesIdentifier(Type type, String authority, int year) { SeriesIdentifier identifier = new SeriesIdentifier(); identifier.setMainType(type.getSeriesIdType()); identifier.setAuthority(authority); identifier.setYear(year); identifier.setNumber(newSeriesIdentifierNumber(type, authority, year)); return identifier; } /** * Returns all messages updated after the given date * * @param date the date * @param maxCount the max number of entries to return * @return all messages updated after the given date */ public List<Message> findUpdatedMessages(Date date, int maxCount) { return em.createNamedQuery("Message.findUpdateMessages", Message.class).setParameter("date", date) .setMaxResults(maxCount).getResultList(); } /** * Returns all published messages that have the given category or sub-categories of the given category * * @param category the category * @return all published messages with the given category */ public List<Message> findPublishedMessagesByCategory(Category category) { return em.createNamedQuery("Message.findActiveByCategory", Message.class) .setParameter("lineage", category.getLineage() + "%").getResultList(); } /** * Returns all published messages that have expired * * @return all published messages that have expired */ public List<Message> findPublishedExpiredMessages() { return em.createNamedQuery("Message.findPublishedExpiredMessages", Message.class).getResultList(); } /** * Inactivate all active P&T NM messages created before the given date, excluding the given noticeIds * * @param noticeIds the P&T NM notices that should no be inactivated * @param date the date * @return the messages actually deactivated */ public List<Message> inactivateTempPrelimNmMessages(List<SeriesIdentifier> noticeIds, Date date) { List<Message> messages = em.createNamedQuery("Message.findActiveNotices", Message.class) .setParameter("date", date).getResultList(); List<Message> deactivated = new ArrayList<>(); Set<SeriesIdentifier> excludeIds = new HashSet<>(); excludeIds.addAll(noticeIds); -> !excludeIds.contains(msg.getSeriesIdentifier())).forEach(msg -> { msg.setValidTo(date); msg.setStatus(Status.CANCELLED); saveMessage(msg); deactivated.add(msg); }); return deactivated; } /** * Generates content based on the Freemarker template * * @param messageVo the message to use in the Freemarker template * @param template the Freemarker template * @param language the language * @return the result */ public String transformMessage(MessageVo messageVo, String template, String language) throws Exception { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Sort all descs by language messageVo.sortDescsByLang(language); // Create a freemarker template for the transformation Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("message", messageVo); TemplateContext ctx = templateService.getTemplateContext(TemplateType.MESSAGE, template, data, app.getLanguage(language), "Message"); try { // Process the template String result = templateService.process(ctx);"Transformed message using " + template + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " ms"); return result; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error transforming message using template " + template, e); throw e; } } /***************************************/ /** Externalizing html links **/ /***************************************/ /** * Utility method that will process the HTML and turn all images and links into * absolute URL's pointing back to the MSI-NM server. * @param html the HTML to process * @return the processed HTML */ public String externalizeHtml(String html) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(html)) { Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html, app.getBaseUri()); externalizeLinks(doc, "a", "href"); externalizeLinks(doc, "img", "src"); html = doc.toString(); } return html; } /** * Make sure that links are absolute. * @param doc the HTML document */ protected void externalizeLinks(Document doc, String tag, String attr) { Elements elms = + "[" + attr + "]"); for (Element e : elms) { String url = e.absUrl(attr); if (url.length() == 0) { // Disable link e.attr(attr, "#"); continue; } // Update the link to be the absolute link e.attr(attr, url); } } /***************************************/ /** Message History methods **/ /***************************************/ /** * Saves a history entity containing a snapshot of the message * * @param message the message to save a snapshot for */ public void saveHistory(Message message) { try { MessageHistory hist = new MessageHistory(); hist.setMessage(message); hist.setStatus(message.getStatus()); hist.setCreated(new Date()); hist.setVersion(message.getVersion() + 1); // The user may not be defined, say, if this is a legacy import if (ctx != null && ctx.getCallerPrincipal() != null) { hist.setUser(userService.findByPrincipal(ctx.getCallerPrincipal())); } // Create a snapshot of the message ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); MessageVo snapshot = new MessageVo(message, DataFilter.get("Message.details")); hist.setSnapshot(jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(snapshot)); saveEntity(hist); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error saving a history entry for message " + message.getId(), e); // NB: We do not propagate the error, since we do not want to prevent // the original message operation } } /** * Returns the message history for the given message ID * * @param messageId the message ID * @return the message history */ public List<MessageHistoryVo> getMessageHistory(Integer messageId) { return em.createNamedQuery("MessageHistory.findByMessageId", MessageHistory.class) .setParameter("messageId", messageId).getResultList().stream().map(MessageHistoryVo::new) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /***************************************/ /** Bookmarks methods **/ /***************************************/ /** * Returns the bookmarks for the calling user. * * @return the bookmarks for the calling user */ public Set<Integer> getBookmarks() { // The user may not be defined if (ctx != null && ctx.getCallerPrincipal() != null) { String email = ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName(); Set<Integer> bookmarkIds = bookmarkCache.getCache().get(email); if (bookmarkIds == null) { bookmarkIds = em.createNamedQuery("Bookmark.findByUserEmail", Bookmark.class) .setParameter("email", email).getResultList().stream() .map(bookmark -> bookmark.getMessage().getId()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); bookmarkCache.getCache().put(email, bookmarkIds); } return bookmarkIds; } return new HashSet<>(); } /** * Adds a bookmark for the calling user * * @param messageId the id of the message * @return if the bookmark was added */ public boolean addBookmark(Integer messageId) { // Only add bookmarks for a calling user if (ctx == null || ctx.getCallerPrincipal() == null || messageId == null) { return false; } String email = ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName(); Set<Integer> bookmarkIds = getBookmarks(); // Only add the bookmark once if (bookmarkIds.contains(messageId)) { return false; } // Create the new bookmark. Throws an exception if the messageId is invalid... Bookmark bookmark = new Bookmark(); bookmark.setUser(userService.findByPrincipal(ctx.getCallerPrincipal())); bookmark.setMessage(findById(messageId)); saveEntity(bookmark);"Added bookmark for user=" + email + ", messageId=" + messageId); // Flush the cache bookmarkCache.getCache().remove(email); return true; } /** * Removes a bookmark for the calling user * * @param messageId the id of the message * @return if the bookmark was removed */ public boolean removeBookmark(Integer messageId) { // Only add bookmarks for a calling user if (ctx == null || ctx.getCallerPrincipal() == null || messageId == null) { return false; } String email = ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName(); // Check if the bookmark is cached at all Set<Integer> bookmarkIds = getBookmarks(); if (!bookmarkIds.contains(messageId)) { return false; } // Look up the bookmark Bookmark bookmark = em.createNamedQuery("Bookmark.findByUserEmailAndMessageId", Bookmark.class) .setParameter("email", email).setParameter("messageId", messageId).getSingleResult(); // Purge it em.remove(bookmark);"Removed bookmark for user=" + email + ", messageId=" + messageId); // Flush the cache bookmarkCache.getCache().remove(email); return true; } /***************************************/ /** Cache methods **/ /***************************************/ /** * Fetches and caches the message with the given id. * Related data structures, such as locations are pre-fetched for the message * @param id the id of the message * @return the cached message */ public Message getCachedMessage(Integer id) { Message message = messageCache.getCache().get(id); if (message == null) { message = findById(id); if (message != null) { message.preload(CACHED_MESSAGE_DATA); em.detach(message); messageCache.getCache().put(id, message); } } return message; } /** * Fetches and caches the messages with the given ids. * Related data structures, such as locations are pre-fetched for the message * @param ids the id of the message * @return the cached messages */ public List<Message> getCachedMessages(List<Integer> ids) { List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<>(); ids.forEach(id -> { Message message = getCachedMessage(id); if (message != null) { messages.add(message); } }); return messages; } /** * Evicts the message with the given id from the cache * @param id the id of the message to evict */ public void evictCachedMessageId(Integer id) { if (id != null) { messageCache.getCache().remove(id); } } /** * Evicts the messages with the given ids from the cache * @param ids the ids of the messages to evict */ public void evictCachedMessageIds(List<Integer> ids) { if (ids != null) { ids.forEach(this::evictCachedMessageId); } } /** * * Evicts the message from the cache * @param message the message to evict */ public void evictCachedMessage(Message message) { if (message != null) { evictCachedMessageId(message.getId()); } } /** * Evicts the messages from the cache * @param messages the messages to evict */ public void evictCachedMessages(List<Message> messages) { if (messages != null) { messages.forEach(this::evictCachedMessage); } } /***************************************/ /** Repo methods **/ /***************************************/ /** * Returns the repository folder for the given message * @param id the id of the message * @return the associated repository folder */ public Path getMessageRepoFolder(Integer id) throws IOException { return repositoryService.getHashedSubfolder(MESSAGE_REPO_FOLDER, String.valueOf(id), true); } /** * Returns the repository folder for the given message * @param message the message * @return the associated repository folder */ public Path getMessageRepoFolder(Message message) throws IOException { return getMessageRepoFolder(message.getId()); } /** * Returns the repository file for the given message file * @param message the message * @param name the file name * @return the associated repository file */ public Path getMessageFileRepoPath(Message message, String name) throws IOException { return getMessageRepoFolder(message).resolve(name); } /** * Returns the repository URI for the message folder * @param message the message * @return the associated repository URI */ public String getMessageFolderRepoPath(Message message) throws IOException { return repositoryService.getRepoPath(getMessageRepoFolder(message)); } /** * Returns the repository URI for the given message file * @param message the message * @param name the file name * @return the associated repository URI */ public String getMessageFileRepoUri(Message message, String name) throws IOException { Path file = getMessageRepoFolder(message).resolve(name); return repositoryService.getRepoUri(file); } /** * Returns the list of repository attachments for the message * @param id the ID of the message to find the attachments for * @return the attachments */ public List<RepoFileVo> getMessageAttacthments(Integer id) throws IOException { // Look up the attachments associated with the message Path reportFolder = getMessageRepoFolder(id); String uri = repositoryService.getRepoPath(reportFolder); return repositoryService.listFiles(uri); } /** * Returns the list of repository attachments for the message * @param message the message to find the attachments for * @return the attachments */ public List<RepoFileVo> getMessageAttacthments(Message message) throws IOException { return getMessageAttacthments(message.getId()); } }